Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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THE LIBRARY, TENBY, NEW PIANO-FORTES For SALE (with the option of purchasing on the Three Years' System), or on HIRE for short or long periods, From —— 23. Od. —— Week. All NEW MUSIC at Half-Price. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Bedford's Photographic Views of Tenby and Neighbourhood. MASON'S LIBRARY, TENBY, THE CELEBRATED Easy-runniiig Noiseless Lock-stiteft "WHITE" gBWIl&jyfMIIIIS The Latest Improved and Most Perfect Ever introduced to the English Market. MANUFACTI .RKJ> :) THE WMIe \[;ic3|iue ||o. At CLEVELAND, Ohio, U.S.A. Simple in €Qnstructioii. Large and High Arm. gc*lf-Settmg Needle* Very Easy Running. Never §'QiJs Work. Perfection of Finish. Finest Warranted for Five Years. iigents and Wholesale Dealers Wanted. Send for f'iradars to the WpITE SKl/IW CS., 19, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE UFE? Vi) JNKv fA < WORLD-FAMED _W!ID The Great Blood Purifier and Restorer. For cleansing and cleaving the. blood from all impurities cannot be too highly recommended. For Scrofula, Scurvy, Skin Diseases, and Sores of all kinds it is a never-failing and permanent cure. It Cures Old Sores Sores Cures Ulcerated Sores on the Neck. Cures Ulcerated Sore Leg, Cures Blackheads, or Pimples on th Face; Cures Scurvy Sores. Cures Cancerous Ulcers. Cures Blood and Skin Diseases Cures Glandular Swellings. Clears the Blood frOTll all impure Matter. From -whatever cause arising. As this mixture is pleasaur to the taste, and warranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either: sex, the Proprietors soiio.t sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. Thousands of Testimoniah: from all parts. Sold in Bottles 2s. Gd. each, and in Gases containing six times the quantity, lis. each—sufficient to elt'ect a permanent cure in the majority of long-standing cases,—BY ALL PATENT MEDICINE VENDORS throughout the world, or sent to any address on receipt of 30 or 132 stamps by The LINCOLN & MIDLAND DKVO COMPANY, LINCOLN Trade Mark—Blood Mixture." "W ANTED LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S LEFT-OFF CLOTHES. LADIES' and Gentlemcn'is J ,cft-ofr(Jlothes purchased by E. J. WRIGHT, 2, Dimoud Street, Pembroke- Dock. Letters personally attended to. P.O.O. sent on receipt of Parcels. Agent for P. and P. Campbell's Dye Works, Perth. JR. H. TEN K INS, BOO TAN D SHOE MAKER, 2, CHELTENHAM HOUSES, T E -N, VALUABLE DISCOVKKT FOR THE HAIR.—If your hair is turning grey or white, or falling off, use "The Mexican Hair Renew^r." for it will positively restore in every case Grey or White hair to its original colour, without learing the disagreeable smell of moat u "Restorers." It make* the hair charmingly beautiful. M well as promoting the growth of the hair on bala ■pots, where the glands are not decayed. Ask you Chemist for "THB MSXIOAN HJJK RKNXWKR," sold by Chemiatt and Perfumer. anrywhare at 3a. 6d. per Bottle. Wholesale depot rsnoTsd to 99, Farringaon Eoad, London. FT.ORII.TKB !•—FOR THE TEETH AND BBBATH.—A few drops of the liquid r ;oriliae" sprinkled on a wet tooth-brush produce* a pleasant lather, which thoroughly cleanses the teeth from all parasitts at, impurities, hardens the gums, prevents tartar, etopt decay, gives to the teeta a peculiar pearly-whitenesi, and a delightful fragrance to the breath. It removes 811 unpleaaam: odour arising from decayed teeth or tobacco smoke. "The Fragrant Floriline," being com- posed in part of Honey and sweet herbs, Is fleltcioua to th« tfute, and the greatest toilet diaeorery of the aga. Fri«e of all Chejniits atrd Perfumers. WhoI»> ot remoTed ta 33, Ilarribidon Bowl, Iiondoa. I MASONS w? w €3 GUIDES TO TEN BY. A A-LA A N Now Ready, Foolscap 8vo, 3rd Edition, with 24 Illustrations and a p Mop, price Is.; cloth, Is 6d., TENBY: Its History, Antiquities, Scenery, Traditions, and Customs. By Mr and Mrs S. C. HAJLL. Just Published, Foolscap 8vo, with 8 Illustrations and a Map, price 6d., A HANDBOOK TO TENBY. MASON'S LIBRARY, TENHY. AAV AND OTHERS, WHOSE OCCUPATION FORCES THEM TO BE XRNTTFF WFMS MN OUT.IN ALL KINDS OF WEATHER, SO CONTRACTING RHEU- XiUIIC>Jii z!/mS3SK 1U MATISM, AGUE, AND RHEUMATIC GOUT, "PRICE'S RHEUMATIC OILS," WHICH ARE HARMLESS AND CERTAIN, WILL GIVE YOU IMMEDIATE RELIEF AND ULTI- WF AR""W^IK- !R & M S U MATE CURE IN THE MOST ADVANCED STATE OF YOUR w mJLv Bmrm m i j §Sm k m DISTRESSING AND PAINFUL MALADIES. THIS IT IS CERTAIN 'TO DO. PROCURE A BOTTLE AT ONCE FROM YOUR NEAREST CHEMIST. PRICE 2S. 9D. WHOLESALE I »T^EL3ISRFT^ORI AGENTS, BARCLAY AND SONS, 95, FARRINGDON STREET, I M J *I 1 *FF WI KJ 1 tM KX I LONDON. BE CAREFUL TO ASK, FOR I^sAJLJLiJiM yiUftl PRICE'S RHEUMATIC OILS." .1 consider P the soft and equable climate of Southern Jlivmfrt Hnnpv jg| jflTBgr „ I California the mountain slopes, as they d«s- themoat won- B ■ B A B Aj| HffffpMl Ji « cend towards the Pacific Ocean, are often found derful remedy I I M B B IE9H delicious." to be one perpetualcarpet of Horeliound Flowera l^tli^cure'of B I I § I L B BE«gf^ Yours truly from Spring until Autumn. This plant bloom# for the cire ELLEN iERTtY. after nearly everything else has It stands ELLEN TERRY, excesrtiv0 droughts, and yields a profusion of 1*A-R|I<; ROZE. flowers almost unequalled in the vegetable king. dom, which are reservoirs that yield this moat W wonderful remedy. These miniaturelaboratories ■ I H A f H ■. V ■ ■ H I. y » B n V| stamp with faultless certainty this Horehound ■ I ■ 9 v B I B H B1' B B BH Honey with a colour and flavour peculiar to ■' H B ■ H A wB fm H I I I B 4 BH H itself, as easily distinguished as Heather Honey H I B B H B H Bfl H B B fl 'SI -B B I- JH from Clover. It is tonic, stimulant, and laxative, affordmgspeedyrelief for Coughs, Colds, Consump- BBBBB^^mH^nHHflBHHBH^1 tion, etc. Hoge's Horehound Honey is an uncom- Mr. w L. BB^ pounded product of nature secreted in the petals B B I G H T p,ev. c. D of Horehoimd blossom, and gathered- by the nays:— 9a H H m B m B jBRm KINGDON honeybee. Cannot be honestly imitated. cured iisS r •" V.fl| ■ H MBB says:— Put up in Is. ljd. Bottles. If you have any father the H ■ I B I k fl| KH^B.. difficulty in obtaining it in your neighbourhood, Right Hon. B B'B W B R Bj away Messrs. W. M. HOGE and CO., LONDON, N., 'abad cougii0' ■B^HBBH^BHBBHHIHBIIIIRB^B tl,e wi.11 P"*t» bottle to auy address upon receipt of price. CITY OFI'ICBS 01, Ktxrj Wn.T.RAM STREET, IOTDON, E.C. AM REMARKABLE ■jpK DISAPPEARANCES of all Dirt From Everything By using DRY 80A P. jB^^B REWARD! Purity, Health, and Perfect 8atisfaction Bg its Daily use. 'n- Impurity of the Blood.—Enfeebled Existence.. This medicine embraees every attribute requirod in a genera: and domestic remedy; it overturns the foundation of disease laid by defective food and impure air. In obstruction or con- gestions of the liver, lungs, bowels, or any other organs, these Pil-ls are especially serviceable and einiuontly successful. They should be kept in readiness in every family, being a medicine of incomparable utility for young persons, particularly to those of feeble constitutions. Biliousness, Loss of Appetite, Head- ache, and Lowness of Spirits. These Pills effect a truly wonderful chanj?s in debilitated constitutions, as they cronto a healthy appetite, correct indi- gestion, remove excess of bile, and overcome giddiness, headache, ad palpttation of the heart. Indigestion, Stomach, and Liver Complaints. Persons suffering from any disorders of the liver, stomach. u other organs of digestion, should hare immediate recourse to thetie Pills, as there "is no medicine kuovrn that act* on these particular complaints with such oertaiu success. rh. Pills and Ointment are sold at Professor HOLLO WAT'S ^;»blish;rcci;fc. Oxford Street, London, also by nearly '->yct'v- resp.'vtxUl.' Vendor of Mediciuo throughout the Ciriliaed World, in Boxes and Pots, at Is. ljd., 2s. 9d., 4.s. 6d., lis.. 22s« anil 38*. c!4ch. Tim jmaltixk Box of Pills contains four dozen and t.111. smallest Po4 of Ointment one ounce. Full printed directions are affixed to each Box and "Pot, and can be had in ttiy language, area in Turkish, Arabic, Armenian, > Persian, or Chinese. N.. 11-5. N ERVOUS DEIIILITY. GRATIS, a Medical Work showing sufferers how they may be cured without the aid of Quacks. Free on receipt of a postage stamp.—Address ■SKCHKTAHY, Institute of Anatomy, Birmingham. SOUl'. FAMILIES can be supplied with SOUP, from the JP COBOURG"HOTEI J, HUGIIES. Trpprleiof. -,0 -,TO W,? AJERYOUS AND PHYSICAL DEBILITY. N —A gentleman, having tried in vain every adver- tised remedy, has discovered a simple means of self- cure. He will be happy to forward the particulars to any sufferer on receipt of a stamped and directed envelope. Address J. T. SFWELL, Esq Brook Villa, Hammersmith, London. The SAFEST t, MOST EF. FE rjl'U AL C li RF, for GOUT, RHNUMATtSM, RHEUMATIC GOUT, LUMBAGO, and all PAINS in the HRAD FACE, and LIM83. "Those who are enduring the aaony f gont, r the lesimr tort tun of rheumatism, will imil with a feetim; of j, any remedy which promises to afford even the lightest relief. M'« gUdly, ther^{;»re, give prominence to the G >XJX AND KHEUM-sTlO PiU. imro- auoed m suffering humanity, by Mr. the well-known *nd pi-ejwred from the formula.of one of the most eniuifcnt phy.sicUiui of day. 1, ifl claimed that o alteration f diet required, nor i. confinement to the house "Y any rn«mw necepaarv. It Appear, then, that a medicine ao easiiy taken, and so er^caciott*. re- quirft'» only t<> be v/idely k-mw,i to meet with that recognition it reserves."—CtvU Service Ga-tlU. SOLD BY ALL CH K,MISTS, IN BOTTLES, Is. ljd. and -Js. 9d. Is. ljd. and -Js. 9d. (tTCRSE EADE, 72, GOSWKLL ROAD, LONDON. JFTUIPHLIVR—" PAINLESS AND PERFECT DENTISTBTT," Post free, from 57, Great Russell Street, opposite British Museum, by Doctor of Dental Surgery; Exam. U.S.A.; F.R.M.S. F.Z.S.M.S.A., etc., appointed Honorary Dental Surgeon to the British Asylum for Deaf and Dumb Females, Reedham Orphan Asylum, Lie. Vie. Schools, etc., etc., etc., sole Inventor and Patentee of Dental Improvements for which a Gold Medal and the highest Diploma of Merit has been awarded. No charge for consultation. Moderate fees. Discount to the Clergy; members of the Legal and Medical Pro- fessions, and holders of Army ancl Navy and Civil Service Store tickets.

