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FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. DECLARATION OF WAR BETWEEN PRUSSIA AND AUSTRIA, BERLIN, JUNE 19. Prussia formally declared war against Austria yesterday. PARIS, JUNE 19. The llfon'ite1ió'r' of this morning confirms the in- telligence that Prussia only yesterday declared war against Austria. DECLARATION OF WAR BETWEEN ITALY AND AUSTRIA. FLORENCE, JUNE 19. The Italian Government formally declared war against Austria yesterday. This is official. The Italian ministry has been definitively reorganised under Baron Ricasoli. The persons attached to the King's household have left Florence in order to join his Majesty at the camp. Telegraphic communication witii Venetia is in- terrupted. THE FEDERAL ARMY BEFORE FRANKFORT. FRANKFORT-ON-THE- MAINE, JUNE 19. From 30,000 to 40,000 Federal troops are assembled before this city. COMMENCEMENT OF HOSTILITIES. COLOGNE, JUNE 18. Hostilities have commenced between the Prussians and the Federal army. The 4th Darmstadt infantry regiment has been almost annihilated by the Prussians at Friedberg, between Frankfort and Giessen. HEIDELBERG, JUNE 18. According to intelligence received here, an engage- ment has taken place between the outposts at the extremity of Saxony, towards Lobaa or Rumburg, between the Prussian hussars and an Austrian corps. A considerable Austrian force is massed in that direc- tion, and other large corps are stated to be upon the Silesian frontier in the neighbourhood of Troppau. MENTZ, JUNE 18. The Prussians are reported to have cut off the com- munications of the Hanoverian army, and rendered its junction with the Austro-Federal corps impossible. BERLIN, JUNE 18, EVENING. Railway communication between Eisenach and Cassel is interrupted. The Bavarians intend to cut the railway line between Coburg and Bamberg, and to blow up the railway bridge at Lichtenfels. The have destroyed the railway bridges at Oswiencim, on the Galician and Silesian frobtier. The railway communication between Oawiencim and J Myslovitz is interrupted. PRAGUE, JUNE 18. The Prussians occupied Dresden at half-past eleven o'clock to-day. STADE, JTJNE 18. The Prussian Lieut.-Colonel Gransch arrived here last night and disarmed the garrison, dismissing them I to their homes. He took possession of 21 guns and numerous mortars, rifles, and other war material. LETTER OF THE EMPEROR NAPOLEON. PARIS, JUNE 16. The Momiewr of this morning reproduces the article published in yesterday's Constitutionnel on M. Emile de Girardon's interpretation of the letter of the Emperor Napoleon. VIENNA, JUNE 16. The French Cabinet has gent the letter lately ad- dressed by the Emperor Napoleon to M. Drouyn de Lhuys to the French representatives abroad, together with a circular explaining the bearing of the letter. The Neite Freie Presse of to-day asserts that Prince I Gortschakoff has sent a circular to the representatives j of Russia abroad, stating that upon the slightest j violation of neutrality by France Russia will abandon her present neutral attitude. MOBILISATION OF THE FEDERAL ARMY. FRANKFORT, JUNE 14. The Austrian proposal for the mobilisation of the Federal army has been adopted in the Federal Diet to- day by nine against six votes. The Prussian representative had previously declared the motion to be contrary to the Federal Constitution, and protested against any action being taken thereon by the Diet. After the motion had been adopted, he declared that Prussia considered the Federal Pact to be dissolved. He then submitted proposals for the constitution of a new Band, announced that Prussia seceded from the present Confederation, and imme- diately withdrew from the Assembly. The Austrian Minister-President protested against the Prussian project, and maintained the continuance j of the Confederation with all its rights and duties, J declaring that no member was at liberty to secede from the Bund, and that the whole of Germany had a I right to demand that the Confederation should remain I intact. He concluded by inviting the Diet to unite j with him in a solemn protest for the preservation of the rights and competency of the Bund, which should I continue in full vigour and binding upon all its members. The Diet adopted a resolution expressing its adhe- rence to the declaration of the Austrian representa. tive. ADVANCE OF THE ITALIAN TROOPS. PARIS, JUNE 15. The Pai/rie of this evening publishes a despatch from Florence, asserting that the Italian troops have made a movement in advance upon the Mincio, ENTRY OF THE PRUSSIANS INTO HANOVER. HANOVER, JUNE 15. The Prussian forces are marching into Hanover from Harburg and Mmden. The Hanoverian troops are retiring to Gottingen for concentration there with the Kalik brigade and the Bavarian army • ™«,T, .HAMBURG, JUNE 15. The Bourse is very heavy, m consequence of a report that the Prussian troops had entered Hanover. ENTRY OF AUSTRIAN. TROOPS INTO SAXONY. D ^EIPSIC, JUNE 15,4.25 P.M. Tne Prussian troopa entered Saxony to-day. a DRESDEN, JUNE 15. A cabinet council was held here to-day, and the Prussian minister was immediately afterwards received by the lung. The Prussian ultimatum demanding the ?• SawnySn the Austro-Prussian conflict, the restoration of the Saxon army to a peace footing, and adhesion to the Prussian proposal for convoking a ixerman J. arliament with the view of foundiiag a new confederation, has been rejected by the Saxon Govern- ment. OUTEEEAK OF CHOLERA. AND TYPHUS IN THE PRUSSIAN AND AUSTRIAN ARMIES. BERLIN, JUNE 15. express to Brussels, by telegraph from Brussels. Ihe Prussian Government is disquieted at the spread of cholera in the army. On the 4th and 5th instant 31 cases, 6 of which on these days proved fatal, occnrred in 3rd Regiment of the Guard. Among the Austrian troops in Bohemia and Bavaria a disea&ehaB brol- ea out, to which the name of Famine Typhus has been given. It seems ths.t the soldiers were at fires inshdatiuateJy fed. j PRUSSIAN OCCUPATION OF SAXON TOWNS. PRAGUE, JUNE 16. The entry of the Prussian troops into Saxony is fulfr confirmed. They have occupied Lobau and Zittau within the eastern frontier of Saxony, and also threaten an vance from the Prussian towns of Schkenditz aci Zeitz, on the Western frontier. w J The railway between Riesa and Dresden has been destroyed. Passenger traffic and postal communication betwe0c Prussia and Saxony is stopped. Prussia and Saxony is stopped. The Crown Princess of Saxony proceeds to VienE9» The Saxon treasury and valuables and the pro- visions of the army have been transported for secaritf to Bohemia. ITALY. FLORENCE, JUNE 16.. The Ministry is nearly constituted. Baron RicaeoJJ is appointed President and Minister of the I11* terior; Signor Borgatti, Minister of Justice; Signor Brochetti Minister of Marine. Signoii Pettj' nengo, Scialoja, Jacim, and Berti retain the^ nengo, Scialoja, Jacim, and Berti retain tbeit portfolios. General La Marmora is named Minists* Adlatus to the King at the camp. The Ministry °* Foreign Affairs has been offered to Signor Yiscon'J Foreign Affairs has been offered to Signor Viscop? Venosta, and that of Agriculture to Signor MordiW, with what result is not yet known. The Austrians have interrupted all lines of coB-' mnnication on the side of the Po and Mincio. FLORENCE, JUNE 16.. Is is believed that Signor Depratis will be appoints'' Minister of Marine. The Senate has approved the bill for a monetary convention between Italy, France, Belgium, aDa Switzerland. The debate on the financial bills has commenced jJ\' the Senate. DEPARTURE OF THE KINGS OF PRUSSIA AND ITALY FOR THE ARMY. PARIS, MONDAY, 12.3 Am- A manifesto by the Emperor of Austria, equival0I1', TO a declaration of war, was to have been published 1? rid ay, but has been delayed to await the vote of Germanic Diet. The King of Prussia and Count Bismarck have 1eft for the army. The King of Italy and General La Marmora have S6' out for the army. Railway and telegraphic communication in direct parts of Germany has been interrupted. I DEFEAT OF THE FENIANS AND DEATH Of GENERAL O'NEILL. MONTREAL, JUNE 2 (NocN). A correspondent of the Montreal Herald gives tJ18 following account of the transactions at St. Albany on Friday. He statesThe first of the Fenians, 400 in number, arrived by the morning train without arB18' A portion of them went east to Fairfield, where tbeŠO are many Irish settlers. On Friday night about were armed. On Saturday morning about 400 arrived from Boston unarmed. A number of eases 0" arms which arrived from Friday to Saturday morniD? were seized, and sent under the direction of the States Marshal, guarded by United States regulars, to Burlington. More arms and more Fenians are ex- pected at this point, and will be dealt with accordingly' as the authorities are fully on the alert and are 110 supported by a sufficient number of troops. An attack on Montreal is anticipated; hence near# the whole strength is concentrated at St. John's. General Lindsay was disabled by a fall from his yesterday, but it is hoped he will be in the field iP.c day o? two. A number of suspected strangers this city. There is still fighting at Ridgway, soveC miles from Fort Erie and ten miles from por Colborne, and several miles from any teleg-.afd station. THESE P.M- The volunteers have fallen back on Port <Jolbome' Colonel Peacock, with regulars, is moving towards enemy from Chippewa. The Fenians are endears ouric £ to go back, but the American troops are f> them. S:lx r.Y- Fenians defeated and surrounded by 16th and 4;J¡ Regiments and volunteers. It is stated that O'Neil1¡ the Fenian leader, had been shot. It is reported tb' 37 men and three officers of the Toronto 10th Roy&58 were killed in the action in which the Fenians were defeated. The Fenians fought desperately. 1,000 men under Colonel Lowry left Toronto to-dav. volunteers are pouring in from the country. ':MediCl'" men have gone from here to the scene of action. NEW YORK, JUNE 5, EVENING- The Fenians at F ort Erie being prevented from recfi^ ing reinforcements by Federal picket boats, that place before daylight on the morning of the Srd inst., leaving 32 men on picket duty, who were cap' tured by the Canadians. 400 Fenians, includicf O'Neil and a number of other officers, were by the Federal boats, and are now held prisoners BlackroGk under the guns of the Federal stearaor Michigan. General Meade arrived at Buffalo on SflCt day night, and ordered General Sarny to seize B>' arms intended for the use of the Fenians. The repo:rt of the number of killed and wounded in the fight Ii. Ridgway are conflicting. Only six Canadians We positively reported killed. Five Fenians are reported to have been tried by drum-head court-martial at Fa Erie en Sunday, and shot on Monday. NEW YORK, JUNE 7. Five thousand Fenians are reported to be on tbe St. Lawrence, mostly at Malone, Potsdam, and appo' site Montreal and Edwardsburg. They have :017 artillery, and are poorly armed. Numbers were arriv- ing yesterday,"but to-day it is said many are seeking to return. 1,000 left Fairfield, and 1,800 left yesterday, all going towards the border. The tants of St. Armands have removed their valuables 0 Montreal. General Meade is at Ogdensburg. :r;,e- cruiting has progressed vigorously among the FeDiOo in large cities. On Tuesday and Wednesday 2,000 were enrolled at New York. Large also been made to the Fenian treasury. It is, how- ever, generally considered that the action of tPÐ Federal authorities will cause a permanent and iroIPØ" diate abandonment of the Fenian scheme for the sion of Canada. Stephens is in Washington. Johnson has issued a proclamation i •?-lans" "^n document he admonishes good eitizens against aiding or countenancing the pedition being carried out by evil. disposed persoxlo from Federal territory against the British colonic in violation of the laws of the United States and the law of nations. General Sweeny was arrested at Albans last night by the Federal authorities, Roberts, the president of the senate faction, Wfj. arrested in New York to-day by the Federal marsh8* Warrants have been issued for the arrest of prominent Fenians. The Fenian prisoners at Buffs"0 were released on Tuesday, the men on their own re- cognisances and the officers on bail, to appear -whov required, and answer the charge of a violation of ti0 neutrality laws. Various seizures of Fenian arms supplies by the Federal authorities are reported. TIle Fenians who seized the arms at Watertown were over- taken by the ]Federal troops at Richville and the arm3 recovered. The Fenians were retained prisoners.
