Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

1 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



'fIC.8ØI' I %Ai S ANDREWS & CO., Wholesale and Family Wine and Spirit Merchants, and Mineral Water Manufacturers, Ii DENBIGH, Sole A?ent for Vigoroso Tonic wine. g.argxa:mg greaj Ton,c Family Ale and Guinness's Stout in Corked and Screw Stoppered Bottles. Stons's Genuine Ginger Wines. Warming and Sustaining. Families and the Trade Supplied. I*i.*PHONB :š o. 4R t TTRTRTTT XE R, 25, High Street, Denbigh. Winter Suitings and Overcoats in all the Latest Sty leg. Raincoats ready to wear IVOIB tlio Bot-t Firms. MODEBA-TE PRICES FOR. ALL J..Y.l. ëJ r.I'¡ "J À 4' 1..r.=J ?J m- GOODS. n -I W, EDWARDS, kJ !A I-ev, !-J j The Garage, Denbigh, makes a Speciality of Overhauling and Repairing i Cars } during the Winter Moat ha. -_¥ [ Estimates given Free ef Charge. -;r' NOTE THE ADDRESS i— EDWARDS, GARAGE, DENBIGH. TELEPHONE: 51 DENBIGH. ^■ < British Eais de Cologne. Pci-purd h the Brit sli A dsln'y mococfc far txS'Jlirg foreign m kes. Three large BO'LTLKser.t post free for 6; 6d. Old English Lavender Water of Superior F.,s-otar distill'd, frem the Choicest Flowers. t R. D.-HUGHES, i 3? lr a &v m acist, Denbigh. Cue BULL AND CROWN MEWS. 1 rw i I J* & T< ^VltWAMS, Pioprietors. 1 pr,ce I! ft U8T* yi MEf,a:i^ BelTS End H'FHESS jg| | FXVIT-SlS A I 13R I L IMOTOli OAR for Hire, the Ftr0!1 Sor.Srs!Cor1ena' | Careful And efficient ChaufLurr. I K Bifurc#»ea fxd 7ot»ter Orders by 'Phone or Telegrams attended bo. } TERMS STRICTLY MODERATE, i '1:i;; J CHRISTMAS NOVELTIES. LOOK OUT FOR TSESE NOVELTIES. I We have a Grand Display of Christmas Novelties this S ascn Extensive range of Goods. Fine Selection. Better Value. Ch( ice. S. metbiug for everybody. Surc, to Y.-)Uiog and old. S*ii&ft.clicn guaranteed. AND SEE THE Shops for Novelties. J. POWELL JONES, Confectioner, CAF-F,, HIGLI SREF..T CENTRAL CAFE, HIGH SEEF.T CAF5, YATE STREET, DENBIGH. U.C. .i1 .N< J d j Standard Excellence. Calves without Milk with Allcock's Perfection Calf Food. This Fioi crin ba obtained C&rriag8 Paid to any Statioa ai IT?. GJ. per cwt,; 8?. 9 L* pir half cut.; md 4s. 6d. per I quarter cwt. S. ALLCOCK & Co.! r (LIMITED), j Charles Street Mills, WREXHAM- Y JL JLJ A X ocAL AGENT: Mr. E. Lloyd Williams, GRUG FECHA3S, RUTHIN. [ Oae Quality, THE^BEST. I d80.ia I THE BKST ESTABLISHMENT in the r' Ditdct for the choice of Drapery, Millinery, Ladies' & GentsTaltors is 6. t JOHN KOBERTH, i,CABTLE STREET RUTHIN. Experienced Hands are kepi in the Dress- making and Millinfry Depart men" a. The Tail >ring is Special Fc-a-ure. Fit and Style are gu r-uiiet d. \utuma and Witter Bai ings fi»a Over- coatings a speciality. A. Lrge Stock 01 SheetF, Bhmkrb, Lins7> ete. Jas-t New in Genie' Soft Hits, Shiner Ties, Hosiery, E&iucoafcs, etc. »Iou;ning Orders executed at the Shortest Notice. Bert V alie given to Clothing Club? it 1. Casle S'treet; 1188015.14 .1"" I DENTISTRY. I Painless Extractions, Filtlingfi, AriiScial Teeth. MB. 11. HANLON ath nds persccEilv, DENTAL ROOMS. DFKBIOI3. at Mf. HKLSEY'B. Fi-ctco grspher, Vale Street, every U&antrdsy, 15 to 5 RtTHIN, eveiy Fair Da-y stid 3!d Monday, at Mr. Gee's, Iiociiiocger, Clwyd Efe.eet, 13 tc 4,30. CORWEN, F iifet Fr'čay and Fair Day, at Mr. Etrcuel Jo rce. C; cf^ctuiicr, Kiidga Btrcef. 280 So 6. HOLYWEIIL. tt BBADLEY-P, High 3truf, e HY FrlZr:1 frrra 2 tc 6 p,m Jelephohb o. lólia EhyK YU\3.'Vf. 0 5ls teArsniT. ELLIS'S DRY GINGER ALE. The Best In the World." B, ai4LIS & eON, LTD., RUTHIN, NORTH WALES, Established 1825 Telsgranis—" Ellis, Ruthik," Telephone—No. 1, Ruthih, Ltveryoo Office and Stores 28 and 25, BAKEB SiaBBi. Telepaona Number: 214 AT* vis LD — J— I!' hf Printing! Printing! EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PRINTING, r 1 from a Circular to a Book, from a Handbill to the largest size Coloured Poster executed neatly, cheapSy, and promptly at 0 The jfr ree Press Printing Works, Vale Street, Denbigh. _or"¡-:> The Printers of the County Register for Denbighshire. ( £ • colors given on A. A: for every description of worn, -v- "BJSBNESS AS USUAL." Keep the Local Trade Going. ,c.- _44:: TOBACCONIST (WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL) at Manufacturer's Prto33. Bast of Everything in British and Foreign Iinpoilod CIU4KS, CIGA«mKS, and TOBACCONIST t*'OOBS, IncluJiBg I be following ispeeially impo-tijd. ABDULLA8. PAP PAS- CHANCELLOR. PASQUALL LUCANI Å" BALKAN SO BRANIIS. DE RESKE. BAT EM AN. SESTOUS. OOURDOULIS. STATE EXPRESS. FTTBOVRG 0" THEYER. ALSO SPEOIAL SRIT8 iH GROWN Tcbacoo. A;jare Cigarettes. Ncie Address: (3ams o'd 0 potJ- Uudef Club Bandings) 0\ BULLEBS, PORTLAND PLACE, DENBIGH. Rfi.Jj arrR y conducted by lrH. Aldrioh, STATIONEti, RHTBlN lESTABLlSHED 1870.] ■VI r ». WOOL.UBY Rnthll2 Road S^?nbig £ WANTED, Expeiienctd and Good Plain Coekb for Ra'.Lin, Sr. Affipb, Caerwya aDd Contv-ay; Cook-Generals for St. Aeaph [ Rbyl ani DtoTgh; Boed Parlourmaids and House Parl -nrmaids generals for Rhyl, Den- bigh, and Caerwys; Between-Maida, and Kilcherwaid, Gocd Seivants for Rhyl for the season, 5w.It^S WILLIAMS, I. 1:1 L..i:Jl.!Ui.. HBGISTU? l Post Office Lane, I DENBIGH. I nnANTED, Experienced and Picin Cooks # '» Cr-lia Generals, good Genrr^s, and J foang Girls for light hoaso v?ork. Dis- I ngaged: Elderly Person as Housekeeper in allfamWy, -■ -~r- OerstNts'y. Dentistry. WILLIAMS, Dental Institute, RUTHIN ROAD, DENBIGH, beg lo intimate that for the convenience of Country Patients on Marked Days they have opensd 4ridition.1 First Clasa DSNTAi, ROOM ab Mr. d. Eilis Jones, ¡ CORONATION BUILDINGS. 1 BACK ROW, DENBIGH, whore will receive the most ourcfal attention. Attendance Market Days, from 1 00 6 p.m. Railway fares allowed to Patients coming from & dietncce. NOTB THE abovk ^tjbrsbs D.C Policies for All ARE ISSUED BY THE London & Manchester Assurance Co., Ltd. (ESTABLISHED 1869). Chief Office: — 50, Finsbury Square, London, B.C. (Allied wi h National Amalgam^d Approved Pooiety for National (Sealfhi Ineuranoe). Fands exceed 1 i Million. 8 Total Claims paid excecd 3 Millions. Number of Policies issued last year, 4-07,773. Special attention is drawn to the following departmer-t a INS'tTtitA NCIC ro eduoate your Children. I I N IJ itA NeE to start vour Son 10 Baeineas. IftSfJRAftCE to provide a Dowry for your Daughter. LIFE end ENDOWMENT ASSURANCE with or without pTfita for a tartn of years. The protection of the FULL amount assured is secured immediately the fisb premium is pvid. PROVIDE I¥OW while you may You j ear-nofc efiord to carry your owa risk. Be wise J and diatribute it among several thousands by taking cut a Policy at once, Ilolic.ies world-wide, and fre from vexatious conditions. ë CLAIMS PAID PROMPTLY, Prospeoiu3 and copy of Annual Reporb will l be sent! on appliaatiju to the local District Offioe- CY F L, RUIH1N RD.. DENBIGH. Buperintendcnt: E. LLOYD ROBERTS. _r -& THOMPSONS' cASiMmaora 50 in. wide. iojd. per yrrd. Write for Patterns THOMPSONS* Ltd.. Tottenham Court Road. London. SPECIAL NOTICE. We have during this lameniable NATIONAL CRISIS honestly endeavourt-cl, and can confidently claim to havo ibreceeded in supplying our Castomera with the Finest Groceries, Flour & Provisions Ai the lOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, acd will do everything in cur pow-r to c irry out the same in the future, WE ASK YOU TO Compare oup F rices. R. OWEN & SON, STAR BUILDINGS, DENBIGH, WarthoagM j Diakoxtd BuitRifffig DsNitiaFk Tel 36. "BRONHWYLFA,77 tho noted Establishment for WELSH LAMB & MUTTON. H. Dryhurst Roberts, FAMILY BCJTCilEU, BRONtlWYLFA acd 19 and 30, MARKET HALL, DBNBIGH THE VERY BEST QUALITY or HOME. FED MEAT only atippited. Home-cured Hams and Bacon. Oorned Beef, Pickled Tongues. Sausages In Season, &0. All Orders promptly aiiiended to. Trial Ordtr especially solicited. 193 HAND BREWERY, 1/, WELL STREET, RUTHIN. R ROBERTS, "ts_lfl Win* xLd Spirit Mefoluuaft 3?«wqi» 4ud Maieter to oall the attention of the Qsntr* Publin to bif ».p\abr&t»d ^ome-Brewe u* A LIS 3 (pure Eztoaov ol Malt and Hops), which may ba supplied in Casks of 6, 13, and 9 gallon" Gnioeas's 3tout B»%T3lay PerkinBf London t ^11 a-irtan kie- Chk and Booties. JTioent Scojob r1s.t ^h'Sfia 3-.nr4s, QH%m«iACR<K of v.Jl.kfnnt Bs*r»dp, MnsI08.i. Mr 41 ex Bellamy, >KGANI8T inn CHOIR MASTER 0* tit Mokimylis and St. aavldl. Chuirahes. Teacher of Music. TSRMS UPON APPLICATION. Rose Villa, Denbigh, Got mi. W. A. LLOYD F.LG.0.M., A. Mus. T.O.L. Organ, Piano, Singing, 9-armony. Counterpoint, &0, Musical lastraments Supplied of the leading ^firsef-class Firms, | PIANOS FOR HIBE. 4. Market Street, RUTHIN. Miss Cecilia Anwyl, PROFESSOR OF PIANOFORTE, 81, Devereux Drive. Wallasey, Liverpool, Visits Denbigh and Dlstriot. PIANOFORTE TECHNIQUE (Biatlbay Methcdjaa required by the L.R.A.g. Exam.) Papila oan comnaence at any date. 1ia,a, Mias G. POWMAL JONES, Tcaclier of Mnsic, Organ and Piano. For further particulars apply The Lodge, Nantclwyd Hall, Nr. Ruthin. .195j ,Iii