Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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SATURDAY. Before Cul. Byrde, C. J. Parkes, Esq., and E. J. Phillips, Esq. LICENSES. The license of tho King's IIoad," kept by J. Probyn, was doforrod for tho present. Tho liconso of tho Voluntoor's Arms," kept by Thomas Teaguo, was grunted. Tho licouao of John ltobort DavioB, "Tho Boll," Blacnavon, was suspended for tho present. Tho transfor of tho liconso of "Tho Uuiou Foundry," Llanithol, was grantod. Tho application of Messrs Davios and Sand- brook, for a licouso to soil boor and porter in email quantities, off tho prouiisos, was granted. Tho various applications from Griflithstown, for licenses to sell boor and portor off tho pro- mises, wero refuted. Mr Watkins Baid ho had appoarod for throo applicants, and ho wished their worships to state their roagons for tho refusal in writing, as it was likely tho decision would bo appoalod against. Mr C. Dauncey, on bohalf of Mr Groonway, who had supported sevoral applications, mado a similar request. APPLE STEALING AND ASSAULT. GeorgeParfitt and Il cnry Morgan were ohargod with trespass by stealing apples, on the pro- perty of lienry Plaistcd. Parfitt was further charged with assaulting Zobina Jones, a young boy, in the employ of Henry Plaistod. Complainant said that Parfitt had como to his houso on Friday, and offered him Gd. as a re- muneration for the apples which he had stolon. Zebina Jones, a small boy, said ho saw de- fendants taking apples; they asked for some apples, but witne88 said L, a would not give them any one of them said, I shall mako you George Parfitt and other boys boat him wit- ness kuow defendants before they took all tho apples off tho trees, then wont iuto tho garden and stolo more apples, and Gnally passed iuto tho orchard, where they loaded themselves thoro woro threo boys up in one troo, and the lot filled their pockots with apples, and also had applos in their bosoms. In answer to ono of defendants Did not say If you want apples come back and havo some." John Gilbert, farmer, said that on tho day in question ho was in his garden working, and ho lioard tho boy Jones crying the boy waB cry- ing for about half-an-hour witness wonderod what the orying was about, for he know that Mr Plaisted had boon from home went up to BOO what was the matter, and the boy told him thoro had boon fivo or six boys there boating him ho said tho boys had beaten him very badly about tho head he (the boy) did not aay anything about tne apples thou. ° JamoB Price was called, and tho burden of his evidence was to tho effect that he accompanied tho defendant Parfitt and his mother to tho houso of Plaistcd, where thoy saw tho boy Jones, who said ho had given apploa to tho do- fendants. Mr Plaietod The boy said ho did not give dcfondaut3 any apples. Prico said that Mr Plaistod had gone Into iho stables when Jones mado tho statement Defendant Morgan inado a statetneut to the effect that Joues wont up into a troo and throw a quantity of apples on tho road ho (defend- ant) said to him, !i If your undo was to see you ho would givo it to you tho boy mado answer' 44 My undo is in :aiid will not bo homo till night." The littlo boy admitted ho did say that, but immediately aftcrwardd doniod it. The bench felt fully satisfied that an assault had bcou committed. Parfitt, for tho assault auil trespass, was fiuod 40s., and Morgan 20s. AKOTllIm APPLE STEALING CASE. Leonard Scott and Evall Llvuris woro charged with trespass on tho proporty of David Mostly Pcnlasgarn. Defendants pleaded guilty. George Moswly saw defendants on hia grand- father's property thoy woro picking nuta and broaking tho hedgos. Mr Moscly aaid that tho farmorg were con- tinually annoyed by persons from tho town and Abersyehan, and added, Thoy take our apples, and everything." Tlio magistrates You do not know that thoso young men took your applos. Mr Mosely No, no, sir but it is tho aamo Bort that goes thero. P.c. Beauland said that in consequence of so many complaints having boon mado by Mosuly, ho waa sent thero on duty Oil Sunday morning thoro wcro fivo nrrcctod, but tho othor throo gavo wrong namoa ho had since found out tho proper name of ono of thoso throe, and ascer- tained that ho was working ntthcStool Works thoro wcro about 50 persons thoro altogether after nuts, apples, and what they could got. lined 20s. each, or 14 days' imprisonment. ALLEGED ASSAULT BY A PACKMAN. James Brown, a travelling draper, was ohargod with assaulting Charlotte Loicoeter, wife of W w. Leicester, Pontuowydd. Complainant said that on the day in question she had left the house to fetch somo water; when she returned eho found Brown sitting on a chair in hor house asked him what ho want- ed, and ho said, Money told him she owed him nothing, and uad never dealt with him in her lifo ho said, I know you have not, but you have had it from another man he then shut the door aud behaved in an indecent man- ner towards her, and struck hor with his Btick. T\ L! 'I. -Lvorenaaui mauo a statemout to the effect that ho camo into the house, rested his pack upon a chair, and when complainant came in ho asked her for money in dischargo of a debt which sho owed to a man named Tom Brown ho did not sit down on the chair uor assault her in any way on the contrary, sboassanltod him by throwing otonos at him in tho garden. Do- fend aut also asked for an adjournment, and said that the place whoro the assault was alleged to have boon committed was in tho parish of Llau- tarnam, and consequently in tho Caorleon Di- vision. Complainant showed her dress, which was torn aha denied having thrown stones at do- fendant in the garden she had seen him about an hour previously, coming down the caual bauk, and when she came into iho houso ho was sitting down on tho chair this was tho third occasion on which defendant hod called on her for money sho never had any dealings with tho man in her life, nor with anyone counoctod with him she did not owo money to any paok- man. Complainant, on being questioned by defend- ant, admitted she dealt with ainaiinamou Potor Maloiio. Thocase, after some discussion, was adjournod to Caerloon potty eessionB on Thursday, the 20th inet., and defendant was bound over, in his own recognizances, in a sum of E20, to appear. Defendant: I will not forfoit anything. THE GREEN-EYED MONSTEIi AT TaLVWAIN. Sarah I nomas, Talywain, waa chargod with assaulting Annio Blako on ifordnv, the 3rfl innt. Defendant saiJ, iu the W ulah languago, that sho could not speak English. 0 Complainant said that on Monday morn inf between 11 and 12 o'clock, defendant struck hor with a rolling-pin and accused hor of having been in hor (defendant's) huaband'e company on Saturday night. Defendant hero began to speak Wolsh. F.8. Lcwid, in answer to idr ILdwards, said ho had ahvays hoard her cpeak very good Buglish. Dofondant said her husband had his arm round complainant's waist, and sho (complainant) had had iicr arm round his nock. P.g. Lewis had been to dofondnnt'a husband, and ho denied tho mattor altogothor. Complainant said that dofondant throatonod to tear her —— liver after this was over. Defendant was bound over to keep tho peace for cix months, and had to pay 8s. Gd. Sho handed in a half covcroign, aud on receiving tho change o::claimod, iu very good English, "I'll make her remember this again." THREATS. James Williams was cliargod with using throats towards Goorgc Daniol, on the 30th ult. Complainant said that somo three weeks ago, for trespassing npon proporty belonging to him, dof ondant was summoned, and was let off upon paying costs when thoy loft the hail, ho (com- plainant) was co-osidorably annoyod and insult- ed on the 30th ult., met defendant, and after some iuaultiug language, ho challenged to fight him complainant told him to go about his business, and that ho would wait upon him in another way. Defendant was bound over to keep the peace for six months. Dofondant said that Mr Daniel was trying to take tho broad ont of his mouth, by going to his gaffer and making complaints of him. This Mr Daniel denied. ASSAULT. Johanna Carey was charged, on remand, with assaulting Bridget Hannan. Defendant ploadod not guilty. Complainant deposod-that her mother-in-law, who was also defendant's mother, died on Tues- day, tho 28th ult., and they hold a 44 wako dofondant camo in, kicked up a row, and catch- ing complainant by tho hair of her head, put her under her knees sho used moat threatening language when complainant was going to cha- pol of a Sunday she had to pass tho house of dofondaut, who used to insult hor when tho funoral took place dofondant again throatonod hor. Defendant said that complainant would not allow hor to go and 600 hor uiothor when sho was dyiug. Defendant was bound over to koop the poaco for six months. AN EXCITABLE OLD WOMAN. Catherine Connell was ohargod, on remand, with stealing 2 yards of calioo, 2¡ yards of flannol, and one muffler, tho proporty of Margt. M'Carthy, Blaenavon. Defendant pleaded not gnilty. Complainant said she had gone to tho Com- pany's shop on Thursday week, and bought the articles above mentioned on her return she wont into a public kept by a Mrs Morgan pri- Bonor was sitting in Mrs Morgan's, drunk she (complainant) had lost tho goods mentioned above. P.s. James said that prisoner was trying to plodgo tho articles on Thursday ho tuada in- quiry at the Company's and found that articles corresponding to thoso which priaonor had boon endeavouring to pawn had boon sold at tho shop ho went to the pawnshop again, and found that in tho meantime prisoner had roloased the goods ho than apprehended this woman, but tho goods were not found on her asked her namo, and she said it was" Mra Mao- Farron prisoner's husband worked at Blaon- avon Works, and, at the station, he offorod to pay Mrs M'Carthy the value of tho goods if she would withdraw the charge. Prisonor here became very violent in her manner, and continued to abuse prosecutrix. Policeman Be quiet, will you ? Prisoner (to the Bonch) Excuse my impu- donce, gentlemen, for I have lost my temper I want justice, and I will have justloe but is it justice to lock me up for two days without bringing me before a magistrate ? The policeman again interposed, when pri- sonor exolaimcd, 441 was locked up in a cold coll, dancing and singing to amuse myself thoy brought me some hot wator and a ornst of broad which they called broad and ooffeo." Defendant bocamo so violent in her manner, and so abusive in her languago, that she was romoved to one of the cells in the polico station. When she had coolod down a little, she was placed in the dock and acquitted, the evidence not being sufficient to justify a conviction. LEAVING WORK lilTLIOUT NOTICE. John Davies, a waggon or, ia the employ of Ilcury Knipo, Coodygrio, was charged with leaving work without notice. Complaiuant owed defendant 10s. 8d. wagos, and the bench discharged dofondant on his for- feiting that train. ASSAULT. Rosser Lewis was charged with assaulting Jamoa Cokoly, on tho night of Saturday, let September. Defendant ploadcd cot guil-y. Complainant said ho was coming from Pont- nowynydd on the date above-named dofondant tnoi; him by the Horse-shoo Inn and laid hold of hizu by tho collar of his coa; asked him what ho wanted ho thou loosed complainant, who wont on defendant followed again, and struck him. Defendant said that Cokely struck him first. William Richards, a littlo boy, saw defendant strike Cokoly &ud knook him down Cuko!y did not ctriko him. Dofondant was ordorod to pay tho costo, 10s. Cokoly What am I to do for my wook's wap:cs ? I havo been idlo for a wook. And I havo IOf-Jt my day's work to como here. (Laughtor.) EREACil OF THE PEACE. Joseph Price and William Llewellyn wore chargod with a broach of tho poaco by fighting, on Sunday, Znd Soptombor. Prico was finod 20s., and Llewellyn 10s. BASTARDY ARREARS. William Pritchard was charged with tho non-payment of bastardy arrears duo to a young woman named Taylor. Ordorod to pay in a wook. BREACH OF THE PEACE. George Evans was charged with a broach of tho peace, by fighting at Blaonavon. I P.o. 104 provod tho charge, Finod lOa.


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Family Notices