Papurau Newydd Cymru

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The CHEAPEST HOUSE for Well-made, Strong, Reliable FURNITURE is W. THOMAS, ST. MARY STREET DEPOT Sterling Value. Latest Designs. oil 1, 'f fl Splendid Variety. Small Profits. Bedsteads, Bedding, Linoleums, Carpets, Rugs, etc., at keen competitive Prices. TERMS-CASH. I DO NOT SUPPLY ON THE INSTALMENT SYSTEM. OLD FURNITURE RE-POLISHED. My usual prompt attention given to all Orders. Please don't forget to pay a Visit at your earliest convenience to see my stock. WILLIAM THOMAS, IRONMONGER AND HOUSE FURNISHER, CAKMABTHEH. HARVESTING MACHINES! r!J The Largest and most varied Stock in Wales. All Machines at very Lowest Prices. A LARGE srOCK OF PARTS FOR ALL THE MOST POPULAR MOWERS ALWAYS KEPT. Have you seen the latest improved SWATH TURNERS AND SIDE-DELIVERY RAKES ? If not, call to see them at my Depot: Market Place. GALVANIZED HAY ROOFS A SPECIALITY. W.THOMAS, Ironmonger, CARMARTHEN. XMPLEMENT DEPOTS AT Market Place, Carmarthen, Llanelly, Llandyssul, and lilanybyther. 9 0 RGEti 4 1 pu;% CPAY 11 I PILLS ,I I I A MARVELLOUS REMEDY. For upwards of Forty Years these Pills have held tlte first place in the World as a Remedy for PILES and GRAVEL, and all the commion -&.L,v!"uel'S of the Bowel*• «-uiach, Liver, and Kidneys; and there is no civilized Nation under the Sun that has not experienced their Healing Virtues. THE THREE FORMS OF THIS REMEDY No. I-George's Pile and Gravel Pills, No. 2—George's Gravel Pills. No. 3—George's Pills for the Piles, Sold everywhere in Boxes, U. i^d.and 23. 9d. sac h r By Post, le; 2d. and 28. 10tit i'ROPIUKJORJ. E. GEORGE, H.ft.P.S., HA3*, ABERDARK. PRlNTINGjJKlNTINCi GOOD CHEAP1 AND EXPEDITIOUS PRINTING EXECUTED AT THE 'WEEKLY REPORTER' PANTING & PUBLISHING OFFICES » BLUE-STREET f'ARMARTH uK Ureters by Post receive prompt and careful attention), PRICES ON i ppt*' -IOATION rho Carmarthen Weekly Reporter PUBLISHED laVERY THURSDAY EVENING, Circulates throughout South Wales generally, antf has the LARGEST CIRCULATION IN THE OOUNTV OF CARMARTHEN Priob One Penny Post Fbeb 1/9 peb Qoabi*b THE BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM FOR AJ. L CT <V3RXS OF APVE 1TISEMENTS. A VIOUD TO LADIES. Send two stamps for our new and original Illutrated Booklet, containing plain and practical advice how Irregularities Suppres- sions, etc., may be prevented or removed by simple means in a few hours. ReoijiiDended by eminent Physicians and thousands of Ladies, as. being the only Genuine Remedy. This is not a quack medicine. Established 30 years. Leslie Martyn, Ltd., Chemists, 34, DaMone Lane, London. X STOP ONE MOMENT X Oh Dear Doctor MUST My Darling die? There is very little hope, But try TUDOR WILLIAMS' PATENT BALSAM OF HONEY. WHAT IT IS I Tudor Williams' Patent Balsam of Honey Is imn essence of the purest and most efficacious herbs, gathered on the Weldh Hills and Valleys in the proper season, when their virtues are in full perfection, and combined with Purest Welsh Honey. All the ingredients are perfectly pure. WHAT IT DOES I Tudor Williams' Patent Balsam of Honey Cures Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, I Whooping Cough, Group, and all disorders of the Throat, Chest, and Lungs. Wonder- ful OuTe for Children's Coughs after Measles It is invaluable to weak-ohosw men, deli- cate women and children. It succeeds where all other remedies fail. Sold by all Chemists and Stores in Is., 2s. 6d., and 4a. 6d. bottles. Great saving in purchasing larger size. Bottles. WHAT IT HAS DONE FOR OTHERS. What the Editor of the "Gentlewoman's Court Journal" says:— Sir,—The result of the bottle of your splendid Tudor Williams' Balsam of Honey is simply marvellous. My mother, who is over seventy, although very active, every winter has ft bronchial cough which is not only distressing but pINs her down a lot. It's gone now. With best wishes for your extraordinary preparation. W. BROWNING HEARDEN. YOU NEED NOT SUFFER! Disease is a sin, inasmuch that if you act rightly, at the right time, it can, to a great extent, be avoided. Here is the preventative The first moment you start with P¡..e Throat take a doae of TUDOR WILLIAMS' ZP-A-TZEJUSTT BALSAM OF HONEY. It has saved thousands! It will save youl It is prepared by a fully qualified chemist, and is, by virtue of its composition, eminent Jy adapted for all cases of Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, Asthma, etc., it exercises a dis- tinct influence upon the mucous lining of the throat, windpipe, and small air vessels, so that nothing but warmed pure air Pflnnen into the lungs. It's the product of the Honeycomb, chemically treated to get the best results. The Children like it, THEY ASK FOR IT So different from most medicines. Nice to Take Cures Quickly. For vooalists and pablio speakers it has no equal, it makes the voice as clear as a bell. Manufacturer TUDOR WILLIAMS, M.R.P.S., A.S.Apth. Analytical and Consulting Chemist and Druggist by Examination, MEDICAL HALL, ABERDARE. TO POOR RATE COLLECTORS, ASSISTANT OVERSEERS, &c. FORMS of Notice of Audit, Collector s Monthly M' Statement, &c., Poor Rate Receipt Books, with Name of Pariah, Particulars of Rate,&cc., pnnted in, can be obtained at the REPORTIER OFFICE at Cheap Rates. Send for Prices. THE CARMARTHEN BILL POSTING COMPANY, 13, BRIDGE-STREET, CARMARTHEN. BILLPOSTINGand ADVERTISINGS all its Branches, throughout the Counties of Carmar then, Pembroke, and Cardigan R. M JAMES, Manager. WEDDING CARDS. Anyone requiring the above should, before placing their orders, send for our NEW SPECIMEN BOOK CONTAINING THK CHOICEST DESIGNS. CARDS ANp ?9«JS5S SUITABLE fOR AfcL OJ.ASSS8, U REPORTER" OFFICE, CARMARTHEN TYE'S PILLS Cure Dropsy TYE'S PILLS Cure Liver Trouble J TYE'S PILLS Ci^e ^aciiach^ TYE^S PILLS Cure Constipation TYE'S PILLS Cure Stomach Troubles TYE'S PILLS Cure Heart Weakness TYE'S PILLS are the Finest AH-rouud Pill, and have held their own for Seventy YearlS. Pricos-l/H, 2;9, ånd 4/6. From all Chemists and Stores, or from S. J. COLEY, CHEMIST, STROUD. VM- LADIES We want an opportunity to convince you that BLANCHARD'B APIOL i- STEEL PILLS Supersede Pennyroyal, Pil Cochia & Bitter Apple. IN will send you sample free on receipt of two stamps for postage LESLIE MARTYN, LTD., CDORMIPTO, 34. DALSTON LANE. LOUDON. -r BLANCHARDS PILLS 90 ARE INVALUABLE FOR LADIES OF ALL AGES. Of Chemists. lill, 2|9 & 416 jtr EM. 2 Or Post Free, from Proprietors, LESLIE MARTYN, Ltd., Chemists, 34, DALSTON LANE, LONDON.

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