Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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," I F i .A LLi A," (St. Eliuits…


L'iuht nf ''rari.sLitinn rfffrve'l. I F i .A LLi A," (St. Eliuits W all:) OR THE WIZARD OF NORTH WALES. BY DOXASTES. CHAPrEKVI. THE QUARRELSOME H UFEBA D. On a visit to the abode of the priest one day the conversation again tur.ed on the exploits of foimer days, but DOW I exacted on having a few of his own wonders as well as those of his ptedecessors I had often heard of things incredible being performed by wiznrds and witches. (lie of these called at a farm house in I enibroke.-h:re asking for a quantity of milk, &c. This being refused ?lu- bolted out exclaiming "you will not be able to churn that milk to-diy, nor give it to the pigs." The faimer and his wife were sceptics as to her cursing powers. But notwith- standing this the process of churning was omehllw or other carried on in vain. They turned and turned, but there was no sign of bu'ter. Their faith began to give way. And though they were more illt. ll;geut than then i eiehb> urs in general, yet they could hardly strip themselvtS (,f the suspicion that the w:tch was at woik; and during her intercourse with rhe sources of tate all their labour would prove in vain They looked into the churn, but there was no sign of butter. One of the servants went out to feed the pigs, but the first sight she had was to ste them all standing on their heads with their tails up FLe farmer's heart failed him, and afier a serious family consultation, it was hg ted to sendforthewirchto w-ttid i liW the cnise a her own price. This she did, but even to this day the farmer's family would not on any account offend the poor old sharper of tin Cefn. She never professed to be able to dll anything, but when anyone spoke to her on the subject, she would 5ay, innocently enough, that she generally obtained her wish whatever it was. When I related this to the priest of FfYQon Elian, he heartily laughed. I th ught he was Uughing at the credulity of the people of Pembrokeshire, but it was Dot so. lie did it to scorn the idea of such a paltry effort as the one I related. They know nothing," he said, of the art." This formed a kind ol introdu tion to the revelations of this day's visit, and he com- menced with the story of the QUARRELSOME HUSBAND. tJDe dav" said he, "a woman came to tEe well, suffering from a load of grievances, the most important of which was a very dissatisfied, quarrelsome, husband. I could see that her tot,gue played exceedingly well; and if that of her husband was similarly hung, it was no wonder that many an unhappy day was spent at their home. She made a hum statement of her grievance, the burden of which was that her husband was always finding fault with her, and always quarrelling. She wanted to consign his name to the well. She did not wish to inflict upon him any curse. All she wanted was to change his disposition. (an this be done ?' said she. Done, why not! was the immediate reply. Ffynon Elian has never tailed yet.' During the conversation, I could easily see that whatever might be the temper of her husband, it would require the patience of Job to give up with this." After listening to the doleful tale of the woman, the priest retired for a short time, apparently to consult with the unseen. When he returned, he took his visitor out to the well where he went through the performance usualty exercised on such occasions. After this he procured a bottle rnd filled it with water from the well, and gave her some to drink. The chief instructions were, that as soon as her husband showed any signs of quarrelling, she was to take a mouthful of the consecrated water of Ffynon Elian, and not to swallow it on any account, but to keep it in her mouth until the whole quarrel was over. If she happened to swallow it, then it would lose all its virtue. Therefore she was to be on her oath to keep her mouth full till her husband would cool down. At first this was an exceedingly difficult ta:-k. ben a cross woid came from him her ttmper was boiling up. But no sooner would she attempt to utter a word th»n the w ier would be wal.owed. then all tSe direc- tions of ist hlia.i would be ineffectual. Hard as it was, she made an extra effort tocatryouttheprtscriptton. To her surprise tier husband appeared to soften down in a few days. Even on the first day his words were not so sharp as usual, nor d:d he continue but a short time in his excited slate. Thus it continued for some tin e, the quarrelling was all on one side—none whatever on the other. And he seemed to ge tiied of making all the noise h.mself. The water lasttd fur eight or ten days, then to her gne, the bottle became empty, and Indeed she fuulld the very first day after using all the water that there was a great dagger for things to go back to the old plan. She therefore hastened to Ffyuou Elian to renew the supply This being done the same good effects followed as before- Tile third time she paid a visit to the priest sh e wa> instruct d to pour lI. portion of the contents of ti.e bottle <o the wt 11 in her own gardi n at d in future to use that wnter rather than cotne so far as Hynon El an. rhis was done, and the happy effects weie such as to chiitige the whole circumstances of the family. Instead of being always quartelhng, they became kind and loving. Formerly, if one said she had seen a rabbit, the other would swear it was the fat if one thought she h..d seen a bee, the uther WIIU d -wear it vrm a wasp, and they would H.W,y- finish oil o< X d-jor to blows. Hut after the instruction* <>i the pr.e-t of Kfuion ".¡itill, kndneas at.d happiness reigned in the family, and the pi iesl became more notorious than ever for his power and influence. CIIAfTER VII. THE SlOLKN FLOUR. It was the practice in former days, for the labouring class to buy wheat and take it to the mill to be ground. Several parties would sometimes join to go to the mill together. Two women from Colwyn, who were friendly neighbours, took a peck each to tLe mill. The witt at w; s puichas d by both at the same tiinn aod iit the same tr e Aiitj the two women went together to> the mill to have it ground. Duri, g the process of grindit.g the peck of wheat belonging to 1 lhn Llughes was less by far tlun the o',her. Dow is this ?",there is more fluur iu this bag til uu that. And so it WM. ] t H lie following day thwy were bak:iig the bread t ge> he. Ii ti.e same oven. 'hit wh n a w s h.uiid -h .t din had fi e bnv s an the oilier only three, the parties became suspi. ijus, one in-inuaieu that the miller had done some foul play, and the other was x almost inclined to entertain the same opinion. The miller, however, had hitherto borne an exceptionally good character. His reputation for honesty and trustworthiness was known all over the neighbourhood. It would be difficult to fix upon him as the guilty party. Few wtuld believe it. Ai a; y Lloyd suggested that St. Elian should j he ct nsulted on the matter De had the reputation of finding out any secret where there had been some foul play. A purse had been stolen from B-, but by means of the well the purse and its contents ad been restored to the owner. One of the cattle at N- had been seriously injured, bi t the perpetrator of the deed had been visited by sore affliction. This was well known both to Mary Lloyd and Ellen Hughes. The latter, however, was rather reluctant to ti1 ke proceedings in this direction, and said that she would rather be in the loss of the flour than inflicting an injury on any one. Mie was entreated to cime, and she consented, never dreaming that things would turn out as they did. Ellen Hughes was afraid of the priest of Ffynon Elian, but Mary Lloyd was not. She did not believe in the conjuring power of the priest. Both went up together, and laid the case bl f Ire the priest. As usual he went through his ceremony at the well, and after this returned to a small backroom whete he consulted his conjuring books I i ah .ut fifti en minutes he came out to ask 0:ie questions of the women, and sec.etiy to take a survey of then physiognomy, lie w is an expert at this, tie then took his b oA in their p esence, and pr lessed to read, not forgetting, however, his survey of their eyes, &c., knowing that the face will often betia. the heart. After turning one page after another, till he came to a period, he pronounced the sentence over the guilty, which was to the effect that the person who had taken the flour would be unable- to move a limb in twenty minutes tune. And the importance assumed in pronouncing the sentence left no doubt in their minds as to the certainty of the results to follow. The priest then left the parties, and retired as before to his chamber, professing to have a very close communion w,th the powers of the air and the rulers of fate. The time drawing nigh, he came to the parties again. By this time they felt themselves on dangerous ground, and he, seeing his way clepr, uttered secretly the words, "The curse is now in operation. The thief will never move again." One of the females, Mary Lloyd, burst out in tears crying out for mercy. The priest then said to her, The book informs me that you are the thief." But she could not utter a word. Ellen Hughes nuw interfered, and began to blame her partner, not for the theft as much as fjr enticing her there, saying that she had no desire herseif to come. Well, well, go home/' said the priest. Yes, come home," said Ellen, You had no business to bring me here" 1 cannot move, said Alary Lloyd. Why did you draw me here, when you knew the state of things," said the other. I never believed he could do anything to me," said Alary. Disbelieve now then," said Saint fclian. At this juncture Ellen was frightened, and implored the priest to withdraw the cmse. This was done on condition that the theft was to be kept a perfect secret, and -he priest be remunerated for his labour. After going through the same process as before, Mary Lloyd was recovered, and she raised from her seat and walked home. (To be continued).


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