Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

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''<r ?'C'r-'? !??W?!T !n? Mtu?LO LC?V?! C L -BEG TO THEfR ANNUAL Clears ) (" 0 SALE. 1.. Cl ï. ,4 J.j GRE.T ID0 ,J.. .J. J. I.. ¡ l ¡ ORK "i (). \It l \¡Lv 'v:j ,LaJ.i..¡ 1\701\ r C Vy V v, Ladies' U llclerclotbing, &c.,&c. SMIP INN, t 316 and 31B, High Street.: Banger, ?-??T??D UTI:'LL.I?-MS j"?"——?— ? PKO?RIETOR< ???t?F?sTS. Luncheons, an.i Dim?rs, &-p, ? ?'.?va re?dy. Visitors to B?Dgor wdl i-e ?d??M?? r.?n?? pr? ? th.e KBt?. w. jor SON. ? Backoi St. Geor's CIscent, LLANDUDNO ,4 LL M-da of INVALID CHAIRS ON HIRE. ?1. HAND BARROWS FOR SALE OR HIRE. INVALID Ca:MR3 FOR SALE OR HIRR.. 2T')3 I lr'OlJ;nJOil!¡erS, P I ? i ii,i b e rs a,, -t o, r s { 1"!t, .E L ?? ?. ? ? ? ? ?? ?? §M, PAPERHANOJNGS. OIL AND COLOUR WAREHOUSE H.j ;j A' RHP AIRS. LLCiD STREET T 70. 8 41 PILLS BTO warr'.mt.ed to cure, in either sex, aU acquired or coa- 4atitu-,iti-Tial 1icha,rgcs from the Urinttry Organs, Gravel, and ra.fHS :a the back. Free from Mercury. Established i of 30 years. In boxes 4s. 6d. each, of aU H.nd Patent Medicine Vendors throughout the W¡j¡i'h.i, for sixty starnp:3 by the makers, The LincolA -?d ?:!i:??d C-y-u?iea Drug Company, Lincoln. THE MOST NUTRITIOUS COCOA. J E P Ps N— S § ?? GRATEFUL-COMFORTtNG. ? ? w lu A COCOA FOR BREAKFAST AND SUPPER. IMPORTANT TO LLANDUDNO HOUSEHOLDERS. y?WING to the aameroaa lettera we receive U wp?vdeaima ? ZZ??Z)?jDNO ?ZR?C. TORy ?- VISITOR forwarded, containing a List of APARTMENTS <& FURNISHED HOUSES TO LET, wo have decided to si&rt a Column headed, 'COMFORTABLE QUARTERS AT Lj.TjA.NDUDNO and msort itio A Pr(im;2c-ntPosition in theZMrec<ory ???? s? c ro-?tora of BOARDING! ESTABLISHMENTS &r.d LODGINGHOUSES a. oood opportQuity of bringing their Advertiaementa directly beiore the ncHca of Intending Ytsitora to LIaB???o. We o?er Specially Moder&to Terma or Resists thaa to aavsrtiee, as onder :— 28 Words (nve Hnea), the Season, for 25a. All the year roand {or 30a. Terms for one insertion and upwards at usual rates. PR!NT!NG! D08TER8 for Anctioneera, Tradesmen, _L BanaMa. Sales of Work, Lectures, Fabho Meetings, Concerts, TeaMeetinga. Baita, Ac., in one, two or three colcora. Auctioneers' Catalogues and Particulars of Sales, Tradesmen's Price Lists, Circulara, Memorandame, Note Heads and Cards, Concert Programmes and Tickets, Tickets of Adm asion to Bazaars, Sales of Work, Lectures, Eatertainmenta, PubHo and Tea Meetings, Ball Programmes, Menu Cards, Md every description of LETTERLESS POtmM MBCOTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH JLND AT THX .Lolvest Possible Prices ATTM Llandudno Directory PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, CAXTON HOUSE, MOSTYN STREET LLANDUDNO. The fanner and Chamber of Agriculture Journal EVERY MONDAY.—ONE PENNY. ftlHIS JOURNAL, in ita 42nd year, ia now pnb t Uahed at ONE PENNY weekly, and ia the taMMt aheapeat, and beet Agricultural Paper. It M??na <tll the Agricultural News ot the Week, the tT??jSMkota.and numerona origins and inte- "?g Mtioles on Farming subjects by the leading 6ørilblturrJ WriterB of the day. HtMmLD BE IN THE HANDS OF EVERY SH?u? FARMER. Mav be erddred thro" gh any Newaagent, at the ?fH—?w BoekzttHB, or will be supplied direct from E?BS?E, 391. STRAND. LONDON, W.C. S??Mption peat free 6« M per annum. A r V ? ? n Q A H H T F ) ALLAa? UdA nU!LL? L. LA N 13 U DNO. FIRST CL.ASS HOTEIj FOB FAMILIES AND COM- MERCIAL G-ENTLEMEN. ('entraHy Situated, ORly Two Minutes trom Railway Station aad Post-Cf&ce. STOCK ROOM. BOOTS MEETS ALL TRAINS. MODERATE TARIFF. ENTIRELY Ro-buut. Re-furn:.hed, ana Re-decorated, and wHlbe found to contain every modern E Comfort aud Convenience. ??F?D ) Proprietresses. l a"tY.oI! LLANDUDNO VINCENT'S H?H-CLA88 PR!VATE AUD FAMtLY HOTEL, ?????-????? QITUATED ia t? centre of the MARINE PARADE, ??'??S????? ? ??? po?ess?s the most extensive So? ±roDtage en the ?rade; a?so an uninterrupted and corn &&ndiQg view of the Carcarvonshire Mountains. .:1 Private Sitting Rooms Facing the Sea. LOFTY AND WELLlIpRANGED SMOKING AND BILLIARD ROOMS. t?'T'R'?rvf TENNIS COnRTS. ??????????????????g JcJLli'?oiVi'' il'.f<?i'-3 ?uu??.0 TARIFF (gr&daiirfd Mcordtug to the aetaon of the year) on &pplic&tion to 7CO5z JOHN VINCENT, Proprietor -K"QO w- ir!! r* nnr? ? r" ?! A r\r ? f?TTS LJ L. p ?! t U L. Ft ?- ?! ?- ? L rnU !V! L?fAUL. nu L.L AND FrE S T A U R A N T, 15; SOUTH PARADE, LLANDUDNO [OPPOSITE THE PIER.] RS DIOKIN" [LATE OF BIRMINGHAM.] FIRST-CLASS REFRESHMENT, LUNCHEON, DINING AND SUPPER ROOMS. TY7 HERE Viands c?f the Finest Quality at most Modera-te Prices, ?re Served at a.U hours. W Special Accommodation Provided for Visitors- .L,adies' Coffee 110001. Enc-lish and German CONFECTIONERY, ICES, CREAMS and JELLIES Made to Order. BALLS, DINNERS, PARTIES, &c., Catered for at Moderate Charges. 7195jo L Y N D H°U"R S T JnW:L- (LA TE TRINITY BOARDING ESTABLISHMENT), T R I N' I T -yo S Q U" .A. :a E Close to Station and Centre of Promenade. "Decently Refurnished, and under Entirely New and -Li Experienced Management. LfBF.BAL TABLE,. SP..L,-CIALLI MODERATE WINTER TERMS. PRIVATE WINTER APARTMENTS. APPLY TO f R S RUCTHES, 75250 PROPRIETRESS DE CAN WT CAST L 13 HO TE 1., Near LJandudno, ONE of the most beautifnily situated Hotels in North Wales. It facet Sonth and West, ;s protected from North and East winds, and is close to the 8e-sbqr¡ nrd the Carnarvonshire Golf Links. Home comforts. Moderate charges. L WN TENNIS, BOATING, FISHING, BATHING, And within easy reach of all Coaching and Railway Excnrsiona. Under the personal <tup€! vision of Mrs TRITTON. Proprietress. A Resident Masseuse and Electrician, certified from the Natioua3 Hospital," London OPEN AND CLOSED CARRIAGES FOR HIRE. I MACHNO HOTEL, P??- I Near BETTWSYCOED. nsro. 11 TOuRS. rr<BE above Hotel is picturesouely situated in the Vale of Penmachao, about 4? milea off Bettwsycoed Station. JL First-c?ss accommodation for Families ?nd Tourists. Brakes will be at Bettwsycoed Station from 9 in the morning until 6 at Light. The Vale of Penmachno abounds in objects) of interest, comprising thaweU. known Fairy Glen, Convay Falls, Pandy Mills, Old Roman Bridge, And the Traditional DEVIL'S CHAIR, and magnHicent Mountain Scenery, RIVER BEING FREE IFOR TROUT PISHING. Tickets may be had at all Railway Stations. Fare for the trip, 2a each from Bettws to the Hotel. Brake will return to meet trains for the coast. Lunch prepared at the Hotel. ? ?F. R?YD?V D?PJ? P?prz?o?-. -o'e-N .1 HO YA L HOTL, CAPEL CURIG lfirst-class family and Posting House. BEST VIEWS IN VALES. ? f \T?81SL:Ne on all the LAKES, FREE of CHARGE, to Visitor staying at i&e Hotel. ? (.?j.! C o? oa an ??.pg ??y BE USED FREE OF CHARGE. BOATS kept on the Oapel Chirig and Ogwen. The Hotel being nearest to the Ogwen. GUIDES AND PONIES ?? o??mM. Moe Si?bod. Md GMnedd Llewelyn; &lao OonveyMMM to tJMberItt, Baddgelert B&ngo Smewaom, ?*y<t-t ?ndCamarvon. A Orden by Pod for PrlnM oonveyances from the Royal Hot.-al, Capol Ourfg, to Bettwo-y-Oood Station pUDctua11y attended to. M. Roberts, Proprietress. ?JCSt & fTHOUR No. 8.—By Rar to Betlvsycood, thence by Coach to Capei ????????? — Cariz, ROYAL HOTEL, from the 11.2 a.m.. 3.Bp.m.md6p.m.,&Uow ????Eat????' ? time to Ma the Swallow md Cymng?aterF?Uaretm-ningtheaame day < } 1-" 'V'Y, BA ï" NORTH WALKS. I F it.JL If t.'liO{CII4- J RE 7 E 51 The late 1-iesidence of Lady Rrskine. mHIS 6r6t-o)&68 Family Hots! ia moat banutifaHy situ&tedia its owu Soely-wooded Park, in the B&y j. ofColwya,coec:'Qacdu.?apl€sdidv!ewj; withtn a short drive of OoowaynDdUaadudao. aBda few minutes' watk to the Beach and 8ta!i:ou. Set Bathing. Poat Horses aud Carriages. LAWN TaNNM. Billiards. A most desirELbleWiutar Residence nicely aheitored, also heated thronghoot with hot air. 5730w J. PORTER, Proprietor. 'l> 'r.or'tJJ:- '? ?F* ??. ?? *?.'?' ? ?T? '?r"?y'' /?'?, ??'? '??! "Tr TW fB fs !? ?4 ? ? s ? M T i JL'?&. ?? ?? -?.? ? -L-? '%? ?. ?J? -?J ? LLANDUDNO. m m Q 0 Ul O S 1) Q) 0 rC 0 Ü 0& $: çc; C'j Cf) ø 0 ro o Ü -Mil- ro 0.. MINUTE'S WALK FROM CENTRE OF PROMENADE AND STATIOV, tnE JlOST Pop-ullAkit PRIVATE4 Iwo,-WEIA. NEW BILLIARD AND RECREATION ROOMS. PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SIlTING ROOMS, ALSO NUMEROUS AIRY AND WELL-APPriMED BEDROOMS. GOOD BATHROOM. ACCOMMODATION FOR CYCLISTS. Charges Moderate. '?. Winch, Proprietor. 7603 ;-?- T' TT T""? /?\ T T T"? '?'? '?'? C? T T ?" ?T? TT? f iHK QUiitLi\S HOrEL L L A N D U D N n I:s. the Contio of the Prom,nacio, :L-l A. 0 1 MT cr T :a: ESE A. FIVE MINUTES from the RAILWA.Y STATION. b. m Y.< T,) S < AH Omnibus meets &1I Trains. For Terms, apply to THE MANAGED. npo- -'J7'. 'W A VE E Establish/lflent (Eit CENTRE OF GRAND PARADE. FACING SEA. A n:ODEiA!If4 fr'/it. [lit' HIGHLY ItE(, 'ORMENI)ED. 7531 ¡;; r-u.¥_ THE Llandudno Cocoa House & Temperance HoteL 66, 1COSrWYV STUEE,rr, LLANDUDNO. DINNERS DAILY FBOM 12 TO 3 o'clock Good Accont7iiodation for Tourtsts and Cyclists. Baths, de. PiiRTIES CATERED FC36. I 7532 REEVES-HUGHES. »a.Ðl'- Pjr?T T *V T?AMT<' jr???-jA-tjL j..j?'?jL?j-?? Boarding Establishment and Pri-<ite Hotel, '7 .cii G 1]1 A t4'FRE ii'!r, Mid -ray etween the Railway Station and Esplan&de (One Minute's walk from Parade. nnHIS Establishment has beec bni:t with & special view of ensuring the comfort of Victors, to JL replete with all modern improve?eut-a, .he Sanitary arrangements being perfect, and h?s jast be en mac ?????? TABLE is maintained, &nd a good SMOKE-ROOM provided. FOR TARIFF, &c., APPLY TO ? T, T? J. ??w Mrs Samuel Roberts, Proprietress. -r.rtf' t. THE WATERLOO HOTEL, BETTWS-Y-COED Cloao to the W&terloo Bridge and a. few minutes' walk from the Railway Station (turn to the left at the top of Station Road). Excellent Stabling and Lock-up Coach Houses. P ostina in all its branches. Large Lawn Tennis Grounds. COACHING to LLANBERIS AND BEDDGELERT DAILY in connection with the L. and N. W. Railway Co. &OIJF !-An excellent 9-hole Golf Course h&8 been opened in connection with this HOTEL, and is FREE TO VISITORS. BILLIARD S. Fot TM-iS of Charges &pply tn L. 8. McCulloch, Proprietor. LLANDUDNO WEST. :P IP- :El M 1-l 40 -r- ID Dt )H H < ?!f? H! HTO r?r. 0 ? < r bUiLUJNbPLUtb?bALE IN THH ABOVE CHARMING SITUATION, \Vith Option of Buying by Deferred Payments. Fil-) C)CLAI-I 1-ii A SIf IIIES Between Gloddaeth Street and suggested Site for New Church. FOR PARTICULARS APPLY TO j Messrs Smiths, Gore and Co., Surveyo)-s, ? 973ijo: 16, \Vhitehall Place, \Vestminster, S.W. F? B ? ?"? ? ? ? ? i? F ?? ?? ?? ??J?F ? ?? rLAb !??!j??'?r?ffi!j CUM WAY I THE OLD L ?? ?? e A ?? '? T' T ?' A T? TS? rE? '?" ? T?T T'? ? T A ? ? jE?JjLi??u6LJE!JES Tj?AN i"j6LJL?j5L ?jd< .?y.yy.y. "Open Daily. _7044fw ASK FOR ¡:3 Q./rr.J 0 IP 1100 .0 C3 s. QJ 11- QJ Z LU QJ 0 co E4 œE-4 ..Qp I-4W Q2 s ft Z o ca PF4 z CA ui =1 s. c p" iè Õ § P ID R E 8 T AND B E S T. CD ? DIRECT FROM f5 ?? ? The STRETTON, BILLS MINERAL WATER CO., ?§5 E-i SPRIG, ? CEUBCBL STRETTON, SHROPSHIRE. FaoM ALL WINE MERCHANTS. CHEMISTS, STORES, &c. & a -w- -r.. -J\ØWI:iIIIiIØl'A:toI:41rC")MI(l"n.j;:s;¡)tI:.ør.{;J'a..f W w-Ilt, 0 1 C E R E S E ir H. READ!N6 (Williams &.qo.), JEWELLER AND SILV'ERSlVllrrH. A Large Stock cf \Vatehes, Clocks, Eleetro-plate, Gold and Silver Goods at most moderate prices. Golílllilgs from 38 6d each. SPECIAL ATTENTIO GIVEN TO RJ:<PAIRS, WHIoa ARE DONE BY EXPERIENCED' WORKMEN. -aos tCbegter Momse, S y, LV tyiii-street t!la:)dudno. JOSEPH WILEY AND SON, Glass, China, and Earthenware Merchant, 91 & 145, MOSTYN-STREET; LLANDLDNO. ? COMPLETE STOCK i kept a.t these Establishment*, suitable for Furniahing ftom Kitoha ?C'L Drawing room. Speci&lttieais now given to Toilet and Dinner Ware. Gl&asofevaryDesofip? the Useful &nd Ornamental. Prices quoted ttnd Samples supplied upon Application. SOLE AGKNT8 FOR THE I VORY FOR C ELAIN EN A M EL E R g IN COLOUR WITH THE ARMS OF WALES. l „ n_. ESTABLISHED TETxGRuw- 1 8 7 3 _THOHF, BUILHER. LLANDUDNO EDWARD lHORP & SONS, 0 1 JOINERS. BUILDERS. AND CONTRACTORS. BRETON WOH KS, LLOYD-STREET, H-<ANDUDNO (OPPOSITE THE BOARD SCHOOLS). T?STIMATES GIVEN FOR NEW WORKS. ALTERATIONS, ADDITIONS. AND RT<!PA!%a JH IN ALL BRANCHES-in TOWN or COUNTRY. ALL EIND6 OF BUILDING MATERIALR FOR SALE. Funerals Completely Furnished on the Shortest Notice 5979c, Ll.ANDUDNO. THE CRAIG-Y-DONBOARDING HOUSE Acconimodation for To Viitors. Fine Views of Bay and Great and Little Ormes. MODERATE TERMS. I sooft Misses Middleton and Wood. «