Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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MSS. THOMAS, REGISTRY OFFICE FOR SERVANTS, GWENFFRWDD HOUSE, MOLD. HAS levertl Cooks and General Servants; House- maids and Under-housemaids, Sewing-maids, and Nbl8ØS on her Books. Great attention is given to procure good Servants; also, gool Situations. ST. W INEFRIDE'S BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES WELL STREET, HOLYWELL. COURSE—English French; German Drawing; Painting; Dancing; Calisthenics; Music (Vocal and Instrumental); plain and fancy Needlework. The Convent is under the Royal Academy for Ex- ams in Music, &o. WBBKLY BOABDBB8 BBCBIYKD. A CLASS FOR INSTRUCTION IN PAINTING IN OILS AND WATER COLOURS, COMMENCED AT ST. WINEFRIDE'S CONVENT, WELL STREET, ON THURSDAY, wuis 10TH OF FEBRUARY, 1898 And will be continued till J ana. For Terms, apply to THE SUPHBIOBBSB. A DRESSMAKING CLASS Will ba held on MONDATS, at 6 p.m., commencing FBBBUABT 7th. For terms, apply to the SOTSBIOBBSB, as above. ■\ SELECT DAY SCHOOL for YOUNG J\. LADIES is now OPEN at ST. WINBFBIDB'S CONVBHT, Well Street. Only a limited number eoeived.—For Terms, apply to the SUPBBIOBBBB. DEDICATED BY PERMISSION TO BISHOP MOSTYN. THE SONG OF ST. WINEFIIIDE. MUSIC BY BRYCESON TREHEARN, R C M., The Worda by the Publisher, B. PABBY, Oxford Street, Swansea. Copies may be had of the local Mueiosellors. PBIOB, 28. NET. YMFUDIAETH I CAN AD A Y TIR AM DDIM YN MANITOBA. TIR AM DDIM NEU AM BRIS ISEL GAN Y LLYWODRAETH MEWN TALAETHAU ERAILL. HEFYD, FFERMYDD DIWYLLIEDIG YN RHAD. Y Doabarthiadau sydd Eisieu.—Personau yn barod i fentro arian allan, rhai gydag yohydig fuddiannan, Ffermwyr, Gwyr a Gwragedd, Dynion Dibriod ewyllysgar i weithio fel Llaf urwyr A maethyddol, a Gwyr leusine a ddymnnant ddysgu ffarmio. Dar- pariaethau neillduol i Forwynion. Y mae Canada yn gyfoetbog o aur a mwnau eraill, ooedwigoedd mawrioD, pysgodfeydd cynyrohiol, llaw-weithfaoedd pwysig, mwy o dir ffrwythlon i'w gynyg i ymf udw-yr nag un wlad arallyn y byd, ao y mae ei threfnidiaeth a gwledydd eraill yn mhob cangen o fasnaoh yn mynd ar gynydd. Gellir eael panapbledaa a mapiau a phob hysbyat rwydd o bwya i ymfudwyr, .ao am sefyllfa gwaith-, ma.«naoh y Drefedigaeth, yn rhad drwy anfon 10 Oruohwyliwr Llywodraeth Canada yn Nghymra, as The Walk. Caerdydd, neu oddiwrth unrhyw Oru- chwyliwr i Lywodraeth Oanala yn y Deyroas Qyfanol. Gwaboddir gohebiaeth non yragonJad personol. JUNE SAILINGS. NORTH WALES AND BACK THE SAME DAY. The Cheapest and least tedious Sea Trips out of Liverpool. BEST AND QUICKEST ROUTE TO HOLYWELL, ST. WINEFRIDE'S WELL, PANTASAPH, PRESTATYN AND RHYL. TTTH FAST SALOON PADDLE STEAMER FLYING FALCON SINGLB FAiaxs Deok Is. 6d. Bridge. 2s. 6d. Tickets not Transferable. RBTTTBN FABES Available for day of issue only Deok 2s. Bridge 3s. Children under Liosive naif-'are* K Will sail from Prinoe's Landing Stage and Mostyn (weather and other circumstance permitting) a under:- LIVERPOOL TO MOSTYN AND BACK THE SAME DAY. Average passage 1 hour and 45 minutes. Giving passengers two to three hours ashore in one of the prettiest spots in North Wales. tggr LONG DAY TRIPS ABOUT 10 HOURS. SAILINGS MAY From LIVERPOOL. From MosTyw. 28 Saturday 2 0 p.m 5 0 p-iru 31 Tuesday 3 30 p.m 7 30 p.m JUNE 1 Wednesday 4 0 p.m II 8 0 p.m *2 Thursday 00. 0" 8 0 a.m .• 7 30 p.m *3 Friday 9 0 a.m 7 SO p.m 4 Saturday 9 0 a.m •• 12 0 noon 6 Monday 10 0 a.m 1 0 p.m 7 Tuesday 10 0 a.m 2 0 p.m 8 Wednesday 10 0 a.m 3 0 p.m 9 Thursday 11 0 a.m 4 0 p-m 10 Friday 11 Oa.m 5 0 p.m 11 Saturday 2 0 p.m 6 0 p.m 18 Monday. 3 0 p.m 7 0 p.m 14 Tuesday, 4 0 p.m 7 30 p.m *15 Wednesday 7 45 a.m 10 Oa.m 5 30 p.m 8 0 p.m *16 Thursday § 30 a.m 8 0 p-m *11 Fiiday 9 Oa.m 8 Op.m 18 Saturday 9 08.01 12 0 noon 20 Monday 10 0 a.m II 1 Q p.m 21 Tuesday 10 Oa.m 2 0 p.m 22 Wednesday 10 08.01 2 30 pm 23 Thursday 10 0 a.m 3 0 poOl 24 Friday 11 o, 3 30 p.m 25 Saturday 12 30 p.m 4 0 p.m 27 Monday 12 0 noon 5 30 p.m 28 Tuesday. 6 0 p.m 29 Wednesday 2 30 p.m 6 30 p.m 30 Thursday 3 0 p.m 7 30 p.m LONG DAY TBIPS. Refreshments on Board at Moderate Charges For farther pariioaiars apply Telephone INO. *334 FLYING FALCON STEAMSHIP Co., LTD., 27, Water-street, Liverpool. r TO THE- DEAF7 f A tieh lady, ourel of her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Dr. Nieholgon's Artificial Ear Drams, has sent £ 1,000 to his Institute, so that Deaf people unable to procure the Ear Drums may have them free. Apply by ktt»t to:—0. Q. C. RICHAEIWW, 9, Great RusitU Street, London, W.C- V Thomas HUGHES, JOINER. BUILDER, WHEELWRIGHT AND UNDERTAKER, HOLYWELL. WORKSHOPS & TIMBER YARD: BACK OF NORTH & SOUTH WALES BANK, HIGH STREET. The following Timber always kept in Stock: SPRUCE AND PINE BOARDS FROM HALr-INOH UPWARDS; SPRUCE AND YELLOW PINE PLANKS; Ollie-Ilten SPRUCE FLOORING BOARDS; THRBB-QUARTERS AND OHB-INOH SPRUCE & RED DEAL MATCH BOARDS. Biroh and Oak Boardi Lanoewuod and Ash bent Shafts; Felloes for Cart and Carriage Wheels; Dressed Oak Spokes for Carriage Wheels; Futohels, and Turned Naves; Turned li inch, 2 inch. and 3 inoh Table Legs, &c. PAINTED SPRUCE FIELD GATES KEPT ON HAND. SLATING AND PLASTERING LATHS. CEMENT AND HAIR. NEW WHEELS of every description made of the best well- seasoned Timbers. TRAPS, CARTS & SHANDRIES, MADE AND REPAIRED. RDER8 QUICKLY EXECUTED.!# IV CYCLES I CYCLESI WILLIAM H. HALDEN, 2, S.EA VIEW TERRACE, HOLWAY, HOLYWELL, AGENT NOT RETAILER. AS all who are in the "KNOW" are aware, 50% discount of! list prices, are the usual terms allowed by Manufacturers of Cycles t, Retailers. As I am not a Retailer, but an Agent for the Manufacturers, I oharge 10% as commission, and allow 40% to Customers. Saoh a large discount is not to be bad from any other Agent, or Re!ailer, in Great Britain. PRICES TO SUIT ALL LADIES OR GENTLEMEN. The following are a few of the Cycles that may be had on above terms:—Palmer, James, Hobart, Trent, Engineer, Victoria, Wulfruna, Whit9, TowDend, Shakespeare, Optimus, Globe, Simplex, NoDjape, and a Host of others. gTJN" INSURANCE OFFICE, FOUNDED 1710 Sum insured in 1897 exoeeds 2425,000,000, For all particulars apply to the following Agent, HOLYWELL.MB. ROBERT THOMAS. MOLD MBSBBS KELLY, KEENE & 00 ST. ASAPH MB. Ll. LLOYD. BUCKLEY MB. EDWARD ROBERTS ^TO FARMERS AND ^OTHERS. DO you vequire your Corn ground ? Send it to FLIWT MILL. The work can be done quickly ani well. OBSERVER OFFICE, HOLYWELL. QHASTE B t CAPTIVATING Toy JJOOKS — PRESENTATION VOLUMES — AT ALL PRICES. THE CHEAP LIBRARY OPULAR NOVELS Neatly Bound in Cloth at the low Price of Hi D. EACH. AN IMMENSE STOCK TO SELECT FROM CHURCH SERVICES IN ELEGANT BINDINGS. Teachers' Bibles with Concordance and Maps combined. gUNDAY gCHOOL J^EWARD AMD >J1EXT QARDS. •OBSERVER7 OFFICE, HOLYWELL. GRIFFITH JONES, BILL POSTER AND TOWN GRIER, UPPER SUMMER HILL, HOLYWELL The best Posting Stationsinthe District. A.llf'o*ders promptly and thoroughly carried out Hason,e OL knogftl, A b r T M. WASS, CYCLE DEPOT, FLINT. OFFICIAL REPAIRER C.T.C. Agent for Flint and District for R. & Po's Cycles and many other Leading Makers. MACHINES MADE TO ORDER. Firet and Second Class from AS 10s. Od. First Class Machines for Second Class Prices, il I I Is Call and inspect them. Eaoh machine guaranteed. All makes of Tyres fitted to suit Customers, at Lowest Prices possible. Great Variety of Cycle Aocesseries always on Stock. AGBNT FOB— WHEELER AND WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES. CYCLES AND SEWING MACHINES Supplied on the Deferred System. EASY PAYMENT SYSTEM. T. M. WASS. V Do you Oycle P Do you Cycle? IF YOU DO, CALL AT THE "OBSERVER'' OFFICE. HOLYWELL, AND PURCHASE ONB OF THBIB SPECIAL # IR, O A. 3D li/Z A. IE3 3 BEFOBB STARTING ON TOUB TOUB. MAPS OF HOLYWELL & DISTRICT MOXTNTBD ON /^»D. EACH. CLOTH, O MAPS OF NORTH WALES Strongly bound in cloth oovers, with guide to all plaoea of Q interest in North Wales. 1 The Maps are made from the New Ordnance Survey, and the Main Roads are distinctly coloured. Davies & Oo.'s Speciality. LOCAL AGENT FOR THE SALE OF COLEMAN'S WINCARNIS, For which over 6,000 Testimonials have been teoeived from Medioal Men:- Sold by- D. HUGHES, Chemist, High Street, Holywell. E. ULKES, Grocer, Welt Street, Holywell. v/MB- E. C. BHIQGS, Teacher of Music Ó" Musical Instruments, (HIGHBST DIPLOMA R.M.C.M.), Reed Organs, Harmoniums, Pianofortes, &c.r Tuned and Repaired.- Terms moderate, 4yTlTHE BARN PLACE, FLINT. TO BE LET—A BEERHOUSE, in Baglllt; also a fully-licensed PUBLICHOUSE in Fl* A ly to KBLSUBBTON BEBWKBY 00., LD. ¥ For the Blood is the Life."—Deuteronomy XII., 28. Health and Vigor depend upon the quantity and quality of the Blood." -Humanstarsan. -i Keep the Blood pure and the Health of the System will "follow." -Health. We have seen hosts of letters bearing testimony to the truly wonderful oures effected by Clarke's World-Famed 41 Blood Mixture. It is the finest Blood Purifier that Science "and Medical Skill have brought to light, and we can with the utmost confidence recommend it to our subscribers and U the public generally." -Family Doctor. CLARKE'S JJLOOD MIXTURE ^JLARKE'S JJLOOD jy £ lXTURE QLARKE'S JgLOOD jyj^lXTURE THE WORLD-FAMED BLOOD PURIFIER, For Scrofula, Scurvy, Eczema, Bad Legs, Ulcers, Glandular Swellings, Skin and Blood Diseases, Pimples and Sores of aU kinds, and for oleansing and clearing the Blood from all impurities, it cannot be too highly recommended. It is the only real specific for Gout and Kheumatic Pains, f0*lt removes the cause from the Bleed and Bone#. TOLD ME HE WOULD HAVE TO TAKE MY LIP OFF." 1, 1 feel in duty bound to add m) testimonial in. favour of Clarke's world-famed Blood Mixture. I have suffered for three years and six months with a oreaarul sore on my upper lip and chin. I was foroed to go to the Skin Hospital in Elm Bank-street; they did not do any good to lt. Then I tried most of all the principal institutions in Glasgow, and lastly the Skin and Cancer Institution in St. Yincent-street, and paid one pound before receiving any advice, and the advice will that he was afraid I would lose my upper lip I received treatment in this institution for one month, and received no benefit. Then he told me he would have to take the lip off, but I would not consent, and of which I am a proud man to-day. After this I went to the Western Infirmary, and was under a clever skin specialist. I received treatment for 13 weeks, and received a little benefit, and came out and commenced working again at my occupation, but I soon got aa bad as ever I then commenced with 'Clarke's woriu-iamea Blood Mixture,' and after taking five bottles was completely cured. But I still oontinued taking the Mixture tl1 1 b8.d taken 13 bottles You can make use of my name in any way yow please.—Yours truly, "WIUJAH PATKRSON, "4, Greenfield-street, Govan, Glasgow, January. 5th, 1897." "TURNED OUT OF HOSPITAL, AS I WOULD NOT CONSENT TO HAVE MY LEG OFF." I send you this testimonial, for I have derived a great hpnefit bv taking Clarke's Blood Mixture, after two years of sreat suffering with a very bad leg. I have been in a Rirminrfiam hospital 18 months, and six months outpatient at another hospital at Birmingham. I was turned outin- as I would not consent to have my leg taken off. 1 curable, riarke's Blood Mixture by a friend of miiie ™S te7i £ 5?»»<* t?«"» } "-a ""J11 ttjf was able to go about on my crutches. I had another bottle, Tnd by the tfme I had finished it my leg was quite well, and I am able to go to my work. I am a Birmingham maa, but am working at present in Halifax and I am willing to answer any questions that anyone may vnsh to ask, for I cannot speak too highly of it. I recommend it to aU. You may make use of this if you like. E. TAYLOR, 2. Hanson Square, Fleet Street, Halifax, Yorks, "October 23rd, lf97." IMPORTANT ADVICE TO ALL.-Cleanse the vitiated blood whenever yon find its impurities bursting through the skin in pimples, eruptions, and sores cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul—your feelings will tell you when. Keep your blood pure, and the health of the system will follow. In bottles, 2s 9d each, by all Chemists throughout the World, or sent for 33 stamps, by the propnetors, J.he Lincoln and Midland Counties Drug Coy., Lincoln- THOUSANDS OF TESTIMONIALS. /CLARKE'S JJLOOD jypXTURE. /CLARKE'S ■gLOOD M™. QLARKE'S JgLOOD jyJlXTURE. Do not be persuaded to take an imitation or substitute. if Sales by Mr. William Freeman. J PRELIMINARY ANNOUNCEMENT OF SALE AT OAKLANDS, BAGHLLT. ON TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY, t THE 5TH AHD 6TH DAYS OF JULY, 1898. t c MR. WM. FREEMAN BEGS to announce his instructions from Mr WM. PIBBOQ, who is changeiog his residence, to Sell by PUBLIC AUCTION, at the above-named address, the whole of the valuable and modern HOUSEHOLD APPOINTMENTS, of Entrance Hall, Dining-room, Drawing-room, Breakfast-room, Bedrooms, Kitchen and Culinary Effects. Also, about Fifty valuable Oil Paintings (by eminent Artists), Engravings, Oleographs, &c,, &c. Auction Office:- byterfyu Cottage, Holywell. ^^Ijfcfchyterfyn Cottage, Holywell. SAMUEL WITHERS & CO., I (Successors to the Original Firm of George Withers and Sons), Established 1843 at Park Works, Went Bromwiob, have instructed ( MR. WILLIAM FREEMAN TO SELL BY AUCTION, AT THE ( ASSEMBLY HALL, HOLYWELL, ON FRIDAY, THE 24TH DAY OF JUNE, 1898, I AT THUS O'CLOCK PfiOKPT, 15 Gold Medal Bent Steel Safes from 20 in. to 3 ft. high, with single and double £ doors, and fitted with patent unpiokable lever lo-ks, i with duplicate keys, oath drawers, loose shelves, and all latest improvements, tto. Makers to Her Majesty's Board of Works; The r Central Post Offioe Savings' Bank London Bank of Scotland, Motherwell; Munster Bank of Ireland; Lloyd's Banking Company, Manx Bank, Isle of Man His Grace the Duke of Sutherland Bass 4 and Co., Barton and Branches, and most of the ( leading Railway Companies of the United Kingdom, eto., eto. ] Over 60 of these Safes supplied to Her Majesty's Post Offices Binoe 1896, and to over 300 Pariah I Connoils. Catalogues now reidy, and may be obtained from the AUCTIOWHHB, with testimonials and further refereuces. 1 Likewise a quantity of surplus Furniture, T — Cymdeithasfa Chwarterol r 1 METHODISTIAID CALFINAIDD GOGLEDD CYMRU, I'W CpTKNAL Ym NHREFFTNNON Mehefin 20, 21,22 a 23,1898. LLTWTDB:— PARCH. FRANCIS JONES, ABERGELE. YEOBIFBNTDD :— < PARCH JOHN' WILLIAMS, B.A, < DOLGELLAU. Dysgwylir i Bregethu ao i gymeryd rhan yn y gwahanol Gyfarfodydd—Y Parchn. John Roberts, Taihen Owen Hughes, Amlwch; Thomas Owen, Porttnadoo; Daniel Rowlands, M.A., Bangor; William Jones, Port Dinorwio Thomas Roberts, Bethesda; T. J. Wheldoo, B.A., Bangor; Evan Jones, Caernarfon; rtsi. Llanlljfni; Charles T. Astley, M dno: H. Barrow Williams, Llandudno William Thomas, Llanrwft; Lewis Ellis, Rhyl; William Williams. Glandyfrdwy; Hugh Roberts, Rhydymain J. Gwynoro Davies, Abermaw; Edward Jarman, Wrexham; Hugh Jones, D,D., Liverpool; Thomas Gray, Birken- head; Griffith Ellis, M. A., Bootle; John Hughes, M.A., Liverpool; John Williams, Princes Read, Liverpool; William James, B.A., Manchester; Abraham Roberts, Llundain; W. Ryle Davies, Llandain; William Thomas, Maestag; J. Hughes Parry, Utica, Amerioa; John Pritohard, Birming- ham, &o., &o., 8c0. NOS FAWRTH, Am 6.30 0" glooh, Cyfarfod Cyhoeddus yn NGHAPEL REHOBOTH, Mater: "Ein Cenedaetliau Cartrefol," Y drysau yn agored i'r oyhoedd. DDYD MERCHER, Am 3 o'r glooh yn y prydnawn, pregethir yn NGHAPEL Y WESLEYAID. Am 6.30 o'r glooh pregethir ary Maes, ond os bydd y tywydd yn anflafriol, yn NGHAPEL REHOBOTH. Am 7 o'r glioh pregethir yn Saesoneg yn NGHAPEL Y PRE3BYTERIAID SEISONIG. D Y D "D~ I A U Am 6.30 y bore pregethir yn NGHAPEL Y BEDYDDWYR. Am 8.30 yn NGHAPEL REHOBOTH Society Gyffredinol. Mater Y Moddion i Gyraedd Proflad Crefyddol." Am 10, 2 a 6, pregetbir ar FAE8 PERTHYTERFYN, GER Y DREF, Os caoiata y tywydd; ond os bydd y twydd yn anffafriol pregethir yn y gwahanol Gapelau. Gall DJIG o Bersonau ao uohod, trwy roddi y rhybudd arferol i Gwmni y Rheilffordd, gael TOCTKAU Am BBISIAU GOSTYNOOL SABBOTH, MEHEFIN 26TH, PBKOBTHIB YN NGHAPEL REHOBOTH, Am 10, 2 a 6, gan y PARCH. JAMES DONNE, LLANGEFNI, A'B ABRAHAM ROBERTS, LLUNDIAN VYM* A TO BE LET —with immediate possession— SAITHAELWYD COTTAGE, situate about One Mile from the Town of Holywell, and near to Pantasaph. The House stands within iti own wtll-wooded grounds, with lawn in front and gardens. It coutains Dining, Drawing and Smoking Rooms, two Kitohene, back Kitchen and four Bed- rooms. Splendid situation, overlooking Estuary of the River Dee. Stable and Coaoh-house oontigp-, —Apply, "OBSKBVEB" OFFIOB, Holywell TEPPS'S COCOAINB.—Cocoa-Nib Extract. (Tea-like).—The choicest roasted nibs (broken up beans) of the natural Cocoa on being subjected to powerful hydraulic pressure, give forth their excess of oil, leaving for use a finely flavoured powder- "Cocoaine," a product which, when prepared with boiling water has the consistence of tea, of which it is now with many beneficially taking the place. Its active principle being- a gentle nerve stimulant, supplies the needed energy without unduly exciting the system. Sold only in labelled tins. If unable to obtain it of your tradesman, a tin will be sent post free for 9 stamps.—James Epps and Co, Ltd., Homoeopathic Chemists, London. 1, HOLYWELL SCHOOL BOARD. CALLING IN ACCOUNTS. ANY persons having Claims against the Holywell School Board are hereby requested to Bend in their Aocounts to me, the undersigned, not later thad TWO o'olock in the afternoon, on MONDAY, the 20th day of juxic instant. All Bills not sent in on the above date will be kept over for a period of Three months. By order, W. H. ROBERTS, omanx. Sohool Board Oftlce, Holywell, ytlit June, 1898. OR Him DDUW, HILB DDIK: DTTW A DlGON. Y GWIB YN EBBTX Y Bro. B A GT LIT THIRD ANNUAL EISTEDDFOD WILL BB HELD IN A SPACIOUS BUILDING (Capable of holding 1,000 people), On Saturday, the ifth of September, i8g8. BRASS BAND CONTESTS. BELSONOWS -"Pride of Wales" (W. and R). First prize, 98; and Silver Medal to the Bandmaster; Seoond prize, 44; Third prize, X2 Fourth prize, J61. MABOH :-(Own choice)-Firet prize, One Guinea. COBNBT SOLO Ma Normandie." Prize, Gold Medal. SLIDE TaoxzONR: R-Dgy Motu.Prize, Gold Medal. MIXED OHOIB COMPETITION -Ohoirs not less than 40. Test pieeg-11 Bydd melus cofio y Cyfamod (Iealsw). Prize, £ 4 4s and Silver Cup to Conductor. JUVBNILB CHOIR COMP.IlTITION :-Choirs not over 30 in number. Test Pieoe-" Y Deryn Pur" (D. Emlyn Evans), A2 2B. Numerous Competitions in Vocal and Instrumental Musio, Literary and Miscellaneous Subjects. ADJUDIOATOBS. Mosic: WILFRED JONES, ESQ., R.A.M., Wrexham. HERBERT SOOT, ESQ., Oldham. (Champion Eapbonium Player). Poetry CADVAN. Programmes Id. each, per post I id., may be had from the Secretaries— HUGH JONES, Sea View, Bagillt. EDW. ROBERTS, Dee Bank, Bagillt.

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