Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

7 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



PRESTATYN NOTES. (CONTRIBUTED The Sunday delivery of letters has caused some discussion in Prestatyn, and a bumble petition has gone to the Postmaster General requesting that letters be delivered from house to house on Sundays. Some people are very mach shocked indeed at the proposed innovation, and the usual antediluvian arguments are trotted out against it. At present letters are handed across the post office counter on Sundays to callers this is an uncouth and troublesome arrangement, and causes more Sunday labour than the house delivery would. Yet, strange to say, there are some who would perpetuate the existing order of toings in pnv ference to a mode by which Sunday work would be lessened. The will of the majority, as is usually the case, is likely to carry the dav, possibly for the good of the protesting minority. These little disputes and differences are quite ebeerng when they crop up, keep our blood from con- gealing, and our brains and tongues from getting rusty. The difference between tweedledum and tweedle. dee has extraordinary fascinations for some people; in all ages of the world it has been so wars have been raged over it. states divided, families and friends estranged, ar.d all the while t 1 YiI'I the weightier matters of the law neglected, it those who argue so bitterly over the sanctity of the Sabbath, the day of rest (which, I hope, it always will be), w,re as keenly earnest and sincere in their endeavour that all should have six days' work and a living wage, not semi-starvation, as thousands have to put up with, their time would be better employed, and the world not the dreary place it is to multitudes. Prestatyn's rivals on the coast, I notice, are already making preparations and have completed engagements for the musical entertainment of the poblic during the coming season. As the poet truly sings in tboae well known lines- "Music hath charms to soothe the savage, rend a rock, or split a cabbage." Minstrels of various attainments have been engaged, brass bands provided, all tastes studied and everything done to add to the enjoyment of those on amusement bent. I am reminded of the sublime words of another poet, whose name I don't remember, but it deserves to be rescued from oblivion "Some like the Jew's harp, some like the flute, Others the piano with its trum, trum, trum, Some prefer the fiddle, with its twiddle, twiddle, twiddle, j j But all of us are partial to the drum, drum, drum." The time is approaching wben, if Prestatyn intends to march with the times and maintain its reputation for looking ahead, it may be considered wise to indulge in the luxury of a brass band. The details of the ways and means bow it is to be provided, I do not propose to consider. A subsidy, or guarantee would, perhaps, be necessary, supplemented by collections, as these Ltter being very erratic, could not be depended on alone to realise sufficient compensation to the instrumen- talists. The announce.ioent that "the collection will now be made" in church, chapel, or public meeting, is invariably the signal for much search- ins for and brushing of hats the right way, and a rush and scramble for the way out, and when the hat goes round at a musical performance in the open, it serves to disperse a crowd quicker than a shower of rain or the policeman's polite request to move on." As, however, the expenses likely to be involved in the proposition would be chiefly for the benefit of strangers and the resulting profit a doubtful quantity, I don't suppose anything will come of it for some time. Would it bring the butcher, the baker, or the grocer any more customers? The whole question hinges on that, We will therefore content ourselves, as in the past with the usual nigger troupe on the beach and the enchanting strains ground out by an occasional itinerant member of the Italian nobility. The Chairman of a neighbouring Urban District Council, referring to guide posts in his district, asked, "Why should we go to this expense to a s 11 oblige strangers P" Why, indeed, IsayPIs it, possible that we are all on the wrong b:ck! Prestatyn has just gone to great expense to procure an increased and permanent waier supply principally for consumption by strangers. There really does seem something quixotic in the ideli when viewed calmly and dispassionately. We keep on building new houses for strangers to come and live in tbem-how absurd! Rhyl and other towns on the coast erect piers, pavilions, arcades, churches, chapels, and schools for the amusement, edification, and instruction of tne stranger; this, according to the latellt doctrine, is a ridiculous waste ot money. iOur philanthropy must in future be confined to worthier objects, and the stranger, by reason of the txpense he entails, must be regarded all a pest and a nuisance. The police will now have strict orders to take into custody all wandering strangers, and without fear or favour, remorselessly "ruu em in.





