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njieSTER DIOCESAN ASSOCIATIONS. ♦ ANNUAL MEETINGS. The annual meetings of the Chester Diocesan Associations were- held at the King s School, Chester, on Thursday. The Archdeacon of Chester presided, in the absence of the Bishop, and among those present at one or more of the meetings were Canons Gore, Moore, Hignett, Cooper Scott, Maitland Wood, Upperton, A. P. Holme, Symonds and Webb, the Revs. E. C. Lowndes, T. J. Evans, J. Melville RaIl. Trampleasurc. T. H. Sheriff. F. T. Stonex, J. D. Best, L. E. Owen, etc., General Mocatta, Messrs. BuLkelcy Allen. Allan J. Sykes, B. C. Roberts, R. H. Joynson, G. Barbour, D. A. V. Colt Williams. R. T. Richardson. J. R. Thomson, Grafton, G. R. Griffith. C. Coppack, etc. THE BISHOP'S COURAGEOUS CONDUCT. The Chairman announced that he had received a letter from Mr. Gatehouse, written from Tor- quay, in which he said:—'The anxiety which I, in common with many others, felt in respect to the Conference has been most happily dispelled by the very satisfactory result, which reflects great credit on all the work conected with the organisation. One thing which stands pre-eminent, and which will strengthen and encourage all true friends of the Church in tho diocese of Chester, as well as throughout the length and breadth of England, u the courageous and dignified attitude of the Bishop, which deserves, and I am quite sure has gained, the admiration and respect of everyone. His address, while characteristically courteous, was clear and fearless in the expression of his opinion on the several weighty matters on which he touched—evincing thereby his sense of the great importance of an earnest and calm consideration of the present situation, and also his desire to review it with aa absolutely unprejudiced mind, and with wluii, to the best of his judgment, is in the true interests of the Church and of the nation at this peculiar period in their history. I enter- tain a very strong opinion that the fact of tho conference being held in the borough of Birken- head—the largest town in the diocese—will produce most beneficsai result.?, in allaying the excitement of persons who have not had the advantage of I looking at thins" in their true light, and whose zeal is not according to their knowledge." FINANCE ASSOCIATION. The meeting of the Diocesan Finance Associa- tion was the first to be held. The Rev. J. Melville Hall (hon. secretary) read the thirty-first annual report, in which the committee stated that the receipts for the year were £3,530, against £4,7ó4 in the previous year. The total number of ehurchus and licensed rooms in which collections were made was 248 out of the 337 in the diocese, the number-for the previous five years being 259. 230, 237, 2o5. and 244. The number of schools which nad subscribed to the religious inspection fund during- the year was 131, as against 186 in the previous year. At the request of the Lord Bishop, the committee had accepted the trust of a fund given by Mrs. Twemlow, the interest of which was to be applied as an honorarium for future honorary canons on their appointment. The committee desired to place 0:1 record their sense of the servic(- rendered lay the late Canon Henry Ireland Blackbm-ne, as a deanery treasurer for considerably more than a quarter of a century. and of hi- liberality tu the diocesan institutions. They also lamented the loss which the Finance Association and the diocesan institutions, in com- mon with the whole diocese, had sustained by the sudden death of the Rev. R. J. Fairclough, for many years an active member of both the general and the sub-committees, and so justly valued as an inspector in religious knowledge, first as an assistant and for the last year as chief inspector. His clear judgment, practical commonsen-te. and devout loyal Cnurchmanship had often been a great assistance to both committees. It was most desirable that such an enthusiastic sense of diocesan fellowship should be aroused as should result in more liberal support being given to the Church's work in the diocese, for building more churches and mission .rooms, for increasing the number of clergy and lay readers, for the main- tenance of the Cnurch training colleges for masters and mistress?-, and for the inspection of school., in religious knowledge, At present the number of subscribers to the diocesan institutions, which existed for furthering these objects, is far belo's what it ought to be The committee, therefore. appealed to every Churchman and Churchwoman in the diocese to become a subscriber to one or more of the d-ocesar institutions, or to the un- appropriated fund. divided each year between them in proportion to their respective needs. The Chairman explained that the general com- mittee had passed resolutions of sympathj with Miss Fairelougn Mrs. Goldwyer Lewi*, from whom letters of acknowledgment had been re- ceived. In moving the adoption of the report and balance-sheet, the Archdeacon regretted that many of the. churches and licensed rooms in the diocese still did not contribute in the way of collections to the diocesan funds. In conclusion, he alluded to the appointment of Mr. New a.? the new religious inspector. Mr. Allan J. Syl;c > seconded, and the- proposition W2s cr!"lcd. Mr. R. H. Joynsc- proposed a vote of thanks to the clergy who had advocated the claims of the diocesan institutions, the deanery treasurers and secretaries, and the other honorary officers of the association and committee. He expressed the opinion that the laity, generally speaking, had not the slightest idea how much they owed the clergy, not only for their spiritual work, but also for the assistance they gave in financial matters in the various fjaVi-Iit's. Mr. George Barbour seconded, and Mr. D. A. V. Colt Williams supported the proposition, which was carf!ect. THE CLERGY AND EDUCATION. At the meeting of the Diocesan Board of Educa- tion, Canon Holme- submitted the annual report, in which the committee stated that in August Mr. Cox obtained the office of inspector under the Norfokc County Council Educational Committee. Having regard to the valuable services rendered by him as organising visitor in tho Chester diocese, a sum of money was raised a" a testimonial to him. Mr. R. T. Richardson kindly undertook to be treasurer of the fund, and eventually £152 was forwarded to Mr. Cox, and duly and gratefullv acknowledged by him. The diocesan inspection 111 religious knowledge had again suffered the loss of the head inspector, the Rev. K. J. Fairclough Those who knew him best would say that he ex- emplified in his life the Apostle's words—"stead- fast, immoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord. The Lord Bioiiop had appointed the J' Rev. J M. New to be head inspector in the place of Mr. Fairclough. At Chester Training College (the college for mc: thnre had been .in residence 13C2-03, 105 students. With regard to the examina- tion for the certificate, held in Aprii, 1903. this ye: calculating the percentage I of students in the fus): clasn, Chester stood first among the men's colleges. At the training college for women at Warrington the accommodation had been increased. The report concluded:—Even when we take into co nsideration the new develop- ment of the Diocesan Church Schools' Association, it will be seen that there is still a more necessarv and important work for the Diocesan Board of Education to fulfil. Amidst the many voice-. that are heard on all siÖe; dealing with questions of education, we must keep the listening ear for the I' voice of the One Authority. We cannot neglect that. We must, withdraw from the noise and dis- turbances in which we are obliged to take part, often perhaps with some exasperation. Let us sometimes commune with our ow:: hearts and in our chamber and be still. Then let us think of our children. To us how much more are thoy than mere subjects of educational experiments. Our One Authority took them up in His arm- and blessed them. His words remain and now receive new life. t. Feed mJ bmb." The Hon. Treasurer (Mr. J. R. Thomson) sub- mitted the balance-sheet, which shewed that the receipts during the YI1:' amounted to £ 750. The Chairman moved the adoption of the re- port and statement accounts. l\Ir. Richardson, seconding, said the Educa- tion Act had not put Church schools, as a, whole, in a more, secure posit-.on, as was rather supposed by outsiders. He 0 J not mean there wc-idd be more colls upon Cin:.c-.imen on account cf it. but it was more d-ffiouit to present the need-, of Church schools to Cu-. r:hmen than, it was before. It required zeal and energy on the part of Church- men to m-eet ihe requirements which were put on them if Church schools were to survive as they all hoped. He was very glad to hear of the suc- cess with which a had been started with a view of plTs0P:ing HLe fabrics of thpir schools. He urged Churchmen to contribute, and not only contribute, but contribute quickiy. They were very much indebted to those who had taker, the lead in that way because it. undoubtedly was very much a question of ir.c-aey; unless they had funds behind them they wete not in a secure position. Referring to the Education Committee, he ex- pressed the hope that in a Utile time they mi,tht see the importance cf more fully recognising the local managers He thought their action would be considerably modi5.ed in the future, for if the schools were to be managed we!! and in tiie inter- ests of the ch;ldr: it must be by the local managers on the and not by the central authority. Mr J. R Thcmsoa also recorded his deep sense of the* loss the diocese had sustained by the death of the Rev. R. J. Fatcx-lough. The Chairman alluding to what had boon Raid as to the possibility of their being thrust out of tlwir duties as managers of schools, d he ven- tured the other day a meeting of clergy to counsel that- they .should poss?» their &ouls in patience, and not. gire up their correspondence posts and duties as managers in a uff. because thev found they were not having quite as free a hand as thoy thought they ought to have. He felt .that at p'-esent it was the case of the new broern trying to very clean. He thought if thev would only hoid their hands they would j have, not the same power that they had, but sufficient to kindle ani keep alive their interests in the schools. < The proposition was carruxl. Canon Gore proposed that the Dean of Chester and Mr. R. T. Richardson be representatives of the Diocesan Board of Education to confer, when required, with the committee of the National Society. He pointed out with regard to their schools fhat they were trustees, and had no abso- lute liberty of their own They must act under the terms of their trust deeds. That was the "conscience" of Churchmen, and it rested in clear, easily stated facts. They were bound to go by their trust deeds, and those trust deeds laid down that the education given in their schools should be in accordance with the formularies of their Church. kAIpplause.) On the other hand, they ought to act not only with perfect justice, but a large amount of generosity towards those who differed from them. If there were any parents in existence who objected to their children being taught by them—he would not say they were ex- tinct an nials. because b -lid not think they ex- isted in former days; at any rate he had never mot them—in God's name let tnem do everything thev (ould not to have their children untaught, and not to send them to secular work while their Church children were receiving religious educa- tion but do everything they could to give facili- ties that they also might receive religious educa- tion according to the faith of thoir fathers. (Hear, hear) Thero was, however no need why they should relinquish the position with which they hac been entrusted, to which they must be faithful and see that Church teaching was given in Churcl schools. (Apphuso.) Something was said abou their possibly being discouraged by the new Act but he reminded them that the Act of 1870 re suited in an immense impetus to the energy o the Church in religious education, and urgco them to so present the Act of 1902 to Churchmen that they might feel their enthusiasm for Church education infinitely increase. (Applause.) He alluded with satisfaction to the fact that in a very short time £ 10,000 had been subscribed to their Church Schools' Association. Mr. Colt Williams and Canon Maitland Wood both advocated patience with regard to the Education Ait. Canon Gore's proposition was carried. SPIRITUAL AID SOCIETY. Canon Upperton read the report of tho Spiritual Aid Society, which shewed the income during the year was JB700 as against E695 in the previous year. During the year the committee had made 29 grants for lay readers. The amounts sub- scribed did not by any means correspond with the apparent ability to give. There was so much work that ought to be done, and the means pro- vided -were so very inadequate that any new method of rousing people to a sense of their re- sponsibility would be most cordially welcomed. Mr. Bulkeley Allen presented the statement of accounts, and on tho proposition of Canon Gore, seconded by Mr. B. C. Roberts, the report and statement of accounts were adopted. LAZY CHURCH-GOERS. Canon Upperton presented the Church Building Society's report, which shewed that the total re- oeipts during the year had been only JB292 against JE542 in the previous year. During the year the commit-fee had made two grants; one for the pur- chase of a site for a mission church, and one to- wards the building itself. They were pledged to pay grants to the amount of B400, and the largest of these— £ 300—was due almost directly. They were sore in need of increased support. Canon Hignett moved the adoption of the re- port and balance-sheet, and Mr. Barbour. in seconding, alluded to the necessity of providing Church accommodation for pl-cple who would not go long distances to church. Canon Moore (Stockport): People are so very lazy that they want a church brought to their very doorstep; they will not go a hundred yards. (Laughter and hear, hear.) The proposition was carried, and a vote of thanks to the Archdeaoon brought the series of useful meetings to a close.







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