Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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"G" COMPANY,! 3RD V.B. S.W.B.…


"B" COMPANY 4th V.B. S.W.B.


"B" COMPANY 4th V.B. S.W.B. The aunu,-tl distribution of prizes to members of the above Company took place at the Town Hall OQ Thursday evening week, in the presence -of a limited number of spectators, including Mr. and Mrs. J. Holloway,. Mrs. J Herbert, Miss Mason, Miss Thompson Miss Her- bert, Dr. E. S. Wood, Messrs. G. C, Wood, .1:: it. Pearson, R. White, &C. Mrs. Hajc kiadly *4»dertook the pleasing duty of presenting the |riaea to tbeir rs&pectiverecipienfcs.i he officers Ptesent were Col. A/ Hair. Surgeon^Capt. Mason, Lieut. Ford, and I^eat. White. Th# platform, npon which were the poultry and other prizes in kind, naturally presented to the men an attractive appearance. ut. Ford, in commencing the proceedings, said they had met together for the purpose of their annual distribution of prizes to the Com- pany, the Christmas prizes, and the ambulance prizes. Perhaps Be ought to say a few words with regard to the present position ef the" B" Company. At the present moment their total strfc ngth was 105, of whom 102 were efficient and §ve jnon-eiff«ient, There had been three efficient offieert!, but it the present moment, he regretted to say, there were only two. There were five efficient sergeants, and 102 efficient men. The amount of the Government grant earned last year was JE.198 10s, being the third of the amount earned, and strength, in the battalion. With I regard to the musketry, they were proud that they had nine marksmen in the Company, Twenty-live mea bad tired in the first-class, and got out ofjjthat class, 64 men had byen successful I in the second class, and there were only two in the third class, which he thought remarkably good. (Hear, hear.) The best shot in the Com- pany was the same as for the last; few years, viz., Sergt. Price. (Cheers.) They had had, on the whole, a very successful year indeed, and he was sure the men had come up and done their duty very well. He only hoped that next year they would be equally, if not even more, successful. (Cheers.) Surgeon-Captain S. B. Mason, who addressed the Company prior to the presentation of the Ambulance prizes, said tha.. first of ail he had to thank Mrs. Hair for her kindness in coming there to distribute tlw prizes. lie mis sure that all the men in the Company would endorse what he said, and would be proud to receivo £ thfir prizes at her hands. (Hear, hear.) There,were eight certificates of proficiency to bo givesi to the ambulance men as the result of the examination conducted by burgeon-Major Waghorn, who said he was very pleased wita the men, who had I done work equal to that d.o.u.e by enteiug the Army Medical Department. Persooaally, he (Surgeou-Capt. Mason) was very proud of the mesi, who had received their instruction (some of which was very difficult) and parsed their examination remarkably well. (Hear, hear.) There was also three prizes for presentation that eveoing.The idea as to that originated with their old friend Serge. Hig:uns, who iormefiy belonged to the Company, L.1* who had joined, the army, being attached to t ..e Army Medical Dejjart- ment, and was now wi Bermuda. They would be giad to hear that Higgius, of whom they were proud, for he w'- a good man whilst with thom, was doing remarkably well, and in his last letter to him (tne speaker) stated that since he had been in the army lie had saved 1100. (Cheers.) Sergt. Higgins kindly lorwarded a walking stick of gru-gru wood, with handle of Bermudian cedar, ror competition among his old comrades. lie (burgeon-Capt. Mason) wrote to Col. Burton, who kindly sent a beautitul etching as a second prize, and he (the speaker) presented a book as a ihiru prize. Ho regretted that Corpl. Richards, who was one or their bub c inei, did not gam a prize owing to omittir g some little matters of detail,but they would remember him in future. Private Amery secured tie first prize, with 88 marks out of a possible 100 Corpi. Grice, the second and Pte. Trevor Williams, the third. (Cheers ) Col. hair said he could endorse every word that teurgeon-Capt. Mason had said with regard to the examination, for he was present, and it was a long one, tnough he felt a great deal of pleasure ancfc did not feel tired. Tne men gave their answers most readiiy, and without hesita- tion, shewing that they kiiew their work thorougniy. The ambulance drill was also very well done indeed and trie Surgeon-Major ex- pressed himself as boiug remarkai^.v well-pleased with the results attained. (Ciiee..) The prizes were then gracefully distributed by Mrs. Hair, as follows AMBULANCE PRIZES. Pte. H. M. Amery, 1st prize, walking .tick, sent by Sergt. Higgms, M.S.C., Bermuda; Cor;J.Griee, 2nd prize, etching, presented by Col. Burtua, command- ing battalion Pte. Trevor Williams, 3rd prize, book "A Soldier's experience," presenteu by iSuxg eun- Capt. Mason. AAIBULAXCI: CERTIFICATES (: ::AMED.)—Certifi- cates were also presented to Corpl. <<rrice, Ptes. H. M. Amery, Trevor Williams. Evans, F. Robinson, W. Tcvey. il. East, James ix^'gins. COMPANY PRIZES. Sergt. E. Price, s.2 Pte. i\ icevU. £ 1 b*s; Pte. S. Lawson, tl j; Corpl. H. Derrett, :t. Pte. W. PU¡Uel1,1.J8j Sergt.-Ai.-CcoKW.Edmunds, i2sfid;Pte. H. Puxnell, 10s Sergt. T. Griffiths, 7s (kL i Corpi. J. Grice. 7s 6d; ergt. P. Dredge, i*; Pu. C. Smith and Sergt. G. Newth, a«s(kl. MARKSMEN'S PRIZES. Sergt. E. Price. Pte. S. La-,izon, IUs. SENIOR COMPETITION. Pte. W. Purneii, £ 3 3s c. L. Price, £ 2 2s Sergt. 1'. Jones, JCl Is; Corj.I. J. Griee, 16s (id; Pte. P. Reed and Corpi. R. Derrett, 8s 3d each. JUNIOR COMPETITION. Ptes. F. Robinson, £ 2 T. Williams, £1. RECRUITS' PRIZES. Ptes. H. M. Amery, ios; W. Tru;an,12s6d; J. C. Truman, 10s (ju; J. jiiggms, 7b bci li. East, 6s 1. J. us; Trevor nnams, 3s ui; G. E. Bartlect, 2s bd. D-ASD PRIZES. Corpl. W. Richaids, £ 2; Ptes. G. Downs,;El It)s; J. Payne. I I C. Sullivan, 10s; G. McAulilie, 7s iki; Corpl. J. Urice, us Pte. U. Tovey, 2s (id. VOLLEY FIRING PRIZES. Serrt. Jones's squad (6ergt. Nev.ih. Ptes. W. Purnell, H. Purneii. and S. Law>iHi^i?i Sergt. Moses's squad (bergt. Edmunds, OoVpls. uriieii, Griee, aim Derrettj, los; Sergt. Prices's squua (Corpl. Rees, Etes. East, Smith, aim 1. Williams), ids er-t. Griffiths s squad (Pees. Reed, Truman, Toye, anu Wheeler), os. iJiúLL PRIZES. OLD UEmBE-as.-Coi.-Surg L. A. lI. Babbidge, 13s; Sergt.. E. Price, lis hd He. E. Vaughan, 10s; beryt. W. Moses, 7s lid; Corpc. C. i-'owier, t>s; Pte. J. Payne, os Corpl. A. Bradford, ,4s; Bugler B. Had- dock, 3s Corpl. J. Jd. bheen tJte. A. r urnell, 2s Gd. RECKUITS.—Ptes. fi. EaSt, 12s \V. T. Truman, IOS W. Gwatkin, -is tid J. C. Truman, 5s -1 iiugler E. Eurlow, Ptes. ii. M. Amery, ami tl. bcuamore, 2s (id each. bEUGEAKTS.—Sergts. Griffiths, 12s 6d; Jones. 7s (id; Price, as Moses, 2s tiu. CHRISTMAS PRIZES. Serg ts. Price, ham. hat; J ones, goose, bottle of brandy ;:Pte. Reed, turkey,whisky; Corp T. A. Jonesl tuiKey. 110 tea; Pte. Vv. iJuriieil, goose, lib tea; Cor],is* Richards, goose, whisky Powell, goose, fowl; Grice. goose, hat; bergt. Moses, goose, whisKy Ptes. Lawson, goose, whisky H. Purnell, goose, whisky; y; Sergt.- Inst. Rich, goose, gin; Pte. bumner, counterpane, lib tea feery t. Griffiths, goose, shouiuer of mutton; Pte. W. T. irumun, goose, whisKy crg. Dredge, beef, rum Coi.eryt. Eabbid^e. leg of mutton, pair solitaires Ptes. Evans, leg 01 mutton, gin sullivan, pipe, whisky; Toye, ley of mutton, brandy Amery, clock, gin Lewis, leg of pork, gin Corpl. Bradford, leg of mutton, cake Scrgt.- M.-L'ook jL.umunds. beei, box of oranges; Pte. T. Williams, leg of mutton, gin Ptes. Guinck, 9 galls aie, cigars; Jobbms, y yaiis.i aie. CLgars,, bergt. Newth, shawl, shouiuer ot mutton Pits. Robinson, beef,workbasket; Annett, fowl, tobacco; 1. liiftg'ins y gaiis. ale, shouider of mutton Trevor Wiliiainsi1 pair of sheets, cake Corpl. R. j ones, hat, tobacco Ptes. East, fowl, éa.JŒ atkinlS, pipe, pair of ca.r- rings Corpl. ixees, mutton, oranyes; C. Truman, handkerchief, cradle; C. Jmj,th. hat; A. Purneii, sec of juys; Hewitt, fowl; Lap) .ng, Jorsey Bartlett, whisky Kay, whiskey; Corpl, Sheen, fowl; Corpl. W. Tovey, wmsKj Ptes. J. Jenkins, whisky Payne, concertina,; Connor, shoulder of mutton W. Morgan, rum. At the close of the distribution, Surgeon-Capt. Masou expressed the hope that the men would enjoy their gifts, and proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Airs. Hair for her kindness in distri- buting the prizes. Lieut. White seconded the proposition, and called for three cheers for Col. and Mrs. iiuir, which were heartily accorded. Col. Hair acknowieoged the compliment on behalf of Mrs. Ham, remarking th:.t sue had had a great deal 01 pleasure in oeing present, anu if in handing them the prizes she nad done any thing towards making them happy, he telt very glad. He thought he could congratulate them all on having such a handsome lot of prizes, and was sure that there was not another Company in the battalion that would receive anything like the amount. (Hear, near.) They ought to feel very grateful to the officers for having worked the matter up so well. (flear, hear.) He was glad to find the Company in sucn a position, and hoped in the coming year everyone would do his utmost to maintain it in that position. With regard to the band, which they Knew was most essential, he was sorry to hear mat they had lost their bandmaster, but no doubt anotner band- master would be found. (Applause.) Lieut. Ford had given them some statistics with regard to the progress of the Company during the past year and with regard to tne battalion he mignt say it was the very best and most successful year they had ever had. (Ceeers.) The report ot the inspecting officer was one of the very best they had ever received. The amount of the capitation grant earned was larger, and their numbers were larger than ever. (hear, hear.) The battalion now numbered 850 men. (Applause.) If they were spared to meet in camp, he hoped they would turn up there and behave themselves as creditably as they had hitherto done. lie was very much interested in the CONIPUTIY; it was his old Company he was always pleased to see it, and to hear of it doir.g weil. (Hear, hear.) He was very sorry he could not be with them in camp last year, and hoped it might be different next year. In conclusion, he wi&hfcd them all "A merry Christmas and a happy new year." (Cheers.) Colour-sergeant A. H. Babbidge next proposed a vote of thanks to the donors of prizes. He i e- mained that, having had occasion to collect the bulk of the money from the townspeople, he was struck with, the readiness with which they re- sponded to the appeal, thus shewing the hold the company had upon the popular estimation. (Cheers.) ,u Sergeant F. Jones seconded the proposition, which was carried with acclamation. The men afterwards marched to the Crown Hotel, where refreshments were provided. The following is a list of subscribers to the prize fund F- Mr. J. C. Nanbmy. J.P., £10. Messrs. T.P. Price, it P., John Allan Rolls, E<Jtvm Fowler, Charles DAvis, J. tinn, C. J. Parkes, T. A. Webb, and Henry Bunting, Col. Byrde, Lieut.-col. Hair, Surgeon-captain Mason. Lieut. R. W. Woolley, Lieut. P. B. Ford, and Lieut. A. W. W-bite,;Cl Is. each Col. Burton, £ 1 Messrs. T. Watkins, J. Daniel, C. H. Copley, Bythway and Son, A. E. Bowen, L. E, Webb, W. Collins, C- Bunmng, D. W. Hughes, E. B. Ford, E. J* Phillips, and A. A. Williams, and the Rev. C. i* T. Griffith. 10s. (id. each Messrs. E. Jones, W. Sandbrook, and W. H. Haskins, Capt. Gus Be van, ruul Mrs. Woolley. 10s. each Mr. W. H. Davies> the Rev Joshua Evans, Capt. and Hon. Major Llewellin, Dr. Wood, the Rev. G. G. Williams, Messrs. J. Herbert, U. Peach J. Holloway, J. L. Morgan, S. Morgan, P. Prooyn, J. j Bevwn, T. Williams (coal merchant), D. Jones (Pontymoil), J. G. Richards (Tranch), T. A. Jones, J. Evans (Pontnowynydd), D. W. Simpson, T. A. H. Roderick, W.Parkhouse,II. H. Baden, P. Eckersley. J. Williams (The Cross), H. Hughes, G. Wilton,o,nd T. Williams (Osborne-road). 58. each; Mr. W. Williams (Globe Hotel), 35. 6d. Mrs. Neath (Osbarne-roadj, 3s.; Messrs. H. A. Cross (Lloyd's Bank), W. H. Pitten, W. H. Williams and E. Owen (London and Provincial Bank), C. Jones (saddler), W. J. Mountjoy, W. James (Davis Bros.), J. R- Jerroms, C, Millard, E. S. Probyn, G. Udell, H. Fox, W. Wood, J. Murray, F. James (grocer), C. Wilkin- son, C. J. Usher, J. J: Harmston, J. Jones (Trosnant), G. H. Daniel, P. Hambleton, D. J. Lougher., J. L. E^erton. J. G. Hedges, and J. I Thomas (Osborne-road), Mrs. Lewis (Swan Hotel), Mrs. Masters, and Mrs. F. C. Truman, 2s. Gd. each Mr. J. Burgoyne, 2s.; Mr. W. Thomas (grocer) 1 s. The following is a list of donors of Christmas I prizes:— Lieutenants Woolley, turkey; Ford, turkey White, 9 gallons of ale G. Davis, turkey Messrs. C. Davis, turkey; Nicholls (S. and F.) goose; F. Probvn, 2 geese; Richmond, silk handkerchief; Mrs. Lewis (Swan), bottle xxx. brandy Messrs. H. Bunting, 3 bottles of spirits T. A. Jones, tobacco McKensie, quilt; E. Fewler, hat: W. Pegler, ham (121b.) W. R. Williams, hat; John Forrest, cake John Daniel, lib. tea; G. C. Hall, bottle of gin Evan Jones (draper), travelling rug; D. • Simpson, Gs. Od. hat; H. Fox, silver mounted pipe in case James (grocer), duck D. Wain, pair of gold earrings; Peach, 2 bottles of spirits; Egerton, whisky; J. R. Morgan, gin: C. Running, lamp: John Richards, -,i-hisky;E. B. Fcrd. pipe Eastman, Limited, leg of mutton; Waldren, rum; F. J. Phillips, 21bs. tea: J. Gunn, 9 igallons of ale; G Newth, whisky Mrs. Newth. 3 small boxes cigars Messrs. B. Munday, bloaters ;T ltley (Three Cranes) gin; Williams (Globe) whisky Masters and Co.,hat; Bevan, cradle John Baker, cake AJlmarlc, clock Wolfe Phillips and Son. cardigan jacket J. R. t Lewis (Victoria Tea Co.), concertina Winterhal- der, pair of solitaires Flood, oranges Mellor, set of jugs Williams (Market Tavern), whisky J- Davies. leg of pork J. It Bifhop, leg of mutton Griffiths (Horse Shoe), whisky Naish, fancy basket James Parkhouse, whisky W. Burton, oranyes James Laird, pair sheets Lawrence, shoulder of mutton Jones (The Bull), whisky John Gunn. 7s 6d John Walker, H. Tanner, Capt. Gus Bevan, Messrs. Holloway. John Joshua D. Jones, Emanuel, Hughes (Town Hall), 5s. 0d- each J. L. Morgan, 4s. üu. John Heweruine, W ■ Arthur, M. Jones. J. Edmunds, W. H. Pitten,Major Llewellin. Mr. Mrs. Wilton, Messrs. E. Rowlands, R. T. Davies, R. Morrison, Williams (London and Provincial Bank). 2s. lid each; Owen and Hissett, 2s. Od. each Pugh, ls. Od.





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