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Police Court News.I







Pontypridd's New Institute.



An October Wariiiing, The Autumn change of season carries with it danger to health. Most prudent people provide against the change of season in Spring by taking some sort of Spring Medicine. Autumn Medicine is at least as necessary: the blood, reduced and thinned by the Summer heats, needs enriching and purifying by building it up, giving it warmth and richness-not by purgatives, which only impoverish the blood more, but by ir" Dr. Williams'* Pink Pills for Pale People which make new, rich, red blood. They give strength and vigour to resist the Autumn chills, which otherwise bring back all the pains and discomforts of any special disorder we are liable to. They are a true Tonic. THE LIYER IN OCTOBER. j — — Autuma is a trying sea- ► EOn for Biuggi8h livers. < Uongestiori of the Liver and I The early chills retard J ft 4- III fl J Digestion; the cold October ] UciStriC UlCBr UUr@Cl. winds touch up" the ] — } Liver, and bring Influenza, Mr- Thnma8 Wxoo, who lives undtr the shadow of < the historic castle of Banaburgb, oa th« Northuin- J Liliousness, and Sallow j brian coast, told a reporter of the Newcastle Daily Skin. An irritable, nervous Journal the folio wing: t-t < at My age is now sixty-six, and I have been a » condition; prickly" goose- < gamekeeper for twentj-six years. Partly no doubt } flesh skin in early morn- through the effects oi aight-watching ia the early aj! Autumn to preserve the game, I grew so ill as to » ing; backache, and a coated recognise that there was something seriously w,-er> J tongue are sizfns that vou with m*. I have sjen eminent doctors in Newcastle, ► { Edinburgh, and Glasgow. The malady from which » need Autumn Medicine. I was suffering was of a two-fold character, namely, J Bn Williams:' Pirtlr Pille < Congested Liver and Gastric Ulcers. The pain was » Jcmn xuub, at times excruciating, and, being unable to retain | by enriching and warming J my fwd, my system was very much debilitated." m » J Well, and how dues it come about that yoa look > the blood and toning up the < so well and strong now ? askod the reporter. J entire system, will cure < "My daughter came from Newcastle to see me, ► and, of coarse, we talked about my hopeless cm- Influenza and give special dition. Suddenly she said, 4 Have you ever tried aid to weak Livers. They Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People ? know } < someone who has taken them and U a great deal J cure by removing the cause J better in consequence I will send you a box.' ► —not temporarily, like a She did, and I took some of the pills, and I can tell t you the benefit I derived from them has made a new purge, so that it all comes man of me. All the pain, weakness, and lack of i back later, but Perma- Gner»y g°o<N and 1 can now go about my work | J every day. ► nently. il D WIf Dr. Williams! Pink Pills ILLS for Pale People, FO"- ir AUE mu To avoid Substitutes, take oare te hippie, m ask for Dr. Williams'. OCTOBER RHEUMATISM, ;———— | Ifteumatism and Ulcers. in the joints and muscles: D „ l Mr- Abraham Baahford, of Ou'wood, Surrey, a the misery which chill air sturdy yeoman of the old type, boasts some sixfy-six > brings the" red hot. summers, and shows no mark of d-cay. The bur rev ► • < Lead* printed his remarkable story. [ needle pains of Sciatica; 01 I have not troubled tbe doctors very mu-h in the ► and the neuralgic head- J courseof mylife,"Said MrBashford'-but foor year, T x. « > < »go Rheumatism, from which I had suffered more K aches aggravated by Octo- 0r less for years, became very acute, an ulcer > ber winds, are CUTf i3D by developed in my light leg, and, with increasing J Swellings in both legs and accompanying weakness, » Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. 1 no one can teU the pain I suffer,d l had however, beard in several cases of the wonderful good don.-by | As a safeguard, those who Dr/WilIia™8'T a box of I>r. Vt diiama Pi»k Pill* in 1896 I telt have a tendency to rheu- J relief after the fourth day. For three months con- ► matism should take them ti^«d regularly, andat the end of tUt timo I was r a different man. Btdore I took the Pids my bodily ( before tho pains &efc in. J health, in consequence of the ulcer and tho swellings, They purify the blocd, and { £ as bad, but soon alter taking Dr. Williams' j Pink Pills my leg commenced to heal, and I have ► keep down the acid In it, < been much better in health ever since. Msystem » which is at the root of all Mema to be thoroughly cleansed. I>r. ,Yilliams' Pink » j Pills cured me of the Rheumatism from which I ► Rheumatio ailments.. < have suffered for years previously." > { As this case took place three years ad, it will be • BUT MIND YOU ASK 1 seen that the beneftcial and curative effects of Dr. ► Williams' Pink Pills are I'trnuinent, FOR DR. WILLI&M& RWILLIAM-S It. Dr. Williame Pink Pills TtVklMK ffi\\ for Pale People. IjjE^ f nhw avo^ Substitutes, Il 4/ see the Title (seven words) IWEOPUg, W) on Wrapper. LADIES IN OCTOBER j Woman of 48: Girl of 16. [ and ailments which, in the « a j.1. u. i I am 48," said Mrs. Banks, of Jock lx»dge, Wid- » Summer, tney thought to dington, Essex, "and I suppose at this time of life » have shaken off. Agonising one must expect illness. My nerves and b-irt were ► | also very weak, and I was a martyr to spasms. » pains in the baek, not due ( About two years ago .my daughter was suffering | to rheumatism, but to from Anaemia. It was through her that I took Dr. j < Williams' Pink Pills, and it is to these pills tb^t I another cause; headaches; < owe my cure. She had read in the paper that Dr. | breathleacsnass fatigue, J Williams' Pink Pills wo. e good for Ar semia, and got » a box. They did her so much good that she went { and a of weakness- back to her place before a month. At that time I J Dr. Williams' Pink Pills was as bad as I could bfl, suffering dreadfully with my bead, when my daughter said to me, Mother, | cura all these ailments by you shall try some of my pills!' I did not feel like ► giving new blood and mak- ) trying anything, but after a gocKl de^l of persuasion | — she got mo to take thern, and I had to admit tnat attei < > ing the old blood better. < the second dose I felt already better. I continued tog Takathsm as a precaution, -*ke them, and I have gradually picked up, until » ] now I am feeling quite myself. Neighbours who live > whenever you think you up in the village cannot help looking at me. and they 11 need hole, and so avoid tell me I am looking quite a new wo:nan. The » ,TTr- Other Sunday evening l w^ked two milr-s across the I pain, which, is ovon wttsr ( fields to church, a thing 1 uever expected to do [ than curing pain. Our I again. My youngest daughter, too, notions Ansemia. I gave her same of Dr. Will'ams I uik book, The Way to be < Pill3 for Pale peop]ei ?,nij fi&e has also now re-» ► Well (post free on appli- J covered. Look at her running across the grass j t tliorG i cation), contains special .«» hints on Ladies' Health. M D* WILLIAMS *WM Dr' Wi,l,ams' P,ni( Pi,,s f| 7IWNK gl\ .for Pale People. pi lrvf°T? fitir Price 2s- 9d- JOhi Boxes for 13s, 9d. Dr Williams' Pink Pills have cured paralysis, locomotor ataxy* rheumatism, and sciatica; also all diseases arising from impoverishment of tbe. blood, scrofula, rickets, chronio erysipelas, consumption of the bowels and lungS. anaemia pale and sallow complexion, general muscular weakaess, los3 of appetite, palpitations, pains in the back, nervous headache, and neuralgia early decay, all ladies' weaknesses and hysteria. These Pills are a tonic, a purgative. Sold by all chemists, and by Dr. WIllIams Medwme Comply' Holborn Viaduct, London, E,C.

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