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PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. A GRAND BAZAAR, WILL BE HBLD AT THB ASSEMBLY HALL. HOLYWELL, ON CHRISTMAS AND BOXING DAYS, 1897. Proseedo in aid of liquidating the debt iuourred with the rt novation of Pandref Wesleyan Chapel. Further particulars will appear shortly. MH. W. B. BRIERLEY, Mus. BAG., OXON., F.R.C.O., (ORGANIST AND DIRECTOR OF MUSIC TO HIS GRACE THE DUKE OF WESTMINSTER, K.G.), SITS HOLYWELL weekly and all. at V Intermediate Stations, and is prepared to receive pupils in any of the following subjects:- PIANO, ORGAN, VIOLIN, SINGING, HARMONY, COMPOSITION, fto. Forterdcs, &o., apply to— ECCLEUTOH, CHBSTBB. MR. E. C. BRIGGS, Batt. Bandmaster, 2nd; R. W. f., B Teacher ef Music &0 Musical Instruments, (HIQHBST DIPLOMA R.M.O.M.), Reed Organs, Harmoniums, Pianofortes, &c., Tuned and Repaired.—Terms moderate, BAGILLT STREET, HOLYWELL. Agent for the PROVIDENT FBlIB Home ASSUBANCB COMPANY, Limited, London. ENGLISH CHOLERA! ENGLISH CHOLERA! DIARRHEA or ENGLISH CHOLERA (From whatever cause), CAN BB OUBBD BY TAXIXG MICHAEL JONES' Celebrated Diarrhoea Mixture, Which has enjoyed a world-wide reputation for its efficacy for the last 50 years. Sold in bott'es at 7-1d., 13id., and 2i 9d. eaoh. Free by Paroel Post to any Address in the United Kingdom for 9, 16, or 36 stamps. Prepared and Sold only by the joint Proprietors: 0. WILLIAMS JONES, A.P.S., APOTHKCABIBS' HALL, FLUTT; AND K. LLOYD JONES, M.P.S., MEDICAL HALL, CONNAH'S QUAY. COLD INCANAM. KLONDYKE. All who desire information respecting Klondyke aDd the GoldttelilH of Ontario and British Columbia should write to ALLAN BROS. & CO., 19, James St., Liverpool, for their MAPS and LEAFLETS regarding the above and the ACRFCULTURAL RESOURCES OF CANADA, whlGll oft Bent FREL tCJr LADIESI T ADIES REQUIRING ASSISTANCE and RELIEF i all FEMALE AILMENTS. IRREGULARITIES; SUPPRESSIONS, and OBSTRUCTIONS can obtain the most valuable information whereby difficulties are over- come, no matter how Obstinate or Long-Standing. THIS EXTRAORDINARY MEDICINE has met with immense success in THOUSANDS OF CASES after all othen have failed. Read these extracts from Testimonials mzx-jtol Dear Madam,—Kindly send me a bottle of your medicine and pills, I have tried them before; on one occasion they pnt me right with FOUR DOSES AFTKH SIXTEEN WICKS, ana another time ONE DOBE DID ME GOOD,-Ifrs L.T N KWCASTLE-ON-TYXI. Dear Madam,—My case was a very obstinate one of HIOHTEEN WEEKS, but with perseverence and your good advice I am happy to say I got relief.—Mrs M.J. Yoax. Dear Mrs Dafsmaii,-I received the medicine and pills safely. The last I had proved effectual after VIVB XOXTIS' SUPPRESSION AND ANXIKTY. -Mrs A.B, The above, and Thousands of similar Testimonials guaranteed Genuine UNDER A PENALTY or f.1,000. Abandon not hope; here you will find a Genuine SPECIALITY and CURE. Failure impossible. Send stamped addressed envelope for particulars. A, DASMAL, Box, 887, Langdale House, Walthamstow, Londsni ORDER EARLY! ORDER EARLY!! CHRISTMAS ANNUALS. PEAR'S ANNUAL. BLACK AND WHITE. GBAPHIC. ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS. SPORTING AND DRASIATIC NEWS AND ALL CHRISTMAS NUMBERS OF MAGAZINES, TO BE OBTAINED OF DAVIES AND Co., < < OBSER VER » OFFICE J HOLYWELL. Order early to prevent disappointment. A STTTVPT DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG A LADIES « dow OPEN at ST. wznxpmies CONVENT, Well Street. Only » eceived.—For Terms, apply to the SUPBBIOBBSS. ST. WINEFRIDE'S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. OT-TRSE-English; French; German; Drawing; C Painting; Dancing; Calisthenics; Musio (VooaJ and Instrumental); plain and fancy Needlework. The Convent is under the Royal Academy for Ex- ams in Music, &c. TFKBKLY BOABDBBS BHCBIVSD. MONEY LENT PRIVATELY by the OHARING-OROSS BANK (Registered 23, BEDFORD-STREET, OHARING CROSS LONDON. ESTABLISHED, 1870. Assets. £ 512,475 18 2 Liabilities 209,47618 2 Capital nd Reserve. £ 303,000 0 0 Advances made upon approved Promissory Note as follows:- Advance 925-12 monthlyrepsyments of £ 2 6 11 « 50 «• i 11 t 100 «« «« 9 3 4 Larger araountethesamein proportion. LOANS of 130 to 12,000 granted at a few hour'snoticein town or country, male oil emale, on mortgage of furniture, trade and farm stock, plans, crops, &o., without removal, and to assist persont into business; also on deeds, policies, and reversions, at 5 per cent. for one month to 14 years. Distance oo object. Easy repayments Strictly private. Oall or write. NOTICE.—Before applying elsewhere ask atiy Solicitor, Auctioneer, fto., in England or Wales knowing this Bank, and you will at once find o-ilt you are treating with an old established (1870) safe and bona d. Bank. Having large capital we do business cheaper than others. No good loan evar refused. TWO-AND-A-HALF PER CENT. INTEREST allowed on the minimum monthly balances of OUU. RENT ACCOUNTS when not drawn below A,10 Depositsof L 10 and upwards received at 3 pw cent. per annum payable at 14 days' notice. Subjeotto3 month a* notic e of withdraw al 14 per cent It 6 It CI 6 C. 12 as of 6 II Interest paid quarterly free from Income Tst* Depositors have no liability whatever, and are amply seoured. Proapeotus free. A. WILLIAMS, Manager. JOHN JAMES HUGHES, BOOT AND SHOEMAKER, HIGH STREET, HOLYWELL, BEGS to announce that JD businessso longcarried on by hialateFather* John Hughes, at the above premises, and trusts that by prompt attention and moderate charges, combined with good workmanship, to merit a continuance of publicsupport. THE HOME-MADE DEPARTMENT Willcontinueto be aspecialfeatureof the business and greatoare will be exeroisedto ensure the best materialsonly being used. STRONG BOOTS Thebest and cheapestHome-mad eBeotsin the Market. WOMEN AND MEN'S BOOTS AND SHOES O* BVBBTDBSOBIPTIOK XNPT ZIR STOCK. YOUTHS AND CHILDRZNISBOOTS AND 8LIPPEB OF BVBBT VABIBTY OBDBBB FBOMPTLT ATTBHDBD TO. Repairs neatly executed. O BE LET—A BEERHOUSE, in Bagillt; also a fully-licensed PUBLICHOUSE, in Flint.-Apply to KBLSTHBTOK BBBWBBT Co. LD. to FOR THE BLOOD IS THE LIFE." IF THE MISCHIEF JS IN THE BLOOD I KNOW OF A OERTAlll CURE, QLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER AND RESTORER. Frongoah Issop, Llechrrd, Cardiganshire, March 16,1896. et Gentlemen.-I write to thank you for the grea benefit I received through taking Clarke's Bloofl Mixture. I had suffered for over eighteen months from ulcerated sores on my leg. and was unable to walk about the house without crutches. Daring th* above period I had been treated by dooton, and had tried all sorts of remedies, but none did ma any good- At the latter end of last year I was recommended to consult a noted penon for anoa. maladies in Glamorganshire; I went there and re- mained under hit oare for several weeks, but had to return home despondent, without having derireA any benefit. A day or two after I returned home. Mr Jones, our police officer, called, and asked how I was, and I tola him my experience in Olamotgan- shire. He replied 'If the mischief is in the blood I know a certain eure, Clarke's Blood Mixture.' After further conversation I made up my mind to rive it a trial, and shall never forget the day. Ia l««s than six weeks, and before I finished taking the seeond bottle, I was perfectly cured, and never felt better in my Ufe. Evai since I have been able te attend to my household duties without the slightest difficulty whatever,—Tonrs truly, "A** THOMAS." "4, (Jresnfleld-strset, Goran, Glasgow, Jan. 189T "Dear Sirs,—1 feel in duty bound to add my testimonial in favour of Clarke's world-famed Blood Mixture. I have suffered for three yean audt six months with a dreadful sore on my upper lip and chin. I was forced to go to the Skin Hospital, in Elm Bank-street; they did not do any good to it. Then I tried most of all the principal institutions in Glaagow, and lastly the Skin and Cancer Institu- tion in St. Vincent-street, and paid one pound before receiving any advice, and the adTiee wae that he was afraid I would lose my upper lip I received treatment in this institution for one month, and reoeived no benefit Then he told me he would have to take the lip off, but I would not consent, and of which I am a proud man to-day After this I went to the Western Infirmary, and was under a clever skin spsoialist I received treatment for IS weeks, and reoeived a little benedt, and came out and commenced working again at my occupation, but I eoon got as bad as ever I then commenoed with Clwke's World-famed Blood Mixture,' and after taking five bottles waa completely eured. But I still continued taking the Mixture tin I had taken thirteen bottles You can make use of my name in any way you please.-Tours truly, WILLI AX PATBBSO*. THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS For cleansing and clearing the blood from all impurities CLAftNE 8 BLOOD MIXTURE cannot be too highly recommended For Soorfula, Scurry, Ecsema, Bad Legs, Skin and Blood Diseases, Piaples, and Sores of all kinda its effects are marvellous. As this mixture is pleasant to the taate and war- ranted free from anything injurious to the most delicate constitution of either sex, from infancy to old age. the Proprietors solicit sufferers to give it a trial to test ita value. IMPORTANT NOTICE TO ALL.—Cleanse the vitiated blood whenever you find its imparities bursting through ths skin in pimples, eruptions, and sores cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the reins; cleanse it when it is foul—your feelings will tell you when. Keep your blood pure, and the health of *he system will follow. Sold in bottles, 28 9d each, by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the world, or sent to any address on receipt of 18 stamps, by the proprietors, THE LINCOLN and MIDLAND COUNTIES DRUG COMPANY, LINCOLN, CT, A TIKE'S WOBLD- BLOOD MIXTURE. c FAXBD CLARKE'S wosm. BLOOD MIXTURE. c FAXED CLARKE'S WOBLB- BLOOD MIXTURE. 7AXBS WHEN yon ASK for CLARKE'S BLOOD MIXTURE, don't be pnt off with something else. Many retailers stook substitutes for all articles in large demand, and pay their assistants a aom. mission on the we of these imitations. This explains why different articles from the one asked for are so frequently pat before purchasers. 4jr Destroys Kits* Ac*« and makes Children's Hair tfrow Beautiful, Curly, Soft and Btroni. A lady writes. I hare used HAGON's Cleanser tot BsSeSI the last 10 y«are Ejy glrla, and they now hare Beautiful Golden Hair In great tbundaatee." Sola In, mott Chemist', and any C'hfmUt uillobtain Uifa»U4, Ztinliiton HAGON's; nothing elm uilldo ftojmor*; Sales 111 Mr. William Freeman. MR. WILLIAM FREEMAN WILL SELL BY AUCTION, AT THB CROSS KEYS YARD, HOLYWELL, On FRIDAY, the 12th day of NOVEMBER, 1897, At THBBB O'OLOOZ In the afternoon, A Collection of very useful HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, and miscellaneous effeota. Auotioa Offiae: Perthyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. AT THE RECTORY, YSCEIFIOG. Highly important Sale of valuable Carriage Horses, Milch Cows, Heifers, Sheep and Pigs, Phaetons, Waggonette, Aylesbury Dog Cart, Double and Single Sets of Harness, Patent Horse Cart and Gears, Cistern and Trough, Iron Hurdles, Stack of Hay, Oats and Straw, Manure, Timber, Various Tools, two to three hundred choice Flowering Plants, surplus Furniture and effects. HR. WILLIAM FREEMAN IS favoured with instructions from the exeoutovs of the RBV. D. MosdAV, (deceased), to Sell by Publio Auction, on MONDAY ft TUESDAY, NOV. 22ad ft 23rd, 1897 THE TBBT VALVAIAM OUT-DOOR EFFECTS & LIVE STOCK, ooacPBiuxa:— Honzs.-A very promising iron-grey carriage horse, rising 6 years old, 15 3 hands, a light grey, very fait earriage horse, 7 years old, 15*3 hands, both quiet to ride and drive, in single and doable harness, a smart bay well-bred mare, rising 6 years old, 14.31 hands, quiet to ride, drive and stable. CATTiiB.—A grand miloh oow, dee to calve at Christmas, a young in-calf cow in fall milk, two in-oalf and one barren heifers. SHBBP AND Fits. Seven yoaog eross-bred Shropshire own and lambs, and one yearling ram, two well-fed bacon pigs. CABBIAOKS, E[Aiman, &a.-A very stylish and nearly new reversible waggonette for tiogla or pair of horses, a nearly new London built Aylesbury dog. cart oomplete, a newly repaired four-seited phaeton, S3 all phaeton, damaged ditto, Crottkilft patent horse oart oomplete, water barrel, wheelbarrow, lawn mowers, garden tools and roller, about eight doien strong iron hurdles, sets of plated and brass- mounted double and singls harness, ladies and gent's London made saddles, horse olotbiug, stable tools, water cisterns, trough, wire netting, tennis nets, garden frames, seakale pots, salting tornel, firewood timber, &a. THB PBOBUOB includes: A stack of well-harvested hay, oooks of oats, thrashed ditto and straw, manure, quantity of swedes, also, about 300 ohoioe flowering greenhouse plants, a large quantity of flowerpots, fts. The HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WILL XNOLUDB A large teleioope mahogany dining table, hand- some sideboard, twelre ohairs in Morocoo leather (all to match), large and small oarpets, piotnree, lamps, cupboards, oocasional tables, inee-holed desks, library and bedroom ohairs, a number of brass-mounted and other bedsteads, palliasses, seven feather beds, ohests-of-drawers, dressing glasses, dressing tables and washstands, toilet services, kitchen, soullerr, and dairy ntensils, galvani"d bottle raok stillages, and a large assortment of useful effects, which will be folly described io catalogues. RAw TO OOKKBXCS EACH DAY RUXORUAIOT A* EunrxN O'OLOCX. Order of Sale: First Day, Outside Effects Second Day, Eowthold Furntiurt. A,aotioo OlBoe: Perthyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. IMPORTANT SALE of 30 Head of Young Cattle; 14 exoelloat Oart Horses, Mares, Young Colts, Fillies and Promising Cobs; valuable Farm Implements; Shropahire Sheep Breeding Sows; Swedes; and surplus HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &o. MB. WM. "FREEMAN IS favoured with instructions from Mas Wm<uics, who is leaving PLAS CAPTAIN FARM, SXTTJATB IfIWI TO LLYNHELIG, FLINTSHIRE, TO SELL BY PUBLIO AUOTION, ON THB ABOTM-NAXED VABX, ON THURSDAY, mu 25m or NOVEMBER, 1897, The whole of the very excellent LIVE STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, fto., Bonn.-Three powerful bay eart horses and one mare, rising 4 to 8 years old, about id to 161 hands, all oapital workerd, one brood oart mare, 9 years old, one Mack and three bay very promising oart colt and fillies, rising 2 and 3 years old, three very smart well- bred fillies, rising 3 years old, and two yearling colts, all bred on the Farm, and highly recommended. CATTLB.—Four well-fed two-and-a-half years old bullocks, and one well-bred bull, eight ooloary well- brei young oows, one large breed roan oow, five 12 to 18-months' old heifers and stirks, two in-oalf heifers and seven yearlings. SJIU. dJ) rim.-Ninoteen cross-bred Shropshire ewes and a yearling ram, two large breed young sows (one in-pig). TIm IXKJOCBKTS, fto., oomwans-Two nearly new combined reaping and mowing machines Co Tbe Victoria 11 and The Prinoess," two single horse- powers, for chaff outting, turnip slioingandohuming, the latest patents of ohaffoutters, turnip pulptrs and slioers, with single and double aotion, Avtry'* weigh- ing maobine, two four-and-a-half-inoh and one narrow-wheeled farm oaiti, a strong ipringed four- wheeled lurry, also, a very useful pony, light-running trap and harness, a strong iron oultivator, a twelve cylinder iron roller, horce bay rake, sets of three and four piece iron barrows, scufflers, Ratuom* and Sim's oostly one-way plough, ridging plough, three iron owing plough*, two patent sheep raeks, three square wood cattle oratohes, iron and atone pig troughs, wheelbarrows, turnip and olovec seed drills, corn screen, wire netting, swingtrees and a variety of Farm tools, to., sets of saddlery, in shaft, leading and plough goaro. Alto, the oapital DAIRY UTENSILS and surplus HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, which will be fully desoribed in Catalogues. BARA TO OOUCnrOB AT BLnø A.M. rBOKK. Catalogues at the Farm a few days prior to Sale, and of the AVOIZOBBBB. Auction Offloe' Perthyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT. A GRAND EVENING CONCERT WILL BB JØLD » m. ENGLISH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, HOLYWELL. TOWARDS THE END OF JANUARY NEXT. TO BE LET .—KELSTON FARM, near Llanasa, oonsift i of about 350 j Possession of the Land m November.—For further partioular*, apply P. HADCOM CATB, Talaove, Holy* well, N.W. TO BE LET —with immediate possession— SAITHAELWYD COTTAGE," situate about One Mile from the Town of Holywell, and near to Pantasaph. The Honse stands within iti own well-wooded grounds, with lawn in front and gardens. It contains Dining, Drawing and Smoking Rooms, two Kitihens, baok Kitchen and four Bed- rooms. Splendid situation, overlooking Estuary of the River Dee. Stable and Coach-house contiguous. —Apply, "OBSBBTBB" Omon, Holywell