Papurau Newydd Cymru

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=- -=== I =_-==-=-=_==-=====-=-=-=-=-===- ANDREWS & CO., Wine and Spirit Merchants, DENBIGH, desire to announce they have been appointed Sole Agents for the THREE SHELL' Brand of Non-Alcoholic Beer and Stout in Bottles. Can be Sold during Prohibited s Hours. APPROVED BY THE CENTRAL CONTROL BOARD. I Brewed. f i-orri Malt and Hops. No Restrictions. Nourishing and Digestive. TXLSPHOHX No. 48. TAILORING DEPARTMENT, i- T. R. RUTTER < I Is now showing a New Stock of Goods SUITABLE FOR THli SEASON. STRAW HATS, FELT HATS, CAPS, TIES, &Ctg ALL AT MODERATE PRICES. Sole Agent for BURBERRY'S COATS, &c. 4 25, High Street, DENBIGH. hand ItE 17, WELL STREET, RUTHIN. R. ROBERTS, MTOLEMLE and Retail Wine and Spirit Merchant, Brewer and Malfcter ktee to oall the attention of the Sentry and Public to his celebrated Bome-Brewed ALBS TP«" OF Molt and Hops), i«hioh may be supplied In Casks of 86, 18, and 9 gallons. °, Prices on Application. Dublin Stout and Burton Ales, in Casks and „ „ « Gniness's Extra Stoot; Barolay and Perkins London Stoat; and Bass 4 (Ja'ø Burton Alo In Cask and Bottles. Finest Haotoh and Irish Whiskies anfj Ports, ehetnes and Ghamnagaes of wall-kiacin I Brands. •> KILL THAT INSECT, TOMMY !~SENA JOAR pals "out yonder" some tins of t Harrison's Nomry Pomale—THEY'LL be very F acceptable. When you haven't time to wash, there's a big chance you'll have companions." A little Harrison's Pomade kills every insect on I hair and body. Insist on having Harrison'* Nnreery Pomade, "Tins of Comfort," at and 9d. Sold by all Chemists-or by post from Harriron, Chemist, Reading. For Denbigh: Harrison Jones & Co., Chemists, High-street. 8b Asaph J Emrys Jones, Chemist. Ruthin Rouw & SODP, Chemists, So Peter's Bqaare. } Bettwsyceed: B Parry. *mi 17 t ESTABLISHED 1870.] 'I Mrs. WOOLLEY SERVANTS' BEGISTRY. Ruthin Road, Denbigh. WANTED, good Cooks and Cook-Generals for Rbyl, Chester, Prestatyn, and Denbigh House Parlourmalds for Warrington, Denbigh, Rhll, and Chester Honsemaide, Laundry Maids, GASD^GENEIALS, Kitohenmaida, suds Uoder Bervante. MISS WILLIAMS, SERVANTS' REGISTRY. Post Office Lane, 1 DENBIGH. WANTED, Experienced and Plain Cooke wV Cooks Generals, good Generals, and foung Girls for light bouse work. Dis-, engaged: Elderly Person as Housekeeper in small family. Organ and Piano Tuning and Repairing. George Wainwright begs to inform the Publlo that he has taken over UIR. BELLAMY'S ORGAN AND PIANO TUNING CONNEXION. All Orders Bcnt'to MR. BELLAMY, 51, VALE STREET, or to Garden Terrace, Denbigh, will receive his prompt and careful attention ORGANS. PIATFOS, AND HARMONIUM8 TUNED AND THOROUGHLYEPAIRED 438 5 iBccchaiTpilisI ■ art specially prepattd with tht object ot filievittg and removing the L ■ MANY TROUBLESOME AILMENTS WHICH MAY BE INCLUDED IN THE ONE ■ ■ SIGNIFICANT WORD-"INDIGESTION". THERE ARE FEW, INDEED, WHO ARE ■ ■ ENTIRELY FREE FROM SOME PHASE OF THIS ENERVATING COMPLAINT. ALMOST ■ ■ EVERYBODY HAS, IN THESE DAYS, OCCASIONAL "TOUCHES" OF IT, SUCH AS DISCOMFORT AFTER EATING, A POOR OR FICKLE APPETITE, BILIOUSNESS, CONSTIPA* T TIOA, FLATULENCE, HEADACHE, HEARTBURN, DIZZINESS, DEPRESSION AND OTHER Z WELL-KNOWN DISTRESSING SYMPTOMS. TO ALL WHO SUFFER IN THIS WAY J BEECHAM'S PILLS ARC AN UNMISTAKEABLE BOON. THEIR REMEDIAL INFLUENCE £ Y IS EXPERIENCED QUICKLY—A CONSIDERABLE ADVANTAGE—FREQUENTLY AFTER THE ■ £ FIRST DOSE. AS THE INEDICINE IS CONTINUED THT HEALTH RAPIDLY IMPROVES I ■ until all unpleasant symptoms disappear. If you happen, unfortunately, ■ I to have a tendency to dyspepsia, you are advised to try Beecham's Pills. H I Testimony to their great value abounds everywhere, because they are ■ I widely appreciated. If you give them a fair trial you will find that they Will futllt Your ExpectatlollS I Sold everywhere in boxes, labelled ls-3d and 3s.0d. H —771 For the most delicious and wholesome of confections, pastry, and sweetmeats of all kinds you must VISIT POWELL JONES, wnere delectable Cakes for Christening, Wedding, Birth- day and other parties tempt the, appetite and F,-tt.-Isfy the f discriminating taste. AT Tea dainties, French and Swiss Pastry fresh daily. These dainties are just the thing for afternoon teas. Confections by all the well known makers; best quality f only at minimum prices. Balls, School Parties, &c., catered by arrangement. THE Make a point of sampling our delicacies by spending a few moments taking I ight Re- freshments at either of the following comfortable Cafes at your next opportunity. CENTRAL CAFE (HIGH STREET, DENBIGH), CLWYD CAFE (VALE STREET, DENBIGH). DENTISTRY. Painless Extractions, Fillings, Artificial Teeth. MB, R. HANLON attande personally. DENTAL ROOMS. DENBIOH, at MB. HELSBY'S, Photo0 grapher, Vale Street, every Wednesday, 11 to G. RUTHIN, every Fair Day and Srd Monday, at Mr. Geo's, Ironmonger, Olwyd Street, 19 tc 4.30. OORWEN, First Friday and Fair Day, at Mr. Samuel Jones, Confectioner, Bridge Street, < 18 M to 6. HOLXWELL. at BRADLEY'S, HlglI Street, evrry Friday from 2 to 6 p.m TBLEPHOHI No. 155, Rhy -= To Parents, Guardians, and Others. THE London & Manchester Assurance Co., Ltd. will forward (posb free) on application a littl booklet and particulars showing how the following sums of [ iC25, ICSO, iclool or iCi 1000, may be provided for CHILDREN on the attainment of Ages 14 ot 21 years. Considerable success has attended this method of making provision for Children of ail ages-up to maturity—to meet that very interesting and important period of their lives, when a substantial sum would asBist in the completion of education for a Professional or Commercial career. Also LIFE AND ENDOWMENT ASSURANCES to meet tho requirements of all olasses. The Salient features of the COMPANI'S TABLES are ATTRACTIVENESS, MODERATE BATES OF PREMIUMS. NON-VEXATIOUS POLICY CONDITIONS, Prompt Fay ment of Claims, LIBERAL TREATMENT' OF POLICY HOLDERS. The Company has added to its funds more than One Million Pounds during the last THN YEARS, Established In the year 1869 the Company can justly claim the following :-Sound Com- mercial principles, moderate rates, generous conditions, and highly, effiaient management J these have accomplished for the London and Manchester Assurance Company a degree of SUCCESS whioh can only be described AS remark* able and oommeodable. The Company has paid over 4 MILLION POUNDS in Claims, and its total Funds cow Lcxcced 1J M'LLION POUNDS. (The L. & M. is allied with the National Amalgamated Approved Society (membership exceed 2 ca'llionF.) for National (Health) I lasurance). GLADSTCKNE VILLAS, RUTHIN EOAD, DENBIGH. Superintendent: B, LLOYD ROBEBTPJ BRONHWYLFA," tho noted Establishment for WELSH LAMB & MUTTON. H. Dryhurst Roberts, FAMILY BCJTCIIER, BRONHWYLFA and 19 and 20, MARKET HALL, DENBIGH THE VERY BEST QUALITF or HOME. FED MEAT only Bupplied. Home-cured Hams and Bacon. Corned Beef. Pickled Tongues. Sausages in Season. &a. All Orders promptly attended te. TrfaJ-Order especially solicited 193 Furnishing j j r Problem -Solved.- j j í HOW can I increase the pur- I chasing power of every pound which I ara about to spend on Furniture ? The solution of that problem will be found in our free catalogue and our Showrooms. While we only supply artistic, furniture, our Ic. perfect manufactv mg and se ling organication enables H to quote prices that are much beil;,N those charged I elsewhere for the same articles. No matter whether you Furnish for Cash Convenient ] Payment Sgstem your money will go farthest if you purchase from Qa. Facts worth noting. We allow 2/- in the £ discount for Cash. Payments can be Arranged to suit Customers' 8 convenience. No objectionable agreements to sign. Every Article manufactured under oar own direct control and supervl.ion. We pay carriage to all parts. Goods delivered in Private Vans. Every Furnishing R«q Jsite supplied. Good Value and sauced Customers account for the phenomenal ¡t'ow of our business. We unhesitatingly re^unt' 'he price of any article that does not fire absolute satisfaction. imir Write or call for Catalocu*. "W IGLOBE] I Furnishing Go. J (J. R. GRANT, Proprietor). Pembroke P2ace? LIVERPOOL. Business Hours 9 to 8. Early Closing, Saturday 1 p.m. Railway Fare Allowed. SPECIAL NOTICE. We hare daring this lamentable NATIONAL CRISIS honestly endeavoured, and can confidently claim to have succeeded, in supplying oar Customers with the • Finest Groceries, Flour & Provisions at tkd LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, •nd will do everythiig in oar power to carry ont the sarre in the future. WK ASK YOU TO Compare oun F rices. R. OWEK~S SON, STAR BUILDINGS, DENBIGH. Warehouses i DIAHOBD BuiLmiro* DXXBICR Tel 36 THE BEST ESTABLISHMENT in the District for the choice of Drapery, Millinery, Ladies9 & Gents' Tailors is at JOHN ROBERTS, 1, CASTLE STREET RUTHIN. Experienced Hands are kept in the Dress- making and Millinery Departments. The Tailoring is a Special Feature. F and Style are guarantee d. Autumn and Winter Suitings and O coatings a speciality. A Large Stock of Sheets, Blsnkf ta, Linene etc. Just New in :—Gents' Soft Hats, Shirts Ties, Hositry, Bainccats, eto. Mourning Orders executed at the Shortest Notice. Best Value given to Clothing Clubs at L Castle Street. nl5.14 SCHOLASTIC. Fairholme School. PRIN01 PAL—MISS F0ULKK8 Pupils prepared for Examinations, Private Learns given in Mnsio Fronch. and Painting. Rldo&sj B73.358] 0_- n__ Denbigh County School for Boys. HEAD MASTER Mr. D. H. DAVIES. B.A. (Lond.), Assisted by a Staff of well qualified Teachers. Thorough preparation for Professional, Scbolastio, Scientific acd Commercial pnrsnitn. The Sebool has well-equippa* Laboratories and Workshops, as woil as Plots for Agri- cultural work. Fees .£2 per term. Text-books, &o., supplitd free. Applications for Baisaribs to meefi the ex pec sea of maintainance at the Sphool to ba sent duting the first) woek in September, Jan- uary or April to the Cletk, Mr. A. F0ULKES-RQBERT3, j So icibor, I Swan Chambers. Next TE,. in bcghJB September 18ih. i 630ac RUTHIN SCHOOL. HEAD MASTER-— E. W. Lovegrove, M.A. (Oxon) Sometime Scholar of Now College, First Glass Honours in Mathematics. 76a. o St. Asaph County School. (Formerly Endowed Grammar School). Chairman of the Governors TEN RIGHT BEV. THE LORD BISHOP OF ST. ASAPF Vice Obaln HENRY A. OLEAVER, ESQ, J.P. HEAD MABTKB EDWIN MAINER, M.A. (St. John' Oollego, Cambridge), B.So. (1st Division), London Certificated and Ragistered Teacher. CLASSICAL MASIKX JAMES BOYD ROBERTSON, B.A. 2nd Claisa Classical Honours, Moderations, and Lit. Hum., St. John's College, Oxford; Registered. SCIHKOX MASTBB HABOLD JACKSON, BSc. (Honouie), Gaekill Scholar, Manchester Trained and Certificated Teacher. FURNCB AND QKOOBAPHT ) Miss GWENLLIAN JOHNSTON, B.A. (Wales), Secondary Teachers Certificate. DRAWING MASUB AND TKACHBB ov VOCLTL Music T. B. JONB8, Certificatad Teaoher, MANUAL iNBTBUCMa ERNE8T OVYEN. pBE School stands on elevated ground In X a position whieb commands a view of the picturesque Vale of Clwyd, and within 5 minutes' walk of the Cathedral and Railway Station Boarders reoelvad for Private Tuition in Holidays. For partlaalars Apply to the Head Master or to FRED W. GRIMSLEY, Clerk to the Governon 8b Aønpb Mnfltqaju Wb. W. A. LLOYD F.LG.C.M., A. Mob. T.C.L. Organ, Piano, Singing, Harmony, Counterpoint, &,L Musical Instruments Supplied of the leading firss-elass Ftrma PIANOS OB HIBBV 4. Market Street RUTHIN. Miss Cecilia Anwyl: PROFESSOR OF PIANOFORTE, 81* OeYeiveux Drive, Wallasey, Liverpool, Visits Denbigh every Saturday. I PIANOFORTE TECHNIQUE (Matthay Method as required by the L.R.A.i!>i v Exam.) P.i j lis oa o3,3'tieaoo ig %:iy dace. 18a. o Miss Q. POWNAL JONES, Te-ober of Music. Organ and Fiano. For fuithzr particulars apply The Lodge, Nantolwyd Hallt Nr. Ruthin. 141 tL f;C .1. NOTICE. T R' EVAN3, Wardrobe Dealer, 55B Hinh Strf'ei. T?hvl is prepared to give the UTMOST VALUU IN CA8 < for Ladies', Gerv sno Children's Left-cff Clothing, I Boo^. »cH ,TaJ>»n Linen, 'i"rengactions stricoly oorfid*»ri,i,«l. Lei '-Prs amended tio. Utmost nttertion tn pnrcc!L rece^v. d. Postal orderB by r-turn. P. rapt %faentirn to hOE-ined, and riwiM«y. p., axe Df)" the address:- 55b, High s%teea, oyp- a th, G-nerai Post Offi-e RhyJ. 3?8A7 -"1" Farmf rs' Opportunity. Lever rs" Palm Nut Cakes and Meals FOR ALL STOCK GIVE srLtsriD RESULTS. F v es and further details ply J DOWNING, DENBIGI Mr. W. C. ROBERTS, DECORATOR, &c, IJOL 11 Y HYU, LLANDUDNO, wilt ESTIMATE for all Claes of Decora ion. Churches, Chap Is, Public Buildings, and Mansions. N.B.—DECORATION ANu IMITATING WOOD A SPECIALITY. j Write for Testimonials. ,26 ISAAC MYDDLETON, Family Butcher, MARKET HALL, DENBIGH. BEST QUALITY HOME-FEO MEAT Supplied. Welsh Lamb & Mutton A SPECIALITY, TRIAL ORDE* SOLICITED. iCOuc —- — ■11 -a II A BOOK FOR EVERY SOLDIER. THE STARS AS GUIDES FOR NIGHT MARCHING S By Prof. E. W. Maunder, F.R.A.S. (late of Greenwich n Prica 2/2 post free. Observatory). Pocket size, 26 full-page maps and diagrams. The authoritive Book on the subject. H CHAHLES. H.. KELL y, 2.).:).1, City Koad, Lnndon. B David Thomas. Plasisai RUThin, Licensed Vaiu AND Estate Agen' Valuations :— renut righr,, t1'io,'m Probate. Gi ,ptd't10I'lo1 e AND F^BITU^E J T.. J NJI V»LU^FIN" of FARVTS S^OOK'TIAKINE ATIR1 ADNU*' and f-ther CONùEBN uoder'8ke fm p' v" e and Ioopme T, purpotle", son c b, tote prepared ebowigiz Proih and lose- INVENTORIES carEfully preptkred stid examined my 1 J. T LLOYD, Corn & Flour Merchant. TRACTION AND THRESHING machine PROPRITOB. Licensed Valuer and Appraiser. ALL KINDS of VALUATION TAKEN. < Plas Meredydd, 7 Gyffylliog, Ruthin. E4íû.C ,1 You cannot do better, when your Eyes are troubling jou, than Consult BENSON EVANS & CO., Dispensing Chemists and Opticians, The Pharmacy, Denbigh (Telephone No. 26), Who will be pleased to advise you as to whether you requi e Glasses, and, if necessary, SKILFULLY FIT THEM tO yo-ar needs. Oculistal or Hospital Prescriptions carefully prepared. Repairs Promptly EXECUTED All Medicines accurately Dispensed with Drugs of Absolute Purity and ofthe Highest Quality iun.v. ^SBBBBSE& IF SHORT OP PETROL r,, Y ou WITAL PETROL SUBSTITUTE at 2S. 4d. PER Gallo" NOTE THE ADDRESS HOWARDS, A R A GE E N 13 soft THOMAS ROBERTS. NOW iS THt TIMES FOR Fine Teas and Coffees I (Camel Brand) China Tea a Treat =- Corn Exchange, 1, Well Street, RUTIAIN. { JOHN WILL IAMS & SON, WYNNSTAY MONUMENTAL WORKS, RUT HIN. Memorials g Granit ie. Marble & Stone* Quality aiii Workmaaeb.p guaranteed. I Setimates Free and Designs on application LETTER CGTTIHa A SP30 IALITY. Distance no ob3e^2j