Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

1 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



t fttaKBa AiiJtS Jl'Mil iditiwi I CINBS OF NATURE « j ( fOB BTERY KIND OF BiaEASB FMM IS InHH TO. low I i i TR1 MHELL'S i MILD & BITTER j sM-isrenciTiss Pin HERB BEER, J FOR SUMMER AND WINTER. This is faigbiy rcconunewjed by a great: anaobex of <«*« Bine Rtabon ivnd Good Tampraas stall tB aeeoant of iVs superior quality above aH others fori aarifviu? aad ^rens tuning the syatero, ever Drongnl Wfere the public. By iha aams, thousands have been; teacned frosa drankeuaese. Sold by meat Chemisti pui Gi ocera. j 6d. per Paoket, by Post 8 Stamps. j It feeommeads j £ TRIMKLL'S TIC-EEAMCATOR j W ûJ iiMtaa-tiy raawve Toothache, Tie Doiorecs, Neuralgia, or any Pains h the Read or Faee fey mnajply applying: to the pwt afl«efced, its «aperiorft, < V..r all oJ,h<n-a being that it is applied oai w<*sdly, white BMmy 01 the nostrum .b&t are m the maibet contain stroll j I poisuf/^ and are take* mwardiy. HJB.—Tbis will aether leave aay mark aoc nfaxt fee akin where applied.—la lid per bottle. j When then is reason to auspeet a eoll ] by taking one or two doees of j TRIHHBLL'S Ii Life-giving A Freeerwag gold «sieitm raim It wiX stxjtie iB unilyu M tt i ram. Ho tM ilitaU be witfaeet *t. as* it evMean: best evar bwgfat before tfee F»b»«- This la (fee flrat stages an i •feteot attaoks of Oeida, friflamaataen, f aige m tfc« Stemaeh, Looeeaeas of the Bewefls, Rkeosatism pbeomaAie Start, Pais* m Am Liaahe, Saiatee and faealytie affeetieaa, Sfiaaaaa and Obum, and wffl faealytie affeetieaa, Sfiaaaaa and Obum, and wffl fmaova ail ohstemeticns aaased by eohl. Jt to also as azeeUeat stimulant feepeesaos Btfe# out into the damp wic, feost, or wow, aa ft prevents takmg aoM and KB puifyiag the Bioed from afi ioaparUiea, aooh as Bad Lags, Rmples, Bletafaes, OMHs, *e., it wutol b» Is lid and it 9d per packet. i „ IR) MN ELL'S I Life-giviag Praaerriag 1 COUGH BALSTM., Nothing that baa yet been difseevaret; eaa be eompaved witla tibia Balaam. Itt; bsaefteial aetam wen all diseases el tht nspiratarj or^aaie ia as iiatpic that it lnty •• ftftBain- letered with porfiet aslety 1k> the children. *«t is auMoieatly strong to arrost the pr^rass o> jmany of the aaoat feraaidablfl p«l n >uary Whether eeagh, creep, boopraj ota^b, ■ltansy, Mtkaa, bvoMhitis, dim" ">Uy ef iwc.'vtthtng •r <hat dreadful £ aeaao« cobshfu i jb, ef vbisb Br j theaaaadadie annually arotiti i as 11 1i4 oW 2s 9d per bottle. 'I- 1 —■■ -.r- TRIMNELL'S EMBROCATION, flf IkM-vMi For rhtmmatism, rbeana^a go'ut, lam bsugo, jtaiss ia limfea, and nambnesa, £ &Lffa&ss of the jeists aad neck, chil- blains, before they axe broken, sdiafctc aad peuralytie effect,i«ii8, sprains, braises, spaeiss, qninsy, aad sore threat, is ackaowledged by an who have use it to be the most e&oaeioaa that they ever had either ler man or beast. It is an artielo which will i^orotaend Itself. la lid and 2" 9d. 1 1. -ii TRIMNELL'S Life-giviog Ie Preserving NERVINE TONIC I either Sex; will sure all kinds of .:4tvans debility, arieing from any iRjarce of weakness from whatevet taase it Ni&y arise. These are a few of the Symptoms 9f Nervous Debility:—Depression of spirits, inapti- tude for exertion, aafitoess for mil" AiaHbe fox lociety, dislike to enter aay kind of baaweM, in volun- tary blnefaing, ^Miesa of ai^ht, sparks before the 8yes, deafness anal noise in the ears, sense of tightness *r BoSocatioa, eoaataat mental minsfiving. paina ia fee toias and a oonstant seese of weariness, irritation of Ibe kidaeys and bladder, palpitatioa of the heart, general tz«ma]otM&eas oa aay sudden impulse, extreme MMence, fond ef maopiag alene, morbid sensiJSSfiiy, sareloas ttboat life, its joys, its pleasnres, Ilia its Saties; irregularity of the bowells, feeling good for BOfcbiiig, failure ot memory, intelleofrnal power and Jacobias mere or less impaired, extreme restiessncm, lataleney and indigestion, frequent headaches, aileat wretelieaiaesa, arising from the fear ef physical weak 8888. fear of insanity,, miaerable forebodings for the present, no hope for tile future, starting during sleep, rooking and feeling ill without apparent cause. One K two packets of Trimnsll's Herrine Tank will Mure all cases of thetbove. 11 114 omf is M per pmdhl. AOM% L-Um A TRIMNELL'S LIFE-GIYIHG & PRKSERTIHG VEGETABLE TOBit, iPERIEKT a LriD PILLI. Nos. 1 A 2 for either Sex. A most celebrated remedy foi tostive and bilious cemplwnts, astacKB oi lever^ in, laeiiza. loss of appetite, indigestion, dimness « sight, pains nad giddiness of the head, and all disoraers of the stomach and boweits. I# 1W and %» M per lex. l AjSTIEIMOTIS. YBGBTABI.* CASTOB OIL | ket AFBRIBNT PlLIitj ■ May be bad in One Peony boxes. One trial is sufficient to prove the virtue of the above f rmpounds. To be bad «,t most rospecfrible Chemists, IT' n^gisto »n(3 Medioine Vendor? thrsngbout the world. f! *oa have any SiffictrVty in obtaining it, Stamp* to; Post Office Order direct to the Proprietor, and it will be forwarded at once. An 2e 9d sizes post free t-, any part of the Kingdom, ™^ N.B —None are genuine onleM they h&ve the Prepwetor's eignatare on the Ooverameot Stanf:— W TBWKW-t. TO IMITATE TM8 WOULD 61l FORGERY I Fvit BtBMtMtt So &011 PAMMM. lti-H MANUFACTURER & PROPRIETOK W TRUCMLL, Kulau. Bw" MM& TmMHfc 04&DXVI _.—J. r, « '•NO MOKE WATCH KEYS." oar (Worth Rio). -in return for a .£6 note, free an. safe d&U per post, one nf the "Coumty" Gentlemaa's Kevless LBYKR WATCHKj, with a corajMet hiphly-imished J plate levar maveraent, rally jewelled in rubies, cliroaometer balance, and seandeat keyless work. ill oiMxive sterling sllvar cases with Hat crynUl glass, gold winding buttom, and gold jaiatn. such value has ever before feeen offered to the liritish public, keiaj regulate* for het and colit cfiiaates, allll te staad the romgkest wear, and give tke highest .satisfactioa in private use. This line Watch wi!l be worth putting into a Sold Case after twenty year's wear. (CLUB AND OIUKU AtfhXTt WANTFD WATOHBS, £1 TO ZCIO-) Illustrated Pamphlet seat free on application. Mr. T. R. RUSSELIj (!Jaker to the Qneen), CATREDRAL WORKS, 18, CHURGH-STRKET LIT&K709L. gwlw #Mr's A WONDERFUL HEOffiiRE. BBEOHAM'i FILLS. ^sordata, £ SeC s«* sa^atei me* ps?n «a «» ( \fl\ efae«Mhj55*«*<iache f iifowm WXfit7 \^m% fiiwin sal r^/PiVri&roT jyi^gyglSS,. Of haat. ttas of m jBEaBgig^s ImA SSlriaa. Itstmrtsl staa», M»«M J23* deeataa, uU «B aarroaa sgd ^*WlL b^oi thaaa EOa, mi tha» w« U acfeatwladgec v> be I WORTH A GUHWA A BOX. 9e* females ofafi ages theaa$M8aeeiiwahu*le, as afawdeaie I of them earry off all grC-i haaiaiua, ejpen «B «bati aattenk aM iiria«! abeut all that is raqateed. He tanade i^eia. These is a* nwdittae to Wfouad to equal M80BLAJW PILU for reaieviae any ebatraettea er iwegntairity ef tfcaaya* tRIlL If taken aoeor«l*i« to Mm «Metteas#vea wi* «shhea I Sliw viB aaoa restore fewalea ef aM agaa te aoa&d sbA sebaat bewh* For » weak atooaeh, Ism steel ttfsalleaL, aa* aB<jaet*arsol tM liver, theyaetMse aM a tow deasa trBlkefowid to we* wea^ a^ the ■wstWaatart ee»sMeftee tosmaa neohiae. TW sfrsagthsK thewhsi» sswsiJar systsa, renters the leag lost eemgdenea. teia«hMfctfce Omm and wehsefarteaatioewfefc «mKOflWTO •fh-MfcibewfcoJe Bhvsleal «Mqr ef «w haaasa fcaae. *«' ase fACBT ad* Bdtt»ibytheaaaa*«nwla»nls»allslassese<eeeMty;aB*eaeof Ifcp beat gaa«aata(wte miIWiTi»aB aad d^Mhi*»i m, Bushern raa have the latest alaaf aar fatsait sseAMae ta tke wertd. BffiSOHAlFf IfAGIO OOUØR PILLS. itm a laaily hrdniM ia «aaeral, Astfena, rf ftwashiac, abertaeee efBsaath, Op^reartni ia :in Cbest, Wheestec, *e.,«hee«Piw* ;vatiei; udm sue labeartag wader aay «f theJbeve i-.eedewj *T SaeBeBtemtmthatthayarrtt*heatevt. ,cct w tin £ > £ *• Cer a^tfcmAhi mA 9swmm#va Qeaghs, Bcarseoess, aad Op* areMloa #*fee Cheat, to* spasMy remove that eeaae f-reaaoa aad AJBeaAf <rWs3htef whieh ^gh«/dsfrijette ,ti«titofieet |*ve aineet iartaait refef and ewierfort 9Uom atfleted wwTSe aheve *Ktrea*^ a^ wb« a^«te^ laugeneas wa^aAa. Let aay peweo trowWed wiU aay « the above iiaatjilMtnta five Bhu^I'Cmnsi Vto» a tsisi. seeZ^eist«5i^ w« laaiM *se k*w»e*. -4Ehe paMtoase cenested te artleelfcaMfce ww« Baacajoc's lui, 8t- Heleaa/' are oatheBaMiBSSsatBtasni affixed te mA he* eftte PBU. If aet ea ttap *e a Prenacedeahraadaridw>eia«^eaa4rataiMi|grtt»e^epti«*e* jtunhanTirT—i St. Balsas, LsaesAlre, ia boxes « ui^ukd«s9deaeh. Beat peat free twatte ye^ietw f» iS oTSd st*^a.-4Wd by a> Bra«iaU aadtatea^ *effiete< Oaalera hi ttw Kfiagdeai. *.1.-FalldiiaoBeasare#*•»witheaehhex. W> n, UJ wu*—*+- KfcivKlUK'S TRUST ABLE MUUB ros n&jkntemmr KKRNlck'S VEUKTABLK PliXS ww. Mxuommmm |T ERNIOK'a TKGETABLJS PIL»L8 worn WMaxsanaieeK. TT ERNIES fisGBTABUC FELIjS m urn ooiarunnt KEVl^ICK*S V«CiKTABIJE PULLS wtsm. cowmrAirnt K' EF-NICK'S TFXrETABLK~PrLLS votcrAi* m KtonntSi f^ BP^NIOK^ TEGETABLK PILLS ABK »AU AJT» U*T TO WiU-BW, TZ ERNICK'-S VEGETABLE FILLS«jthkk tax grttrtM.. 17-SIIXICK'S ^VEGETABLE PILLS I'tniFy *u«a, *<>ld in Boxes a. 7 i,d., la. 1^ mid 2JL Shi. ftu-h, by (ftsxi rtsptcUV'U. (%Mnuh w Aw^aswf M d the Colonic w rtui-y be had tiirvct vi (in Hjie I'rvpricU/r&y KhR&i I O.K. & If hat*- tau mJi Kxport DriiyjuXe, e, i'ii. *!$&•»** -.M I> L 40 'y' These Lczeages are the most efficaoions remedy evet bttrndtteed for Worms. Being innocent it. tliei-e character, they may be taken by chMdi^n. of all degrees hud cmutitions with perfeet safetyJ(»They am most i:.»sfui fvr eliildren of doll rate stomacfeis and pale com- P:"1:1\I, M they strengthen the ayeteaa by giving an &i •<•>»»* te. )f Mcihrrt only knew the valv* e/ Ume Loumge*, ne wcuid b-e teitfiout a bo-x. Sold bp m»*t in tid Ond is 1.. hM*' HAiil! HAiii!! HAIR! COLOUR. HAGON'S HAGOX':S iHAGON'S HAGON'S iHAGON'S H AGO.N'S HAGON'S HAGON'S H AGON'S HAGON'S HAGOS'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S RESTORES GrREY HAIR TO ITS ORiMNAL COLOUR and BEAUTY. Dr. Buist, Curdiff, says I believe it to im ouc of tl-e safest and most sensible applications fer the Hair," | Mr J. J. Horton. Chemist, Strat- for:l-road, Birmir.ghani, says "1-1aye been in business over 26 years in Birmingham, and must say that no Mnir Restorer has given such satisfaction as yours." is. 6d. per Bottle. By Post for 24 Stamps. RESTORER RESTORER RESTORER KFSTOKEtf RESTORER RESTORE tt RKSTORER RESTORER RESTORER RESTORER RESTORER iRESTORER ■RESTORER Irestorer CHILDREN. I [HAIR HAIR I HAIR (HAIR I lHAIR 1- HAGON'S ROSEMARY, Cleansing Lotion for Children's Hair. Destroys all creepers, nit3, &c. 6d per Bottle by post, nine stamps. GROWTH. )CLEANSER CLEANSER CLEANSER CLEANSER CLEANSER I HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S (HAGON'S iHAGON'S HAGON'S |HAGON'S .HAGON'S HAGON'S iHAGON'S ) HAGON'S !HAGON'S Is a positive remedy for Loss of Hair, Bald Heads Bald Patches, etc., etc.— Mr F. Howell, 3, Brom- field-st., Lower Grange- town, writes:—"I com- pletely lost my Hair, until I was quite BALD, but after using two bottles of yonr Hair Renewer my Hair grew as thick and strong as ever." is 6d per Bottle. j By Post for 21 Stamps. RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER -r- I- SOLE MAE33R| HAGON, CHEMIST, 139, Bridge Street, Cardiff, And 2, Coburn Street, Gathays. London Agents for above Preparations-SANGER j and SONS, 489, Oxford Street. ptmmiB lOUSE pawn A" V. INVESTMENT COMPANY LNHTEO, Ou) Post Omen OnAmum PONTYPRIDD DIRECTORS LTR JAMSS SOBKSTft, Tafl Yale Hosm, Tn too,-St obakumur. MS 6IOM1 SKILL, Tenypwidy, Tin Chiurman. MR SIOBAJU) BOflSBrS, PoofcjrpridA. MB NVAN DAVtBe, Tke Walk, Oardtt, MR EDWIN PHILLIPS. Poo^raridd. MR TBOMAS THOMAS, Gwem-y-Oerwrn | rveferest. SeontaJr-MB H. 8. DAYJU9S. Poet Office OhMaben, Pontypridd This Company is prepared to receive Deposit* >/ £ 10 aad spwajeda repayable at Three Monthi Kotiee, and tto bear Iafcerest at the rate of Blvi f'o'ands per Centum per Annnm, payable Half 7wly. Apply to the seefttaw aa above. WORTH THE RANSOM OF A KING r GrAWJEE'S ONMTAL SALYE (As supplied t. «■>. Right Ron. W B. OUM.M.). U «« mi Oh«st« C.rnpliunM,«. *e. ML M READ Suzabeth Btoes, 98, New- therpe-atreet, Nottingham 1 naffered for over three yesars from wbite swelling. The doctor's opinion here was that it would be years if ever 1 was oared. Wbilet on a visit to Swansea I was advised to use etttojees Salve. The change for the better was) ranid and in three weeks J. walked up the steps of tW Midland Station witboot k-w«istaoce. «.H,hov^'b ou mj P^rnvKl tiitre I had to bj ^tarried t'oor boxes com. | plfctcly ewrrtl me.-Certitiod bj. X;w>'ji>. M.R.S. J t.t similar cases have been cured, i i,1 RAST [NDIAN PILLS, or Biood 'C&nirs thoroughly pai4fy the Foulest Bleod, eu« i r '„RiHmsarLiverCompla"^8,Piles,Qravel. Indigeati<»L0rHV'°0«rl to the most weakl>! Wind restore ton. andt io tbe world flil ,,s SSStaSSi.toaS'pSLSii Qvervoae who has tried them says they_ara tbe BEST REMEDIES IN THE WORLD. T» Bo-o'i at VM, Is Ud, 2s Sd. 4s 6d. From W. H K( '■hi, wV. Jones, chomuit MounUni T avL "hernia Mr« K. M Evans, Perth; T. RmW i. I aviei., '.f T Jenkins 2 Chapel-streot, Heolfa< 's'"„lr?? ^^ufwUtaSaVHIoks &. Co.; T. William, ■ardill —tv.eini(. amonat bt stamps, with special instruo, OHARLES MAGas la. Wind Kti-tet. Swansea. T„ORS BBWARB OP TKAVKLUWa IMP08T0R8. SPECIPttLY 'WRISTBA1408, .,UITABTE FOR 8111 RT FRl NTSJ COLLARS. $A STIF.'&' 8RISTOL). I IN FN WUITF aM-ISl clothing sweet LIMH WHITE Ag N £ W mwN AS SNOW. HAY. By Authority of Her Majesty the Queen, Under Royal Letters for Importance and Public Ctility. PATENT Big; ) E TRADE MARK BORAX EIMUCT OF SOAP "PERFECTION." PATENT In Quarter-Pound and Half- Pound Packets of all Grocers. Known throughout the world by this 3 TRADE MARK Ask for Patent Borax, and refuse all others. r W. E. VAUGHAN & CO., STEAI DYRIIG UD SCOURIBG IORKS, LiasArr Road, Cardiff. flrwwsfc BHdbUffvm9in4e:— 77, 0*OOMHEBTOWN,1 CARD IP*. V MB, BUT1 8TJRMT, j VA*uirr" II, OOMllKBcrU L 8TRBBC, NSWPOBT. V 88, moo STRyBT. inBWFO&T. 37, CASTLE ismm, SWASMA. Afirt to OtMMHa: BiK I B. TNOMAe. TAlLOB A DBA" numan aT., POSTS ■ ■■ mm I nii—h a m — r ~°X~T S~\ INIM«B8T10N. OOK^UMPITION. LOW SPIEITS. I I DTSfBPSTA. BKOMOWITIB. DEBILITY. 1* \y or HBATtT DISKASB. or ASTHMA. or LTVEK COMPLAINT. V /I For INDIGESTION in all its various forms, of waat ef •<». appetite, a feeling of wriglat or oppression after <)_ ♦a ■<i^ meala. Headache,Heartburn, CraBKP, Wind, pains Oy, 46 about the region of the heart, and other eymp- /«J O*. \^fci>\ toma which are often mistaken for thoee ef -Wry r ^2g>A the dread HBART DISBASB htrndreda ^>5 ■\ have caused anxiety te themselves and ^*y lk IB their familiee bj groundle6s fears /jt >-4 SAfF ivn rVS y^\ through ignorance of the faet that /«^ ? filr 1 n >^#\ the above are symptoma of Indi- A^ Of,, ^HRTAIN. ^Vlr.^ 2S g«*tion; no one need suffer the VJ\ mA u terrible pains of Dyspepsia q?.Q °r .0 g and Indigestion while there g w for w)*3 -ci is a cheap, simple and /m ^S'flpS £ «g-2g JS. effective remedy al- /C 58 thQfce ><V\ ways at hand. For /S5^/ s> *$ £ engaged ID \V/A all the various j forms of Indi- yltl8_ V^A ^tion,phr- /dggy 0-liELY ^VcT S.2c1^S^\v^\ sicians ^ld /S^>/ ^GETABLE patients />0^/ >8joS« 51^ sit \Vf/Aareunani-OT/ .SmW 8 XC/^Xmously /CV1'/ SfSgSsC. n » «'S a^zl-s Xagreed/ B !T3 lo W s«o 'hat »5 « O.g.5.. p- lUiifil Tbbt «!tfii!a;TRE"ED;y isfiili or VA OF THE Jed 8&3la|Z? those 3!St3 ^'vA/ 5'^epl-gS'S' fcreathinjc 3 2 f |IS r Is-gg'o's-is? & >o\ Safe's 5 § Say /Cq \j0*\ it is <&• Isiiiip /45y lwaTstv MSgS|§"y^cy \5^v zhlslz ■> ljo YOU all.Sg'" £ P^^A-jundao} G00D' <5 <Q> S sTO3pisXqa3urpB8x9q^ «-P2| w3 a >5 /jo uorurdo snoranreun 2 S. a, PUN 3MOAL >*a 2 /V pus 3t89A /«c/ si pootq 8R1 »IRM. XqiiBeq g-Og Or for h?t /v>/ puB auoJis eraooeq^oauBosuos S& <S> those -aed p8?^mq9P ewiiep pu« f| <SQ toose o 7/ «n«jpinio3utMOj3 Uoodao'iiBTweTi | Says -6^ exposed to h /«0// -m »q pooiq em jt wad oq ,0utreo the Weather, /.X> jhtoi s.jetnora em Jeoud eq ^jnn am u, 18 Aa Ouarrtmen sseiun (»s«aaq em !»e pimo emeeanuiCi^d \a\ tlae /Ci^/ -oad?ouuwa»qiouieqa .qiauej^Bpuwtroee^ \V^<\ BEST DRIVERS, 10 seoanoeaj eq? mv41 ii qopraa ptre poopi em ^y%\ uviB'nY" FARMERS, 4ijndo;'oiuoieiqmaSsA pooaamoa wpoau^ewa \tM+ UI TiA HOfTRICR^ 'AXm&SCI too-1! ^a?jaSllB TTVJQf pus ijiaSCI of the 1. &C.&C "^IHO OKiMOaO SHSHIOIC 9KISHHK AGE. L WHY DONT' YOU TRY IT ? IT IS CERTAIN TO RELIEVE YOU? It has cured HUNDREDS aufferin from the same complaint as you. IT WILL CURE YOU, IF YOU TAKE IT IN TIME. Every day gives the disease fresh hold up*n you, and though Gwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters hare cared Hundreds of Cises tfivea up by friends, still the sooner the enemy in your system is get rid of, the better Sold in bottles at 2s 9d doable size, 4s 6d cases containiag three large bottles, 12s 6d. May be had of every Chemist, or Vendor of Patent Medicines or, if preferred, will be sent at above prioer safe by Parcel Post, secure fNDIl observation, direct from the Proprietor-Mr GWILYM EVANS F,0 S., Llanelly, South Wales. 30 YEABS 11ST 0 Zl. R. B. BOULTON, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DENTAL SURGEON, ACTON HOUSE, ROATH ROAD, (Opposite University College), OARDIFF, ffaving had great experience both in English and Amerioan systems of Dental practice^ is enabled to give to his patients the benefit of saoh experience in a manner which feat rery few Dentists can offer; and being the Inventor of the Patent Compoaitan, by which oftly a perfect impression ef tW can 'be oWidnaa, boh ew>iei uO Hlpply beautifnlly fitting Artificial Teeth of guaranteed workmanship, of natural appearand &nd which defy detection. No Sea-horse Itory Teeth. No 8s. Teeth. No Rubbish of any kind. RELIABLE TEETH. Partial Sets. .from 6s to 30s Each. Sets Upper or Lower „ 60s to 20 Guineas. Inventor of tM Al Amalgam Stopping as used by the but DeniitU in Ewropt f America, TESTS SAVED by fillings, which last from 10 to 40 years, at Moderate Fees. NITROUS OXIDB GAS administered daily at Cardiff by the best aH safest method. Repairs Executed promptly on our own, or upon work made by other Dentists. Extract from the "Chronicle," December 24th. The work of the well-known Dental Surgeon, Mr. R. B. Boulton, of Aoton Houøe. Cardiff, is very highly finished, and is the best work we have ever seen." HOME ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 10 TO 5. ITOTIGE. REMOVED from St. Catherine's Street, to MR. Notts, 77, Taff Street, PontypridJ. Attendance-the first Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 o'clock. AIM At Júø. Whites, Chemists, &o, Mountain Ash, the same day from 10.35 to 1 o'clock. AMnia aft M* Habbib'S, Chemist, Merthyr, the Second Wednesday in "ch mend" I from 12 to 3. "The GLXAE BtMk Leal"-rWe Prwn, 1 AMCC' COLD MEDAL «wS^nnMF esBe&aaofQualftrau*flaautt |y^|VlLi BLACK LEAD ItTTItllfWiilMmfcillillm PONTYPRIDD. fOHN CROCKETT Co., VVDnTAXOUl, lad General Cabinet Makers, aH Boue Fir- nishftrs. Shelltbier for AdvXt FwMrtÙl. Ooeuik fot "Aildrets',e Funereds. Wreathsin fr*eUvariety hildron's Coffins from Its 8d 'dult Collins >, •" ••• ••• W* olii.hfrd Oak Coffins with White Trinmmgpe and padded nittide 80s !h-c iubier to carry 8 inside and oeffls out- aide from Pontypridd, Hepkiacfcown, OoeclpeDmaen, Ohainwerke, aad TM- forest to Cemetery «, jach to etuoy < inside aR eluU'e e«i« ostssie frsm above plaoos to Oaaaetery Pontypridd, Llantrisant, and Rhondda^Mffs pbemanent BENEFIT BUILDING SOCIETY. Established 1866. Incorporated 1874. DIRECTORS s- MR, RTCHARn ROGERS, Pontypridd, Chairma*. MR. JOHN Llantrisant, VSoe-ohsfir. m-n. MR. CHARLES BASSETT, J.P., Brystymen Pontypridd. ^R. THOMAS MORGAN, Y Tron, Pontypridd. MR. JAMES RICHARDS, Treforest. MR. DaNIKL WILLIAMS, GHasfryn, Pontypridd MR. W*. GRIFFITHS, Taff Villa, Pontypridd. MR. E- C. SPrCKETT, Maesfaoed, Poabypridd. Advances made on Mortgage in sum" tnutyinff from £ 100 to £ 10,000, repayable tt. monthly or quarterly instalments. MORTGAGE AND SURVEY PBDS PAID BY THE SOCIETY. Advances made^on the Shortest tfotioe. For further particulars apply to ilia Secretary, MR. H. S. DAVIES, OLD POST-OFFICE OHAMBHBS, Pontypridd.