Papurau Newydd Cymru

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AN AWKWARD MAN.—It is not unusual in life to see an awkward fellow making a ftaloe step. He attempts to recover himself, and makes another; the second is followed by a third, and down he comes. Here is an anecdote as an illustration of successive awkward positiotis--A gentleman said to Lord North, "Pray, my lord, who is that ugly woman sitting1 there?'' "That is my youngest sister," said his lordship. "Good GOD!" said the goentle. man, I don't mean her, I mean the uext." That is my eldest siiter," replied bi.. lordship, pro- test," cried the gentleman, "I don't mean her, but the third," "That is my wife," said Lord North. "The devil cried the gentleman. "You may well say that," said Lord North, "for she is as ugly as one. But, sir, console yourself; we are the ugliest family in England." A GOOD SHOT. Two passengers coming] down the Mississippi in a steam-boat were shooting birds on shore from the deck. Some sportsman- converse ensued. One remarked that he would turn his back to no mal) in killing racoous, that he had repeatedly shot 50 a-day. Vyiiat o' that?'' said a KIntuckiall; "I make nothin of killing a butidred 'coon a-dity, or' nary luck." 41 Do you know Captain Scott, of our state?" asked a Ten- nesisean bystander he, now, is something like a shot. A hundred 'cooit %vliy, he never pints at one without hitting him. He never mi-ses, and the 'couns knows it. T'other day he levelled at an old 'uri in a high tree. The varmint looketl at him for a minute, and then bawled out, Halloo, CapV Scott! is that you?' • Yes,' was the reply. < Well, don't shoot!' sa3,s he; 4 iCs no ue; holcJ on; I'll coine down-I give in!' which he did!" it is un- necessary to add, that this was the last hunting story. -Knickerbocker. GEOHGE IV. AND THE EARL OF ELDON.—A few da) s after the passing of t lie Catholic Einnucipa- tion Bill, a privy council was held at St. James's Palace, at which the King presided. The reerve which, during the progress of the above measure through the House of Lords, had been noticed to exist between the Sovereign and his MinistH", ""al on the present occasion exhibited in a inueli stronger and unequivocal light. Geurge IV. possessed (as every person associated wish hini must know) the faculty which is commonly known as 41 killing with a look." The severity of his aspect upon this day was such as few touid brook, and as few forget. After the official business, for the furtherance of which the council had been called together, was discussed and forwarded a stage, and as the several members were about to take their departure, the King, siiently passing the rest, walked up to the Earl of Eldon, and grasping his band (a thing which he had never before been seen to do while surrounded by the circumstantial pomp of sovereignly), said, with evident emotion, Eldon myoid aud tried (rictid, I am glad to see you by my side." After this, coldly bowing to the Ministers (lor George IV., never forgot he was a gentleman), the King with- drew.-—[1 his anecdote deserves to be t)-u e. The following statement is taken from "n accoutit kept by Ilessrs. S,ain aiid C(, of Fleet- street, orobserratiotis made by them on the weather, as indicated by the thermometer at their door way It is for the six days of the past week, and for the six corresponding days of lust year, taken each day at Doon 1837 degs, 1838 deag. Jan. 8 47* jau. 8 32. 9 49 9 26 10 50 10. 30 11 346.. 11 29 1i 39i 12 24 J3 501 13 25