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MISCELLANEOUS. ANIMALS LIKE TOBACCO. The plebiscite on the question For or Against Tobacco has been exhausted so far as humans are concerned. It remained to submit it, to the other animals. To the animal painter Professor Paul Meyerheim the credit is due for this new departures. The results of his inquiries, made at the Zoological Gardens in Berlin, are as follows The common brown beirs," says he, "are genuine enthusiasts for tobacco. When I puff my cigar-smoke into their cage they rush to the front, rubbing their noses and backs against the bars, through which the smoke has penetrated. Their delight is evident, and it is amusing to watch their antics. He once puffed a volume of cigar-smoke into the nostrils of a sleeping lion. The beast at once awoke, stood upon his legs, sneezed powerfully, then quietly lay himself down on his side and elevated his nose, as if asking for a second dose. All the goats, stags, llamas, &c., devour both tobacco and cigars with remarkable satisfaction. "I made a personal friend of the exceedingly malicious guanaco (wild 11am) he says, "simply by feeding him again and again with parcels of tobacco." A WONDERFUL CLOCK. Felix Meier, a Bavarian mechanic at Detroit, has built a clock which is said to rival the famous Strassburg timepiece. In carved niches at each s-ide of the dial stands a baby, a youth, a middle-aged man, and a skeleton figure of Death. The baby strikes the quarter-hour on a tinkling bell, the boy half-hour on a clear-toned bell, the strong nun the three- quarter hour upon a full-toued ben with a hammer, while the grey beard strikes a weaker bell, and then Death tolls the full hour. When the knell of the hour is gone, a lively national air strikes up, and all the Presidents, down to Mr Hayes, emerge from a door guarded by a coloured servant, and file before Washington, who sits under a canopy surmounted by thirty- seven stars at the t,)p of the case. As the Presi- dents draw up in front of Washington, he rise, and waves a copy of the Declaration of Independence. The Presidents salute him, and pass across a platform, and out of a door opened for them by another coloured servant. A CLOSE TIME FOR ALLIGATORS. A di-patch from Plaguemines, a parish of Louisiana, states that the local authorities of that place have decided to impose a fine of 25 dollars and imprisonment upon any person caught killing alligator?. 1 he reason for this step is that the alligators a'e determined enemies of musk rats, which, since the slaughter of alligators by hide hunters, have rapidly increased in numbers, and have caused serious damage to the cr,'p', A PATHETIC TALE.—A MOTHER DISINTERS HER CHILD. Helene Mueller, the wife of a master painter in Moedling, near Vienna, lost her only child, .a little two-year-old boy, last February, after he had been ill of diphtheria only one day. The sudden death of the child must have prevented the mother from ever quite realizing that he was aeally lost to her. She paid daily visits to his grave and sat in the churchyard talking to him for hours. About a week ago the sexton of the little graveyard saw the child's grave was open, and on going to it he discovered that the coffin had been opened and the child's remains were missing. It was found that tho poor mother had one night opened the grave with her hands, had taken the child's body, had packed ic up in a shawl, and taken it home. Here she kept it in a trunk, and when her husband slept took it to bed with her to give it warmth. AN ARTIST WITHOUT HANDS. A remarkable student has been entered at the National Training School, South Kensington. Frederick J. B. Heler is his name. He comes from Bristol. Some yea: s ago he lost both hands by an accident, but lie had an innate love of art, and, undaunted by his terrible calamity, set himself to overcome the apparently insuperable difficulties thus place 1 in his way. Trained in the Merchant Venturers' School at Bristol, he can now draw and paint with wonderful facility —holding the pencil and brush in his month! His progresi heretofore promises a very fairly c, successful future. He enters as a National scholar, and receives a weekly allowance of 253. THE INVENTION OF THE PIN. The modern solidhead pins were first made in 1824, in England, by an American named Lemuel Wright, who soldered the heads on to the shanks After him, in 1832, came Dr. John Howe, another American, who invented the first successful machine for manufacturing solid-head pins. In Howe's machine the head was made out of the top of the shank, as it is at present, and both portions were completed by a single process IS GREY HAIR BECOMING FASHION- ABLE'? Having been informed that grey hair is coming into fashion, I took the opportunity of a re- presentative gathering of society folk the other day to glance at the coiffure of ladies. The merest glance round the assem b'age was sufficient to show that the fashion of grey hair is a grisly fact. A charming lady near me, who did not look a day older than thirty, was quite grey, and with- in conversational distance there was at least half- a-dozen ladies with a more or less pronounced turn of grey in the:r hiir. I take it that this fashion is a revolt against the all but universal system of dyeing the hair to a fashionable colour. I shall not be surprised if young ladies who do not number grey locks among their charms are by-and-by found to be resorting to hair powder, in order that they, too, may be numbered with the Grey Sistuis. PROUD OF BEING AN OLD MAID. The death is recorded of a maiden lady who tojk particular pains to let it be known that she was not annoyed by the term o'd maid." She rather glorified in it. Often in conversation regarding the benefits and evils of matrimony, she was heard to say— "It is risky at all events. I am free and comfortable, and intend to remain so." As she was comely, she had admirers who had offered to her their hands, hearts, and fortunes, so she remained an old maid from inclination and not, as some malicious women were beard to tay, because she couldn't help herself." She was true to her principles to the la it. When on her bed during her last sickness, she sent for a dealer in marble, and gave him directions regarding the tombstone to be placed over her gi-ave Her orders were implicit, and after her death they were carried out conscientious- ly awl the tombstone that now marks the last resting-p'aee of the old maid contains after the name, date of birth and death, the following terse but most emphatic inscription—"Unmarried and free 1" WOMEN'S WRONGS. A lady entered an already overcrowded tram- car. Looking round upon the unimpressionable males, who seemed rooted to their seats, she inquired if nobody would make room for a lady "Are you for woman's rights, ma'am?" asked a gentleman. "Cjrtainly I am was the reply. Well, tti,n I think yo,-i'd better stand up for them like a man, remarked the gentleman. HOW TO UTILISE WASTE PAPER. Soak any wasts paper in plenty of water till it is soft and pulpy. Then squeeze it into balls, and when a few are put on the tire with a piece of coal they keep for a considerable time, and give out a considerable heat. HIS OLD RIVAL. Wiffy-" Ilave you still unkind thoughts of that old rival of yours? Hubby—" Yes I hate him because you jilted him." IS HYPNOTISM A HOAX? Shortly before midnight last week the Mii tersingers gathered at their club in order to assist at a demonstration, or seance, at which Dr Vores, who has given the last year or two entirely to the study of the occult science of hypnotism, tried to convince them that hypnotism, so far from being a science pour rire, is indeed a wonderful power. Dr. Vores is a spectacled gentleman who looks older than he is. He is the son of a well-known Norfolk medical man, and he himself took his M.D. degree in 1879. I hear, Dr Vores," I began, that you mean to become the knight-errant of hypnotism in London, where the science, or whatever else it may be, is being made rather fun of just now." Yes," the doctor replied, "I am anxious to do so in the cause of a new science which is very marvellous indeed, and into which we ourselves, who have studied it for years, have not penetrated very far. It is not right that it should be ridiculed and lowered in the hands of quacks and mountebanks, but it should be approached with the same respect and reverence extended to any other great discovery in the world of science." "Then, what is hypnotism, and what are the functions of the hypnotist < Is hypnotist the right name ?" Ilypnotisers is what we generally call those who practise this new art of healing. Hypnotism is a science. But we are now only at the threshold of it, and it will require many years of patient, persevering study before it can possibly be fathomed. Every human being possesses a certain amount of electricity and magnetism. Some persons have more, some less, but no one is quite without them, and by using them in a certain way it is possible to exert a decided influence on the mental and physical condition I of other human beings." Does that mean that anybody who is so minded can become a hypnotizer ? Yes. I firmly believe that it is possible for every human being to use this influence on others, but those are naturally more successful who have most electricity or magnetism in their system." "And can anybody be a 'subject' ? Could you, for instance, hypnotize me at this moment ? Not, mind you, that I would like you to do so," I added, and tried to sit rather more back in the oak armchair opposite to the pieasant-spoken exponent of hypnotism. He smiled and said, Yes, I think I could. Of course the science is still too new to have enabled us to collect very many statistics, but the fact has been ascertained, by those who are giving their whole time and skill to it, that 83.7 per cent. can be put into a lethargic sleep by means of hypnotism." Is hypnotism nothing but the lethargic sleep which sometimes naturally falls upon people? Let me explain. There are three different I stages of hypnotic sleep. The first of these is the lethargic sleep. The following is the most common form of inducing it. We place the patient in a chair, and from the ceiling, just in front of her, a little gilt globe is suspended by a cord, just like you see them on Christmas trees. The ball is kept rapidly twirling, and the patient is told to keep her eyes steadily on it. She does this for some minutes, till the acoommodation muscles of the eyes get very tired. Some patients begin to squint dreadfully. Then we close her eyes, pass the hand down in front of her face, and she is asleep. Sometimes, instead of the ball, they use at the Charite at Paris, where I have studied and practised under Dr Luys for over a. year, a small miiror shaped like a cocked hat, such as the French use for catching larks. It is curious that the patient, has pleasant dreams when the ball is gilded, or when a yellow light is reflected in the mirror, and bad and evil dreams when the ball or the light are blue." "Pardon the interruption, but why ,do you always speak of your patient as I she '? Are women better subjects for hypnotizsrs than men ? "I No, sex make3 little or no difference. It is only a matter of habit. Dc Wertheim, of Nantes, holds that hypno'ism is ineffective on children and old psople but I cannot agree with him there, for I have had cases of children which have been very successful indeed, and I believe that between the age of seven and twelve they are very susceptible. Take, for instance, a case of infantile paralysis I have recently had here in London. The boy was thirteen years old, and his left arm had been paralyzed since infancy. He was also mentally very backward, and had only reached the second standard at the Board school. Well, after I had him under my care for a month, he could use his arm and hold a cup in his hand, which he had never in his life been able to do. The parents told me that mentally he was also much brighter, and the teacher's opinion was 'enorniously improved I do not profess that the cure is perfect, for I have not been able to lengthen the arm, which, like all paralyzed limbs, was shrivelled up. But the lad has the use of his hand and arm, and can now earn a living when he gets older. I could give you numbers of such cases, all of which are well authenticated, and of which you can have the names and addresses." But now, Dr Vores, to return to the various forma of hypnotic sleep. What is the object of putting a patient into this lethargic state ? "You can perform operations on the patient- draw teeth, &c, without administering an anaesthetic, and without causing pain. You know that it is dangerous to give chloroform or gis to people with a weak or diseased heart. 11 This danger is avoided by hypnotizing a person." The next stage of hypnotic sleep," continued Dr Vores, is the cataleptic state. A patient is put into it if, afrer putting her into the lethargic sleep, the hypnotizer opens her eyes. She does not awake, but the light that falls into her eyes brings about the cataleptic state, during which the body becomes perfectly stiff. You can then make the patient pose just as you like. If you make him stand up, put his arms and feet and body in any position you like, fix his eyes on any point in the ceiling or room, he will remain for hours just as you place him, never nioviiiz, and not once blinking or turning his eyes from the point on which you told him to fix them." "This is perfectly horrible. What is the good of it ? "—"There is, as yet, no direct benefit to be obtained to suffel ers from this state, and it is chiefly useful as bringing about the next, or somnambulistic, state. 1 touch a certain poiut above the patient's left temple, and to all appearance he awakes, and is himself again. With this difference he has absolutely no will power, and my will rules him entirely. If the sun is shining brilliantly, and I say, How it poui-3 with rain,' he will turn to the window, and say in a perfectly natural tone, Yes, it dots rain,' and f>'J forth. It is in this somnambulistic state that crimes are committed and deeds done which are utterly opposed to the patient's own inclinations when in his natural stale. In tho lethargic state you can make people do snuli things by your will power over them, but if you should :n6eit anything naturally repulsive or opposed to therr own inclinations they would wake up and refuse to do it." But I must ask again, what is the use of all this? "The cataleptic and somnambulistic state are so far of little practical us?, but you can easily see that they are impoitant for the further development of the new science. The lethargic state, however, is directly useful in the art of healing. At the Charite we ha- e a number o mediums, or transfers. These are persons of either sex who come to us every mor,ling at the z, hospital, and whom we know to be easily put into hypnotic sleep. A patient is put into a chair, and opp osite him the transfer sits down, holding the patient's riyht hand with his right hand, and the left with the left, so as to form the figure eight. Both are put to sleep in the usual way, and then the disease of the patient passes into the body of the transfer by the hypnotizer passing his hand over them." In fact, it is somewhat like casting out devils, and making them enter a herd of swine ? But what of the poor transfer? Does he cast himself into the sea, or the Seine?"—"No, no. The disease leaves the transfer as soon as he is awakened from the hypnotic sleep." "And then, I suppose, it goes and drowns it- self in the Seine without the assistance of either patient or transfer. Surely you don't expect any sane person to believe all this ?" The cure is not completed in a day, but the patient begins to improve at once, and keeps on improving till he is cured. We had a Greek gentleman at the Charite. He had been paralyzed twenty-three years, and his body was all drawn up. In four months' time he could walk about and go about his business, and he had tried everything before. The transfer assumed the exact attitude of the poor trembling Greek when I had put them both to sleep and passed my hands over them, but when he awoke he re- covered at once." Does this apply to organic diseases as well ?" —" To some extent. The best cures we have had are of paralysis arising from lesion of the brain, paralysis agitans, chorea, locomotor ataxia, epilepsy, and kindred diseases. Dipsomaniacs and people addicted to morphia habits have also been cured, although in the latter two cases I have often noticed that if I allow my thoughts for one moment t.) wander from the patient- especially if he is a patient against his own will— he will turn round on me, and tell me that he is not going to do anything I may suggest to him." "Then the will. power plays a great part in hypnotism ?"—" It does, and when patients first come to as it is often difficult to manage them. But after putting them to sleep f(,r two er three times the communication between hypnotizer and patient becomes much easier, and when I want one of the transfers I need only lift up my hand, without even looking in his or her direction and the right person comes to me at once." A POSTMAN ATTACKED BY WOLVES. Much constei nation has been caused in the neighbourhood of Metz by the number of wolves which are at large. The rural postmen are quite unable to go their regular rounds for fear of being worried by these animals. The other day a postman was attacked by throe wolves when he was less than a mile from a village. Up to the present the hunters have kilfed sixteen wolves, I and captured three cubs. CORNERED. One of the light-fingered fraternity, after winn- ing ten games at ecarte in succession, tried his fortune against a fresh opponent, and continued to win. He hal made four points, and dealing turned up a king and won. My luck is something wonderful," he re- marked. Yes," said his adversary, and all the more wonderful since I have the four kins cf the pack in my pocket" and the professor of legerdemain laid them on the table. CURIOUS COPTIC CUSTOMS. The Coptic Patriarch of Alexandria is never allowed to sleep more than fifteen minutes at a time. At the end of every quarter of an hour he is dilly awakened by an attendant. The abunda, or Primate of Abyssinia, carries the principle of nolo epUcopari so far that, when appointed, he refuses to be elevated to his new dignity, and has to be chained and taken to Egypt in order to receive consecration at the hands of the Coptic Patriarch. THE DIFFICULTY OF KILLING A CAT. A correspondent give3 another example of the difficulty of killing a cat. A friend has a little black cat, named Midget, and, being tired of providing homes for its numerous progeny, he decided to get rid of it. Accordingly, one of his daughters rolled it well up in a piece of blanket and tied it securely with string. Another carried it down to the river, about five minutes' walk from the house, and flung it into the water. A few days went by and poor Midget was almost forgotten, when one morning, on going downstairs, whom should they find in the kitchen but my lady with five kittens To say they were flabbergasted would be putting it mildly. Her owners hare now determined to let her die a natural death, thinking, with some reason, that it would not be worth while to take the trouble of depriving her of eight more lives. PHOTOGRAPHING LOVE LETTERS. I had an experience the other day (says a photosraphe;) which has interested me mo:e than anything of a similar nature which has happened to me in all my business experience. A young lady who moves in the best society brought me three letters and I photographed them for her, and at her request destroyed the negatives. The letters were the most tender and ardent love missives imaginable. They were addressed to the young lady herself. I will confess that curiosity got the better of my judgment, and I finally said "You'll rardon me, but this job is a little unusual, isn't it ? Is it ?' she said, smiling. It strikes me so,' I replied. I don't see why you want photographs of these letters since you have the letters themselves.' Don't you ? Well, I do. Suppose the letters were to b3 lost or burned or destroyed in some (ther way ? Wouldn't the photographs be destroyed just as easily as the letters ? Perhaps not especially if they were not kept iu the sains place with the letters. But I am not afraid of losing them by fire or in any such way as that. The fact is, the ink is fading out, and in a short time it is likely to be ille-ible." There is a girl for you who doesn't propose to take any risks in the breach of promise business CROSS PURPOSE A young lady from the country got into a city tramway car. The vehicle had not far when the conductor said affably, "Your fare, inis3." The lady blushed. The conductor repeated, Your fare, miss," and the lady blushed more deeply. By this time the conductor begau to look foolish. After a pause he again repeated, "Miss, your fare." "Well," said the young lady, "they do think un good-looking at home, but I don't see why you want to say it out so loud." J A SHOOTING SENSATION IN A BALL- ROOM. A correspondent, writing from Auckland, reports an extraordinary occurrence in a ballroom at Jfonsonby as the result of pe sonating a character with too much minuteness A fancy dress ball was baing held in St. Ge )re's Hall in the town, and one of the gentleman (Mr PelÜl' Mackie) went in the character of S aolev, the Explorer." This included a revolver placed con- spicuously in a belt. The weapon was borrowed from a friend of Mr Mackie's Not knowing that the revolver was loided, Mr l\:fa'k:(J allowed several of his friends to jokingly take it from his belt, and, strange to say, nothing happened to it until the dance was nearly over. While Mr Mackie was dancing his partner said, "Let me have a shot," and jocularly to )k the revolver from Mr Mackie's belt pointing it upwards to- wards the ceiling. The weapon instantly went off, the bullet just touching the tip of Mr Mackie's nose and causing blood to flow. The young lady fainted away, and was carried from the room. The report of the firearm and the circumstances altogether cauicd quite a sensation i II the room. [ A SCOTCHMAN'S HUMOUR, I There is an old, but utterly exploded idea, that a Scotsman cannot appreciate a joke. This certainly cannot be said of an excelictit mon of Dunfermline, who married a third wife, and then took the sonsie lassie to see the elegant, tombstone he had erected over the graves of her deceased predtcessors in matiiminy, and on which the newly wt dded spouse read the soul- cheering Scriptural quotation, Be ye also ready







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