Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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----,.,-----_--CHESTER EDUCATION…


CHESTER EDUCATION COMMITTEE SECONDARY SCHOOL SYSTEM. IMPORTANT SCHEME. The monthly reset ing of the Chester Edu-ca- Comraitbto was heid at the Town Hall on Monday, Mr. Jamce G. Frost presiding. On the minutes of tho Higher Education Sub- oomruitijoe, Mr. E. M. Sncyd Kynnersley brought forward an important and far-reaching Schema for completing the educational system of Chester. The question was divided into three Ieioominciiciation3 of the sub-committee, the first being the adoption of the proposals of the eub-commiti'jo regarding tho new City and County Secondary School for boys and girls. The subject had been considered at a confer- O' between representatives of the Corpora- tion and of the Cheshire Education Com- mittee. The confere-noa locommended tho following among other matters: — (I) The sclioo1be built in the city, on a sit. to bo approved by the county (2) the accommodation shall be for 150 girls and 120 boys, total 270, of which tho county shall be entitled to a maximum of 135; (3) the county fcbail pay by way of rental for such accommoda- tion 5 pc-r cent. per annum per capitar--with a minimum of 90—on capital outlay incurred by tho city; (4) the cost (after deducting income) of salaries, rates and all maintennneo charges, except tlioso of repairs and insuiaaioe, shall bo kme by each authority in proportion to the D-Unrber of scholars attending (5) the govern- mg body of the school shall consist of twelve Members, of whom seven shall be appointed by the city and five by the county; (6) the fees Khali be £ 5 per annum; (7) in the event of any part of the" county being hereafter included Within the city, the minimum numlier of county Pupils, for the purpose of rental, shall be re- duced by tho number of pupils attending at the school and resident in the. part of the county 6I(lcled to the city at tho time the alteration of boundary takes place. In adopting the report of the conference, the. lligher Education Committee recommended that the truatcic-s of Robert OldfieUTs Charity should iiave one rcpiwctniative on the governing body. oiv3 lepn'SOiitative on the governing body. T-hcy aVo reduced the recommended foes from £6 to E-5. The Town Clerk was instructed to Ascertain whether the Board of Education had Power to prepare a scheme for the management of the. school. In reporting upon the scheme, the Director •assumes that tho new school will require a expenditure of £ 14 500, involving an mnua! charge of £ 780, pitas F,630, cost of main- tenance. THE PROPOSALS EXPLAINED. Mr. Kynnersley, in introducing the scheme, disclaimed my credit for it. It had been the ^Wsrk of those who had gone before him, of Dr. Stolterfoth, who would be with them in spirit that day; of Mr. Fish, who should have taken the pla.oo which he (Mr. Kyim-cral-ey) occupied &nd of Dr. Mann. Ho gathered from a rc- mark which had been made the other day at a committee meeting that there were still some People who had not accepted the idea that tho Act had thrown upon local authorities tho neces- sity of providing for higher eduoation as well as for elementary education. Up to 1870 the- Provision of elameiTtary education had been left entirely to charity. The Act of 1870 had thrown that upon the State, and apparently some had Hot yet realised that although up to 1902 tho Provision of higher education had been left Partly to privato enterprise, such, for instance, as the gifts of old benefactors, and tho more enlightened provision made by modern bene- factors, as shewn in the King's School and the Queen's School, and the private ontoipriso of Private people and corporate bodies, mich as we had seen in the admirable Convent school in tho middlo of t he town, the Act of 1902 had thrown fvl that work upon the public as a Stat? duty. Thanks to Archbishop Temple, who had carried it to his dying speech in the House of Lords, and to one whom he was proud to have had once- as a colleague, Mr. Matthew Arnold, tho duty of providing for the long-neglected middle classes and the lower middle classes, tlio xiieoosaity of pmviding a ladder by which the children of the poorest classes could Biount to tho highest level of education in this Country, was now aeeoptc-d by the State, and it vvos the duty of the local authorities to make The Chester Committee began i I with throe possible courses, so far as th? City &nd County School was concerned. That school consisted now partly of the school which was most unsuitably housed in the Museum and partly of tho girls' school, still more unsuitably hou'-od in the Grand Stand of tho Chester Company. To provide for thoscholar-s there, three courses open. The first recommended 1tself to him for some time, and to his prcdc- ^^ssoi'S, and that course was to do nothing at 11. The school of Micawber, tlioso people who ^■ere always waiting for something to turn up, •fways had many adherents. Then came the pos- gibijity, recommended by a valued committee- whom he did not see present, that day— *^r- T. Milk—of developing the King's School JJtod Queen's School. Both of those courses they 1°uik1 impossible*. As regarded that of doing ^oihing, they found they had to depend upon Government grant, and the Board of Educa- no IOn. would no longer recognise the Museum Bchool, and for a very short, time indeed would jjhey continue to recognise the Grand Stand ~°hool. They were driven on, therefore, and complete their confusion tho county informed ra unofficially that if Chester did not build, j^y would build theme-elves and thai if they u,ilt they would takct away from Chngber "■early all'their mmils In the King's Scthool «-nd the Queen's Scjiool they found another diffi- culty, as neither school wanted thorn■ The par- ^Hts did not want them, and the children did Want them, and to add one more difficulty ^•ithor the King's School nor the Queen's J^uool could be enlarged without great ex- and if they were to provide separate -Gildings, affiliated with the King's School and j^Uecii's Sohool, under the control of a h-ead- '^tc.r or headmistress of t-hoir choosing, but 1Xmagnising as it worm the euzerainity of a head- ^t'Cir and headmistress with whom they had connection, an impossible state of things uld bo produced. They were driven to the IY remaining course, that of building- for selves, and at a recent conference with the H^nty authorities, attended by the Mayor and 4 »^hairniian, as well as by himself, they mot ^Putation of the County Council. That. m^,UCation rPcle'v'0d them most liberally, and *^1T. courteously and most practically. Tliey fttTO,nY ,v,, a with hardly any a-t all. They also decided upon the P°^nt 'hat tho Town Council should ^red cst<iirui't<'s- They sliould not be re- tho County Council, but the manage- t'K> sohool should bo entirely in the the governing body. According to Xj0 pJiraso, it fiiou'd be autonomious. \\r%k"a.s afraid that might offend some of the to D brethren who were always unwilling ^roin the shadow of power; but they tho strong man as a g'ov-eiTior \va*s I rtn who doTolved all he could upon trust- to P&op'-o, and that the weak man liked l'fuad his weakness over the largest possible The only alternative to the control tlio liand-; of aai autonomous body dual control partly of the Chester f° and partly of the County, and' they that would be an, impossible state '^h0 quostion of a site had been left ^'th tlie Clies'ter Committee. They _three sites to the County Council Qtv. ,'TO' who said they would accept > of +i t'lc tliTco, and it was hoped to get to Il1 soon. Mr. Kynnei"Siley next rc- p1'" Queen's School. He eaid the Ii^hor Vi dy ^hat scihool liad. accepted tho j. 13 obt^ tGrnis the Board of Education, n •Ml,nS grants under certain eondi- ('.t¡¡J<i.() t<:hep.ry t'('oogic::d. They wished to re., -1 to two additional class- (}}( a In and laboratory. estimated at about £ 4,000, i 'ar^y Council had very gen erously r<X^0r't;bld'? £ 5'000- The sub-commit- "^er- Ki, "d' d that the Corporation of tU^Pl^to^ « 1 contribute the otlier £ 1,000 to r> a tly^( je Sum required, but only on condi- i ard of 'K, of the compact with **a'y' th8(f were observed. That was money was fo be paid to to Wa^ be iiofunded if they PIt.<>d the conditions under which they ft S»nt" transfer _i tho Town Council was also I ^*rk wou^ bring tic odu- tbo Museum uoider their ooa-' trol and would, he thought, complete for a certain number of years tJlÜ rcqurremeaite of tho city in the;, way of buildings. The Techni- cal School would of course be removed from the Museum to the new City and County School. They had built nearly all the elementary schools or they had got them on the way; and the proposals made that afternoon would complete Cho system of higher education. He thought they might look forward to getting some ad- vantago out of the expenditure It was not iikoiy that Cheater would ever be a manufac- turing centre, but it was a popular resi- dential city, and by adding io tho moans of education as an inducement to parents to como here, ho thought they would make the city more popular. Mr. Kynncrsley then moved the adoption of the recommendation rskuing to the new City and County School. ADVANTAGEOUS DELAY. Dr. Mann seconded, and remarked it was nearly tiiree years since the local authority had sanctioned the principle of erecting a city and county school. He believed some members had demurred somewhat at the delay, but it would now be agree-d that the delay had been very advantageous for Chester. It had enabled them, by watching the career of the Rcodee school, to see to what extent such a school was needed in thir, district, and they had been able to modify their original estimates. When the Director first brought forward his memoran- dum ho hinted at the probability of its being necessary to build a school for az many as 400 pupils. They were now able to reduce the esti- mate to 270 scholars. He and several other members of the committee had from time to time hesitated a little as to whether, after all, it was really necessary to proceed with the building of such a school. The point had occurred to tliern as to whether it was not pos- sible to make use of tho existing King's and Queen's schools, and so relieve themselves of the necessity of building a secondary school; but, after their experience, they were (jiute convinced that th0 temporary school had filled a real want. They had thought at first that it possibly might have interfered with the prosperity of the Queen's School; but it had done nothing of the kind. The Queen's School still prospered and their own school prospered as well. There must bo a real de- mand for a school which provided a liberal secondary education at a comparatively low fee. It had also been thought that by a system of scholarships and free places and so on, they might complete the educational ladder from tb3 elementary to the higher schools, but it struck most ox them now that that was net quite the wisest educational policy, because it would cater simply for the sharp, talented boy or girl, who would obtain scholarships; and their object should be to raise the general leyel of education and enable all to participate in those benefits. Financially, aleo, it was a satisfactory proposition. The Director fortu- nately was rat-her of a sanguine temperament; but there seemed a reasonable probability at any rate of its being cheaper to build a school than not to do so, and the Director held out the hope that the ultimate cost to the rate- payers would not be very much in excess of what t,he higher education rate was at present. With regard to the Queen's School, the governors had to face an expenditure of £ 4.000 in order to qualify the school for the higher grajite of the Board of Eduoation. When they found that the county had gener- ously and \ery wisely decided that it was in their own interest to contribute three-fourt hs of that £ 4,000, the Sub-committee had a very strong case indeed in asking the committee to contribute £ 1,000. The transfer of the Museum was a very complicated scheme, but so far as he could understand, the ultimate cost would be something like £ 400 per annum to the oity. Against that, they would un- doubtedly obtain very great advantages, sucih as a building with class-rooms, which would be of the greatest use to them, possibly for evening classee. 1\fr. John Owens, referring to clause 3, which defined the county's contribution, said the school would provide acoommodation for 135 pupils from the county, but if the user by the county fell to 90—the figure mentioned in the clause—the city would have to bear the cost of 4b seats, which were reserved for the county. The annual charge for sinking- fund and in- terest was 2780 -1 but if tho number of pupils from the county was only 90, the county's share would be only £ 260, and Chester would have to pay the remaining J3520. Mr. Kynnersley explained that the county would pay for what they used. If they had 135 pupils they would pay up to that number but if they had only ten pupils they would fit ill pay for 90, which was the minimum num- ber of seats for which they would pay. Be- tween 90 and 135, which was the maximum accommodation to be reserved for the county, there was room for speculation, which was beyond him. Mr. Owens thought that the county in fix- ing their minimum at ninety had good grounds for supposing it would be their maximum as well, so that Chester might have to bear the cost of the 45 seats in excess, which would be practically useless to them. Mr. Kynncrsley said the payment by the county would vary between the cost of one- half (135) and one-third (90) of the accommo- dation of i,he school; but it would never fall below one-third. Mr. Owens: It may always be at one-third. That is my argument. The Chairman When we met the county, we had to take the risk as to the amount of accommodation for which the county would pay. The county committee's representatives were pretty well certain that they would have 135 pupils. They had laughed at the idea of there being only ninety pupils from the county. The Director (Mr. A. E. Lovell) said the numbers in tho present schools (at the Museum and the Grand Stand) shewed there were 135 pupils from the city, and 126 from the county. Their experience showed the county would never go down to the minimum of ninety, but would approximate more to their half share. Mr LanceJey asked what the total ocst would be. Mr. Kynncrsley said it would be £ 12,380. They estimated the cost of building at £ 30 6s. 8d. per pupil. Mr. Owens: The Director estimates the capital charge at £ 14,500. Mr. Kynnersley: The Director is an extrava- gant man. (Laughter.) The Director said he expected the committee would want a very good soh<;Q), and he had based his estimates on a rate of £ 40 per pupil. He had drawn up his scheme so that the com- nritteo could make reductions if necessary. It did net commit them to the expenditure, but only to probability. Mr. Kynnersley said he had made his calcu- lations on the Liverpool school, which had cost just over £ 30 per head. The recommendation was carried unani- mously. THE QUEEN'S SCHOOL. CITY GRANT OF £ 1,000. The Higher Education Committee's next recommendation was that tihe Corporation should make a grant of £ 1,000 to the governors of the Queen's School, under certain conditions. MR. STORRAR TOO SLOW. After this recommendation had been put to the vote and carried, and when even the next recommendation was about to be put to the vote, Mr. Stoirar suddenly rose to move an amendment to it. He was told that the recom- mendation had been passed, and that he was out of order. Alderman Vernon It is a very unfair way to put it. You have made one speech on three reeolutione, then you put each resolution with- out any further introduction beyond that made to the first recommendation. It is hardly fair to put it and the vote without any discussion at all. Alderman Chut tor,: There v ae plenty of time for anyone to get up. I could have g'ot up, but I did net want to do so. The Bisihop of Chester said he was deeply interested in tire Queen's School, and it would be better, if it were possible, to give an oppor- tunity for discussion of any point. The Chairman then obtained the consent of the to the question'e being re-opened. Mr. Kynnersley: You don't wish me to make another speech, do you, Mr. Vernon? (Laughter.) Alderman Vernon We want other people to make speeches and not you. (Laughter.) Mr. StoTrar reminded the committee that the first application from the Governors to the Council warl for a donation of E200, and an annual grant of £100, but for some reason that bad nob taken effect. They now found that the Governors still wished to obtain money, tute and under the very wise and astute chairman, whosr) death they mourned, they had been actuated to make another application to the local education authority, and by the exerc se of a great, deal of liberality on both sides, they would obtain the recognition of the Board of Education. It meant that if they complied with the conditions of the Board they would become entitled to grant", of Jb600 per annum. Their debt appeared a very trivial one, namely, about JE141, which in one afternoon a little party arranged by the ladies might wipe off. Their fees were not at all extravagant. At least five members of his own family had had the benefit of education at the Queen's School. The school wak; conducted in the most efficient manner, and the staff, he supposed, was the best that could be got, and the results of tho tuition were of a very satisfactory nature. ulL Personally, he had no objection to the grant for any reasons except financial ones. Allud- ing to the statement made by the Governors that "the Quæn's School was the highest type of secondary school and of great utility to the City Council, and to their hope that the Coun- cil would agree it was required in the second- ary education system of Chester," Mr. Storrar said the temporary city and county schools had displayed already considerable efficiency. At least six ooys had matriculated, and no secondary school did more than present its pupils for matriculation, a work for which the school was evidently quite efficient. Seeing t-hey were to build a new secondary school, was there any necessity from a ratepayer's point, of view of asking the city to give £ 1,000 to aid a school which already wac, doing eflic ent work under the beet conditions. He could imagine no reason why they should do so, ex- cept that they might appreciate the atmosphere and environment and class distinction, which he was free to confess were not to be despised, although he questioned if they oould put it with any reasonable display of juet.'ce upon the rates. Scholarships were to be attached to the Queen's School, but if the Board of Education accepted the conditions of the Queen's School, those scholarships would still be available from city schools. Those ramarks in some degree indicated the views he held with regard to the over-burdened ratepayer and a 6s. 2d. rate for the city. Mr. Owen Roberts seconded with a view of getting a discussion. The Rev. Fr. Chambers said that from his per- sonal point of view, the Queen's Sohool would have had a far stronger position if it had not accepted the recommendations of the Board of Education. It would have provided for a different class of children, but, having accepted the conditions of the Board, it was providing for the same class of children as that of the County School. That was no concern of his. He supposed it was entirely a matter of domestic policy; but ho was very sorry those conditions had been accepted. He was sorry tho Governors of the school had not applied to the local education authority on the ground that they had refused to accept the conditions of the Board of Education. It would have been far better if they liad oom-o to the com- mittee as a secondary Church of England School. MR. LANCELEY AGAINST MR. STORRAR Mr. Lanceley said he was very much dis- posed to support the resolution for the eame reasons that Mr. Storrar opposed it. It. would involve the c.ty in an annual expenditure of JE56 per annum if the Corporation obtained the loan of £ 1,000. The fact that practically they were going to convert what was now a private sohool into one that would be to all intents and purposes under public control, made it well worth the money. Replying to a question by Alderman Vernon as to what the city would get for the thousand pounds, the Director said that, if the grant was not made they would have to assume that tho authorities of the Queen's School would not be able to raise the money, or they might do it with infinite difficulty after some years. In the event of the school's not being carried on under a voluntary system, the city, instead of paying £1,000, would have to provide for the erection of a new school or tho extension of their own at the cost of many thousand pounds. Supposing the Queen's Schools Governors were able to build the additional structure without coming 110 tihe local authority, and the Board of Education signi- fied their approval, the scholarships would etill bo given under the form of free admission, but the difficulty would be to securc that with- out some system cf grants from pui money. The amendment was lost, only th, proposer and seconder voting for it. The recommenda- tion as to the grant was accordingly carried for the second time. GROSVENOR MUSEUM. TRANSFER TO CORPORATION. The committee adopted the report of the Higher Education Sub-committee on the scheme for the proposed transfer of the Gros- venoir Museum ito the Corporation. Under this scheme a governing body will be appointed consisting of eight representatives of the Corporation, two of the Archjeologioal IQ Society, two of the Natural Science Society, and one of the trustees of Robert Oldfield's Charity, and they will have charge of the whole building and exhibits. The Archaeological Society is to have the use (free of charge) of the Lecture Theatre on not less than twenty evenings in each year, and the Natural Science Society is to have the free use of the Lecture Theat rc on not less than 52 evenings in each year. The members of the two societies are to have free access to the Museum subject to the societies' rules and bye-lawis. The rooms occupied by the, collections of the societies, or a larger room or larger rooms, shall be ap- propriated solely to the custody and exhibition of epocimerits of natural history and archaeo- logy found in the city, county, or North Wales The books cases, pictures, and collec- tions in the library and museums, the property of the societies, shall be retained by the societies as their sole property. The collection (other than books) of the respective societies may be used for educational purposes under proper restrictions and safeguards. Towards defraying the expenses of the administration and management yearly contributions are to be made by tho Archaeological Society and the Natural Science Society-in the case of the Archaeological Society £40, and the Natural Science Society £ 60. The appointment of curator and librarian will be made by the City Council, and his salary will be pay a Lie by the Corporation. NEW LOVE STREET SCHOOL. GRAVE REPORT. A letter from the architect of the Love- street Council School, Mr. H. Beswick, was read at a meeting of the School Sites Sub- Committee, stating that tlie foundations for this building had been discovered to be of a very bad description, and that it would be necessary to incur considerable extra expense in the foundation walls, owing to the nature of the ground. Upon excavating the ground for the cellar it had been necessary to go down a depth of 12 foot. before any solid bed was reaohed of sufficient stability to erect the building upon; that the whole of the site ap- peared to be an old clay pit filled up with soil of such a soft description as to be quite unsuitable to erect a substantial building upon. He was arranging with the contractor to carry the foundations down to such a depth aa might be necessary for the stability of the building; and the extra work incurred in doing this would have to be measured up and priced out in accordance with the contract.— Tho architect's action iva6 approved.







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