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TUESDAY, OCT. 18 The accounts from Jamaica state that Panama has declared itself independent, & that General Flores had sent 300 men against it. Other troops had been sent by the inhabitants to support the inhabitants ao-ainst i Flores. At Bogota affairs were in a very disturbed state. The country was divided into two factions, and another revolution was early expected. One of the letters state?, that such changes had been so common that any event of the kind excited but little interest. Great apprehensions are again entertained in the city respecting the cholera morbus. It seems to be generally feared that if the disease has really got to Hamburgh, as there is great reason to believe, it will be nearly impossible to prevent its reaching this country. The only circumstances from which some hope is enter- tained that we may escape this scourge, are our insular position, and the neutralizing powers of the sea air on the miasma which has baffled every kind of impediment hitherto attempted to be opposed to its progress over land. The only case known yet in which it is sup- posed that the cholera was brought by a sea conveyance, is that of Abo, in Finland; but it does not appear that its communication by the means stated has been very satisfactorily ascertained; and it ought to be remem- bered that the distance between Abo and the places which were previously infected, is a great deal shorter -than Hamburgh is from England. From Revel to Finland across, the passage is only of a few hours. DESTRIICTION OF THE ENGLISH BRIG MARIA. AND MURDER OF HER CREW.—The Admiral Colpoys brought from Barbadoes a private communication, containing the particulars of the destruction of the "British brig Maria, of Liverpool, and the murder of her captain (George,) her mate, and crew, on the coast of Africa, in May last, by pirates. The acconnt given 9 by a Krooman, who afterwards escaped from the vessel and regained the coast, is, ti,at on the morning of the ,1th day after leaving Prince's, and out of sight of land, the Maria was fallen in with a large brig, from which they were hailed in English. After some altercation, a shot was fired into the fore part of the Maria, and the pirates directed Capt. G. to go on board, and low- ered six boats into the water, filled with men, which put off to board the Maria. Exertion was now made on board the Maria to escape, but without success. The boats having soon reached her, boarded; the pi- rates being principally armed with long knives, imme- diately commenced slaughtering the unfortunate crew, I 4vho were without titc means of making an effectilall resistance. Capt. George was. shqt through the fore- I,e head by the leader of the boarding party, as he came up from his cabin. The Kroomen, haying escaped to the rigo-insr, were spectators of this inhuman scene; they were soon discovered, and ordered down; and the pirates, after taking all that they required from the brig, fired a broadside into her, which did so much injury tltat she siitik about two hours afterwards. Two nights after this-occurrence, during a tornado, the Kroomen escaped from the pirate in one of her boats, which was towing astern (having previously c supplied themselves with a small quantity of biscuit), and in 14 days, were so fortunate as to reach the coast of Guinea, at Wydab, at which place the pirate brig- liad been a short time before for a supply of water. The only description of the pirate vessel given is, that she was a brig, with a poop, masts raked a little, not ftainted, sides white, inside of ports red; carried ten arge guns (similar to those of a sloop of war) on each &ide, and two pivot guns, one amidships and one for- ivard the two after guns were brass she carried no flag whilst capturing the Maria, but afterwards hoisted Spanish with a crew, upwards of 100 in number, composed of people of various nations, Portuguese, Spaniards, Americans, and some who spoke English. The master was a tall, stout man, with large red tviiis- ters and red hair, and spoke English well: lie said that be was bound for the Havanmh. Thestatement from which we have copied the foregoing was given on oath before the justice of the peace at Freetown, on 3d o t ) u rz t last—JVewt York Daily Advertiser, EXTRAORDINARY CASE OF POISONING IN FRANCE. —The woman, or rather monster, whose extraordinary crimes form the subject of the following narrative, was the daughter of a tailor at Breme, in France, who, living in very easy circumstances, was enabled to give her what may be called a i-espectabi education. In 1808, at the age of twenty years, she married a saddler, named Mit- tenberg, who lived very comfortably, by whom she had seven children. Shortly before the year 1815 llei- hus- band died- In tiie year 1815 the same accident befel her fatliei-, lier mother, and three of her children, who were all carried off within the short space of a few months. In the following year her only brother met with the same lot, a little time after his return from a long absence, and just as he was about making an ai-,errients for the division of his paternal inheritance. In 1817, the widow married a person named Gottfried, with whom she afterwards con- fessed she had carried on an illicit amour before the death of her first husband. A few days after the second mar- riage, Gottfiied suddenly died, leaving his wife a widow for the second time. Six years afterwards she was on the point of marriage with a musician, named Zimmerman, when he sunk under a serious illness. In 1826, the wi- dow Gottfiied sdd her house to a cartwright, nam d Bumpf, on an agreement that she should be allowed to retain for her use one apartment. Some months after this bargain had been concluded, the wife of Rumpf died in child-bed, after which the widow Gottfried took upon herself the house-keeping of Rumpf. During that period he suffered severely from time to time from imacountable vomitings, and, most likely, would have done so till death had put an end to thens, had he not one day observed some strangf- subsance on a piece of bacon, which had been cooked by the widow. His suspicions were excited, and he submitted the bacon to the examination of a me- dical man, who discovered that it was imbued with a great quantity of arsenic. Upon this discovery the widow was taken into custody, and subjected to the process of the Ci-iiiiiiial Coiii-t of the city of Breme, during which many criires of the widow were brought to light. On the part of the prosecution, it was proved, and the accused even confessed, that she had administered arsenic to a great number of persons, fifteen of whom had fallen victims to the poison, and seventeen of whom had survived with some difficulty. On the part of the prosecution it could have been proved that there were other persons whom she had poisoned, but whom death had spared in conse- quence, however, of the numerous cases which had been satisfactorily made out, and were sufficient for the pur- poses of justic, they were not investigated. In reply to the questions that were put to the accused, she confessed that motives of interest had prompted her to some of these poisoning acts; she could only attribute her commission of others to a sort of instinct, to an irresistible penchant, which induced her to administer poison to individuals, and to the pleasure which she derived from seeing them die. Her Counsel supported the existence of this strange fancy for poisoning, and argued from it that there was an ab- sence of all criminal intention. Upon this strange defence of Counsel, application was made to several scientific men, who, after consultation, were not enabled to discover any physical disposition which could give rise to such a fancy or madness. The defence on this ground consequently did.not succeed, and the Court, according to the 130th Article of the Criminal Law, condemns the widow Gott- fried, as a reparation for the crimes committed by her, and as an example to those who may be tempted to imitate her, to have her head cut off liy the sword. The Court orders all expences attendant on the prosecution, judgment, and execution, to be paid out of the property of the con- demned1


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HOUSE OF LORDS, Monday, Oct.…


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