Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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MR. PARNELL. It was the custom with the Welsh press till very recently to couple the names of Mr Gladstone and Mr Parnell to flatter them both with almost equal impartiality, and to place them together on the same pedestal. Why are they silent now ? There is no lack of instances wherewith to continue the parallel. Mr Parnell on his late tours in Ire- land has copied Mr Gladstone so closely that it almost seems a wilful parody. He receives deputations in railway carriages; he travels in Saloons, and addresses audiences from the windows he harangues them ou railway platforms-all to the great inconvenience of the bona fide traveller. But he goes still further he commits his cause to Providence, and pretends to know the Almighty's wishes and to have his ear, quotes Scripture with exactly the same solemn unctuousness as Mr Gladstone. The latest example at Ennis is too funny to be passed over. He travelled on Sunday last in his usual regal style-niobs, processions, bands meeting him everywhere with the greatest enthusiasm, and twenty addresses. At the Broadstone Station, Dublin, loud calls were made for a speech, and after thanking them he said, I believe, and I am sure, that it will be more evident when public opinion is fully expressed, that the cause of Ireland, so far from having receded from the events of the last months, has progressed immeasurably, and the way is cleared immensely. Sometimes good cometh out of evil, and I believe that great gain will come to our country from the recent division in our ranks. Everything that is patriotic, earnest, and independent will soon be once more re-united, and will press forward with overwhelming front to victory." We can but look on and wonder at the audacious clever- ness of the man who is able to persuade masses of people, amidst applause, that the fact of his being the hero of a divorce suit is an exempli- fication of the truth of Scripture, and to over- look it accordingly. Rumours are rife in I T 1 1I..1 i1.» « ijonuon uiao me quarrel Detween the Irish Earties has been adjusted, and that, the liberal leaders having given Mr Parnell the Home Rule Bill he has been asking for, he is to retire for the present, and Mr McCarthy retain the leadership till Mr Dillon has served his sentence. As we write we have no certain knowledge, but it seems incredible that Mr Gladstone, Mr Morley, and Sir W. Harcourt can have eaten the speeches they made in 1886 on the introduction of the Home Rule Bill, and conceded all to Mr Parnell that he wanted. If this is so, he has indeed triumphed. For utterly unscrupulous as he is, he will just retire as long as it suits him, and no longer. 0 11 He said on Sunday: You have won, as I told you truly in 1880 that you would win-and in a few days you will know the truth of my declaration- a settlement of this question which will be everlastingly creditable to your patriotism and you will be able to work for and to build up your nation, the future Irish nation, upon a secure and firm foundation. You have won a legislative independence and a Parliament which will not be a mock or H puppet body, but which will possess a real power to protect the interest of every class amongst (tit- people; which will have a power, if needs be, to settle the great Irish land question, the question which the Imperial Parlia- ment has been tinkering at during the last nine years and which will secure that which I told you in 1880 it was necessary to secure before you could stand erect as free men in your own country—the disarmament of the Royal Irish Constabulary and its conversion from a military into a civil force and its transference to the control of the elected representatives of the Irish people. Such a Parliament, my friends, will have the power to secure and protect the interests of the Irish labourers and promote and foster Irish industries, so that the artisans may increase and multiply and devote their million talents to the pursuit of those trades in which they so wonderfully excel in every other country where they are driven from their own country. Under such a Parliament Ireland will realize her national aspirations. So will she refuse to be a proviuce. Ireland has been a nation, will be a nation, and will live a nation and our future Parlia- ment must be a national Parliament. For this, fellow- countrymen, I have fought for many long years; not for my own position, and I do not fight to-day for my own position, but for the legislative rights of Ireland. I still fight to-day, and you and I will continue the struggle together for these rights until we have got them, and when we get them we will keep a firm grip upon them. Now I have touched upon no personal topics. This meeting to-day shows me that you have been willing to leave the issue of this question to my own honour and in my hands, and just as always I have asked only to be judged by results, so to-aay, at the foot of this statue, I ask the men of Clare and Ireland to have patience and judge me by results. Certainly anything less like the speech of a Z5 man who was about to retire into private life was never uttered. As an example of unscrn" pulous tenacity of purpose which has alwayo characterised him, we give the followin anecdote of his childhood, vouched for by hi mother Charlie Parnell and his sister had each a battalion of wooden soldiers and artil- lery in the shape of a pop-gun. War having zn Z5 been declared, the young lady's soldiers went down swiftly before a tremendous fire opened by Charlie on her lines. Meanwhile the young gentleman's soldiers, though perpetually hit, declined to fall. The victory remained with his, and it was subsequently discovered that he had glued his own men to the Jioor."