Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

4 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



Vaynol House, Carnarvon. E M P CMR I U M FOR FOREIGN AND BRITISH SHAWLS BLONDS, RIBBONS, OROS DE NAPLES, H'8TRES, SATIN-TURQUF.3, THIBETS, CASHMERES, DAMASK-MERINOS, CX.OA3CXM-GS, PVRS, LACE, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Challes, Fancy Dresses, Foreign and Scotch worked Robes and Collars, FRENCH FLOWERS, &c. J. H U~~G H E S TAKES this early opportunity to repeat his most sincere and grateful thank* for the continually increasing patronage the Establishment receives, he begs to state that every exertion will be continued to maintain its character for supplying the best goods at such prices, as cannot fail to give satisfaction; at the same time having such an assortment of Articles for Family use, as well as the most elegant and tasteful Goods, for Drawing-room, Evening, or Walking Dress, that the London markets can furnish. J. H., therefore, confidently but respectfully solicits attention .j to this Establishment, being fully convinced that it will not yield in comparison (in evei*,»<«pect) to OMY in the provinces;' A FRESH SUPPLY Has just arrived of very rich Figured and Damasked CASHMERES, In most elegant Patterns. DURING THE WEEK A FURTHER SUPPLY OF RICH FUR FANCY CAPES, Will be reeeived. The Stock of GROS DE NAPLES and DUCAPES will be found complete, both Figured and Plain, in almost every shade of colour. J. H. Has also just received an Extensive Stock of "eulu f&ollatttrt* Noted as being the best make of Linen now manufactured. Atso, Sheetings, Quilts, Counterpanes, Towellings, Diapers, Dinner Napkins, and Table Linen, in every size, from 11 yards to 7 yards long; Furniture Chintzes, Moreens, Welsh Flannels, Toilet Covers and Fringes; and indeed this stock will comprise generally an assortment of every article that can be required in the Furnishing Department. Flannels, 4"c., supplied for Charities. J. H. Begs respectfully to intimate that, as a asrauu. unEKTAKSB, he supplies and conducts Funerals with the strictest regard to family arrangements, and the solemnity and decorum necessary ou such occasions. A most Extensive Stock of Articles for FAMILY MOURNING ALWAYS ON HAND. GENTLEMEN'S BEST HATS. Wett of England Clothe, Kerseys, Buckthint, and Fancy Cordr. Orders executed with the greatest care and punctuality. This Establishment presents almost a solitary exception to the prevailing system of placing different prices upon the same article; J. H., therefore, Batters himself that this fact does not need comment, more particularly applying when personal inspection is not atainable. Carnarvon, Jan. 6th, 1837. At Wjr Kon. GYFEILLION A CHYDWLADWYR, BYDDWCH yn mhen ychydig ddyddiau weithian yn cael eich galw i ddethol swyddog i eh personoli yn y Senedd neu'r BarHament, yr hon fraint sydd un o'r rhagor- iaethau mwyaf pwysig a fedda deiliaid unrhyw deyrnas neu wlad yn y byd canys os sefydlk yn y Parliament gyfreithiau ecu unrhyw bethan annymnnotgan, aea orthrymus ar,y werin; pwy biau'r bai ond y werin en hunain am ddethol gwyr anttghymhwysV'm pleidioa'u personoli ynot Gan hyny, ystyr- iwtn, pwyllwch yn'-ddifrif pa beth yrydyehynei wneuthur: nid yw yr aehos adim yn sefjll ar beth raor ffol a distadl ag i ddangos i'r byd wrth eich pleidleisiau presenol pa un svdd orev genych fel boneddwr ai Mr. Meyrick ynte Mr. Stanley; ond dyma y pwnc, egwyddorion Uyvodraethol pa un sydd oreu genych, ac yr ydych yn chwennych eu harddel, byvo o danynt, a chael o honoch eich rheoliganddynt ? Synais weled cynifer o gyfeiriadau atoch yn newyddiadur Bangor am yr 17eg a'r 24ain o'r mis hwn, i'r dyben o'ch llithio a'ch denu o'f neilldu beb gyf hwrdd agwreiddyn,sylwedd, y mater mwy nag y gw nai plant ymaflyd mewn dail poethiob* 1. Wele Meurigwr'' yn y maes yn naddu atoch mewn math 0 goeg-resymeg fasdardaidd, o ran yn bregeth ac o ran yn draeth- aurd-pen punt a chynffon dimai, gan geisio sicrhau fod eich •n wybodaeth o'r Saes'neg ar unwaith yn fantais&c yn anfantait i chwi—yn fantais, i'ch diogela rhag ysgrifeniadati diffaith, di- grefydd, didduw Paine a Cobbett, ac O'Connell," &c.—"yn anfantait na chawsoch y fraint oddarllen ainryw gyhoeddiadau Seis'nig rhagorol o blaid rwir grefydd," &c. Osgallech ddarllen y naill,onid allechddarlleny fieill, sef"ysgrifcniadau diffaith," &c.; felly nis gwyddysobaochry mae yfantolyntroi mewn per- thynas i'ch "anwybodaeth o'r Saes'neg!" Heb ddadl, rht- symwr gwan odiaethol ydyw Meurigwr; ac nid yw ronyn gwell wi pregethwr yn ei sylwadau ar y Bibl mewn fath amgylchiad ag ydyw lecsiwn. Y mae y Bihl yn dir rhy sanctaidd i sengyd arno mewn fath gwmni ag a geir mewn papysau newydd, yn enwedig pan yn traethu am dcilyttgdodati eu dewisolion i'r Senedd. Y mae llasgo y Bibl ar y fath achos megys gwledd Belshasar yn gumeuthur lleitri y dernl yn rhy gyffrcdin; yn halogi pethau cysegredig meibion Israel! Ond am sylw Meurigwr ar lythyr Diwygiwr" a gyhoeddwyd yn y Car- narvon Hcrala,' y mae yn euoge wyrdroad ystiywgar, annheg, wrth ystumio "ergyd" Diwygiwr yn erhyn y Toriaid fel pe buasai gwedi ei hamcanu yn erbyn Mr. Meyrick yn bersonol; nid felly yr oedd Diwygiwr" yn ergydio." Nid un aderyn oedd ganddo o'i flaen, ond haid o'r eryrod mwyaf ysglyfaethus erioed a oresgynasant y ddaear. Y Toriaid yn gyffredinol a gyhuddir gan •' Diwygiwr" o fod yn by w ar lygredigaeth," &c. ac felly y cydsynta cannoedd o filoedd a miliynau yn y deyrnas hon! Felly y cyd-dystla hanegyddiaeth ein gwlad, ansawdd ein trethi, a'n dyled wladol am 150 o flynyddau y bu Prydain o dan Iwgr-arweiniad a cham-reolaeth y Toriaid—y Toriaid a wnaethant ammod a chyngrair a'r Radicaliaid (Infidels didduw 11 Mearigwr") i droi Lord Grey o fod yn brif lywodraethwr. Dyma J blaid ag sydd yn awr mor uchel eu llefau yn erbyn y llyw»draethwyr presenol am dderbyn cynorthwy O'Connell a hyn yn erbyn y gwirionedd fel ag y bu raid i Lord Lyndhurst,Goliath y Toriaid, gydnabod ynLJys yr Arglwyddi: a dyma i Meurigwr" wirionedd i'wlyncu, os na wna'r fath ettron ag ydyw y gwirionedd sefyll yn ei wddf a'i dagu yn farw gelainf Ynol nyn y mae Meurigwr" yn chware y prophwyd yn nghyteh yr ail Gromwet:" ac nid yw ef wedi ei gynysgaeddu a gwell doniau a chymhwysderau i'r awydd hon nag sydd ganddo megys rbesymydd. Gwedi hyn y mae yn ymdderchafu ei hun yn Bab, oblegyd ei fod yn honi hawl i anffaelineb yn ei haeriad canlyool :_u O'r ddau &r bonheddig sydd yn ymgynnyg i'ch dewisiad, y mae un yn galw ei hun yn Ddiwygiwr; os yr un yw ei ddaliadau politicaidd a'r eiddo Diwygiwr yn y Carnarvon Herald' (fel y mae lie i feddwl eubod),yna yrun ydynt gan mwyaf ag eiddo O'Connell ei hun." Gwyr Mon, chwi a adwaenoch Mr. Stanley. Cof- iwch, cybuddwyd O'Connell o fod yn ysgrifenwr diffaith, d grefydd, diddwr! A fedrweh chwi fod mor gul eich meddyl- 4»<« a chredu yr ymuna Mr. Stanley yn naliadau politiraidd (chwaetharhcrefyddol)gyda dyn diffaith, digrefydd, didduw 1 Meurigwr," llynca dy gclwyddau dy hun, rhag cywilydd! onidd y mae genyt wyneb o bres, a chalon o blwm, i ddwyn y fath gyhuddiadau ysgeler yn erbyn dy gymydog y a hyny, fel Pab, ar sail dywodlyd anffaelineb dy ogan enllibus dy hun! Tydi yn son am y Bibl! am*' lyncu cclwyddauy meddyg, iacha dy hun, neu ymaith i'th fangre dy him., at gyhuddwr y brodyr, a thad y celwyddau! 2. Am ffregod drwstan I- Annibyawr," nid yw yn werth sylw f oddieidir yn unig ei ddatogan gigfranaidd am ryfel cartrefol, Uosgi tai a meddiannau," &c., fel pe na ba'i Mr. Stanley amgenach na rhyw gerpyn rheidus, tlawd, dirmygus, wedi ei godi o'r domen heb ddim ganddo i golli yn y galanastra ofnadwy sydd yn berwi yn nghelwrn ymenydd terfysglyd Annibynwr" ei hun. 3. Myn II Cydwladwr" ynte, druan, ei fympwy am Mr. Peel, yr hwn (eb efe) "a dynodd oddiar ysgwyddau yr Ymneillduwyr y baich o'r Teit and Corporation Acts," fyc. Ymneillduwyr Mon^ a ddichon i chwi oddef y fath beth ? neu, yn ngeiriau tra boneddigaidd Meurigwr," ei gyfaill, A ellwchchwi lyncu y fath gelwyddau ?" Onid Lord John Russell a ymwrolodd o'ch plaid: onid efe a'r Wbigs a orfododd Peel i'eh rhyddhau chwi o lyffetheiriau y Test and Corporation Act,r A raid moli Peel am wneuthur o'i anfodd drosoch ehtei yr hyn a wnaeth efe o'i wirfodd dros y Pabyddion?—i O'Connell ddiffaith, ddigrefydd, ddidduw,' a holl aelodau Eglwys Rhufain, "mam puteiniaid! Paham y diystyra "Cydwladwr" y '«gwehyddion a'r nyddwyr? onid yw eu harian hwy mor wertnfawr yn y dollfa wladol ag eiddo ereill? Paham cyfeirio at O'Connell tto gan Cydwladwr, ond i'r dyben i'ch llycad-dynu. fel pe ba'i Mr. Stanley yn rhwym wrth ei gyuffon ? Dimfloth beth! a phrofwyd drosodd a throsodd drachefn nad oes gan y lly wodraethwyr presenol nag am mod na rhwymau ag ef; eithr am araith O'Connell, yn nghylch effeithiau y Bibl ar fenywod Prydain, a'r enllib gwarthus 11 i'r blaid hon y mae Mr. Stanley yn perthyn.' A glywodd clust- iau erioed y fath gyhuddiadau creulon, disail, a mpudigedig Ni ddichon y galon anianol gyrhaeddyd gradd pellach, iselach, o genfigen, dygasedd, a bwriad drwg, na dyrhymyg ac editw y gwnai y fath foneddwr ag ydyw Mr. Stanley'* berthyn 1 blaid yr hwn sydd dan gyhuddiad o alw benywod Prydam (sc felly ei wraig, ei fam, a'i chwiorydd) yn buteiniaid!. gydag arfogaeth ddieflig o'r fath hon y mae Cydwladwr a I gydlafurwyr yn rhyfygu eich denu yn erbyn Mr. Stanley. Y mae y cableddau hyn, heblaw rhesymau gwladol, yn ddigon i beri i bob dyn gonest, rhinweddol, moetol, gilio oddiwrth y blaid a gefnoga y fath gelwy ddau gwarthus, a bod yn amtnheiius o bob peth a ddywedant ac a urnam. Gwyr Moo, pleiJlei!õiwch yo ol eich cydwybodau, heb ofni dyn, ac fat rhai yn ofni Duw. Jonawr 24, 1837* MARMION. V 7l,' ,'1., To be Let, A COTTAGE and GARDEN, situate witltin two miles of Dolgelley, in a delightful situation on the Bar- mouth road. containing on the first flour three parlours, two kitchens, and a pantry on the second, four bed-rooms, and three bed-rooms in the garret, and a large cellar below with coach-house, stable, and cow-house, and any quantity of land to forty acres. The neighbourhood abounds in fine rivers for angling. For further particulars. apply (if by letter, post-paid) to Mr. EDW ARD WILLIAMS, Berthlwyd, near Dotgelley or Mr. O. JONES, Maentwrog Inn. Maentwrog, 12'h Jan., 1837. LLANGEFNI. LEASEHOLD PREMISES. To be Sold by Private Contract, ALL that MESSUAGE or DWELLING HOUSE, with the YARD, OUTBUILDINGS, and APPURTE- NANCES thereto belonging, situate in the main street in the town of Llangefni, called or known by the name or sign of the COACH AND HORSES, now or late in the tenure or occu- pation of William Jones, his undertenants or assigns. The above premises are held by virtue of a Lease for the lives of three persons of the respective ages of 64,39, and 36 years, or thereabouts, at the reserved rent of £1 1.. per jpnnm — .*• -— — For further particulars, apply to Mr. 0. Owen, Solicitor, Gadlys, near Beaumaris. To be Sold by Auction, BY MR. T. ROWLANDS, At YSGUBOR WEN, near the town of Carnarvon, on Tfft'RS- DAY, the 9th day of FEBRUARY, 1837, at the hour of Eleven o'clock in the Forenoon, ALL the FARMING and other STOCK, the property of Mr. W. Buckingham, of the Castle Hotel, Carnarvon, who is retiring from business, consisting of five horses, one pony, two excellent cows on the eve of calving, one heifer one cart, one plough, one harrow, two sets of cart-horse gears; one large siack of hay and various useful agricultural implements, dairy utensils, &c. &e. W. BUCKINGHAM, of the Castle Hotel, Carnarvon, respectfully informs the Public, that in consequence of the pressiDg nature of his Mining Duties, he purposes retiring from the lnnkeeping Business. He feels grateful for the kind sup- port he has received since he entered upon it. He is anxious to treat with any Person wishing to embark in that Business to succeed him in the tenancy of the above Hotel, and for the transfer of his Stock, Furniture, and Fixtures, at a fair and reasonable valuation. The CASTLE HOTEL is delightfully situated in Castle- square, combines the comforts of a Domestic Establishment with facilities for commercial purposes; commands beautiful views of the Snowdonian range of mountains, Carnarvon Bay, Carnarvon Castle, &c. &c.; is in every respect a desirable situation for an investment, and may be entered upon bv the incoming tenant on a very moderate outlay of capital. There are excellent Lock-up Coach-houses, suitable Stabling, and two extensive Yards. Persons desirous to treat for the same are to apply to Mr. BUCKIon the premises. w QW y To Ship Builders, Timber Merchants, AND OTHERS. TO BE LET BY PUBLIC AUCTION, In the GUILD HALL of the BOROUGH of CARNARVON, on FRIDAY, the 10th day of FEBRUARY, 1837, at the hour of Twelve o'clock at noon, on such terms and conditions as shall be then and there produced ALL that PATENT SLIP, commodious QUAY, aud other PREMISES belonging thereto, the Properly of and in the present occupation of the Carnarvon Harbour Trustees, situate within the said Borough of Carnarvon the letting for the term of Seven Years ceitain, commencing with a date then to be fixed. The above premises are very eligible for Ship Carpenters, Timber Merchants, and others and an advantageous business might be carried on, as the trade of the Port is much increasing, and labour is cheap. The premises may he inspected at any time, and any appli- cations for further information, must be addressed (post-paid) to the Chairman of the Patent Slip Committee, Carnarvon, wbich will be immediately attended to. Carnarvon, Jan. 25th, 1837. 1. I II -f i;Kf tEtasg. —i .r THE CAT AND THE BOOT Or, an Improvement upon Mirrors. As I, one morning, shaving sat, For dinner time preparing, A dreadful howling from the Cat Set all the room a staring Sudden I turn'd—beheld a scene, I could not but delight in For in my Boot, so bright and clean. The Cat her,face was fighting. Bright was the Boot—its surface fair, In lustre nothing lacking I never saw one half so clear, Except by Warren's Blacking. ( Warren! that name shall last as long As beaux and belles shall dash on, Immortalized in every song That chaunts the praise of fashion. For, oh without his Blacking, all Attempts we may abolish To raise upon our Boots at all The least of jet or polish ). Surpris'd, its brilliancy I view'd With silenf admiration The glass that on the table stood WaxM dimly in its station. I took the boot, the glass displac'd, For soon I was aware, The latter only was diagrae'd Whene'er the boot was near. And quickly found that I could sbave Much better by its bloom Than any mirror that I have Within my drawing-room. Anu since that time I've often smil'd To think how Puss was frighten'd When at the boot she ttilgd and toil'd, By Warren's Blucking brighten'd. THIS EASY-SHINING A';D BRILLIANT BLACKING PREPARED BY 1l'onrtm; 30, STRAND, IONDOKI And may be had of the following Agents:— darnravon. Barker Jones Newtown. Rees Tremadoc. Chirk. Jones Potter & Co. Roberts Roberts Goodwin Tuffs Williams Whitehurst Davies Owen,Pool-st. Llangefni. Llangollen. Williams Rowland Davies Hughes Welshpool. Hughes Williams Vorwen. Griffith Roberts Owens Jones and Son Jones Dix Owen,Turf-sq-Jones Lewis Montgomery. Evans, Pool-st. Edwards Bala. Bostock Thomas Dew Jones Brown Pwllheli' Conway. Davies liishop s Cast It Williams Roberts Charles Bright Lewis Abergele. Dolgelley. Norton Williams Williams Otiver Kerry. Hughes Evans Hughes Clayton Bangor. Davies Williams and Llandtnatn. Brown Parry Davies TIKOTBS Rathbone Llanrwst. Richards and i.tanidtoes. Pritchard Williams Joues Davies Hughes Jones Owen Gwalchmay Roberts St. Asaph. Barmouth. Rhayader. Morris Owen Griffiths Davies Griffiths Davies Jones-Anwyl Williams Williams Hoskins Tuwyn. Machynlleth. .aeaumarta. Denbigh, Richards Owen {ones Roberts Owen ° C Roberts Humphreys Lloyd Jarrett and Sons Broadhead Holywell. Williams Roberts Jones LUnfair. Tratc^nydrf- Brighouse Humphreys Jarrett and S s Williams Vickere Kempster Aberystwyth• Owen Roberts Williams Davies Amlwch. Edisbtiry Llanymynach. Williams Koyston -Llansantffraid. Griffiths Jones Lewis Williams Broughton Owen And Sold in every Town in the Kingdom. LIQUID, in Bottles, and PASTE BLACKING, in Pots, at 6d.-12d.-and 18d. each. £ T BE PARTICULAR TO INQUIRE FOR WAR.REN S, 30, STRAND, 4LL OTHERS ARE COUNTERFEIT. TO THE GENTRY, CLERGY, AND ELECTORS OF THE COUNTY OF ANGLESEY. GENTLEMEN, IT is with no ordinary feelings of regret, that I make -M- known to you my intention to resign, shortly aftef the meeting of Parliament, the representation of this County enjoying, as I have every reason to believe, the confidence of a large portion of the constituency of the County, and having received no public intimation at least, that my conduct in Parliament has been otherwise than approved of by them. This step, may appear to many uncalled for, and by some immediate friends and supporters, unnecessary. The difficulty however, that I find in giving that close and constant attention on Parliament, which the mo- mentous questions, that now agitate the country, require, ami which the promises held out when I first offered ibysetf tfi VourNotice 6f representing you diligently, ns^st be exuectpd of mp I have determined tn rpcicrri hands that trust which you have twice confided in me, he duties of which, inability, not disinclination, pre- vent my discharging to my own satisfaction. With a grateful recollection of the support conferred upon me, and the kindness and good wishes expressed towards me by Electors of all shades in politics, I have the honour to be, Gentlemen, Your obedient Servant, It. WILLIAMS BULKELEY. Plasnewydd, Jan. 5th, 1837. TO THE GENTRY, CLERGY, AND FREEHOLDERS OF THE County of Anglesey. GENTLEMEN, THE unexpected intimation of our present worthy Member Sir R. 3. Williams Bulkeley, Bart.'s intention of retiring from the representation of this county is to me individually, and, I am assured to the Constitu- ency at large, a matter of surprise and regret. Upon the vacancy so soon likely to occur I am in- duced to offer myself to your countenance and support as a Candidate for the honour of representing this my native County, in Parliament. I have already received the most flattering marks of attention and regard in a Requisition signed by a numerous party of influential resident gentlemen. I pledge myself to no Ministry ;-to no party BUT where the Interests of our venerable Church Establish- ment, or the enjoyment of any religious toleration, or constitutional immunity, which it has been the strength and glory of this nation to confer, possess, or preserve, are at stake,-therc I at once profess myself thoroughly and unyieldingly Conservative. I have the Honour to be, Gentlemen, Your very faithful humble Servant, OWEN FULLER MEYRICK. Bodorgan, 28th December, 1836. TO THE Ck=NWM-V, r.T.r.P ftT. Ann 1UUBCTART OF THE COUNTY OF ANGLESEY. GUNTLEMEN, I HAVE hesitated to offer myself to your notice, wait- ing in hopes that some one of greater pretensions might be induced to come forward; also, that the wishes and the opinions of the county might become known. I have now been called upon with every assurance of the most cordial support by many Gentlemen, to whose opinions I owe much respect, and whose great stake and deep interest in the prosperity of this County, justly en- title their voices to some weight, to come forward m support of the principles of Liberal and Satisfactory Reform. In common with all I regret that a high and indepen- dent feeling of his duty towards you should deprive the County of Sir Richard Bulkeley's valuable services, being in every respect so well qualified from his high character to be your Representative. Of Mr. Meyrick I would speak with great personal respect, but I cannot reconcile his declaration of belonging to no party, with his conduct on every party question which has been agitated in this County, and I feel confident that the Electors of Anglesey will not give their support to any Candidate who is not prepared to advocate those searching and well-considered Reforms in all the institutions of our country, which are the best security against revolutionary projects and con- vulsions, that are alone to be dreaded from the reckless resistance of all those who have so exclusively assumed the title of Conservative. The limits of an address will not allow me to enter at length into all the questions of great public interest; but I shall be at all times ready to give any explanation of my opinions, and sliall take the earliest opportunity of personally visiring you, and soliciting your support. I have the honour to be. Gentlemen, Your obedient and humble Servant, WILLIAM OWEN STANLEY. Penrhos, Jan. 6th, 1837. AT FONEDDIGION, EGLWYSWYR, AC ETHOLWYR SWYDD rOB. FONEDDIGION, YR oeddwn yn lied betrusol o barth cynyg fy hun i'ch sylw, gan aros i ryw un o hawliau uwch gael ei dueddu i ddyfod yn ralaen; ac fel y gwybyddid ewylt- ysiau ac opiniynau y Sir. Galwyd amaf yn awr gyda phob sicrwydd o gymhorth gwresog gan luaws o Foneddigion, barnau pa rai a barch- af, a buddioldeb pa rai yn y Sir a deilynga bwysfawredd i'w lleisiau, i anturio rhagof i bleidio Diwygiad Rhydd a Boddlmwl. Yn unol gyda phawb, gofidiaf ddarfod i deimlad uchel ac atmibynol o'i ddyledswydd atoch chwi amddifadu y Sir o wasanaeth werthfawr Sir Richard Bulkeley, yr hwn oedd mor fedrus, yn mhob ystyriaeth o'i uchel gymeriad, i fod eich Cynrychiolwr. Dymunwn siarad am Mr. Meyrick gyda pharch personol, ond nis gallaf gymodi ei Adroddiad nad yw yu perthyn i un blaid, gyda'i ym. ddygiad ar bob cwestiwn pleidiol a gynhyrfid yn y Sir hon ac yr wyf yn hyderu na bydd i Etholwyr Men roddi eu cefnogaeth i unrhyw ymgeisiwr na bo yn barod i amddiffyn y Diwygiadau treiddiol a gwych-ystyriol hyny yn holl Sefydliadau ein Gwlad, y rhai ydynt y diogeliant goreu rhag Chwyldroadau, ag ydynt eu hunain i'w harswydo oddiwrth wrthwynebiad esgeulus yr holl riii a ymhonant yn yr enwad Ceidwedydd (Conservative). Nis goddefa terlynau y Cyfarchiad i mi helaethu ar yr holllgwestiynau gwladwriaethol; ond byedaf bob amser yn barod i roddi unrhyw eglurhado'm daliadau, achofleidiaf y cyfleusdra cyntaf i ymweled gyda chwi yn bersonol i erfyn am eich cynorthwy. Yr wyf yn cael yr anrhydedd o fod, Foneddigion, Eich ufudd a gostyngedig Wasanaetbydd, WILLIAM OWEN STANLEY. Penrhos, Ion. 6ed, 1837.

To the Electors of Anglesey.

Anglesey County Keettngr.
