Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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JOLLY'S Duchess Pills For Pale Faces* A POSITIVE CURE FOR ANEMIA, or POVERTY of BLOOD, AND ALL THB FOLLOWING AILMENTS: Paleness. Langour. Debility. Nausea. Headache. Backaohe. Irregularities. Sallowness- Skin Eruptions. Indigestion. Loss of Appetite. Offensive Breath. Palpitation. Nervousness- Depressed Spirits- Female Ailments. Insomnia' Pains in the Side- As all the Ailmeats mentioned above arise from ONE CAUSE, they can be cured by ONE REMEDY, vi*. JOLLY'S DUCHESS" PILLS. These Pills are not an APERIENT, tat a Tonio which enriches the BLOOD. Miss HABDY writes from Thorpe, Norveioh" Please forward a. box of DUCHESS PILLS,' ts I cannot possibly be without them. I can highly resomm-al them. I have been under the doctor a treatment for the last ten yeara for Anwmia, without receiving any benefit, but your 1 Duohess Fills have quite restored me." Mrs. OBCUJT, writes from 19, Thomas Street, Robertstown, Aberdare»•' There is ft great im- j provement is my daughter since taking your Duchess' Pills. She is stronger, her 8kin is mnoh j clearer, her lips haTO their natural ooloar, her obeeks are rosy, and her ayes brighter. Plea" send] me another box for which I enolose 2s. Ode J Report of Dr. A. FABB, the well-known Phyglotan, late Medical Offioer of Health, Lambeth) London:—««This is to certify that JOLLY'S DUCHESS' PILLS do not contain any deleterion" properties, and may be taken with perfeot safety as a remedial agent and oorreotiTe for the various ailments for which they are speoially designed and recommended. QertiJUate of the Analysts to the Etalih Corporation, Zondopi. "We have made a minute and critical Analysis of a sample, seleoted indiscriminately, of JOLLY'S I DUOHESS' PILLS, and find they are oomposed of most valuable Tonio, Stomachic and Purifying Properties, and quite free from injurious Vegetable and Mineral snbstanoes." BBsjLxrx WicawA, F.O.S., F.I.C. } Analysts to the Health Corporation of London. WALLACE O. NICAML, 1'.0.8. JOLLY'S "DUOHESS" PILLS will restore ooloar, health, strength, and beauty, and make the palest face clear and rosy, thus produoing a lovely complexion. rUA78TRA.TED BOOK ON AIf.lll¥IA., OR roynatr Of BLOOD, SBIOf TOST JlJUUI. A box of JOLLY'S "DUOHESS" PILLS containing 60 doses, easy to take, and sufficient to cure any ordinary case, will be forwarded to any part of the United Kingdom, securely packed in special boxes, with plain wrapper, post free, on receipt of 3s. 6d. Send for a box to day. WHY BE PALE AND M.XGUID ANY LONGER t ADQtagS: BRITISH DRUGGIST LTD., 219, OXFORD ST., LONDON, W. CROSS KEYS HOTEL, HOLYWELL -0:- PBOPB'IBTOB— J. JENNINGS, 0: THIS HOTEL, WHICH HAS BEEN RE-ARRANGED AND DECORARED, IS NOW O P E JV ForjCommercial Gentlemen, who will find every comfort and convenience. M 0 D E R A T E ~tl A N G E S. -:0:- NOTE.-The Ales, Wines and Spirits are pronounced by the Public to be the finest qualities ever supplied in Holywell. JOHN JAMES HUGHES, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, BEGS to announce that he hassuooeeded to tht busineBBSo long carried on by his late Father, John Hughes, at the above premises, and trust.. that by prompt attention and moderate charges, oombined with good workmanship, to merit a continuance of public support. THE HOME-MADE DEPARTMENT Will continue to be a special feature of the business and great care will be exercised to ensure the best materials only being used. STRONG HARVEST BOOTS The best and cheapest Home-made Boots in the Market. WOMEN AND MEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES OF BVBBY DESCRIPTION KEPT IN STOCK. YOUTHS AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS AND SLIPPER OF BVERY VARIETY oaDaaa SBOHPTII* ATTHHDHD TO. Repairs neatly executed MONEY LENT PRIVATELY To Farmers, Tradesmen, Lodging-house Keeners and others, in sums of £ io to £ 500 ON BORROWERS' OWN NOTE OF HAND without Sureties, at muoh lower rates than usually charged. Repayments arranged to meet Borrowers' requirements. Extensive business done for 25 years past. NO BILLS OF SALE TAKEN. For prospectus and terms, apply personally or write to GEORGE PAYNE, ACCOUNTANT, 3, CRESCENT ROAD, RHYL. „ HEAD OFFIOB: — KENNEDY STREET, MANCHESTER. T Established 1870. ALFRED MAYERS, »tt 8' milford STREET MOLD BILL POSTER AND DELIVERER I gAXLE'S QOUT & JJHEUMATIO piLLS I SHOULD NOW BE ILL IN BED. J £ ADB'S pILLS « 103, Jubilee Ttrrace, -R-. A NINTI T-VTT T A ''Wolverhampton Road, TRADES piLLS Walsall, Nov. 22nd, 1892. „ *'Dsar Sir,—I write to thank you for IPADE S pILLS the great amount of benefit I have ■LJ received from using your marvellous Gout and Rheumatic Pills I am glad to think I am able to write, as had it not been for your grand Pills I should hare been unable to do so, and am quite certain I SHOULD NOW BE ILL IN BED. I am extremely thankful, as I on still keep at my work, I GOUT shall use every endeavour to make youf Pills more widely known. You may RHEUMATISM u»e this how yon think proper. remain, yours faithfully, RHEUMATISM B> GtrBST Mr G Eade." E ADE'S GOUT & jgHEUMATIC pILLS. 99 rwonly by George Bad#1 *3' Roa<*> London, B.C. and a11 Chem'ats,im Bottle», Is lid, and 2i 9d. jgADES QOUT & JJHEUMATIC pILLS, ID R: F 0 x 1 8 COUGH AND VOIOE WAFERS, 1LHE (tREAT JJEMEDY FOR COUGHS, COLDS, BRONCHITIS. INFLUENZA HOARSENESS, LOBS OF VOICE, *A AND ALL AFFECTIONS OF THE OREST AND LUNGS These invaluable Wafers, being prepared from Herbs an Fruits only, do not contain any deleterious ingredients, an may be taken with perrect safety by old and young JDR' F 0OUGH AND "yOICE WAFERS. PREPARED ONLY BY GEOITCFE HADE, 72, GOSWELL ROAD, LONDON, In Tins, Is lid. each, Post Free from the Proprietor on reeeipt Of Postal uj>*er for Is. 3d. AVE YOU MADE YOUP. WILL H^¥ YOU MADE YOTJB WILL I nnnf • 7 of HinJe' Will Forms, whioh jtnwt„™,s olear> concise and legal in strict ion how to make your own Will. PRICE, SIXPENCE SOLD AT THE "0 r: ERV ER" OFFICE y LAMB'ERT'S FAMILY AND COMMERCIAL HOTEL, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL. '} -:}- ¡ .< WHOLESALE WINE ALII SPIRIT MERCHANT. .o. -L. :.c: POSTING IN ALErfitTS BRANCHES. :c#t -— OMNIBUSES 1\1 E 14i"T ALL, T R A INS. London and North-Western^^ Baiivay Parcels' Agent." t I' I ,J I [I PREPARED BONE MANURES, FOR ROOTS, CORN AND GRASS; ABSO, SUPEEIPHOSPHATB OF LIME. OFFICES L—CARR'S LANE, BIRMINGHA|L WORKS SALTNEY, CHESTER. Revised List, with particulars of Prialfcfo* Roots offered in 189d,fpost free. xQsmti'— Ifr Robert Richards, Pensarn, Llanbedr. | Jtr Griffitke, CrossKeys, Chirk. Ifr Robert Richards, Pensarn, Llanbedr. | Jtr Griffitke, CrossKeys, Chirk. Itr J. J. Bancroft, Glasfyrn, Ruthin, Mr William P. Jones, Ironmonger, Mold. Mr Godfrey Parry.CarrQg. Oor'wea. I Jft A. H. Thompson, Sandbach, Kr Joseph Lloyd, Miller, St. Asaph. | /'———————————————————————"———————————-—————————————————————— V HEALTH &GJE& ALL III Purify the Blood, corroct". all Disorders of the LIVER, STOMACH, KIDPFCYS, AND BOWELS. They invigorate and restore to hafclth Debilitated Constitutions, And &re invaluable in COMPLAINTS incidental to FEMALES of all ages. For Children and the aged they are priceless. Manufactured only at 78, NXford Street, London, Vnd sold by all Medicine Vendor* throu £ '\ovit the World. W.B.-Advice Gratis, at the above ad dross, daily, between tha fcoura cf 11 ani 4. or by lett i r. V ENGLISH-THE BEST I BENSON'S ENGUsïi WATCHES. Guaranteed for Acouraoy, DWbility, Strength, and Value. "Haonsands of Testimonjps have been received. DIEN S ON'S BENSON'S Englisli Levev Keyless English Levev "LUDGATE" WATCH BANK WATCH. IN USB^ ALL THE WOBLD OYEK. Jowellery eent free on receipt of Illustrated Book Post OLD WATCHES AND JEWELLEY TAKEN IN EXCIIINGE. AU GoodFi ENothApprdoved will be x a]20 Ohauert) Btroagest and most Durable London; bwa FVQUATw-R PLATE ever sold. An English Lever, Jewelled with 13 Kabies, Chrono- I meter Balance, Patent Large Barrel, and Damp and Dirt Proof Bine Band. Price £ 6 6s. I Keeps better time than, and is double the Strength find value of, any £ 5 5s. Watch made. In Sterling Silver Cases, with Strong Crystal Glass. Hade in four Sizes at one Price, £ 5 6s.No. 1, Qvnttemea A Youths (as illustrated) • No 2 Working Mea; NO. 3, Ba.ilway)4en and Miners No. 4, Ladies. In massive 18-ct. Qold Oases, with Crystal Glass, Gentlemen's Size, £ 12 12s. Lady's size, £ 10 lOs. A good Knockabout Watch for rongh weaf at a low price. Best London made. Three-Quarter Plate English Lever, Large. Chronometer Balance, Jewelled in Rubies, Strong Keyless Action. An Exact Timekeeper, and better value than ftny Keyless Watch sold for £ 10. Price £ 5, in Extra Strength, Sterling Silver, Crystal Glass Cases. BENSON'S ENGAGEMENT RINGS, in Half. t Hoop, Marquise. Gipsey and all other designs, set with Brilliants, Rubies, Emeralds, Pearls, Sap- phires, Opals. Tnro noise. &e.. &c.. or in Dl&in Bold. ALL WATCHES AND JEWELLERY sent peat free, and at my risk, to all parts of the World on receipt of Draft, Cash, or P.O.O., payable at Q-P.O. j ) f CEND FOR BENSON'S BOOK of WATCHES from £2 2s. to C500, CLOCKS, CHAINS, W ENGAGEMENT RINGS. BROOCHES. PLATE. i.e., Ac. Sent post free on application to JXXT DV1JCA1J 1 WATCHMAKER and JEWELLER TO • MM. • MJJUlX OUiN 9 H.H. THE QUEEN and ROYAL FAMILY. Steam Factory: 62 So 64, LUDGATE HILL, And 28, ROYAL EXHANGE, E.G., and 25, OLD BOND STREET, W., LONDON. WATOH, ac., OLUBS.-Applientlons for agencies Invited. Easy system, no risk J.A. SCHWARZ, CLOCK AND WATCH MAKER, WHITFORD STREET, liol YWELL BEGS to announce that after the ENLARGE- MENT OF HIS PREMISES, he has been enabledto greatlyinerease hisStoek. ALL KINDS OF JEWELLERY KEPI IN STOCK Clocks and Waichtsof all descriptions in hand HANDSOME-SELECTION OF BLaOTRO-PLATED ARTIOLES REPAIRS PROMPTLY EXECUTED ON THE PREMISES. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Guima Gold Wedding atii Keepe,, Rings, i A present given with each ring bonght. A privateroom to select in. DEALEB IN LOOKING GLASSES AND BAROMETERS SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES In great variety. EMIGRATION. ^ALL who desire information about Canada, the North West Territories, and British Columbia, should write to > ALLAN BROTHERS & CO.. 19, James Street, UVERPOOL, for their Handbook of Information, WHICH IS SENT FREE. MANCHESTER FIRE ASbURANCJ^ COMPANY. ESTABLISHED, 1824. CAPITAL £ 2,000,000. T. BARHAM FOSTER, ESQ., CHAIBMAN: 0. W. FURBRIDGE, ESQ., DEPUTY CUAIBKAN CHIEF OFFICE- 98, KING STREET, MANCHESTER J. B. MOFFATT, MANAGER AND SICCRETARY. BRANcn OFFICE- WTANOHESTEB CHAMBEBS, 28, REOENT STBEET, WBEXHAM. M. PENNANT JONES, RESIDENT SBCEBTABY. THE COMPANY transacts Fire Basineps only and &11 Resources and Funds are available for Fire Claims. i 1 -yp are made and rates quoted for all deBCnj' ti of ri-ks free of charge. Application for Agencies are invited. r KING'S HEAD HOTEL, 1 ,oJ, HOLYWELL. -:e: THE LEADING FAMILY & COMMERCIAL HOTEL, > HAS BEEN RE-FURNISHED AND TARIFF REVISED. :8f HEADQTTARTEBS Of THE CYOUTS* UNIOK. -:0: THE HOTEL OMNIBUS MEETS THE TRAINS AT HOLYWELL STATION BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! BARGAIM I I I :o: — CROSS STREET, HOLYWELL. -:0: GREA T RE- OPENIXG h M r J. HARRIS, OF LIVERPOOL, OF £ THE ABOVE PREMISES wira A LARGE ASSORTMENT 01 NEW AND SECOND-HAND CLOTHING AT EXORAORDINABILY LOW PRICES, conusor* or MEN, YOUTHS AND BOYS' CLOIHINQ9 Bedding, Table Linen, Oilclotlu, Hearthmgs, Carpets, Boots, Shoes and miscellaneous Goods of every description. :0: 'V Under the experienced Management of the well-known Mr. R. Williams. ■■' o: NOTE THE ADDRESS- CROSS STREET, HOLYWELL. Î t "'CONNAH'S QUAY. GOOD WIRE-CUT BUILDING BRICKS, ALSO, PRESS BRICKS. APPLY TO JAMES PRINCE, BRIOK WORKS, CONNAH'S QUAY. sd X Or H s rz I= t i F, a: a rz (Opposite the Kings Head Hotel), HOLYWELL. ESTABLISHED, 1866. W OWEN (Successor to D. Williams), FAMILY B UTCBER MEAT (Prime Quality only), FRESH DAILY. A LARGE STOCK OF HOME-cum HAMS AND BACON IN GRAND CONpITION. All Orders receive prompt and careful attention V TRY GRIFFITHS' BEAUTIFUL TEA at Is. lOd. per lb. GOOD FAMILY TEA, at Is. 4d. per lb. Best Brands of TINNED FRUITS I CANTON HOUSE, r HOLYWELL I V BREAKFAST—SUPPER. EPPS'S GP-ATEFUL-COMFORTING. COCOA loawo wAm oz. xmxq Foreign and^babe STAMPS DAVIES AND CO., j TTAVE now on Sale a large and varied Selection Ii STAMPS OF ALL NATIONS Made up in Packets and also gold singly. J J'i Tnspceti< h invited. J forwarded < u application at tt. [ *,bt>>-pw oe, e, HolywelL j «?>• LIGHTNING "CONDUCTORS. ELECTRIC LIGHTING Installations in Hotels, Mansions, Private BøI. denoes, Shops, to., and Repaired on the Shortoat Notice. Tll 0 M As LLOYD (LATB P. LLOYD A SON), j EflTiLBLISHKD, 1838, Rbeetricai Engineer, Painter, Plumber, Gas Fitier, Bell Hanger, Glazier, Paper Hanger, Hot and Cola Water Enpneer Shower Baths and Sprays Fixed and Repaired. CAST IRON LANDERS OF EVERY DBICAIPrIOX OILS, PAINTS AND OOLOBS D8 9. DB8nIIItIIOIf-I.L 1M. Estimates giren for aU kinds at Work, and Orders promptly extoufcad on the shortest Mtie*. EVERY VARIETY OF GLASS KEPT IN STOCK THE LARGEST STOCK OF BRASS WORK A?ITTUf« ALWAYS OH HAND HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, N.W ST. W INEFRIDE'S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES, WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. COURSE—English; French; German; Drawing; V Painting; Dancing; Calisthenios; Mneifl (Vseal and Instromentftl); plain aad faney Keedlewerk. The Convent is under the Royal Aoadsray for Ex* ama in Hoøïo, &c. ymBXLT BOARnxss summmm. NEW POST CARDS. 150 MEMORANDUM POST PABnn FOR FOURPFNC-E. 60 ORDER POST CARDS FOR FOURPENOE 50 NOTICE OF MEETING POST OABD9 FOR FOURPENCI BOOK OF 200 DUPLICATE MEMORANDUM POST CARDS FOR TWO SHILLINGS BOOK OF 200 DUPLICATE ORDBR POST CARDS FOR TWO SHILLINGS. THE NEWEST AND CHEAPEST POST CARDS NOH, TO BE Had AT THE k 11 "OliEli Villi UKFICE, B 0 L Y W F- L L 0