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FRANCE. THE NEW INSURRECTION IN PARIS. Blood has floored in the streets of Paris. The workmen have at length provoked a collision, with the National Guard and the troops of the line. As well as our limited space, and the state of our information will allow, we proceed to give a connected account of these painful events, beginning- with the symptoms of disturbance which led to them. WEDNESDAY EVENING.—Assemblages of the people be- came more general, and the subjects discussed were more various. The principal one was that the workmen, who eontinuod loudly to complain of the recommendation of M, Goudehaux to close instantly those nests of idleness and se- dition, the national workshops. On the Pont Neuf, in the Hue de Bic, and in the Place of the National Assembly, the question .was warmly discussed, but no violence was resorted to for the dispersion of the riot. A collision took place in the Rue llambuteau. The troops having been ordered to disperse, a group of operative hatters, the latter resisted, and several of them were wounded. The forehead of one man was laid open by a sabre cut. -L in THURSDAY.—To diminish the number of workmen (says the Times correspondent), and the danger which their presence 11 11' in such masses in Paris threatened to the public peace, Govern- msnt directed that a first draught of 3,000 of them, inhabit- ants of the provinces, should be obliged to leave town for their homes yesterday (Thursday). They were supplied with money for their start, and with orders for board and lodgings at stated points of the journey. They left town, but halted immediately outside the barriers, where wine (because of the toll paid on its importation into Paris) is six sous cheaper than in the city, aud there they spent a portion of the day and a large share of their travelling expenses. About three a body of those who had left by the Barrier de Fontainbleau, amounting to 400, returned into town, and paid a visit to the Executive Government at the Palace of the Luxembourg. After some time M. Marie presented himself to hear their grievances. lie was addressed by the chief of a deputation of four from among them, but M. Marie refused to hear him, observing that as that individual had been amongst those who attacked the National Assembly on the loth of May, he (M. Marie) could not recognise him as the organ of the operatives, and, turning to the other four, he said, "You are r Jt the slaves of this man, you can explain your grievances." M. Marie, after having patiently listened to them, entreated them not to suffer themselves to be led into rebellion against the authorities, and assured them that the Government was eecapied constantly with the consideration of measures for tit of their condition. The delegates then with- drew, but it would appear they did not give an accurate ac- count of their interview to their comrade■<, who were waiting for them at the Place St. Sulpice. Ou the contrary, they stated that M. Marie called them slaves. The labourers then com- menced shouting, Down with Marie 1" Down with the Executive Commission Down with the Assembly Home of them attempted to force their way into the church of St. Sulpice, with the intention probably of ringing the tocsin, but fortunately the gates were closed in time to pre- vent them. Thence they proceeded to the quays by the erects Vieux-Colorabicr, St. Dominique, and Du Bac, singing to the air of Des .Lampions, "We will remain, we will re- main They next proceeded to the Faubourgs St. Antoine and St. Marceau, their numbers being increased by crowds of idlers. They stationed themselves on the Place de la Bastile and the Barrier du Trone, crying, "Live Napoleon." Live the Emperor." Between eight and nine much alarm prevailed in conse- eriC-nee of a body of at least 5,000 workmen, with a flag, luning inarched from the Pantheon to the quay of the Hotel de Ville and thence to the Faubourg cln Temple, with the in- tention, as it was of forming a junction with the workmen of the neighbourhood of the Temple and of St. Antoiue. As measures of precaution, the National Guards were nrivateiy summoned at their houses to be ready to ilk"jl-c-ll if I-CLOli-e-l. Considerable detachments of troops were a ssembled at the Luxembourg. A squadroivof dragoons and several companies of the line, the Moveable Guard, and the National Guard, bivouacked on the open space before the Motel de Yiile. A battalion of the line was stationed in the court-yard of the Prefecture of Police. The Palais de Justice was guarded by the Moveable Guard, and the Hall of the Nao- tional Assembly was. filled with troops. The Government had jxrevieawly takes* the precaution to place a battalion of infantry and two squadrons of cavalry, under the command of General Negrier, in front of the National Assembly. The h-nly of the building was filled with troops of the line. The Kori'Miom'hood of the Hotel de Ville and of the Palace of the Luxembourg was crowded with workmen, but no violence was attempted. IMiriag several days, amid the profound tranquillity that Paris appeared to enjoy, the agents of disor- der have been busy in preparing a popular movement of a very alarming character. In all the clubs, in-door and out- ef-duor, they have been stimulating the people to rise and demand the'liberation of M. Bathes; and, if it be refused, to proceed to Vinccnnes, and deliver him by force. In every possible ease they have induced the people to sign a petition for the release of :1. Burbes, and a sort of 'pledge to restore- Jiiui to liberty, at the hazard of their lives. One hundred aid fifty thousand men are said to have already signed this petition and this engagement, and these are to assemble to- day, aud carry their Petition to the Assembly. They have been collecting since an early hour this morning. PARIS, FUIDAY MORNING.—The Executive Government met this morning at the Palace of the Luxembourg, and has been sitting permanently ever since. The President of the National Assembly joined them soon after ten, audit was at once arranged that the Minister of War, General C'avaigiiac, should he invested with the chief command of alt the troops of the line, and other military force, in the Depart- ment of the Seine. He at O!);ce accepted, but on condition that he should be allowed to fake all the steps of a military nature which he thought proper, without interference on the part of the civil power. I also hear that General Clement Thomas has. again been pkuo-i in the chief command of the National Guard. FOUR O'CLOCK.— In the National Assembly t), d the alarming state of Paris was several times alluded to ru the course of the F". t M. Souard, the President of the As- sembly, read a rep&rt from the military authorities, in which it was stated that all the barricades, had been taken,, and that the situation of the city was reassuring.. ■General Le Breton proposed that some of the Members of the Assembly should accompany the military into the disturbed districts for the purpose of ascirtai .ing from the people themselves the liature of their complaints, but. the motion was unani- mously rejected. Several Members, however- and among othcr;1. Bonjeau, M. Jules Favrc, and others, went to the head-quarters of General Cavaigmic, and seven generals, who are Members of the Assembly, went also to tender their assistance to the General. The government are not idle. The drum resounds throughout Paris and the Banlieu. The troops are under orders, and the Moveable Guard held ready to act; in fact, at an early hour this morning those quartered out of Paris were marched in." A proclamation had been addressed by the Mayor of Paris to tho mayors of the arrondissements, in which he denounces foreign agents. It is not only civil war which they seek tlight up amongst, its, but it is pillage, it is social disorga- nisation, it is the rain of France which they prepare, and it may be easily understood with what views. Paris is the principal seat of these infamous intrigues." FlIDAY AFTERNOON.—If the National Guards have not turned out with that unanimity that characterised the de- monstration of the 10th of April and the evening of the loth of Mav, those who did present themselves have acted, with the courage and coolness of old troops. They- suffered much, but had few killed. Among the severely wounded 11 ( zi 1; M. Thayer, a Chef de Bataill-on, one of the richest pro- prietors in "Paris, He was the sou-in-law of General Bcr- trnncl. M. Avrial, a banker of Havre, was killed. The alarm was given, and the drum beaten this morning about- nine. The insurgents commenced throwing up barri- cades at the Portes St. Denis and St. Martin, the Fau. bourgs of the game name, the Place de la Bastille, and the Faubourg St. Antoine. At about half-past ten the conflict between them and the armed force commenccd. The Na- tional Guard behaved in a most gallant manner. Twenty- five men commanded by a captain, attacked a formidable barricade at the Porte St. Martin. The people made a stout resistance. The captain climbed the barricade, leaped down on the opposite side, and fought hand to hand with the in- surgents. The National Guards followed, and the barricade was finally carried and destroyed, after a hard conflict, in which many were killed and wounded. The barricades in the Faubourg- St. Martin were taken without much resist- ance. 200 insurgents, who had taken possession of the bar- racks in the Faubourg St. Martin, were expelled by troops of the line, assisted by National Guards. The slaughter was dreadful in the 12th arrondisscment, in which Barbes had been elected Colonel of the National Guard. I was stopped, I cannot say how often, and requested to contribute towards erecting the barricades by throwing up one paving-stone,— a contribution which nobody could refuse making to any bar- ricade in construction that he passed. However, as I had no time to lose, I managed to pass eceryiohere by telling them that I was a physician going to visit patients. The red flag was hoisted on every barricade in the Faubourg St. Antoine, in which quarter I found it impossible to proceed very far. I returned through the Hue St. Antoine. Here again I found numerous barricades, one of which I saw carried by the National Guard without any resistance. When the general order was given, in the third arrondisse- mont, the National Guard showed but little alacrity in turn- ing out. Let those who committed the faults (said one) repair them." The shopkeepers closed their shops as quickly as possible, exclaiming that commerce was now' completely ruined. HALF-PAST FOljR O'CLOCK.—A thunder-storm of the most violent kind has come to the aid of the Governmentin sup- pressing this revolt. I have rarely seen more vivid light- ning, and never saw more heavy rain. This insurrection I can only find ascribed to the discontent of the workmen at the proposed dispersion of them by Government. The sec- tions are obviously among the insurgents. Little has been said lately about Louis Napoleon. HALF-PAST SIX O'CLOCK.—They are still fighting at the Place de la Bastile and the Place Lafayette. C, SATURDAY MORNING, FOUR O'CLOCK.—The military and National Guard are masters of Paris. The insurgents are beaten and flying in disorder. General Cavaignac com- manded the troops. Lamartine showed great firmness and courage, and was constantly with General Cavaignac. The following circular was sent by electric telegraph from the chief of the executive power to the Prefect of Boulogne By a decree of the National Assembly, Paris is declared in a state of siege, and the National Assembly perma- nently. The executive power is entrusted to General Cavaignac. The Executive Commission has resigned. There are still barricades. The unity of action between the National Guard,, the Army, and Moveable Guard, gives the certainty that: order will be re-established. The National Guard of different towns have arrived; their example ought to be followed. The Republic will come out triumphant from this lact struggle against anarchy.—(Signed)—CA- VAIGNAC." CZ3 0 SATURDAY, Mm-DA y.The loss of life must be enormous: but for the present all we can say of it is, that in almost every street you may see the relies of this frightful battle in the shape of dead and wounded being carried back to their homes. The insurgents are largely supplied with fire-arms and ammunition, and have no less ttiazi eleven pieces of artillery, which they contrived to capture from the regular troops. They are barricaded to such an extent in the narrow streets between.the Hotel Dieu and. the Pantheon, that there is no means of penetrating; for,, as they have possession of the houses as well as of the barricades, the troops who venture to enter are at once assailed with showers of missiles and boiled water and oil from all sides. The troops have continued faithful. I have not heard of a single instance of defalcation in the regular army. Two O'CLOCK.—General Cavaignac sent a flag of truce to the insurgents to inform them that if they would yield before two o'clock, indemnity would be given to 4ii con- cerned, but that, after that hour, he would shell the: barri- cades, mortars ha-ving been. sent for that purpose. The firing goes on so that the negotiation has apparently failed. Prince Pierre Bonaparte's horse was shot under him. The following proclamations have been issued by General Cavaignac: — 11 TO THE NATIONAL GUAKD, Citizens,—Your blood will not have been shed in vain. Re- double your efforts to answer my appeal, and order, thanks to you and to tl e assistance of your brethren of the army, will be esta- blished. Citizens, it is not only the present, it is also the future of France and the Republic that your heroic conduct is about to secure. Nothing is founded, nothing is established without sor- rows and sacrifice; voluntary soldiers of the nation, you have well understood it. Place confidence in the ei.i!f who commands you count upon him as he counts upon you. Force united to reason, to wisdom, to good sense, to, love of cLattr),, will triumph over the enemies of the Republic, and social order. What you desire, what Ni-a all desire, is a firm, wise, honest government, one that secures all rights, and guarantees every liberiy-suiffcierllciy powerful to put down every personal ambition-sufficiently calm to overthrow all the intrigues of the enemies of the Republic, Such a government you shall possess, for with your entire, loyal, and sympathetic assistance, a government can do all. General CAVAIGNAC, liead of the Executive Power." Soldiers,:—The safety of the country calls upon you. The war you wage to-day is a terrible, is a cruel war. Console your- selves you are not the aggressors.. This time,, at least, you will not be the sad instruments of despotism and of treason. Courage, soldiers imitate the bright and devoted example of your felloir- citizens,. He faithful to the laws of honour and of humanity be faithful to the Republic it may be your fate, it may be mine, some day or other, perhaps to-day, to die for her. Let it be this moment, then, if we must survive the Republic., General CAVAIGNAC.