Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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*]EhL THE SCHOONER CARDIFF PACKET, EVANS, Muster, IS NOW LOADING, at COTTON'S WHARF, A TOOLE* STREET, LONDON, If 0r Card/f. Newport, Merthyr. Abergavenny, Br tern, k Monmouth, l\>ntypool. Co;vbridge, Bridgend, and Places adjacetit, AND WILL POSITIVELY SAIL ON TUESDAY, the 2!1 J-UNE, 1841. tor Freight, &c., apply to the Master, on Board Mr • Burton, jui)., Newport; Mr Thomas Richards, j*bergavenny Messrs Prosser, and Price Brecon, Smith, tlie Wharfinger, London; or to Mr Joseph Ajrent to tlie Cardiff, Newport, and London B"ipping Company, at Cardiff. oQdon, J line 8th, 1841. THE CARDIFF and BRISTOL STEAM PACKETS NAUTILUS, JOHN ALLEN, Commander. LADY CHARLOTTE, HENRY JEFFElt Y, Commander, ARE INTENDED T«> SAII. 4li;i\ Out ins; the N EX T WEEK, as follows, WSRMKot (t"rom the Bute Ship Dock. J FROM CARDIFF Jurte 14..Monday Nautilus II morning 15..Tuesday l.aily Charlotte 12 noon 16.. Wednesday. Nautilus. 1 afternoo,, 17..Thursday .Lady Charlotte 2 aftemoon 18..Friday Nautilus. 3 <;ftcrnooa 19.. SatuI day. Lady Charlotte 4 afternoo,) FROM BRISTOL. June 14.. Monday Lady Charlotte 12 afternoon 1-5..Tuesday .Nautilus. 12 noon 16.. Wednesday .Lady Charlotte 24 afternoon 17..Thursday .Nautilus. ? aflerlloon 18.. Friday Lady Charlotte 4-i itorning 19.. Saturday Nautilus. 54 iiiornitig Carriages and Horses must he along-side an hour and half previous to the time of Sailing, otherwise they e»t»oot be Shipped, in consequencc of Locking through "»eNew Docks. FA R F." fler Cabill. 5s.—Fore Cabin, ts. Children under 12 Years of Age, Half-price.— Dogs, Is -ach. A Female Steward attends on Board both Packcts. Refreshments may be had on Board, on moderate te rtni. Pour-Wheel Carriige, S I i.; Two-Wheel Carriage. tOs i Horses, 6«. each; Horse atul Rider. After Cabin Fore Cabin, 7s. (VI.; Cattle, 6s.; Sheep, Is. 6d •These Fares include every expense. Not accountable for any Goods without Shipping l'i otes. Freighter* are requested to order all Goods intended for NAUTILUS to be sent to No. If, Quay Street, or to Robert Chaplin, Cumberland Basin Locks and for the LADY CM \BLOTTE, to Clare Street Hall, Marsh Street, H ristol. b Goods will be hauled from the Warehouses to the •cket*. at the expense of ilie Companies. Merthyr, Newbridge, Abcrdare, Cowbridije, Bridqcnd, *"j»nlristt>it,and Caerphilly.— Goods forwarded to these "Me# in Spring Waggons and Lock-up Canal Boats im- tnetilately on arrival, titileq, ordered by any particular Conveyance, in which case they will be deposited in the "team Packet Warehouse till called for.— Freight to be Plkill Oil delivery. Goods, Package*, Parcels, &c. forwarded loallparts the Kingdom wit hou1 delay. when sen t to either of their e8in Packet Offices in Cardiff or Bristol. further information as to Freight, &c. will he *»«tily obtained by applying to the Agents, Mr ^oodinan, Agent, at the Packet Office on the J^barf, Cardilf; or to Mr John Griffith Jones, Agent, No. 1-2, g„«v Street, Bristol, for the NAUTILUS Pac. ,I;; ati,i of Ntr Donovan. at the I'acket Oirice, oil the "harf. Cardiff; or to MrW. B. Owcn, 29, Avtm C'res- Hotwells, Bristol, for the LADY CllARLOTTIS ^•cket. Notick.—The Proprietors or the above Steam Packets live Notic; that they will not be aC(I)I.nt..hl, rl)r allY Pssener s LII¡!:a2:e. nor will they he answerable for %IIY Goods. Packages, or Parcels (if lost or damaged by Fire, l.eaka^e or otherwise) unless Booked at either their Olficcs at Cardilf or Bristol, if above the value of 40s., unless entered at its viiiiie, and Carriage in pic- P°rtion paid for the same, at the time of Booking.— Good consigned to order, or not taken away hcforc Six be warehoused at the risk and expense of the consignees All goods to he considered as liens, not ouly for freight *'til ch arges due thereon, Vint als:, for all previously u:i- **tislied Freight and Charges due by consignees to the of the said Packcts. Disputed weights measurement, claims for loss or damage,&c., cannot •'allowed, miles a written notice of (he same be sent to the Office on the day of Ielivery. arltanula. Life Assuranos Company. No. 1. PRINCE'S STREET, BANK, LONDON. CAPITAL O., MILLION. Strcciors. RarJgeft, lisq Robert Eglinton, Esq. Bevingfon, Esq Erasmus llobt. Foster, Esq, j'n. Fechney Black, Esq Alex. Robert Irvine, lisq. "J^hn Brightman, Esq Peter Morrison, Esq. Jjeorge Cohen, Esq William Shand, Jun., Esq, 'His Coventry, Esq Henry Lewis Smale, Esq •ohn Drewctt, Esq Thomas Tweed. Esq. aulin Drewett, Psq Thomas Tweed. Esq. fdrbic,it 0ffirrrss. 18'!1n Sims, M. D.—Ebenezer Smith, Esq., Surgeon. Solicitor* William Bevan, Esq., Old Jewry. ADVANTAGES OF THIS INSTITUTION. A most economical set of Tables composed exprefsly for the use of this Institution, from authentic and COlli. plete data. Increasing rates of Premium on a new and remark- Able plan, for securing loans or debts a less imme- "ite payment being required on a policy for the whole Itertn of life than in any othcrofTicc. .A Board of Directors in attcndancc daily at Two 'clock. Age of the Assured in every case admitted in the "olicy. -A1] claims payable within one month after proof of It& tt. "Eedical attendants remunerated in all cases for the -,epectg. frcn;<,nm per Cent per Annum payable during ji ■— j First Second Third Fouith Itemain- Age, J Five Five Five Five tier of | Years. YCIUS. Years. Years. Life. __1- £ s. d. £ d £ s. d. £ s d £ d. 20 1 1 4 1 5 10 I 10 II 1 Ifi 9| 2 3 8 30 ] i {>' I 12 2 1 19 1 2 7 4j 2 17 6 10 1 16 1 2 4 4 2 14 6 3 7 3; 4 3 4 2 IG ? 39445556 3jC 13 7 PETE ft -VI OH III SOS, Esq., Resident director, London AGENTS. ^EWTOUT Mr A.G. Jenkins. l'ItEDF.CAR IRON WORKS — W. F. Ireland. (!A P I)f FIF W. D I!o,vo,,d, Bank. MERTMVR TVDVIL —Walter Thompson Bank. HONTYI'OOL. -Steplieti Vernon, Bank ClltpsTovv —J. L. Baldwvn, Solicitor. Us K. AukrCaVENNv —J. Ililey Morgan.Stationer 'AION M(IUTII. W. Jiiki,is, Statioi,er. "TIU Y'S BALSAMIC F.klill.Y PILLS, the most safe and certain remedy ever discovered ?r affections o!" the kidneys, lumbago, weakness, irrita l'°n, and all diseases arising from local debility, fre- quently performing a perfi ct cure in the short space of a .few days. These Fills, having been employed IIlllpwartls J?/ 1,SOO casps in private prac ice, prior to be:ng adver *Pd, in many tliousand cases since, and til no one ins 8t1t\e known to lail, are s'roimly recommended as » fisr .efhcacious remedy than lalsain of copaiva, cubebs. at a% o,her iiie,icitie iii I)res(!IIL list* Pre ared only b, the lkrr&prictor, Nl. Wr;iv. Sold wholesale and retail ,reet; 3^4. Strand, one door from Catherine Street, -ger, 150. Oxfoid Street, Johnston. t).S Cornli ill "*e8srs Ba cU} and Sons, 95, Farring :o Street Bu le.r. • Chcapside and by ail respectable patent meilicim Renders in town and country, at 2s yd, 4s 6d. and 1 Is per <>x Advice given to pi r.-ons calling between the hours "W 11 and I in It,, mo iling and 7 all.1 9 in tiie evening. I Solli hy Jenk:us, Merlhyr f)l.Ivil.and Oowlail. J. GO L E M A N, CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, Opposite the Town Hall, CARDIFF, [J ESPECTFULLY hrjrs to cnll (he nltrnlion of t AOKICL"rTU«ISTS to his IMPROVED FLY POWDER, and SHEEP DIPPING COMPOS1- TION, for preventing the Scab Fly, an.1 Tick on Sbeep, and also to bis SC A H or SHAH OINTMENT; one application of which is all effectual cure for that I re- "alent disease. HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. N B. A well educated YOUTH (conversant wi'h the Welsh language), WANTED as an APPRENTICE. To Odd Fellows & Druid Lodges. JOSEPH 1*0 WELL, CARVER AND GILDER, Hiyh Street, Merthyr, and Neville Street, » Abergavenny, MANUFACTURER of Regalia, beautifully i' carved and gilt in various chaste attd elegant designs also manufacturer of frames f,)r Warrants. Emblems, fee., in a great variety of lich ornamental, gold. anil plain fancy wood patterns, pi, titre and gla>s frames new uilt, looking glasses silvered, prints and paintings mounted and fmm d. A new and splendid Uegalia for sale; may be seen in Merthyr for a few days. All letters to be addressed to th Boot Inn. Mti't 6 BRISTOL & EXEThR RAILWAY XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the LINEbetween IIBISTOL and BRIDGEW ATKR WILL BE OPENED for PllblicTraffieoll MONDAY, the 14th inst. Particulars of the Trains. Fares, &c may be had after Wednesday next, the 9th inst.. upon application at any of the Great Western Railway Sta- tions. or at Company's Offices in London, Bristol, and Bridgewater. By order of the Director-, CHAS. A. SAUNDERS,? THOS. OSLER, ) eCl. Great Western Railway office, Juue 4, 1841. TAFF VALE RAILWAY. r|^HK DIRECTORS IIro now remly to receive I TENDERS for LOANS of MONEY in sums of not less than £ 200, upon the security of Loan Notes to be issued under the Company's seal, bearing Interest at the rate of 6 Per Cent. per annum, payable half yearly, enti- tlin the lIolders to receive Mortgage ticheilt-ites of I be Company, deliverable in the month of February, 1843, or 1844. Tenders may be addressed to the Undcifigred, at the Company's Office, Cardiff, or to Messrs Giyn, Halifax Miils and Co., Bankers, London Mr William Mallard, 27, Smill Street, Biistol. JOSEPH BALL. Taff Vale Railway Office, Cardiff. Secretary, May 22d, IBit. TAFF V A L E~R A I L W A Y. Contract for Works. NOTICE IS HEREBY CHVEN, Hint the DI- RECTORS WILL MEET at their OFFICE, in CARDIFF, on TU ES D A Y, the 15th day of JUNE next, at Twelve o'CTock, to receive TENDERS for the execution of the following Works; viz :— LLANCAlACtf BRANCH, CONTRACTS No. 13 and 22 Being the completion of the excavation and formation of all the Cllttings and Embankments and the construction of all Bridges. Culverts, anil other Masonry, retaining Walls, and the entire completion, except the Ballasting and laying the permanent Rails of that portion of the Line extending from points in Fields numbered 39 and 4fi in the Parliamentary Plan in the Patish of Llanwynno, to a point in Field marked \o. 7. in the Parliamentary Plan in the Parish of Gelligaer, being a distance of about three and a half mile;. Drafts of the Contracts, with Plans and Specifications of the Wo-ks will be ready for inspection at the Engineer's OOicp. Maendv. near Cardiff, ou and after Thursday, the 10th liav of June next. Printed Forms of Tender jnay he had there, or at the. Company's Office, in Cardiff, and no other will be attended to. The parties whose Tenders are. accepted will be required to "liter into II bond with two Sureties for the due performance of thuir Contract, and the iiainf-s of the proposad Sureties are to be specified in the Tender. The Tenders must be delivered at the Office, in Cardiff, on or before Twelve, o'clock on the said 15th day of June, and the parties tendering, or persons du'y authorized by them, must be in attendance at the time of meeting. The Directors will not bind themselves to accept the lowest Tender. By Order of the Board, JOSEPH nw.r„ Railway Office, Cardiff, Secretary. June 4th, 1S41. JJ. SOIJTHAN and SON, General Carriers, REG to inform their Supporters and the Pub'ic S) that they have, in addition to their Conveyance by Water, made arrangements with the Birmingham and Clourester Railway Company, also with the Grand Ju: ction I'nil way Company, and Carriers upon other l ines, that will enable them to give that dispatch to Goods hit liei to not experienced, and in most cases without alteration of rates. H. S. and Son request their friends will be particnla-" n ordering their goods as tinder (Uy Grand Junction Hail- From Manchester or Liver- J way Company, to care I)otll °f Southan and Son, v Birmingham LceJs, Loughborough, Lci-l c(Ister, Nottiiigi,i tin, and Su-ton a,id Co. Derby ) Sheffied and Rotherham. Lister H udders field —Carver,Rovston,andCo. Halifax and Rochdale haac Smith B.irnsley an:! Wakefield. Risdale and Co. Bradford 11. and W. Firliz Birmingham — Southan and Son H. S. and Son's Sailing Vessels con'inue to ply between Gloucester and the tin ier Ports as follows — Newport, twice a Week. Newport Trader \V, J ad son, 1\1 a'er. Jane and Mary W.Guy Tredegar J. Gainev o J. IV. A gent. Cardiff, twice a Week. Cardiff Trader Barrett, Master. Halcyon. Benyon Minerva Knight G. C. Baylis, Agent. Neath, every Spring Tide. Bluclier I!. Washbourn, Master Abeona W. Ace — Swansea, every Fifth Day. Sarah J.Crocler. Master Belinda. D. Tanner W. Pocket, Agent. NOTICE,—The Grand Junction Railway Company are Carriers themselves, and Goods at Manchester or Liverpool intended for the above Conveyance should tie given into their cire, and not into that of any Carrier who may profess to be oil the line, many Goods havin been sent by Water that were intended for Conveyance hy Railway. Gloucester, April 22d, 1841. FOR SOFTENING THE SKIN AND IM PROVING THE COMPLEXION, r^ODFREY's EXTRACT of ELDI- R FLOWERS « stands unrivalled for its efficacy it completely eradi- cates Ian, P i m:. 11 s, !• n ekles, Re<ln«ss,and all Cutane- ous Imperfec:iotw; lenders the most Sallow Complexion delicately clear, and imparts to the Skin a pleasing and healthy appearance. In [lie process of shaving it i- III"al"ab!e. as it al1a\" the irritation and smarting paiii tiid renders the skin smooth and firm. It protects tin kin fmm the eff-cts of the coid winds and damp atmos %,ill be (nand heyolld all praise, to use as a ,1,,jlv Lotion on all occasions. Sold io !fOrJ3 price 2s 9d, with directions for isrnn it- hy ali ;es ;i etable Medicine Venders and Per- turners, POPULAR AND SUPERIOR PERIODICAL WORKS, PUBLISHING Bit GRATTAN AND GILBERT, 61, PATERNOSTER ROW, LONDON. JI{IIP trfgenls, by Appointment, 10 Her J\taje*ty # Board of Ordnance. BUNYAN'S PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, Gilbert'* splendid Pictorial Edition, with fcopious Nofrs and )D Life. To be completed in fourteen monthly Is Paits, illustrated by 120 fine Hngftvinga. Parts I to now ready. GILBERT'S MODERN ATL\S OF THE EARTH, in Monthly Parts, at Is fid. T).i< cheap and highl) approved Work will he completed in August. The Price including sixty Maps, with the descriptive letter piesi 1 31 (equal to 720 pages of an ordinary 8vo volume), by R iBiiliT MtlDIE, aud the alphabetical consulting Index, ol nearly 60.000 places, with their latitude and longitude, and the o. of the Map in which they are to be found j will be £ 2 17s, strongly bound in cloth or half bound Turkey morocco extra, £ 3 3s. An edition without the Index price X-2 10.. in cloth (irt2 15., halt Turkey morocco extra. P'UOH. VIEWS OF be completed in ten Parts, price only 2s per part. pach part containing threr large Drawings, s:ze 20 inches by 13J, with descriptive Letter Presi. Paits I and '2 now ready, containing tin President Steam Ship in A sto. m. the Merchant Free Trader, the Convict Hulk, the British Queen Strain Ship West Indi.tmen off Northfleet, and a Brig in Dry Dock. PRIOR'S DRAWING BOOK. each Part containing 4 pag,s of Diawinjjs and 2 of Letter PreSt Instruction*. T. be completed in twenty J'arts at 6d. The extraordinary demand the Publishers have received for these Works by "I PRIOR sufficiently prove how much such Publications, at a reasonable price, were needed by the Public. Parts I h 8 now ready. •"> GILnF.IT,)I.\J>SJJF. I HK COUNT4ES OF plan, with dcscrlffuve Letter Press the first part will appear shortly. A detailed Catalogue of G. and G.'s Maps, Miscellaneous Pnh irntions. the OrdnanA Survey of Englant and wilLs (including the Prices of the County Maps, and the Environs of the large lonu, issued hy thl Board), &c., may be had gratis by post, or through the booksellers, by whom Orders for the above l'ublications an received. Just Published, Price 2s6.1, rj.WENLLlAX; or, the SIEGE of KIDWELLY. A Tragedy, in five Acts, By E. ANDREWS, B.A. London: Longman and Co., Paternoster Row, and Chapman and Hall, Strand. CONSUMPTION C U LI A li L F. 30TH EDITION IMPROVED. A TREATISE ON AS'I H.YI A, CONSUMP- 'I ION, &c., shewing— 1. The dangers arising from neglect of a cold and cough, which precede an a'.tack of As- hma and Con- sumption. 2. That cases ill Asthma and Consumption have been cured after the patients had been abandoned by their medical attendants, incurable 3. That thete is no possibility of placing any limit to the powers of ihe living texture in s If restoration. 4. '1 bat diseases of the lung* may be absorbed during life, aud their healthy tex-tire be again restored. 5. That in no caso can the with propriety, be consideted beyond the means of cure. 6. I hat bleeding and a lowering diet are highly dan- gcrotisin I hese compLlints, and never did accomplish any benetical illtenrilltl, 7. That a nourishing diet, and a res ctative medical treatment arc the only means of curing these for- midable diseases 8. A few important cases of cures are recorded by way of proof or confirmation. By HENRY CONG:?EVE. Berger, Holywell Street, Strand, and all Booksellers and Newsmen. 16 closely prin:cd pages, price One Penny. GLAMORGANSHIRE- NOTICE IS HEREBY givev, that the ne* GENE •' AL QUVRTEIt SESSIONS of the PEACE for the said County will he holden at the GUILDHALL, in the Town of NEATH, On TUESDAY, the 29th day of JUNE next, at Eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, when and where all Jurors. Prosecutors,and Witnesses are required to attend. All \ppc ils and Traverses must be en'ered before the opening of the Conit; and the several parties thereto he prepared to proceed therewith. At ha'f pan Eleven o'Clock the Justices assembled will proceed to the business relating to the Assessment. Application, and illa. nagement of the County Stock. or I{"'e, and to the inter- nal regulations of the county. All Bills and Demands against the County Stock must be delivered into the office of the Clerk of the Peace fourteen days before the Sessions an 1 all costs given or allowed by the Court must he taxed at the same Sessions, or they will not afterwirdsbe allowed. The several acting Magistrates are requested to return all Depositions into the office ofilie Clerk of the Peace at Cardiff, on or before Friday, the Twenty-fifth day of June next. Cardiff, 27th May, WOOD, JSH. Clerk of Peace. GLAMORGANSHIRE. NOTICE is HEREBY GIVEN. That at n.e next GENERAL QUAIMI-R SESSIONS of the PEACE. to he lie 1 1 at N K A I H in and for the said County,on TU ESDA Y the 29:1. day of J UNnext, the Justices then and there assembled will, at the hour of Twelve o'clock at Noon of such day, proceed to take into consideration the provisions of an act made and passed in the thin: and fourth years of the reign of her present Majesty intituled An Act to Amend the Act for the Establishment of County and Histrict Constables," more particularly the expediency of dividing the County, or any part thereof, into police districts, to ,pp,,int c-)ii- s'ahtes for such districts, and io inter into such other res ilutious ai.d orders relating thereto as may be thought expedient. WOOD. Cler" of Peace. By adjournment from the Easter Sessions. Cai-(!iff,2-,ili May, 1811. BRECONSHIRE SESSION i. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the nex GENERAL QUA RTER SESSIONS of the PEACE for the County of Rreco i will he held at the SHIRE HALL, in BRECON in and for the said County on MONDAY, the 28th day of JUNE, 18-11, at one o'clock in the Afternoon, at Illicli hour and ulace the businc s relating to the Assessment, Application, or Management of the County Rate or Stock will commence. Grand and Petty J irors, Prosecutors, Appellants. lie- spondents and Wi.nes«e«. must attend on TUESDAY, the 29th day of JUNE, 1841, at Ten o'clock in the Forenoon. Depositions must he forwarded to the Clelk of the Peace Seven clear days before the Sessions, and,in all cases arising subsequently .immediately upon being taken. NOTICE IS HEREBY ALSO GIVEN, Irliat all persons havini; claims upon the County, in respect of work done and at-ticits furnished for the use of the County Gaol, must attend with their accounts before the Visiting Magistrates, at the Gaol. on Tuesday, the Twenty-second day of June, 1841, at Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon; and persons having Other claims upon the County, must attend with their accounts before the Magistrates, at the Shire Hall, Brecon, on Monday, the 28th day of June, 1841, at Ten o'clock in the I ore- noon, when such several accounts will be audited. AND NOTICE IS HEREBY LASTLY GIVEN' That all Cnsts of Prosrcutions to he allowed by th" County must be taxed at the same Sessions previous t" or during which they shall be incurred, or they will noc afterwaids be allowed Brecon, June 2d, 18U POWELL, Clerk of the Peace fvr the Cou ty of Brecon. BY SPECIAL APPOINTMENT TO HER MAJESTY, AND ALL T HE ROYAL FAMILY SCHWEPPE'S SODA and POTASS WATERS and Ai.{ \'f E D LE MO MADE The continued preference of the Public for the above celebrated preparations (notwithstanding the low price at which lmitatiom are vended) so abundantly proves their superior quality, that it ollly remains for the manu- facturets to express their acknowledgments and to caution consumer^ against an imposition frequently practised by unprincipled persons, filling SCHWEPPE'S bottles with a spurious composition, and passing it off as > OH EPPI-/S manufacture None are genuine without a label representing the name of their firm SCHWEPPE'S LIQUID MAGNESIA.—This elegan* solution is produced by the aid of their powerful machinery skil ully directed and consists of the purest distilled water. and the best carbonate of Magnesia. I his invaluable Alkali in the Jtttid form is so rapidly superse. mis its use in the solid state for cases of Gout. Gravel. Diseases of Children. Sea Sickness, &c avoiding, as it docs. the. injurious tendency of the latter to lodge and accumulate iu the bowels, that the Public attenti >n cannot he too often directed to the source where they may obtain the preparation ill the highest state or perfection. Manufactured at 51. Bcncis Stree', LondO'. and sold, wholesale, at their branch Manufactories in Liverpool, Bristol, and at I the London Pa:eut Vlrdicine Houses; and, ri-tail, by all respectable Semists and Patent Medicine Venders in Town aud Co iatry, Glamorg-anshire Canal Navigation. NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN. that a spr CI AL GENERAL MEETING or Assembly of the Company of Proprietors of the sai.l Navigation WILL B HELD at the CARDIFF ARMS INN, in the Town of CA^DiFF. in the County of GLAMOR. G IN. on WEDNESDAY, the 15th day of SEPTEM- BER next, at the hour of Eleven in the Forenoon, for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of advancing all or any of the Rates of Tonnage on the said Canal Navigation, and if so determined tcjjadvame all or any of them accordingly. \N IL Ll AVI CR \WStl AY, GEO. TIIOMlS, FIUNCIS CRAWSHVY, H g" RY C R A W SHAY, CH \S. C. WILLIAMS, THOS. REKCK. WM, MEYitlCK. Cardiff, June 2d, 1811. GLAMORGANSHIRE. 1to be 3LCt bV Auction, oil AT the NEW INN, in NEWBRIDGE, on WEDNESDAY, the 23d day of JUNE, 1S41, betw en die Ho ns of Three and Five in the Afternoon, unless previously Let by Piivate 'Treaty, of which due Notice will l.e given. The VIC A R1A L TI I'll ES of the Parishes of Lan- r asent, Aberdare, YstradyvoJwg, Lan.vonno, and Lalit. w in the said County. ) or father particulars apply (if by letter, prepaid) t.. Mr Edward Stephens, Attorney, Llandaff. o be JtolU tot) tJribate Contnut, V LARGE DWELLING HOUSE, situate on the TiJAM UO t D SIDE, opposite the Giiffin Inn, known hy thc Sign of the BLUE HELL, B iYN. MA W R. For further particulars apply to John Kelly, junior, Trince Albert Street, Merthyr. <JA U M A'.vT H ENSHIRE. To bt ollr b!? Urttoiite CJnttrart, \I.L tlint valuable jtnd improvable MESSUAGE, FARM and L\NDS, called Hit BF.DW.with th< Appurtenances, situate in the several i ari-ln s of Llangadock and Llanddeusant, in the said County I.f Carmarthen, in the occupation of Mr Thomas Penry. There are several Acres of Oak Coppice, and some thriving Plantations of Larch and Fir Trees on the Farm. The Farm is situate within a short distance of Lime and Coal has a right of Common on the Black Mountain, and is near the Turnpike Road leading from Llangadock to Neath. The Tenant, or Mr David Rees, junior, of Godrewain. in the said Parish of Llanddeusant, will show the Farm, and for further particulars apply to Mr John Rees. at Mr David Da vies'. Merchant, Ilir- wain; or to Messis Morgan and Evans, Solicitors, Llandovery. May 17th, 1841. MONMOUTHSHIRE and GLAMORGANSHIRE. 2To be III) JPribate coittract, LEASE for 21 Years, of which IS years are un- r\ expired.of the APPROPRIATE TITH'Sof the Parish of LANVAl t DISCO'), and the Hamlet of DIN II A M, in the County of MONMOUTH, and ahout 37 Acres of Arabic, Meadow, and Pasture LAND, situate in the. said Parish and Hamlet. The Tithes of Dinham have been commuted by voluntary agreement. and there is every probability of a voluntary commutation being immediately effected with respect to Lanvair; and the reserved rent is no more than £ 3 6s 15d. Also, a Concurrent Lease for 21 years, of the Appro- priate Tilhes of the several Parishes of Lanover, Mamilad, and, in the said Cotin-y. The Rent Charge in lieu of Tithrs for each of those Parishes has hern awarded by the Commissioners under the authority of the Tithe Commutation Aet, and the annual rent reserved by the Lease i1 onlv i"21 And also a Concurrent Lease for 21 Years, of several Dwelling Houses, and 16 Acres of excellent Land, situate in the Parish of Llandaff, in the said County of Glamorgan, at the annual rent of 1.1s 4d. These Leases are held under the Dean and Chanter of l landaff, and are renewable every seven years, on the payment of a moderate fine a favourable opportunity is thus afforded for a profitable invest- ment. For further particulars apply (post paid) to Edward Stephens, Esq., Solicitor, Llandaff. JONES'S Aperient and Antibilious Fills, FOR PREVENTING AND REMOVING STOMACH COM PLMNTS. ARISING FROM BILE, IN- DIGESTION, FLATULENCY, AND HABITUAL COS TIVEN ESS, &-c. &c. Prepared from the Original Prescr'pt!on of the laic W. Ll. Roberts, Esq M.D., Oakland. ''■MIESE PILLS, having experienced, during a t lon £ peiiod, the most satisfactory proof, a e strongly recommended as the best ni"dicine ever extant, for Bilious complaints, and the variou« disord/rs occasioned by Indigest on, s dentar) pursuits, &?.. 'The 15encficial effects produced by thes" Pdh. render them worthy the notice of the puhltc, as they ate ex. tremely well ca culated for those habits of body that aie c istive, will remove all diseases resulting from a con- fined state of the Bov.-ele, and Torpidity of the Liver, such as [lead Aches, Indigestion, Flatulence, Loss of Appe i e, Nausea, Wind, Spasms, Bilious Vomitings, Worms, Piles, Gravel, Pain in the Side (commonly turned Stitch), Rheumatism, Scorbutic Eruptions, Low- ncss of Spirits, &c. &c. Their operation is mild and effective, and unattended with that eshaustion, which very generally follows the ti e of miinv pil's of a Puigative quality, being fiee from any Calomel, the Pa'.ieut need not remain confined while taking them. N.B.— Persons of a fu!) hahit, who are subject to Head Ache, Gidd.nps{. Drowsiness. &c.. arising from too great a now of Blood to the llcad, will find these Pills particularly useful. PRKPARED ONLY BY ROBEHT ISAAC JONES, Chemist, Tre' Madoc. And Sold in Boxes Is 1.1d, and 2s 6d each, of whom also may be bad, Jones's Pectoral Cough Balsam, For COUGHS, COLDS. ASTHMAS, HOARSENESS. &c fee. Sold in 7-Jd, and Is Hd, Rottles. The Pills-S.,Id also by appointment, wholesale, by B. Yates and Co, 25, Budge Row, London; Evans. Son, and Co.. 41. Lord Street, Liverpool. Retailed by Messrs Ellis, Ban/or; W. P.Williams, obert Owen, Carnarvon Thomas Hughes, Pwllheli William Jones, Llanrnst; Roberts, Dolgelly Hughes, Amlwch; Roberts, Llangollen Joties, Coi-wen Parry. Llangefni GrifB lis and Roberts, Aberystwith Davies. Mertiivr Tydfil; Tartt, Mold; Jones, Halt; D. Lloyd. Fesliniog and by other respectable Mediciue Venders in the Principality. None are genuine but those which bear the Signature of Robert Isaa Jones," on the Government Stamp, VALE of GLAMORGAN. Co fit soltr fijj urtton, By Mr T. GLOVER, At the WYNDIiAM ARMS INN, in the Tovn of BRIDGEND, on SATURDAY, the 26th dav of JUNg Hill, bet ween the hours of Two and Four o'clock in the Afternoon, subject 10 such Conditions of Sale as shall be then produced, unless disposed of by Private Contract in the mean time, of which Notice will be given; ALL that MESSUAGE, FARM, IInd LANDS, called PENCOED FAfOI, situate in the parish of COYCHURCH. in the County of Glamorgan, consisting of a good Faim House, spacious Barn, Sta. bling, Beast Houses, Waggon House, and all other necessary Outbuildings. in the occupation of Thomas Leyshon, tenant at will, containing in the whole 60 Acres of excellent Arable. Meado-v, and Pasture Land. This Property is situate within a short distance of Lime and Coal, has a l ight of Common on all the Wastes in the Manors of Coity Anglia and Coity Wallia, and lies adjoining the Turijpike Road leading from Bridgend to Newbridge. The Kwenny River (so famed for its trout fishing) passes through the Farm. i. The Farm Buildings are nearly new, and the ii capable of being c inverted at a small expense into a Gentleman's Sporting Itox. I here is a Paek of Foxhounds, and one of Harriers, kept in the neighbourhood, distant from the post towns of Bridgend, six miles and from Cowbiidge, five miles. About Six Customary Acres of this Property arc of Copyhold Te)urr., and the alienation fine nominal, and the remainder of the property is Freehold. £ 1,000 of the Pviivbase Money may remain on mort- gage of the Estae. For further particulars apply to Mr Thomas Thomas, Solid tor. Swansea, or Mr Thomas Glover, of the same place, A tic-ioncer. BRECON 6 H IR E. VERY DESIRABLE FREEHOLD ESTATES FOR SALE, IN THE PARISHES OF Lf.ANGKNNY'ljAND LT.ANBEDER To be sroilf 1) 1) it c t i a it, By Mr HUGH JONES, At the B E t R INN, in the Town ( f CRtCKriOWnf f on T))U!tS:)tY, JON the 17th, IHI. at 0'1(' o'clock in the nf ernoon (unless disposed of ia the mean lime y Private Contract of which due Notic" will he given), and either in Lo's or together, as shall he agreed upon at the time of Sale, the foliowiui; very valuable aaJ compact Farms and Lauds viz., Lot L ALL tint FREEHOLD ESTATE, callol or known by the name of I'KN Y LAN, cons-stin^ of a good substantial Farm House, Barn, Bartons, Stable, and Outhouses, together with the Arable Meadow, Pasture, and Wood Lands, thereto adjoining and belonging, containing by a recent survey atid admea" surcnient IIIA 3R 2411, and lying within a rinj fence, in the occupation of Mi William Price, as Tenant at Will. Lot 2. All that FREEHOLD ESTATE, called or known by the name of PEN Y BON T, also consisting of a l'arin House, Barn, Bartons, Stable, and other Out Buildings, together with the Arable, Meadow, an.i Pasture Land and Coppice Wood, thereto adjoiuiug and belonging, and containing by a recent survey and ad- measurement 21A 1 R 31 P., and lying within a ring fence. also in the occupation of the slid William Pnce as Tenant at Will. The above two valuable Fum. are situate in the Parish s of Llangcnny and Llanbeder, in the C .usity of Breon iis-ant five m les from Abergavenny, and two from CricVhowell; they a join each other, and maybe occupied together or separately 'The Purchaser will he entitled to an unlimited right of Common over and upon the Sugar Loaf Mountain, and the other Commons within the Parishes of Llangenny and llanbeder. For a view of the Farms apply to the Tenant or Miss Lewis, of G'anus'c and for further particulars to Messrs Gabb and Secretan, Solicitors, Abergavenny; the Auc- tioneer, at Orecon or to Messr.4 Williams and Barker, Solicitors. Exchange, B, is: 01. Dated 20th May, ISI. Pil-' I? Illy Is 0 Purifying Specific Pills, Price 2, 9.1, 4s Cd, and lis per box (Observe, the signature of R. and L. PEqHY and Co., on the outside of each wrapper), ARE well known throughout Europe and America' t(> ,,e l'»e most certain at.d effectual cure ever dis- covered for every stage and symptom of the Venerea' Disease, in both sexes, including Gonorrhoea. Gleets, Secondary Symptoms, Strictures. Seminal Weakness. Deficiency, and all diseases of the Urinary Passages. with out loss of time, confinement, or hindrance from business. They have effected the most surprising cures, not onlv in recent and severe cases, but when salivation and all other means have failed and arc of the utmost import- ance to those afflicted with Scorbutic Affections, Erup'ions on any part of the body. Ulcerations,Scrofulous or Vene- real Tainr, being justv calculated to cleanse the blood from all foulness, counteract every morbid affection, and restore weak and emacipatcd constitutions to pristine health and vigour. 1 hey are particu'arly recommended to be taken before persons etiter into the matrimonial state, lest the indis- cretion's of a parent are the source of vex.ition to him the remainder of his existence by afflicting his innocent hut unfortunate offspring, with the evil eruptions of a ma' g. nant tendency, and a variety of other complaints, th", are most assuredly introduced by the same neglect and imprudence. Messrs PERRY expect when consulted by letter the usual Fee of One I'onnd, wit!iout w'nek. no notice whatever C.l;1 be taken of the Communication (postaqe pre paid). Patients are requested to be as minute as possible in the detail of their cases,-as to the duration of the COllI, pla.nt, the symptoms, age, habits of living, and general occupation. Medicines can be forwarded to any part of the world; no difficulty can occur, as they will bcsecuiely packed, and carefully protected from observation. THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRIACUM is intended to relieve those persons, who. by a i tm-no derate indulgence of their passions, have ruined their constitutions, or in thcir way to the consummation of that deplorable state are affected with any 01 those previous symptoms that betray it.; apprnach, a the various affec- tions of the nervous system, obstinate gleets, excesses, itregulaiity, obstructions, weaknesses, total impotency, barrenness, &c. A persev erance in its use has been the happy means of relieving many thousands, and of restor- ing a great number to the permmcnt enjoyment of life. It is remarkable for its efiicary in all disorders of the digestive organs, and is especially recommended to those, who. from the irregularities of youthful a;e, hahisof studious application, or a life of pleasure, have fallen into a despondent state of mind. and thst distressing train of symptoms commonly denominated the nervous. In such persons the mental are not le<s enfeeb ed than the cor- poreal, and to them a reoicdy that acts with efficacy, without interfering with domestic habits, is peculiarly desirable. Sold in Bottles, price lis each. or the quantity of four in one Family Bottle for 33s ( including .Messrs Perry and Co.'s. well known TlM-'ATISE on Secret Vice, &c..) by which one lis Bottle is saved. (Ooserve the signature of It. and L. PERRY aid Co on the outside of each wrapper.) The Five Pound Cases (the purchasing of which will be a saving of One Pound I weLe Shillings,) may be had as IIsual at 4, Great Charles Street. Birmingham, aud 44. Albion Street, Leeds, and Patients in the Country who require a course of this admirable medicine, should send Five Pounds by letter which wiil entitle them to the full benefit of such advantage. Messrs Perry and Co., Surgeons, may be consulted as usual at No. 4, Great Charles Street (four doors from Easy Row). Birmingham, and No. 44, Albion Street, Leeds. Only one personal \isit is required from a country patient to enable Messrs Perry and Cj. to give such advice as will be the means of effecting a permanent and effectual cure after all other means have pioved ineffectual. N.B.-Cotintry Druggists, Booksellers, Patent Medicine Venders, and every other shopkeeper, can he stipplied with any quantity of Perry's Puii ying Specific Pills and Cordial Balm of Syriacutn, with the usual allowance to the trade, by most of the principal wholesale Patent Medicinehousrs in London. Sol 1 by Jenkins, Mcithyr Tydvil and Dowlata. Woodhouse's Ethereal Essence of Ginger. TATRONS: Her Most Gracious Majesty. kin His Majesty the Kin; of the French. Hi» I'oy^l Highness the. I) ike of Cambridge, and a long Ii>t o: Nobility. Sir D. Davies, Physi an to their late Majesties. Dr J. Johnson, Physician to their late Majesties. J. Ff. C,irti,s. Atirie, tio ditto. Dr As iwell. Physician to Guy's Hospital. Professors l'ereira, Ptlchor, and Millard, And '208 of the m.'st eminent of the Faculty and by especial Pppointmi nt to bis late Mo.t Gracious Majesty, as the following letter fin, sir H Whe.nly testifies — '• St James Palace,2jth June, 1835. 66 S IR, I am honoured with the King's commanris to express his Majesty's seme of your polito atten- tion in sending the two Bottles of Ethereal Essence of Ginger. His Majesty has beeu pleased to direct me to forw rd you Ten Pounds in payment for the same. Enclosed you will find the amount. Lam, Sir, youts, obed., "To Ilr D. Wooihntite." II. WllEATtY. WooDHotlSIl's GINGER still maintains its superiority in affording instant relief in Cholera Morbus. Spasms, Cramps, Fia'ulence.Lanuour, sterics, Heartbu n, Loss of Appetite, Pa n and Oppression after Meals; alsothose Pains of the Stomach and Btwels which arise from Gotry Matulencies. Dii*i stion, however mu"h impaired, is restored to its pristine state by the use of this inv.iluab'e preparation, and the Proprietor ea nestly calls the atten- tion of every Family to its virtues, part cul.tilv at this «eason, when Loin the too free indulgence of fruit, the ^>ch and bowels become d'-ranged, and too fre quently (troui neglect) terminates in infi iinrnation nl the mos: f.ital consequences. Thts Ks-.ence is prepared solply hy E R. Gregory, Chemist. Church S rtet. Hack- ney am: So lit in Bottles, '2s fid, Is 6d, and (i lass Stoppered ones at 10s 6 J and 21s each (duty included)—where also m'lv be had Gregory's Family Pills-a iiv-st safe aid efficacioi s remedy for Bilious and Liver Complainls- :hev nnitlll r im:)a:r by time, or change by elimve, and may be taki it with perfect safety even hv the most deli- cate child—in boxes, Is ljd, 2s 9d, and 4- fid each. Ajjent for Mett'iyr and Dowlais—Mrs Jenkins. Under the Patronage of HER MAJESTY the Qoekn DOWAGER. His Majestv the KING OF THE BELGIANS, HIS MAJESTV THE KING OF THE FRENCH, HIS U(,VAL HIGHNESS THE DUKE op CAMBRIDGE, HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF Wh.LINGTON, And a long list of the Nobility and sanctioned by THE President or THE IIOVAI. COLLEGE OF PHY- SICIANS. XMnnaford's Pure Fluid Magfnosia GREATLY IMPROVED IN rffUrY AND CONDENSATION. rl'll E {front advantages of this elegant preparation t. are, that being in a Fluid State, aud pos ;es«in £ all the properties of Magnesia in general use, it is not lia Ie :0 funn dangerüns cOllrretion in thc bowels." It cor- rects Acidity and relit- Heartburn effectually, without injuring the coats of ifie Stoinacb." or producing any of those I;t,,ieiital)le evils resti:ting from the use of the Carbonates of Soda and Potash: i prevents the food of infants turning sour during digestion; it is very cseful in cases of Gout, Gravel, aud other co.iipl in's of the Bladder and under all cit c imstances it acts as a pleasing aperient peculiarly adapted for Females, particularly (lining pregnancy. and aties-;i-ions of tl)e purity and superiority of this prepira!ions have been re- ceived from the following eminent persons Sir Hftiry Haiford, B irt G.C.II President of the Royal Cilleg" of Physicians. U. Keate, Esq., F.R.S President of the Royal College of Su geons. O. I. Guthrie, T.sq F.R.S j| The la'e and former W. La vrance, Esq., F.U.S.. if Presidents. W. T. Brande, E.q, P. II.S., Professor of Chemis'rv, HOI al Instiution. I)r. I)aris. F.It.S., Attilioi- of the" Phumacologia," Str Charles Mansiield Ciarke, Bart., Physician to the Queen. Sir David Davies, K.C.B., Physician to the late King and the Queen Dowager. Dr. Gairdner, Physician to the Lock Hospital. Dr. Conquest, Physician to Hartbo!r,:riew's Hospi'al. Dr. Hawkins, Physician to the ,Middlesex ll. spital. I)r S,),itli,vo,)d S.iiitli, to t!ic l,oti(l(iii Fe% er Hospital. Ur. Ferguson, Physician to the King's College Hos- pital. Dr. Rigby, Physician to the Lying in Hospital. Dr. Hoisragon, Plnsiciaii to the Cheltenham Hospital. 1) r. D r. Dr. Yates, Physician to the Brighton llospi aI. Dr. Mac Cabc, Physician to the Cheltenham Hospital, and numerous others from t:ic in,),,t eminent invii in every patt of the United Kingdom. 'THE \CII>ULATED I.F.MON SYRCP, usua'lys Id with the Solution, makes the most delightful of Saline Draughts, and increases the aperient quality. Prepared by Dinneford, Family Chemist to her Ma. jesty the Queen Dowager and liis Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge. To b;t procured of the principal Chemists throughout the United Kingdom, N.B. — Purchasers will be careful to ask for DlNNE- FOP D'S FLU I D IIAGSESI A. To. milch care cannot be taken to avoid the substitution of impure preparations Tho e fabricated in Ireland, especially, ate very crude and imperfect tli y are imported into this country in leaden and other deleterious metallic vessels; their im- purity. too, may easily be detected by the TASTE, and is seen obvious to the SIGHT.



[No title]


LOCAL MA a ic i:i\s.

W . MOOX-SAGE. ■ r m