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TAVERNSPITE. PRESENTATION.—A large and representative gathering assembled at Tavernspite on the last day of the old year, to do honour to their departing schoolmaster, Mr W. Lewis, B.A., who is leaving them after a long period of service to take Orders in the diocese of Llandaff. Children and parents, old pupils, neighbours and friends, all came to shew their esteem of Mr Lewis and assist at the presentation to him of a handsome testimonial which took the form of a purse of gold, and a selection of books, accompanied by an address. The room was prettily decorated with flags, and at one end of it a platform was erected, on which the books, purse, and address, were displayed. Shortly before seven the Rector of Lampeter Velfrey, seconded by Mr Thomas Jones, proposed that Mr Thomas Rees should occupy the chair. The motion being carriod with heartiness a ad un- animity, Mr Rees, accompanied by the other members of the committee, ascended the platform. The Chairman commenced his duties by calling upon the choir for" Merry Christmas Bells," which was rendered under the conductorship of the Rev. R. Davies. Miss Alice Owen then met with much applause for her performance of a selection of national airs on the violin. The Chairman addressed his audience in Welsh and enlarged upon Mr Lewis's many good qualities, laying especial stress upon his liberality of mind, which freed his actions from the cramping shackles of a narrow sectarianism. While some people refusing to do good beyond the limits of their own denomination were like a little rivar hemmed in by high banks, whose waters benelitted none but a few fish, and perhaps some stray rats, or an occa- sional otter, Mr Lewis, on the other hand, was like the mighty rill, swelling out over either bank, and fertilising with a noble impartiality the fields on both sides of it.—He was followed by Mr Edwin Lavies, an old scholar, who spoke of his owu experience of Tavernspite. He had come to the school when it was under Mr Venables, a good schoolmaster, but at his departure the sehool sank very low, until at the arrival of Mr Lewis the same began to rise, and the school at once commenced that career of prosperity which had continued to the piesent day. The first report showed the difference; the excellence of discipline and learn- ing in the school was there commented on in terms of praise. But Mr Lewis-firm and fearless ruler as he was-bad ruled by love, not by the influonce of the cane; he bad been one with the children in everything. Never in his experience had he caned a child unnecessarily. He felt sure that everyone lamented Mr Lewis's departure, but their regret must bo tempered by the reflection that a nobler post required him to discharge higher duties, a post that he would fully fill. But Mr Lewis had not only taught others; he had taught himself, and gained a very honourable position in educa- tion thereby. What he had acquired he had done by his own hammering, and was well worthy of the reward of his labours that was to be presented to him that evening, and also of the still higher reward when his life's work was done and he appeared before the great Master, and was greeted with Well done, thou faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord."—The Secretary (Mr E. Davies, master of Lampeter Board School), 'hen read many interesting extracts from letters received from old pupils of Mr Lewis and others from all corners of the island. All spoke in the most laudatory terms of Mr Lewis, thoroughly approving of the object of the testimonial for one whom all alike characterised as a true friend. Mr Davies added a few words of his own to the praise bestowed by his correspondents. He owned that it was agreed that a prophet was without honour in his own country, but here was a prophet who uot only received honour in his own place of abode, but from his old pupils scattered all over the island. He (the speaker) had enjoyed the privilege of ten years' intercourse with Mr Lewis, and had received a better opportunity of studying his character and individuality than most people. Many were the thoughts that he had consulted him upon, and this close intercourse between their minds had left him more than ready to endorse all that those letters he had read hal said of him. He was scrupulously punctual ia the fulfilrnent of even trivial engagements. He was a chivalrous co- worker. He had often acted the part of umpire between any disputants. His attainment of the degree of B.A., at Dublin University was the result of genius largely, for Mr Lewis was endowed with special gifts, a clear head, a great faculty of reasoning, and a retentive memory, but anyone who had seen his store of classical works, every page carefully annotated, underlined and asterisked by the hand of the student, would recognise that here again was another application of the old adage that God helps those who help themselves. The choir then sang "The Fox and the grapes." Mr Thomas, master of Lampeter Velfrey National School, as co-secretary of Mr Thomas, read some more extracts from letters. He said that though he had only known Mr Lewis for two years, he had always been to him a most valuable counsellor, and had set him a good example.—Mr Peter Howells, another old pupil, addressed the meeting in Welsh, and compared the condition of Tavern- spite School under Mr Lewis, with its condition under some of his predecessors—one of whom did not scruple to spend hours in the tavern, while the children were wasting their time. Mr Lewis was was never absent from his post, and never neglected his duty. Before the choir sang 'Let the hills re- son nd,'t lie Rev. R. Davies wished tosay afew wordson behalf of them. Most of them, be had said, were very young, and could not, therefore, give their money, but what they had been able they had given, and that was their time to show their affec- tion for the master that was leaving them, and in their name he wished him God-speed.—Mr John said that the pleasure he felt at being there that night was not increased by the fact that he was addressing them. However, he would try to say a few word, about Mr Lewis' good character as to his bad character there was none to describe, f,)r Mr Lewis was faultless. Mr Lewis was young when he started his work, but though be had met with unqualified success, he had never been proud. He bad not only kept a school up, but as the school had, unfortunately, been in a poor position before his arrival, he had made a bad school good. High as his position now was, he desired one still higher. The successful result of his examination spoke more eloquently than words of his ability and perseverance. That day's occasion was a com- bination of smiles and tears-smiles, for they rejoiced that their good friend should be thus honoured; tears, for they sorrowed at the thought that they were soon to lose him. At a recent dinner at Narberth the Bishop of Llandaff had spoken in warm terms of the excellency of the clergy of his diocese, but the standard of excel- lence would be still further raised when Mr Lewis was added tc them, the last but by no means the least.—Mr Bowen, of Cringa, spoke in Welsh, and said that, as a Cilvinistic Methodist, he admired Mr Lewis' consistent Churchmanship. For his own part, he failed to see the good of those people who went to Chapel one Sunday, to Church the next, and lay in bed the third. He then gave an amusing account of his experiences while collect- ing among the "good people of Kiffig," as their Vica-r called them, and praised cheir readiness to contribute to the testimonial.—The choir then performed "Might with Right."—The Rev. D. Pugh Evans, Rector of Lampeter Velfrey, then addressed the meeting. He described Mr Lewis as his right band man. The secret of his success was that he was never satisfied without doing his best. One lesson that he had taught had been impressed upon the older people, and that was that Caurchtaen and Nonconformists could draw clo3er together. They had learned that he was a Churchman to whom they as Nonconformists cou'd safely entrust the religions education of their children. He was sincerely sorry to say good-bye to so valued a fellow-worker.-To the sound of "See the conquering Hero comes "Mr Lewis ascended the platform. Mrs Pugh Evana then came forward, and in a few well-chosen sentences presented Mr Lewia with the address, which was tastefully illuminated, and set in a very handsome gilt frame. The address was signed by Thomas Rees, treasurer; Evan Davies and David Thomas, secretaries; committee, D. Pugh Evans, R. Davies, J. Bowen, George Phillips, J. Howell, George Hughes, W. Lewis, T. John, J. Williams. Owing to the illness of Mr Howell, of Cattle Eli, the books were presented by Mr Lewis, of Carvan, who excused himself from making a speech on the plea that he had suddenly been called upon to take Mr Howells' place. Mr Davies, Board School, presented the purse of gold containing the contri- butions of friends so numerous that the names could not be recorded in the address. After a few suitable farewell remarks from Vlr Daviep, Mr Lewis returned thanks in most felicitous terms. His speech gave such a picture of what a school- master's ideal should be that we would gladly insert it in extenso did space allow. We may in a future issue be able to do so. A few extracts only can we find room for now.—Mr Lewis' appear- ance on the platform was the signal for tremendous applause. He thanked all his kind friends for the signal marks of their esteem bestowed upon him that evening, and assured them that the addre38 should always have the place of honour in his home, and should be bequeathed as a precious heirloom in his family. The books which the com- i mittee bad been good enough to allow him to choose would be the most valued of all his library, and he much wished he could retain the sovereigns in the purse as "souvenirs," but that would not be carry- ing out the intentions of his kind friends. The money was meant to be spent, and he would promise it should be well spent. The purse itself he would always retain in grateful memory of the lady who had worked it, one always ready to help forward every good work. During the 15 years he had been in charge of Tavernspite School he had admitted 315 children. He held in his hand a hst of the different employments they were engaged in. He still retained his interest in their welfare, and he constantly received letters from those far away. The numbers were 26 when he came, and 76 when he left. The Government grant had more than trebled—from f20 8s Od to .£61 14s Od. During the seven years under the Mundella Code, six times had the school been awarded the Excel- lent Marit Grant. He knew he was leaving them in good hands, for his successor (Mr Bye) had already proved himself a teacher second to none. All that was needed to maintain the school at the high pitch of excellence to which it had attained was that the parents should give the teacher their cordial support in the three following ways:—(1) Always to send their children punctually, so as not to miss the hour of religions instruction, the most important in the day. (2) To send them regularly to school, never keeping them at home, unless it was absolutely necessary. (3) To enforce the lessons taught at school by the example given at home, and not to throw the complete responsi- bility for the training of their children upon the teacher. The welfare of the school and of the district would always be dear to him. He could not leave it without a word of encouragement to his fellow-workers in temperance never to be ashamed of their cause, and always to stick to their colours. As to his futnre, he would still be a teacher, but in a wider sphere; be who had fed God's lambs would now hope to feed His sheep, and he asked to be remembered in the prayers of his old friends. Hia last word was "Good bye"- a sad word, unless one considered its real meaning, which was "God be with ye." That was his earnest wish, and he admonished them in the words of the poet:— Lives of great men all reminds us We can make our lives sublime, And departing, leave behinds us Footprints on the sands of time." —The singing of Auld Lang Syne," a vote of thanks to the Chairman, and "God save the Queen" terminated the proceedings.













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