Papurau Newydd Cymru

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ùUHHnH iï ,.¡)H\lU 1U t.a\¡l !Ji. OF EVENTS. IN America we hear that the work of re-organising the Southern States is rapidly progressing. Pro- visional governors have been appointed by Presi- dent Johnson over the States of Texas, Alabama, and Georgia, and representatives will be again sent to Congress to assist in the government of the country. The black population are said to be suffering from the want of the necessaries of life, particularly those who are old and incapable of work. In some of the States the negroes have sent deputations to the President, asking him to inquire into their condition, and in effect he has sent them this reply :—" During your transition state many things will doubtless be uncomfort- able. You must be patient in bearing the evils from which there is no escape. Be thankful for your release from bondage, and assist me in rais- ing you in the scale of civilisation." It will doubtless be seme time before either blacks or whites can adapt themselves to the new order of things; let us rejoice, however, that millions of people are no longer slaves, but free; and let us hope that the rising negro generation will be so educated as to turn their minds to industrial habits, and thus become respected in the world. The State trials are still going on, and no decision has been arrived at whereby we may guess what the punishment awarded to the so-called traitors will be. A LITTLE sensation was created in England when it was known that Mr. Seward, as Chief Secretary for War, had recommended that the courtesy usually shown to ships of war bearing a national flag should not be extended to British vessels, that is to say, that the United States Go- vernment should claim the right of overhauling them. It will be remembered that on the ces- sation of hostilities, other nations, such as France, ordered all Confederate cruisers to leave their shores within twenty-four hours. England did the same with this proviso, that vessels taking to mercantile pursuits, and dispensing with the munitions of war, should be allowed ingress and egress to her ports. This is considered by the United States Minister as too favourable a proceeding, and he thus issues the recommenda- tion referred to, adding that the American Go- vernment will recognise no transfer of Confederate cruisers, but will capture them under whatever flag they may sail. We trust, however, that the two Governments will come to a peaceable under- standing on this question. THE Florence papers state that the Austrian Government are still working against Italian in- terests and influence. They repeat a rumour formerly circulated that the Vienna Cabinet ac- tively interfered to prevent the success of the negotiations between the Papal and Italian Go- vernments; and they moreover declare that Austria has protested to Prussia against the com- mercial treaty between Italy and the German States. The Italians are dissatisfied, and are bold enough to express their sentiments. In the mu- aicipality of Ostuni there was a grand opening of the Bari and Brindisi Railway, the King of Italy's son and heir, Prince Humbert, presided, and in the people's address to him they stated that the policy of the Government in regard to Rome was a flagrant violation of the national right;" that they had hoped, under the rule of Victor Emmanuel, a better state of things would have Z!1 existed. They expected that brigandage would have been put down by the occupation of Rome. They expressed sympathy with Garibaldi as the wounded martyr of Aspromonte," and their belief that he would be able to liberate both Rome and Venetia; but now," they said, when we see Eome protected by unknown hands, we protest against the policy pursued, and, firm in our prin- ciples, we are prepared-in association with twenty-two millions of Italians—to enforce our rights, and defend them against all external and internal enemies." This is bold language, cer- tainly, and such as would not be very acceptable to the King of Italy. THE great political contest is going on all over England, and it is generally believed that parties are about as equally divided as at the last election. A few days, however, will show the result, to which many are looking forward with anxiety. One thing we must rejoice in—namely, that I elections are now conducted with less party spleen, and under more orderly circumstance?. WE regret to iind that railway accidents are still occurring. We were near having a repetition of the Staple hurst tragedy. The clown express got off the line near to Norwich, just as it was approaching a bridge over a stream. The engine driver, with, presence of Hand, put On the breaks, and then jumped over the bridge into the liver, the engine dashed along the line and ran into some ballast, where it came to a stand-still, fortunately without any fatal result, although both the rails were torn up. The railway management, however, is equally to be blamed as if the accident had been of a more serious nature; and we trust that the new Parliament will devise some means whereby the pi,.sgeiigers' lives may be better protected than they are at present. THE Canterbury Savings-bank has stopped payment through the conduct of the actuary and secretary. The deposits are X150,000, and the defalcations only amount to £ 5,000. We are happy to learn that the trustees have determined that the depositors, who belong almost entirely to the working classes, shall be paid in full. This will make the calamity comparatively harmless; but it will not weaken the unfortunate impression such an event is likely to make upon the public mind. EVERYBODY remembers the Chetwynd divorce case, and how the lady, whose family occupy a very high position in society, obtained a separa- tion from her husband. Another phase in con- nection with this was brought on in the Court of Queen's Bench. It appears that before the divorce Mrs. Chetwynd had run up some large bills with tradesmen, and one person who had supplied her with goods sued the husband for the amount. The jury found for the plaintiff, giving a precedent for all other debts to be paid that the wife had in- curred. THE Handel Festival, which took place last week at the Crystal Palace, appears to have pleased I every one, and was, indeed, one of the wonders of the nineteenth century. The vast numbers of the audience, counted by thousands; the large propor- tions of the choir, gathered from all parts of the country, and exhibiting, by universal consent, a truly wonderful accuracy and precision in their performances; the efforts of the various artistes, consisting of the acknowledged leaders of musical tulent in England, who ail exerted themselves to the utmost; the great composer, to honour whose memory, and to increase an admiration of whose works the gigantic gathering was inaugurated, all united to render the festival one of the greatest events of the year 1865. 'She Messiah was chosen for Monday, miscellaneous selections for Wednes- day, and Israel in JEgypt for Friday. The rendering of these celebrated oratorios was wonderful-far beyond all praise. A SINGULAR case of a nobleman claiming ex- emption from the laws of the country, in conse- quence of his high posit-ion: occurred the other day. The Earl of Winchelsea and Nottingham was summoned by the station master of the Wandsworth railway station for unlawfully smoking a cigar on the company's premises. The noble lord paid no attention to the summons, but wrote to the directors demanding the dismissal of their official for, wha.t his lordship termed, the man's impudence and effrontery." He said the summons involved a breach of the privilege of the House of Lords, for which he held the chairman of the company responsible. The magistrate, how- ever, declared that he was as amenable to the laws as her Majesty's humblest subject. THE quarter's revenue returns are again de- monstrative of the prosperous condition of the country. The net decrease on the quarter is only £724,680, and on the year of < £ 404,203. Remem- bering the large remissions of taxation which have taken place, these figures are exceedingly encouraging, for, with a decrease in the national expenses, the revenue receipts, according to the Chancellor of the Exchequer's calculation, will still be much beyond the national expenditure.


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