Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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Mr Millward and the Assistant…


- lst XV. FIXTURES 1895-96.…



-at;im,t be too carelar, siri UI. aestr ere- matters, returned the cautious Waddell. Vhenever you've 1 got a case, never mention names. Hear all an'say j nothing's the safest game." VeR, go on. Vhat tit he say "Tell. that party/ says lie" Waddell, "•as 'ow I shall call to-morr"w at eleven precise. I vants to see him wery partiddar, and if he, isn't in then I shan't call any more. Be sure you tells him that,' says the party 4 just them very words. He'll know what I mean.' And off he went." "To-morrow, at eleven," repeated Kleckser. You're quite sure dat vas de time he named ?" "Swear to it afore acy magistrate in the kingdom," returned Waddell. "Now, Mr. Kleckser, this 'ere's my plan. Just you listen to me. You must manage ito 'ave that party out o' the way when this party calls. If it can't be managed hotherwise, o' course I shall tell him, as I did just now, the other party haint in. But that's dangerous, and it's always best to be on the right side. Then, that party being safe somewhere else, you must be on the spot to see this party instead. What d'yer think ? If all goes straight, that'll be the way to work it." Kleckser agreeing, the two parted. Next morning, shortly after ten o'clock, Kleckser made the discovery that M. Parlandet's valuable ad- vice was indispensable upon a knotty point of business. Van Fiewker—the only person, according to Kleckser, familiar with the details besides Parl- was abread. The matter was urgent, he declared, and Pari,must co«r e down at once. He summoned him by telegraph accordingly. Answer was g-iven that he manager would be at the Close in half an haur. As the dock chimsd the second quarter after ten, Kleckser laii down his pen and srnote his forehead. A sudden thought octurred t.' him. He was apparently iti a mood for making discoveries tiiis morning. Vhat a tisgusting memory I have, tope sure!" he exclaimed. "Has de Baron von Bodenstedt called yet apout dat pill, Mr. Vhifflo ?" Not yet," replied W hiffles. Why, it ain't due, is it ? Let's see." He referred to a book by his side, and continued, I thought so. Not due before to- morrow." Yes, put to-morrow de Baron vill pe across de Channel, and ve may vhistle for de money," returned Kleckser. "I hear yesterday from somepody who knows I y him very veil dat he's going to Paris py to-night's drain. I always tought dat fellow vas a brecious rascal. Ton't you. tink I'd petter look him up at once ?" Well, if you're sure what you've heard is correct, I think that would be best," returned Whiffles. Only it's rather an awkward thing to ask a man to cash up before the proper time. Couldn't you put it to him < in a delicate kind of way ?" "Oh, I von't hurt his tender feelings, pe sure" responded Kleckser, with a grim smile; put I'll take good care to get de money, all de same. Ach! put Pari is coming down," he exclaimed with well-feigned surprise. "Vhat a nuisance, to pe sure. Veil, look here, Vhiffle, ask him to ex- blain the account to you, dat vill to as veil, and I shall pe pack as soon as I can. Pari must vait till I come." Kleckser disappeared before any further objection could be interposed. He failed, apparently, in meet- ing the Baron von Bodenstedt where he perhaps ex- pected, if indeed he ever went in search of that calumniated foreign gentleman at all, for in another half hour he stood before the door of M. Parlandet's -chambers in Pall-mall. Shall I go in ?" he soliloquised. I ton't see vhy. I can catch de rascal just as veil outside, here, in de street. If he keeps his abbointment, he must arrive tirectly. Pesides, I ton't seem to like the idea of peing shut up alone mit an intivitual of dat kind between four valls. De peggar might pe up to mischief." He crossed the street, and slipping into the recess formed by a doorway on the opposite side, leant against the lintel, watching M. Parlandet's door. He had not long to wait. Punctually as the clock atruck eleven, up strode a tall, fair-complexioned man, with light-coloured hair and beard, whom Kleckser instantly recognised as M. Barmann. The stranger turned into the entrance to the West-end branch, and rang the housekeeper's bell. Still watch- ing, Kleckser retreated behind the portico. Waddell presently appeared, exchanged a few words with M. Barmann, came forward to the door, and looked first up, and then down, then across the street. His eye caught Kleckser's with an understanding glance. Waddell retired, and M. Barmann re-appeared. He stood at the door for a minute, as if irresolute then apparently rapidly making up his mind, marched away down the street. Klecker followed. So did a policeman, who had observed the two. chap 33 At the corner of Waterloo-place there was a crowd, blocking up the pavement and extending across the road. Curiosity induced Mr. Barmann to halt upon the outskirts of the crowd, and stand on tiptoe to see what was going on. The delay allowed Klecker to overtake him. He came to M. Bar- mann's side, and quietly put his arm through that of the Frenchman. M. Bar, I pelif ve," he observed, looking straight into the fugitive's face and gripping his arm firmly. 81M. Bar, whose agreeable acquaintance it vas my good fortune to make at Lucerne. Delighted to see you again, M. Bar." Startled, taken unawares and by surprise, M. Bar- mann's presence of mind by no means forsook him. He formed his plan in an instant, drew his handker- chief from his pocket, and thrust it into Kleckser's breast; then seized the German by the collar, and called lustily for the police. Up came in an instant the officer who had followed the two from Pall-mall. "Now then, what's hup?" he inquired. Tieves Bobbery Violence shouted M. Barmann. Aha von gendarme! Take de rascal in your charge, for pick me in de pocket. Aha! .scUerat[ Villain.] Transported with virtuous indignation, M. Bar- mann shook Kleckser by the collar, as you may have seen angry Jowlfr retrieve'his bone from Snap. "Thought he was arter some game," observed the policeman. Come along, young Spectacles. This 'ere's the way to Beak-street." And he dug a set a bony knuckles into the oppo- site side of Kleckser's collar to that held by M. Barmann. It was in vain for the horrified German to remon- strate and declare his innocence. Constituted authority only tightened his grasp upon his collar, and advised him to hold his peace. "Yer can tell that to the magistrate," was it's iiictum, "and see what he says. It's my duty to advise yer to 'old yertoq* cos what yer says wD' Bff'Woir CKTVTft Sfitt uses 3331735? JVT. COmeSIOne. I Mossoo!" I follow, worthy gendarme, I follow," returned M. Barmann, "who had relaxed his grasp of the prisoner as soon as the policeman took him in charge, Vere you take him, hey Vel I, I 'ardly know," returned,, the policeman "'Taint scarcely vorth vhile going, to the station. Vhat's he prigged, puss or'ankercher? HonlyafogV. Oh, then we'll take 'im on to Marlbro'-street, and work "im hoff at vonce. Cheer up, little 'un," said the worthy official to Kleckser, by way of comfort; we'll let yer off heasy this time. Fourteen days an' 'ard labour's about your mark." chap 33 "Put, goot Heavens!" bi-gan Kleckser, "It's a treatful mistake altogeder-" Mind yer eye, my lad," interrupted his captor. That tongue o' yourn '11 get yer into trouble if yer don't watch it. Least ?aid, soonest mended. Come along sharp, and 'ave it over. Lor', it's nothin' vhen you're used to it. Come along," M. Barmann here interposed. Von moment, my gendarme," he observ,,d. ,tisiness most pressing demands my instant care. Take 7e rascal to ze court, and I shall join you in half von hour." All right, mossoo," returned the policeman. M. Barmann made towards a corner, and was immediately out of sight. I will not weary you by a, repetition of the en- deavours made by Kleckser, during the course of that nrserable walk, to ain to the policeman the true position of affairs. But, beyond reiterated admoni- tions to 'old his tongue," the c'aly reply they alioited was the following little speech, delivered jiiit as the two. wttb their attendant mob, were appr«aabibg the precincts oi'the police-court Look 'ere, my covey." said the official to his ties- pais&jg prisoner: it's hevident to me as 'ow you're very green. P'r'aps it-s a fust offence-in which case you'll get off heasy: p'r'aps you've been hup afore, an' then you'll get to the sessions. Vhichever it is, my advice to you is, 'square it!' Make the furrin gent a hoffer, an' get him to recommend you to mercy." But there was no occasion for Kleckser to make any attempt at compromise, for when his case was called on, two hours afterwards, to the extreme disgust of the policeman, no Al. Biriiiann appoared to prosecute, and the prisoner was discharged. Sitting in -is lodgings that evening, ruminating over the events of the day, it became clear to Kleckser that every effort to come to terms with M. Barmann was almost hopeless. For some unknown reason, he entertained a rooted distrust of the party opposed to his friend Parlandet, and would listen to no terms propounded by their emissary. But Kleckser was a plucky little fellow. In spite of his failure upon this occasion, he still believed the best plan would be to seek an interview with Poing, and tempt his cupidity. He set his teeth hard as he thought of the humiliation he had recently endured, and vowed he would not be beaten. It is always something gained when a man firmly and resolutely makes up his mind to achieve a certain purpose. I may be wrong, but it is an article of my social creed that few who do so ever ultimately fail, Kleckser determined to persevere in his attempt to bring Poing to terms. st ni tJ,,a -xult of his further efforts will be seen.