Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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"t" ? To Farmers AND Otmers. GO FOR YOUR HARVEST BEER M. WHITE SOIS; -Ø Tiffm BREWERY, GEORGE-ST., POUTTTPOOL. ,f: NOTICE OF REMOVALT A. & G. T A Y L. O R (PHOTOGKAPHERS TQ.THE QnE»N>,j-. >Yg;( LAtE J '¡t}j '11, ARCADE STUDIO, NEWPORT. WE beg to announce to our numerous TV patrons and the public generally that, in consequence of the enormous ineof bashteas during the past few years, we have Removed to Larger Premises, where we ha ve ouilt one of the finest studios in Wales, and have itted up same with all the Latest Im prevements in Modern Photography. PiweTNote New Addres8: WESLEY CHAMBERS, 157, Commercial St., NEWPOET. Ne eemneetien wTteverwith the Arcade Studio HOSIERY. HOSIBBY. HOSIERY. Wholesale and Retail. D. W. JONES- BBGS to announce that he has purchased the finest plant in existence for the manu- factare at all sizag of HOSIERY ia rib-aad plaia. KIlN'. HOSE FR^ Is. 6d. te IT 6d. ffete Aidrem— 81 82, HIGH STREET, POUTYPOOL, AND MABJMT ST. ETERY SATURDAY. 1 t t, j" AM ACCOMPLISHED FAC711 £ BB "LITTLE GEM," HAS been most successfully opened, and oommandi the admiration ef all who have teen it, with its numerous and varied assortments of COJIECTIOKBRY. In the "LITTLE GEM" yo. will and some of the CHOICEST chocolates by such makers as Fry and Rowntree, of Bristol and York. BUTTERSCOTCH, NOUGAT, & TOFFEE by Callard and-Bowser, of London. t. The finest FRENCH CONFECTIONERY by Paseall, of London: and the BEST BOTTLED SWEETS by Terry, of York. Don't miss this treat, but call and see the "LITTLE GEM "i Next door to the 44 WAVERLET," in CRANE STREET PONTYPOOL. Awarded First PhJZE Medal, Adelaide Jubilee Exhibition, 1887, and Sydney Centenary Exhibition 1888. TO PICTURE FRAME MAKrii- AND DECORATORS pHEAPEST House 111 London for Eniclish and Foreign Picture'Frame and Boom Mouldings; all the newest desiang. Two million feet always in stock. Veneered t- Fancy Wood Mouldings, &c.; Picture Frames 01 every description. Oleographs*, &c. Further reduction in prices. Wholesale Carvei und Gilder. Every requisite for the trade and exportation. Special attention to Country Orders. Full particulars in New Pattern Book and Catalogues (85 pages 4to Demy, revised /or 1891) tor three penny stamps.—H. MOREfjL, 17 and A.t t. Andrnw Street, Bloomsbury, London.— Stock Lists an4 Prices,: of Plass monthly, free on application. note the AddrnRo. I Q TIFF'S SI ARCH Sold in 5-lb. Packets. O Trade ii ark—Queen OTIFF'S STARCH Uniform Quality. V Warranted Pure. Most Econoniioal. STIFF'S STARCH Imparts an Exquisite Olo6«. Makes Linen Look like Ne» Q IFF'S STARCH l°0rT Stband«. 0 For Shirt Fronts. QTIFF'S STARCH ,7' JV- For Cuffs. 1 TIFF'S STARCH For Lace. for Linen. OTIFF'S STARCH n .ru" !°r^01* STIFF" S STARCH Ask for Stiff's Starch. Note the Caution Label. r>.rnr™.6 cTA"RCF o s^e Trade Mara. OTIFF S.ST See Dr. Hassall's Testimoni* kj Mark Wha* Dr. Griffin says. STIFF'S STARCH Jtead Pro. Herapath's Kepor; Sold by Grocers. <-m tsrrA-Rmr Sold by Druggists. CI TIFF S STARCH Sold by Oilmen. Q Established 1811). WhOJAA"JØ-ft an" (to:' ,e:r.}'J: :,t;/j L (: '¡' ¡" -J r ■ C U T*rHEl? I say »<mre» W stop them for a time, and then have them "SffSSf-1 S<" ScKnSs, a life.lons- study. Rprnedy to cure the worst cases. Because otl, ere wS felled is no reason for not now receiving ™re Send at once for a Treatise and a Free Botflc SlSle Remedy.. Give address m tUJx. rosS vou notwi for a ^iaL wllJ j ou._V ROOT. 28, Knesiei^n-gartiens (.n«ro-ro»r W 1 ia( ( MEMO. FORMS to order, ruled, Cream JlUUU Laid Paper, 6s. MEMO. FORMS, as above, for 17s.— /UyU Hughbs & SON, Printers and Litho grannera. Pontypool. ,v. e- 0,4NIBUS SERVICE *• > BETWEEN PONTYPOOL ROAD STATION. r ——— A BUS' will leave the TOWN HALL, PONTT- POOL, daily (Sundays excepted), calling at the Crown Hotel, in connection with the following Trains, l £ £ mng t^e Clarence Hotel, .two minutee after the times given below. FA f v Fi^B FOR BACH PASSRNGER 11 f*A With an Extra Charge for Heavy Luggage* TVaMM. t 'i I.' 10.5 a.m. T For Nortb Express, Abecga- ( venny and Newport trains. n j f For Bristol and. West e £ 1^.35 P-nf-, -( itlnglandi "and North Express t also Newport and Cardiff. 2 20 »Jfl. ,,t For Bristol, Newport, Cardifl .■^VoTpd ^on^on trains. T"'s Por Abergavenny, Heref<»d» 3.2^ i tod Newport trains. T i X j, IiO t ok f For North Express and New- -50 p,m- 1 port andiOardrff trains. fi 40 ft mi J.-V For Bristpl. Newport aaA |,| Cardiff train#. u q on n m S For North Express, Newperl p.m. | an^jCardiff trains. '■ r ORDERS will be received at the Claeeees and Crowi Hotels; also at Mr. H. Plucles, QsSfp- hound Hotel. POSTING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Clarenee Hotel, Pontypool, July let, 1891. H. BUNTING, Proprietor. 2 0 0 P B I Z B s. > ?.t :>f no;1 SUNCLAD TOBACCO. ,¡ ( J K > • MONSTRiE CO M P E T I T'I 0 If For the collection of SUNCLAD TOBACCO WRAPPERS. Smoke no other tobacco than SUNCLAD, aaA- 8ATE THE WRAPPERS and securs one of the YALUABLE PRIZE. to be distributed on DECEMBER 21st, 1891. -4.8 Wrappers muti he in bv De*. 7th. Per Bales and Particulars see handbilla to io had frem all reepeetable Grocers and Tehees^ sists in South Wales and Ifonmeuthshlre, 1 HAXMSMB fleLD WATCS. > S. SELVEE Lavitit WATCHES. 5 SILTEB WATCHES. 20 MBESSOHAVU PIPES. 170 HANDSOME OLBOORAPIKS. — "L. PONTYPOOL PERMANENT BUILDING SOCIETY, PONTYPOOL. PROSPECTUS. TRUSTEES. (For the purposes, authorised by the Aet of Parliament, 37 an€ 38 Vtct.; c. 42, s. 25 & 28. Mr. William Collins, M, Edward Jones, J.P., Mr. EdwsNl James Phillips, J.P., Mr. Alfred A. Williams, J.P. DIRECTORS. Mr. A. A. Williams, J.P., MaeBderwenJChairmwi ot Directors. Mr. E. FowlertPontypoot Vice-Chairman.'of Directeea Lieut.-CoL J. R. Wright,J.P. Mr. J. Goodenough, P-to Gowerton. Mr. W. H. QaskiDs, Pontjr Mr Isaac Butler, J.P.,Panteg pool. Mr. W. Collins, Pontypool. Mr. J. Morgan, Pontnew- Mr. W. H. Davies, Abersy- ynydd. sychan. Mr. H. A. Saunders, PantMfc Mr. C. Davis, Pontypool. Mr. D. E. Williatiis, Panteg Mr. H. Feather, Grifflths- Mr. J. "W. Upstone rod% town. moil. [ponE Mr. E. B. Ford, Pontypool. Mr. W. R. Williams, Pouliwl1 BANKERS. The Bristol and West of England Bank, Limited. Pontypool. SOLICITORS. Messrs. I Ed wards, JLe Brasseur, & Bowen, PontyJIGGI. SECRETARY. tMr. John Walters, Griffithstown. TREASURER. Mr. William Collins, PontypooL ARBITRATORS. Oolonel G03Ttrey. Mr. LL Llewelyn, Abersyehtfl T ^r- P* M. Llewellin, PonxypooL Mr. W. L. Pratt, J.P., Pontnewynydd. Mr. David Williams, Pontmewynydg I OBJECTS OF THE SOCIETY: To offer a means of investing large or smaI sums by monthly subscriptions, or otherwise, at a good rate of interest, and To lend the monies so accumulated for the purpose of purchasing or building house* redeeming mortgages, &c. MONEY NOW READY TO ADVANCE. 1 For further information, rules, &c., apply to the SECRETARY or the MANAGER, Bristol and West of England Bank, Pontypool. A WUMOEiiFTJL MEDICINE. BEECHAM'S PILLS A RE universally admitted to be worth a Guinea a box fi6 Bilious and Nervous Disorders, such as wind and pain in the stomach, sick headache, giddiness, fulness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings o heat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, costiveness, scarry blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frighful dreams, and al] nervom and trembling senzationsp &c., The first dost will give relief in twenty minutos. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to trr one box of these Pills, and they will be acknowledged to be /ITTTM-EI A WORTH A GUINEA A 'BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a feW doses of the carry off humours, and bring about aU that is required. No female should be without them..There is me medicine to be found to equal Beecham's Pills for remov- ing any obstruction or trTegularity of the system. If taken according to the directions given with each box, they willsood restore females o« all ages to sound and robust health. For II. weax stomacn, impaired digestion, and all disorders 01 the liver, they act like MAGIC," and a few doses will bd found to work wonders upon the most important organs in tb* hutBft» machine. They strengthen the .wiiole muscular system* restore the long-lost complexion, bring back the keen edge 01 appetite, and arouse into action with the ROSEBUD of health the whole physical energy of the human frame. These at* «'FACTS" testified continually by members of all classes o* Society; aad one of the best guarantees to the Nervous ap Debi.itatea is. JJEHCHAM's PILLS have the i Salt d tny jfaren',$feaicr/ir in the v:or\i, BEECH AMMA QIC COUGH tLLLS. As a remedy fOi Coughs in general, Vsthma, BronelLis, Afieciions, Hoarseness, Shortness "T T! Sai, iigttneas a»J Oppvet-sionof Ohevi. Wheezing, &c these Pilia dtand unrivaUcP; Thev ate the best ever offered to the pubhc, and will speed#* remov4 tnat sense*of oppression and difficulty of breathes Which n ightlv deprive the patient of rest. Lft any person BEECHAM'S COUGLL PILLS a trial, and the most Cough will u a short time be removed. Prepared only, and solil whoi. M.tie and retail, by the IWO' prietor, 1. BSECHA*. St. tielen's, Lancashire, in Be"* Did, is lid and 2s.i,(l- each- Sold "j aM Drusr^sts and Patent atedicine Dealers every where. ..w 5*.ti.^riven 6j*co oo*« ,j* 1 i U\ HEADS to order, red cash col IUv Cream Laid Paper, assorted, 5 £ in-, and 11 in. long, 5s. 6d. }qq BILL HEADS,as above,assorted, 16«. i' J.. O" .r.cud?' I -"A'U.¡t, ■Ajkvf.jn''

I [all eights reserved]. I

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