Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

13 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

---------- ---------SATURDAY…


SATURDAY NIGHT SCi^ AT ABERGELE. SAVAGE ASSAULT UPON A LLANFAIR CONBTA-h- A parish councIllok FINED. SJJVEBK STBICTOK1!s FROM THE BENCH. The monthly session* jor the polic division «» T.dtilaa were Held onSiMrd*y ja U„ Oourt House Abergele, before Mr W T M (ia the Chair), I)c Wolitanhoiwe, a-id ,Ur W ftiiw. The list of'sumoronswa was wmiewhat leiig; uy, but the odiv casus of interest wore ü of assaults upoa the police »dj miutd froia the last court. Both the defendants Wd[,' nlDed William Williams, and hailed fro.ri Llan- ddulaa, oi.e was a qsarcjinan. *>-» no oL,t^ was a man (f iuch better social nnd a parish eouuoj.or' at ^aDf^dlM8\ was fen dan t, for *hcm Mr Cfsbhe j w# summoned 1- assaulting Pul-<* Andrew Roberts.. cuted on Mr A O Evan. (Denb.glb) P^ CHij„ behalf of the police, and in op c.J)18,deiabU- said the V^aMtod, w*« a j>ar>h means, was waa « d .R tlaCi) w<iB H cOBCoiilor for ^'ati fl'ucnCa in the district,, f»k*d sis:°»sb™ia "<a th-,u'' penalty, aa defendant had not only ai»aulteu the poKce. but h*d interfered with them in execution of their duty. He was a-msn wu«; Should hove known better, ana wnat yaused him to commit each a savage assault could oclv bp^c"-coS'table Andrew Roberts,aid that an Saturday night, tb* 3rd of September, a c.rcue had been performing in Ue to^,n',nn gr.»at many people were aoou • » a o tn-bance n«ar the Harp Inn and he wan aoing te the assistance of Foiice-ccsrtable Salisbury, who was trying to appcehecd another man, I when the defendant caught hold of k'i: 5' straggled together and William* tell down. WitnesK nicked him up, and vat again going in I the direction of Salisbury when di>fendr.nt again clutched noiti oi him- Aiwibet -.assls ensued and they both fell to ihf ground, witness underneath. Re was daaed with the fall, iind before he could help birnao,,f the I defendant clutched hold of him by the 1.aNU I with one band-nearly strargling him-&ad with the other he struck him repeatedly in the face until he was covered with blood. When on the floor he wV kicked by »»««• » a 14 was not defendant. -He was the floor he wV kicked by somo*no in the a 14 was not defendant. -He was nearly Oncotiseious and had to be taken away by the InFpecior. Cross-examined by Mr Crabbe: He denied etrikinr the defendant before the Utter touched him. It was Licencing Sewiona that day and he had been knocking about the whole of the day on duty. He had had four glasses of beer during the day, but dcdcd hû was ^MrBvans Baid that question had teen dealt with at the last oourt, when it Vf&a proved that the policeman was sober. Cross-examination continued The defendant firBt tackled him when he was going to the assistance of Police constable Salisbury. He denied getting hold of defendant's whiskers and pulling them. He was lyiniz on his baok doing nothing, because he was half unconscious. Inspector Roberts turned them over. Inspector liot;ert» said there wae a fight between a number of civilians. He wenHu the middle of them and said m » jocular sort of way Now then tako it easy or else I cannot set through my work." He was separating the oombatiuts when a young no»fi ran up to him and claimed they have got your man down and are killing him." JHef'"d twS other crowd, a*d on the floor he found two Tt« defendant was uppermost, and at Srt» he cowld not diatinguieh which pohoeman it UftV Th* defendant aeemed to be trying to Ttraug)- ta« officer with one hand, and with the Other h« kej-t striking him in the face, exeiaimiajf "Where tvro you now, you devil. Both nyK re c*atchijiif t/th.-r, and it was oily wi h tho tfcssislAiiCc of th»t be gco thtui on their fee*, iit- ank^d d^fodant whttt he aidant by acting i» mich « »«»r, and led him to his trap. lie replied that tike Constable struck him in tae mou^h firsl. tie had evidently »odsh diick k;ut w»« »«»t druck. Wit-tiaes Wtiut bask to the tirk, d they wanted to start as»ther row. Soma vi ths «row4 e«»me«l to b<* mad. Some tiron aft* i>he jlefeadant came up to him, but wihwc t<t<tt kim away. The Jjoli^.earan's faoo w»e covered «:\h blood. Cro«R-«x*miB«l The dofebdasitV fae« was drrt* b«i. ho did nos bear the mark of a«y b!o*«. f-i- ««««io!y eaid that the ComstalU «ir.k bi« without the slightest provoca- t5#Wi U.H., Ha'.y well and Po'iice-«ou»table Silin'"w hht« corroborate evidence as to the ibw c^DC'Udiag the ease for te pro!!lll<u: inn. Mr t- tw!, t e for the defeaee said the defendant "a" 52 yonim of and bad lived nil bilil life in th« pnriah of Llandduiat. He held an ineventi,.t patiti(,n which he bad won by hard work .nd t\Ctea" bWSI8è. H« had n#v->r be-rt m n court of jtatios befor on &111 pretext whatever and He new felt his poaitien very WW. On the night in qu«>stion defendant J"re into Abergele en business about half part nine. H« was en-gaged driving people to Llan- dd.laa a good many being m Abergele, as a siren's h d been perfor»ing there. He wm ««*r the Harp when the row eom- 2S«e.S aai be saw WHlia» Williams quair.J- liBif wuh the pelice. Being ansions to get away in ordr to come back for another load, in thought he would try to stop the row br getting William* '»«> th" trnP *nd driving eff TV »:h intention out c! th« trap a.d wps'ffoi-.g in the direction .,f the policeman Vh« struck bin, Mow in th. mmuth. H'J turned round and paw Police- «elAtv.ble Roberta in the act of strife tog him aga-ioti." < H3 then defended himself, and the pdlhieihan attacking' him they fell on the ground, whtro they were, strugklir, ir when the Inspector cwbi up. The injuries received by the nonstable' were quite -uperfleia), and after ho bad ball a wash and a brush down be was put on duty awain. Probably the letting oat of little blood ^}f geed /lanrhtsr). He submitted that the row was entirely-owing to mistaken zeal on tha ■nart of th'- policemaa who strock the first blow. Mr Wil' RHl8 corroborated in detail the atafmxnt of his solicitor. When they were on the floor b ,t,gi,i the Constable round the neek- M «5los«j aa he c ald to prevent him doing him /defendant) .n injury. The Inspector came up and turned them over, so that the constable wl\1I on th? ioll. g said let go of bim, but he aid, "No, I want to get n, as will as he do r- TAG poiioerasn had hold of kill y L i |t> Pf i; I -r ,fif. tIitr,jih5i^n defendant denied osing- the w»'rd« a"' M bjm by luspector Hobertp. B- .-)»- > not swore for many y*ars. Mr Evans: You did swear when jou w«n Tbe Chairman That i« rather irrelevant. Defend< I hikvo- not need such wordl for vwri; Tiuey are telling lies between the*- Tha policeman must have been drnnk, becaass ho *w»«bed t« real away from the blowj and f#" on hie back. The defendant said he bad only had om glass of he* was perfectly »ober. Eviuenee in lapp^jgiTe|l David Jones, Ca3tl.qua,e, UazHdulas, and Thomas 'Williams, q**rry»*a, Th» «« on r.tiro!»i tka Ch«itm»o m*JWMW: w«,l<, I, J.,5 and C<»ts, which ameaated to JB3 ioa 6d Oertinuiaj tie Ohairatan said the had been a very pamfal one. The general publio did not seana to have a very «!*«* nad»r. standing as to the PoliseasaB'e duty If th»r« was a <Hst*rb«nce in the it was the duty of all gced amd ra^Hahlo oitizsna either to go away entirely or else to ▼olnntcer their services when called *pea by t*e pc!:=- On this eocasiam Mr WilHaats 9"0" to have foreottta and mhMl la, vhick was • YWY ww either the On'-v ol' the public <<j go -'l' I render b*ip; certainly not; to ^ny r«s?ift- anc*. I'oc penalty in this oae*) mi/ht hain be<*u a very Bwrioua on«, but they S»ii taken iu- I to coBsider<*tiou tho lotl et^ndiRrf oxctileui ohar^cief by Mr \VilLams. 11= (tnt" Ch^n ui^d) hiu kaown him tOl m»»y Y"byo, and ho WII d»ep.-y aorry to &et» him in líIu.h J i)osit;j?». '1'h* polios o»iy hurcaa | but h« b.'ii"^ u ihsy alwuyi» Ua^, tk- pe-.c* and ,biu^. obstruct iu. ponce a w ^ad The law protect edthaniiu^ abbi^tad pnbho s«rvaH'8 they l-ud in*t-,Hd of resisted.. thaakwt M. Xnm. o. t„r ti.fc Ohar tn • aRl t;f thB cr:,s^«ort4iiione ctrl ifioa'es ot^ "ft 'ofL vw^rr"d i- Foi,cs" Ia «aliswurv a^ainwt W VVilini^?, ^TmaB," Liatdumas. the defendstt was 5* and co-i«, which aino"»fc^d altogether to £ 2 19ii 6d. A LUSBDCLA1 PUBLICAN CONVICTEO. I Mr £ <«.win Moftyn, laudloul of tha Inu I Jai'dduies, wa. fintcd 5s b-wl coero for tHii'iw drink to 5 aruukea pera'U-. t-, r Wob ;> t3 proved the c.e. Mr Ga¡¡,bu. i,UaaiUn aiifi William^) d«fond»d, aud Mr Ccabhe heid a Witotoing bt-Uf for the owners.

.-----------------.-.. POISON…








ggtfr OCT.


