Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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THE MASSES LEAViTT. CLC. ".1 TO H J'; -k'-N U A L Clears n?e S A- L. E. GR-i-r REDUCT'lONS I T?? ????T ?WQR'K'? f ? l.iC V ? ib ? U ?? .? ? ui?lL: u WOOLS, Ladies' Uuderciothing. &0., SHIB INN, 31S aBd 31S, High Street. 'Bailor. ?ICSABD WIljI.IAMS. ?-« ? PROPKIETOR. )3E2:XF.STS, Luncheons. ti<! DmBera, afe j? plwavs re&dv. Visitora to Banger will be ?'M itnd?i;&r?r''s ras-a-jBshIe phce ).? thia Latab- 3)-, m e 1, -=- w. jor SON, Back of St. Crescent, LLANDUDNO A LL kir:da of INVALID ?HAIR? ON HIRE. fi PIAND BARROWS FOR 8ALH OR HIRE. INVALID CHAIRS FOR SALE OR EIRR. 2192 j ? ?f)??'RTR ? ? ??,. ?,? .4.<?? '?? .L ?< Ir01nl,anf}er8, PlllJnbers, c,, e, t n r s .Ji.-l, "OJ l 'l. ¿'i "6:! c.. J,. ,1& r, Æ; 110 J 'Jij Bit È.o 1.S .i¡. L \1'. 1 'a JJ ..II!. W E ?.. 'I' I e'1;o(' R8, TAPER HANGINGS, <')1L A '? D COLOUR WAREHOUSE UOUL REPAIRS. LLOYD STREET LT..NDUDNO. CLASPS B 41 PILLS tH'o warra.ined to cure, in either sex, a.U acquired or cot* Btitut:lN1'al 1"Chal"e8 frem the Unn&ry Organa, Gravel, ) and ?SLT&A ist the Free from Mercary. Established of 30 years. In boxes 48. 6d. each, of all <TteM*r.s P<i.i,ent; Medicine Vendors throughout the W<i<Kd, ar sent. for aLxcy s:.a.:up;< by the ma.kers. The Lincoht MidhDÙ CGjr.LiC5 Drug Cùrn'aIJY. Lmeo" THE MOST NUTRITIOUS COCOA. ) 'all' I E P P S'S I GRATEFUL-COMFORTiNG. N" ? COCOAI i FOR BREAKFAST AND SUPPER. IMPORTANT TO LLANDUDNO I U, 8 E li 0 L i-) v?WING to the ncm?rsna I??tars we receive () weekly doau-.ns a ZZ??'Dy?A-O D7??C. TOR Y 4- ViSITOR forw&rJdd, containing a List cf APARTMENTS & FURBISHED HOUSES TO LET. we decided to 90 Ccltimu headed, 'COMFORTABijE QUARTERS AT LIjANDUDNO and insert i!iin Prominet:tPositi0u m thadirectory ??SJ?i si?? rfo?rietora ct BOARDING ESTABLISHMENTS and LODGINGHOUSE8 a oadt a?pcrtumty cf briagicg thetr Advertisementa dir<'oUVb8t.-)re tho nctice of Ictendtcg Yiaitora to Lt?aaduo. We oSer Specially Moderate Terma or RMidantt ihm to adverS'as, as QDder :— 3g Words (iive Uaes), the Season, for 25a. All the year ''oand tof 3Ca. Terms for one icaertico ancF upw&rds I tt usual r&tes. Vp? T! M 8 T)OBTER3 for Anctioceers, Tr&desmea, P B&sttra. Sales of Work, Lectares, poblio Mwetiags, CoEcerts, Tea Meetings. Baila, <&o., in ooe, two or three coloura. A",otioneers' Catalogues and Particniara of Sales, Trtdeamen'a Price Liata, CirculMa, Memorandums, Note Heads and Cards, CeacaTt Programmes and Tieketa, Tickets of Adm eaion to Bazaarg, Sales of Work, Lectures, Eatert&mmenta, Poblio and Tea Mwetiaga, Nall. Programmea, Meoo Cards, and avery description of LETTERPRESS PRINTINC ZXECUTSD WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH AND AT TH* L,owest Possible Prices AT THt Llandudno Directory PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, CAXTON HOUSE, MOSTYN STREET LLAJiTDUDNO. The U,armer and CabL&mber of Agriculture Journal EVERY MONDAY.—ONE PENNY. rr?HIB JOURNAL, in ita 42cd year, ia now pub llish<Mi M ONE PENNY waekiy. and ia the ."?t c??peet, and beat Agricultural Paper, it !mK?" '-H ''?* Agricnitural News of the Week, the T?tttfMMkeM, and ntmerona origina and inte. M?EtaxtieL't om Farming aobjecta by the ieading ??tt?td Wri«rt <f the day. S,J. -32 IN TH< HANDS OF EVERY S ?' FARMER. Ma? M ?dMtd thro! gh any Neweagent, at th< ? ?-— &<M?sMtn', or will be auaplied direct from SJM?XB' ?1, STRAND, LONDON, W.O. "?)??<s ?i frM &. M pM annca.. ALEXANDRA HOTEL. 1 L AND U D N O I FIRST CLASS HOTEL FOR FAMILIES AND COM- I MERCIAL G-ENTLEMEN. Centrally Situated, only Two Minutes irom Railway Station Î and Post-Onice. STOCK ROOM. BOOTS MEETS ALL TRAINS. MODERATE TARIFF. T'NTIRELT Re-bailt, Ee-farniahed, and Re-deeocated, and will be f,nd to coataia every modern JLjt Cocofo:t had Convenience. I MRS JONES and ) pronrietresses MISS RAINFO?D } ??op?etresses. LLAN DU DNO V I N C E NT-S HIGH-CLASS PRiVATE AND FAMiLY HOTEL, SITUATED in the centre of the MARMB PARADR, S and p08se3s\8 the Boost exteive Sea Frcntagp en the Pnrade; also an uninterrupted and corn ?h:<? ????????? msnd!Bg view of the CsraarYonsbire MouHtatns. ? Private Sitting Rooms Facing the Sea B!! LOFTY AND WELL-ARRANGED SMOKING AND BJJLLIARD ROOMS. EXTENSIVE TENNIS COPRTS. TARIFF (graduated accordiog to the seMoo of the ye&r) on &pplieatioa to 7605z JOMN VINCENT, Proprietor .Ltt. n -L; ?T* t <r? r"? r*? ?\ R ? f" ? t ? r? B°** s s ?\ **Br" a* ? THE PROMENADE HOTEL AND RESTAU RAN T, 15. SOUTH PARADE, LLANDUDNO ) [OPPOSITE THE PIER.] RS [LATE OF FIRST.CLASS REFRESHMENT, LUNCHEON, DINING AND SUPPER ROOMS. T?TH?RE Viands of the Finest Quality at most Moderate Prices, are Served at a.ll hours. Vy Special Accommodation Provided for Visitors' .Ladies' Coffee iltoom. English and German CONFECTIONERY, ICES, CREAMS and JELLIES Made to Order. ZD BALLS, DINNERS, PARTIES, &c., Catered for at Moderate Charges. 7195jo m;.e- LYNDHURST (LATE TRINITY BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT), T R J: I T "Y" S Q -0- A. R E:, Close to Station and Centre of Promenade. TOecently Refurnished, and under Entirely New and R Experienced Management. LIBERAL TABLE. THIRTY BEDS. FOR TARIFF (MODERATE), APPLY TO MRS H U G H E S 7525o PROPRIETRESS DE GANWY CASTLE HOTEL, Near Llandudno, ONE of the m<Mt beautifully situated Hotels in North Wales, It facea Soctb West, ;s protected from North and East winds, and is close to the sea.s!r.¡y acd the Carnarvonshire Golf Links. Home oomibrts. Moderate charges. LAWN TENNIS, BOATING, FISHING, BATHING, And within easy reach of ail Coaching and Railway Excursions. Under the pprson&! E;I-of- vision of Mrs TRITTON. Proprietress. A Resident Masseuse and Electrician, certined from the National Hospital," London OPEN AND CLOSED CARRIAGES FOR HIRE. .t- MACHNO HOTEL?? Near BETTWSYCOED. isro. 11 coA.da: TO"U R S- rnHE abcve Hotfl is picturesquely sitaated in the Vale of Penmachno, about 4? milea off Bettwsycoed Statiou. JL Firat-class accommodation tor Families and Tourists. Hr?kes will be at Bettwsycoed Station horn 9 in the morning until 6 at LJght. The Vale of PMimachno abounds in objects of interest, comprising the well- known Fairy Gleu, Conway Falls, Pandy MiHs, Old Roman Bridge, And the Traditional DEVIL'S CSAIR, and magmUcsnt Mountain Scenery, RIVER BEING FREE [FOR y L TKOUf FISHING. Tickets may be had at all Railway StatioQS. Fare for the trip, 3a each from Bettws to the Eotel. BrJoke will return to meet trains for the coast. Lunch prepared at the Hotel. W. HAYDN DA VIES, ProprietD?-. ROYAL HOTJc.L, CAPEL CUEIG First-class Family and Posting House. BEST VIEWS IN VALES. ? ???QmtM en aU ?o LAKES, FREE of CHARGE, to Visitors staying at the Ho?L ? t.?? is???. ? BOATS MAY BE USED FREE OF CHARGE. BOATS kact on the Capel CTiris and Ogwen. The Hotel being nearest to the Ogwen. —— GUIDES AND PONIES R?wdon GiTdMW. Moe Si&bod, Mtd GMmedd Llewelyn; alao OonTByamcM to Ll?nberh, Beddgelart Bango —"— andCamMvon. A OMiaM bT Po«t fof PriTtte OomvevamcaB from the Boy*l Hotel, Oapel Onrtg, to Bettwa-y.Ooed Stttiom <t ??tt* ? puBctually t?tt?nded to. M. Roberts, Proprietress. ?jm?? fTROUR No. 8.—By Rat to Bettvsycoed, thence by Coach to Capei ???????!?? JL c?rig, ROYAL HOTEL, from the 11.2 a.m.. 3.6 p.m., and8p.m.Uow t?S???jtNaBS)?? ing time to <M the SwtUow and CymDg ? ater Fallt retm-ning thM?me day ( J L \\rY.N BAY. NORTH WALKS. I t i;l'" ,T 1.4 iL y r'lt oc I-I.L" ? M 0 7 E 21 The late lle;,idence of Lady Rrskine. rr?HIS firat-ctaes Family Hote! ie most bt-a.ut.fany situated in its own ilaely-wooded Park, in the Bay JL of Colwyc.commsndic?aplaadid views; within tt short driva of Coawny and Liandudno. and a few miaatee' w&ik to the Bfach and Station. Sen Bal.hirig. Post Horeea and Carnages. LAWN TaNNN. BiUiarda. A moat dedirabte Winter Residence nicely sheltered, also heated throaghout with hot ait 5750w_ J. PORTER, Proprietor. ..JSf.u!io& "<" *? ?BT ?? ?? 1?*?' ? <?? 'T?*"?y ??%. S???! ?p*-?s -<?- ?/f fi fi r? ? 74 f? n? TT T JJUL \? ?? ?? ? ?.? ?L? J. ?lj JLj L L A N D U D N C. -7T m O S 1] ..c: üO0 )oJ.! 0 o a;' ej. rn Q 0 o ro ü m 0. MINUTE'S WALK FROM CENTRE OF PROMENADE AND STATION. TME nOST POP-UffALR POI T ATE NEW BILLIARD AND REG'REATION ROOMS. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SITTING ROOMS, ALSO NUMEROUS AIRY A. YD WELL-APPOINTED BEDROOMS. GOOD BAT3ROOM. ACCOMMODATION FOR CYCLISTS. 7603 Charges Moderate. W. Winch, PTOprietor. qriLjrr HOTEL 1 jn. lit 't jL-j jILi .L\ 0 .rY ? 1 fij L A N D U D N ?'; ? ?IR?'M? ?L J! -N-?L'A ?-???'?kJ?J i.. ???L? A?J i. i..jL\?-iLJU-a? the Centre of the :F¡OIG rE 1-i E; SE.A, FIVE MINUTES from the RAJLwX'Y STATiON. aaT\'2" -!Œ1r.I"L- /1:1:8,. Ar. Ominhua rrieetH jl1 rl'rains. For Terms, apply to THE MANAGEFL -Â.A. I 'W A"V E \> ¿. CREST Boarding Establishmertt (n Pension). CENTRE OF GRAND PARADE. FACING SEA. 1fI 0 D IE :it A ..t¿¡1'1:I1 l'ti. ft:ll1 RIGEL Y 7531 THE Llandudno Cocoa House & Temperance Hotel. 66, T&OS"VYIV STIJIFJET, JLLA_DtJDlWO. DINNERS DAILY FROM 12 TO 3 o'clock Good Accommodation for Tourtsts and Cyclists. Boths, d-c. PAKTTtES CATJEREM FOB. 7532 REEYES-HUGHES. T-??tT T V T? A T?JI? r"i ?JJ-jl? Y ±?Af\ i\-? Boarding Establishment and Pridte Motel, 'A (,.I.JoLt.. r RJE j1 tf', Mid yay etween the Railway Station and Esplanade (One Minute's walk firom Parade. mHIS Eatabliahment h&s been bruit with a apeoial view of ensuring the comfort of Via?opa, to JL feplete with aH modera improvements, the S?D?ary arrangements being perfect, and b<M jaat b& en much enlarged. A LiBERAL TABLE is mdotained, and a good SMOKE-ROOM provided. FOR TARIFF, &c., APPLY TO 7016w Mrs Samuel Roberts, Proprietress. -0- f'F" !.I"I.(.Jt-liLN v-= THE WATERLOO HOTEL, BETTWS-Y-COED C'ese to the- W&terlco Bridge a few minutes' walk from the ReEway St&tion (turn to the îeft at the top of Station Road). Excellent Stabling and Lock-up Coach Houses. Postin,q in all its branches. Large .Lawn Tennis Grounds. COACHING to LL \NBERIS AND BEDDGELERT DAILY in connection with the L. and N. W. Railway Co. GOLF !-An exceUent 9-boie Goif Courae haR been opened in connection with this HOTEL, 8Dd is FREE TO VISITORS. BILLIARDS. FOt T&riS of Charges apply tn L. B. "WcCulloch? Proprietor. l:t ¡ LLANDUDNO WEST. I -P -n MI M:&l CD _-r_ _-o BUILD tNG PLOTS ? SALE ¡ IN THE ABOVE CHARMING SITUATION, j With Option of Buying by Deferred Payments. FIRST-CLASS VILLA SITES, Between G'LoddaeCit, Street and suggested Site for New Church zD FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO Messrs Smiths, Gore and Co., Surveyors, 9731jo 16, '\Vhitehall Place, Westminster,, S.W. PLAS MAWR, CONWAY "? < -?-? ?p? ??????? ?'???????"?? ?? THE OLD I iA ri .1 -,A ?? ?''????????S???'???? ELIZABETHAN PALACE:. .y- 'Open Daily. 701*4fw ASK FOR .< s::t c.,¡ 0 uj CI.I ca ui La C) Q o co .t: as p' .Qcn I-4QQ s go œ o Z cr_ œ C2 PE d 0 ? P U R E 8 T AND B E"S T. ? S DIRECT PROM S ?<? ? The STRETfON HILLS MINERAL WATER CO.. ?E E-4 aV7:!v1: SPRIGh ? CHURCB: STRETTON. SHBGP&HIBE. FROM AH. WINE MERCHANTS, CHEMISTS, STORES, &s, e a JO_ ?HO!GE PRESENTS t??JLW!\?i-J j A?JLJ?i.-?jL.? .?.?t H. READ LNG (Williams & Co.), JEWELLlR AND SILVERSMITH. 4 -+- A La?ge Stock of Wat-hes, Clocks, Electro-plate, Gol?i and Silver Goods at most moderate prices. Gold Riitgs fi-om. 3s 6d eacl. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRS, WHICH. ARE DOXE BY EXPERIENCED WORKMEN. Cbester MoMse, 37, Nlosty;n-streetJ M..landodno. JOSEPE WILEY AND Y SON, w Glass, China, and EajftheBware Merchant, 91 & 145, MOSTYN-STREET, LLANDbDNO. A COMPLETE STOCK i kept at these Establishments, B?ita.Me lor Furnish!? from 3S?h& fjL Drawia groom. 8pec:&litiesis now given to Toilet and Dinner WtMre. Glaeo o?evarvDoaa?iMH? the Usefuliand Ornamental. '° PMeea qnoted and Samples supplied upon AppUcaUon. SOLN AGKNTS FOR THE I V 0 R Y PORCELAI'N ENAMBLERg IN COLOUR WITH THE ARMS OF WALES 1 Sf I'm. ESTABLISHED TELJ:GRAMR.o- 1 8 7 3 _THORP, BUNDER. LLANDUDN.&} EDWARD IHORP & SONS, JOINERS. BUILI-)EPtS, ANO CONTRACTORS BRETON WOET KS, LLOYD-STREET, LJ-ANDUDNO (CIPPOSITE THE BOARD 8CHOOLE T?BTIMATES GIVEN FOR. NEW WORKS. ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS. AND E?pAT? JLJ IN ALL BRANCHES-? TOWN or COUNTRY. ALL KINDS OF BUILDING MAT??'" FOR SALE. Funerals Completely Furnished on the Shortest Notice 597)0_ LLANDUDNO. TEE CRAie-Y-DON"ioARDING HOUSE w¿.i. -í.t:i ..L: .L" (1' "7\ Pp "'LA"C) ACOntDB.odat'¡oe. for ilo Visito..s. Fine Views of Bay and Great and Little Orntes" MODERATE TERMS. so- Misses Middleton and Wood.