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13ONTYPOOL LOCAL BOARD. i-, The monthly meeting Board 'Gas held the Board Room, ClubChambers^ on Tues- day morning, instead of Wednesday 'is customary. There were 'present Mfr. W.'Sandbrook (chair- man), Messrs. J>R. Essex, E; B. Ford, W. H. Raskins, W. Williams, GL H. Daniel, W. Wood «. Probyn, Dr. E. S. Wood, Capt. Bevan, E, Jones (clerk and collector), and D: H. W. cowell (surveyor). The minutes of the last meeting were read and ed. THE LATE MR. R. GREENWAY, J.P. The Chairman said he felt it his duty to bring before the Board the loss they had sustained in the removal of one of their oldest and most ithful members, viz., the late Mr. Greenway. To those who lived, in the town and knew per- haps a little of his illness, it must have been un- doubtedly a great surprise to hear of his death. To him (the speaker), who happened to be some distance away in quest of, health, the news came u a great shock, and indeed he could not realise It for some time. To think that one of the Members who sat by him a very few days before, and gave his counsel in the conduct of the meet- ing, was carried away, came indeed as a sudden shock. The loss they had sustained, and indeed the public at large-because he was connected .ith a iarge number of public bodies in the dis- trict—was a very heavy one. Mr. Greenway had been a member, with short intervals, from the formation of the Board, something like 30 Years ago. It was his (the chairman's) melan- choly pleasure to propose that a vote of sympathy and. condolence be sent to Mrs. Greenway from that Board, and that the same beiecotdeq in their minutes. Mr. W. Williams said he rose to second the Proposition with feelings of regret. They had lost a good friend and a good supporter, not only the Board, but charitable objects as well. He (the speaker) did not know of anyone having gone to Mr. Greenway, on behalf of a charitable object, without success. He could endorse Everything that had been said with regard to Mr. Greenway s kindness, and the value of his sup- Port and advice to the Board. Mr. W. Wood said he could not remain silent Opon that occasion, as he claimed to have known Mr. Greenway for a longer period than anyone Present. He knew his brother before him, and Knew him when he was quite a young man. He 'Was generous and kind to everyone, and people always found him ready to accede to any propo- sition for the good of the public generally. He (the speaker) felt they had lost a good and generous friend from their midst. The proposition was then submitted, and Carried unanimously. THE LOAN FOR THE NEW MARKETS. Mr. Ford As you had no definite reply from Anyone regarding the loan, my motion rescinding the resolution had better remain. The a iiairman No; I should move it. Mr. Ford Very well, I move it be rescinded. Mr. Daniel seconded, and the proposition was carried. MEDICAL -OFFICER'S REPORT. Mr. Chairman and Gentlemax,-For the month of -November, I have to report J2 deaths and 11 births, Saving a death rate of 21G and 22'G respectively per 1.0U0 per annum. There was nothing recorded the causes of death for me to call your attention ?o except one fatal case of influenza, terminating l12. inflammation of the lungs. The influenza epidemic is gradually subsiding, Ad although there have been few deaths resulting it, yet it has left its victims in a very prostrate ,°Mition. There is hope, however, that a little fine. ?ry weather will soon re-estab lish a more vigorous to the majority. SihC my last report sixteen cases of zymotic ^cnVvf86 ^ave been notified to me, and each case dealt Wltil Py your inspector as far as possible, so as to prev.ent f.w:ther spread of the disease, but I am afra: d the results are not so satisfactory as could be uesireu: that is, as regards scarlatina. Ten cases of this disease have been reported, four of typhoid ever, and two of erysipelas, one of the iatteT prov- Hg iatal; also one ease of scarlatina. This disease, airaid, will merge into a general epidemic. I he amount of sickness In your district is cer- *amly less than it was a fortnight ago. At that «me nearly every home contained one or more ■Persons ailing. rl am, &c., S. B. MASON, M.R.C.P., &c., l Denham House, Medical 0fficer of Health. Pontypool, Dec. 21, 1891. The Chairman The number of deaths last korith was very high. £ tr- Essex It compares very favourably with yther places in the country. The death rate has oeen enormous this last month all over England most, and it is the highest I have seen for a rytim I Mr. Ford said he would like to ask if all the Sases of zymotic disease had been reported to the Medical Officer in the ordinary way. J-he Surveyor replied in the affirmative. ■Mr. Ford We are about to make provkinn to jjiy>>.eut certam diseases from becoming, and yet the Medical Officer reports that there is a probability that scarlatina is going to be an epidemic. Now is our time to try and top it, else it is no use putting into force these various Acts. Mr. Essex: There is more being done in pontypool than has been done for many years *lth regard to preventing the spread of disease, ^hd the cases are looked after very carefully. think the schools ought to be closed, certainly. Mr. Williams thought they ought to take their officer's advice, and if he advised them to stop the schools, they should do so. Mr. Daniel: They are stopped now. Mr. Wood Only for a week. The subject then ended. SURVEYOR'S REPORT. Gentlemen,—I beg to repor t that the repairs to etc., are being expeditiously proceeded f or an(^ that we shall shortly accomplish the work Ohe season. dnr; scavenger has not done his work satisfactorily COJ -^e morith. I am continually receiving Cleared*11*13' ant^ ^he streets are not regularly The Gas Co. have relaid the main in Moreton-st., arm ntive repaired the defective main in Coedcae, so SLs to enable us now to light the lamps in the resp'ec- ll^e localities. I received several complaints of an offensive smell sjfig- from the gas supply of the town. I wrote sec j0la.ry th-0 company respecting the fatter, and his reply is on the table. I have been unable to test the gas at the works, j; the extensions there necessitated the temporary ^placement of the apparatus. j- The following are the results at the Board's 'flice:—Xov. 27, hours of testing, 5 to 6 p.m.. below e minimum Nov. 30, 5 to 6, ditto Dec. 10. 6 to .■30, ditto Dec. 13, 5 to 7, 14 candle power Dec, to 7. ditto; Dec. 15. 6 to 7, ditto Dec. 1(5. 5 to j, below the minimum Dec. 19, 8,14i candle power; lee. 21. 5 to 8, below the minimum. I have deSliosited on the table the preliminary ftS^cil plans of the intended new bank fouildin<Ts. &ey shew a decided improvement to the street, by jVomthe^BoarcL for which they ask compensation tom the Board. Aecordingto your instructions, I again wrote to •te owner of the accommodation roacL in CoX J also respecting Mr. Smith's lodging house in ■rosnaut. and the dilapidated cottagee in Alb'ion- l'oa.d. Yours obediently, D. H. W. POWELL. A BURXING QUESTION.—THE PUBLIC AND THE GAS. ""ff- ^ord (to the Surveyor) Your contention that the quality of the gas is below the The Surveyor: Yes. Mr. Haskins How much below ? The Surveyor We can't tell. Our apparatus 14 candle, and when it is below that we can't *ay how much it is. oChairman There are very sad complaints ju-through the town about the quality, as well the stench from the gas, during the last fort- < £ I think it has been better the last few a?fs- ,The £ as Company deny that the stench uses irom the gas at all, but through defective Dikes. Mr. Daniel; What occurs to me is this. They defective fitting^ cause the smell. Is it fit- l's that smell or the gas ? ■1 he Chairman The gas. anici: Certainly. What has defective "ttings to do with it ? read the letter from the Secre- ot, ^"9 Company, which stated that they tin. u'\c! a slm j complaint, butiafter investiga- te tl;ey found they found the smell arose ough gas escaping from defective fittings ney( were quite convinced that both the purftv tbp 14 UIiUrij i^ Power of the gas were up to standard. e standard. On fv' J suggest that the letter lie M ^able' and we take no n°tice of it. 'Tk' r?,se^ Are there Penalties ? is k. ,e Chairman; Yes if we can prove the gas °w 14-candle power. B Ti>V^se-X Then why not enforce them ? MtK* Vl airman Because our apparatus is not jvj he prescribed distance of the works. 5;nl.e^! ft all arises through their not the" sufficient lime for scrubbing, and through 1ua the coal. I know this, that evening I was upstairs in my house, .ugh there was only one burner on the w^s obliged to get it turned off, as rp'^mch was dreadful. W rL'hairmajn said they" had received a letter J. Parkes, Wentsland Estate Offices, I? tiin rv that the stench arising from the gas oH,^„re brigade Station found its way into Va requesting that steps should be t?pJusl1ng the store forthwith. He (the ?^al, na, a*So received the following memo- °tel by merchants, bankers, doctors, Proprietors, &c.:— tlwe 7'0 the Ckain Pontypool Local Board. tho undersigned merchftnts, bankers, solici- tors, doctors, hotel proprietors, and ratepayers of the town of Pontypool, respectfully wish to point out to your Board the urgent necessity for some better system of lighting the town. The very bad quality "of gas supplied by the Pontypool Gas and Water Company, together with the high price charged for the same, has for a very long time caused the greatest dissatisfaction and annoyance to the inhabitants of the town generally. Notwith- standing the _fact that collieries are close to the town, and consequently coal ch JaP, the Gas Com- pany are charging nearly double the amount- charged by the companies of a great number of V,n<rliKh towns many miles away from colliery dis- tricts. Anotner serious matter in connection with the Pontypool gas is the horrible Smell produced by the bad gas, which will surely, sooner or later, result in very grave consequences. It is well known that in shops and offices the stench is almost un- bearable, and positively injurious to health. William Pegler & Son. Edward B. Ford. Davis Bros. John Daniel. J. R. Essex. George Rogers. Lewis E. Webb. J. Morgan, Post-office. M. J. Lewis. Isaac Titley. John Richards. Wolfe Phillips & Son. W. O. OoRins. W. J. Mountjoy. J. Reynolds Jones. Wm. H. Haskins. H. A. Cross. Henry Tanner. J. Gage, per Masters & Co. J. Williams. John Walker., E. Jones, draper, Crano-st., Thos. A. Jones, hairdresser, Crane-street.: < A. Allmark, watchmaker, Oraiiio-stSroat- V C. Millard, i E: ?• A. Webber. J. S. Mends. T. Roderick. Charles Jones. Henry Fox. Edwards, stationer. J. R Morgan. A. H. Babbidge. J. Furlow. M. Hogan. G.A. Bevan. T. Watkins. Arthur Boytt. Geo. Baker. J. J. Harmston. W. Thomas. George C. Hall. J ohn B. Bishop. Isaau Jones. Mabel L. Williams. A. Wilton. R. W. Woolley. Wm. Parkhouse. James Walden. Henry Bunting. E. Fowler. J. Holloway. Cliarles Bunning, C. U. Copley. F. G. Lawrence. W. S.i'ud brook. E. S. Probyn. Ed v- ard Price. P. Ft ililJg. •• ■ C. J. Fo v/ler. li",Ldon. G.-iNewtu. t Henry PeaCh. t J t Bçkersley. Joiia Herbert, > E. \Viutariialder. D. W. Simpson. Mary Aun Staliard. S. B. Mason, M.1-LC.P., Medi- oai Oliicer of Health. J. H. Baker. Wyndham Phillips. Israel Hyatt. l'hos. Lewis. F. J. rilillips. David Crane. \V. R. Barzori. J anJ Williams. The Chairman I don't know what reply we can send the memorialists. Mr. Daniel: I take it they ask us to adopt some other method of illuminating the town. Some time ago I gave notice of motion that we take up the question of introducing electricity in the towo., for lighting and other purposes. Several matters were brought forward at the Board which were rather pressing, and I let the matter drop. However, I now beg to give notice, that I shall move this day month that the Local Authority take inio consideration the question of introducing a system of electric lighting in the district. Mr. Ford In connection with this memorial, I snould lik- to say it is tlie most remarkable ever placed before this Board. There has been a f eeiiii,, abroad that the Board has sought to persecute and oppose the Gas and Water Com- pany but I think we mid now tiial the whole feeling of the town is in favour of the Board, and so far from persecution, it nas been in the opposite direction. There has been a very wide- spread feeling which haw bpc-zi intensified lately owing to the extraordinary sineil from the gas that we should adopt a system of electric lighting, and I-know that there are a large number of tradesmen who intend to go in for electricity whether we take it up or not. It is necessary that the Board .should apply for a provisional order before November, and therefore we cannot do anything this session. However, some private gentlemen intend to go in for it at once, and it will be quite within the province of the Board to amalgamate or co- operate with them at some future time. At any rate, when Mr. Daniel brings forward his motion, I shall, without any opposition to the Gas Company, support tlie movement for intro- ducing electric light. Mr. Essex said he was very much in favour of electric lighting, but he objected to it being in the hands of a private company. Mr. Vaniel We cannot object, I'm afraid. We ought to have taken notice of it before. The Chairman: What reply had we better send the memorialists ? Pernaps they would be satisfied if they see in the Free Press the action the Board intended taking- We cannot reply to each of them, and we cannot be indifferent to such aii influential memorial as this. Mr. Ford suggested that a reply should be sent to Mr. Pegler, who had been instrumental In getting the memorial up. He (Mr. Ford) might say that a private company had been formed, and an. electric engineer consulted, and in fact negotiations were being earned out for a site. Mr- Williams: I don't believe in private com- pauies. The Chairman; Anyone who don't believe in private companies nnt ion L" (T" ",¡"'<>r.) Mr. Probyn I think Mr. Williams means that we ought to have the business handed over to us. Mr. Daniel: It will be quite early enough to discuss that when the Company appiy to us for the use of the streets for carrying tneir wires. Dr. Wood (who came in during the discussion) asked if the stench was not accounted for by defective pipes. The Chairman No. It has been all over the district, in places where the fittings are new, as well as^ in those that are old. The stench has been abominable. The Company might have written and promised to tiy and mend matters, but instead of that they deny that the smell arises from the gas, although it is patent to every- one that the gas is bad. Dr. Wood instanced a case at the Crown Hotel, where complaints were made, and where on examination it was found that there were two escapes. Capt. Bevan Even if it did arise from defec- tive fittings, the gas should not smell like it has. The Chairman Certainly not. Dr. Wood I don't wish to defend the Com- Pany. Iouly give what is my own opinion. Mr. Ford suggested that they should write the Company and ask them to try and improve the, eas. Mr. Essex: I suggest the penalties should be enforced. Mr. Daniel: And I suggest we tell them it is not the fittings, but the gas that causes the stench. Mr. Ford's suggestion was agreed to. „ „ RE-APPOINTMENTS. Dr. S. TJ. Mason and Mr. D. H. W. Powell were unanimously re-appointed medical officer and inspector of nuisances respectively for one year. SCAVENGING. Mr. G. Newth (scavenger) waited upon th £ Board with respect to his application for in- creased remuneration for scavenging. The Surveyor complained that the work was not carried out properly. J After considerable discussion, Mr. Newth was advised to give notice terminating his contract. The Board decided to advertise, and Mr. Newth was told he could tender at what he considered a fair pryce.


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