Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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Citrursrftiejr Sreroxl* 8 KING STREET, CARMARTHEN. PREPAID ADVERTISEMENT FORM FOR SCALE OF CHARGES 8D PAGB 1. I I,' t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I To the CARMARTHEN JOURNAL, 8, King Street, Carmarthen. Please insert the above advertisement times, for which I enclose P.O. value. NAME NOTE. -Advertisements under ithe heading of "Situations Waited" are charged at the Reduoed Rate of 20 words 6d., three insertions for the price of two. -M m )pp = = rn jfm 3 IssS • ■■ IMPORTANT NOTICE. I. & V ■ 1 I ■ I ■■ mam « V m 1 In conseqoenoc of ■ ■ ■ i H 1 ■ ™ M ■ numerous imita- I^H I I ■ t H k H aJ I I > tions purchasers I^H ™ H m H H W ■ V Wf AT JH must see the name OINNEFOBD'S" 1————————1 on every bottle and label. The Physician's Cure for Gout, Rheumatic Gout and Gravel. ill A] V S M Safest and most Effective Aperient for Regular use, HBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBMIMBI The Universal Remedy for Acidity the Stomaoh, Headaahe, Heartburn, Indigestion, Sour Eructations, Bilious Affections. .SYff INOI.EUM ,4 fta&s: ARgffi|» Su'AS bn Bioh eal- ISl! • r. kraUsnt. B" Dim th. d »«<•* the Tiaa-af ae a tod Btoi'M. In MIM TO -DECORATE fLocRS tEEBsnaEBBEat ths Bteotf 'I tll, tlfl. It Clarke.s I Blood Mixture It you suffet frm any Ouch HckimddM. iltlcoa tlMUtiimuloBtd Mow. pawd of iifndlMn which dolg-t wu" fte and g iioaey quickly auaQ, ovwcom. on lotion* of oloUMMi and capal from ilia blood which cannotgat below the aB lmpuri<eetfee wbeteiw furfice of the- (lila. What cam* >rMa £ and by you win tit a medldaeltMt tooderln; it ctcaaaaApufa.; will thoroughly ftti the .11 oarer fails to effect blood of the impute matter complete and laatiaff VM which Is the tnie cauaa of Thouoaodi of tuclrarmllta aS your mSutafk Clatke't 0. mrnmm fed Kbnn bjwl I CURES I KCItftlA, "V MAHDUUR BLOOOlUW, scttoruu, 8WKLUNOS. PHIi, BAOUOS, SOILS, BMfUiuTBII, ABSCUU*. MMFLCS, 4MMIT. ULCEUS. SOHtS, te,>a> 01 *U ChamlaU A St oral, 2/9 par hotUt* w "8e Wlsc fa Tilac" I- It you a" toeunc a bit below par —" not quite the thija tj,run. t < down "-or "out of sorts,$,. See to It L that yoar Indisposition Is removed before It tarns to something more r J than an aliment. It Is always unwise t to Ignore even the slightest ilsn of t < sickness. Napoleon need to say-. L t IRTery moment lost gives an oppor- tunity for miafortone". This la eminently true In regard to any poor condition,of health. Much trouble la eanaed by atomaeh and liver dlaor- dera; Ifthlaiaaolnyonreaaeatlmely doae of that famona and well-known apeelfle—Beeoham'a Kills—is the beat and safeat medicine to take. Relief Invariably follows even the Ctrot dose; and It yon peraevere with the treatment* t } lad fa" the pilla regularly, yon win aoon eatabllah a state of good health to wbleb< poaslbty, yon may long have been a atranger. For run-down >» men and women Boochamis Fills are a reliable, remedy. Their tonic and corrective qualities aoon bring the important organa of digeation op to at their normal efficiency. They also F exert a porifylng effect upon the blood*arfd thaa benefit the whole « bodily ayatem. Depressing and 1ID- k healthy conditions aoon yield to the beneficial influence of Itaclus's 0 fills. Sold everywhere (n boxes, price fili (56 pills) & tta (lea pills), m (19 mm m mm w ^grwvwvw4 •h. a UNION- CASTLE LINE. mmrntmsHft South A East Africa ROYAL MAIL ROUTE. From London and Southampton, I WEEKLY for SOUTH AFRICA, via Madeira and Canaries. MONTHLY for EAST AFRICA, via the Suez Canal. >'or further lnfcrntation apply to thfc Company's I Head Offices, an.i 4. J'Vnchnreh Street, London; | or in Carmft, I)fkn to ChfL, bli h. IA. Nctt's nA. I CLARKE'S BSt PILLS I are warranted to cure, in either sex, all acquired or eon- Otitutional Discharges from the Urinary Organs, Gravel, and Pains in the back. Free from Mercury. Established upwards of 50 years. In boxes 4s. 6d. each, of all Chemists and Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the World. or vent lor sixty stamps by the maters, The Lincoln I Mid Midland Counties Drug Company, f liwonln. "1iiIIII BUGS, ,R.US MOTHS alL L.Es irvk.0