Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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CHESTER TOWN COUNCIL. A raeeting of the Chester Town Council was (AJd on<iay> at the Town Hall, the Mayor iQfji', <?lin Jones) presiding. The attendance I Sheriff (Aid. J. M. Frost), Aldcr- ton \y Gilbert, R. Lamb, Dr. Hamil- L 'JT Vernon, Major Meredith, Messrs. D. Dutlou, G. Barlow. G. H M. <i Button, J. Percival G-amon, E. lidL Kynri-crsley, II. H. Lanceley, A. JT <S n Griffiths, J. Dodd, Ilcnry Dodd, T. 0Wen d T. Wick ham, A. K. &mith, E. r«- M. Gibbons, \Y. H. Griffith, T. A. <2! a-nies G. Frost, J. Owens, W. Ferguson,. k; W. Carr, II. W. King, Dr. T. S. TH LATE DR. STOLTERFOTH. letted f)vm Clerk (Air. J. H. Dickson) read a 0^ .f0111 Mrs. Srolterfoth aeknowiedging tbo Uje-nt o message of sympathy in her bereave UusjJ noed not say how willingly her late tQ s services were rendered, nor how ww were all the concerns of bis adopted Perb'. who'e life shewed this, and none, r~ knew it better than t-hoso with whom vorked in the Council. Aid T?R- R0BERRS'S HEALTH. 0^ ,rr' Robr-rtr wrote acknowledging the liis m ion of sympathy wi'lh him in W^nued iilno-ss. He added "The day I my inability to obey your ? m°ns I felt much boMer, and almost, border- Thu the frolicsome; but on the following terr kTa-V n'~ht I had a severe relapse, and a 1 night it was to mo.'1 T, THE KING'S BIRTHDAY. fi^0 Town CLcrk rwl a telegram received tjj. Lord Knollys expressing the King's s {° the Mayor and Corporation for their if„- cougTatukttians and good wishes an his iaJesty's birthday. LIBRARY COMMITTEE ELECTION. tA^ter was received from the hon. secretary V 14ia> ^?-t<;r Natuia! Science Socioty, stating committee of that body had nominated LibrJ. D. SiddaJI for the vacancy on the ary Committee.—This was approved. RATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION'S SUG- A GESTION. was rc'ac^ from Chester Rate- at to Association, calling atte.rit.ioii to stand- No. 59, which provides that any pro- -s, ^°r increase of salary to Corporation bo considered by the General Pur- Committee in the month of February, 0{ th-e same day ba submitted to a meeting tk ^°anc^ for its decision. It was pointed under the old standing order, No. 35, ail P^Porals, on being notified to the Coun- rned to tlie next meeting of the ijj • "1^' proposals being explicitly inserted tj^is Notice of summons to that meeting. In p wa.y the ratepayers had an opportunity to an opinion on such proposals before Wero finally dealt with, and it was respeet- ■sted that the new standing order Ifcrv,] J36 altered so as to allow a month's in- between the notification of the proposed Cn and tho decision of the Council. i}P n otion of Aid. Lamb, seconded by i"ihL Larlow, the letter was referred to tho Committee. A SALTNEY POSTAL DELIVERY. ,t,t, ^ti ^er was rcad from the Postmaster, inti- in older to afford the postman at y sonic lclief on Saturdays if, was pro- of th^^ ,tri csperimont, subject to the sanction ^Jiv iocal authority, to suspend tlie afternoon 'n Saltney for throe months,. Tho of letters, etc.. from Saltney would be --h.e llua,l om Saturday evenings. He afcked the Council approved of the proposed wnsaon. proposal was agreed' to. A«°N°UR TO THE RECORDER. AN CRESTING PIKJPOSAL. M.Y., &aid before proceeding with the he would like to mention that during ^bool ^°w weeks an ex-pupil of the Art Ste.Ven Groivenoo- Museum (Mr. J. A. lloratio r i preparing a bust of Sir intention'T°y^» Recorder; and it was his oast of tk P'eisent to the Recorder a plaster hus^ anl6^ USt" May°r) *iar^ 11 ,1C that'jf oouid say without exaggeration an exoeedingly good likeness of the r' occurred to him that this l>e & favourab/e opporfunity for scjcuririg" I ^^t of tho bust to be placed in tho Town «*> R au.-se.) He had already consulted "dbr, who was pletuscd to give1 his con- b to their taking steps to obtain a oast in ^r £ u°: °r .marble, as they thought best. Sir Covm wishf-d him to distinotly state to tlie toot |kU ^Ult w"hcn lie sat for thp bust he had ^>r^sen? rc'mo>cst idea that it would lead to tho Sir Jj PIOP°saI. They would all agree that Sornf, 0ra5i°'s connection with the city Vv'as in ^eo '']<S^) cts urii'llK'. He had been for 42 vears tw"i r; was the youngest Recorder at aPPa'n'mrnt, and he had the Iq fjia'1,011 °f senior Recorder to-day. tix^vi otner ways he had been a most ee- it ?, c"i"'Zon, and he (tJie Mayor) felt sure ho the Council's pleasur? to liave some fay a r.'a °f his conneotion with tho city. So cw, tliere was none in existence at On +Ln^ °^her than the inscription of his namo board in the comm.t ice-room. He moved na,„SI Hal] commit'ee be appointed to carry I'D-Liit proposal into offcct,. He believed luad oost of a bronzo cast. would be about £50, l1 of a marble cast about £ 80, but he did not tion k tile cost need enter into their considera- I anJ" money required would be easily ♦isj0n She-riff seconded. He thought the pro- fc»oUs such a memorial would be the unani- titij^ n°t only of the Council, but of the large. Having seen tho bust, he l&Hj tho Council tliait it was an oxoel- and worthy of a. position in the attid lIaJl. It had been moddled by a Clieetcr who smarted his career at tlie G rosvenor 'or ^jUrn- They were indebted to the Mayor in initiating the movement. Lamb aleo heartily endorsed the 6ug- ^nd tlie resolution was carried umjii- Mr. jj' Mayor, tho ex-Mayor, the Sheriff, bc-i Hewitt, Aid. Churton and Aid. Vcr- ^OTe^S appointed to act on the committee O ALDERMEN BE ABOLISHED? Te IRoberts cnticised the aetaon of hi low r, Jlall and Parliamentary Committee "°iX)U no order upon a resolution from the of Blackpool in favour of altering the ^'Ir,, lr!? ^tem of electing and re-elocting f'ri °f a borough in order to place the %-v within tire power of the burgesses of °'c borough. Ho mo\ef] that the min- I ^ferrod back to t he committee in tho lution the Coimo! 1 might support, tho rrwo- JHojj "^he present system of electing a'der- Dqv, and very unfair to the ratc- 1t¡ U;' Let the ratepayers be given a voice ted aj, °W"tioiis. When gentlemen were olec- <JOrri(l (hey did not always agree to be- Giadf, y°rc- and he thought it ought to be Vii'jj 3 Slne qua non that an alderman should he to "Z to offer his services when called upon Mr ti7 Mayor. b-v • Cai r weotided, and the amendment, Mr !ng put to ('h \'01:10, was lost. t. H. Lance'ey then moved "That this V0 ^idoi'.e the resolution adopted by the to tlie effect tliat in the Pal c_ °' this Council all members of munici- |he ^'auon. should be< directly elected by .Payers, and that the officc of alderman (This resolution had also been ^<>ot n„ tl:<> Town Hall Committee, who «nlw Mr. Lanceley said ho wanted °ip.e ° ^^P'11'0" of the Council on the prin- khow m tho resolution. Ho did not aa^Te was much fault, to find with alder- of fu y kr'C!W ',n io-day, but the aldor- Tible lot. 1 Pa*ct got this old city into a ter- I rawJ* trouh'e, and the present Council ^-day. ^T'1"19 worc having to pay the penalty • °w" that lrKvmlx>rs of the Council would ^quititv r ,y werc :av'!1S Pay for the 0f aldermen in years gone by to the 5*Ple of a yoar. He thought that tho prin- ^n^ ffi,m^r of an authority like this People' l'>r ^K> people and responsible to Lr- Qr-f_.Was 0119 they ought to support, the 'b, in sceonding, said lie considered °"?ht to i a'lderma:i was reiy antiquated, and 'Pile a abolibhed. 13, the Mayc>r'iaai' was defeated by 14 votes to are i^athej. f0n^le^arking amid laughter, "Wo TAXATTrvS. aldermen yet, it seems." ■ Mr. R. jj OF LAND VALUES. minute of the ley called attentdon to a Committee, Hal1 and Parliamentary regard to a 110 order was made in tibe United CoaMnitteo of the Leagues for the Taxation of Lano Values, suggesting that the Council should con- sider the urgency of passing a resolution in favour of their declared policy on the taxation of land values. lIe moved an amendment that the Council approve of the suggestion contained in the letter. The Council had on three; pre- vious occasions adopted the principle, and ho could not understand the committee's action. Mr. W. Cair seconded, and said that if all municipalities were to pass a similar resolution it would materially strengthen the hands of tlie Government, in passing their measure. Tho Mayor said there was no doubt, that the Council had on two or three occasions given its support to the principle of this measure. The resolution supporting the Government's measure was carried. CHESTER SEWAGE WORKS. PURITY OF EFFLUENT. REASSURING NEWS. In his most recent report, the superintendent of the Chester Sewage Works eiates: Five weeks ago I introduced some river fish (roach) into a small tank through which the final effluent, from all the filters parses before being discharged into the river. The fiish have grown consider- ably larger, and arc quite healthy, despite the restricted space in which they are confined. The sewage not treated on the new works is mixed with a little lime and allowed to deposit, eolid matter in the old low and high level tanks before being discharged into the river." Alderman Vernon, moving- the confirmation ot the Sewering Committee's proceedings, said the report of the superintendent of the sewage works ought to remove any existing prejudice in the public mind against thcee works. It would be seen very plainly from the report theit all they now required at the, works, so far as they were able to judge at present, was an in- crJlaSOO area of filters. Proceeding, Alderman Verncri exhibited before the Council two: eamplee of sewage effluent which had been taken that morning. One was taken as it came from the filters, and the other had not been filtered. Both appe-ared remarkably clear, the former being scarcely distinguishable. from a sample of the river water which Alderman Vernon exhibited at the eame time. He ex- plained that a mixture of the two was discharged into the river. The state of those samples ought, he thought, to satisfy them that at any rato the works were not, the failure they were represented to be. As the report, shewed, fish had been living in tho effluent for two months, and were improving. The Mayor: Do they get any bigger? (Laughter.) Alderman Vernon: Yes, they are growing bigger, so that there is evidently something in the effluent that euiits the fish. The etfluenit in going through the filters, is thoroughly aerated, and the oxygen with which the effluent is thus filled, no doubt enables the fish to live and thrive Mr. R. T. Wiokham seconded the confirma- tion of the minutes. Mr. T. Mills: I thought that having regard to the approach of the festive seaeon wo were to be treated to a conjuring exhibition and I expected the worthy alderman to produce a gold fish from under his coat sleeve. (Laugh- ter.) Proceeding, Mr. Mills said he was con- fident that 'he woris were not the failure they anticipated they were going to be. They were not absolutely a success, and he would not hold out any false hopes that they would be ade- quate to deal with the whole of the sewage of the city and the sewage of Christlotoai, whidh they had taken over. But they were doing better with the works than he at one time anticipated. It was satisfactory that coarse fish had been living for two months in the effluent, 1100 Alderman Hamilton had said he was quite prepared to eat the fish, when pmporiy cooked, without medical examination. (Laughter.) He Wab glad that the Council might now tako heart of graoc, and not have to entirely rebuild the sewage works. Replying to Dr. Griffith, Alderman Vernon said the committee thought it was unfortunate that the polaiite was ever put in the low level filter. The only stoppage in the proper work- ing of th.o filter was where tho po-lar-ite and ashes miixed, the part filling with a gluey substance that would not let the sewage pass through. Consequently, they were not sending through those filters anything like the quan- t-ity they were cending through the top filters, which ha i no polarite. The committee were new subjecting them to experiments, one with clinkers and one with broken stones or maca- dam. Ho had every reason to believe they would produce as good an effluent from those filters after they had been altered, as they had from the top level filters. If so the filters would be sufficient to deal with a million and a half gallons of sewage. Mr. T. Mills said hithorto nobody hod taken the troubla to find out what the polarite was or ivw not doing. Polarite was like some public men; it hai a great reputation for use- fulness, bint it did not desoT-Me it. (Laughter.) The committee, iu their wisdom, had thought fit 1.0 discard it; they ought never to havo been so silly as to buy it and leave it untl they found tlie lower filters ponding without ascertaining the reason by investigation. Polarite was not a filtering subetanoe, and he was glad it had been removed. Replying to Dr Mann, Alderman Vernon raid the committee docided only a fortnight ago to have the filters emptied. Alderman Lamb asked whether the deficiency in the filtering area meant a duplication of the present filter. Alderman Vernon: Yes. You must remem- ber that your system is eleven years old. Sinco it was designed a great, deal had been learned by Major Tullooh and everybody who has studied the matter. Major Tullooh was so im- pressed with his plan, and he so impressed the Local Government Board, that they allowed him to construct the works with a filtering area one-third lees than has been allowed in other places. If he had done what the Local Government. Board might nave compelled him to do, he would have provided a filtering area three times as large. Continuing. Alderman Vernon pointed out that the works had a much smaller filtration area than those of other towns of similar size. He hoped they would not want more than three acres more, and that the cost would not bo more than £ 20,000. The minutes were confirmed. MARKET HOURS. Mr. George Barlow moved a recommenda- tion of the Markets and Baths Committee, that the following special regulations be made, viz., that during the winter months—29th Sep- tember to 25th March, inclusive—the Public Market be closed at the following hours, viz., Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays, at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at 2.30 p.m. Fridays at 9 p.m. and 'ftaturdnys at 11 p.m. In :eply to Colonel T. J. Smith, Mr. Barlow said these regulations were approved by every market tenant but one. Colonel Smith If one dissents I don't think it ought to be done. A man ought not to be compelled to close his shop if he does not wish to Mr. Barlow ho believed that, since the petition came before the committee the tenant in question had agreed to fall in with the others. Mr. T. Mills said the Act of Parliament was practically against Mr. Smith's opinion. The Corporation were only acting in the spirit of the Act. The rec;o.-nineiidwtion was confirmed. LODGING-HOUSE REGULATIONS. MR. HEWITT'S CRITICISM. Alderman Hamilton (chairman) moved that the Public Heedth Committee's draft bye-laws relating to common lodg-ing-hoiiaes be ap- proved and submitted to the Local Government Board. Mr. John Griffiths moved that the bye-laws be referred back for the addition of five bye-laws which tho committee had struck out. The paragraphs in question dealt with tho area of rooms and regulations as to building. He unde>r0tood there was some doubt in tlie mind of the Town Clerk as to whether the particular bye-laws would b3 approved by the Local Government Board, although the medical officer had stated it would be a distinct advan- tage if the Corporation could get them. They should not anticipate the action of the Loeul Government Board. Dr. Griffith seconded. M-r. Milltf supported, and remarked it was not sufficient to say that no municipality had previously bad the temerity to aek for any- thing so drastic as the excluded bye-laws. They ought to throw the responsibility af re- jeeting the bye-laws on the Local Government, Board. Surely, if every municipality had not the courage of their convictions, they would not make any progress at all in sanitary science. Who knew of any improvements be- ing originated by the Local Government Board? (Laughter.) If the Board saw those bye-laws, they might possibly adopt them and make them compulsory everywhere. Dr. King supported the amendment. Mr. Hewitt, referring to one of the bye-Jaws, asked what was the use of an iron ladder to a storey house. The object of tho Public Health Committee was to wipe out all the lodging-houses in Chester, and to substitute model lodging-houses. They wanted to have a model lodging-house at the cost of the rate- payers, a huge thing something like a work- house, and about as costly on experiment. The amendment was lost by IS votes to 10. Another amendment by Mr. H. B. Dutton, seconded by Mr. Reynolds, that the bye-laws should be considered in General Purposes Committee, was also defeated by 20 votes to 10. CHESTER SLUM AREAS. At a recent special meeting, the Public Health Committee resolved—"That in the opinion of this Committee; it is advisable to proceed under Part It. of the Hous- ing of the Working Classes Act, 18JO, for the purpose of dealing with tho insanitary properties in the area under discussion by way of closing orders, and orders for pulling down obstructive buildings and that the Medical Officer of Health be instructed to present, in December, a detailed report on such properties with his recommenda- tions for the purpose of carrying out the Committee's intentions." Mr. Mills said great bodies and bodies of great density moved slowly. He did not know whether it was because of their greatness or their density that the committee were moving slowly. He wanted to know when the Council might reason- ably expect the committee to make up their minds as to what was necessary in the slum areas in the city. Dr. Hamilton said the Health Committee were waiting for a report from Dr. Thomas before they took any further definite action. He had been so very busy with the diphtheria epidemic that it was impossible to get the work done. Dr. Thomas had also been unable to obtain the special assistance which he required and which he had been authorised to obtain. A SINISTER SUGGESTION. Dr. Griffith asked whether some of the people living in certain areas had been turned out of their houses in consequence of having given particulars of their houses to Corporation officials. Mr. Mills: Shame! Alderman Hamilton: I cannot say. I have no knowledge of that. Mr. Lancelev: Is it a fact that the Public Health Committee do not propose to consider the report which the medical officer has already made to them until he has pursued further investigations with the assistance of the inspector of nuisances? Alderman Hamilton: That is so. Mr. Lancelcy: That looks like deliberated delay. (Cries of "No, no.") Dr. Mann: May I remind Mr. Lanoeley that we have considered the report of the medical officer, and as a result of that consideration we are bound to get another report and wo are waiting for that report? Mr. Lanceley: It docs not say on the minute that you have considered it. Mr. J. Griffiths said it was unfortunate that the minutes did not convey what the committee had done. It wzls distinctly unfair to the com- mittee to suggest, that the caution they were very property exercising was deliberated delay. They wero asking simply for fuller and more complete information, and he hoped Mr. Lanceley would take the assurance of the chair- man and deputy chairman that the committee were fully alive to their responsibility. Mr. Lanceley: I am quite prepared to do that, but Mr. Griffiths has justified the position I took. The minutes do not make it clear that the com- mittee have had before them Dr. Thomas's report. Mr. Carr drew attention to the committee's resolution regarding the adoption of the second part of the Housing of the Working Classes Act, and said he understood no steps had yet been taken. He complained that there had been too much delay. The medical officer bad had too much to do for one pair of hands, and the time would come when that would be proved, not only to the Council but to the citizens in general. The question was such an important one and such a burning one, and it had been before the Council so often, and the Housing Committee had been treated in such a way that that com- mittee cast off all further responsibility and left it entirely on the shoulders of the Health Com- mittee and on those who had obstructed the Housing Committee in the work which they were anxious to carry out. (Hear, hear.) That was the position he took up ae chairman of the Housing Committee, and he thought the mem- bers of that committee would agree that they had done all they possibly could, and it now lay with the Health Committee to see the matter pushed forward more urgently. Alderman Hamilton replied that it was eo serious a question that the committee were pro- ceeding deliberately. It was a very large ques- tion, and likely to be a very expensive one when they took action. The Mayor said it was distinctly understood that the medical officer's report could not be prepared for presentation until the end of December, although he had pressed that the scheme should be formulated in time for that Council meeting. It had been shewn that that was absolutely impossible and impracticable. The first report, had been a private and confidential one to the members of the Health Committee, and it would be evident to every member of the Council that it would have been impolitic to disclose all the statements made in that report. The committee had come to a resolution, a part of which involved the presentation of another I report, and the medical officer would report as soon as he was in a position to do eo. ISOLATION HOSPITAL MATRON. At a meeting of the Public Health Committee on December 3rd it was reported that there were 46 patients in the hospital, 16 being cases of scarlet fover and 30 of diphtheria. On the 10th December the Public Health Committee accepted the re- signation of Miss McArdle, the matron, in consequence of her having been appointed Lady Superintendent of St. Laurence's Home, Dublin. The committee expressed their high appreciation of her services. Dr. King asked the chairman of the committee who would make the new appointment. Alderman Hamilton: The appointment is by tho committee. STREET IMPROVEMENT. The Council adopted a recommendation by the Improvement Committee for the making of James-street, off Brook-street, the expenses to be apportioned on the owners concerned. THE CORPORATION ESTATE. The Sheriff, on behalf of the Improvement Committee, moved that the committee be authorised to contribute the sum of J358. 10s. towards the capital cost of extending the Water- works Company's main from near the Isolation Hospital along Sealand-road and the Higher Ferry-lane to the Ferry. Mr. Mills: What is the annual value of the property that you are going to provide with water? The Sheriff: You cannot expect us to answer such questions. Mr. Mil's retorted that the Improvement, Com- mittee, in coming to the Council with that recommendation, should be in a position to tell them the rental of the property to be supplied with water. It might be a question whether it was cheaper to sell the property than to supply the water. The, Sheriff said they had had that informa- tion before them, but the matter had been before them for months. The Mayor eaid the scheme was practically the provision of water for the whole of the Sealand estate, and that meant three farms and some half-dozen cottages at Higher Ferry. The pipo would be parsed along the Higher Ferry- lane, and would branch off to the farms. Mr. Mille asked if it was not within the Mayor's knowledge that the large rate-paying property had been already supplied with water, and that the whole of the cost in that recommendation was being inourred for a few cottages. The Mayor: No, it is not within my know- ledge that that is 80. Mr. Mills: Is it not a fact that the principal property haa been supplied with water from Well&? Tho Mayor; I don't think they h, been supplied satisfactorily by any means. The Sheriff: It is all brackish. The Mayor t-aid the Improvement committee had had the question under consideration for five or six years. The Hawarden Rural Council had property at Higher Ferry and there were other owners, and there had been conference after conference, and that recommendation was the outcome. So far as he knew, the members of the sub-committee considered it a very fair and equitable settlement. Mr. Mills: Has tlie chairman any idea of the amount of money you have lost since the Cor- poration became owners of the estate? The Mayor: The last return showed that we had not lost any. (Laughter.) Mr. Mills: Except that you did not charge anything for the invested. The Mayor: We charged everything that ought to have been charged to such an account. Mr. Mills: It was only a revenue account. The Mayor: I beg your pardon. The recommendation was carried. UPKEEP OF BACK PASSAGES. On behalf of the Improvement Committee, the Sheriff moved that it should be understood as a matter of policy that (1) upon compliance to the catisfaction of tho City Surveyor with any order of the Improvement Committee with reference to access passages made pursuant to the Chester Improvement Act, or (2) when tho works speci- fied in any such order had been executed by the Corporation, and the whole of the cost had been paid to the Corporation, or (3) when any passage had been laid out and completed to the satis- faction of the Improvement Committee and the City Surveyor, but without any previous formal order having been made in respect thereof, and in any of such cases upon the written request of all the owners of premises in or abutting on any such passage, then such passage would be adopted, and the future maintenance would be assumed by the Corporation. Alderman Frost explained that the committee were adopting a high standard in regard to back passages; but they were still prepared, if the property owners considered their specification was too costly or too thorough, and wanted to cut it down, to accept. it, provided that the owners did not ask the Corporation to keep it up. The Corporation were in duty bound to undertake the upkeep of a passage, should the owners do the work to their satisfaction. Mr. Mills protected against the recommenda- tion, and asked what was to be the end of it. The Corporation had statutory powers to enable them to make owners of back passages keep their property in a sanitary condition, and in the name of oommonoonse why did they relieve the owners of their duties under the statute? Had anyone tried to estimate tlie additional burden upon the general rate, which would have to be paid by people who were not owners of property, if the Corporation undertook the main- tenance and deaning of back It must be a serious burden, and he moved that the matter be referred back to the committee. Mr. J, Williamson seconded. Mr. R T. Wickham said he had felt much as Mr. Mills felt, until it had been explained to him that the Corporation had called upon owners to put the back passages in such a state of repair as was very much superior to what was abso- lutely necessary. The committee thought for the good of the community and the health of the people high claas paving was necessary where the owners might be content with black cinders. Where they enforced a higher state of per- fection than was absolutely necessary it was their duty to maintain that higher state of efficiency. Mr. J. Griffiths supported tho amendment, and remarked that what was n-eoessary was suiioly a sufficiently high standard for them to loach both from a public health point of view and from an improvement point of view. If they got the back passages done in a proper manner, even though it was not in a high state of efficiency, he thought they should have done their duty. Back passages were not used by the whole community, but the whole commu- nity ware being asked to bear the cost, which the owners ought to bear. Aid. Vernon said the Corporation had already adoptod ever so many back passages, and now they had to keep them in repair and clean them. Mr. Mills asked that the oo.,ffi(-; should be taken in the voting, and being supported, the IIÚt. was as follows:- Agaiiist the amendment: The Mayor, the Sheriff, Aldermen Hamilton, Gilbert and Ver- non, and Counoillois J. G. Frost,, H. Dodd, Fer- guson, Gibbons;, H. B. Dutton, Barlow, J. Dodd Reynolds, Wickham, Gainon, Wall, T. J. Smith, Kynnerslcy, A. S. Dutton, E. S. Mere- dith, A. R. Smith, Storrar and parry-2,3. For tlie amendment: Alderman Lamb and Councillors Hewitt, Maim, Williamson, Carr, Laaioeley. King, W H. Griffith, J. Griffiths, T. Mills, Owen Roberts, and Owens—12. Tlie amendment was therefore lost, and the liecomxnendation was carried. SMALL HOLDINGS. The following appeared on the agenda with reference to the Improvement Committee: — "To call attention to the re-solution of the Im- paov^meny Oommititee of tiie 30th October, 1907, with reference to the request to the mem- bera of the Council in the matter of tiie Small Holdings and Allotments A of., 1907." Mr. J. Griffiths moved that, it be an instruc- tion to the Improvement Committee to place the question in the hands of a sub-committee to carry out the work. The Sheriff: The Grosvenor Park Sub-com- mittee. (Laughter.) Dr. Griffith seconded. Ald. Gilbert: I don't know how you are going to carry out the Act in the absence of applicants. If you give them a cihanoe of com- ing in, what more do you want? The Sheriff accepted the amendment. CITY SURVEYOR RESIGNS. 42 YEARS' SERVICE. The Improvement Committee reported the resignation of Mr. 1. Matthews Jones of the office of City Surveyor and other offioee held by him under the Council. On behalf of the committee, the Sheriff moved: (1) Tnaa, tihe Council express to Mr. I. Matthews Jones their sincere legret that by reason of impaired health he finds it necessary to relinquish the offie? of City Surveyor, which he has held for so many years; and that they desire to record their appreciation of the 000- spiotious fidelity to the best interests of the Corporation which has always characterised the performance of his duties. (2) That the resig- nation be accepted as fiom 25th March, 1908; that thereupon he be appointed consulting sur- veyor to the Corporation at a salary of JSI50 per adinum, a.nd that. lie bo allowed to remain, in occupation of the house at the Canal-street store yard rent free. (5) That it be referred to the Improvement. Committee to consider and re- port to the Council as to the St.ep3 to bo taken for filling the office of City Surveyor, and as to the duties a-nd salary of the office. Aid. Frost said the City Surveyor had been in theiir employment 42 years, and during- that time he had been a very faithful servant, and bad done very considerable works in the town. Unfortunately for tho last couple of years his health had given way. He had been struggling for the last twelve months to do his best for the interests of the 'town, but, unfortunately, lie found he oouid not attend the ordinary com- mittee meetings, as was his duty, and he felt no alternative but to send in his resignation. Mr. Matthews Jones had a unique experience of Chester, and whoever it might be their wish to succeed him, he would be able to give that man much valuable advice and to assist him in many ways in the procedure of the office. Ald. Gilbert scoonded, and said the older members of the Council would appreciate the eervioos of Mr. Matthews Jones, as would also the younger members. They hoped lie would enjoy many yemis in his retirement to live happily in has house. Mr. Mills said he had known the City Sur- veyor practically all his natuial life, and he hoped no one would suppose he was actuated by any more than his notions of his public duty. He and the City Surveyor had been on the* best terms of friendship. As to the salary, with the office attached, which they proposed to give the City Surveyor, obviously, apart from his knowledge of the places in which tlie sewers of Chester ran, there being no plan of the genera! sewers running tlirough the city, they were obiigptxl to roly very largely upon the knowledge of the gentleman who has so worthily occupied his position for so many years. He thought if the committee had suggested 2100 as a retiring allowance, they would have met the necessities of the case. The City Surveyor had been ooonected with the thrift movement for so long a period, and he did not think he had neglected to make provision for his future. He hoped the City Surveyor might b9 spared for many yoais to enjoy his well-earned rest. As to the proposal to allow the City Surveyor to continue to occupy his house, it would be absolutely necessary that his successor should live near the yard, and the Coiporafion might find themselves in tlmi position that. they would want to make a fresh bargain with reference to the house. It should b, undeisiood that in the event of the Corporation's wanting the house the Surveyor should give up his occupa- tion to his successor. He did not want to dic- tate to the Improvement Committee, but, hav- ing regard to the improvement of the city and the many public works, the oversight of which would fall within tlie Surveyor's duties, they ought to ask for the highest possible attain- ments in making a new appointment. The Sheriff: Oil. leave that to us. Mr. Mills: I am saying that I do act pro- poso to dictate to you. I move a rider that the house, should be occupied by the City Surveyor only until it was required by the Corporation. The Sheriff offered to make the recommenda- tion read that the Suiveyor should occupy the house in Caaal-stmeet "or other suitab'e house." There was no seconder to the rider, which oonifjequemly fell through. Tho Mayor said that from the fact tliat he had been deputy chairman of the Improvement Committee for seven or eight years, and chair- man for six or seven years, it would be at once obvious that. he had boe-n thrown into close- asaociaeion with the City Surveyor. A more hard-working and conscientious servant the Corporation had never had. In all his inter- course with the City Surveyor, and the latter's intercouise with Oiher people, he had never found him "giving the Corporation away." He had always had their inteieste very near his own mind and lieart, and personally he did not think that JE150 per year was any too much after his very strenuous service of over forty years. With regard to the question of tlie house, if ho was not very much mistaken, the man who might possibly succeed Mr. Matthews Jones would not want to Jive in that house. If ho (the Mayor) was an applicant, he did not know whether he should not stipulate that he should not be required to live in the house. (Laughter.) He was deeid-ediy of opinion that the Surveyor's successor wou!d not require that house as a place of residence, and with that view he thought the Council might very well allow the recommendation to stand. Mr. W. Carr: Will you find it necessary to advertise for another surveyor to fill the place of the retiring surveyor, giceing that you con- sider him capable of acting as a consulting and advisory surveyor and engineer? You could go on with your present surveyor &s a consult- ant surveyor, and your present assistant, until you come to that stage when the Surveyor can no longer act for the Corporation. By tthat means you would save a considerable amount of money. The Mayor: I think Mr. Carr is rather an- ticipating the action of the committee. They will ha.vo to consider what is to be done in the event of the City Surveyor's resignation's being accepted by the Council, and when their re- commendation comes forward, it will then be time to interpose. Mr. Carr: I take it you have not made up your minds on the question. The Mayor No, I don't think so. No action has been taken. Mr. lanceley: It is absolutely necessary that you should have living in that house in Canal- street someone who is in close contact with the work. The Mayor: My opinion is that tho Surveyor would rather sacrifice his retiring allowance than be required to move out of the house. Ald. Vernon fully endoiscd the action of the Improvement Committee. He- had known Mr. Jones a good many years before he had joined the Council, and he had always found him a Corporation official who got his pound of flesh for the Corporation. He (AId. Vernon) had done a good deal of work under the Corpora- ■hion, and he had not always agreed with Mr. Jones, who bad always upheld the full inter- ests of the Corporation. The recommendations were carried unani- mously. RACE COMPANY'S LEASE.. APPLICATION FOR EXTENSION. At a meeting of the Chester Improvement Committee the following letter was read: "Friars, Chester, 22nd November, 1907. Dear Sir,Cheater Race Company, Ltd.—The directors have had under consideration the de- sirability of erecting a modern and oommodious stand in place of the existing Doe Stand. Plans for such a new stand have been prepared, which the directors oonsider satisfactory, but before going further into the matter the directors have instructed us to aek if the Corporation will assist the company by giving them an extension of their lease. The current lease expires in June, 1919, and as it would not be practicable to make the alterations until after tho next race meeting, 91 there would only be eleven years to run in which the company could recoup themselves for their expenditure. This period the directors consider too short to justify the outlay, which would, of course, be considerable. An estimate of the approximate cost has not yet been obtained, but if the Corporation are likeJy to favourably oon- sider the suggestion of an extension of the lease, we shall be pleased, on hearing from you, to obtain and send you such particulars as may be necessary, with the plane.—Yours truly, Birch. Cullimoro and DouglAs.It was resolved "That MeaBrs. Birch, Cullimore and Douglas be in- formed that before the committee can take the matter into consideration they require to be furnished with plane and full particulars of the Race Company's proposals." Mr. John Owens said it was very likely that Messrs. Birch, Cullimore, and Douglas would think that the question of extending the lease was a part of the subject which was going to be considered. He was certain the committee would never recommend to the Council that they should Tie the action of the Council twelve yeare hence, and a definite answer should be given at onoe. He proposed as an amendmert that Messrs. Birch, Cullimore and Douglas be informed that ae more than half the period of the lease was still unexpired, the Oouncil were not prepared to consider the ex- tension. Mr. Storrar seconded, and remarked that he gathered that the company were anxious to have aome seourity for the oost of the stand. He had always understood tha.t in the early lease the company had obtained ample powers for building, and that the proposed stand was included m them. None of the members of the Council considered the Race Company very poor, in view of the large sum the Cor- poration received in Race Week, and it would be very unwise to bind the future by a dozen years by committing them to the consideration of a new lease. NN-hil- this was essentially a sporting age, that- application was very likely a sporting chanoe by the Race Company to gee if the Council would oonsider the question of a new lease. The Council would be wise to lea., it. in the hands of those who followed them. Both philanthropy and law were ciomg their best to make sport decent and clean, and presently, as time went on, the gambling and th/ieving which surrounded those large con- courses woJld be reduced. CORPORATION MANAGEMENT? Mr. Owen Roberts supported the amend- ment. If :acing was legitimate he failed to see why tho racfe-oouree should be leased at all. If the Corporation got a cc-rtain amount of money from racing, ho failed to understand why the Council should not mar-age race- courses themselves. There were two views, the first, that they should refuise entirely to allow rrto'ng, the second that if racing was to tako place it should be managed by the Cor- poration, just as at Doncastor. It was sheer cant and hypocrisy for people to pose as enemies of racing and to soothe their con- eoienoee by voting for the leasing of the race- course. Mr. Owens: I want to point cut this has nothing to do with my proposal. Mr. Mills spoke in favour of the amendment. The Council ought not to ooneont to a further enlargement of the leoso as a price of spend- ing a few thousand pounds on further otccur- ing the prospect of the Rcodee from the Oity Walls. They had no right to bind posterity. who might be wiser and more businesslike than their forefathers. Mr. Frost: That is just a reason why we should not oonsider the matter until we have the plans. The stands will not block the view. Mr. Mills: I don't want the company to believe there is any human possibility of the Council's being t,o unwise as to extend the period of the lease. I don't want the com- pany to be nut to any expenditure in the dis- solving- hopo tliat there will be an extension of the lease. I Mr. Lanoeley sa-id the letter from Messrs. Birch, Cullimore and Douglas was a shrewd one. Tho oompany wanted to draw the Coun- cil to see whether they would encourage the company to go further. lie submitted they ought not to encourage the company in that procedure In one sense, he was opposed to racing, and in another he was not; but he was hoping ere 1919 the public conscience and the conscience of local authorities like that- of Chester would be so educated thai they would provide legitimate and pure sport, and that the City Council might run the races and have all the gate money They should not en- courage the oompiU y in an extension of the lease. It was g-ii;piy putting money into their pockets. Mr. J. G Frost They can pay only a cer- tain dividend. It is largely a bogey to talk about putting money 'noo their pockets. The Sheriff said he had not been to the races for years, but he would bo sorry to see them done away with. The voting resulted as follows:- For Mr. Owens's amendment: The Mayor, Alderman Vernon, Councillors H. Dodd, Fer- guson, Hewitt, Majin, Williamson, Carr, Gibbons, Lanoeley, H. B. Dutton, Barlow, W. H. Griffith, Mills, Owen Robert*. Owens, A. B. Dutton, Storrar, and Parry-19. Against: The Sheriff, Aldermen Lamb and Gilbert, Councillors Frost. King, Reynolds, Wickham, Gamon, Wall, T. J. Smith, Kynners- ley, Meredith, and A. R. Smith-13. The amendment was therefore carried.—Mr. John Dodd declined to vote CORPORATION EMPLOYES. I A PROTEST. The Improvement Committee recently COL. sddered tho following communication from Mr. Samuel J. Silvey, secretary of the Chester branch of the Municipal Employes' Association "At a special meeting held to-night I was in etrucied to write and acquaint you that the following resolution was una-iimously adopted: 'That we, the workmen in Canal-street yard, protest against any reduction of hours during the winter months, and that the working agree- ment of lost year during short time be allowed to continue this year.' Sir, the nioti point ou-t the fact that last year they received Li *D- 10d. per week; this year they will receive 3d per week lees should this reduction continue." — The Assistant Surveyor reported that, during the winter 1&06-7 tlie workmen, by dispensing with a breakfast half-hour, woiked 50 hours per week at 5d. per hour, making £ 1. Os. lOd. per week; that an increase of wages of id per hour, commencing 1st June. 1907. was granted, to be furthc-r inci eased by jd. per hour during the twelve months commencing 1st June, 1908; that at present the men work 47 hours per week at 5d. per hoar, making JE1. Os. 7d. and that they now request that, for the winter season,, they should again dispense with a breakfast half-hour and work 50 hours at 5jd. per hour, making JBl. Is. lid. per week.-It was resoived that the branch secretary of the Municipal Em- ployes' Association be informed that tiie com- mittee cannot entertain their application. At the request of Mr. Can, the Sheriff con- sented to ask the Committee to reconsider the matter. UNDERGROUND CONVENIENCES. The Town Clerk has reported to the Improvement Committee receipt of the formal sanction of the Local Government Board to the borrowing, by the Town Council, of the sum of £ 2,200 for the provision of underground public conveniences in the Town Hall Square and at the j u "ction of Bridge-street with Grosvenor-road, the term allowed for repayment of the loan being 3u years. It was resolved that specifications, quantities, form of tender, and conditions, for the construction of the two conveniences, either as one contract or separately, be prepared and submitted to the committee. The minutes were confirmed. EMPLOYMENT OF CHILDREN. DRAFT BYE-LAWS. Mr. D. L. Hewitt moved the adoption of a recommendation of the Watch Committee that the draft bye-la-we be made under the pro- vkLons of the Employment of Children Act, 1903, and published in the manner prescribed by the Home Secretary by his order oi the 11th November, 1903, and that a oopy be aent to the Home Secretary for confirmation. The draft bye-laws provide that no ohikl under eleven years of age shall be employed, and the chief provisions are that a child shall not be employed in or in connection with the sale or delivery of intoxicating liquors; a girl under the age of 16 years shall not be employed in street trading; a boy under the same age shall not be 90 employed unlets furnished with a licence from the Council. Every lioenoe- holder while trading in the streets shall wear a badge provided by the Council. Mr. Hewitt said it was intended to found a society for the purpose of supplying street trading boys with suitable and decent clothing. He thought the bye-laws would have the effect of clearing the streets of many cf these ohildren who, while ostensibly trading, were in reality begging. Mr. John Williamson seconded. Mr. Snc, Kynnersley asked whether t-ii- business of a grocer was immoral or in- sanitary. (Laughter.) Mr. Hewitt As there are grocers present 1 would not like to say. (Laughter.) Mr. Snayd Kyrmereley: Perhaps the Chair- man will inform me if the business of a barber is immoral. Mr. Hewitt: I think you will have noticed we have had to take proceedings against several barbers under the Betting Act, and you will agree that it is not an ideal occupation for a barber. (Laughter and bear, hear.) Mr. T. Mills said he was pleasantly sur- prised to find that the vioe-ahairman of the Education Committee, notwithstanding the length of since he left school, was still of an inquiring frame of mind. (Laughter.) MT. Sneyd Kynnersley moved that, rule 10- "A child shall not be employed in or in con- nection with the sale or delivery of intoxica- ting liquots"-be amended by the addition of tOO words "but only in the sale of liquors in sealed vessels." That, he said, would admit the lioensed grocer. Mr. Hewitt said the committee could not accept this, because every publican called him- self a wine and spirit merchant, and liquor could be sent in sealed vessels from public- houses. Mr. Mills said it was desirable that children should bo kept as far away from the liquor traffic as possible. (Hear, hear.) Mr. H. B. Dutton thought the effect of these bye-laws would be to take away from many families the benefit they had derived from the labour of their children. The amendment W<116 defeated, and the com- mittee's recommendation was confirmed. 'BUSES IN CHESTER. The Tramways Committee recently had under consideration the question of a ser- vice of 'buses for the Garden-lane and Hand- bridge districts. The Town Clerk's corre- spondence with Mr. H. H. Aldred was re- ported, and it was resolved that Mr. Aldred be requested to inaugurate a service of 'buses for these districts without furi,het delay, in accordance with the resolution of the Council of the 24th July, 1907. Mr. Owen Roberts asked the Chairman if he had ascertained whether the Liverpool- rv" road service had been satisfactory or not.— The Chairman said the residents were fairly well satisfied, and were only afraid that it would be discontinued for lack of patronage. The minutes were confirmed. TRAM SERVANTS' WAGES. Mr. W. Ferguson moved the adoption of a recommendation of the Tramways Committee that as from the 26th March, IMS, a- sliding 9oalc of wages for the tram drivers- and con- ductors be adopted as follows:—Drivers: 1st year's service, d. per hour; 211d year's ser- vice, 5|d. per hour; 3rd year's service and thereafter, 6d. pe-r hour. Conductors: lEt year's service, 41d. per hour; 2nd year's ser- vice, 4 per hour; 3rd year's service and thereafter, 5d. per hour. Mr. Ferguson, in moving the recommendation; said the only difference of opinion in the committee was the date at which the scale should become opera- tive. The minority thought they should not take effect for twelve months, in order that the preliminary legal initial expenses could be paid off. Compared with other towns their men were fairly well paid, and their kt was DOt an unhappy one. The ootmnittec hoped to regulate the work that the men should only work six days a week without it affecting their wages. The immediate increase would be is. 4d. from March, and when all quali- I ing the amount, would be £221, and the hours 60 per week. They would still have £ 259 I'ld expensee brought forward connected with the getting of the Act to transfer the tramways.— Mr. Dodd teconded, and tl,e recommendation was carried. ASSISTANT SOLICITOR APPOINTED. STRONG PROTEST. OFFICIALISM A MENACE." The Finance Committee re-coiiiiiientLd that Mr. Cecil Oakes be ap;.o.1 ^.ssisiant solicitor in the Town Clerk's cicv- .cin, at a salary of £ 100 per annum; the appointment to be for ine yea.r from the lot January, laud, and that at the end of that time the matter be further con- sidered. I no Mayor, as chairman of the committee, moved uie recommendation. lIe said the Town Cierk and his staff oouid adopt the policy of doing v,-iiat they could and letting the rest elide, but he thought the Council would agree when he said that the Town Clerk and his staff were too anxious to keep theuiscives abreatit of the work to adopt that course. It amounted to this: they must either have assistance for the next twelve months or they must to a very large extent sacrifice their health, and he was sure no member of the Council would wi6h that. Has Worship further pointed out that Mr. Oakes had been with them for twelve months without re- muneration, and was now conversant with the work. Although his assistance would be that of a qualified man, they were not asking that he should receive a professional salary. Under tlie recommendation the portion would be re- considered at the end of the year. Mr. J. Dodd seconded. Mr. Owen Roberts opposed the motion, be- lieving that it was a veiicd attempt to create a new appointment. The speaker further men- tioned that he understood certain of the staff did extraneous work, which he considered very wrong. Ac regards arrears of work, it was high time the Council should know what work actually was in arreaifc. and, as he had suggested before, there ought to be a committee of inquiry to report, on the work of the Town Clerk's depart ment. This department was bcooming a very costly one. It was costing them F,1,600 a year, ami was equivalent to a 2d. rate. Officialism in Chester was becoming a menace. They were paying £ 10,GC0 in salaries, which meant a Is. rate, and he asked the Council to halt before making appointments which would increase the burden on the shoulders of the ratepayers. He regarded the proposal as "the thin end of the wedge" for a permanent appoi ..tment. Mr. W. Carr referred to the enormous increase of work in the various Corporation departments, to which he could testify from his many years' experience on the Council. The Mayor, replying to the debate, emphasised that the appointment was distinctly for twelve months only. Mr. Owen Roberts moved that a committee of inquiry be appointed, but this was not seconded. Mr. D. L. Hewitt moved a,6 an amendment that the resolution end at "1st January, 1908," the remaining clause to be deleted. The Mayor accepted this, and the motion in it. amended form was carried. DR. PARRY. On the motion of Dr. Griffith, Dr. T. di. Parry was appointed a member of the Housing, Town Hall and Parliamentary, and Public Health Committees. "GUILD OF HELPERS." The following motion, in the name of Mr. Lanceley. was withdrawn as the Unemployed Workmen's Committee have the matter under cc,nsideration :That in view of the increasing demands upon local authorities with regard to the material and intellectual well-being of their com- munities, it is, in the opinion of this Council, desirable that a 'League of Helpers' or 'City Guild of Helpers,' such as have been established in Manchester, Bradford, and other towns, should be promoted in this city and that the Mayor be requested to call a public meeting of citizens to consider the matter, and to arrange for such meeting being addressed by one or more speakers having special knowledge and experi- ence of such organisations."




Family Notices
