Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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———■ w.wiiiBMBBroum ^iiHmHiE—raaiara—aafaram————————WKaBnaaaaanaaMHa S. ANDilEWS AND SON, Gompieie Funeral Furnisfiers, The Mews, Glebe Straet, PENARTH- EVERY REQUISITE FOR FUNERALS OF ALL CLASSES. L FUNERALS CONDUCTED WITH REFINEMENT AND ECONOMY. I TELEGRAPHIC COMMUNICATION WITH CHIEF OFFICE, CARDIFF. | I. ""<;o8:Wo.L;ur ,¡# .-o: AN AMERICAN ORGAN 11 Sond YOtl'l' address on osf;-cal'd, and yon rœeive tl1e IpB BOQK FREE. ■BHBBSBL I best styles, and how to',Km9M% w Eas /Q JKWBn Lmffifff* 11' i<HFi^ Satisfaction guaranteed before you pay. Write tons, mentioning this paper. You will be more than pleased at the result, if you do it at once. Q&CrANS, carriage paid3 irom £ 10. ■HffWtBHflBfeWglULa ■;?■ References specially permitted to «?» §»3» OSBORNE, ESQ>» 132, FLEET STREET, LONDON, E.C., of whom catalogues may be had free on apphcation, and information obtained as to where iwfVnMB^ m 0r £ £ mscan be £ em ^tested I* Londou>or v'rite te JHuHSBi cornish.; &co., 1 ^gWAgHINGTOH^KEWJERSEY. JT&Sg°J | v THE GREAT -¡ ;'< 'I\!<;t;rI 'A' t'i f, I t¿.> Al&ZRICAN PRESCRIPTION. ';¡;S £ilj ¡i;¡,¡:,)jôj lit ij; ¡J \îàlP' líJ &îí T\ PIias kr°aKht to ->«ht a guaranteed Remedy for ¡ [ I'" T( '1' T (, f)' ¡ f I I" E' J. > \>ty& j.)^L..Lli i, the Errors of Youth, Lost Manhood, Weakness, Di¡¡I11'¡;sof n i'l'iivel, Kidney, Liver complaints, arid all Diseases of the Urinary i^ iius 1 iCiCiiptiou is in the hands of a Minister, who will befriend any one sulieriu'w from these enervating diseases. It has ° CURED THOUSANDS. R-erely wrsd e<?U-nddressed stamped envelope to the ltev. DAVID Jones, Ray Villa Lewes -'ueii the Prescription will be senfc.tfUEt2 OF CHAKliE. tiiis Piu>er. f -C'l: E. p. caw, K/P.G, SANITARY i'LUilBEII, and HOT WATER EMDTEER. GA.S-FITTER, BELL-HANGER, &c., Begs to intimate to the Residents of Penarth and Neighbourhood that he has commenced Business on his own account, and respectfully solicits a share of Public Patronage. ELECTRIC AND OTHER BELLS FIXED AND REPAIRED. All work will receive personal and prompt attention, and will be executed wifh Despatch and at Moderate Charges. •vv* Note Address— 48, Grove Terrace, PENARTII. 11li l\,¿Ë,J ,)f lílt v! )¡, SAMUEL GARWOOD, S al 1; t .tt.,o!\l PRACTICAL Layer of Drain. Pipes and W.C. Hopairer. Mason Work &c. undertaken Over 25 Year);' experience. Excellent References given -t- Hoine»maiis 18 i:. e a ri. l. bishop, 'i-p'" C 4, GLEBE STREET, PENARTH. Sob Agent fjr UPTON'S TEAS -11 ,po¡- -Z- :rsr't'm: 4. "iœ- I I NOTICE OF REMOVAL. B E. A. HOOPEirS FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT Is THE BEST FOR ALL CLASSES OF FUNERALS. FURNITURE REMOVED I To all parts of the KINGDOM. WINDSOR MEWS, SALOP ST., PENARTH r PRICE LIST ON APPLICATION. ,:=::=-.====: FIREWOOD! FIREWOOD BLOCKS, BUNDLES, CHOPPED STICKS at the Penarth. Firewood Supply k k. {, U .t. Ji.j. ".1/ V .,¡, 1!M 11 :10.> ¡.. J 57, and 58, SALOP STREET, P Penarth. JfJii G, (3, PROFESSOR OF MUSIC, Organist and Choir-Master of Windsor Road o gational Church. I 'T' T- or- 1. Receives and Visits Pupils for INSTRU- MENTAL, VOCAL & THEORETi- CAL Tuition I Pupils prepared for the various local 1 Musical Examinations. NUMEROUS FijRSJ GLASS TESTlflOfilJUjS Prospectus may be had on: application I Address—-Mozart House Windsor Road- > i —n MRS. MCMURRAY (late Boxall)., Wardrobe „ Dealer, 12, Arcot Street, Penarth. Good Prices paid for Children's Clothing. All orders receive- prompt attention. Furniture Bought. Tj^OR SALE.—1'Plate Lancnstpr's Le Marveilleux ft /-iLmera" Nearly ne\y. 12/6 cash-—Apply to the Chronicle Office, Penarth- XT E ARTS OF BRITAIN BENEFIT AND DIVIDEND SOCIETY, LI MITE D. — Agents Wanted in Penarth District—Managers, Foremen, rimekeepar.^ and others having spare evenings; stamp for reply. Hermon J. White, District Manager, 8, Arcot.streef, Penarth. A HOUSE for Sale. Good condition. Price b230 li -Apply G.W.' uhrmiido Office, Penarth. FEATHERS. Gloves, &e., done up, Cleaned and Dyed.-Mi-s Trump, 2, James Street. jVI R- & MRS. BUCKLANL, WarJ'rebe and Far- L}±- niture Dealers. Thy-Ord^); j^stabli^uei De dec in Penarth.-57 and 58, Salop Street. -=- .<II WANTED, by young a I^.ssons in f T Practical Book-keeping evenings preferred; Lt ,¡ -(A, V.) "-C -J. t L I.. terms moderate.—Apply "X, •' Ciironiole Office Penarth. rFO LET;—Fumiblied Ai>artincu'i.s. with evory oon- venience, suitable for one or two gentlemen. Near Station- Busses pass the door.—Apply in first instance at Chronicle Office, "S"¡¡,¡¡ YOU WILL NW¥"li]g. -y:=. O! r WELL I HUGHES'S- L'NTIL YOO TAICfi I BLOOD PILLS Try what you may, the system will never be eradicated of Disease until the Direct Had Specific Remedy for the Eloodis taken. Hughes's Blood Pills For Bad Blood, contains the germs of all the Ailments which trouble the Human System, permeating every organ of the Body, dis- turbing their duties. and bringing the Nervous System to that despondent stat", which oftoa prefer Death to Lile HENCE HUGIIES'S BLOOD PILLS SECURE PURE BLOOD VIGOROUS DIGE TIOIT TEALTIIT SKIN SOUND KIDNEYS nRONG NERVES STROXG ART ACTIVE LIVER and Happy & lively Spirits ,HUGI-IES'S BLOOD PILLS SCURVEY SKIN ii ASK TORPID LIVER INDIGESTION rjn n HEAD4CHE DYSPEPSIA BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION RIIKU.MATISM NERVOUSNESS TILLS. PITS TR1 A BOX OF HUGHES'S BLOOD PILLS THEY ILL BRING YOU HEALTH, JOY, HAPPINESS And enable you fo follow your occupa;u with comfort and pleasure SEND for a Box from any Chemist or Dea'er ir Patent Medicines. They are sold at 1/1 £ 2/y, 4/3 DON'T be persuaded to cake any Substi- tute, but see iha<- you get t.ue Genuine Sort, with 'ise i'd-VOW of id -art. oa a Red Label, Oil each B,); or send direct enclosing 1/3 2i 11, or to the Zvfaker^ JACOB HUG'I'K SJanufacturing Chemist., who will mail theiii by I 'i}l ir V:, ;y ■y.