Papurau Newydd Cymru

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BPITOMB OF NEWft I Tfie engineers of th« Moon.6 Cgr, is Tunnel have 1^871 proD"S0^ fco d«Ji?er nP t^9 fcoaael completed T-lis eeilmg ofthepllbFc- eah jtoom in Some gave •way A few days sinoe, killing three -persons aad ajnraig 30 others, I'he Duke and of Saxe-Cob-^ ana tftsu- infant, and accompanied by the Dake -Xanaoure, the Prince de Joinville, and a distinguished .pasrty, arrived in London on Thursday. explosion took place OB Tuesday at a firework ajaacm.v_aata«jY en Attbiu in Fr-anee. Twenty persons were kuea, aad fifteen inirwed. Tiae concussion aaook all the in the neighbourhood. Ov}i h>& reason to believe that-the Conference oi ions, wbieh is to attempt the settlement of the -qti",tion now agitating Europe, will hold 163 hret-meeting on or aboafc the 12th of Jane. Advieea from Bar gaudy and the Beanjoiais sreate tuac in several locaiiitieg tfco vices bavs suffered t coid Kostherly winds which lately prevailed, but tho vegeta-fcioa waa too far advanced for the con- KXjitstfeee to be very aerioas. It-is stated that Mr..Bmasey ihaa in a most hand- some manne-r eoara to the rescue of the eminent con- tracting firm of Pato, Betts, and Co. He has met an their engagements,, and will aid them in carrying out ifheir world-wide enterprises. The Dowager Lady Truro has, it is said, be- raeathea to the Priticesa .-MM? of Cambridge the whole of ier tore,use ana hw house i& Eaton- square, vAwh is to m #he future residence at'the rnioo and Princess. brigands.—The mixed commission appointed at Fiosmone to examine persons accused of S!%f7wh8 tried 90 h^lhaA been remanded, and nine «.% f 8?ded ow* t0 ihe ordinary, tribunal. Birmingham. — On in^T>" tt shooting murder was com- J„ Bimia?hf«H A boy nlned John Dark, 10 „f^e' ¥aa -S^ahbsd to. the heart by a boy nine years of ages natlwd Thomas M'G-ee. Davis died The aoL, wag dene in a street '1 Q.rrøI.. .la.She -Court of Oomtnori Council on Throa- ty morning, the Bishop of London, through the 3f8fflam°. a latter, applied for a piece of, land near .■iis eat&ie market as a site for a church. Mr. Medwin afcarpiy wnSisnsed ttu Bi^h^p's proceediugs, end in the <3a<* theietter was somewhat cavaHexly handed ov«rto a eao&mittee. An amiable freed nigger trick is causing some ^WM^nataon—tna6 is, wi-appang up laeifer-matchea f 1-^ "J I6'¥< bales of cotton sent from t B Anwma to Stance. Great care, says a foreign ^>a<: mporary, is -ak^ in conaaqaencein ntidoing i):f't bales, and thereby undoing the fiery intentions of aiggera. J As an. iiiUatratioii of the reeMesBness of epeau- —on, and of the enormous profits of money dealing, HM'Jitiojasd & transaction wfeich waa in city recently. A. b^nk wanted JSOJJOO to make tv i aafo ir> ease of a>-?on. The ordinary sources of 'J, 'oant bewg closed, resort w&a had to the insurance C&.59S. Toe lomi 'vas granted for tkreg inoatfe for a pMansna of iSlO^OO, -A. malritnpliial alltAne^'is -aaid to he arranged n"en 'f*> of Brecknock, eldest son of the-Mar- XtJ-s \ja>y&aan, aim Lady Cismsntine Charchili, yeaogest eLtel" çf the present Dake of Marlborough. A mar. naga is also on th$. tapis between Lady Alice Hill,' -3gnjer ot the Marquis aad Marobionese of I>o^n- s.uref aad Mr. Algernon W. Peyton, the 1st, Gearda. 1- Herri." Oak,—Thia vene- it her Mtreaty iihe Queen in 1861, on We oea*ajon of hex- reviewing «be troops at Wool- r,er, uPTojted by the late galea, after main- -"Bg its supresEaey as monarch of the extensive roregt of Alice Hols for more than a period of a thou- sana-years, An inquest was recently held at Bromley on the sody of Priscilla IsTewton, aged 17 years. The deceased a BaphSha Jamp, the GODtente of which ignited ham the fire, aad esveloped her m flames, by which shf, sustained frightful iojariea, causin, her death on tbe following day. The jury returned a verdict of A^jidental death." .Any One Comic g ? The Charivari publishes a wooden^ representing a woman in chains, designated aeYerietia, prostrate at the foot of a column, addressing another female looking out from a balcony with the te.ditional inserrogation, "Sister Anne, sister Anne, do you see any one coming ? The other replies, I ,a-ily;isoe Italy, who i-a kicking up a dust, and Austria, who looks green." Melaneholj Affair.—The B4gin Courant states thai a few days ago the d&ughseca of Mr. Edwards, farmer, of Huntley, had beec. part of the way home with. a vintor, and on their return a white figure suddenly jumped up before them in the road. The younger of the girls waa so much frightened that she died in a few Hours. The poor girl's wedding had been 5 zed for an early day. Value of Labour in the Southern States.— A. Now York paper says 100 German immigrants and labourers, including several families of men, women, and children, arrived in Charleston a f,o days since fifom the North. The party left immediately in a special tram. The terms upon which these immigrants are employed ste:150 dolg. par annum, with board and a bouse, for ea jh man, and 100 dols. a year, with isoard and house, for eaah of the famales. 8 juth. Kensington Museum.-Whitsun wec-k, it;e-, VuatorBdarang the week ending 26th May -On MsudaVj Tueaday^and Saturday, open from ten a.m. to teii p.HI., Oil Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, open from Jen a.m. till Gix P.m., 30,496. National i pi)rtr3g .bshmnon, by payment, 4,227-total, 34,723. Average o< corresponding week in former years, 18,885. from the opening of the Moaettm, 6,058,612. tjlis Atlantic Cable The last load of steel wire to ba used in the manufacture of the Atlantic cable was dispatched from the Steel Wire Works of Mesa's Webster end Horsfall, of the .Hay Mill, near Bir- W.irkehaui, on Saturday, by the Great Western Railway, for- tl:e IjuernatioBal Telegraph Company's Works, Loudon. The wire was conveyed ins large number of 'wagon*, which were gaily decked with, 6vsrgie&n8 and fiowsrs in jmmemoratlOn of the completion of the great work. There were eighty miles of wire sent off, Death from Violence.—Williaxa Buchart, aged 24, an -engineer residing at 39, Biackheath-hill, Green- wich, a few evenings since was found lying in an insensible state between Deptford and Greenwich. -He was taken to the police-station on a charge of being drank and incapable, bit -t was seen that he had re- ceived serious ii3jrries about the face, and the polise divisional Eurgaon ordered hia removal home. On re covering consciousness he said he had been attacked and injured by -a strange man. The unfortunate ill, died en Sunday. Death, from Hydrophobia.—A death from this horrible disease occnrred on Saturday at Kevington. A man named Page, who had worked on Mr. Berens' estate for many years as odd man, and who occasionally assisted the keeper IIi feeding the dogs, heard some of the beagles fighting, when lie attempted to separate them, and one bi5 Mm on the lip and on the thumb. The nexi day the dogs were suspected to be mad, and fch<^ man was sent to Birling to get the celebrated drinks, The unti3rtaneLte man took to drinbiag and madness very eopa exhibited itself, as he barked and snapped like a dog. He waa fastened to the bad and ahloroform administered, but he never rallied, and died on Saturday morning. A widow and font ahildren have been left totally unprovided for. Postal Communication with Ireland.—At present the postal communication with Ireland is principally by way of Holyhead, excepting for letters specially marked to go by the Milford route. This regulation ^spscting Milford has been in force about two years, anoL.steps are now being taken by the Jeading railway companies of the South of Ireland and South Wales with the view of obtaining a regular postal service from Milford Haven to Waterford. gjsatne"8 have been running for several years between (fee twO ports, and it is believed that Government maid a Postal service on very moderate terms. <j?sat importance is attached to the matter in the middle and southern counties of Ireland, for the pro- posed ervice wonld insure the delivery of letters in many loO3^^33 &t least one day earlier than is the ease at present, and in Waterfiord and other commer- cial c«j)tr3S there would al?o be a considerable saving af t ;me. A melancholy occurrence took place at the races of Garrycastle, Athlone. Lieutenant Sanders, 1st Battalion 5th Fusiliers, whilst amusing himself with others in jumping across an artificial water leap close by the winning post, broke his leg, the bone pro- truding in several places, in consequence of which amputation was deemed necessary, and which resulted in death in less than twelve houràaftertha operation. He is much regretted by the officers, non-commissioned ffisers, and men of the regiment. We have to announce the death of Sir John Stuart Forbes, Bart., of Pitsligo, which occnrred in London on Sanday evening, after a long illness. The lamented baronet, born September, 1804, was a representative of a branch of the noble Soottish family of Forbes (premier barons of Scotland), and married Lady Harriet L. Kerr, daughter of William, sixth Marquis of Lothian, K.T., by his second wife, Lady Harriet Montague Scott, daughter of Henry, third Duke of Buceleuch, K.G. The Chinese Mission.—His Excellency Pin-Ta- Jin and suite, accompariiael by Major Brine, R.E., Mr. Bowra, secretary, and M. de Champs, interpreter, paid visits on Tuesday to Mrs. Gladstone, the American, French, Swedish, and Prussian Ministers, Earl Russell, and Sir John Bowring. They after ward a visited the British Museum and Professor Owen, and inspected Mr. M'Lean's photographic studio in the Hay market. In the evening they witnessed the per- formance at the Olympic Theatre. An awful discovery has just been made with regard to the wholesale destruction of the fsathered tribe in France. The gourmands who feed with such exquisite delight on brochetfces of singing birds, de- vouring them at a mouthful, lIttle bones and all, are aghast! It Mema that the gigantic pyramids of these piteous little birds which fill our markets to the amaae- ment of foreigners, are supplied, not by the gun or the fowling net, as is generally supposed, but by— poiaon In a notice lately issued by Dr. Tarrel it is asserto, that, tremendous quantities- of nux vomica aie sold for the purpose. The drug is boiled with grain and spread over the fields at every period of tha year. The bait is so irresistible that Dr. Tarrel declares to having beheld a pile of 10,000 larks ready prepared for despatdh to Paris in one single poulterer's shop at Aix. Hindlip*halli—Tb« fine property, sitnated within four miles of the city of Worcester, on the borders of Malvern Chase, and which owns some historic cele- biity in connection with the Lord.Monteagle of James's period, and more recently as a pohsession of the ancient f amily <«f the Southwell's, has recently been sold at public auction at the Guildhall Coffee house, by Messrs. Driver, for the sum of .2811,5.00, to Mr. Henry Ailsopp, senior partner in the firm of Samuel Allsopp and Sons, of Burton-upon-Treat. Accidentally Poisoned.—OH Tuesday AN in- quest was held at Stiratford on the body of Reginald Clements, aged five years. The father of the deceased, a photographer, was engaged in his portrait-room, where he was in the habit of using Prassic acid, While his back was turned the deceased took a cap from the table and drank off »portion of the poisonous liquid. Msfeiaal assistance was immediately procured, but, although every effort was used, the child died, The. j ury returned a verdict of Accidental Death. Yacht Voyage from Australia.—The cutter yacht Alert, 33 tons, Captain Worden, the property of Mr. William Walker, the commodore of the Royal Sydney Yacht Squadron, from Sydney on the 20th, of January, for Portsmouth, arrived in Plymouth SontJd on Saturday Bight via Falmouth. This small or"- t, for such a lengthened voyage, was built by Mr. Rat- sey, at Cowes. She made the passage out in 103 days at sea, and now returns in 115. She carries a crew of seven hands all told, and by them is pronounced a most oxoellent soa. boat. She has made the passage to England under a jury rig. Two Soldiers (a corporal and private) of the 14th Infantry, who were dispatched from Sheffield to arrest and bring baek a. deserter, after capturing their man in Liverpool, joined with the prisoner in a carouse ,m hich lasted for several days, and when at last they found their way to the railway-station to return to Sheffield, all three were insaoh a profoundly helpless condition that they had to be carted to the bridewell. On Friday the case was brought before the Liverpool magistrates, and the deserter will be retained until a more reliable escout arrives from Sheffield, while the soldiers have been handed over to the military juris- diction. Terminable Annuities.—From the lat Septem- ber, 1808, to the 31st March, 1866, the capital stock transferred and cancelled, including stock purchased with money, amounted to • £ 38,981,157 4s. 7d., and long annuities and annuities for terms of years, Amounting to 425,120 Os. 6d., were transferred and cancelled. The annuities granted amounted to £ 3,356,548 7a. 2d., and others ceased to the amount of < £ 2,365,821 9a. The return relating to annuities for terms of years shows that the capital stock trans- ferred and cancelled amounted to £ 20,281.431 10s. 6d., and long annuities cancelled to £ 141,269 14s. The annuities granted amounted to < £ 1,754,336 10s. Sd,, and those ceased to iSl, 697,784-2s. 6d. The Earl of Chesterfield.-The death of the Earl of Chesterfield occurred shortly after ten o'clock on Friday night. The late George Stanhope, Earl of Chesterfield, county Derby, and Baron Stanhope of Shelford, county Notts, in the peerage of England, was the only son of Philip, fifth earl, by his second marriage with Lady Henrietta Thynne, a daughter of the first marquis of Bath. He was born May 231 1-805, and consequently was in his 62nd year. He married in November, 1830, the Hon. Anne Elizabeth Forester, eldest daughter of Cecil-Weld, first Lord Forester, by whom the noble earl leaves issue a son and daughter, namely, Lord Stanhope, M.P. for South Nottingham- shire, formerly in the regiment of Horse Guards, and Lady Evelyn, married to the Earl of Carnarvon. A Confusion of Ideas.-—The President's secenfe charge against Stevens, Sumner, &c., of instigating his assassination, reminds one of Mr. Nasby's unfor- tunate blunder at Washington, as related by himself in a letter" Going into the Willard's I called for a go uv gin, which the gentlemanly aud urbane bar- keeper set afore me, and I drank. Put it down with the rest of mine,' sez I, with an impressive wave uv the hand. 'Your name,' sez he. Assumin a intel- leabool look, I retorted,' Do you know Charles Sum- ner P' Here I overdid it—here vaultin ambition o er- leaned itself. Hed I sed 'Saulabary,' it might have ansered, but to give Sumner's name for a drink uv gin, was a piece of luaaoy for which I kan'fc account. I waa ignominionsly kicked into the atroet.—-jLvnencan Paper. Tfie Gas Agitation.—The select of the House of Commons to whom waa referred the Gas the House of Commons to whom was referred the Gas Bill promoted by the corporation of the City of Lon- don decided, on Tuesday morning, that the preamble of the bill was not proved. The reault has created con- siderable surprise among the parties more immediately engaged in he defence of the bill,, as the evidence in its support was apparently of a very complete and satisfactory character, the site selected for the works dug especially approved. The corporation measure b ng thus rejected, it is to be hoped that such altera- tipna will be made in the Gas Act of 1860 as will render that enactment really effective for the purpose of pro- tectixig the interests of the consumer. Balloon Ascent.-An ascent, of Mr. Glaisher, F.R.S., and Captain Westcar, of the Royal Horse Guards, both on the council of the Aeronautical Societv of Great Britain, took place at Windsor, on Tuesdav is Mr. Westcar a balloon. Mr. Fred. W. Brearly.'hon. sec., attended with three models, to be detached from the car at » to illustrate the theory of Mr, Wenham, C.E., relative to the flight of birds. The balloon passed over the Royal borough in majestic style in the d,^e°!lcn1 heathy leaving the course a Mile to the, left,of the Grand Stand, and was witnessed by thousands, just before the last race. Many of the officers were pre- sent at this, the first, ascent of the Aeronautioal Society of Great Britain, and which was allowed to be one of the most graceful and interesting ever witnessed. Association of Trade Protection Societies. —The committee of this association mvt on luesciay, at the Westminster Palace Hotel, to prepare the report, consider bills before Parliament bearing on the objects of the society, and to arrange the general busiriess for the annual meeting, which takes place at the same hotel. The principal subject for discussion is the bill to amend and consolidate the law relating to bankruptcy in England, and to abolish imprison- ment for debt on final prooesa. Upon this subject the Attorney-General consented to receive a deputation on Wednesday, at half-past five o'clock, in the Earl Marshal's room, House of Lords. Other notices of motion relate tQ the rules and practices of County Courts (by she Leicester Society); the best steps to committees of arbi- tration, or tribunals of ccmaieree, for the adjustment of commercial disputes the extension of the Small Debt Court in Scotland; and the oonsolida-tian of commercial law. A variety of important association business is also set down for consideration. Supposed Suicide of a French Woman.- On Saturday Mr. Richards held an inquest at the Green Man, Poplar, on a French woman, whose body was found floating in the river Thames, off Millwall. Though every exertion had been used there was no due to the identity of the deceased. From her dress and features it was evident that she was French, and apparently of the class who frequent the Hay market. Her boot heels were of considerable height, and made of solid brass, and there waa a silver cord girdle round her waist. There were no marks of violence on her person, and it wau probable that she had committed suicide by throwing lierself izlbo the water. Verdiot- Found Drowned. Singular Escape from a Hallway Train.- On Saturday mornjijg while the 7.25 up-train from Windsor WAS proceeding along the South Western Railway, the driver of the engine, on nearing the first level crossing east of Datohet, perceived a cart drawn by two horses, with another tied to tho tail, and in charge of a boy, passing across the line. It was too late to stop the train, which dashed through the frail obstruction, shattering it into a thousand pieces, bat eingular to relate, without injuring either the boy or the three horses, which belonged to a farmer at Datchet named Anderson. The train was delayed for a few minutes. The folly of farmers allowing horses and carts, which 'have to be constantly crossing and re- crossing a line of railway, to be in the custody of boys cannot be too strongly reprehended. In this instance the boy who had charge of the horses and cart, which was empty, was only 14 years of age. A lrcfoup.,d Problem. -Considerable amuse- ment was created in the Commons on Wednesday in the diacuasioB on X.C. Clay's Educational Franchise Bill, by Mr. Gladstone's assertion that some three or four-posElihJy gO <Yr 40-IJut certainly not the great- majority of the "members were competent to "do a auUl" in compound division of money. He asked how many bon. members could divide XI,330 17s. 6d. by 22 13s. 8d. The amusement was enhanced by Lord R. Montagu declaring that such a, feat was impossible. The Chancellor of the Exchequer replied, One illus- tration is better than a thousand arguments. That illustration is furnished by the noble lord who is one of the great financial authorities of the House, and yet he tells us that the division of money is something that cannot be performed at all." Mr. Gladstone has been repeatedly charged with insulting the House; he now attempts to rob it of one of its three R's." He avers that the system advocated would lead to "cram- ming but he must know that even so capacious a swallow of this kind would not make a summer capable of sounditig the abyss at which the Montagn. stands aghast. Forged Telograma.The Times oautions the public against false alarms and lying news manu- factured for stockjobbing purposes. The following is a copy of a telegram, received on Monday evening with t/ae forged signature of their Paris correspondent :— The Italian Government has rejected the Conference as not offering a basis for the immediate cession of Venetia. The excitement of the people is no longer controllable. There have been disturbances at Milan. Garibaldi is supposed to be on board the Re d'ltalia with Persano." Hostilities aim expected at once. The Pa.ris Bourse is very ffa.t." The knaves who originate these falsehoods for their own purposes certainly deserve pucisliment as much as the ordinary i&rger or swindler, and it is smch to be desired that the law couid be made to reach them. They are likely to ply their iniquitous trade with actifity during the coming discussions, arid therefore it is as well that the c on' public should -seoolleot that until the final rupture of the negotiations and separation of the Conference there is not likely to be au-y fLot of war. Another Attempted Murder at Preston.— A butcher named Joseph Day made a desperate at- tempt a few evenings ago to murder his wife in a beerhouse in High-street, Preston. Day and his wife had- been, living apart fior a few weeks, and «,t the time referred to he met her after »he had left work in High- street. He told, her that he was going to leave the town and asked her to have a-glass of beer. Shere- fused. He then dragged her into a bearahop, called for some ale, and b gum quarrelling becaiiae she ob. jected to stay with him. When she told him that she would not remain with him that night he jumped up in a passion and said, Well, then, you shall not live another night." He then pulled a knife out of his pocket, seized her by the hair of the head, and at- tempted to cut her throat, The woman, however, held up her hand, caught the -knife, and screamed out for assistance, which she speedily obtained, before her husband was able to get to her throat. Her hand alone was cut, through graspirllg the knife, and it was not injured seriously. Day waa after warda appre- hended. He produced the knife which he tried to cut his wife's throat with, bat said he had only been using it to cat some tobacco, and that ha had no intention of injuring her. He was committed for trial. Fatal Boat Accident at accident occurred on Sunday ovening to three young men named George Gordoa, Charles Pavey, and Charlea Joliffe, whereby the former lost his life under the following circumstance* ;—It seems the deceased with his companions attempted to board a barge anchored in the "Backwater" in a small flat-bottomed boat, with the intention to free the barge from her anchor, which she had fouled, but shortly after the boat was pushed from the quay side it was found that the water was rushing rapidly into her from a hole in the gun- wale, which had been preased under the water by their combined weight, and in endeavouring to stop up the hole the boat was upset, and the whole were precipi- tated into the stream, which was ebbing very strongly at the time, The weight of the deceased man's clothing after his immersion about tea minutes proved too much for his strength in the rapid wates, and before assistance could be rendered from the shore he sank to rise no more. His body was, however, re- covered, and on Monday an inquest was held at the Bridge Inn, when a verdict of Accidentu,l Debth was recorded. Pavey and Joliffa were saved by a wheel-chairman named Knight, who gallantly plunged into the stream, to the great danger of his own life, Scottish Baptism at Stafford-house.-An interesting rite was performed on Saturday last at Stafford-house in presence of Ms Royal Highness the Prince of Wales and her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales and a number of noble persons, relatives of the family. It was the baptism of the infant daughter of the Duke and Daohess of Sutherland by the R V. Dr. Gumming, of ihe Scotch National Church, Crown- court, Covent-garden, according to the rites of the Established Church of Scotland. After reading Holy Scripture and requiring of the sponsors their con- fession of faith in the words of the Apostles' Creed, and receiving their promise to train up the child in the knowledge and practice of Divine truth, the Princess of Wales, according to Scottish custom, holding the infant in her ax-ma, prt)sorlcti her for baptism. The officiating micister then sprinkled water on the baby's brow, saying. "Alexandra, I baptise thee in the nama of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, Amen." He then prayed for the infant, for her parents, for the Qaeen, the Prince and Princess of Wales, and the rest of the £ &oy<iI family, ending with the Lord's Prayer and the apoatolic benediction. The ceremonial was severely simple, and jet most impressive. Fatal Boat Accident.—A Portsmouth water- man, named George Bailey, 42 years of age, was drowned on Friday while crossing from Cowes to Portsmouth. He left Point in a sailing wherry in the morning, and conveyed Kajor F. B. Tritton, of the Parkhurst depot battalion, to Co wee,# attempting the return voyage in the face of a high wind and a heavy sea prevailing at the time,. Aboat three o'clock, three fishermen belonging to Portsmoatf), IHlmed James Moses, sen., James Moses, jun., and Henry Tun, were beatirig up the west channel towards. Spithead, when they fell m with a disabled boat, and near it were fragments of the wreck, including the side benches, rudder, pair of oars, head and stern sheets, and the back-board, on which were painted the words, George Bailey, Portsmouth." These were all taken on board the fishing smack, but the boat could not be recovered by the fishermen, in consequence of the heavy sea, and the wind being very high at the time. Litter in the efternoen, the captain of the steamer Lady of the Lake, when on the passage from South- ampton to Portsmouth, saw the wrecked boat beating abont ia the ame locality, and to,v -cl it into Cawes harbour. There remains no doubt to the fate of the unfortunate man, Deceased leaves a widow and three children, who were wholly DEPENDENT on his exsrtioas for their support, 4