Papurau Newydd Cymru

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Penaith District Council.


Penaith District Council. The Council he)d their monthly meeting on Monday Inigbt, MrJ. W. Morris. J.P., presiding. The others present werr-, D. Morgan,' L. Purnel!, J. Y. gtravson, R. Gay, H. Bevap, T. S. Lloyd, J. Pavey, the Clerk, Surveyor, and Hate Collector. FACTS FINANCIAL. Mr LlewE>'s monthly statement was read, sihowing thot for November .692 Os lOd had been Collected of the genera! District. Rate, the recoverable amount betn?:€66 Ms 10d. and irrecoverable .f 5 6s 10d and by column 8 and 9, -f9 14s 5d. Of the private improvements, .6341 15s 4d had been secured, leav- itig outstandinsr. Y, 1437 lie 9d. The amount paid to treasurer was ;e5t6 Os 2d, the balance in hand re- pres-en tins' £21 9s 5d. The CoHector reported that Mr Phitlip More! had pp@f\lp.d .a!lai. hhe re-assessment of his house which corresponded to £LjO. The 6rat assessment, how- ever, was f260. When the appeal was hein beard Mr Alexander stated that he was commissioned to ?eU the prorert.Y for .€5000, or to let it at f250 per annum. (Murmurs of surprise.) Mr Purne! Did Mr Alexander really say JE5000 ? Coltector.- Yf8!. rr Put-tiell: Its wnrth three times as much. I're protested, but couldn't gpt mine t educed. 11r Sti'aws'm I' "ot a fair assessment I Mr Ifora.4n FcUow the poor rate and ass, according!y, The mait!- then dropped. STREET LIGHTING. Upon the representation of MrR Bevan, supported by Mr Strawaon, it was resolved to displace the ordinary hmp opposite the Arcot Street \Vesleyan Chapel by a Bray's, the chairman remar'kin? that it was imperative that the er'tt'nnce to all public places of worship should be well lighted. In answer to Mr Angus' letter, the Council decided to expedite the )ayins" of the j?as mains in Dingle Road, and it was further decided to erect a lamp at Char- !otte Street, Cogan. The Survovor reported that 12 new lanterns were required for lamps in vauous places. By Mr Pavey: The Council had to buy these frames, the Gas Company being compelled to only kfep them in repair. ALARMING MORTALITY RATE. Succeeding !be readiner of the PubHc Health CoTQ.- mit tee's minutes, Mr Doyd remarked that the death rate of 30-7 was al-irmingly high, and desired to know the rate for the corresponding' period !ast<year. Barns' informpd it was 4 6. he was anxious to know (iiot ein? ptpspt)t h),st Monday.) why there was such an increase. The chairman understood it to be due to the death ofsomnnyold pt'op!e. Mr 1-iloyd I hear that scarlet fever is very preva- lent. Ha,a the Medical Officer reported more than one Cr.8 ? Chairman Thj doctor fully made known to the Upahh Commit tpe the fact that fever was prevalent, and he asked the Press to suppress it. Mr L!oyd It's a very unsatisfactory state of thini? s. Old ag,4 won't account for it. especially as there have been no deaths from scarlet fever. TENDERS. For a new duaf-cart, Messrs Knapman and AI!n tendered, thfii prices bein £lli i*)s0d,aud .El 7 12s 6d respectively. The former was accepted. Only one tender for the repair of the road roUer was read, viz., that of Messrs Thomas and Barrett, for .€29 !9s Od. It was elicited that this firm repaired the Cardiff Corporation's rollers without tendering'. It was agreed to accept the price. THE OLD PARISH ROAD, Messrs Barnes,ChapIi"& Co.. having now nearly Comp!eted their work, asked for a further JE500 in advance. Mr Morgan: They've finished within 2Q yards. Chairman: Then if it's so near 'h?y could wait ti!!6naUy nnishing-. Surveyor: It will be nnished before next week. They have extra metalline to do. Some of the rnts cover over a foot deep. and the drainage has been very heavy. They couldn't form ditches, but bad to employ pipes to drain. There would be about .6200 extras. Chairman: .6200 extras is too much. Surveyor The contract price was .61360 los !0d. and out of the .61551 claimed by them, .650 is due back to us for watering and rolling. Mr R. Sevan Seeing the work is nearly Snisbed, I move they receive .6400. Mr Lloyd secondinp-, and Mr Morgan supporting, the motion was carried. Mr Purnell: The inteieat will apply to each !nsta)meut. THE TOLL GATE. The Cterh'stated he had rece?Hy?een the deputy l Town Clerk with respect to the proposed taking over of the road, and the Cardiff Corporation wanted the Penarth Council to include two roads, one from Llan- dough Charcb, and the other by Mr Corbett's house. He (Mr Morris) said he was unable to answer for his Council's being prepared to contnbute towards the repair of the highway, and as there would be another meeting thia week of the Cardiff authorities, he was desirous of receiving inatractions in the mat- ter. To bis mind Barry and Cardiff ought to pay their share. (Hear, bear.) Mr PumeU Vhis is a serious matter taking over two roads as well, leaving out the 20 years' purchase, bused on the average of the last seven years. We should look before we leap. Mr Morgan Why should we pay for a county road? The County Council ought to pay for tint. It will cost .66000. On the suggestion of the Chairman It WM decided to let the matter stand over, the Clerk In the interim to see Mr Franklin again to obtain further terms. OUR "WHITE ELEPHANT." The recommendations of the Baths Committee which appear in another column, was discussed at length. After Mr R.Revan had bt'ieny recapitulated th advantages derivable from the adoption of the report tn its entirety, Mr Purnell thought the recommendations were all right, but there was not a fuH Board. Mr Morgan was in favour of postponing action for another montii. Mr Bevan pointed out the impolicy of dalliance, and descanted upon the unemployed question, and further- more moved the adoption of the Baths Committee's report. Mr 8trawson seconded, and thought the matter most urgent. Mr PumeU If we begin so soon to nnd work for the unemployed, we shall increase the numbers of the unemployed. Mr Morgan Where are the unemp)oyed ? Mr Lloyd: There have been one or two up at my place looking for a job. There's plenty of them about. And now occurred a very discreditable episode between two members sitting on opposite sides of the table, which did not redound to the elder one, who so far forgot himself as to stoop to personalities. Mr Lloyd, however, magnanimously refrained from using the same discreditable weapon, but his opponent was subsequently auimaduerted upon. Mr Guy supported the report, observing that the enthusiAsm of the yojnsr had been provoked over the gymnasium, and to kill enthusiasm wa& suicidal to the town itself. Mr Purnell hoped the rates would not get higher. At this juncture MrBevan recapitulated the advan- tages accruing from the Committee's report, and so cogen'j and incisive were the arguments he adduced, that he entirely won over the Council to his views. The C!erk being consulted as to what time would be allowed for paying off the !oan, said that as they had thirty years for the old. they had every reason to expect a simitar period. The Chairman a.!so interested himsetf In the sub- jec', and unhesitatingly said he would support the report in Its entirety. Finally, the report was unanimously adopted. MISCELLANEOUS, A letter was read from Mr Westyr Evans directing attention to the necessity of having Sre a)arm bel!s stationed near the railway station, especially in view of the tccent firfi. Mr L!oyd Are ve, as a Council, responsible for any nres ? Chairman: Not les'aUy. Mr Uoyd Then I move the letter !ay on the table, or refer it to the Public Works Committee. The Clerk read a letter from Mr Strong, urging the return of certain documents which the Council had retained a'nce July 17th, 1893. I Mr Morris said hf would write Mr Court, and in the meantime the present Surveyor should search the ofSce. Mr PurneH: Has Mr Strong connected wi?.h the new sewer ? new sewer ? Surveyor: Nc; be baa relaid to drain into the old. A I tier from Mr Evan E!!is Roberts was also road, in which that estimable gentleman and public bene- factor complained that his property in Arcot Lane was suffering fiom the imperfect drainage of the slaughter house there. The Surveyor said there was nothing wrong with the slaughter bouse drains, wtieieupon Mr Evau EHts Roberts' tucubration was relegated to the limbo of the waste paper basket. The House adjourned at 9.46 or thereabouts.


-_--, '.Cork Club Ball.

Popular Sunday Evening Services.

[No title]

. Pena,rt.h Police Court.