1 Sale by lrfr. William Freeman. Eligible Freehold ana Leasehold Properties situate at Greenfield, io the parish o; Hoiy- well in the County ot Flint TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION BY MR. WILLIAM FREEMAN AT the RBD LION HOTEL, HOLTWBLL, on WEDNES- DAY, th« 21st clay of AUGUST, 1878, at 3 p.m., »ubj<;ct to such conditions as shall be then and there produced, LOT I. All those valuable Leasehold Premises, licenced for the out- (foor sale of Wine, Beer, &c., and known as the Victoria Store* with the Mesgua^a or Dwelling-hou>e, 4 public Hake- house attached, situate at Greenfield aforesaid, and now in the occupation of Mr->Ja ie Owens. An excellent business is d >ne in tile out-duor Beer trade, and also in the public oakery trade. This lot, which would be v''I'y suitable for Brewery, Grain, or Grocery Stores, is held under lease (,f Sir Cv'-r^ Motyn, Bart., for a term of which SO years is unexpired, at the nominal annual rent of £ 3. LOT 2. All that Mesuage, Tenement, or Dwel>inK-h>use near to the last mentioned lot (with the Garden thereto belongiiu. now held with the Victoria Stores,") now in the occupation of Mr Willi.m Jones, Garden r. 'lhislo' is also held under lease of Sir Pyers Mostyn, Bart., for a t 'rm of which 4" yparB < is unexpired, at the annual rent of 45 10s. Od. The Garden affords an excellent site for building purposes. Ilit) above will be first offered in one lot. LOT 3. All that Leasehold DWELLING HOUSE and Out-Offlce, with the Garden thereto, containing about 2 ror,dH 12 p rctif s, situate at G eenfield aforesaid, and on the north-east sitie of the r"lId leading from Holywell to Greenfield, and known as sea View House." in the occupation of Mr Lowe The hous. which commands excellent views, contains on the grouad fljor two parlours, excellent kitchen, back k'tcben, pantry and good cellar, and on the second floor, four airy helronlTIS and an attic The G i RI)EN contains greenhouse, and vinery, and is well itoeked with excellent fruit trees, and choice plai ts. This property is also held und'r lease of Sir Pyeis Mostyn, Bart.. tor a term of which 64 years are unexpired, at the annual rent of £ 4 i nly. With the ahove will be sold the tenant's interest of and in the capital garden in front of the house, which is held uudsA Sir Pvers Mostyn, Bart., at a nominal rent of three shillings per annum. Early possession may be hart, the crops, &c., being taken at 8 valuation. LOT 4. All those three Freehold Messuages or Dwelling Houses situate at Greenfield aforesaid, and on the south-east side of Station-road, now in the respective occupations of Mrs Parry, Air Davies, and Mr Leaning This property is most substantially built with excellent materials, has good cellars, and being on the direct road to the Railway Station, is most favourably situated for business purposes. The corner house is well adapted for and would be easily converted into a Public House or Vaults. The minerals under the whole of the lots are reserved. To view the respective lots, apply t > the Tenants on the premises. For further particulars as to lots 1 and 2, apply to Mr H. A. Cape, solicitor, Holywell; as to lots 8 and 4, to Messrs. Finchett,Mi(ld:>ck k Co., solicitors, Chester; and as to the whole, to the Auctioneer, at his offlc s, Red Lion Hotel, Holywell. MR. LUTHER JONES' TKSTIMONI AL. MR. JONES has for some years discharged the duties of Accountant at tae Holywell Branch of the National Provincial Bank of England. He is now promoted t • the important position of Acoountant at tLe Bangor Branch. Some of his friends are desirous of marking their eppreoiation of his acknowledged courtesy in the discharge of his official duties whilst in Holywell, and of testifying to the high respect in which he he has b en held aD a townsman, and the affection they cherish towards bile personally i.i his more pi irate capacity. To do this they propose presenting him with a Testimonial. They believe that many others will esteem it a ( privilege and a pleasure to join them. Subscriptions will be received and acknowledged by any of the undersigned. DAVID OWHN, Brynhyfryd, Bagillt. Joint HENRY JUDD, Weli-s reet, Holywell. ) Secretaries. JO,FPil GIEL.-iFR, Draper, Holywell. ) J,int JOHN B rtlT l'AIN, Confectioner, Holywell. ( Treasurers. Subscriptions will also be received at the Nortr) and South Wales Bank, Holywell. f4UBSCEaPICIONS AJSMADT RBOWIVBD t a. d. A mount previously advertised 20 3 0 Mr J. A. Jones 2 2 0 Mr J. K. Evans 1 1 0 Mr J. Llayl Price 1 0 Mr E. H. Williamson, Plas-yn-morfa 1 1 0 Mr V. i>. Williamson, Plas-yn-morfa 1 0 Dr. Pierce, i)e ibigh 1 1 0 Mr EdwarJ Jones, Tower Gardens 1 1 0 4 Observer' Office 0 10 6 Mr David RobeitJ, Currier. 0 10 6 Mr Jno. tlolmes 0 10 0 Dr. Davies 0 10 0 Mr John Jones, Chapel-street 0 5 0 August 8th, 1878. THE "OBSERVER" .COPY BOOK, One Shilling per Dozen! Containing 12 leaves of Superfine cream Laid Paper closely ruled, t. meet the requirements of the New Edacational Code. Impurity of the Blood. Unlaw the blood be kept in a pore atate the coaswati. mast be weakened and disease suparVena. Thtmm Wonderful Pills poaaaw the power of removing of ag 118 eoo- timioations or the blood and system penwally. They qarietly, but eerfaunly, overoanlb all obstrooti Otis tending to produce tfl health, and Institute rejjular action in organs that are fiuitLf from irritation or debility. The dyspcptic, weak, and narvona may rtiy on these PiUa as their best friand and cawferto, aa t ley act upon the main springs ot ate, and tbos save tfcewMds from a prematura grave. Complaints of Women & Children. The very mild and painleas action 81 these hrraloaMa Pm8 recommenct. them to rv try houaeheld aa a modj far the first departure from health. Any mother, fctwse, or yoaag yuraoti puided bv the directions whioh aeowmpajiy aaah box of ELonewayls Pills, htu at once* available moans for oheekaog (ftaaaie, l'nrif, the blood, and arpaKng from the syatam all gran b minours. They are indeed, at &4rs, the fumrWe" triad friend. Disorders of the LiTer with Flatu- lency and Indigestion. Low of appetite amd fiatolaney are ram ally the ilWIIBHa of stomachic 4uea»e. These famous Pills ezemaae tØe meat sF6, utari, power in all affections ot the ttrev, and all irvqgalarttfee of the stomach and bowels; they restore a healthy foaottoa to every internal organ, ovarcooae all abntaaotkBia, and out o" all nnparitaes. Weak Stomachs.—Impaired Digestion. The wit-t aannot enumerate ssn tMiIM of the i^iiitii iimshi, djniptanu Mimat hom enfssbfed tttgaatkoa, all ot which way be racily^di*pell«d by tjeje admiraUs PinI. as they rouoe the mkam#oh, bvar, and evsrjr other onto af diseatiee V> that £ *hyU» whioh fnllj theralo oo^rStaa food «id drmk to the nounahmuot et the bod» —oeaoe, these Pffla the debiUtf. res*OI*t"" 11" The PiUs and t are aaW at^Praieaaor HoLMWirn fetabbshmeot, bSi, Oxtord Stnet, LOOD-, ah. b) Mmiy trerv respooteble Vendor of Mecbtina jthreo^h«vt the UJrifiaad World, in Bojtes and Pete, at 1«. 1^, 5s. M. 4B. tKi., lis., 22«., and 33s. each. The emails box of Pilis contains four dozen; and the smallest Pot ot Ointment one ounce. Full printed directions are affixed to each Vox and Pot, and c&u be had iu aay luaguagre. even in Trirkidii, Arabic, Anaeiuua, l'er or Sale by Messrs. William Deiv 8c Son. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. COUNTY OF FLINT PARISHES OF CILCEN, HALKIN, AND NO H. rHOP. Sale of Valuable Freehold Farms, known as SI A MB KR WEN, LLYN and LLET- TY'll EOS. TO BE SOLD BY PUBLIC AUCTION, BY Messrs. WM. DEW AND SON, AT the during tV M'-rth of A September, 1878, the ab ve very desirable Free- hold l,'ara)r, viz:- IN THE PARTSH OF CILCEN. Sianaber Wen, containing 32a. 2r. 28p. Thii is a compact and convenient Farm, having a sontliern aspect, with commodious Dwelling-house &d Out-buildings, It is composed of excellent aid well.fa'IDi'd Land, with large dwelliag-bouse and owt-buildirgs in good repair, situate within half a icile horn the Mold and Denbigh Turnpike Road. IN THE PARISHES OF HAIJIYN AND NORTIIOF. JJyn Farm, contiining 45a. 2r. 7p. L,tty'i- Eos 11 126a. 3r. Op. The land is rich, hating preat depth of Soil, with a right of She-p Walk on Ilalkin Mountain. Full particulars, with Li hographed Plins, will shortly be issued, in the meantime all further infor- mation may be obtahed of Messrs PEARS, LOGAN & GIBBONS, Solicitors, Harrington-street, Liverpool; and the Auctioneers, Wellfield House, Bangor, and Towo Hall, Rhyl. TO ARCHITECTS, BUILDERS, STON MASONS, &c. rpHE TALACitE STONE COMPANY, near J. Mostyn, have now these celebrated Quarries in full work, and are prepared to supply the best qaali"r of Freestone, sawn or tooled, to any dimension- Stpps, Sills, Herds, Flags, Curbing and Channelling, &c. kept in Stock. Special Stone for Monumental pur- poses. -Apply at. the Works, Mostyn, or the Offiec of the Company, No. 15, Newgate-jtreet, Chester. ^OENSON'S WATCBES. Watch and C ock Maker J3 to the Queen and Royal Family, and by special appointment to the Trince ot Wales and Emperor of Russia. Old Bond-street, and (Steam Factory) Ludgate-hill, London. BENSON'S WATCHES of every description,] JD suitable for all climates, from 12 to 200 guineas. Chronographs, Chronometers, Keyless, Levers. Pre sentation, Repeaters, Railway Guards, Soldiers, and Workmen's Watches of extra strength- BENSON'S ARTISTIC ENGLISH CLOCKS, J) decorated with Wedgwood and other wares, designed to suit any style of architecture or furniture also, as roveltiesfor presents. Made solely by Benson, From £5 6u. ENSON'S PAMPHLETS on TURRET CLOCKS, Watches, Clocks, Plate and Jewellery, Illustrated, sent post free each for two stamps. Watches sent safe by post. Benson's new works, Time and Time 28. 611. v r 28. 6J. PRIZE MEDALS AWARDED. INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION, LONDON, 1862; PARIS, 1867; PHILADELPHIA, 1876. IF YOU WANT A GOOD WATCH, iffif WARRANTED TO KEEP CORRECT TIME, Bend A POST OFFICE ORDER TO J. S E W I L L, WATCH MANUFACTUKER, fil SOUTH CASTLE-STREET, LIVERPOOL, ANIC SO, CORNHILL, ROYAL EXCHANGE, LONDON, Ana yorLwill receive by return of post, securely packeil, a first class LEVER WATCH. Warranted to keep correct time, and suitable for a Lady or Gentleman. Sewill's SILVER LEVER To wind and set hands from the hack. In all Wo tcheS sizes, suitalA for Ladies, Gentlemen, Youths, and Mechanics. £ 2 29. E2 10s. E8 3 s. The same in Hunting Casts. R2 108. La 33. Sewill's ENGLISH SILVER PATENT DETACHED LEVER Capped, Jewelled and Warranted. All the "WTofpLpq latest improvements, in sizes, for Ladies, Gentlemen, Youths, and Mechanics L4 4zi. 1;5 tis. £ 6 6s. The b imc in Hunting Cast s, £5 ()s. £6 6. E7 7s. Sewill's GOLD LEVER Tn Tjrinrf un and set hands from the back. "WTafpVipa lH alTsTzes, suil tblefor Ladies. Gentlemen and W atCnCS YOULHS. 1:5 5s. £6 6s. £7 7s. Sewill's ENGLISH PATENT DETACHED 18-CARAT FINE GOLD LKYKR Capped, Jewelled, and Warranted. All the "WTotpTipcj latest improvement*, in Sizes, fur Ladies and Gentlemen. Es jE.OK). 4:12 128. "ame as those for which Prize Medals ot 11 :ernational Gentlemen. £ 8 8s. £ '0 I0-. £ 12 12s. as those for which Prize Medals ot li :ernational gj^ibitions, London, 1862, and Paris, 1867. wero awarder. AU 4V,N «ho e may be had keyless, that is tc wind up and All the aD d t without a key, at an extra cost :Ct £ 2 fc h/^vercUcs, and £ 810s. in Gold, Sewill's PBESKNTATIO> In great variety; COMBINING B^UT;, of ATCILCS design with perfection of workmansL.p. From 92 2B. to 100 Guineas. Sewill's WORKMEN'S LEVER \r everlasting, will bear any amount of hard Witches usage. £2 U. each, free and safe by post. Sewill's MARPLE, BRONZE. AND GILT In our Show Rooms are to be found the finest (^JlrjfiVo clock in th kingdom writable for Hall, Library, ^iOCKb "1" Drawing and DvMng Rooms. Fatimates Kiven for f.lo-ks for Churches, Turrets, and bstima B public Buildings. LARGEST STOCK IN ENG, AND TO SELECT FROM. •or— rwilONOMETER MAKERS TO TliE R1GH1 f??^niTB»RTV THE LORDS COMMISSIONERS OF THE rDMlEALTY,^ HEB MAJESTY'S ROYAL NAVY, Ilc., &c. ø- Money Gers to be made payable to i SEWILL, I 16, SOUTH CAlilLE STREET, LIVERPOOL, 0.. SO, CORNIIILL, ROYAL EXCHANGE, I.ONOON. Illustrated catalogues ,:obt free 011 application. Sales by Messrs Churton, Elphick, 5c Co. y Elphiek, 00. CAKIIWYS, FLINTSHIRE. Sale of Two Desirable Freehold Farm", situate about one mile from the Caerwya Station, on the Chester, Mold, and Denbigh Hailway. MESSRS. CHURTON, ELPHICK, & Co. HAVE been fivourei <*ith infractions to SELL BY AUCTION, at the Green Dragon Hotel, Chester, on (SATCKDAY, the 31st of August, 1878, at two for three o'clock p.m. punctual'y, in the following or such other lo's as may be decided upon at the timi 1 of sale, and subject to cooditioos to be then produced. LOT V A valuable FREEHOLD FARM, siruite clos« toj tbe village of Caerwys. in the county of Flint, havingi considerable frontage to the Caerwys and Holywell] Turnpike Road, known as "Llidiart Cerrig," with the form-house, outbuildings, and several pieces of LAND belonging thereto, containing t'gather 381. lr. 12p. or thereabouts, in the occupation of Mr George Sandbach. LOT 2. Another desirable FREEHOLD FARM, adjoining tLe above, with considerable frontage to the same road, known as '*Marian Pryse Farm," with an excellent Dwelliog-house and OutblJildin", recently erected, and several pieces of Land, extending in the whole to 40a. Or. 18p. or thereabouts, in tbb occupation of Mr Evan Price. The tenants will kindly show the property. Particulirs, with plaos, and ary further information may be obtained upon application to W. H. CHURTON, E»q Solicitor or the Auctioneers, Messrs. CHURTON. I ELPHICK, ROJIERTS, and RICHARDSON, all of Chester, nv/f ONEY TO LEND, WITHOUT SURETIES, BY THE ■1 IMPERIAL ADVANCE BA>K.—DISTANCE NO OBJECT.—All respectable Householders, whether they are private Gentlemen, or Ladies, Shookeepers, Farmers. Car Proprietors, Cow Rpepers, Tradesmen, or Clerks, they can be accommodated by this Bank with Sums of Money, from £ 10 to £ 1,000, repayable by easy instalments, exter-rling over one year and upwards, to enable them to increase their stocks and' afford them every kind of temporary accommodation,.without friends as sureties and with thn strictest privacy. Applicants afford them every kind of temporary accommodation,.without friends as sureties and with thn strictest privacy. Applicants would do well before applying to aiy office to consider its respectability. This offlee was e<t Wished in 1873 and since that time its business 11 advances has been lapidly increasing and it now makc" more a':V3nCC8 thran any other single private advance office in the provinces. Every information willingly affirded.-Apply, either personally, or if by letter state amount required, to LEWIS SIMMONS, Proprietor, 27, South John-street, Liverpool. ^0 N E Y MONEY. MONEY, 62, TOWER BUILDINGS, WATER STREET, LIVERPOOL. N. S. HART, SOLE PROPRIETOR. 1^0 ALL IN WANT OF MONEY.—Time and Jt unnecessary expense can be saved by applying,1 either personally or by letter, to the above address, where Cash Advances are made from JE10 to £1,000 (without sureties) on the shortest possible notice, with the strictest privacy, and on the most reasonable terms. Repayments, by easy instalments to suit borrowers, can be made either personally or remitted by post-office order, or in postage stamps, thereby affording every facility to parties whose time is an object to them. Please note the address, as above. N.B.-No communication with any other office. £ 7* To the OverRcers of the Poor of the Parish of Flint, in the Borough of Flint, and to the Superintendent of Police of the Borough of Flint. T THOMAS HUGHES, of Allt Yois, in the said ) ? Borough. beerhouse-keeper, do hereby give Notice tbet it is my intention to apply at the Goneial Annual Licensing Meeting to be held at the Town Hall, Fl;nt. in the said Borough, on MONDAY, the tecond day of September, 1878, for a License to sell r by retail under the Intoxicating Liquors Licensing Act, 1828, all Intoxioatine Liquors to be consumed in 4he house or premises situate at Allt Vois aforesaid, paid bouse and premises belonging to THOMAS iA of Kelateo ton, Flint, but now occupied by me beerhouse-keeper aforesaid.. Given under my hand this 1st day of AUGUST,, i1878. F t, THOMAS HUGHES. « fcTo the Overseers of the Poor and the Supcr- intcvident of Police of the Parish of Flint in the Borough of Flint and to all whom it may concern. I —— I WALTER OWENS, now reeling fit Raven 3 Square, in the Parish of Flint, in the Borough (of Flint hereby give Notice, th-it it is my intention to lapply at the General Annual Licensing Me ting for the Borough of Flint, to tIe bolden at the Town Hall, Flint, in the said Borough on the Second dav of Sep- tember next ensuing, or at the a,ij,)"T!,ei L'censi»g Meeting to be held at the Town Hall, Flint, aforesaid, ior. the Oth September, 1878, for a Ceitificate of ■(Justiees authorising the grant to me of a License to 'sell by retail Wine in pursuance of 23 Yict.. cap. 27, see. 3 Spirits in pursuance of 24 and 25 Yict., cap. 21, sec. 2, and Acts amending the same, to be con- sumed off the Premises, at a bouse [or shop] situate at Raven Square, Flint, aforesaid. Given under my hand this FOURTEENTH day of AUGUST, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy. eight. Signature WALTER OWENS. 415 SPRING VALE HOUSE, HOLYWELL. DAY AND BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. MISS W H I D B O R N E BEGS to intimate that School Duties will be RESUMED (D.V.) SEPTEMBER 2ND, 1878. Boarders return SATURDAY, AUGUST Slat. Pupils prepared for Oxford and Cambridge examinations. -706'- J AM E S BENISON, FOR MANY YEARS AN ORGAN BUILDER, T S prepared to tune and repair ORGAN, HAR- 1 .MONIUM and PIANOFORTE, on the most IwUonable terms. Country orders attended tp and istpftat'js given. — Address, Uolway, Holywell. Vc\ T)OX OF O -L> STATIONERY Containing Forty-eight Sheets Superfine Note paper, Forty-eight Good Envelopes, flack lead Pencil, One Pen and Holder, One stink of Wax and One Sheet of Blotting Pap-w, in neat Bor, to be had AT THE OBSERVER' OFFICE, HOLYWELL. NDON HOUSE, HOLYWELL. IV A- X S, J. is D' GENERAL DRAPER AND TAILOR, BEGS to -inform his customers and the public that he is now prepared to show the latest designs in the WOOLLEN DEPARTMENT consisting of WEST of ENGLAND SCOTCH and YORKSHIRE goods also a splendid range of WORSTED COATINGS, MELTONS, PILOTS &c. J. J. E. calls special attention to his 158. BESPOKE TROUSERS which cannot be surpassed for value in the trade.. e iL surpassed JOI VUIUB IU Lilt; nauv. £ s. d. SUITS (to order) in FANCY TWEEDS j* 2 0 TROUSERS „ « « O BLACK CLOTH SUITS D U U Every confidence may be placed as to satisfaction in VALUE, STYLE, and FIT, Gentlemen can be waited upon with patterns at their own residence if desired. GBNTS SHIRTS MADE TO MEASURE. HATS, CAPS, TIES, SCARFS, COLLARS &c. VPARRY & MORRIS, MANUFACTURING AND FURNISHING IRONMONGERS, II OlJYWlLL. -0 HAVE a large and well-assorted Stook of every article in the Trade KITCHEN RANGES, REGISTER STOVES, SHAMS, LAUNDERS, PIPES, &c. BRASS AND IRON BEDSTEADS, WASHING, WRINGING AND MANGLING MACHINES, JOINERS' TOOLS AND BUILDERS1 IRONMONGERY AT SPECIAL PRICES, GAS AND WATER TUBES AND FITTINGS IN BRASS AND IRON, BAR IRON AND STEEL, PLATES, SHEETS, AND GALVANIZED DITTO, ASPHALTE ROOFING, AND CORRUGATED IRON DITTO, Colliery and l ead Mines requisites, Oils, Ropes, Chains. Kibbles, Spades, Shovels, Picks, Hammers, Red and White Lead, Jndia Rubber Sheets, Washers, Packing, &c. CASTINGS OF EVEllY DESCRIPTION. ITSTIMATES GIVEN FOR ALL KINDS OF WROUGHT IRON FENCING, CONTINUOUS BAR DITTO, HURDLES AND TOMB RAILING. AGENTS FOR AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS BY ALL THE PRINCIPAL MAKERS, SPECIAL ADVANTAGES GIVEN FOR CASH. BEST MIXED PAINTS READY FOR USE IN 1, 2, 4 AND 7 1b. SEALED TINS. Before purchasing SEWING MACHINES enquire of PARRY & MORRIS for the LATEST IMPROVEMENTS, and beware of the old-fashioned makes offered at reduced prices and easy terms. KELSTERTON BREWERY COMPANY. EXCELLENT HARVEST OR X-. I G- T DINNER ALE, ONE SHILLING PER GALLON, Supplied in 9 18, or 36 Gallon Casks, and delivered free by our own drays within a certain radius, or sen carriage raid to anv Station on tbe Chest-, md Holyhead Railway Br>.n0'.e*. -OHDRKS ANUM^U — KEL8TEUT:N lhtWun Co., iXINT, WILL liBCElVB CAUHFVL Ahl> VUOMPT ALLLMLOH. v/ THE BANKRUPTCY ACT, 1869. IN THE COUNTY COURT OF CIIESIIIRE, HOLDEN AT CHESTER. IN THE MATTER OF proceedings for liqmVatim by arrangpment or cimposi-ion with Creditors instituted by JOHN PICKERING, of IJhe.tel-: tree!, in the t'twn aed parish of Mold, in the county of Flint, Toilor arid Draper. Notice is hereby given that a fi-st general meeting of the Creditor" or the above-named person h8 been summoned to he held at tbe Albion Inn, near the Railway Station, Chester, on the 21st day of AUGUST, 1878, at 12 o'clock at noon precisely. Dated this SECOND div ot AUGUST, 1878. V WM. DAVIES. Well till,-et, Ifol, well, Solicitor for the Dettir. St ——. REHOBOTH CHAPEL, HOLYWELL. A GRAND COMPETITIVE MEETING AKD MUSICAL FESTIVALI WILL BE HELD AT THE ABOVE CHAPEL, I ON TUESDAY, OCTOBER 15TH, 1878 PRESIDENTS RICHARD GRATTON, E8Q., P. MWYNDEG EVANS, Esa. For further particulars, see programmes, price One Penny, which may be bad from the Secretaries. MR RICHARD JONES, BUILDER, BAGILLT, MR ROBERT PARRY (FFYNNONFAB), HOLYWELL. 1 9 FBELIMINABT ANKOUNCHKBNT, EARLY IN JANUARY, 1879, A BAZAAR Will be held in connection with the WESLEYAN METHODIST CHAPEL, HOLYWELL. Further details will duly be published. HYL WINTER GARDENS. OPEN DAILY, Flowers in Rrrat perfection, Waterfall, Lake, Rustic Bridges, Houses, &c., Lawns for Tennis, Badminton, Croqhrt and Bowls, Archery and Quoiting Grounds. In-side and out-side Rink for Skaterp with Plimpton's Skates. AUGUST 19th-For 12 nigbts-Jaines Fullers' VARIETY COMPANY in their Humorous and Sparkling Entertainment, consijtir, g of the Royal Aboriginal Minstrels, the Living Marionettes, Modern Miracles and Illusions, Light Seance and Mirth pro- voking sketches. 26th—"TELL & TELL." for 12 nights, and TOM BARGER, in his amusing Ventriloquial entertainment. SEPTEMBER 5th.-GRAND CHORAL FESTIVAL with Choir of over 1000 voices. Refreshments of the ohoicest kind, Luncheons, Teas, &o. By Order: JOHN DEVINE, SECRETARY. t 6/- 1,L AUGUST, 1878. LIVERPOOL & MOSTYN. The fast-sailing steamer ''SWIF T SURE'' ROBERT LOWE, Master; fitted up specially for the station, will ply between LIVERPOOl & MOSTYN, leaving North end of the Princes landing Stage, and Mostyn, (weather permitting) with liberty to tow, as under DATE. From LIVERPOOL, From MOSTYN. 1 Thursday 9 0 a.,n I 15 p.m 2 Frid-iy 9 30 a.m 1 45 p.m 3 Saturday 11 0 s.m 6 Tuesday 4 30 p.m 7 Wednesday 1 15 p.m U Friday 9 0 a. ni 10 Suurday 4 0 r m 8 86 p.m 12 Monday. 5 45 pm 8 30 a.m 13 Tuesday. 10 45 am .4 Wednesday 8 30 am 1 0 p.m 15 Thursday 9 0 a-m 130 p. m. 10 Friday 9 0 a.m 2 0 p.m 17 Safurday 9 0 a.m 230 p.m 19 Monday 10 0 a.m. 3 15 p.m 20 Tuesday 10 30 a.m 4 0 p.m 21 Wednesday 11 Cam. 430 p.m 22 Thursday 12 30 p.m 535 p in 23 Friday 1 45 p.m 7 0 p.in 24 Satur(lay 330 p.ri 't 30 p.rn 26 Monday 5 30 p.n1. 8 15 a.m 27 Tuesday 10 30 a tn 28 Wednesday 8 0 12 20 p.m 9 Thuisdiiy 8 0 a.m 1 0 g.in 30 Friday 8 30 a.m 1 30 p.m 31 Saturday 9 0 a.m 20p.m 12,li -Excursion —Mostyn to Liverpool and back, Fare, Fore Cabin 2s, Uiidge 2s fi i. 2-jth—F.xcursion—Mostyn to Liverpool and back, Fare, Fore Cabin 2s, Bridffe 2s 6d. Heavy Goods received at the Chester Basin, near St. Georgc's Baths, for Most-ni, as under;- August 1st, 4 0 p.m. to ti 0 p.m 2nd, 4 0 p.m. to 6 0 p.m 6th, 4 0 p.m. to (' 0 p.m.; 9th, 11 30 a.m. to 1 SO p.m.; 13th, I 0 p m to 3 0 p.m.; 15th, 4 0 p.m. to 6 0 p m.; 19th, 4 0 p.m. to 6 0 p.m.; 22nd, 4 0 p.m, to 6 0 p m.; 27th, I 0 p.m. to 3 0 p.m.; 29th, 3 o p.m to 5 p.m. Light Goods received at Prince's Landing Stage an hour before the time of sailing. The Steamer uot to ov held responsible for non-sailings. Steamer not accountable for damage or injury to Horses, Carriages, or any Live Stock. Goods, whenlanded areentirely at the rift of the consignees. Passengers taken on board and landed at New Brighton on notice being given to the Pier Master there. FARES-FORE CABIN, Is. (id. AFTER CABIN 2s. 6d. RfcTURN same day, FORE CABIN, 2s. „ 3s. Tickets not transferable. Children under Twelve, half-fare Specia range menta tor Pic-nic, School parties, &c. NG L L A N L I N E, SHORTEST OCEAN PASSAGE TO || M E IU C A II \L1FAX, CANADIAN, AND UNITED STATES MAIL. COMPOSED OF TWENTY FIRST-CLASS RVYAL MAd- L?atir«U LIVERPOOL, ev,ry THURSDAY, and LONDONDERRY every FRIDAY, for HALIFAX. QUEBEC, PORTLAND, an4 BALTIMORE. Through Tickets u» BOSTON, NEVv YuRE. PHILADE -PHTA, audio all points in CANADA and the STATES. Low Fares and excellent Accommodation. Passengers who secure their Tickets before leaving home are met at ti e Railway Station in Liverpool by an appointed Agent ot-tbe Company, wh,, takes charg,, of them until they go on board the Steanu The Canadian Gcv6iutn«ni grains ASSISTED PASSAO119 bVi.J» Wn^ thiPamphlet LORD DUFFERIN IN MANITOBA." AD ply TO ALLAN BROTHERS & Co., I M tpool or Lundonderiy, or to i i. ROBERTS, BAGILLT SI RF.LT, HOLY WELl. 1 THE LATE ELECTION. CONSERVATIVES OF FLINTSHIRE.—■ you heroically came to the front, and although beaten, you achieved a great victory. That single-handed, you should have polled 1511 votes for Air. PENNANT at once proves that there is, in your Boroughs, a thorough Conservative re-action. It now becomes your duty to see that no Voter's name is omitted from the List of Voters; and all should do what they can to make the Register, complete. Any Conservative occupier qualified' to vote, whose.. name dops not appear in the, List of Voters 'for the Boroughs or Cou&tyi which will be* placed on the Church and Chapel doors on the 1st of AUGUST, will please at once communicate with Mr. COPE. Solicitor, Holy- well; Mr H. G. ROBERTS, Solicitor, Mold; Mr. M. R. PARTINGTON, St. Asaph; who xy will in their respective districts, see that all new claims are duly attended to. NOTICE. Conservative voters whose names have been omitted, as inhabitant occupiers in the County and Borough Lists, are requested to attend a meeting of the Conservative Working Men's Club, to be held at the Bell and Antelope Inn, Holywell, on Monday week, August 26th, at Eight o'clock in the evening. "J TIMBER FOR SALE. TREES of various sorts (viz.) Ash, 8ycaaiore, Elm and Oak, averaging girth from 4in. to 15in.-Apply to Mr JOHN DAWSON, Gronant, RbyI. TWO DONKEYS^ °CABT AND HARNESS, yj IN GOOD ORDER.—A GOOD TEAM, Apply to P.G. Observer" Office, llolywell. BEAUTIFUL & STRIKING PHOTOGRAPHS or ST. WINEFRED'8 WELL. THE PARISH CHURCH PANTASAPH MONASTERY CHURCH, & CONVENT. And other Views in the neigbbourhood of Holywell got up in the highest style of art IN VARIOUS SIZB8 AT THE OBSERVER OFFICE, HOLYWELL. A CERTAIN CURE FOR NERVOUS DEBILITY GRATIS, A MEDICAL WORK showing sufferers how they may be cured and recover Health and Vitality, without the aid of Quacks, with Recipes for V purifying the Blood and removing Skin Affeetiors. Free on receipt of stamp to prepay postage. Address Secretary, Institute of Anatomy, Birminghsm. DEBILITY AND NERVOUSNESS. Free Edition, 152 pages, pest free, in Envelope, two stamps The VV"ARNING VOICE. A Medical Book for Young Men on the Cause, Consequences, and Treatment of certain fonn. of Debility and Nervru.-ness, resulting fr< m Youthful Indis- cretion. Gives ADVICE and INiSTRUCTJOI\ S (The Result of THIRTY YFAR.IL Special Practice) by which Thousands have been cure. Illustrated by CASIIS and TESTIMONIALS, with means of cure used in each case. Free by post. in Envelope, Six Stamps. T\ISEASES PECULIAR TO WOMAN, Gives the Causes /*> Symptoms and Cure. This book is published for the spccial use of Fen. ales, and is a Private Guide to the Treatment K J of a cla«s of ailments peculiar to the Female Constitution. Every Woman should possess this book. Free by Post, 12 stamps, in Envelope. WOMAN AS A MAIDEN, WIFE, AND MOTHER, Illustrated with ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD. Oloth gilt. This is a Book of great importance to Woman. Fiftv-seven Engravings on Wood, Fost Free for Sexen Stamps PHYSICAL EDUCATION; OR THE I EOPLE'S GUIDE TO IIIALTH. ON THE CUT.TURL' OF THE HEALTHFUL AND BEAUTIFUL IN HUMANITY. Fifty- seven Engravings. DR. HENRY SMITH, 8, BUILTOK CRFECENT, LONBOK, W.C. FOR THB BLOOD IS TEN LIFE. £ See DEUTERONOMY, cb8.p. Ten8 24. WORLD FAMED j i.iffifiiaHTitmrrnral J II IIIIIIISSL/IF UILLIFTFSI jl 1^1 J GNLMUFT Jil^nj Trade Mark,-M.-IDood Mixture." THE CREAT BLOOD nRIFlil4 DLSTGRER CSKIN DISEASES, EruptioBs, BlotChes, Ulceratert Sore I egrs J Old Sores, Glandular Swellings, Cancerous, Ulcers Spots, Pimples, Pustules, BOIl. Carbuncles, Ring- worms, Scald Heads, Sore Eyes, ERYSIPELAS AND Scurts, Disc«iorations of the Skin, Humours, Hcn, Diseases of the Skin of whatever nanre or nature, are literally carried out of the systema in a short time by the use of this world-famed Medicine. Thousands of Testimonials from all parts. IMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL '-Cleaiise the vitiated blood t whenever von find its impaiities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, or sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins cleanse it when is foul, and your feeling it will te) you when. Keep the blood pure, and the health of the system will llow. As this mixture is pleasant to the taste, AND warranted free from anything injurious to the roost delicate constitution of either sex, the Proprietor solicits sufferers to pive it a trial to test its value- /CLARKE'S WORLD-FAMED BLOOD MIXTURE is sold in Bottles, 2s 6D each, and in Cases CONTAMMY six times the quantity, lis each—sufficient to effect a permarent cure in tne great IN* eases,—BT AI,T. DEMISTS AND r-ATE>T .EDICINE VENDORS throughout.the United Kingdom and the world, or sent to any ddre receipt of So or 1S2 STAMPER the Proprietor. J CLARKB, Chemist, Apothecaries'Hall, Linceln Wholesale: Ml Pate*t Medicine Housse. LONDON »&rvv ISO, OXFltD RTRUET. Is, t STOVE ORNAMENTS IN NEW DESIGNS, GREAT VARIETIES, AND AT VARIOUS PRICES ALSO V CUT TISSUE PAPERS IN BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS & COLOURS Pieparei to enable Ladies to muke up A pi-on Stove Omaaents after their own designs, ard for pieserviog ^ASA.LIEI6, CFCAR.IMIEJS and the frames EL looking-glasses girondoieg mirro-s. and large piet ,j rel! PRICE T W O P E N 0 K PER SHEET MAY NOW BE HAD AT THE OBSERVER OFFICE, HOLYWELL,