Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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PRESENTATION TO HR. WM, EVANS, BLAENAVON. On Monday evening last a large gathering took place at the Ivor Castle Hotel ft>r the pur- pose It presenting Mr William Evans, engineer to the Blaenavon Works, with a testimonial on the occasion of his leaving the town to return to Dowlais to take the position ot ^ef engneer to the Dowlais Company. Mr W. < Dowden, general manager of the Blaenavon Works, pre- sided, and was supported by a large and repre- sentative assembly. The Chairman, who was received with ap- plause, made a few introductory remarks as to the object of the meettog, in the course of which he stated that Mr David Jones, of Dow- lais. a name well known in Blaenavon, had sent a telegram regretting his inability to be present, and wishing the meeting every success The chairman then called upon Mr J. Thomas for a ^jfr Thomas sang The death of Nelson m first-rate style, which was followed by a song from Mr Ebenezer Williams, "Sweet chiming bells," which was very nicely rendered, the com- pany joining in the chorus. Mr H. Langford then gave a recitation entitled The coster- monger," after which Mr John Roberts, in proposing I he health of Mr Evans and Family," said it gave him great pleasure to propose the toast. He had know Mr Evans nearly 30 years, and his connection with him had always been a pleasant one. During his residence at Blaenavon thev had worked most amicably together, and Mr Evans was simply severing his connection with them in order to better himself. He was going back to Dowlais, his old home, to become chief engineer to one of the most extensive works in the country. He begged to propose the health of Mr Evans and family, wishing them every success and prosperity. (Loud applause, during which the company sang" For. he's a jolly good fellow.") The Chairman said be would new call UpOB Mr Wm. Siraons to present the illuminated address, after which Mr D. Powell would pre- sent the timepiece and candelabras, aud Mr D. Davies the brooch and ring for Mrs Evans. Mr W. Simons then read the address, as follows: Presented, with a testimonial to Mr. Evans, engineer, Blaenavon Iron and Steel Works, on the occasion of his leaving1 to take the post of engineer at Dowlais Iron and Steel Works, Dowlais. Dear Sir,—We. foremen and workmen of the Engineering Department, with a number of friends and officials at Blaenavon, beg to present you with this testimonial, consisting of a timepiece and can- delabras, together with this address, on the occasion of your resigning yonr post at these works, to take up the position of chief engineer at the Dowlais Works. Though our testimonial is small, yet we thiTilr that it conveys to you the nature of our feel- ings, and that it will be a momento to enliven with pleasant recollectionsand associations of Blaenavon. Although we are exceedingly sorry that you are about to sever your oonnection withus, our regret is greatly assuaged by the knowledge that you will materially improve your position, ana incidentally permit ue to observe that you owe your elevation to your own unaided energy and ability, and by being invited to return to the place of your birth and training, you have for once falsified the old Ynalr- that a man is not a prophet in hie own country. Our sincere desire is that your future career may be as successful as your past career has been in Blaenavon, and that your removal may prove a benefit to your em- ployers, and be the means of increasing your repu- tation and the prosperity and comfort of yourself and family. „ We are, dear sir, on beih&lf of flie subscribers, John Roberts, vinairman, David Powell, vice-chairman, William Bimons, hon. secretary,, John Griffiths, treasurer, Albert Box, Joh* Bennett, Edward Davies, David Davies, Ifcrajumin Evans, David Lewis, William Lewis, Henry Langferd, John Newcame, Bertie Pennymore, Tom Protheroe, Alfred Roberts, William Scourfield, David Thomas, John Williams, Fred Worton, May 25th, 1893. Committee. j Continuing, Mr Simeos said, when it became known that Mr Evans was leaving Slaenavon, t a unanimous wish was expressed to present him t with a testimonial, in order to show the good feeling that existed towards him. Acommittee f was formed to carry the matter through, and ? the result was before them that-evening. But. be, thought that the gathering -of people that had come to do honour to Mr Eroos spoke even more of the respect and esteem they <eatertained towards him. Mr Evans's career had been a most creditable one,And his position had been-f won by his own unaided efforts. The fact aft his being asked to return to Dowlais showed that he was greatly appreciated there. On be-; half of Mr Evans's friends at Blaenavon, he, had much pleasure in [presenting him with the address, wishing him ;and his family continued success acd prosperity. (Loud cheers.^ Mr David Powell had much pleasure in pre- senting Mr Evans with the timepiece and candelabras, wishing ibiffi and his family every success ana prosperity on his returning t6 Dowlais as chief engineer to the Dowlais Com- pany. (Hear, hear.) Mr David Davies then presented the brooch and ring for Mrs Evans. He had had the pleasure of knowing Mr Evans and working with him 28 y ezxs a go, and they always get on har- moniously together. Se sincerely hoped Mr Evans and his family would live long and pros- perously at Dowlais. The Chairman said, in order to give Mr Evans time to collect his thoughts before replying, he would ask tie glee party to favour them with a glee. The glee party responded, and sang a capital glee, which was much appreciated. This was followed by a short poem in Welsh by Mr Wm. Harris, of his own composition, specially written for the occasion. „ Mr Evans, who seemed visibly affected, then rose to respond, and said be was not a public speaker, and they should net expect too much from him him in that way. He did not think he had done anything to deserve such handsome presents, as he had simply done bis duty. If he could not express himself well he none the less thanked them most sincerely ior their kind ex- pressions of good will, and for the very hand- some presents they had given him and Mrs Evans. (Loud applause.) The Chairman said he would be pleased to hear any one else who would like to say a few words. Mr Thomas James thought it would be only fitting on his part to say something on the occasion, having known Mr Evans many years at Dowlais. He coincided with everything that had been said by previous speakers, as Mr Evans had proved his worth during his residence at Blaenavon, He was going back to Dowlais to take a very important post there, and to follow in the footsteps of a man who was undoubtedly one of the lliWSt engineers in South Wales in his day, viz., the late Mr Menelaus, who was at one time engiDeer to the Dowlais Company. He wished Mr Evans and his family every happiness, success and prosperity. < Applause.) Mr Hirst made a few brief remarks, during which he stated that he had known Mr Evans for many years at Dowlais, and always found him the same. The presents before them were not given in a spirit of adulation, but as being well deserved. He cordially wished him every future success nnd prosperity, \Hear, hear.) Song, Romany lass, by Mr T. Edmunds was well rendered. The Chairman said the name of Mr David Jones was not likely to be anything but well received at Blaenavon, and although he could not be with them then, his son was present, and he would accordingly ask Mr Evan Jones to say a few words. Mr Evan Jones regretted his father could not be present, but business matters had detained him. He was glad to hear how much Mr Evans was appreciated at Blaenavon, and he was sure he would have an equal welcome back to DOwlais. Their loss was a gain to Dowlais, and while they were speeding the parting guest, they over the other side would receive him as heartily on his return amongst them. When he was at Blaen- avon, Mr Evans always treated him with the greatest kindness and courtesy. A song, by Mr I. Morgan, was then given and well received. Mr John Jones then proposed the health ot the Blaenavon Company, coupling with it the name of their respected manager Mr Dowden. He thought they were more or less indebted to the Company for giving them work, and hoped that the depression which had so long existed would soon pass away, and that their manager and the Company would do their best to reduce the discoru, which certainly existed to some extent, to harmony. Both the workmen and employers were dependent beings upon one another, and he hoped that they would always consider themselves us part and parcel of the Company. He had much pleasure in proposing the toast. The Chairman thanked them for the kind way they had proposed and received the toast. The remarks made by the proposer were in every way to the point. In the first place he said they were dependent beings, and nothing was more true than that. As far as he (the speaker) was concerned he should do his best to reduce any discord that Irnight exist to perfect harmony, but this lie could not do without their assistance and he looked to them as much as to himself to smooth down any differences be- tween them, and then they might hope for the best possible results. They were all specially dependent on one another in a works like Blaen- avon. He was not going to enlarge, at a meet- ing of that sort, on the differences between 4- ,1)' capital and labour, but hoped that they were all developing towards higher and better things, j With power came great responsibilty, and this applied equally to the working man and his employer, but it meant self-denial for the good of both capital and labour. The differences be- tween employers and workmen were much to be deplored, and what was wanted was something like a feeling of confidence between the two, when they could reasonably look for the best results. (Cheers.) They were passing through a period of great depression, and how long that would last it was impossible to tell. He sin- cerely hoped an improvement would soon take place, resulting in tetter dividends for the Com- pany and better wiges for the workmen. The directors were always willing to assist them at Blaenavon, whether in getting an institute or town hall or to help the various churches and chapels in'the place, when that help was needed, and they had the goodwill of the employers at heart. He hoped and had every confidence that they would reciprocate this goodwill on their part. In conclusion, he endorsed most heartily everything that had been said there respecting Mr Evans, and wished him every success and prosperity in the career that was before him. (Loud applause.) Another recitation was given by Mr Lingford which was followed by a violin duet by Messrs W. G. Scourfield and Henry Edwards, both of which were much appreciated. Mr J. Thomas sang again. sang again. A vote of thanks was passed to the chairman for presiding. This was suitably replied to, and Mr Percy Dowden also acknowledge the com- pliment, the proceedings terminating with the National Anthem.

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