Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

1 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



NOTICE OF REMOVAL. E. A. HOOPERS FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT Is THE BEST FOR ALL CLASSES OF FUNERALS. FURNITURE REMOVED To all parts of the KINGDOM. WINDSOR MEWS, SALOP ST., PENARTH PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. a MjJf¡) "¡) I WINDSOR ROAD, PENARTH Give Best Valae ia 4CD ?!L M ? FOR CASH OR EASY TERMS. Inspection Invited —— —— Correspondence Solicited —— —— Cycles for Hire y =- -J pROfESSOR OF MUSiG, ?—— ——g'?t' Ch.rch" Receives and Visits Pupils for INSTRU- MENTAL, VOCAL & THEORETI- CAL :uition Pupils prepared for the various local Musical Examinations. NUMEROUS HpSI GLASS TESTIJAO]QIALS Prospectus may be had on application Address-Mozart House Windsor Road. WtbbtAM CAMPBEbL. Ghss and f'MM Burner & Riviter 65, SALOP STREET r. Ifenartb. ,.em Springs and Guattds put in Catitiag Fork All Lmds of Cutlery ground and set. No connection with any other person In the trade. BREAKFAST—SUPPED r% Er GP.ATr.FUL-COIWFOF-ZNG. COCOA BOILING W ATBB. OD. MILE. 1- ) B" I;; I. Wtr:y' II: Ir: Ii õ õ r. ? CELEBRATED ORGANS & PIANOS. For Catalogues, address, DANIEL F. BEATTY Washington, New Jersej CHEAP PO til. T R Y FOOD SOLD BY J. llYHITE 44, Dock Road, PENARTH. I W. JEANS, 1 Coam Builder, Wheelwright Shoeing and General Smith SALOP,STRBBT, PEAARlri. Near tte Plymouth HoteL) C. wilizi4es DINING and Rr-FRESHME$T t{00ms. I ',ILKBESl'REET, PENARTH. IIot Dmne)s. Tea and Coffee. Cold Meats. Abated Waters. PHOTOGRAPHS RE-COPIED AND ENLARGED, ALSO PICTURES FRAMED. ,I ——— All Work done on the Premises. — R. TANNER, —— ? Essex Cottge, New Piassey Street, PENARTH. SAMUEL GARWOOD, ealop Stipoet, PRACTICAL uctii ril..uJ.WJ.l.J..L l.fJO¡) OJILU VV.U.. Repairer. Tvason Work & undertaken Over 25 Years' experience. Excellent References given Hone-:D1.ade Bread E. BJSHOP, C:)XIFEcrjvxow]En t. GLEUR STREET. PPjNARTFT. '-J Sole ent for UPTON'S TEAS. WOMAN'S FRIEND. RJNE'S SPECIAL MIXTURE" The it powerful and effectual tcedicme known. Quiclâe, and certain. Never fails to relieve and cure irregularities, no matter bow caused. Post free,ih full instructions to any address 2/9 or 5/6 G. W RAYNES, Cogan Drug Stores, 1, Penarth Dock. Ton ca,D be Cured pyti'ooer and timely use of the great Norwegian eel' SEA WEED LUNG LIFE, which possesses mous Soothing-, Tonic, and Balsamic Properties foFhroa.t, Chest, and Lung Complaints, it is the gture for Sore Throats, Coug-bs, Co)ds, Bron- clAsthma, Hoarseness and Consumption. Mr A.v Wilson, of Middlesboroug-b. has written of it apws :—" 8ir,—Permit me to infoirn you of the doenefit derived by me from the use of Sea iLuDO' Life. 1 suffered from a severe cold on test, but after using one bottle I was quite td." Immediate Relief. Prompt Cure. The can Medical Society recommends it as the mos< Ie for all Bronchial aad Chest Diseases. iands are cured all over Europe- One bottle wili e the most obstinate case. Let every sufferer n a trial. Sold at 2s 2d, and Is lid.; Post Free, and Is 3d. Wholesale Ag-ents for Great in:—danger and Sons, 489, Oxford Street on P.S.—Send 3s or Is 3d in Stamps to Sauger Sons, 489, Oxford-street, London, for a bottle, h will be sent by return of post to any part of county. Or to Jacob Hughes, Manufacturing l Dist, Penartb Chief Depot. 1 4 MR. & MRS. BUCKLAND, Wardrobe and Fura nirure Dealer. The Oldest Established Dealer in Penartb.—23, Salop Street. FOR SALE, a talking Parrot and Cage, Duchess? Stand and Tables, Wardrobe with plate glass door, and fire proof safes.—Apply. Buckland, "The Old Firm," 23, Salop Street. D RESSMAKING.-MisfI Price (late of Hereford) ?? Dress-rnaker, 4, High Street, Penarth. Latest Styles. Fit guaranteed. Moderate Charges. Y?ANTKD immediately, Apprentices and Im provers tj the Dress and Mantle-Making Apply Miss Larke, 59, Windsor Road- D RE,SMAKING. Wanted Apprentices at once High Ciass Trade.—Apply Tucker and Stowen 1, Oakleigh Terrace. r?OOD WORKSHOPS TO LET—Apply C7M-o?< '? Omce, Penarth. IpUBNISHED APARTMENTS.— and ? one or two Bedrooms in Windsor-road, Penartb. —Apply No. 7, Chronicle Omce. npHREE Gentlemen can have comfortable LODG- -?- INGS fer One Guinea per week; separate bed- rooms; piano, gas.—Apply S., "Penarth Chronicle" Omce. ??ANTED.—A Strong Girl, (abont 15 or 16) to sleep home. Apply M.S. '?Chronicle" Onice A STRONG LAD, Experienced m Beer Bottling-. ?-?- Apply—Manager, Maaonic Buildings. Penarth ?/fUSlC Pupils wanted by CertiScated Teacher -L terms 10s per quarter.—Apply Music, care o; Mrs Sketch, Hickman-road, Penartb. yNST RUCTIONS In Violin and Shorthand.—26, Ivy jL Street, West Cottages, Penarth. "4" \"v."v, -IQN:Å:,u'e,'J\AJÆ'uol £"J t'" J. Cardiff and PenattIiDõc:aas under—(unless uuavoid&biy delayed.) Cardiff and Penarth Dock ;11,)rni ig Afternoon Saturday 811 5 30 Monday 10 1 30 6 Tuesday 11 26 Wednesday 12 8 9 3 6 Thursday li 8 10 4 .6 Friday 14 8 10 30 5 6 Saturday 15 8 11 5 30 6 Pena.rth Dock and Cardie. Morning Afternoon -,aturday 8 11 15 5 45 Monday 10 1 45. 6 15 Tuesday 11 2 15. 6 15 Wednesday 12 8 15. 9 15 3 lg. 6 ]5 Thursday Id 8 15 ..10 ]5 4 15. 6 15 Friday 14 8 15 ..10 45 5 15 6 15 Saturday 15 8 15 -.11 45 5 45. 6 DESECRATION OF NATURE. Although the Homooea, Co. have "cl one of the greates schemes in rural advertising put before them, they have de- clined to entertain it on account of the widespread disgust ex isting in the minds of all who love their woods, dales, nelds, streams, rocks aud hills in the glory of their natural beauties; undefiled by the modern billposter. They (The Homocea Co.), are content with the legitimate channel of the Press,and by pamphlets containing Testimonials. They can point to cures, far raore convincing than mere assertion. TESTIMONIAL FROM BISHOP TAYLOR. HIGH BARNET. My dear old Friend,—I distributed a variety of your remidieS a.mong afflicted natives and among mission- aries in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Coast of Guinea, Congo Country, and Angola South of Congo. I have not been over those different and distant fields since, and have no definite inloi-niation in regard to their curative power. I have used HOMOCEA and have proved its healmg virtue both for severe bruises and flesh wounds, and also to kill the virus of IDJsq uitoe; and higgoes (jigger. verv trulv. t ob i f. I "I. I ) i 1 11 oJ1 rJ (Bishop) H. K. TAYLOR, American Methodist Episcopal Alissiols LORD CARRICK says HoMoCEA. cured him of bleeding piles when all else failed that he geve some to a labourer who was lomod by a stone falling upon him, whom It cured. A woman had a. pain In the elbow, and could not bend It for a year.and It cured her, and another used it for scurvy on her leg, and it wa" doing her good—-one letter closes from him with the words. It Is the most wonderful stuff that I ever came across." Remember that HoMocm. subdues inflammation and allays ir" ntatlsn almost as soon as applied, for it "TOUCHES THE !SPOT All wholesale houses stock HoMocEA. It can be obtain'lj from Chemists and others at Is 1. or "s 9d. per box,:or,'fi!! sent by post for Is, 3d. and 3s. from the wholesale agency ? Hmniltou Sqlare, Birenhead,