Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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EPITOME OF NEWS.: ----+--:=


EPITOME OF NEWS. -+-= It appears that in the year ending March last, the revenue from penny stamps was 2519,288 5s.-3d,, and the net produce, L500,259 18s. 6d. Mr. J. S. Mill, M.P., has been made a Doctor of Philosophy by the University of Vienna, on the occasion of its celebrating its 500th anniversary. Collectors of sensation'' relics have actually clipped away portions of the "dooe-s £ eps of Br„ Pritchard & residence. A Yankee, in the indefinite region known as "out "West," has been serving whiskey to his oustomers^ in an old gnn-barrel, instead of a; glass. His wholesale only allows him to sell "by the ba.rreL" Constance Kent still remains in the Wilts County Prison, at Fisherton, Salisbury, no communicatioii having been received of h"er ultimate fate. Her de is still calm and collected, and it is not true that she signified any intention of making a further confession. We hear that the Rev. Arthur Wagner, has been, and still is, supporting Out of his families of the men who were sent to pnsen for their brutal attack on him in the streets iif Brighton. A forthcoming journey of GAiibaldi to Sheinfelden, in Switzerland, having been aimounced in the Preach press, the General, in a letter -to Earl Blind, has contradicted the news as being ■devoid of foundation. The second railway compensation case respecting St. John's-wood I;Luiliray has been heard at the Sheriffs' Court, Bed Lion-squa^, Thomas v. The M^ro- politan and Notting-hill BaiW". The olaimwitis a cow- keeper at St. John's-wood, ^nd claimed a large sum. After, a. long inquiry the amouu* awarded was £ 1,500. The limited liability" fever seems to-be ex- tending to the West-dnd clubs. The United Arts Club, in Hanover-square, t«kes the initiative, and some other older establishments; proprietary clubs are, it is Baid, afcout to follow'the example. The trials of Duties paid daring the year, ohdiug- oz) the 31st of March I'MIt, in the undermentioned; categories, were as follows:—On spirits, £ 10,610,066 13s. 10d., of which £ 463,335 9s. 6Jd. was expended in the collecting on railways, iC439,000 15s. 3d.; on patent medicines, gW,333 Os. 4!d; and on racehorses, 27,746 4s. The death of Mr. William Whitham, of Hudderafield, inventor of several improvements in steam and hydraulic engines, especially in the latter as applied to raining purposes, is recorded. On Saturday night, the Soar borough express train ran into an engine, which was on the, wrong,,Iiue, at Mai ton. The engine '*as smashed, but the passengers escaped, and were sent on, the up-line being clear. The General Credit and Finance Company have notified that on the 15th instant, a payment of 2s..per share, free of income-tax, will be made on account of dividend for the current year, being at the rate of 5 per eent. per annum for the six months. The traffic receipts of railways in the United Kingdom amounted for the past week on 12,079 miles, to 9753,782; and for the corresponding week of last year, 11,660 miles, to £721,432, showing an increase of 419 miles, and of £ 32,350. A telegraphic dispatch from Florence state that an extremely full municipal council have confirmed, by a unanimous vote, the concession for the enlargement -Of Florence as recommended in the report of the former Minister, Peru^si, and embodied in the contract of the G-anfalomere with Messrs. Alfieri, Carmichael, Cresswell, and Breda. On Saturday the whole of the shipwrights, numbering nearly 200 men, employed in the yards which line the banks of the river Wear, near Sunderland, turned out "on strike." The strike is promoted by the Ship- wrights' Union, and the question in dispute is one of time. The operatives of Preston are still strongly in favour of emigration. A party of eight left the town last Week for America, and in a few days they will be followed by more. Amongst the bulk of those remaining there is a complaint of irreglilar work, poor wages, and uncertain prospects. The Advertiser has reason to believe that the alleged large concessions which were said to have been Offered by Austria to Prussia, in the question of the Diichies, have no foundation in fact. A notice appears in the Dublin Gazette to the effect that his Excellency the"Lofd Ligutenant has offered a reward of P,100 to any person who -shall within six months give such information as shall lead to the arrest of the per- petrators of the murder of Thomas Devlin, bailiff, county, Meoth. The Lord Bishop of Manchester has just consecrated a beautiful new church at the village of Weaste, near Eccles. The building is from the designs of Mr, Geo. Gilbert Scott, B.A., and will cost about £ 11,000. Lady Theresa Lewis, widow of Sir Cornewaill Lewis, has returned to Kent-house from a, visit to Here- ford aaid into Radnorshire for the purpose of seeing the testimonials placed in these localities-to the memory of her distinguished husband. Her ladyship expressed -herself well satisfied and greatly gratified at these marks of respect, to his memory. On Saturday Colonel M'Murdo reviewed 3,000 Cheshire volunteers, and an administrative battalion from Flintshire, on the Roodee, at Chester. In addition to the, ordinary evolutions, the troops engaged in a sham fight, in the course of which the volunteer engineers threw a. pontoon bridge across the River Dee. j Crinoline has claimed another vietim^but Hot in the ordinary way- "A yorang woman named Ma y Scott, about 25 years of age, residing m London, was going downstairs to the kitohen, wheii heE;; foot caught in her crinoline, and She was precipitated from the top to the bottom of the stair, head foremost. She fel an her head and brokehèr neck. Death was, of course, instantaneous. n On Sunday evenin 3g, the Benedictine "nrissioii" in London was closed with compkne, and sermon by the superior, who preachedfrotn the words, "The darkness is Peeled, and the true light now shineth." At the conclusion ■of'th^tjorviee, Mr. Lyne announced that the buildingof.tha monastery at Nwiéh was stopped-for want of funds. A diplomatic correspondence has been going -on for the last nine mouths between Austria and Prussia for 37 francs. The cause WItSt a Prussian soldier had been taken ill and teatedat an Aitstrian hospital, the ex- penses in his case being 37 francs. Last year the duty On 'hair PO'wcler amounted to iel,027 12s. 7d, a.nd on armorial bearings to £ 61,560 19s. 6d. Duririfr the past week twenty-seven wrecks have been reported, making a sotal for the present year Of 1,266. Dr. Livingstone, the celebrated Afriran explorer, W now a guest of Colonel Webb, High Sheriff of Nottmg- hamshire, at Newstead Abbey. The Bath papers have made the most oat of the passing visit of Prince Napoleon to the town, even to the length Of telling us at whose shop the Prince purchased a travelling cap! According to a Parliamentary blue-book just issued, the conscience money,, paid into the Exchequer in the year endIng-March last amounted to 97,184. The Americang have been hunting up the cenealogy of General Shermail) and find that he is a descen- dant of Puritans ot the Cromwell type, who emigrated to America in the troublesotae times of CMrles I. A local contemporary says that:-At the exa- mination of one of the public seminaries in a burgh not far frZ Edinburgh, which came off last week, the son of Dr. iMtchard, a lad the was,c.^ie,d fflL™1 to recite before a public ^emytho pieGe entltled ,lThe Orphan Boy." This was cruel, u true A Carmelite monk, writes from BagShat he f ruins of which still exist, was on the oocasim!°J toires, blessed by Pius IX- ifny Mussulmans.^81011 a grand ceremony, attended by maw • _„ i..{ a collection ot eggs and skins At a recent sale Ot _„B oi the great auk, one Of very rare birds, including £ 3810s.; and the fourth fetched £ 29; another £ 33; attird^ oasarca, or ru^' £ 89. Total, £ 122 10s. One egg o £ remarka.ble, as shieldrake fetched £ 1 16s., which is ratter » aki living specimens of the bird are, comparatively spea "S, m all ornithological collections. The).aviest income returned in New York foT, 1864 was R3, 00 a year, but this was only for o-,ie year, the largest steady inC0me being apparently that of who returns it w-. £ 260,000 a year. Some of this enormous wealth will in aye»t or two be transferred to Trinity Onurc ifew York, which m..ay years ago leased to Mr. Astor so large plots of land, nt^ covered with streets and squares. A Pritchard eask. has turned up at the assizes of the Seine Inféneure." A doctor is accused of poisoning his own wife and the àusba. of a lady whom he wished to marry. In the course of a tribJ. in the Civil Court at Lancaster last week, involving a Kght of fishery in Coniston ■water, a curious document was tendered in evidence. It was a long roll in a box, containing txe defendant's (General Le Flemings), pedigree, with the nai^es an(j dates of his ancestors, traoed to the original lie a ien*ing, who came over to England with William the Conqueror. The Queen of the Sandwichi isiands at- tended Divine service at Christ Church, Claj)ilam) on the occasion of the Rev. W. Hoapili, her chaplain, breaching in "i I of the Hawaian mission. The church Was densely wded. Red cloth was laid down from the door at whioh Queen Emma entered to the pew in the central aisfe whjgh reserved for her. The Rev. Bradley Abbott, inoum- 3&nt, conducted the service, which was a choral one, carriid 0lJt with the full ceremonies used by the -f-1^ ^auroh Party. The Rev. W. Hoapili took Ms text from Rom. vii. • A liberal collection was made. Edward Bradshaw, a warehouseman, wis charged before the Liverpool magistrates, with having gorged the name of Thomas Woods, as surety for a mm named Newsham, who had applied to the excise for a ucence for a beerhouse. Woods had consented to become urety, and Newsham had gtiven the name to the exesto officers; but afterwards Woods declined'to be surety. Newsham, however,-took Bradshaw. to the office, and got him to represent himself as Woods, and- sign the latter's name. The facte were admitted, and the prisoner'was re- manded. The Comere Siciliano of Palermo states that four prisoners who had a few, days ago been delivered up to the turnkey of the prison of Yicari in order there to undergo the sentences to Which they had been. condemned, effected their escape that very night after strangling the turnkey. "The most -dangerous o'f these ruffians has since been re- captured the other three are still at large. Lieut.-Colonel Childs, R.A., under orders from ,the commandant? at Woolwich, made the annual inspection 'of this corps on Saturday last at Wellington Barracks. The 'appearance of the men and their drills with heavy guns. in battalion movements and the manual aifd platoon carbine iexerciseS were very goadrand the inspecting officer expressed 'himself as well saiisfied in every respect. g The directors of the South Western Railway Company have resolved to recommend to the proprietors at the half-yearly general meeting on the 17th inst., that the dividend for the half-year ,ending 30th June, 1865, should be at the rate 6f 4t per cent, .per annum on the ordinary capital stock of the company, being the same rate ias was declared for the half-year ending.SOth June, 1864.. The Winchester and Alton Railway is to be opened for traffic on the 1st of September. Some of the German journals state that .petroleum has been discovered in Hanover, and that capital is being subscribed in England to work the wells. A New York paper says that a "Mr. Talbot is producing a "sensation" in 'Virginia city by shooting apples Off the head of Captain Clarkson, with a pistol, at a 'distance of 30 feet. A respectable man, about 45 years of age, was 'run'over and' killed: in Molynewx-street, Marylebone, on Monday. 'Trom documents found on his person his name is ibelieved to be 'Joseph Adams. The body was taken to Marylebone Workhouse. ,South Shields is be constituted a separate port from North Shields. An official communieation has been 'received by the authorities, 'intimating that it had been Idetermined to grant an independent Custom House, and giving instructions for the necessary steps-to be taken in regard to' the boundaries of the new port, f Another ilael among "Wurzburg atudents has had a fatal termination. A candidate of-medicine, who had just passed his final examination, was shot dead by a young jurist. The employers of labour in the iron and coal districts of South Wales are alarmed at the dimetisioul, which have been reached by th&einigtation of labourers to America; and-of which a scarcity of labour is almost certain to be the result, Information has been received by the police that some miscreant had made an attempt to upset the trains on the Great Western Railway-by breaking one of the switches on the junction line crossing Old Oak-common, near Shepherd's.-basli, and placing obstructions across the metal. A reward of 2-50 is offered, for the discovery of the perpetrators. The valley of Brohl, one of the most charming localities on the Rhine, was last week ravaged by a terrible storm. A waterspout, burst over Niederbreisig, at one of its; extremities, and instantly converted all the water-courses into torrents/which swept everything before them, crops, trees, cattle, and'houses. The inhabitants having, been left destitute by this visitation, a public; subscription has been opened for thein, until 'Government can adopt measures of relief. The death of Sir William Johliston,is an- nounced. He was the eighth baronet, and a worthy repre- sentative of a very ancient family. A grand temperance gala, organised by the Lancaster and Morecambe 'total abstinence societies, was held at Morecambe, the other day. $pecial trains ran from all parts of Yorkshire, Lancashire, Cumberland, and West- moreland, bringing upwards of 18,000 visitors. In an action for breach of contract at Leeds, in which a'verdict was given for the .plaintiff, it was found that the agreement between the parties was unstamped. The penalty of £1.0 Is. was demanded by the court, and was of course paid before the document could be received in evi- dence. As his lordship remarked, to save a, penny stamp, the plaintif fhad to pay a fine of iClO Is. Sunday was the twenty-first anniversary of the birthday of his Royal Highness Prince Alfred Ernest Albert. At Windsor, the bells of St. George's Ghapel and St, John's Ghurch rang merrily in the morningin honour of the Prince attaining his majority, though the usual Royal salutes were deferred, as is customarj "on the occasion of a Royal-birthday filling on a Sunday, till Monday. In London the usual de- •monatrations Of Bags from the Admiralty, 'St. Martin's Church, &e., were made, as is customary on a Royal birth- day. During -the past week the visitors to the South • Kensington Museum have been as followsOn 'Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday, free days, open from ten a.m. to ten ,p.m., 10,572; an Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, students' days (admission to the public, 6d.), open from ten am. till six p:m., 1,676. Total, 12,243: from the opening of the Museum, 5,454,835. A party of excursionists visited the Scotch' Hill of Morven, on" Tuesday, the 1st instant, and during'' their stay on the top-about half an hour-snow fell heavily, the weather at the time being bitterly cold, with a strongi northerly wind I The usual tabular statement, showing the: position of tbe w bo3y, whs roiid on< Monday at the annual conference, at Birmingham. The; total number of axembers is 330,827, of whom nineteen, are; on probation. There is a decrease of2,S32 at the mission: stations. An inquest was recently held at East Cowes, Isle' of Wight, on the body of a boy, aged twelve years, named Urry, who had, contrary to the strict injunctions of his: parents, gone to amuse himself with others in a dangerous part of the river Medina. He got out of his depth, and was in the water half an hour before the body was re-, covered. Dr. Jeans was called in, but could not restore animation. The jury returned a verdict of "Accidentally Drowned." An inquest was recently held in Luke-street, Mile-end, respecting the death of Mrs. Eliza Andrews, 'aged forty-two,years. Deceased was in the habit of taking arrow-root, and on Thursday night she, in mistake, took a quantity of white precipitate powder with some arrow-root. In a short time she was seized with violent pains, and sus- pecting what had occurred took an emetic of warm water and became better, but no doctor was called in for two days. It was then found impossible to save her life. The jury re- turned a verdict in accordance with the evidence. A young man, named Henry Amis Elder was ex- amined at Hull on the charge of stealing 2217, the property of Messrs. Walker and Smith, oil millers, Wincomlee. The prisoner absconded a short time ago with the money, and proceeded to New York. There he was robbed, and being left penniless, his conscience began to reprove him, and he determined to return to England, and give' himself into custody. This he did a few days ago, and after his state- ment had been read he was remanded. At the Rotherham Court-house, Thomas Such was summoned.tfor illegally taking toll. On Sunday, the 9th of July, a Wesleyan local preacher, named Roebuck, on his way from Mexbro* to Greasbro' to fulfil an appoint- ment, drove up in his cart to the gate kept by the defendant. He demanded exemption from toll. The defendant-refused 'to let him pass free, and while the dispute was going on, a second local preacher drove up, and made a similar demand. He was refused, and toll was paid by both, under protest. The Benchbeheved the exemption under such circum- stances was contrary to the letter of the Act, if not the spirit The defendant was fined 6d. only, and the Beneh hinted that he might appeal. In the Sheriff's Court, at Leeds, a case was tried before Mr. Grey, the under-sheriff, in which Mr. John ■EVoflerick Ingram, oil merchant, Leeds, sued this bank for damages for the non-cashing of a bill for £ 229. On the 24th of February the bill was paid in, and a question was raised as to its navability. It became due on the next day, and Mr Intrram Was not advised until a day or two after that in. had not been met, when his solicitor received information. Mr. Ingram was engaged in the oil trade, and in conse- quence of the bill not being met, he was unable to operate it the market to the extent which is usual at the opening of the year. Mr. D. Seymour, Q.C., and Mr. Middleton were counsel for the plaintiff. Verdict for the plaintiff damages, 41,000.