Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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CARMARTHEN COUNTY GIRLS SCHOOL ANNUAL DISTRIBUTION OF PHIZE. The annual distribution of prizes to the studeJits of the County Girls' School was made on \Vednes<i;i> evening last by Miss A. C. Stepney, The Dell, Liun- ellv Mr J Lewis Paton, head master of tne Ahuiohester Grammar School, presided, and there Miis a crowded attendance oi parents and meno* oi the scholars. The proceedings opened with the singing of hymn in the school hymn-book by the scholars, con- ducted bv Mr. Harold Malkin, F.R.C.O., with Marion .Jones at the piano. HEADMISTRESS'S REPORT. The Headmistress (Miss Holme), in presenting her report, *aKl:—Miss Stepney, Mr. i aton, lathes uud gentlemen,—I have much pleasure m preSPUtllIg t, uu the following report on tHe years work 01 scinx>i. Tlie average numbers in attendance, durni-, the year were 19u, a reinarkabio number tor a cd lit 000 inhabitants—snowing an increase of on the previous year. The following successes have lieen gained by pupils in the scnoolLondon Mdtl- t iilation.: January, iyU9, i-n/zie Alorgan, May I and May .lames; June, 1u9, Maggie Matthews; January, UHU, Lottie Lewis and Mabel Jen; Excused: Welsh Matriculation: Lottie ,wis, May •Jane's, Maggie Matthews, Emily Maithows, Aialw-1 Jones. Honours: Olive Jones, Higher French (with conversational power), English, Botany, a.nd Latin; Winnie Winter, French lwrth conversational pouer), English, Botany, and Lat.,11; May James, Jiotany, French (with conversational power), and Higher Mathematics. She was the only gir. in who obtained an Honours Ceruheato in Higher Mathematics. Lizzie Morgan, ^jigiish, French (with conversational power), and German, lirst three of these were abovo all the other girk in the couniy by a considerable number ol uiurlcH and Olivo Jones, who g-allwd 2,522 mark* was only 30 marks Ixlow rhe boy who gained a. <-ouuty exhibit ion. e\1ior:i: Esther llowelLs, Mabc. Annie Lowis, Lottie Lewis, Emily Matt.h^w^. M-aHhe^s, phi Morgans, and liiee. Juniors: Kate Da vies, Mary Davio, MaTi A. Ijiavies, Annie Evans, Jane Evans, Lily Gnbert, Gladvs Ihll, Ida Hill, May Jacob, Lizzie Johns., Martha Jones, Kate Jones, Rachel Jones, Roeie •Jnri.w^ Winnie Owen, Molly I'hillips, Ldith^ Rio<'» Kate'Richards. Mary E. Thomas Vivia Walton-, and Eleanor Williams. Preliminary Certificate, P-onrd of Education: Hannah llees, Annie Evans-, and Mary Jones. Student Teachers: The following sifuv being bursars for one year became Student Teachers in August, 1909:—Esther Howells, Mabel ffrxies, Maggie Matthews, Sophia Mor.gans, and Allies Rice. I have been told that all of then; doing good work as tcaehers in the elemem^ry schools. They still attend the County School one day a week for generat reading, etc. Internal •&'i»olarships: Six internal scholarships were awarded tho results of the Summer examinations (duo '■esual belnff had to pge) to May JameS, pcirri Kate Davfos, Gladys Hill. Form I\ C. H'cves and Dilvs Jones. Form HIa. and Cissto •'o iins. Form IIa. The following news of old l'as Keen received —Dora Lewis parsed Part I. of ''•e Mathematical Trinos at •Cambridge last June. The. following passed'for the Welsh decreet last MmuuerDecie Jones iu {•fiiermesiiate Latin ar.d '"•'•crlish 1m,1 Ordiliarv. Jessie Evans În Iniennediate History and llotany", and Ordinary English. ^honiiis in Inroriiiediavo History, Ijatin and ^Frencn. Nun Morris in Intermediate Botany nnd (reoiogy, •h'SNtc Kvans at Abervstwyth, was award<.m! a ( ollogo '■boUrahip of JS10 011 the' results of her Ii r,,1, YO: ar' W|k and S. J. Thomas, Cardiff, was also awa-det. '• similar scholarship in addition 10 the one she '-ain.yj jr, 0p0f| competition in 'Septem})er, 190S. In I'1" College terminals last term, Decie Jones oh- a>ne<i a t\rSt. -class in Pure Mathematics, being •Heketed first at Al>er.vst,wyth in that .subject, ^•iie Davics also obtained a first-class in French. ',ve Jones and Winnie Winter entered AV'C-rys- Alyth College in Septeml>er, 1909. I have beer, told high authority of Aberyst.wyth that I hal1 have he very proud of my old girls there, at the their College course, if they do as good jWl,'k in^ihe future as they have already done. Jane Frances Jones, and Nellie Job have obtained .j! >*ourd -of l',ducation Certificate for elementary ti Marian Davies has lately pawed the exaJTi- ->n. for qualifying as a dispenser. The following 1 l<'i.r'4'mc,ds havo been made during the year- v'f's' B.Se., Science ni'stress at Howell's ruiJ- Uandaff; Ethel Morris, drill and gymnastic, at. Forres. Scotland; Florrie Morris, ajn^' mistress nt ihe Colston G iris' # ScnooJ. at \°i ^r<h» Brockie. drill and gymnastic mistrees sh^tead, Surrey; Jane Lewis, assistant mistros* at Deri, Bargoed; Frances Jones, assistant mistrcea at Deri, Bargoed. Last year we made a change in the nature of our Technical classtv. Instead of cookery alone we now teach all the girls above the 1st Form to the IV. inclusive, housewifery, includ- ing the elements of all that pertains to the manage- ment of a house. Every girl in the classes takes ber share in practical worK, including the cooking of the school dinners, and I hope all are learning tho nobil ty of housework well done, and that, as Cieorge Herbert says "Who sweeps a room as for thy law. Makes that and the action fine." On Maroh 24th we celebrated "Empire Day," and in the evening the girls acted "Midsummer Night's Dream" beiore a large audience. In addition to the school picnic to Pendine we had two field club expeditions to Conwil and St. lshmael's about sixty girls taking part in them on both occa- sions. During the year 1908-9 our girls under the cap- taincy 01 Olive Jones played six hockey matches with other sohools only one of which they lost. In Deoember the Sixth Form organised a very successful entertainment to provide funds for the railway expenses of tlie hockey teams. A recital of Shakesperian and other pieces was iHn in December by Miss Isabel Roycroft, the proceeds of which with subscriptions from the girls enabled us to send £4 7s. 6d. to the Sanatorium Fund. The girls also collected over £5 for the Milford Haven Sailors' Home, and 10s. for the Sotip Kitchen. In July when the time came for Lizzie Morgan to leave sobool, the girls decided to give, her a. pre- sentation in appreciation of her character. I be- lieve every girl in the school contributed to this. The Form Shield promised by the Mayoress (Mrs. Grossman) last year is now an accomplished fact, and it has already given great pleasure to the forms which have won it and has helped to create public spirit amongst the girls. The Old Girls' Society had a social evening in January, a business meeting in April, and a tennis match and garden party in June. This year. as many of our old girls belonged to the Town Dra- matic Society, we did not think it advisable to have an Old Choral Society. During th-i year we havo had gifts for the Library from Annie Evans (Pontyborem), Bessie Jones (Lampeter), Mabel Morgan, Grace Goldsmith, and Christloy Phillips. I wish to express my thanks to Mr. Fred Humphreys and Mr. Wilfrid Lewis for their inde- fatigaWe laiv.xir in inaugurating our Company of Girls Scouts; to Mr. Collier for his help in connec- tion with our plays; to Mr. Vincent Thomas and Mr. IVioe for the use of chairs; to Miss Marion Jones for heiping with the music; to Mrs. Reeves for a. contribution towards the expenses of You Like It"; to tlie Jones' String Band for so kindly giving their services to-night and to Mr. Butler for a very lino collection of insects for our museum. As usual our wants are heavy. We have at pre- sent no playing field, though I hope this will lie re- medied in the near future: tho swioiming lxith is still, not in the clouds, but in the springs of the school grounds. Our Reference Library is very in- adequato. I am sorry we have not been so fortunate as the Grammar School in receiving gifts for this purpose from outsiders. There are many more, wants 1 could mention, but I will not weary you. In July wo lost the valuable services of Miss Forrest, who after being with us for four years, left to go to the Enfield Secondary School. We were all sorry whon Miss Edwina Lewis left us ut Christmas. AH one of our first pupils and after- ward. a. mistress, she had been connected with the school for many years, during which she had al- ways devote<i herself heart and soul to the interests of the school. We wish her much happiness in her new uphem of life. I also wish to express to my staff my keen ap- preciation of ail their valuabie help. rendered most willingly to both in and out of school. Miss -Stor^ey then presented the prizes, and in doing so expressed her pleasure at being there, and to present the prizes for which they had all worked so hard. Ehe knew before coming there that the I school was one of the best in the world, and they had reason to be proud of it, and „it of them. She was pie-a^ed to see by the prize-list that they were lurrying or the high traditions of their school (ap- plause). In fiXto of its warlike history Carmarthen had always beon the seat of learning. Miss Stepney alluded to the founding by Queen Elizabeth of a Grammar School for boys, and asked what she would think if she could oome back and see, not. only the success of her ancient foundation, but of its oom- panion sohooi for girls (applause). She reminds! her hearerre of an old stone which had been found in tho old Gmmm&r School house which bore tho inscrip- tion, "It it. <^soJess to build without a foundation. and without 41 knowledge of grammar it is useless to study, and said that. it. was only by working hard at tho drudgery of work while at school that they would fit themselves for the world, and to be the mothers of Wales (applause). Mr. Patot Lso delivered an inspiring and instruc- tive address on tlie value of education, in the course of which fe«* Sftid that the mere winning of prizes and rsissiflg laminations was no good. They should learn to aee. Jt, and not only to teach themselves what Wits worth knowing, but. to diffuse it in such a way as to make it of use to others. In the course of his- masterly address, Mr. Paton alluded to the excellent We4sh Intermediate educational system, to which, he said, I hpy in England were casting longing eyes. Tho foli'va-ing programme was then gone throughPianoforte solo, "La Filena." Elsie Jones; chorus, ''Autumn Song" (Mendelssohn); duett, "Liorl; to the Convent Bells." Myra Anthony and Lily Gilbert; an excellent exhibition of Swedish games by FÓrms I. and II. (trained by Miss Wells, gynma.stio instructress); song, "Canwyll fv llygaid wyt, ti," Olive Jones, accompanied by Mr. Malkin, with violin •"■■bligato by Mr. Victor Jones. "Ã hearty vote of thanks to Miss Stepney. Air. Paton, and the headmistress and staft', was proposed by Mr. Charles LYoyd, Waunifor (chairman of the Governors), and accorded with acclamation. Miss Stepney and Mr. Paton having return-Mi thanks, tho proceedings terminated with the sin-i- ing of the National Anthem. PRIZES. FORM VI. English—Oiive Jones. French—Oiive Jones. Botany—KUie Jones. Mathematics—May James. French (Distinction in Convocation)—-May James. Matriculation—May James. Latin—Winnie Winter. Germaa—Lizzie Morgan. Matriculation—Lizzie Morgan. FORM V. Languages—-Maggie Matthew s. Matriculation—Maggie Mat«-U<v.\s. May ..1 0rris, and- Lottio Lewis. Botajiy and rawing-Lottic Lewio. Distinction in Mathematics and Drawing—Lottio Lewis. Matrioulatiou and Jlnglish—Emily Matthews Mathematics—Agnes Rioe. Distinction in Mathematics (C.W.B.) —Agnos Rice. "distinction in Arithmetic (C.W. 13.)—Agues Rice. Distinction in French Conversation — Irtne llavies. FORM IV. Mathematic-s Mary Davies. English—Rachel Jones. Botany—Vivia Waltefc*. Distinction in Botany— V. Walters. French—K^ Richards. Distinction in and Botany—K. Richards. Drawing—Mary Daniel. Singing—Lizzie Johns. (sookery—Kate Jones. Darning—Rachel Thomas, Lily Gilbert. 1& FORM -1athl'nw.tièl;-Catlterino Wcek. English—Vida Jenkins, Edith Gwyu. Drawing—Edith Gwynn. Cookery—Edith Gwyn. May Jenkins. Languages—Iav Jenkins. Sctorjoc.—Dinah John. FORM III11 Form Prize—Gertie Reeves. v FORM IIA. Matiiematifis ami -Science—Adeline Darning—Adeline Davies, Lily Jones. English and Welsh—Lily Jones. Frenoh—Nancy Thomas, Cissie. Evans. Dpawing and Singing—Ev. Davies. General Work—Fanny Lewis. FORM lift Form Prize—Dinah Jones. Wehh—Cath. Davies. FORM I. Form Watson, Olwen Jacob. Gymnastic Prize (given by Mi>s Wells) -Martha Jones. Nellie Davies, Ev. Lloyd. Tennis—Olive Jonett. Designing Christmas Cards (given by Miss Htnlerj. —Form Ilia., E. Davies, Tessa Brockie: Form Hlb, Mattio Duckfield. May Davies; Form 11a, Clarice Turner; lib, Gertie Davies: Form I, Beryl Davies. Holiday Work-Winnie Owen, Dinah -tone- froda Da vies. CERTIFICATES. London Alu t riculation—May .lame-. Maggie Matthews. Lizzie Morgan, May Morn's. CENTRAL WELSH BOARD Honours—Olive Jones. Winnie Winter. May James, Lizzie Morgan. Seniors—Esther Howells. Maliel Jones. Annie Lewis. Lottie Lewis, Emily Matthews. Ma jgie I Matthews, Sophia Morgans-, Agnes Rice. Juniors—Kate Davies, Mary Davies, Mary Annie Davies, Annie Evans, J-ano Evans, Lilly Gilbert CHadys Hill, Ida Hill, May Bacob, Lizzie Johns, I MaVn 1a Jones. Kate Jones, Rachel Jones, l'asix j Jones, Winnie Owen, Molly Phillips. Edith Rice, Kate Richards, Mary E. Thomas. Rachel Thomas. Vivia Walters. Eleanor Williams. Interna! Scholarships—May James. Kate Da vies, Gladys Hill, Gertie Reeve!?. Dilys Jones, Cissie Eran*.



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