Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

11 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



1J it I 8 T O L G K N K Li A L STEAM NAVIGATION COMPANY, OFFICIO, QCAY, BRISTOL. t- 1. ,-< IZ& r I 1!t 1. ,f I I'll, I- r nilE following steam vessels are intended to J[ iail from Cumberland Basin, Bristol, to aad from Cork, Juverna and Sabrina f,>r;l, Victory uiul llose; Tenhy, Osprey; Mil- ford, Futer, and Haverfordwest, Osprej; Car- marthen, l'orridj'e, direct; Swansea, County and lieresford.Newport, swift ana Lsk; Carditt, Star una 1 rince of Wales, as aader-uumtioiiud, during APRIL, lS-W;- FROM BRISTOL TO 3 | j -=r-=¡ í-=-T=-! M>nd'.w 'ij i j i j Mi i>m|l'-ipm T')»sd:ty 3! a I pill! 'ik pin: Si pini 2i p;n! 2 2.} am; x'.i pmj pm VV .sisu'silsy 4! ? § :ii I«I1| 3 pin TVi..«d.iy. 5! f 4J ami -lj put1')} pm l'ri !ay 6; 4* JI.u; -s^ anil 5 am|.vj am Sutiu'dav. 7j 6 pm § Bi amj 3J ami 6 ain Me.-idav 9^ 7*^ ain| 7 am T s.-fdaV 11>: 7J ami U amj 7* ami jj ami '& ? .7 4 am! 7 ain 17 J am W\i:ie:Vlay ij iff T\ ami » am ,i.,i;:ifs'lay.l"i; o'-= si am] 8 am!Si am Z-V:;liy 13' 9 am! ■> ami S.J aiu| 9 am &.itu Jay .II; 0 ami | i ■■■ j Monday. in: I I j i jl"| am; I'M am Ties-lay 1J! 12nooii• 12noon;12 noon; 12noun! g'S I pmjl'J uooir l-vsoo. V^Uic'vluylSj ,3 1-J pmjU pm tr.i:sf«'.Uy. 3 ami '2% pm| pm Friday 2<>j | 3.J prni i 43 Saturday .2i; ji- pm; 3 0 am| 5 amj 5 am Monday .23! j- 8 aniiH} am Tuesday 7 ami 7 ami 7 ami 1 am; |-t* t am) G.J ami 7 aft). WetUuswU.v2.'»i ;2 s 7 amj7A am lV'irsd:iy.ifi| £ § Pi am) S ami S am Friday 27j 9 ami 9 aui| 8.J ami 9 ain £ jat!irday.iS.)•! amj i 10 amj 9| aiii|10 am M-jh'iuy .Jul jllA amjH am 1- FOR BRISTOL FROM I. <2 '2 =2 "2 3 « — 2 AdaL. i t 8 § | å 2 Ji J <? I S x 0 ■ i o I I MividViy 2 S.13 Hi am 11 am Tie-iiiy 3 3 pm! °a -$am I pm 1 pm Wednesday 1 S S 2 pin 2 pin Thursday. 0 ,25J am 23 pmj 3 pm Friday 6 6 ami 6 ami ^•5 am 3.J pm 31 pm Saturday. 7 7 am 1 am § 7 am 4J- pm 4 pm Monday 9 -2s s am 5 pm Tiii.-uUv .lo S am! £ S S.} am am 6 am Wt- lac-da) 11 6 am'RV aai ••'day.. 12 5?J§ 9 am 6$uiujs.i- am -.jay U 10 am 10 pm 9 amj 4 piu 9 am 7 ami 7 am Saturday .H- >,3 '0 am 71 am am a]5 si am 9 am T.i-;rt>Lv 17 !2uoon 2 ° 1'inoonlO.j am HUam t ntyIS 12 noon 12uoo. '19 _S a 3.J am 1 pm I.J pm ,20 i pn>! 3 pmi 10 pm 2 41; am 2 pm 2 pm .21 5J ara a 3 5.J am 3 pm 3 pn. .23 i'\ piiii<l pm i ••inv .2) S ami 8 am 5 am i> am ,iy2.5i •■• S ••• am. B am 'f iur.sday.2i)j 'Z § am 6J am 6i am Friday 'i"\ 10 amj )9 pa» 9 amj 4 pin ^5 10 am 7 am 7 am Saturday.„2S! < i ll> am 7-} am. 8 am '^U-iiday am 9! am The i-X w-ill very shortly be replaced on the Carmarthen •Mtiou with increased facilities for carriage of Goods (see future '$./ft The whole of the above vessels are fittell up for the convey- 01 passengers and geods.— Female stewards on board. Carriages and horse.s shipped with care.—.Horses and carriages to be »hii>p.-d two hours before sailing. Particulars nuiv be «t>tain-ad by applying at the Bristol Steam Jrivigatioa Company's Office, Quay, Bristol; where all goods, ]);i"ka^es, parcels, &c., should be :-For Swansea and Cardiff, to W. B. Owen, Bnll Wharf, Redelifl-strcct and Ciare- ati-eot Hall, Mai^h-street^ and E. T. Turner, 12, Quay-street; and br Newport, to J. J cue", Rownham Wharf, Hotwells. .V;;I-:NI'S.—Mr. JMorgan, Tenby; Mr. J. Rees, Haror- fo- hvest Mr. Pslruer, Milfovd Mr. Pitor Mr. John N. and Mr. \V. P.Mskctt, Swansea; Mr. T. John and Sr. A. f I ;;i.toii, Cardiff; Martin, Hfracombe Mr. Thomas Baker, Iiv.iton; Mr. Robert Scacey, Caruiarthen; and Mr. R. Jones, Ts'iMvpoyt. BSiriSiTEEIPIIlE MUTUAL II I,' ASSURANCE COMPANY, Z7, "s !iW iMtlDGE-STUEET, BLACKFRIAUS, LOXDOX. ) iiPORT present.-d to the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING, t, at !l VDI.h v's il.rn- NKVV UiUi>OK-bTitsi-r, lii.ACKfiiiAits, y 2 i, i TICK .Directov ha\'c the pleasure to inform the Members that the fuHowi.lg .l!lei£s have been executed during the iuft ,1,.1.1.' General Life Assurances ±01 for £ o3,137 Inve.-it.iieuc Assurauees 48i 34,227 Total. 888 £Di,:)Gl The average numb u' of Pol:eies executed monthly during the L. i'; teen moutths whidl daped from the commencement of tlo C:> npany's opyrations up to the last Annual Meeti.!j* was ,4 •• burin" the ia-t twelve months the monthly average of Policies e*-cured h'ts been 71, showing an increase both jf rati lying and ou- e » ,dL;i:i.x a> til the future prospects of the Company, e » ,dL;i:i.x a> til the future prospects of the Company, i,i addition to these Policies, proposals for Life Assura.nces h;.¡." boon received, some of which are in progress of completion, a id other* have been declined from various causes, the Directors, \v iile f.L;.irt)ll to extend the progress of the Company, being still -;u solicitous that sucil cxten-iou should be perfectly safe. The whole number of Policies executed during the twenty-six mo .it'll*' of the Company's operations has been :— General Life Assurances 737 for £ 121,780 Investment Assuraitccs 714 50,037 1,481 E 172,71,7 One death has occurred during the year, making a claim on the Company's funds to tin? extent of LllU, hie increasing income of the Company has enabled the Direc- tors to p is* oil' nearly on.lialf the sum advanced at the commence- ment or the Company to aid its establishment. An arrangement has been made with the Director* of tho Britivi Empire Mutual Fire Assuianco Society, for the v .-nt anil otHue charges between the two institutions, by which t h twrteases of carrying oil the business of this Company will be mate- pi iUv diminished." 0, the mocion of Jarno Blaeket. Esq., seconded by the Rev. TEViiium Underwood, of Paddiugton, it was .unanimously ro- u"< /4 Tlut tliirf Report bo rjccivcd and adopted." W. S. GOVE It, Actuary and Secretary. AGEXTS IX WALES. AberAarc.—Ror. Thomas Price. V-i'-r^avenny.—Thomas Tomkius, "V ictoria-streo I). IV Cardiff.—George Sully, 1, Bute-street. Carmarthen.—James Brown, Schoolmaster. Haverfordwest.— William Marychureh, f^av, William Biddle, Maritet-plaoe. M.thyr.— William Morris, Caepantywyll. Milfbril Haven.—John Merritt, Chemist. :r¡¡I¡l.T, .Jo¡1t;, C,;)fl1-y-G,tdl'l'. Narberth.—Jfsepb Davics. Korit'a It • v. J. Matthews, Eaftgate-terraee. Newport.—J. H. Phillips, 2, Charles-street. Pontvpool:—Henry Hughes, Bookseller, Commercial-strect. St David's.—W. Wiliia.ns, Commercial Hotel. Swansea.—Rev. G. P. Evans, S. Nelson-place. u- i I i., 1, SSL IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT. NOW SELLING OFF, T a very great reduction, all the immense and well-selected STOCK of London and Paris Eats, Caps, and Umbrellas, Vlon-iug to D. RICHARDS, 74, St. MARY-STREET, CALlDir'F.. ids being the largest Stock of the above Goods in the town c ii-iy the whole of which has b >011 manufactured within the last k ( 0 mouths), the present opport uiit y offers peculiar advantages to (",s", .who wish to pureaa e an article of first-rate style and quality &" a vjry low price.









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