Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

18 erthygl ar y dudalen hon

- MAYOR'S SUNDAY. -------+---


MAYOR'S SUNDAY. -+- STRIKING MILITARY DISPLAY. It become" a Christian people that the Mayor and Corporat,ion of a city should commence the new civic year by attending divine worship, and it was in accordance with this seemly custom that Alderman Lamb inaugurated his third term of office as the Right Worshipful Mayor of Chester by inviting the citizent3 to accompany him to the Cathedral on Sunday morning. The weather was unpropitious and contracted with the genial conditions which favoured the parade twelve wsonths ago. but a damp, unsettled morning was lJot tiufficient to deter a great number of repre- sentative people from keeping faith with the custom of doing honour to the gentleman who has with fine spirit- undertaken the responsibilities of civic chief for another year. As on the two tx)rtN-,ponding days in Alderman Lamb's triple mayoralty, it was the occasion of a striking military display out of compliment to his Worship, who for over thirty years served in the auxiliary forces. The 1st Flintshire Engineers, whom the Mayor formerly commanded, came from Buckley "witii their band, and were under the command of Major R. Cecil Davies, the other officers present Captain J. Green (acting adjutant), Surgeon- captain Lunt. Lieut. D. Fra^er and Lieut W. H. Harwell. A detachment of the Earl of Chester s Imperial Yeomanry, with band, were present, by kind permission of the Colonel Commandant, and Woro under the command of Captain and Quarter- Faster Cooper. The headquarter batteries of the 1st. Cheshire Royal Garrison Artillery (Vols.) Paraded at their headquarters, County Buildings, d marched to the Town Hall Square. They were commanded by Major Bonnalie, the other officers in attendance being Captain Wood and Captain Dickson. The headquarters and K Coin- Panics of the 2nd (Earl of Chesters) Volunteer battalion Cheshire Regiment marched from the thrill Hall, attended by their band. Their officers "ere Captain Bromley. Captain, and Adjutant Martin-Leake, Captain W. A. V. Churton, Lieut. Dickson, and Captain and Quartermaster William- ton, The Bearer Company also paraded. The Qitioonsoldien; stretched in two long lines from the Town Hall steps to the west door of the Cathedral, leaving a wide path for the progress of the Mayor and his retinue of followers. The Mayor and Sheriff: (Mr. WT. Ferguson) received ^ir fellow-citizens in the Assembly Room, he-re they were marshalled by the Chief Cor¡>;table who wore his new full-dress uniform. A4 tho procession emerged from the civic hall and with stately steps across to the Cathedral, 41)6 wa* full of picturesque effect*. The Mitral figure was the Mayor in his robes, massive a.i,n and jewelled pendant. Beside him was the Reorder in full wig and robes. In front the fe'fnets of the firemen shone like burnished gold, respiendently liveried servants bore emblems f civic power. Behind came the Sheriff, a stal- wa1: figurc in garb of blue and chain of gold, the *kfei-nsen in bright red gowns, and then a long of councillors and other citizens in sedate "lack. Two lines of red and blue uniforms com- t ted the oolour scheme of a pageant worthy of Ci',1 City. Th following was the order of the proce6;-ion :— 'i'nt **Use Coat School Boys, under Mr. Williams. £ %rl of Chester's Volunteer Fire Brigade, Under Lieut. Yates and Supt. Shone. Civic Sword arid Mace tie are rs and the -tyor'3 Porter, currying the newly renovated Town Clerk (Mr. J. H." Dickson), in wig and gown. MAYOR (Alderman Robert Lamb), on either J O;lci of wnom walked the Recorder (Sir Horatio Ljoyd) and the Member for the City (Mr. Robert r,*erburgh). Siiii,RIFF (Mr. W. Ferguson) and Dr. •1.. Roberts (Deputy Mayor). he Citv Coroner (Mr. E. Brasscy), the Clerk of Jh. Peace (Mr. S. Smith), and the Cierk to the .NJ (Mr. Geo. Davison). ^isrrates and Aldermen (some of whom appeared si tie dual capacity): Mr. George Dickson, r- R. L. Barker, Dr. James Taylor, Mr. H. T. j °«'n, Mr. T. Smith, Mr. W. R. Churton, Mr. <s.- R. Thomson, Mr. Gooddie Holmes, Dr. tolterfoth, Mr. F. Skipwith, Dr. Hamilton, Mr. Jones (Boughton). f?.« Councillors: Messrs. W. Vernon, Egerton Ubert, D. L. Hewitt, Henry Dodd, W. Carr, v-r; Mann, Dr. Lees, R. T. Wickham, J. D. t 'ddail, H. B. Dutton, John Dodd, R. H. I^tieeley, W. H. Denton, J. Griffiths, G. II. fpyaolcis, J. Percival Gamon, T. Mills and E. tjoJ^eri Roberts. /°u.?h Officials: Mr. F. J. Beckett (city r £ c°untant), Mr. W. F. Lowe (city analyst), the y/^ctor of Education (Mr. A. E. Loyell. who j °r^ 1 lis academic robes), Mr. E. C. Bai-ker r^istant solicitor), Mr. Peers (clerk of b^ttuttees), Dr. Harrison (police surgeon), Mr. (t^ain (electrical engineer), Mr. Gardner 1 ra!nvvays manager), Mr. W. Matthews Jones. j distant surveyor), Messrs. S. P. Davies and CV "ohnson (Town Clerk's department), etc. and others: Mr. J. Sheriff Roberts, Mr. r)arry Barnston, Mr. S. Moss, M.P., Mr. C. P. r.°,uglas, Mr. W. Williams (chairman of Hoole > roan Council). Dr. Duff, Dr. Elliott, Dr. .fPhcott, Dr. Blagden, Messrs. T. Amos, F. F. \V!°'Vh, J. T. Goliler. R. P. Bradbury. F. J. h^ttislcy, R Farmer, R. B. L. Johnston, T. r.ll'-er (chairman of the Chester Board of jUardiane). C. P. Cockrill, Robert Chaliinor, i • I'1. Bull (county surveyor), H. Beswick ,^°u'ty architect), George Parker, C. Cooper, (i'_ James (postmaster), T. W. Chalton, J. G. P. Miln, Lawrence Booth, Geail ft J- Andrews, J. Delany, A Armstrong, p' Knowies, W. Welsbv, T. O. Hogarth, J. G. Sii "rosbie, R. Griffiths, George Day, W. F. J. reheard, F. H. Lloyd, G. H. Evans, J. W. ftt'Kierson. W. Heelev. R. G. Shaw, G. H. Shorts, H. Preston, H. G. Houghton, W. N. „ SMe*. W. H. Hallmark, E. T. Hallmark, W. J. 1 Walley, J. W. Hincks, J. Simon, C. Sangster, I r- Lig,htf<x>t Walker, Wm. Johnson. A. F. ^'ivies, Percy Davies. W. Shone, T. B. Meacock, • Graham, W. E. Brown, J. B. Musgrave ami J. A McMichael; Messrs. H. R. Jiiornas, Evan Williams and J. S. ^Vrnoid Commercial Travellers, Asociu- «o'D: Messrs. Gleadowe (2), Edwards (New- gate-street), Alex. Hornby. J. Barber. R. Chap- man (Eaton), A. Dye, Richard Mills, T. B. { £ rn,ott- W. Maher, J. XL Hawkins, G. E. tl)a G. Brunton, Jacob Minns, W. W. r> ^^er, Dodd (Mollington), C. Miliington, J. H. J- Lyon Denson, W. J. Croydon, J. J. (;lUiams, J. D. Robb, J. Clarke,' Hudson, n°PPack. juno, T. Jones, T. Harris, A. 'r:CWof>. etc. in ,11'' Mayoral procession was met by the choir ki clergy at the west door of the Cathedral, and proceeded up the nave to the choir the &}a '°nal Anthem was played by Dr. Bridge. The b0c>y°r, Corporation, Magistrates and the general *0^ of citizens who formed the procession were 'n the choir, and the volunteers occupied fser .nave close to the choir. The usual morning hy with the Kyrie and Credo, was conducted b 'he Dean. Canon Feilden, the Precentor (tho TT"- H. H. Wright). and the Rev. H. Chignell. fall holr rcndered the anthem, "All kings shall r. uOwn" (Boyce). Dhlhe sermon was preached by the Bishop of ria t-er from a lectem .specially placed in the *oV° close to the choir screen. His lordship took -is text the words "This one thing I do, for- thwe things which are behind, and reach- tou, urito those things which are before, I press [Of the mark for the prize of the hi/yh calling W i 'n Christ Jesus"—Philippians lii, part L^ioch and 14th verses. The Bishop added as a r*>ondarv text the words Tecich mo to remcrn- S?er: touch me to forget." There was, he said, j tip 10 i\x>m 111 human life in the Christian career t9r both these devout aspirations. There was a for looking forward; there was a time for vlnS" backward; there was a time when the titJnoi".v, should be vividly tenacious; there was a 4^1 ° when the memory should know what to val ^or, dropping and leaving behind. The inthe selective memory was great and iwr>ensable. The highest service in the Oiurch tor <>no romembrance, and in the epistle that VJJthey were asked to remember their t),^ ers and those who had gone before. Had P°°d reason to pray Teach me to Higher. Give me the grateful remembrance \:avc 1 loves to look back and to recall thov*o who Pa<'elow'.d and laboured for us, loves to recall "Wyiees, and loves the very idea of coin tC(Tat,°n"n°t that come home to them 1 ve 'av'' Should not the Mayor's Sunday be in th0vr^.r€ £ d sense a commemoration day? When thought of the labourers for our city's t-ue ^Ut 1 rf"' not only the members of the Corporation, fani?Vory man and woman of whatever calling and ^ap V' 60 lived as to purify and strengthen and <)a r^, forward and ennoble our civic life, that w|. 1,1' v remembered with gratetul artection those alt| w'thin the range of their own memory— tl, )0llgh they would not draw the line exclusively Cp-had served our city. First of all, those who BL(i Vf M0ne before. The memories of those present IVo 611 up the outline he had drawn. They feast i thinking of mayors and councillors of ^Qrn They would be thinking of him whose rt. Was a^ays kept before us by the restored Y,; fiiu Transept and by that monument in it. Vir>0-v w°'dd be thinking of the councillor who hnd f 'aid to rest during the past week. t\v would be thinking perhaps of those noble representatives of the woman- our city who fell asleep in Jesus r i°ng and devoted lives of labour, most 'rvant as well as most reverent, in our midst, would all be thinking with gratitude of We labourers at our head, the leaders that \v,'fj, not yet. past, but still with us. He alluded special gratitude to him who was for. the third year bearing the very heavy office for the I sake of the community. All those staunch and faithful and fruitful labourers it was our joy and our duty to remember that day. and to remember them before God. That applied in a very com- fortable sense to the first group of whom he had spoken -the leaders who had gone before. They did not merely live in our poor mortal memories, they lived with God; and our remembrance of them rested upon the blessed foundation of that article of the Apostles' Creed I believe in the communion of Saints." There was another thing we were bound to remember, was the past alto- gether flawless? Had there been no shortcomings, no unworthiness, no failures. We knew that there had. and it was our wisdom and blessedness to remember those things, partly that they might humble us and prove us, and make us more reliant upon the mercy of the Spirit of God; but, as he had said. there was a time for looking forward as well as backward. The memory should be selective. There were tlilnge, he (the Bishop) hoped we might well forget and forget on such an occasion as that and throughout the year that was coming. Going back to the text, he asked what. did St. Paul mean. After St. Paul had become a Christian he had encountered persecutions, labours and difficulties in his Master's cause. It was something to be proud of, something upon which he might confidently reckon as having won the prize of his salvation. That was not St. Paul's way of looking at the matter. All that he forgot, and the illustration ho used was that of the race- course. He could not spare a moment to look at tilings behind. He could only afford to look towards his goal. He gave no encouragement to self-com- placency. and to the very false belief that in such a world as this anyone could afford to be in a state of security. In that respect St. Paul set himself as an example to those who were inclined to be self-confident, to rest upon their past achieve- ments, to become eelf-complaccnt. Although God forbid that anyone should be hindered by the un- cannv spirit of egotism, yet there was a sense in which, if work was to be done, if progress was to attaincd, every man, woman, boy and girl among us must realise their personal and indi- vidual responsibility. The welfare of this city and the welfare of this Empire depended in a very real degree upon the way in which they and he and every coal within that church strove to do rneir duty, remembering that the religious duty. that the duty of the home, that the duty of the place of business, all these properly regarded, were civic duties, every one of them, our thoughts, our words, our deeds, what we believed and what we did not believe, what we pray and what, we neglected to pray, all these things mounted up either to the welfare or to the hindrance of this city and land of ours. We must forget our neigh- bours' faults and shortcomings. We should in a certain sense forget even the achievements of the past, those things which had been more or less successfully done in the past. Were wo to rest ourselves and plume ourselves upon them? Were we not rather to regard them as stepping stones to further progress? Were we not, indeed, to thank God and take courage for what had been already accomplished? To rest, upon our oars and indulge ourselves in contemplating our own reputation and achievements would be fatal and an essentially backward policy indeed. We should forget those things. How much there was left undone, how long the stretch of racecourse still to be passed Therefore we were to forget the past, first of all in so far as it might. minister to self-complacency, 'Ic" and secondly in so far as any failures in the past might minister to despondency and depression. 1 he note of the Christian life was hope, energy and vigour. We had perhaps as individuals or as a community tried to cope again and again with this difficulty, that shortcoming, this grievous fault, and we had done so little. Was it much good our putting our shoulder to the wheel again £ the 'fJ;it of despondency was apt to come upon us and hid u> shirk the work which still lay befo.-e were, to forget such whispers as those, and we were to press towards the mark at the end of the course. The collection, which was for the Blue Cost. Schools, amounted to JB17. 14s. lid., against :617 13s. 6d,-iii 1904 and JE22. 19s. 5d. in 1903. A VOLUNTEER CEREMONY. After -sen-ice the Fire BrigfuJe escorted the Mayoral procession back to the Town Hall, while the m htary bands played appropriate music. Afterwards the Volunteers and Yeomanry 1'ned up in from, of the Town Hall, and. the'Mavor and Mayoress, the Sheriff and Town Clork "art- fended by the sword and1 mace- and staff beaWrs, rc-appoared, and proceeded to the frcnt of steps below, where an interesting little ceremony took place. Quartermaster-Seirg-t. W. G. Lci--],- wood was received and congratulated by the Mayor on having been awarded a long-service medal. The Mayoress then pinned the medal oil the breast of the Quartermaster, who saluted and retired, and a band played "God Save the King." The Mayor a-nd Sheriff then reared Within, and the Volunteers and Vcomlwry marched away to the music of the bands.


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Family Notices
