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■ REDUCED RATE JIO.. ■ Small Prepaid Advertisements. -0- I 20 Words. SIXPENCE. ■ Three Timea NINEPBNOB, ■ Six Times ONE SHILLING. wftB n«s THREE SIX WORDS- QNCE. TIMES. TIMES ¡ NN A d. t d. jj) 20 Words 0 6 1- 0 9 Ii' 1 0 ■ SO Words 0 9 1 0 1 6 40 Words l o 16 23 50 Words 1 3 2 6 3 9 | 60 Words -16T3"0-¡ø 4_?" H TIM eb«TC«a apply only ta the classes ot advertise- mcnt specified below, and are strictly confined to those which are ordered 01 OON»MHrms insertion, and PAlO roft nucriovs TO insertion if either of these coD- dltions ia not ceMplied with, the advertisement will be charged by tbe BMinotw scale APARTMENTS WANTED I HOCSES TO BE SOLD. APARTMENTS TO Lrr. MONET WAMED. A&TICLRM LOM MWZT TO Lø., AJaricvss FOUND. MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. Businesses FOR DISPOSAL MISCBIXANEOCS SALES. BUSINESS WANTED. Partnership Wanted. H Bonn TO LET. SITUATIONS WANTEB. uootm WANTED SITUATIONS VACANT. ■ AdvestiseaeBts et the above claw interted in the ■ SOUTH WALES DJILT NEWS," the 'CARDIFF'TIMES,' ■ and "SOUTH Walks ECHO" at the following rate :— H Six toimM in ci» Daily News, ■ Sis times Ste Once in MBf* Dnilv New* CudlSIlBM ■ WO»r5. Sooth Wales f"and ■ Da ly New*. Six Time# in Cardiff lines. South wales Cardiff lines. South wales H Echo. I d. d. s. d. | 20 Words 1 0 1 6 2 6 I 30 Worela 1 6 2 3 3. J 40 Words 2 3 3 3 .5 6 | 50 Words 3 9 5 0 8 9 ■ 60 Words 4 6 6 0 10 6 Orders for Advertisements for the SOUTH WALES H DAiur NEWS. SOUTH WALKS ECHO, and QAR&ISV llKW, remived at tbe Bristol OflBce by ■ MR W. A. BATCHKLGR, 43, NICHOLAS STREET. ■ BRISTOL. I |K«trtw>nt<I. I A BKSPKCTABLE WELSH TRADESMAN (27), wishes to correspond with a Lady with means; »iew matrimony; genuine; confidential; photo wilt ibliee, with some yarwculws.-r-A Daily News," ■ UWce, Cardiff. 502 ■ f>RIDE CAKES.—llerr "Willy, 25, Saitsbnry-road, ■ J) Cathay*. Cardiff, is tbe only manufacturer of ■ J) Cathayll. Cardiff, is the only manufacturer of iigh-claes bride cakee. Compare all the other so-called cakes wherever you set them in Cardiff or Wales with thoee exhibited In tny business. Charge* very H noderate.—Herr Willy's Hiit-class Confectionery, 25, Salisbury-road, Xathay Cwdiff. Wedding Breakfast te supplied. 220 I TF YOU ARK^lABKIKDTor contemplating taking H X thi-< important step, we can send you valuable niormation which you ought to know. Send your vUdress, and we will send catalogue and pamphlet ree.— ddress H. G. Kerr, Mostyn-road, Merton, ■ Carrey. 20* ■ Hatrinen'U HeraiU and Fashions hi» Martian* JL Chutetto is the original and only recognised ■ >wd ivm lor high-class introductions, and represents H he largest a.n,1 most saccessfnl Matrimonial Agency in H he world. N.B.—The pubiic are cautioned against H iatitatiow Frice 3ti fnnder cover All cornmnai. H .atlons ekould be addres.<ted to KDITOB, 40, B CONPUfl-STRKm. l.ONOON. W.C. 3071 ■ iJlttsirnl. Hi A MERI 'AN O.GAN, by PeÍoobet. New York. H} Price 10 guineaa cost 21 giiineaa. Condition ■ new.— lomlinson, 25, St Helen's-rd, Swansea.371 I OBASS BAND Wanted fer Shepherds' Anniversary ■ O ai Troedyrhiw on the U7th instant. Tenders, tatinjc numbers and price, to be sent to n. W., Belle ■ fue Vtaitt, not later than lath instant. The lowest ■ any tenner not necessarily accepted. 49 I ToHN LAX, Teacher of the Violin, Viola, Piano, ■ if Oboe, Harmony. Counterpoint, CowiDO-jition, ■ nstrunenUtiM, ftailwajr-atreet, Newrwt, ■ vfen. I fTss~A8TLE, liavinf had several years' experience I LTl ia Teaching Pisneforte a«H Mngina, is deeirous I LTl ia Teaching Pisneforte a«H Mngina, is deeirous ■ If frcreasing the number of her pupils. Lesson's given I kt their residences. Terms moderate—Apply by letter, ■ 2. Charles-street. Cardiff. Arrangements made with ■ imilies and schools. Daodatt, WhHetuireh, and ■ Penarth visited. 1260 I Vt 1-VS CKINW KN—yWYNN t«i announce that I L»Jl she will resume duties at Blaina Au^wat 5tU. 258 I 1% fls¥~M7^WESTWOOir exp^Honc«i~Teacher of I i.TI Music and french (convewation^l) pupils pre- ■ I MTed for K.A.M.—38, Atuyie-street, Swanees. lii I V| BS ALFRED MOBltls, L.R.A.M., begs to fniarm ■ iTl her pupils sn<l friends that she recommences ■ essontt in Miigiitfc and voice production, Saturday, I Vugust 20th, at 5, Ctreckbeybtewu, Oardiflf. 442. |$2hURiianal. ■ A YOUNGLADY, disenitaged, wishes morninc or I daily engagement as joveraess to younz chil- ■ Iren six years' tfcpertence. QualiSed to teacS Kajr- I isb. good Mane, and Shig ug, also rudiments of I rrench and Oerm." If required.—Address Governess I SouUt Wales Daily Ner: II Office, Cardiff. 11 I FItENCH, Spanish, Italian, German, Private Tuitifn I f Classes. Special Clasnee for Commercial Corres* I, londnee and Conversation. Candida ces prepared for I be Medical. Law. and eivU Service kxaminations ■ throuch the post), Arithmetic, Book-tefpint, English I reDebl..al1d SptH1i>!b, Shorthand. — Mr W. Hlines, I >¡¡\J1. Transistor, 2b, Park-street, Cardiff. 428 I C'BENCJI, GERMAN, ITAHAN. in three ■Tonths", I 17 Improved system, Ollentlorf, correct pronnncia- ion classes, quarter, 10s 6d private, Ski 6<.t.Pr.f Jraon, 6, Neiacn-terrtce. Cardilf. 474 ROV KKNESS. — Knga^Hm^ut wanted. Enjlish, Arithmetic, French, Mujde, Bitdin«ntary Latin, Jrawing. Daily o resident. Excellnt re1 t!renct!!I.- lddre*s H. B»aumonf, Mount Piea«ant, SWAn6ca. 478 rjEAMEN and bJini, prepared for the Marine Board Examinations at the Navigation ISehool, .Mans 1-street, Swansea, by David Harris, P^Sh.S. 137 I WAiiTED.Maleex-PupirTeecUerbytheWhit- church school Heard for temporary duty, with I iew to permanent employment. Tonic Sol-fa to be J aught. Duties to commence at once.—Applications, testimonUle and salary required, to be sent by j laturday, the 13th Auonst, to Joseph Henry Jones, S of the Board, Philharmonic Chambers, Cirfliff. I 5592 i feomisiic trbltttts. I* good wages nut be neat, Mr lf»ao». Tatmigt, M. Bridge-street, Curdtff- R K> KtlAL SKitVANl wanteil. — Ap 11 2, M"ira- tei race, Boath, Cardiff- 446 SgNF.RAL SERVANT (good) wanted immediately, lJr itMeto wash, i-inall faraily.—Apply 6, Sophia- treet, Docks, Carditf. 431 GENERAL SERVANT wanted Me about 20 able Uf to wwh and iron; food ebaracter; country jure- etTed.-Appl,2'1, lluthin Gardens, Cardiff. _#lo SENSRAL SERVANT (good) wanted, able to wasb. —Apply, with references, Springfield Home, s Weir 3% SIMBRAL SERVANT (gooo) wanted one from the tir couutry preferred.—Apply to 1\In E, Payne, eer, Kin,neet, BJenayOft, ."10.. 194 GIRL (strong) wanted about 17 as General Servant. — UT Apply W. Thomas, ó3, Elm-street, Roatb, Cardiff 413 I2f OU&BMAIB (experienced) wanted.—Apply at 42, l^ j. Park-place, Cardiff. S848 || OUSEMAII).—Wanted, an experieueed Hou^e- I ■ maid. — Apply at Glenholme, Beach-road. >ntrtb. 5731 VCRS FUUNIVaI^L wants good plain Cooks (small families) in and around Cardiff efficient nurse ".0 .,umald.-99, Castle-road, Cardiff. 341 Mituatiotts Vacant. BAKKBS.—Wanted at once, an experienced First t) Hand well up in both branches abstainer, rith 100<1 references.—Apply, stating salary, D. Evans, iigh-stieet, St. David's. 458 OOT TBADE.—^Wanted, Cliekers, Macltinist, and |> jloundew.—Apply D. Lloyd, Boot Manufactuver, rstslyfeia, Swanaea^ 456 f>OY (strain and willing) wautod to look <»'ter cow, 13 pony, and garden. Must understand milking. liobins, Glais, .Swansea Valley. 3M gHICK LAYER (good) wanted at once.—Apply John Gibson, builder. 11, Qnay-stce#t, Cardiff- *75 lil'CHERS.Wanted, respectak^e young man, to slaughter, help in shop, and willing to be eaorally useful .—Apply W. Grey, 158, Cowbridm- eM. Çardi.. 468 COLLAR AND HARNESS MAKERS. —Wanted at once, one accustomed to lining eoilvs and general MÑ. Conetane work for a stoady man. Suite wages xpected to J. 10:. Watkins, Jondu Iron WQrk-, IrM^eMf. EREK BM1GKA IK^N to Queensland for servant girls, drees makers, housekeepers, and others, i'S hit, Sis assisted rate for mechanics to Newport. {•w Vteginia, M to Western Australia, £1,.r fas»er».Apply to Mr George Uird, Cardiff. 388 HAMMERMAN.—Wanted, good Hand for drawing; fT. J.&dle Plates, Share Moulds, and .1I;1e Arms iutter steam bvupser.—Apply Francis and Jenkins, Jaaelly. 4*7 rNTXUMKKT t. YOUNG LADIES (aged 15 to 20), who can study fit few months 111 their own hoan"s, to p'epare by orraspoitdenee for situations under Q <verMDeiit, with onsMMtifl salaries ranging to llJ), promotion ftnd ■nnsion, write Seeretary, Cleti Service EanmtnaUan Vgancy, Nafthesd. London. 364 JQBBINCr GARI>ENKR wanted, about 40; must be an experienced hand.—Apply M. M l>aily ieWs* OfBce, Newport, Mon. 443 LADMnmfl sbout 10. to del|v«* goods.— AppW T I«\a«do« and Co.,Pontypridd. 41J MILLSTON K^DRH^SKR (nood) wanted who can Lyjt also de all ordinary rocairs.—Address J. H., Konth Wales Daily News" Office, Swansea. 37J AINT KRft"(J piaiMTwante<l.—A ppl y B. WiUurae, Painter, lynewyUd, Treherbert. 37# ICKLKK Oiowi) wanted f-a Tin-plate t good wage* pnid to a thoroughly good man. inplieants to state what machines been used to.— ipplj A. B., Dsily News" OtKce,.•Cardiff. W PLUMBERS s»l G ASFITTERS.—Two experien>a»d wanted, mast be used to su aed ater wurfc*. Vpply Manager, Pentre, Rhondda. POHTKB wanted at once.—Apply personally Soutlt1 Wales Supply Stores, Tag-street. Pontypridd. 4SZ riXDlf)LEH.S. Wantod, a strong lad as an improver. Coneuat employment and good home.-AP^T Y. Baeien, Pontardawe, Swansea. 578 .JHOEJXAKEBS.—Wanted, a steady Malt as re- 3 pairer; ar^ustomed to the staad,-4P111;r t onee o ø. Dnygaa, Pentre. 461 bi POUTSMAN Wanted, one u«ed to Barley Grinding. —Apply Crowu Mills and Biscuit Works, Cardiff. ILftllS —Wanted at once, a' Country Yoot»i w £ e is able to <lo trou^rs and rest.—Apply J*mn lenkins, 4f, High-street, Rhyrcney. 414 TIN-PLAM5 WORKER (good) wanted; none other JL need apply constant work.—Appls to Mr H. Machon, 6, Water street, Neatb. <84 YOUNG MAN wanted, used to China, Glass, and Kartbeuvara, good packer and warehouseman. — F. Primavesi and Sens, Bote Docks, Cardiff. 511 YOUNG MAN (about 18) wanted, to deliver meat.— )f Apply PudiAicombe, 99, Brynmor-r.d, wana. 444 yOUN G MAN (single) wanted immediately for a JL greenjfrocer and tishmonser; williiui to make nimselr generally useful.—Apply to R. Jones, Wynd- baw Shep, Nantymoel, near llritJgeud. 452 YOUTH" (strong), 15, wanted at once; from tbe JL country preferred, to take charge of horre and trap, and make himself generally useful.—Apply to Watkins, Gilwern House, near Abergavenny. 423 nQ WEEKLY and UPWARDS may be easily and honestly realised by persons ef either sex, without hindrance ta present occupation.—For par- ticulars, Ac., enclose addressed envelope to Evans, Watts, and Company, (P 137), Merchants, Birmingham. —This is genuine. õ93 "bop Assistants, let. APPRENTICE.—Vacancy occurs for a gentlemanly, well-euucited youth; premium required.— E. W. Harris, 128, High-street Merthyr. 459 APPRES^liCJE wanted to the grocery; strong and intelligent; from the country preferred.—Apply Davies and Cotapany. Ystrad, Rhondda. 352 once a pushing yonng man; total abstainer-? Apply, with particulars, to Florid. House, Llwynypia. DBA PERT.—Wanted, immediately, two Voung JLJ' Men, one Young Lady; personal application pre. ferred.—Apply J. E. Panes, Temple of Fashion, Merthyr. 460 BAPERY. —D. Thomas and Co., Temple-street, Swansea, are in immediate want of several young men and young ladies. 403 KAPERY.—Wanted immediately, good Junior.— Apply, with particulars, to D. Jones, Sillwyn 6tores, Brynhyfryd, Swansea. 410 GROCERS.—Wanted, a re-engagement asassistant; 9; years' experience good references.—Applv T. Leek, 73, Owberely-road, Worcester. 413 ROCERY.—Wanted, ai once, an apprentice; also 9 an improver —Apply Mr H. Jones, post-office, W attstown, near Porth. 509 GROCERY.—Wanted, a s*roag impiover; willing to make himself useful.—D. Davies, Victoria- read, Kbbw Vale. 419¡jf GROCRRY TRADE.—Wanted immediately, strong Junior.—Apply, stating age, salary, and refer- ence, te D. Evaas and Company, 6, Sophia-street, ence, te D, Evaas and Company, b, Sophia-street, Cardiff. __n' 430 ROCERY AND PROVISIONS -Wanted, engagement as Branch Manager, first, or good second age 24, 10 experience; undeniable refer- ence.—Address Provisions, Post-oftloe, Rbyianey. IRONMONGERY. — Situation wanted; si* years JL experience general furnishing and builders good references.—Apply W., "South Wales Daily Jfews," Merthyr Tydvil. 461 JONES AND CdMPAN^ 82,7Queen-atreet, Cardiff, tj' and. the Temple of Fashion, Ara.oa, have vucancies for seTeral Apprentices, male and feouUe. 477 L"AD (respectable) wanted as an Apprentice to tbe Grocery also an Imnrover.—Apply X. Jones, Miskin shop, Trealaw, near Pontypridd. 318 ILLINBR wanted; experienced First Hand,— Apply \V. J. Lewis London House, Bridgend. fLLINERY — W. Evans, temple of-Fashion Treorky, requires immediately a stylish and experienced milliner^—Applv, full particulars. 457 MILUJFkKY." — Roderick Evans, Castle-street; Swansea, requires immediately a stylish Milliner as lint haud. Give particulars of last two situations. 372 AWNBKOKING AND OUl FITTING. Adver- tiaer seeks re-eaesxement. S!x years' previous t. tiaer seeks re-eaesxement. IX previous experience; excellent reference; age 19.-Apply Pawn. bruker. "South Wales Daily News" Office, Newport. 331 AHEHOUSiiMAN Wanted to deliver, look TT alter Horses, sad wake hlnlielt generally useful, Good referenc.-Apply G. Jones, Victoria House, Abercarn. 365 OtltrltJ, Managers, &r. ARCHITECTS and SU RVE YORS. Wanted, by young gentleman (19), a situation as tracing clerk; two yearn' experience moderate salary.— Address Tracing, "Daiiy News" Office, Cardiff. 2154 GENTLEMAN, aged 31 (married), steady and enor- setic, open to tjnal:eIJl8n as Manager, C1.ihicr, or position where conttdcntial man is required; several experience. Beferenees aud security.—M. B., 6.W., Post Oftice, Uitneiif. 43S L. OFFICE BOY Wanted.—Apply, between 2 aud S o'clock, Thackeray and Co., 3. Dock Chambers, Cardiff. 5917 OFFICE BOY (rsspeetable) wanted.—Apply, in own handwriting, to A Capelle, Docks, Cardiff. 481 a quick and intel. ligent young man as Counter Clerk. Mut have good address, and some knowledge of the printer*' and stationery business preferred.—Apply, statins; .salary required, wir-b copy of reference, to South Vales Daily New," Cardiff. +- VACANClTS.—Two Articled Clerks.-Apply T. Phillips, Esq., solicitor (late 7, New Inn, London), Church-street Chambers, Cardiff. 476 YOUTH (respectable) wanted fur the office at the JL Jain Works, Cardiff; wages, 10s per week.— Apply by letter wily. 326 Situations UHantfd. (SARETAKER OR HOUSEKEEPER -Wanted, by j man and wife, situation as above no children good references.—Address Caretaker, Daily News," Swansea. 402 BOOM AND GARDENER; 4 years' "good K character last situation; single or pair; total ahstalner.—Address S, 0., "Mouth Wales Daily ewR," Cardiff. 309 INTi?l(PRl';TER or runner for fhip-chandler or pro- Jt. vision stores. — Hitnat.ion as above wanted by competent man, aged 34. Speaks English, French, German, and Dutch (anguAge*.— Address Interpreter, "Dally News," Swansea. 401 MARINE KNGINEEIIS — Wanted^ Berth-as .r 1 Third will give fortnight's pay to procure the same.—For address apply Marine, "South Wales Daily ews," Cardiff. 448 Man of four ko experience want* a Place no objection to col- liery work.—Dan, saddler, Tregaron. 409 SITUATION wanted as Traveller, age 31; 15 years o in Grocery and Travelling flrst-clase references well acquainted with South Wales and Monmouthshire. A.B., Post-office, Pontyrhyl, Bridgend. SITUATION wasted, by thorough practical man o (married), as General Miller, three re, f^rence.—James Sinbrook, Pengrosaphed, Llanover, near Abergavenny. 436 SITUATION wanted, as Grocer's Porter or Ware- housman, three year*'reference.M, Post Offic«>, Llanover, near Abergavenny. 43'1 SITUATION wanted, as General Smith, good shoer, if required,—Apply W. Dennison, 7, Arran- street, Castle-road. Cardiff. 439 SITUATION wanted as Traveller age 29 13 y"¡;" experience in the grocery ttade; can speak Welsh; satisfactory reieretice* acquainted with South Wales.—D. J., 15, Pencae-terrace, Treoifcy. Rhondda. 338 OP ttOPBRTir~OWN ERfi AN D OTHERST^ Maija*aroent « f Property undertaken, rents and debts collected, Ac.—Apply Howel), Partridge-road, Cardiff. 393 1, :( J.ggnri*s, Uraljellera. vVc. A~~ CCIDENT iNSURANCE AGENTS.—Applications for Agencies are invited throughout Monmouth- shire anti South Wales by the Accident Insurance; Company (Musited).—Apply by letter to the Manager, ■Sr. Swithiuls House. 10. St. Swithin's-lane, London, 11'1160 terms and erery information will be .-ent in return. 5753 AGENT wanted, whole or spare time, to sell cattle condiment, calf meal, and medidnes. Liberal terms — S.W.N., "South Wales News," Cardilf. 377 Agents™,ted everyT?here for "Tbe C inplete I JJusines* Register" (a Tradesman's Summary Account Book). — Messrs Pamphilon, Congl-ton, Cheshire. 163 AGENTS wanted for our noteH Bubber Stamps. Liberal commission.—Baker and Co., 15, Ayles. ford-street, Pimlico, Lo ndon. 854 H- Elm AGENTS, WIN E AND FIRIT MER. ) CHANTS, GROCERS, <tc — W J. Rogers, Jacob-street Brewery, Bristol, is ooea to appoint Agents for sale of bl.. well-known Pale, Mild, and other Beers in all towns of South Wales not yet having a representative. Liberal discounts every faeility civun for doing trade. 724 RFW ER'S "AGENT andTraveller wanted for (Jar. Hiarthenshire, Cardiganshire, and Pembroke- shire; nmsthavea connection and reside centrally reeurily required.—Addrees Box 22, Tewkesbury. 422 ("GENERAL AGENT required for C-vrdiff and part jf of south Wales, fir sale of a speciality produced by Adurtisers. Mnse have a connection with Whole- sale Grocers, Oil and Colourmen, and Small-ware Dealers, and would be required to appoint and control sub-agents having such connection, including retail. A satmjaccory permll.118ftt income would result to an energetic, suitable man, and none other need address Colours' Agency, "Daily^News" Office, Cardiff. 498 ffTRAVELLER (experienced and energetic man) JL wanted in South Wales; none but with the highest credentials need apply.—Reply, stating age. particulars of last ten years' employment, and full references, to Mr F. Cressey, District Manager, tho Burton Brewery Company, Limited, Wind street, Swansea. 5898 r|TRAVELLERS (two or thiea good) wanted irame. X diately, 011 commission, calling upon drapers, fruiterers, bakers, Ac., and having good connection.— Full particulars,X Dvapsr, "South Wales Daily News" Office, Cardiff. 470 TRAVELLKRS eslling on farmers and owners of Live tøck; a ¡.oodcpmmission offered.—Mitchell and Co., Dursley. 420 -t TOBACCONI>.TS Cowmcnciiig. —IlTusT N tratod fiuide. retdettlrod (136 patfes). "How t. commence from to free by post.—H. Myers A Co., 107, 109, kIll, Bustom-road, Londos.5449 apartments. &c. APARTMENTS to Let for one or two young gentle- men in De Burgh-street—Address H.X., Dally News" Office, Cardiff. 4S23 (furnished) to let. Front SiUing- j" room and Bedroom j also apartments for two Geuclpmen, near Docks.—42, Loudoun-mmsrs, Cardiff. A PARTMENTS (Furnished) wanted, for a young /V Gentleman, in Tredeputlle or district. Inclu- IJ H terms must not exceed 10. per week.—Address Eta, South Wales Daily New- Cardiff. '897 APARTMENTS (well-furnished) to Let; large sit- ting-room and bedroom hot oold batlt terms moderate.—13, Westboums-erescent, Cardiff. 2 BOAltD AND RESIDENCE ata farm, permanent J[) or otherwise good table; home i rodvce tianee ut fruit healthy situation close to Severn and station.—Mrs HenrT, Plustarwine House Woolaston, near Lydney. 4b6 LLANISHEN.—Furnished, Swiss Villa Resi euce JLj to let, for three or four weeks, containing draw- ing sad diuing-roonw, with 5 bedrooms five minutes' walk from railway station.—Apply Swiss, "South Wales Daily News/' Cardiff. 4S| fODGINGS (comfnrtable) to L«t, near Albert Hall, J Kensington, W. tenus moderate.—Mr* Newman, 10, Canning-place, Gloucester-road, Keaslngton, W., London. 349 T>KNARf>H.-Lansdo«rne, first-class Boarding Resi- I d'nce, opposite railway station commanding extensive sea view Hpacious dining, drawing readinir, and billiard rooms table d'bôte six p.m. inclusive terms from 611 6d per day ( special srnmsicente for limited number 04 gentleinea as permanent residents. 444 PENARTH. — GVendale, opposite tbe Railway JL Station. Excellent Sea Yiew; large house, well furnished, every accommodation, 14 rooms, or apsrtsserts. 908 JJ«SAHTH (3, Station-road).—Tobe Let,a furnished X sitting and bedroom; terms modrrato. 351 X sitting and bedroom; terms modrrato. 351 OORTHCAWL.—Furnished TUla (6 rooms) to let for C- "month. Rent, B2 a Apply Mrs Cook, Marine-terrace, PorthcawJ. 351 SEASIDE.—Hort-on, Gower sitting-room and two bedrooms, from August lgtb £1 per week.— Address Rev Watterc, Horton, Gower. 5929 CPERIOR PRIVATE BIJAIIDING RESIDKNCB^ 3, Marine • parade, Penarth, near Cardiff; close to station, beach, and baths. Private rooms if desired. 69 WANTED, on Tuesday next, a furnished single VT and double bedroom and sitting-room, for about nine days, at Llandrindod Wen" lowest terms A.B., Ystrad Meurig. Cardiganshire. 453 frmssis, &r., Mankft. WIDOW (50) Wants Double-liconsed House, in W healthy locality must be reasonable terms or situation as manageress in respectable establish- ment.—Address W. M., Daily News" Office, Car- diff. 438 ?or &ale,~1?oases, laitb. &r. CARDIFF.—3 Houses in Cathays; low price.—John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chamber;, Cardiff. 1050 professional )) F man, draper. 4c.-rApply M above. 471 tTtOIt SALE, one of the best built houses in Cold- i stream-terrace.— Address H.V., "Daily News" Office, Cardiff. 4923 HOUSE (large, convenient) for Sale, with large JLN. garden and side entrance.—Apply 39, Lewis- street, Pill, Newport, Mon. 5858 HOUSES (several well-built)for sale, close to Barry Dock.—Apply to J. Rowledge, Builder, 48, Castle- road, Roath, Cardiff. 267 SEAST»i"RESIDENCE (freehold) for Sale or to n Let, containing 15 rooms, out offices, garden, and 20 acres excellent pasture land; delightful situation: good boating, fishing, Ac.; one mile from Cardigan and Railway Station.—Apply to John Mathias, Bridget- facb, Cardigan. 454 TALBOl^rR^RT (No. 25), Cathedral-road.-Tljis desirable house, built uuuer special supervision, for Sale, containing drawing, dinins, and breakfast. rooms, kitchen, scullery, Ac, four large bedrooms, box- room, hot fttM cold bath, lavatory, and w.t—Apply William Butter, above address, between 7 and 8 o'clock p.m. 361 OODSIBE VILLA for Sale by Private Contract, Barrack-hill, Newport, consisting of 18 rooms, ..0., and enitM-s, stable ami cowhouse; over half acre of garden, planted with choice fruit trees and shrubs; greenhouse; 72 years' unexpired lease; ground rent £1 per year; part of purchase money can remain on mort- gage, if lequirsd, at 5 per cent—Apply on the Premise.. 400 F»-J A CASH DOWN, the balance by easy inatal- nients, will purchase Houses in Upper George- street, Tylor-*treet, Theodora-street, Wells-street Arthur-street, Russell-street, Ac.—See Messrs Hern's Register,—Offices, 72. St Mary-street. Cardiff. 1C49 Œø be lift—Irunsw. &t. BRYNGARW HOUSE to be let, furnished from 1st November, 1887; close to a station on G.W.R., four miles from Bridgend laud if required.—For particulars apply to Messrs Rickards and Blosse, Charles-street Chambers, Cardiff. 6820 CCANTON (semi detached) 14, Conway-road, contain- j ing ten rooms is excellent condition- Good gar- den. Very moderate rent to a desiraMa tenant.— Apply to Mr N. p. Marks, 13, Coldstrsam-terraee, Cardiff. 425 COTTAGES to Let to respectable tenants at lew rents in Cathays. Respcc able houses, in good rep ur.T—Apply A. H. Uahcrws, Caledonian Chambers, St. M»ry.street, Cardiff. 478) COUNTRY.—To let (or for sale), capital semi- detatched boqs«; ten rooms; good garden p.easant aspect; near railway station and Cardiff early possession moderate rent—Address Country, "Daily New" Omce. Cardiff. 356 FEKRYSIDU.—To Let, fur amonh or more, Cobden JL- Villa, handsomely furnished, ooataiiUrg drawing, dining, breakfast, and 5 bedroom", the usual offices, Ac., use of piapo, organ, &e.; is situate on the cliff overlooking the sea, verandah, lawn.—Apply to D. T. Morris, Hill Cottage, Lianddavog. Carmarthen. 478 MOUSE (very convenient) to Let; 10 rooms hot and cold bath; side entrance 40 inches wide; irate rent.—Apply W. Symoads, 16, Rectory-road, Cantos. Cardiff. 415 LLANISHBN —To Let,No. 2, Church-terraee, smaU comfortable House, good garden and water.— Adnress Mr Beessley. Llanishan. 506 MAINDEE.—To Let, ten-roomed Villr., well drained, 1f beautifully situated; bath, hot and cold wfctej, kitchen, scullery, Ac., on ground floor rent low.—S. Harse. 175, ConMneretai-ttreet, Newport, Mon. 486 MUMBLES.— Furnished Cottage to Let from 3rd September, for long or short period.—Address Villiamn, LanJaDd ViUas. IVJ EWPORT.—Workmen's Cottages in Albany, Ailes- l^i bury, and Argyll atrecta, Crindau, to Let to respectable tenants.—Apply Captain Lodge, Blanch Cottage, Archibald-street, hindee, Newport. 5684 PENARTH.—To Let, with immediate possession, J. Four Splendid Villas, Westbourne-road. Rent moderate.—Apply 12, Windsor-road, Penarth. 497 PORTHCAWlZ— York""Vill». furpiiThed, to~be Let i. after August the 16th.—Particulars Dr. 'Hunter, Pontypridd. 362 ¥>ORTHCAWL.—Ten-roomed Villa to Let, unfur- nished; best position near beach and railway station—Dare, Partou Bouse, Porthcawl. 455 -P()RTING.-fô-LET;-theriïiït-ôf-8hooïln- over Kj 1,000 acres, near Garth, BrecolIsbire; moderate rent—Apply jOnrtiths. Bank, Pembroke. 494 STAGEY-ROAD,—Capital House containing nine rooms to Let or Sold every convenience.—Apply Stocey-road. Raath, Cardiff. 374 8~rOW_PARK, NEWPORT, MON -Three of the best Houses ta I*t.—Apply Mr Bear, Newport, or Mr Mason, Penarth. 270 SWANS F A.-To be Let, September quarter, Glan- tawe House, situated on Heath&eld, nicely (■hrubbed, commanding fine view of Swansea Bay and neighbourhood, containing entrance hall, large dinilig- room, drawing and breakfast rooms, bath-room, with bot and cold water, ire benrooms and attics, kitchen, and convenient offices, larze cellar also a Vinery. Perfectly drained.—Apply Mr John Down, on the premises. 473 TILL A (Eight-room) to Let at Whitchurch, ten V rainutea walk from Llandaff Station, with pantry and scullery. Rent moderate.—Apply Mr W. ''vans, Builder, Whitchurch, aear Cardiff. VILLA (conveuient), know.t as Brooldands, in V Caerau-road, Newport, to le.A ,ply Walter Johes. Clyffard-crescent, Newport. 258 &r. /"CARDIFF.28, Bridge-street.This convenient and \j well-situated Shop for immediate letting.— John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers Cardiff. 1050 FERNDALE—House and Shop to let inPontypridd. road well situated suitable for Grocer, Draper, or Ironmonger ol*te-glass windows stable and cart. Thomas, 64, High-street. GRAND HOTEL, adjoining Day's Music Hall, with bars, taps; billiard, dining;, coffee, commercial. sitting, and smoke rooms, 50 bedrooms, and other appointments. To Let on most reasonable terms for 7. 10. or 21 years. Will command a very large trade. Special arrangements to a suitable man.—John Jenkins and Co., Phi_lnarnioiiic-chainb«rs, Cardiff. 1050 HOUSE AND SHOFMOTeriuCathanne-street, JTJL Cathays reut, 8s per week,—Apply 161, Castle. road, Cardiff. 208 OFFICES.—To be Let, two rooms over the South Wales Daily News" Offices, St Mary-street— Apply "South Wales Daily News" Office, Cardiff. 1835 FFICES.—To Let at the Pier Head Chambers,1 and comfortable offices. Address Mr Blessley, Guildhall Chambers, Cardiff. 605 OFFICES (several rood) to 1st. first and second floore. in the nest 8ituton in Cardff, at most reasonable rents. For particulars apply Anderson, Andersun, and Ande/son, indinnibber and waterproof manufacturers, 4, Queen-street, C¡ndiff.5939 SHOP (suiaJl) to Let; boot repairing business, established tiiree years 3s per week.—Verney and Co., 140, Woodviile-road, Cathays, Cardiff. 495 SHOP to Let, 52, Broadway, with 2 sitting and 4 bedroom* also large stable rent 15s per week. Shop (52a), with parlour, kitchen, and two bedrooms rept, 12$per week.—Apply 47, Stuart-st., Docks, Car- diff. 440 SHOP (good) to Let, with good living accom- inodation, at Ynysybwl (near pontypndd), lease granted to approved tenant; lower rent for first year. —Apply for particulars to Arthur H. Roberts, Secre- tary, Cardiff and Glamorganshire Valleys Land and Building Investment Co., Ltd., Caledonian Chambers, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 3889 STABLE (3-stall-d), COACH-HOUSE, AND LOFT te Let, situate in Spital-square, Queen-street, Cardiff; low rental.—Apply John Lewis, Contractor, Spital-square, Cardiff. 424 WAREHOUSE and STABLE t« Let in Evelyn, TV street, Bute Docks. Rent moderate.—Apply 32, Partridge-road, Cardiff. 429 WAKKHOUsTfc AND LOrF"(spacious) to be Let t v or Sold, suitable for a Brewer or any business. These premises are centrally situated in Spital-square, Queen-street (immediately opposite new Taff Station). — Apply Jubn Lewis, Contractor, Spital-square, Cardiff. 434 businesses for disposal. BUTDHKBS.—For Disposal, first-class Butchering JL) Business at Idandsff, together with stall in Cardiff Market; established over 50 years large con. nection proprietor retiring from the business; pasture land, if required.—Apply John Hopkins, Butch-rs' Arms, Lldaff. 504 CARDIFF. -First-das* Refreshment Rooms aud j Hotel; goodwill, £ 200 excellent opportunity.— Apply to John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonic Cham- bers, Cardiff. 1050 dCHEMISTS.—For immediate disposal, a very profit- able Prescribing, Dispensing, and Light Retail Business, in til" most flourishing part of Cardiff. Greater portion of purchase money may remain on easy term. This k an offer rarely met with.—Address, Chemist, South Wales Daily News," Cardiff. 491 6UBL^UC £ NSED~PIJB14C-{FOTJS]5 I»" £ OULJ» Wales low ingoing.—Apply to Messrs John Jenkins and Co., Accountants, Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 1050 DRAPERY.—Small business. Splendid position Rhondda Valley. Stock and rent low. Hare opportunity.—Apply Charles, "South Wales Daily New," Cardiff.. 3b7 DRAPERY"BUSINESS in a wy good position. Terms moderate.—Apply to Messrs Jphn Jerwins and Co., Philharmonic Chambers, Cardiff. 1050 HOT WATER W<JlNl5ERII^BUSINESS to bo disposed of. Incoming small.—Apply Hot Watsr, II SRi" Wales Daily Mews" Office, Cardiff. 490 T>UBLIC-H0U8ES.—Splendid Single-licensed House X for disposal. Every satisfaction given.—Call or writj to Jones, Cape Horn Stores, ^wanses. 411 UILIC-HOUSE for DISPOSAL. Cardiff.—Full )L licensed house in most growing district ot Car. diff large trade rent low lease 21 years immediate possession. Cash required, £ 2,000.—Apply to Msssrs John Jenkins and Co., Philharmonio Cnambers, Car- diff. 1060 Horses, 'lib! £ tgrft, Carriages. II AY MARE (dark) for sale, 15.2 cheap. Also one Jj trap, suit bakM or butcher.—Apply D. James, Canton, Cardiff. 514 COB (good useful) wanted, suitable for a grocer — Apply, stating lowest price. South Wales Supply Stores, Tan-street, Pontypridd. 483 DOG-CART (Light), second band also Pony Phaeton.—Fitzgerald, Ingrain, and Co., Carriage Builders, Worklug-street, Cardiff. 482 DOG CART (fashionable, varnished), suit 14 hands; also Croydon and 12 second-hand pony traps — Rosser, Herbert-street Newport. 330 m CART'(Light Two-wheal) and Light Spring racks for Sale.—Apply 68, Wellington-street, Caqtsp. Cardiff. 260 FOR SALE, two Horses and two Carts, suitable for JL' builders and contractors,—Apply D., Daily news," Cardiff. 406 F; OOD TACK.—Horses or cattle, good land and H X water.-Apply V. 15, Daily News Office, Car. diC 408 NAPOLEON PHAETON, pole or shafts.with double best silver plated harness, all gooa condition jB16 complete.—Rev. Came Williams, Monmouth. 324 PBAETONRTrE; G*daboufc Cart to suit~Cob iL 14 hands alo Wagonettes, at low prices.— Pinnock and Co., Old King-street, Bristol. 686 PONY TRAP and Harness for Sale, suit a milkman. JL —Apply 2, Seymour-street, East Moors, Cardiff; b03 |>ONY (handsome bay) 12 hands, rising 5, fast, X sound, quiet ride or drive.—Gerard Snook, 49, Clifton-street, Roath, Cardiff. 467 PONY (handsome) for Sale, 13 hands, 4 years; JL spring trap, equal to new, and Brass Mounted Harness; a first-class lot fcr baker or grocer; the lot £ 20.-93, Clifton-street, Roath, Cardiff. 317 WAGGONETTE, capital condition, light, for one horse; also light second-hand Victoria.—Fuller and Company, Carriage Builders, St. George's-road, Bristol. 595 JftaxJjineriJ, «0015. &t. JP B c K B T T AND S O N 8 (Late Fox, Walker, and Company), LOCOMOTIVE ENGINE BUILDERS, ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, BRISTOL. NEW TANK LOCOMOTIVES of the following sizes always in Stock :— Cylinders. 16" diam. 22" stroke, 6 wheels coupled. 14" diam. 20" stroke, 6 „ „ 14' diam. 20" stroke, 4 „ if 12" diam. 18" stroke, 6 „ 10" diam. 14" stroke, 4 II Several others in progress. These have been specially designed for Collieries, Ironworks, Contractors. Ac. PHOTOGRAPHS, PRICES, AND SPECIFICATIONS UPON APPLICATION. 1081 READY FOR INSTANT DELI VERY.-SECOND- HAND HORIZONTAL ENGINE, cylinder 18in. diameter and 26in. stroke, disc crank, governors, fly wheel, outer nedestal, first-class order, JE75. Nearly new HORIZONTAL 15NGINE, cylinder, 14in diameter and 23in. stroke, complete with fly wheel, pump and governors, £]00- CONDKNSING HORIZONTAL ENGINE, cylinder 24in. diameter and 48in. stroke, complete with 8y wheel, governors, condenser pump, Ac., first-class order, £150. Pair of HORIZONTAL ENGINES, cylinders each 17in. diameter and 18in. stroke, link reversing motion, copper steam pipe, a powerful and well-made engine, good as new, £130. Second-hand, but as good as new, HORIZONTAL ENGINE, cylinder bin. diameter and lOin. stroke, complete with pump, governors, and fly wheel, first- clasa condition, £20. 1123 CHARLES D. PHILLIPS, Newport, Mon. I R O N ROOFS.— IRON ROOFS. BRUCE A STILL, IRON ROOF MANUFACTURERS, 75 AND 77, NORFOLK-SIR KET, LIVERPOOL, Have the following Pitched Roofs ready for immediate delivery for prompt cash :—20ft. by 15ft., price £3 4s 30ft. x 15ft.. jE4 15s; 40ft X 15ft., price 30ft x 18ft.. £5 1 Soft, x 20ft., £62s 6d; 40ft. x 18ft., S7 6s; 40ft. x 2Cft, 8; 60ft. x 20ft., £1117s 6d; 40ft. x 24ft., jE9 7s 6d; 60ft. x 30ft., 217 b-i; 50ft. x 24ft., £11 12s 6d 80ft. x including galvanized cor- rugated sheets, ridge capping, and fittings. following galvanised Curved Roofs ;— 3ftft. by 15ft, price £ 5 5s; 40ft x 18ft, £8 10s; 50ft. X 20ft., £11 lOll: 40ft. x 30ft., B20 10s; bOtt. x 6d 50ft x 30ft., S20 10s; bOft. x 18it., £1253: 60st x 24ft., 80ft. x 30ft., £32 15s, including galvanised corrugated curved sheets, tie and kjn rods; and fixing materials. Drawings and fixing instructions with each consignment BRUCE & hTILL, Norfolk-street, LiverpooL Quote this paper, or ordinary prices charged. 4931 NGINEs (portable) six to sixteen h.p„ Sale or Hire. Cheap.—Fielding and Piatt, Gloucester. 923 MIGINE.—For Sale, a. Vertical Engine, 8-inch H'j cylinder, 12-incb stroke, with fly wheel and y, and pump attached to same. Can be seen at any time at the "Soutli Wales Daily News'' Office, Cardiff. 5138 1i\OR SALE, TWO FIRST-CLASS SECOND-HAND ? LANCASHIRE BOILERS, 30* x T, double rivettedfl inged flues, galloway tubes in flues, good for 801bfl pressure. Two similar bcilers, 21 x 7, of very modern construction, suitable for SOlhs pressure, equal to new. Two splendid boilers, 30 x 7, double rivetted galloway tubes, and all recent improvements, will work at 801bs pressure.—For price and particulars apply Edward Ratcliffe, Hawarden, near Chester. Telegraphic address. Merchant, Hawarden." 4536 MACHINERY (Second-hand) on easy payments; Portable Traction and Vertical Engines and Boilers. Thrashing Machine, Ac.—Daries, 3, Grove- place, Swansea. 480 OFFERS wanted for an Otto Gas Engine; cost £70; nearly new and in good condition: may be seen at MrDressel's Warehouse, New-street, Cardiff.—Offers to be sent to W. C. Clarke and Dovey, 31. Queen. street, Cardiff, on or before Saturday, the 13th instant. 5888 ORTABLE ENGINES, Mortar Mill, and Saw H_ Benches for sale, hire, or purchase hire.— Apply Charles p. Phillips, Emlyn Engineering Works, Newport, Mon. 5.506 TO PRINTERS.—For immediate sale, Ingle's City J)t_ Doubla-demy Printing Machine, in good working order. Must be sold to clear premises. No reasonable office refused. — "Chronicle" Office, Weston-super- Mare, 500 VERTICAL ENGINE.—Governors, pump, boiler, V all fittings. Suit soda water, or chaff cutting. Lot, £16; worth doubfe.—W. Morris. Brynmawr. 601 Magons anfc Requisites. RAILWAY WAGONS for bire or sale. Cash or J[\< deferred payments.—The Midland Railway Carl riage and Wagon Company, Limited, Midland works Birmingham. 1082 Stories, tfeprles, (CAMBRIAN CYCLES, j New and Second-hand, FOB SALE OR EXCHANGE. CASH OR EASY TERMS. PERAMBULATORS, BATH CHAIRM. AND CYCLES OF ALL PATTERNS FOR HIRB. PRICE LISTS, POST FUEE, ONE STAMP. MORRIS BROTHERS, WORKS PONTYPRIDD, and 1136 57, QUEEN-STREET, CARDIFF. BICYCLE (53 inch), Morris Cambrian. Brown's ball bearings, bent handles; 70s. 51 inch, roller bearings, 30s.—W. Kennard, 92, Queen-st., Cardiff. 463 rriRIOYCLE.—First-class Humber (the "Cripper"), X plated, with carrier cost £25; a bargain—Ap. ply Messrs Morris, Queen-street, Cardiff. 5931 Jfor ^ale.-iEisrelIaneou5. ERESH SHELLED COCKLES daily; pickled JC cockles daily; 4s per dozen quarts. Fresh shrimps daily, 18 3d per dozen quarts. Remittance with ordera. —Apply Thomas Rylet, Skirbech Quarter, Boston, Lincolnshire. 375 ""■VrANA," the celebrated realistic Romance by Emiie Zola. The complete edition, post free for 13IitaJPP3.-E,1Jowker, 27, Renshaw-st., Liverpool. 173 PRINTERS.—Grand opening complete Printing JL Office for sale. 30 founts jobbing and news. machine fand presses easy terms.—8, Cardigan. AFE INVESTMENTS.—For Sale, Freehold Ground kO Rents, £6 per annum and upwards; wanted to Borrow, B200 to on Freeholds ample margin. Offer to X., "Daily News Office, Swansea. 515 DAFis (Double Office), 4 feet by 3 by 2 been used by pawnbroker; good as new.—Lord, Safe Manu- faetnrer, Wolverhampton. 354 faetnrer, Wolverhampton. 354 LS AFES (second-hand), several for Sale; state size ^5 reqnired; all carriage paid.—Lord, Safe Maker, Wolverb mpton. 353 CVfEAM YACHT.—To be Sold, a bargain, a small £ 5 Steam Yacht, hull of wood, 3o feet long by 14 feet beam, with vertical engine and boiler, ready for sea. —Apply G. K. Stothert and Co., Engineers, Bristol. 5719 ^Tisrellaueflus. — JMPROYED ATERPROOF COVERS Warranted not to stick or crack. RICKSHEETS! RICK SHEETS1 1 All sizes and qualities in stock. OAK BARK TANNED ENGLISH LEATHER BELTING. MANUFACTURER— QHABLES D. PHILLIPS, NEWPORT. MON. 1169 FURNISH OU our New Hire System. Houses or Apartments completely furnished on a new sys- tem adopted solely by us, whereby all publicly, exposure, and inquiries usually made by other com- panies are dispensed with. We have an immense stock ot Household Furniture of cheap and superior quality. All goods sold on the Hire System at ready- money prioes. We make no extra charge for credit, and aU geodll sent borne III a prin yan free of charge No stamp or agreement charges made no bill of sale everything private. Arrangements completed without delay, ana, bein manufacturers, we guarantee quality, and will undertake to supply furniture, Ac., at 10 per csnt less than any price-list issued by any firm in Cardiff. Eleven show rooms. Call and inspect our immense stock, and compaze prices before purchasing elsewhere. We will supply £ a worth for 2s 6d weekly S10 worth, 4s weekly; £15 worth for 5s weekly E20 worth, 6s weekly, and so on in proportion. Special terms for larger quantities. Please note the Address SOUTH WALES FURNISHING COMPANY, 31 C» (opposite (lie Castle). C",rdilf.I2783-2491-6Se B/MJTUKK FORETOLD, 9d full particulars, 3s 6d jn send age love talisman, Is 4d others, 6s.—X.X., Office, 150, Fleet-street, Loudon. 383 HAIR! HAIR;!—Wigs, Fronts, Scalpettes, Fringes, JLTL Guards, Bracelets, made from own hair. Wigs on hire for theatricals, piomptly. Cheapest tail of hair in West of England, 10s 6d. Large stocks of all descriptions. Ladies' combings made up promptly.— Stevens, 67, Wine-street, Bristol. 503 "VT ERVOUS DEBILITY. GRATIS, a medical work, showing sufferers how they may be cured without the aid of quacks. Free on receipt of postage stamp—Address Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. 720 AAA USEFUL HANDBILLS, 6s 6d~l7000 i v"v Memorandums, Cards, or Billheads, 4s; Wedrrfng and Mourning Cards.—Fisher and Co., MachineiPriiiterSj>^MkdmeadjBristol^>466 ^Coiteir. rpHE TRADES COMMERCIAL BANK, LfMITED. RSGISTEKED QFFICE-i: 4 A 5, GOAT-STREET, SWANSEA. CAP (til £50,000, ALL KINDS OF BANKING AND FINANCING BUSINESS DONE. DEPOSITS RECEIVED. Particulars from JOHN F. HARVEY, Manager. 4534 MONEY. — IMPERIAL DEPOSIT BANK IS 1: Adam-street, Strand, London. — ADVANCES made privately at a day's notice, from B20 to £2,000, to male or female, 111 town or country, upon promissory notes, without bill of sale, on the following terms:- Advance £2DTwelvemonthlyrepaymentsof£115 0 •• 30" 2 12 6 50.. „ „ 476 » 100" „ „ 8 lb ) Larger amounta the same in proportion, and. if dasirsd, the capital can remain as long as the interest is paid. Adrances also made upon the mortgage of Furniture, Stock, Crops. Deeds, and Life Policies. Distance no object. Send for prospectus to b266 CHAS. J. KNIGHTLEY, Manager. IMPORTANT NOTICE.—If you want Money send Jt. stairp for Prospectus before borrowing elsewhere. —Mr Pitt. 43, rifclisbury-road, Car^f 651 O CAA to lend in one or smaller sums at 5 per cent attlVv on freehold or leasehold house or chape} property.—Apply Trustee, care flf Mr Jones, Chemist, Aberaman. 492 MONEY LENT ON NOTE OF HAND Privately by CHARLES H. WHEATLEY, ESQ., from S10 to £5,000. 34, Great Russell-street, Bloomsbury, and 27, Blooms. bury-street, New Oxford-street, London. ADVANCES MADE WITHOUT SURETIES OR DELAY, in town or country, upon note of hand alone and to assist persons into business, upon mortgage of furniture, leases, machinery, farming stock, crops, shares, jewels, plate, plant, and stock, without reo moval also upon life policies and deeds at b per cent, STRICT SECRECY OBSERVED.] N.B.—No genuine application ever refused. All communications strictly private. Prospectuses, giving every information, showing all the advantages offered, post free. Having a large surplus capital at command, all advances are granted cheaper than any other establishment in London, from one to fifteen years. N.B.—If desired. Mr Wbeatley will attend person- aUy at applicant's residence with cash, and carry out the advance. 5711 MONEY ADVANCED PRIVATELY FROM JJJL to £5.000, To responsible persons Male or Female, in Tows or Country, at a day's notice, upon PROMISSORY NOTES, WITHOUT ANY OTHER SECURITY. Also upon Deeds, Leases, Life Policies, Stocks, Shares, Legacies and Reversions, at Five per cent. Distance no object, as Loans may be repaid by Cheques or Postal Orders, and so long as the interest is paid the Capital can remain. ALL COMMUNICATIONS ARE STRICTLY PRIVATE. Apply personally or by post to the actual lender, C. CHARLES, ESQ., 4, Waterloo-place, Pall Mall, London. N.B. — Established 1867, since which period the money advanced by Mr Charles exceeds £b,ooo,ooo, and no good application is ever refused. 4651 MONEY LENT by a PRIVATE GENTLEMAN .l.: WITHOUT LOAN OFFICE ROUTINE, From £10 to S500 UPON NOTE OF HAND. To LADIES, GENTLEMEN. FARMERS, and TRADERS generally. Also upon the security of furniture, plant, farming "tock, shares, and plate in town or country, without removal, and to assist persons into business also on deeds and life policies at 5 per cent., from 1 to 10 years, without delay or public inquiries.—Apply personally, or write to the lender, HKNRY MILNER, ESQ., 17, Wellington-square, King's-road, London, S.W. N.B.—Strict secrecy observed. 3629 MONEY. FROM B10 AND UPWARDS. WHEN so many alluring advertisements appear tV invariably, applicants experience great difficulty in choosing a Genuine Establishment, and are often induced to Pay Fees when there is no intention of making an advance. I charge NO FEES Before or after the advance, and no genuine Applica- tion refused. A FAIR RATE OF INTEREST CHARGED. Uoon Furniture, Trade and Farm Stocks, Deeds, Note of Hand, and every available Security. Distance no object. Advances can be arranged to be Completed t Appli- cant's Residence. Âddresa- MANAGER, 2 and 3, BUTE-TERRACE, CARDIFF. The Clerks of this Office are Bound by a Bond not to Disclose the Transactions of its Customers. 5595 MONEY LENT WITHOUT BILL OF SALE.-A. jLvjL Private Gentleman is desirous of making ad- vances upon promissory note alone, at 5 per cent. interest to male or female, without sureties and strictly private, for any term not exceeding 10 years. —-Apply for prospectus and scale of repayments to G. H. Shove, Esq., 21, Johu-street, Adelphi, London, 5 MONEY! MONEY" MONEY!! I— £ 10 to £ 50o Advanced by a Private Gentleman at a Day's Notice in Town or Country, distance no object, to res- ponsible Persons, male or female, on Note of Hand (and without Bill of Sale), at moderate Interest, as follows, viz. Advanced jBZO. 12 monthly repayments, £111;s Od £30, „ £ 212sbd £ 40. „ Larger amounts iu proportion. To start in business, furnish your house, to pay your rent or debts, or pay out an execution. Quarterly or half-yearly repayments can be acccepted,01: to suit the Borrower. No Ganuine Application ever Refused. Strict Privacy and Prompt Attention can be relied upon. Distance 110 object, as repayments can be sent by cheque or Post Office order. —Apply to Actual Lender, AUGUSTUS FISHER, 72, London Wall, London, E.C. 5590 mHE COMMERCIAL ADVANCE BANK £ 0 to £ 500 immediately advanced to all classes of oorrowers on their own security, at low interest, Repayments to suit borrowers. MONEY LENT ON DEPOSITS. No fees. Bills discounted. Apply- 19, QUAY.STREET (off High-street), CARDIFF. Enclose stamp for prospectus and particulars before borrowing elsewhere. 840—120b CASH ^D V A N C E S JYJ A D E ON SIMPLE NOTE OF HAND. FROM TO ii500, At a Few Hours' Notice, to FARMERS, MARKET GARDENERS, TRADESMEN, CAB PROPRIETORS, and HOUSEHOLDERS, On their own Security, without removal. No Enquiry Fees. The usual Loan Office formalities dispenilea with- All communications treated in the strictest con- fidence. ——— ADDRESS- MANAGER, CARDIFF and COUNTY ADVANCE BANK, 9, CAROLINE-STREET, CARDIFF. 5596 MONEY LENT PRIVATELY JLjJL From £ j 0 to in town or country, on approved note of band alone. Also upon mortgage of furniture, trade or farm stock (without removal), and to assist persens into bU!lines8. No sureties required. Strictly private. Write or call on actual lender, 4604 Mr F. DUNBAR. Kent Villa, St. MONEY LENT PRIVATELY AT A FEW HOURS' NOTICE. A Gentleman having a. large amount of Capital is willing to grant advances, upon note of hand, from 15 to £1.000 at 5 per cent., to Clergymen, Farmers, Hotel Proprietors, Lodging-house Keepers, Tradesmen, or to any responsible Person, Male or Female, in Town or Country. (Without loan ojice formalities.) Distance no object, and so long as the interest is paid the capital can remain. No genuine application refused. All communications are treated strictly private.—Apply to the actual Lender, H. Harrison, Esq., 87, York-road, Westminster Bridge-rood, London. 5466 MONEY Money) t Monev!—Cash Advances made at a few hours' notice, from S5 to O. to Farmers, Market Gardeners, Cowkeepers, Tradesmen, and others, on their own security. No sureties reo quired. No inquiry fees. Money lent on deposits, also tradesmen's bills àiscounted.-Apply nersonally, or by letter, to Mr A. Jordan, Manager, Private Loan Office, Dock-street (corner of Skinner-street), Newport, Mon. 1189 £ A Ct AAA J^eady to be Advanced on good Freehold or Leasehold Property, in sums of £ 100 to £ 10,000 also on good personal security, reversions, annuities, Ac., Ac.—Messrs Hein, Financial Agents 72, St. Mary-street, Cardiff. 1049 lEost LOST, Dun Colour Mare, 14 hands, six off, flaxen mane and tail.—Information to be sent to Police- station, Llanover, Abergavenny. LOST, a Fox Terrier Bitch, white body, with light Jt_J tan head, answers name of "Reine." Any per- son bringing her to S. H. Byass, Esq., Craigavon, Port Talbot, will 340 5S. REWARD will be given to any person that will give information whore Rose removed his furni- ture to from 60, Salisbury-roa»d.— Apply 89, Castle, road, Cardiff. 426 THE CARDIFF AND COUNTY COACH. BUILDING COMPANY, LIMITED (with which is incorporated the Cardiff Coacbbuilding Company), HOPE-STREET (OFF CUSTOM HOUSE-STKBET), CARDIFF, are: at present building to the order of several local gentlemen y^ANDAUS AND JgROUGHAMS of the lightest and most fashionable build. None but skilled artizans are employed, and the best materials used. An inspection of the large showroom stock, com- prising Landaus, Broughams, Wagonettes, Dog Carts, Pliaeteus, and other vehicles, is invited. G. M. HUNT, 3013 MANAGER. CAVENDISH HOUSE, CHELTENHAM. NOW SHOWING, NOVELTIES AND SPECIALITIES IN COSTUMES, CLOAKS, AND JACKETS FOR SEASIDE WEAR, I TRAVELLING, YACHTING, THE MOORS. ——— 1130 Patterns and Sketches Free. Please Address ) CAVENDISH HOUSE. LIM., The MANAGERS, f CHELTENHAM. TEETH.—Complete Set, One Guinea j JL Single Tooth, 2s 6d. Five years' warranty. Numerous Gol i Medals have been awarded these teeth. Adapted by suction and all improved methods. See original testimonials from eminent medical authorities. Dr. Andrew Wilson says: I can recom. mend Mr Goodman as a skilful and humane dentist. Painless Dentistry of every description. Gas ad- rninistsred by qualified medical men. Old cases repaired and re-modelled. — GOODMAN, Surgeon Dentist (late Manager to Eskell, Loudon), Shannon- court, 7. Corn-street, Bristol; and 66, Queen-street, 65, Crockherbtown), Cardiff. 13041 5422 SHAVING. EVERY ONE WHO SHAVES SHA VING, should use the ALBION MILK AND SULPHUR SOAP, which SHAVING, yields a firm,creamy, and refreshing HA VING. ather, softening the beard, prevent. o ing the irritation so often caused to HAVING, delicate skins in shaving, and ren- rN Tr A vr\T dering the passage of the razor rapid and easy. As a Toilet Soap OHAVING. it IS unequalled. Delicately per' K3 fumed. Sold by all dealers in Per- (^HAVING, fumery in Shaving Cakes and Toilet HAVING. Tablets- 4671 SWANSEA OFFICE) OF THE SOUTH WALES DAILY NEWS," No. 2, COLLEGE-STREET. All orders from NEWSAGENTS will receive promp attention, and be executed UYOI1 the same terms as from the Chief Office. The "DAILY NEWS' delivered to Subscribers early every morning in any part of the town. ADVERTISEMENTS received up to Seven o'clock will secure ins3rtion ill the naxt mornin's issue of tw DAILY NKWS BILL-POSTING.—PHILIP R. JAMES, PONTYPRIDD and RHONDDA VALLEY BILL-POSTER and DISTRIBUTOR, TTeorky, and 6, Church-street, Pontypridd, Rents all the principal POSTING STATIONS in Pontypridd and Rhondda Valley. Rorso and trap and Pianoforte kept for Hire. 1015 too late for TO BUILDERS AND CONTRAOTORS. The YSTRADGUNLAIS LOWER SCHOOL BOARD are prepared to receive TENDERS for the ERECTION of a CLASS ROOM at the Cwmtwrch Board School, plans and specifications of which may be seen at the Office of the undersigned between the hours of 10 a.m. and 6 p.m. on or before Friday, the 26th instant. Tenders to be forwarded to me not later than the 27th instant. The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepts J, By order, D. BEVAN TURBERVTLLE, Clerk. 4, Herbert-street, Pontardawe. B, EVANS AND COMPANY'S rpHREE D-kys, 1 SUPPLEMENTARY SALE OF REMNANTS & ODD LOTS fjlO-MORUOW, gATURDAY, AUGUST 13TH, JY/JONDAI, AUGUST 15TH, AND TpUESDAY, A UGUST 16XH. In order to effect an entire Clearance within the time specified, the whole of the above-named Goods will be MARKED AT VERY LOW PRICES. AT THE SAME TIME They will offer a Stock of 2,740 KARDS of SOUTH WALES MANUFACTURED GOODS consisting of REAL WELSH SHIRTING, DRESS, APRONING, SKIRTING, AND BLANKETING FLANNELS. The Goods are of the Best Makes, and will be sold at quite TWENTY PER CENT. BELOW LLANGYFELACH PRICES. B. EVANS & 00. respectfully suggest early visits, as the Stock will necessarily be in better order on the morning of each day. Temple-street, Swansea. THE PAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. THE LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE PRINCIPALITY. THE CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS THE BRIGHTEST, THE MOST READABLE, THE MOST AMUSING WEEKLY PAPER IN THE KINGDOM. ORIGINAL ARTICLES. ENTERTAINING SERIALS. PLENTY OF NEWS. PRICE ONE PENNY. 72 COLUMNS. PRICE ID. 72 COLUMNS. THE CONTENTS FOR THIS WEEK Will include :— WORKMEN'S TOPICS. MABON, M.P., on the New Canadian i Tariff and American Op:nion respecting Emigrants from Europe. American workmen want to be as well protected as the Employers from Foreign Competition. "LIKE AND UNLIKE." An Original Serial Story by that Eminent Novelist, Miss Braddon. With Illustrations. EMINENT WELSH CLERGYMEN. Further Article from the Rev. J. B. Kilsby Jones on Rhys Prichard, THE POET GOWER. Biographical Sketch of the Poet Gower. John Gower was one of the earliest writers in the English Language living at the period which was adorned by Chancer, Wiclif.and Langland. EXPERIENCES OF A DETECTIVE. Mr James McGovan will relate the Story 6f "A Miduight Murder." THE FIELD OF WATERLOO. A Short Description of this Famous Battle- field, with Illustrations. "YSTORIAU 0 HANES CYMRU." Gan Alltud Gwent. Short but Interesting Stories in Welsh. AT THE KING'S ARMS" A Good Story in which a Temperance Lecturer Wins the Heart of a Publican's Daughter. Complete, with Illustrations. OWEN GLENDOWER. OR GWALIA'S LAST STRUGGLE. Further Chapters of a Welsh National Story by H. J. Forrest. SOUTH WALES CHAT. AU the Gossip of the Week, by MERLIN. WELSH MUSIC AND MUSICIANS. Letter from Dr Parry, Principal of the Musical Coi/ege pf Wales, on Choral Music. WELSH GLEANINGS. BY LLOFFWR. LOTTIE'S LETTER to her Sisters and her Cousins and her Aunts. All about a Holiday on the Continent. Also Fashion Plates. THE CHILDREN'S HOUR. Aunt Maggie's Chat with the Youngsters. TALK OF THE TOWN; Illustrated. A smart London Letter on Social Topics, with Illustrations. THE CARDIFF TIMES AND SOUTH WALES WEEKLY NEWS CONTAINS ALL THE NEWS OF THE WEEK. Sold by all Newsagents throughout Wales and the We3t of England. LADIES !—Send for Box of Patterns, post free, of the Celebrated DARLINGTON (gold medal) DRESS FABRICS, which are warranted to wear and always look well. The new patterns for the season are now ready.—HENRY PEASE and CO.'s SUCCESSORS, Darlington. 47b3 RJLHE QTTO" Q>S P]NGINE. TWENTY THOUSAND SOLD. COMBINED "OTTO" GAS ENGINES AND PUMPS. COMBINED "OTTO" GAS ENGINES AND DRY AIR REFRIGERATORS. COMBINED "OTTO" GAS ENGINES & DYNAMOS. VERTICAL "OTTO" GAS ENGINES. HORIZONTAL "OTTO "GAS ENGINES. TWIN-CYLINDER "OTTO" GAS ENGINES MAN-POWER "OTTO" GAS ENGINES. SELF-STARTING "OTTO" GAS ENGINES. SECOND-HAND "OTTO" GAS ENGINES. 1159 CROSSLEY BROS. (LD.), MANCHESTER.

Family Notices














