Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

19 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



FROM CITY CORRESPONDENTS Tiis ad rotates of women's rights in the United Scutes are finding it .liEcult toexplain the failure •f zlte wonie.t of JJ sum to make free use of their rsgao to vote fcr s.hool commissioners. In the ye ;r 1888. women registered. and 19,490 "(\Iel It tiie n. In 1889. only 10,051 voted, wfr-ili last yevr bat >34 exercified the franchise ail a this than (5,000. F-r years the •w< nu-ii of Mi< ssucatisett-s worked t" secure the xigi! J co g., to the p'¡s, and yet in three years the au-yibez who :n-8i:e:i. themselves of the new liberty IL,LS, iallen fivui to 6,000. -.o' T r is. nOW certain t',L-tt Bngiidi- trade will be very repreaeutc 1 at the Chicago Exhibition. Sir Henry the secretary the English Royal Con^uiission .or the Exhibition, has already re- «ei._e <. applications tor sprice from many ot' our leaunig ms«ic.acturers. Moreover, the colonies, almost withouc exception, are manifesting a keen' and are appointing I ot»ajm;ssione?s to attend iL Although the exiuiHUon is still a long way off, arrangements are beirg mane for cheap excursions irom London to Cn.c-ig-.fc ^ definite h:;s yet been done in reference to cno scheme for taking- E; t:lish work- in* men delega i;ej to Cfiiongo. btifc taere^is little d<.>u:,t taat luuiie course satisfactory arrangements wili oe announced. ALTHOUGH the nn-iont of Black Rod will -pro"ibly be as lnng' nS. the House of r 8 1:0 e-dst, the 11ext occupant of the pos ''v>Lhad it S'1 )ru- not indeed of its glory, but of a «jjgp».ern.bie portion of the emoluments which nave J^.orto **onu-Hued so considerably to the walue if the prize in the eyes of the distinguished veterans of tfce and Xnvv who are held to fceeii<jille_recin:,r of it. The sa buy of £ 2,000, plu» an official rts; :ence. enjoyed by the present Cteutxeman Usher, will be reduce- ou rhe next ▼acjinc]k to +:L. -OA) without a house, which it is eousiitTlpi 's no longer necessary, inasmuch as Black liod h-ts bepn relieved of a portion of the dfcties formerly a, t1: bing to him in regard to the cfcr,rge and e,)-i of the House of and its GLees, tha doorkeepers and servants. A FBBXCH medical journal has armed at the' conclusion that the annual mortality of the entire JMxmaaraeeainouim. roughly speaking to thirtv- ifkree millions of persons. This, it ^observed •»»«" »V«"S» awtt. per ,] "■ Bmetj-one thousand, being at the rate of 3,730 an ionr. Ine notion of sixty, two people dying' ever; minute ox tue day and night ail the veni iwand presents our death statistics perhaps in" the •tort Inebrious ;;?pect that is possible. Pursuing Ancheeriui reser.rones tin's authority finds that a 1:'Ce (lie befwre completing their eighth year, ana o:;e-half before the end of the aeventeeiith year but the average duration of hfe is nevertneiess about 38 years.. Further he has ascertained that centenarians are so Are that not more than one person in a" hundred thonsand attains this patriarchal stage. reply to a correspondent who sotfeht bis ad* nce on the best me;i: s to be adopted for the im- <"he condition of the canal boatmen &nd their fairu;es: },fr. George Sniirhof Coalville 1 4;: L v'ery cnaraoLeris;it> letter given his con- gffgL?" .*r: m l«* experience of tL *hm /.nrr-Tv. e?'-SS1 ,les of that migratory section of ^«cJ W rT*GKly'.u The most iluP°rtant step he W- itte jeffectua1 application of the Acts of lb>t and 1834, passed with the object of mcaxwg tcT ti.e boatmen's families the benefits a Se ledIhome' He would like ar^em?i'^ment °iai1 girk and °f children of scnooi ge on tne canal service strictly prohioited, una hoL.-s that it would be a decided improvement if women were not allowed to make tJaeir homes on the borits- These prohibitions woúld doubtless cQ, at the first a great incon- venieiice, but tuey '.iiil be fouad to be necessary if I^IS aesirei to give effect to the educational sectwns of the Act3, and to raise the general Standard of:tlle caaal population. THE Asxiiary Forces will have to look very --harp if tht;-y are to be adequately represented! at to* f United Services Exhibition at Eeri's-co^rt "*V |^ar- :In order tilat they should be repre- sented it «cems a i but necessary that they should entrust the mancgement to Colonel Tully or Cap- Vane otow. or both. They know the Auxiliary t orces from helmed to heel. 14 occurs to us that it would he a "ne (anA an in»kxvK»tiv«>- thiM tw feave moo els of every cr.rpS ]a it59 howing how greatly the o:nnteers dared to leave the pre- scribed nnifor:r> of the period and how far they" alavi^ily co-.xx.nned Wit. An alternative group- ■Ught be iby^ Voinntaers of to-day. That," we- •▼enter*.to liii be audi a iesson for tie- «w3rse ■b-v.'T r>g vrtml.1 go borne: And it is not tmnecesssr}- for ilite pa.&ho at and for the Qiuntecrs > :<jirselves. JD s-.mR resptects the- •iuter at neR, vrlv.T is needed to-day as a TSfclfi-dress hfl. 3, pted the idea- or improveil on jt. fjea bc, wuriced apon, or improved on ? 'i IJIEUT.-COLOXEL W. jate er the Royal Artiilery, gives a very fawnurabije account of the I-v-mduet.v,i t'u: short-servlcewliiierson the march. "Sietfc'ate, of course. excepcioTtal Ibiacfc sheep but,, AS a. rule, after a long ronte-asarch." perhaps in. .dreachiug .rain. a young driver wi 11--set,to work to- eiean a pair of horses and a set of doubie harness without a thought tiil he has deite of the adjoining taproom. Colonel WhiUley g \et i in his article- aoTne interesting particulars of isis, experiences in marching long distances throug-h England. On rreat high roads what has struck him most is. •Siveir Resetted state, save in the vicinity of large towns. The once u'oiquilons bagman, with iris «.<Hidescripf trap, no Jongc-r figures; en the high- way; furniture vans are mountied oa railv/ay- txneks—" wheels upon wheels —-the very 'hop pickers have special trains to them selves. Even aor troops ■■r& invnrinbly moved t'mrn wie place to ■iuothar by rlil urdess they are mounted^ "VVitit ■cavalry it'ftTcfeyjried more economical butt this- aathority acknowledges that the yysteai -of billet- 4ng in public houses is not. conducive to mflitasy efficiency. C(,li >iiel Whalley suggests the selection "or suitable camping groun«Vs as both better-for the /Aen and more Likely to attract recrviit» to the ;ndard than the exhibition of bills setting- forth ml advantages ot nu army of wh:n the raral popittlation a^^r tely ever sees any oarer token.. TES I«I>ndon Docks nmst have been a perfect tije recen'Wogs. Ore inquest u another swells the total the list of drowned. "he ATIDDEST in ITS .etails is tllat -which was held other day by Mr, WyiitA E. Baxter on the feodvo FA MAN "named Berry. The p»or fellow WI'nt to a P<DT of duty, as a dock policeman, which as dangerous as any post of bat:le. WISAPI-EANT TO.OK hiin TO kis -after having life-Wt-a pree,™ ^>»ch is. in itself, enough to show the desperate aauureof the service. He hrui horuly turned his hack, when ibe gunned Ins police whistle, ta signify that he hart fallen m the water. The sergeant ran back witH assistance to the edge of the half frozen pool, but in spite of repeater eSorts lie faile.i to reach his comrade •with a Hie-line. The life-belt had been imper- fectly inflate;! it to and at last a voice came <n s of the thid darkness: "1 have got the cramy; gooa-bye, kioti help me. I am -goino- •' and nothing was beard after that. One juanafter another perished at the Docks in this or some such way. In case, a railway labourer was cut to pieces ,hlle he was out laying foe: signals, tvhioh no tiouoc helped to save couat- less lives. These humble oead were martyrs to duty in their wav. If they had died ia the van of battle, the world would probably have con- trived to take a little more interest in the event.

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