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A M E S A Y B R, GENERAL DRAPER AND OUTFITTER, VICTORIA HOUSE, HIGH SIBEET, HOLYWELL. -:0:- HIGH-CLASS MILLINERY A SPECIALITY. :o:—■ car An inspection of the large and varied general Stock is respectfully invited. KICHARD JONES, BUILDER, CONTRAC fOR, AND GENERAL FUNERAL UNDERTAKER. -co: RMXDRXCB BLODWEN VILLA, BRYNFORD ROAD, HOLYWELL. Busnrass ESUBLUBXRARS AND WOBXSHOPS HOLYWELL-CROSS ROAD YARD; BAGILLT-PENTRE BUILDING YARD. I SFIOIAL NOTICE. Funerals completely furnished and personally superintended. Vaults and Brick Graves neatly built. Coffins of all descriptions promptly supplied. Wreaths, Shades, Tablets, Crosses, &c., in stock. Plans, Specifications and Estimates prepared for all kinds of Buildings, including Drains and Sanitary matters generally. JOBBING WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. -:0: All orders at Bagillt will be Immediately attended to by MB. ABT&UB JONBS, Gadlys Road Farm, Bagillt. a ST. W INEFRIDE'S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. OtTRSE-Engliob; French; German; Drawing; C Painting; Dancing; Calisthenics; Musio (Vocal and Instrumental); plain and fancy Needlework. The Convent is under the Royal Academy for Ex- ams in MuBic, &o. WBBXLY BOABDU8 BBOBXTOD. A SELECT DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG LADIES is now OPEN at ST. WIKKFBIDB'B CONYXXT, Well Street. Only a limited number eoeived.—For Terms, apply to the SUPBBIOBBSS. CONNAH'S QUAY. GOOD WIRE-CUT BUILDING BRICKS ALSO, PRESS BRICKS. APPLY TO JAMES PRINCE, BRICK WORKS, OONNAH'S QUAY. J TO FARMERS AND OTHERS. I DO yon require your Corn ground ? Send it to FLIRT MILL. The work can be done quiokly and well. ALFRED MAYERS, 8, MILFORD STREET tMOLD. BILL POSTER AND DELIVERER JOHN JAMES HUGHES, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, BEGS to announce that hehassuooeededtothe busineBBSO longoarried on by hiB late Father, John Hughes, at the above premises, and trusts that by prompt attention and moderate oharges, oombined with good workmanship, to merit a oontinuance of publicsupport. THE HOME-MADE DEPARTMENT Willcontinoe to be a specialfeature of the business and greateare will be exeroised to ensure the best materials only being used. STRONG BOOTS The best andoheapest Home-made Beotsin the Market. I WOMEN AND MEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES OF BVBBYDBBOBIFNON KBPT IN BTOOK. rOTJTHS AND CHILDREN'SBOOTS AND 8LIPPEB 0) BVBBY VABXBTT OBDBBB I IOXFIIiT ATTBBDBD TO. Repairs neatly exeouted T GRIFFITH JONES, "I BILL POSTER AND TOWN CRIER, UPPER SUMMER HILL, HOLYWELL The best Posting Stations in the District. All orders promptly and thoroughly carried out. Corporation of the Oity of Manchester. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS GARDENERS. CONCENTRATED MANURE Made from Slaughter-House and Market Refuge, BLOOD, BONES, FISH, &o., It oontains 4 to 6 per cent, of Ammonia, 10 to 12 per sent. Bone Phosphate and Potash Salts and i« the best and cheapest manure in the Market. Delivered in bags, carriage paid, in 2 and 4 Ton lots within 100 miles, at jg3 Per Ton. Speoial prices for smaller quantities, and for delivery over 100 milee. This Manure is suitable for all Farm Crops and or the growth of Fruit and Flowers. Samples, Testimonials and full particulars, may be obtained from:- R. D. CALLISON, Indoor and Estates' Superintendent, Cleansing Department, Town Hall, Manchester. Or te- Ka. BOLD ALDRED, Stamford-road, Altrlnoham. V/ JUNE SAILINGS. NORTH WALES ANDJSACK THE SAME DAY. The Cheapest and least tedious Sea Trips out of Liverpool. BEST AND QUICKEST ROUTE TO HOLYWELL, St. Winefride's Well, PANTASAPH, PRESTATYN AND BrBYL. 2= VAST SALOON PADDLE STEAMER FLYING PAL003ST, SLXGM FABSS I BBTUBN FARKS Deck. Is. 6d. Available for day of issue only Bridge 2s. ed. Deck 3a. Tiwets not transferable. I Brid 3s. Children under 12 half-fare. Will sail from the Prince's Landing Stage and Mostyn (weather and other oiroumstanoes per- mitting) as under:— LIVERPOOL TO MOSTYN AND BACK THE SAME DAY. Average passage 1 hour and 46 minutes. Giving ) pauengers twoto threa hours ashore, in one of the prettier* spots in North Wales. "WSf LONG DAY TRIPS ABOUT TBN HOURS SAILINGS:— From Liverpool; From Mostyn. 17th Thursday 10.0 a.m 2.0 p.m 18th Friday 10.0 a.m 3.0 p.m 19th Saturday 12.0 noon 3.30 p.m 21st Monday 12.0 noon 6.0 p.m 22nd Tnesday 1.0 p.m 5.30 p.m 23rd M Wednesday 2.0 p.m 6.30 p.m" Thursday to 3.0 p.m 7.30 p.m 26th" Friday 4.30 p.m 8.0 p.m 26th is Saturdav 6.0 p.m 9.0 p.m 28th Monday 8.30 a.m 10.30 a.m do to 6.15 p.m to 9.0 p.m .29th U Tuesday 9.30 a.m 9.0 p.m »30th Wednesday 10.0 a.m if. 15 p.m Southport every Sunday at 3 p.m. Return fare b. 6d. 0^- • May 29th, June 14th, 15th, 28tb, 29th and 30th, Long Day Excursion from Liverpool to Mostyn and Baok. May 29th, June 14th and 28th, Long Day Excursion from Mostyn to Liverpool and Back. Refreshments on Board at Moderate Charges. For further partioulara apply Telephone No. 2334 FLYING FALOON STEAMSHIP Co., Ltd., 27, Water-street, Liverpool. J A. SCHWAIRZ, CLOCK AND WATOH MAKER, WHITFORD STREET, HOJ YWELL BEGS to announce that after the ENLARGE JJ MENT OF HIS PREMISES, he has been anabledto.;reatlyinoresse hieStook. ALL KINDS OF JEWELLER KEPI IN STOCK Cloths and Watchesofalliescriptionsmhand HANDSOME-SELECTION or ELBlOTRO-PLATED ARTIOLES BKPAIBSPROMPTLY EXECUTED ON THE PREMISES. A SPLHWDID ASBOITTXICNT 01': Guinea Gold Wtddtng and Keeper Rings. A present given with each ring bought. A privateroom to select in. DBALBB IN LOOKING GLASSES AND BAROMETERS SPECTACLES AND EYE GLASSES in great variety. A Li. 1HOM'. WHO DRSIK8 CR—JR JNPOKMAT|OS ABOUT The I Agricultural Rpsources of Canada, the Jjonh-Wcit TerritoiicN, and Krltlnh Coitisu'tia, and of the Fields In Ontario and British Columbia, SHOULD WRITE TO £ iVF».iX21>THER" l9» Jan,es street, *>JtIJ? OOIJF FOR THEIR HANDBOOK AND PAM- HHLGTS, WHICH AUK SKNT FREE Js====- |T|TnTyJi7rBtTJnlt8 "V FWBP1! roR A QUICKLY CORRECT ALL IB.R E'51' LA "KIT l F. S, SEMOVH ALL OBSTRUCTIONS, and relieve the <tis!resting symptoms to j prevalent with thetex. lions, I I U (contains three times the quantity), of all Chemists. Sent anywhere on receipt of 15 or 34 stamps, by E. T. TOWXiE A Co,, Manufacturers, Dryden St., Nottingham. t Rruare of Tmitatumi. iniurinut and tcortAkfft, t V MO N EY LENT PRIVATELY by the CHARING-CROSS BANK (Registered 8, BEDFORD-STREET, CHARING CROSS' LONDON. ESTABLISHED, 1870. Assets. £ 512,475 18 2 Liabilities 209,475 18 2 Capital and Reserve £ 303,000 0 0 Advances made upon approved Promissory Note as follows:— as follows:— Advance £ 25—12 monthlyrepayment s o f £ 2 5 11 50 4 11 L «< 100 Is 9 3 4 Larger amounththe sameinproportion. LOANS of L30 to Z2,000 granted at a few hour'snoticein town oroountry,maleorfemale, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plans, crops, &c. without removal, and to assist persont into business; also on deeds, policies, and reversions, at 5 per cent. for one month to 14 years. Distance no object. Easy repayments Strictly private. Call or write. NOTICE.—Before applying elsewhere ask any Solicitor, Auctioneer, &c., in England or Wales knowing this Bank, and you will at once find out you aretreating with an old established (1870) safe and bona fide Bank. Having large capital we do business oheaper than others. No good loan ever refused. TWO-AND-A-HALF PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on the minimum monthly balances of CUR- RENT ACCOUNTS when not drawn below 12o Deposits of £ 10 and upwards received at 3 per cent. per annum payable at 14 days' notice. Subjectto3monthB'noticeof withdrawal A4 per cent « g « 16 6 u ti 12 «« 6 Interest paid quarterly free from Income Tax Depositors have no liability whatever, and are amply secured. Prospectus free. A. WILLIAMS, Manage IJ- WORTH A GUINEA A BOX. FOR ALL BILIOUS & NERVOUS DISORDER BUCK AS SICK HEADACHE. WEAK STOMACH IMPAIRED DIGESTION. CONSTIPATION- LIVER COMPLAINT AND FEMALE AILMENTS. LARGEST SALE IN THE WORLD. Beecham's Cough Pills, For COUGHS ASTHMA, and a CHEST AFFECTIONS. In Boxes. 91d., lB. lid., and 2s. 9d.eaoh Beecham's Tooth Paste, EFFICACIOUS, ECONOMICAL, CLEANSES THE TEETH, PERFUMES the BREATH In Collapsible Tubes, lB. eaoh. Preparedonly by the Proprietor, THOMAS BEEOHAM, St. Helena, Lancashire BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND PATBNT MBDIOIKH DBALBBB EVBBYWHBBB. J "FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." IF THE MISCHIEF 18 IN THE BLOOD I KNOW OF A CERTAIN CURE, c LARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER A ND RESTORER. II Frongooh ISIOp, Llechryd, Cardiganshire, March 16,1898. co Gentlemen,-I write to thank you for the great benefit I received through taking Clarke's Blood Mixture. I had suffered for oyer eighteen months from ulcerated sores on my leg. and was unable to walk about the house without crutches. During the above period I had been treated by doctors, and had tried all sorts of remedies, but none did me any good. At the latter end of last year I was recommended to oonault a noted person for such maladies in Glamorganshire; I went there and re- mained under his care for several weeks, but had to return home despondent, without having derived any benefit. A day or two after I returned home, Mr Jones, our police officer, called, and asked how I was, and I told him my experience in Glamorgan- shire. He replied If the mischief is in the blood I know a certain cure, Clarke's Blood Mixture.' After further conversation I made up my mind to give it a trial, aud shall never forget the day. Tn less than six weeks, and before I finished taking the second bottle, I was perfectly cured, and never felt better in my life. Eve* since I have been able to attend to my household duties without the slightest difficulty whatever,—Yours truly, "AXJf THOKAI." 4, Greenfield-street, Govan, Glasgow, Jan. 5,1897 "Dear Sirll,-l feel in duty bound to add my testimonial in favour of Clarke's world-famed Blood Mixture. I have suffered for three years and six months with a dreadful sore on my upper lip and chin. I was forced to go to the Skin Hospital, in Elm Bank-street; they did not do any good to it. Then I tried most of all the principal institutions in Glasgow, and lastly the Skin and Cancer Institu- tion in St.. Vincent-street, and paid one pound before receiving any advice, and the advice was that he was afraid I would lose my upper lip I received treatment in this institution for one month and received no benefit Then he told me he would have to take the lip off, but I would not consent and of which I am a proud man to-day After this I went to the Western Infirmary, and was under a clever skin specialist I received treatmont for 13 weeks, and received a little benefit, and came out and commenced working again at my occupation, but I soon got as bad as ever I then commenced with 'Clarke's World-famed Blood Mixture,' and after taking five bottles was completely cured. But I still continued taking the Mixture till I had taken thirteen bottles You can make use of my name in any way you pleasp,Youre truly, WlLMAH PATEBSOK. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE cannot be too highly recommended For Scorfula, Scurvy, Eczema, Bad Legs, Skin and Blood Diseases, Pimples, and Sores of all kinds its effects are marvellous. As this mixture is pleasant i > the taste and war- ranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, from infancy to old age, the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test its value. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL.-Cleanise the vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, and sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul-your feelings will tell you when. Keep your blood pure, and the health of 'he system will follow Sold in bottles, 2s 9d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors thioughout the world, or sent to any address on receipt of 38 stamps, by the Proprietors, THE LINCOLN and^MIDI AND COUNTIE8 DRUG COMPANY, LINCOLN, CLARKE'S WOULD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAMBD CLARKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FA11ED CLARKE'S WORLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. FAXBD I WHEN you ASK for CLARKE'S BLOOD | MIXTURE, don't be put off with something else. Many retailers stook substitutes for all artioles in large demand, and pay their a"iitauts a com- mission on the sale of these imitations. This explains why different artioles from the one aeked for axe so frequently pat before purohaaera. .¡ A. M. D. G. THE FEASTOF ST. WINEFRIDE, V.M., WILL BB SOLEMNLY KBPT THIS YBAB, AT HOLYWELL, I ON SUNDAY, JUNE 27TH. HIGH MASS AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK. Procession and Solemn Benediction at f p,m. St. Winefride, most admirable Virgin, even in this unbelieving generation still miraoolous-Prav for iws. OUNTY COUNCIL ELECTION BRYNFORD DIVISION. TO THE RATEPAYERS OF BRYNFORD. LADIES AND G.UNTLEMEN,-As a vacancy JLj has occurred in your representation on the Flintshire County Council, I beg to offer myself as a Candidate for the vaoant seat. As an employer of labour and property owner in your Division, it would, if I am returned, be my utmost endeavour to promote and support all measures to the interest of Brynford. Respeotfully eolioiting your vote and support. I am, Your obedient servant, JOHN E. JONES. Victoria Buildings, &Eiolywell. FLINTSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL. TO THE ELECTORS OF THE BRYNFORD DIVISION. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. — A vaoancy .L) having oocurred in your representation on the County Council, I bag respectfully to offer myself as a Candidate for the position. Being a Ratepayer and Resident in your Division my interests are identioal with your own, and you may rely upon my devoting my btst energies to further every movement oaloulatad to promote the interest and well-being of the inhabitants of the County in general and of Brynford in particular. Soliciting your Vote and Support, I am, LAzi-Re AND GICNTLEXISN, Your obedient Servant, SAMUEL JONES. Ashiteld House, Milwr, June 17th, 1897. ^ONTSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL TO THE ELECTORS OF THE BRYNFORD DIVISION. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, A vacancy t having occurred in.. the representation of Bryn- ford on the above Council, at the request of several Ratepayers, and being largely interested in the Division, I beg to offer myself as a Candidate for the vacant seat. If elected, I shall be prepared, so far as I am able, to initiate and support all measures calculated to improve the commercial and social welfare of the district. Submitting my candidature to your favourable aonsideration. I am, Your obedient Servant, JOHN PHILIP JONES Pendre Cottage, Holywell, 16th June, 1897. DING & RECREATION ROOMS, HALKYN, TO BUILDERS. PERSONS willing to TENDER for the above New Buildings, can see the Plans and obtain Quantities at the Office of the Architects—Messrs Douglas and Fordham, 6, Abbey Square, Chester, on and after MONDAY, 5th JULY, 1897. Tenders endorsed Tender for Reading Rooms, &o., Halkyn," to be snt, not later than 10 a.m., on MONDAY, 12th JULY, to the Clerk to the Parish Counoil, Halkyn. The lowest or any Tender not neoeesuily aocepted. ^y^pring Bank, Halkyn. NORTH WALES AND SHROPSHIRE BILLPOSTING COMPANY., Owne a:- The Wrexham Dietrict Advertising and Billposting Co., Ltd.) HEAD OFFICBS — 24, CHESTER STREET, WREXHAM. B]aANC]ffHB HOLYWELL, BUOKLEY AND ELLESMERE Proprietors of best and most prominent Private Stations in Holywell Distriot. Orders, Posters and Handbills, should be sent to E. P. LYONS, Billposter, Holywell. This Company have carried out the largest Billposting Oontraots last year ever given in North Wa is. IFIOG NATIONAL SCHOOL. J3ri7 ANTED IMMEDIATELY for Mixed School W ASSISTANT MISTRESS (Ait. 68), to asbist master generally in teaching. Slight knowledge of Kindergarten necessary. Charge of sewing. Salary, JEX5 a year.—Address, with recent testimonials, RHCTOB, Ysosifiog, Holywell. ANTED-a handy MAN aooustomed to out- 11 door gardening, and willing to make himself generally useful.-Apply to PABBY AND MOBBIS, ironmongers, Holywell. *^T7~ ANTE D-a well-eduoated, gentlemanly Youth as APPRENTICE TO CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, one who has passed prelim. preferred. Small premium required.—JOHN PBINCE, Dispensing Chemist, Connah's Quay. OLE T-1 -MONA HOUSE," GRBENFIELD- X Containing drawing and dining rooms, kitchen, baok kitchen, good cellar and four bedrooms, together with out-houses and good garden.—Apply lojirs DYKINS, Pendre, Holywell. BE LET—A BEERHOUSE, in Batrilltj X also a fully-licensod PUBLICHOU in Flint.—Apply to KKLSTBBTON BBBWBBY Co. Li). J tt:J¡a LAD I E S I LADIES REQUIRING ASSISTANCE and RELIEF i all FEMALE AILMENTS. lltREGULARITIES; SUPPRESSIONS, and OBSTRUCTIONS can obtain the most valuable information whereby difficulties are over- come, no matter how Obstinate or Long-Standing. THIS EXTRAORDINARY MEDICINE has met with immense success in THOTJSANDS OF CASES after all others have failed. Read these extracts from Testimonials :— MEXBORO' Dear Madam,—Kindly send me a bottle of your medicine and pills, I have tried them before; on cne occasion they put me right with FOUR DOSES AFTER SIXTEEN WEEKS, ana another time Oxim DOSE DID ME GOOD,—Mrs L.T N EWOASVLE-OK-TYKB, Dear Madam,—My case was a very obstinate one of EIGHTEEN WEEKS, but with perseverence and your good advice I am happy to say I got relief.—Mrs M..T. YORK. Dear Mrs Dasmail,-I received the medicine and pills safely. The last I had proved effectual after FIVE MONTHS' SUPPRESSION AND A-iXIETY.-Mrs A.B, The above, and Thousands of similar Testimonials guaranteed Genuine UNDJm A PKNALTY OF £ 1,000. Abandon not hope; here you will And a Genuine SPECIALITY and CURE. Failure impossible. Send stamped addressed envelope for particulars. A, DASMAIL, Box, 887, Langdale House, Walthamgtow, London, HOLYWELL ROSE FESTIVAL AUGUST BANK HOLIDAY, 1897. ENORMOUS ATTRACTIONS! INTERESTING NOVELTIES! UNIQUE CONTESTS! The arrangements for this popular Festival are now being made. Full particulars will shortly be announced. THOS. O. GRIFFITHS, Secretary. WILLIAM FREEMAN, Treasurer. ^DAVISCS AND Co. BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT THE NEW STOCK OF ART PUBLICATIONS IN BOOKLETS, LEAFLETS, AND CHILDREN'S TOY BOOKS. NEWEST GAMES AND NO VBLTIES. PRETTILY BOUND S T O "Y BOOKS AT ALL PBIOES, BUITABLB FOB NEW YEAR'S PRESENTS AND SUNDAY SCHOOL REWARDS. A OHOIOB SELECTION OF Sunday School Illuminated Reward Gards. STOCK OF NICELY BOUND PRAYERS AND HYMNS. HANDSOKB Pocket and Presentation Bibles. ¿e.. Ew BOOKSI NEW JJOOKSM CONDENSED CATALOGUE OF NEW BOOKS NOW IN STOCK AT THH « OBSERVER" OFFICE, HOLYWELL At 3s. 6d. In the Rooky Mountains Cruden's Concordance At 2s. 6d. Adventurous Boat Voyages Aiming Higher Arabian Nights Debtor and Creditor Helen's Babies Habits and Characteristics of Animals King of the Conjurors Lorimer Littlegood Little Mr Bouncer Making Haste to be Rich Manse Gaiden Military Heroes of England Martin Rattler True to the Last The Country of the Dwarfs The Study of the Bible The Story of the Peninsular War Three Years in a Man Trap Robinson Crusoe Rising in the World Shakespeare Prince Charlie Parlour Pastimes Will Adams Milton's Poetical Works Living for Appearanoes Take my Advioe At 2s. Notable Workers in Humble Life Arohie Digby Lost in tho Wilds of Canada Seed Time and Harvest Defoe's Journal of the Plague" Scott's Poetical Works Confessions of a Horse Dealer Pilgrim's Progress Anecdotes of Birds, &o. Dr. Livingstone David Copperfield Dombey and Son Fifteen Months Among Kaffirs Heroes of the Battlefield]' Kenilworth Last Days of Pompei1 Mr Midshipman Easy The Cure of Buisson Retribution JE200 Reward Robinson Crusos Ministering Angel Oliver Twist Three Boota 1s. 6d. Sir Walter Raleigh Breakers Ahead Geologioal Gossip Golden Treasury Etohing Words for the Weary ls. Geordie Stuart No Gains Without Pains Tom Cringle's Log Bewitched Lamp Caught at Last REMARKABLE BARGAINS II A large Stock of beautifully bound STANDARD WORKS and NOVELS, AT I I I d. each, ORDINARY SELLING PRICE, 2.. ad. And numerous other Books to seleot from. COLOURED TOY BOOKS. SUNDAY SCHOOL REWARDS, &c., &o., at the "OBSERVER" OFFICE, HOLYWKLL, r rpO BE LET, with immediate possession, a large X YARD, occupying a good central position in Holywell, admirably adapted for the business of a ooal dealer or general merohant. -Apply, TnOKAS HVQBEi joiner and builder, Holywell. SECOND ANNUAL "EBENEZER" EISTEDDFOD WILL BB HELD AT BAGILLT, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER IITH, 1897. LIST OF SUBJECTS. BRASS BAND CONTESTS, (Under North Wales Brass Band Association Rules) 1.—For the best rendering of Gems of Victorian Melodies" (Round). First prize-19 Guineas. Consisting of J65 5s. Od. in cash, and a B flat Cornet, Exoelsior Class A Quality, No. 2 Model, Triple Silver Plated, Engraved, and with Gold Points, fitted oomplete in handsome Brown Leather Case, lined with plush value, 914 14s. Cd; and a Silver Medal for the Bandmaster, presented by Messrs Boosey and Co., 295, Regent St., London, W. 2nd prize, £ 4 3rd prize, Al. All Bande to unite to play Aberystwith (as published by Round), conducted by the Adjudicator V previous to his adjudication. 2.—For the beat played March "Dictator" (Round), on the day of the Eisteddfod. Prize, j61 18. 3.—Mixed Choir Contest (not to exoeed 30 in number). Test pieoe-II Enaid on, mae dyfroedd oerion," (Isalaw). Price, 13, and a handsome Electro Silver Prize Cup, 10 inches high. (Presented by Messrs Crane and Sons, Liverpool). 4.—Juvenile Choir Contest. Min. 24, Max. 30. Prize J62 2s., and a set of Silver mounted Carvers for the Conductor. 6.-String Qaartett, Mozart in D Miaor." Friae, 'Carrodus' Violin end Bow in case, value £10 10s. (Presented by Messrs Haynes and Co., Limited). 6.—Euphonium Solo-" The Ohallenge (Round) Prize, A handsome Gold Medal. (Presented by Messrs Joseph Higham, Limited, Manchester). List of Subjects will be sent on receipt of Id stamp by the Beoietaries:- D. R. JONBS, The Poplars, Bagillt. HUGH JONES, New Brighton, Bagillt. THE QUEEN'S DIAMOND JUBILEE AT a Publio Meeting held at the Assembly Hall, Holywell, on the 22nd day of Maroh, 1897, James Williams, Esq., Chairman of the Holywell Urban Distriot Council, presiding, it was unani- mously resolved that TUESDAY, the 22nd day of JUKB next, be observed as a General Holiday within the Holywell Urban Distriot and the Township of Greenfield, and that Subscriptions be invited for giving all Sohool Children and the aged Poor within that distriot a treat in honor of the attain. ment of the sixtieth year of the reign of Her Most Gracious Majesty the Queen. Subscriptions for that objeot will be received at the National Provincial and North and South Wales Banks, at Holywell. The following subscriptions have already been promised:— £ 8. a. x/ Total to date £ 18 6 All Persona having any Claims against the Jubilee Committee are requested to sand in particulars of the same forthwith to the Hon. Seoretary. FOR FLINTSHIRE DISPENSARY IMPROVEMENT FUND. Mra Johnson Jones, Pystill 10 0 0 Mr J. Kerfoot Evans, Victoria Mills. 5 0 0 Mr J Prys Eyton, Coed Mawr 110 Mr T J Grierson, Plas yn morfa 1 1 0 Mrs Jones, Talacre Arms 1 1 0 Mr William Jones, chemist, Corwen 1 1 0 Mr Joseph Whitjhonse and daughter, Bethesda 0 10 6 Misses Whitehouse, Holywell 0 10 6 Mr Joseph Bell, Afonwen 0 6 0 Rev Hugh Roberts, The Poplara 0 5 0 Mr Edward Jones, Ship inn 0 6 0 S. L. RBVIS, Honorary Treasurer, North and South Wales Bank Holywell. ROBBBX THOMAS, Honorary Seoretary, Brvn Ofla, Holywell. THE Queen's Diamond Jubilee. BRYNFORD. AT a PUBLIO MEETING held at the AJL NATIONAL SCHOOL, BBYNFOBD, on the 26th day of APRIL, "It was unanimously agreed that a Stained Glass Window be placed in the Church, in Memory of the late Rector, the Rev David Jones, he having faithfully served the Parish of Brynford for over 43 years." Subscriptions will be thankfully received by W. J ONES, Brynford Rectory, Holywell; and E. B. MABSDKN, National Provincial Bank, Holywell, Hon. Treasurers. £ a. d. Amount already announced. 17 5 6 Mrs Gould, Ferndale, Holywell 1 1 0 Mr E. Foulkes, Well-street, Holywoll.. 1 1 0 rtev E. O. Williams, Meliden. 1 1 0 Mr John Jones. Brynford 0 10 6 Mr Johu Smith, Penypyllau 0 10 6 Mr Thos. Thomas, Holy woll. 0 10 G Hon. Secretary:— RICHARD JONES, Sohool House, Brynford, Holywell. THIRTY SHILLINGS EEWARD- LOST, at Pantasapb, on Tuesday, June 22nd, Aj between tbe Hotel and Bryn-y-caecg, a Mr, Green Leather Purse, containing 30s. in gold and about 5s. in silver, together with a Gold Ring, initialed "A. 0. W." studded with Four Diamonds. —Apply, FBILDING Auxe ROTEL, PANTASAPH. ST. M A R K'S INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, OONNAH'S QUAY. AN INDUSTRIAL AND ART EXHIBITION WILL BB BBLD IN ST. MARK'S SCHOOL, ON AUGUST 11th 8nd 12th, 1897 Prizes to the value of £ 3„ iiro offered. For Schedules, Entry Forms, &o., apply- 148. J. W. OONNELL, HON. SBCBBTABT, CONNAH'S QUAY. THE "OBSERVER" DIAMOND JUBILEE SUPPLEMENT. J With this issue of the FLINTSHIRE OBSERVER" will be Presented an ILLUSTRATED 8UPPLEMEBT Descriptive of the Sixty Years Glorious Reign of Her Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria.