Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

7 erthygl ar y dudalen hon




BRIDGEND. ELECTION OF CORONER FOR THE MERTHYR DISTRICT. The nomination took place on Thursday week at Bridgend. From an early hour the note of preparation was sounded. The frjencfe of the three competing candidates, Messrs. Over- ton, Russell, and Roberts were duly at their post, and most indefatigable in completing their arrangements for the coming contest. As early as nine o'clock the town presented a stirring scene, from the rattling of carriages, omnibuses, &c., which arrived from various parts of the county. About half-past ten o'clock, a large number of the supporters of Mr. Roberts entered the town from the direction of Cardiff, preceded by a band of music. The vehicles were gaily decked with oak branches, and on the arrival of the party near the Town-hall, three lusty cheers were given for Mr. Roberts. The address of Mr. Price, surgeon, announcing his retire- ment from the contest, was extensively circulated in the town in the course of the morning. The peculiar and the quaint style in which the document was penned excited much obser- vation, and it was read with great avidity- Soon after eleven o'clock the proceedings commenced at the Town-hall, which was densely filled on the occasion. Amongst those present we observed a large number of the leading ma- gistracy, clergv, and freeholders from several districts of the county of Glamorgan. In the absence of T. W. Booker, Esq., the Sheriff, Thomas Kvans, Esq., the Deputy Sheriff, opened the business by read- ing the writ and explaining the object of their assembling to- gether. The writ having been read, Mr. Mevrick, of Merthyr, rose to propose Mr. Overton as a candidate "to fill the office of coroner for the eastern district, in the room of the late lamented and much-respected Mr. Davies, He said that he proposed Mr. Overton, for he thought he was a gentleman well qualified, in every respect, to fill the situa- tion as successor to the late Mr. Davies, who had discharged the duties with much ability, as well as to the satisfaction of Vae county at large. They were assembled that day to elect a ilt and proper person, duly qualified for a situation which aaiiked amongst the most anxious and important they read of in the history of the Constitution of this country (hear) there- Tore it behoved them that day to select a gentleman to fill the office who was, in all respects, well qualified to discharge the very important duties which were connected with the coroner- shin (aoplause). He would not presume to offer to them one -1 fi-a o did not, in every respect, possess those essential qualifica- tions which the office demanded. They required a gentleman who was skilled in the law—a gentleman who could distinguish between the most delicate points which frequently arose at in- »;>Ve3ts— point-; which should be duly weighed to ensure jus- Ace atui dedled according to the rules of evidence; because when the death of any of their fellow-creatures took place lÙLlcr circumstances of suspicion, it was absolutely necessary t:,I,.tt the carmer should possess the requisite legal acquire- ments; nl particularly, in addition to those qualifications, the knowledge of the Welsh language (loud cheers). The -ii he was about to propose was, in all these respects, well qualified for the office. He was a of this county— he was born in the parish of Merthyr Tydfil; he knew the Welsh language, or he would not presume to offer him that day as a. candidate. As a neighbour Mr. Overton was known to him, and having called on him, he (Mr. Meyriek; could not withhold his assent to support him; therefore, without any disparagement to either of the other "gentlemen who were in th i field, he ventured to propose him to the freeholders as the mm above all others the most qualified for the coronership (ao-iikuise). A knowledge of the Welsh language he looked ityjn as an essential qualification; Mr. Overton,he wa3 happy "t'i sav, possessed that requisite (cheers front-Mr. O-s friends). With respect to Mr. Roberts, Mr. Meyrick observe; he was a rnenibei of the medical profession, and did not possess the re- quisite qualification which he considered was necessary—a thorough legal knowledge of the rules of law. Taking, there- fore, Of till iiis qualifications, without disparagement to the other respectable- candidates, he had much pleasure in of- fering to their notice Mr. George Overton, as a fit and proper "per .on for the office of coroner (cheers). C.>nt:uh''Hewitt had much pleasure in seconding the nomina- tion of Mr. Overton. As so much had been said by the pro- poser, he woqld not add anything, but simply second the no- 1" -¡ .1 mination (applause). Mr. C'rawshav Bailey then rose and said—Mr. Deputy She- riff, and freeholders of Glamorgan, I beg to propose Mr. James L. Roberts as a candidate for the coronership now vacant in tins county. He understands the Welsh language, and, in my opinion, a surgeon ought to be appointed coroner for the eastern ■•-art of this county (loud cheers from Mr. Robert's friends). ^~Mr. William Thomas, of Court, formally seconded Mr. Ro- berta's domination.. J»Ir. P. Tralieme next proposed Mr. James W Russell to fill the ofSee vacant by the death of theatc lamented ami re- spected coroner for the eastern part of the county, Mr-. Davies \tremendous cheering). •• The Rev. Robert Knight, of Tythegston, rose to second the nomination, and was received with reiterated cheering. He paid he .was happy to see so manyof the old school present once more; he was also happy to sdy that the assembly looked .very much like an assembly of the old-fashioned freeholders (cheers). it, was not long since ho had the pleasure of address* *«• a similar assemblage before he again felt very great plea- sure in standing before them to second the nomination of Mr. Russell. They had just heard of the qualifications and re- quirements absolutely necessary to be possessed by the candi- dates, which had -been explained by his friend, Mr. Meyrick. He quite concurred with him respecting the importance of those qualifications, but he did not agree in all he had said (cheers). The gentleman whose nomination he had the honour of second- ing was, he believed, just as much a Welshman as any one of the other candidates (great cheering). He had the pleasure of knowing his family, some years ago, in Merthyr, and a more respectable family there could not be. He had not the plea- sure of knowing Mr. Russell himself until lately, but when he saw such an array of names from Merthyr, he (Mr: Knight) could have no hesitation in coming forward, to support him (cheers). He would not say one word about the other gentle- men, for whom he had every respect (hear). But he could not but think, when such an advertisement emanated from so re- spectable and influential a source, that Mr. Russell was de- cidedly the most eligible gentleman to be appointed coroner for the Merthyr district (applause). Mr. David Thomas then addressed the freeholders in an ex- cellent speech in support of Mr. Overton. He said that he did so, for Mr. Overton was versed in the Welsh language, the knowledge of which he considered indispensable, to enable co- roners to sift evidence thoroughly. He suggested that the candidates should address them in their native tongue (tre- mendous cheering). It was essential that the candidates should not only know the meaning of Welsh words, but under- stand the manner in which evidence was given. He did not consider medical gentlemen so capable to fill the vacancy as legal gentlemen, on the ground that the latter were more ac- quainted with the laws of evidence (cheers). The Deputy Sheriff having inquired whether there were any more candidates to be proposed, and receiving an answer in the negative, Mr. Overton (being the first proposed) rose to address the freeholders in English, but Was interrupted with the cries of Welsh, Welsh," which rendered him unable to proceed for some time. Silence being restored, Mr. Overton said—Gen- tlemen, let me give it mouth a little in English first, and then I'll address you in Welsh afterwards (cries of no, no; Welsh, Welsh; and cheers). After another effort he proceeded, and explained the reason why he presumed to offer himself. He said the only claims he had for their support were simply three -first, he was a native of this county-the second, that he had been bred in it, lived in it, and hoped to die in it (cheers)—the third was, he had a knowledge of the Welsh language (cheers). When a vacancy occurred in their venerable Church in this county, the bishop insisted on a knowledge of the Welsh lan- guage being essentially requisite; and the county press was now teeming with articles, urging the propriety of filling up the vacancies with clergymen acquainted with the beauties of the Welsh language, animated by Welsh feelings, and Welsh hearts (cheers). If it were so necessary to be possessed of these qualifications in the appointments of their venerable Es- tablishment, it was equally so with reference to the election of coroner (cheers). His duties were very onerous, and he would have to exercise them over that class of individuals to whose education little attention had been paid, and particularly in the eastern district of the county. After several additional remarks, Mr. Overton adverted to the advertisement referred to by the Rev. Mr. Knight. Mr. Russell had taken advantage of him, having issued the advertisement on the last Saturday before the election, or he would have produced a list as nume- rously and respectably signed as Mr. Russell's (cheers). Mr. Overton then proceeded to address his audience in the Welsh language. He said, "Gwrbodditjions i gyd,y chi wedi clywecl bod Jlr. Davies, y Coroner diwetha, wedi marw, 'tt-ioyf Ji xoedi d'od ymCt if/ofyn i chwi i electo fe —r—" (Loud laughter, and cries of "That is not Welsh," and hisses which lasted some time.) At length he raised his voice and said—" 'Rwy'n dymuno cael eich ewyllys dcla chwi," and was forced to desist by shouts of laughter. Mr. Roberts addressed the electors in Welsh, stating that they had heard that it was necessary that the person who filled the office of coroner in this county should possess a know- ledge of Welsh. He was proud to say that he possessed that knowledge, and that he belonged to the old Cymry (cheers). He was descended from the old grey-coated gentry of ancient Wales, and he claimed the suffrages of his fello w- ceun try men who could boast the same orig'n as their relationship to the ancient inhabitants of this county enabled them to do (cheers). It had been said that many offices in the Church were now im- properly filled by Saxons. There was now an office vacant to which they might appoint him, a Welshman (cheers)—and he hoped he should receive their support (cheers). From the kindness with which he had been generally received he was induced to hope that he would be placed at the head of the poll Mr. Russell next spoke, and was warmly greeted by the largest portion of the meeting. He said he would confess at once that he would not make an attempt to speak in Welsh, (cries of Oh, and hisses). He hoped, however, that the high qualifications referred to by Mr. Knight would be sufficient to secure for him the freeholders' votes, and his successful return for the office which he sought. He could not boast of speaking much of Welsh, but he coukl boast, and he felt proud, at hav- ing lived and having received his education in Wales (cheers). He had practised for fourteen years in Wales, during which time he had learnt and experienced the kindness of Wei hearts and he would say that he would esteem it as a high honour if he were returned by Welsh suffrages (cheers). Mr. Russell concluded by promising to discharge the duties of the office, should he be elected, with strictness, and to protect i county against being saddled with the expenses of unnecessary inquests (cheers). The Deputy Sheriff then, as there was a large number of freeholders behind the scenes, adjourned the meeting outside the Hall, in order to take the show of hands, which being taken, was declared to be in favour of Mr. Russell. The num- ber of hands held up for Mr. Overton and Mr. Roberts was nearly equal. Mr. Thomas then, on behalf of Mr. Overton, and Mr. Craw- shay Bailey, on the part of Mr. Roberts, demanded a poll. The Deputy Sheriff informed the assemblage there were three polling-places prepared, and the polling proceeded almost im- mediately, with much animation, and continued throughout the (lay.