Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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I EPITOME OF NEWS. The Algiers journals state that the 17th July ufS °" hottest days of the year there. At mid-day, I fcn^Ofmometer, in the open air and in the shade, marked tigrade (100 Fahrenheit); and in the sun, 53 4-10 Centi- ) wade (128 Fahrenheit. I A great meeting has been held at Tredegar, at I %icli.resolutions condemning the verdict of the coroner's I T0t. against Mr. Bevan, in connection with I nri.60 c°lliery accident, were passed. Mastership of Crediton Grammar t k a 0lE*las been conferred upon the Rev. Arthur Calvert, if jj' of St. John's College, Cambridge, Incumbent ljw £ rPlasaea. Mr. Calvert graduated in 1853, whence was tha ?u tile lst class in classics, and 27th junior optime in 58 mathematical tripos. LA sad disaster has occurred at the Baths of folca* r>Tiie Duchess d'Alcadia, of the family of set fi-0 i:tl endeavouring to extinguish a spirit lamp, Ifro i ^er ('ress' 3,1'1 was so terribly burnt that she died )J~ after. Her husband, who came to her assistance, ) Hj^^ttiself severely injured in his efforts to extinguish the ues, PAdlTices recently received from Smyrna state f t 6 .e town of Cassada has been the scene of a great con- Ration. Half of the town was destroyed, and many lives u*e lost. The damage is estimated at about 20,000,000 **stres, AnUkase of the Russian Senate has been pub- i 5 £ f journals permitting the smoking of | in streets and public places of cities and towns, but iC g tile practice in stables, hay-lofts, barns, and such es as might incur danger from fire. lilF*16 well-known hermit at Stevenage, Herts, Who has considerable property in the county, is said jjDestow £ 20 a week, which is. brought to him in pence, in Jjrf to any one who asks. To every ordinary beggar he 50t, 0ae penny; to an Irish beggar he give3 twopence. lnsequentlY the neighbourhood swarms with mendicants. (J; death, of another millionaire is reported oJt Hamburg, letters from which. place state that Mr. Wh. *ne ■'ias- •^ (^e^- Bagneres. This gentleman i Ifs i su5viyino partner of the world-famous house Wjj8"'0111011 Heine and Co., and*it is stated that his property ii exceed the sum of two millions and a-half sterling. ,A,man named John Goodwin, aged 66 years, Sijfl N-Sr' kas ai'.e'i i11 the accident ward of the London j )vp'al' fr°m injuries by being knocked down and run ^iite h ^■kus wliile passing across High-street, jj -K^nry Saunders, a hawk boy, employed on the building now in course of erection near Grove-lane, ^ftodea-town, fell from off a scaffold forty feet high, and tailed on the spot. A fleeting was held on Saturday, at Warwick, esiaed over by Lord Leigh, lord-lieutenant, with a view m seeure the abolition of statute fairs, so far as the hiring servants is concerned. A large number of agriculturists J™ Present, and pledged themselves to do what they to aid in the movement. o It 1.8 in contemplation to discontinue the use f the Hawaiian language, in the Sandwich Islands, 7and ajj^tue English instead, in which case the former must u-ortiy become extinct. notice has recently "been issued, inform- btolr Pu^lic that thirty-six new Post-office Savings ofAu "De opened in London and the suburbs on the 1st new form of applause is becoming common an Ur London theatres. The audience, when pleased with elfin fjl'^ssion or sentiment uttered by the actors, often P their hands and shout, Hear, hear! -&raong the banns of marriage proclaimed re- Qf n la Par's are those of Madame de la Pommerais, wife "te poisoner. t*aE,ller0 were last year 15,446 vagrants and t6y~^ uri<!er sixteen years of age, and 101,393 above six- nWilowing a decrease on the preceding year, when the ^berswere 16,941 and 109,198. jjFor the Goodwood Cup this year the designer, ^lr^' Jefferson, has taken his subject from Burger's «aaof "Leonora," and has most skilfully depicted the Tha k^t ride of the P°or maiden with her spectral lover. Ced<Hea are formed of the attendant angels who inter- tw6 r Leonora, and at the base are smiling Cupids en- with passion flowers, and admirably made to illus- the mournful story. Both designer and manufacturers to be proud of their work, which will, no doubt, ^highly prized by the winner of the coveted trophy. » The Memorial de la Loire states that a Jitter named Jeanpierre, aged fiffey-two, residing at Yirig- Soh^ (Loire), attempted, a few days since, to murder his MtViagec* eighteen, by discharging at him a. gun loaded « small shot. The young man was severely but not wounded about the head, neck, aud breast. {or f k0r' wiL0' appears, had been a harmless lunatic .Ujwnr years, committed suicide five minutes later by 4^ing out his brains. Bate President Lincoln's funeral at aahingtoncoBt 23,436 dollars. jv^ksre were 51,058 crimes committed lastyarin and 28,704 persons apprehended, of which number Were sent for triaL Ae Freemasons of Leghorn, in Italy, have an address to their brethren in America, urging "'■ Jefferson Davis should be leniently treated. jv*t ia stated that the Regius Professorship of -vacant by the elevation of the Bev. Dr. Jaoobson see of Chester, has been offered to the Eev. Dr. Scott, ^ster of Balliol College, who, it ia expected# will accept it. ;<he 11 liurkatu publishes some details relating g sale of children in India. At Kodock, in the Mzaxn's v^try> Golams and Bundees are regularly sold, every half to1*- Very recently a case occurred in the assigned dis- |5c'8 in which a woman was sentenced to four months' pT^isoament for selling her child. The cause is general arising from a failure of crops. The purchasers rule, Mussulmans. are sorry to learn, says a local contem- some person or persons have wilfully destroyed raPli wire which, was erected some years ago for the Q^sniission of messages to and from her Majesty the to,?* during her residence at Balmoral. It is satisfactory that the police have some information-as to the party, who, if found out, will be severely punished. Liverpool "Water Committee have i to recommend the town council to erect an addi- reservoir at Rivington, at an expense of £ 100,000, to e water which at present runs to waste. There is a 'ifo ° y water- in the reservoirs, caused by the unusual of the last two years. papers from the Cape of Good Hope say SW -Uavid Smith, the Gommander -of the Cape and who perished in her during the great m Table Bay in May last, was a Scotchman by birth, a a„U^„y before his death he addressed the members of ^unaay sch.o°l ia Cape Town on the advantages of a re- ^Jous ed an<j mustrated his remarks by allusions ^%|profSny life among persons^ of a sea■ "'t't-.g .Brighton (the Queen of watering places) is rather i)tesaC<inS1 irfn <r q-road is 8 aot the visiting season there at "ist'ocracy ^occasionally with mem- ^'th p-old*flnlo6ladies dress superbly; black coinsl romflutile outside, and rows of •felSSiSSt SS. appear-to beth, the present Lord Chancellor's ^rectory of Padworth Reading, has become vacant by the death of ae Kev' .jWe William Curtis, M.A., formerly of Ht. John?s Col- w'e. Cambridge. It is worth £ 270 a year. By the death of Curtis, the rectory of Wenmi^ton, near Komfordi hag so become vacant. It is wort h .4k) a year, and is of the. Bishop of Peterborough. s m the uAt the Nottingham Assizes on Saturday, the eio^3- o £ tae prisoners charged with rioting _at the iate cfciou were all postponed until the next assizes, on -:the Olld that during the present excited state of the town ,a.1r and impartial trial could not be obtained. Ca^*1 inquest has been held in King's-road, ^den-town, oa the body of Eobert Adams, 58 years of a.Pensioner of the East India Company's service, who c&t,,? ^mself on Sunday morning, in a fit of despondency, hia inability to obtain employment. The jury urlIeQ a verdict of suicide under temporary insanity. Valuable horse was killed by lightning of fi.Ue,ru8ey week. The electric fluid entered the knee w^orse, passed upward to the chest, divided there, and ilsl-if iou-t ax the back of the ear. Death must have been cwfttaueous. The poor animal was tethered by an iron 'Slitnjjj111 a l^le chain, no doubt, attracted the lltng.. Pu:r:ous S-^P> w^^°h has caused much amuse- a Wf Paris press, has appeared in the Moniteur. In a*kert« T0m Mar]rid' Publlshed by the official journal, it is feti-Ji'Has T10t Spain also changed her capital and trans- %dr;i e residence of her sovereigns from Yalladolid to as Italy now transfers definitively her political le from Turin to Rome?" y 11 onelay evening a youth, named Barker, in Live years °f age, employed in a cotton-broker's office was playing cricket at New Brighton, near and (Ti ? ',w^en he was struck on the temple by the ball, le« shortly afterwards from the effects of the blow. effect^ fl?ss than three persons died from the tati0l? the heat, fatigue, and excitement, on the inaugu- Salojj,ffay ri^e shooting fete at Bremen. These were Bre:nc> a brewer of Brunswick, Kaese, a carpenter of J1' aild an American. tele„ }-s Stated that the cause of the suspension of j- '10 communication with India consists in a break ^at-mpB cahle about 350 miles from Bushire, and -is So are in progress to effect the necessary repair s-iui i,nrH,?0ss^'e' -^t the same time the condition of the Sa*tisfacto of liae through Asia is described to be un- ry* [aid prace the Duchess of Leeds has just q-P??"ation stones of two orphanages, at Penny- c°Utavn nZ,Bletchingly, near Mayfield. The buildings will accommodation for 100 boys and the same number of girls. They are both in the Gothic style, and have been designed by Mr. E. Welby Ptigin. The children who are re- ceived in these institutions will be provided for in every pos- sible manner by her Grace until they have been taught a trade. The cost of the buildings and endowment is esti- mated at about 270,000. We learn from the Gardener's Chronicle that Mrr, Ifenig Lane, of Berkhampstead, the great rose-grower, is dead. He was eighty-eig-ht years of age, but to the last week of his life could read small print without spectacles. He was churchwarden of his parish for forty years. A Washington dispatch of the 11th July states that a gentleman from Fortress Monroe reports the health of Jefferson Davis much better than it has been at any time during his incarceration. His meals are sent direct from the table of Dr. Craven, his attendant physician, by his daughter, and by her delivered tothe officer having immediate charge over him. Bunter, the marine store-dealer who stabbed Detective-Inspector Annis with a sword on Saturday, has committed suicide in the police cell. He broke his breakfast basin, and with the pieces cut the arteries of his arms and throat so severely that he afterwards died of the wounds. Inspector Annis is still alive. A gentleman's yacht has been seized in South- ampton Water by the Custom-house authorities, in conse- quence of contraband goods having been found on board. The owner has been exonerated from all blame, but the cap- tain has been held to bail, and some of the crew have been committed to prison. The Customs laws are very severe in such seizures, as yachts generally are exempted from official supervision to prevent the pleasure of yachting from being diminished, and from the belief that the rank and charactei of yacht owners are ample security that the revenue laws will not be infringed. An inquest was recently held in the City-road, London, on the body of William Hedrich, aged sixty-seven years. Deceased had been left a legacy of £ 1,400, and be- came very intemperate. On Thursday he was found dead in his bedroom, hanging from a nail in the door, his feet touching the ground. The jury returned a verdict of suicide while in a state of unsound mind. Madame Ristori has just been the victim of a considerable robbery. She possesses a handsome apartment at Rome, in which she intended to pass the winter. She has now learned that the person in whose charge it had been left has absconded, after having sold all the furniture. The loss amounts to about 10,000fr. A labouring man named Henry Grey was in- dicted at the Oxford Assizes for attempting to murder his father-in-law, John Thompson, or do him grievous bodily harm. On the evening of May 18 the prisoner entered the prosecutor's house, and having abused him for some time, stabbed him in the temple with a knife in a dangerous manner. Prisoner was in liquor at the time, and was known to be of very violent temper, especially when drunk. The jury returned a verdict of guilty against him, and his lord- ship sentenced him to penal servitude for six years. Speaking about the climate of Australia, the Adelaide Weekly Mail says :—On Sunday last seven widows met at a house in Margaret-street, North Adelaide, whose united ages are represented by the figures 527. The eldest was 85, the youngest 62. A country in which (amongst old colonists) sexagenarians are very numerous, and octo- genarians by no means rare, cannot be afflicted with a very unhealthy climate. During the past week the visitors to the South Kensington Museum have been as follows: —On Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday, free days, open from tin a.m. to ten p.m., 10,582; on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, students' days (admission to the public 6d.), open from ten a.m. till six p.m., 2,309. Total, 12,891; from the opening of the Museum, 5,428,860. About midnight on Saturday two police- officers in the service of the South-Western Railway, named Cain and Leigh, were at the goods-station, Nine-elms, upon the line conversing, when an engine came down upon them, killing Cain instantly and severely injuring the other man, who lies at St. Thomas's Hospital with skull fractured in a frightful manner and his jaw broken. But faint hopes are entertained of his recovery. Mr. Coxwfcll has received from Glasgow his bal- loon Research, as it was forwarded from Islay. It came out of the car piecemeal, a total wreck, having been cut and torn into at fewest 200 pieces. The network was sliced down with knives, the valves cut out of each end.





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