Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

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lIøRBS ARE THE MEDI CINES OF NATURE « in WERT KIND OF DISEASE FLUId IS HEIR TO. i TRIMNELL'S MILP i: BITTEX F0H-I5T0XiCATIHG PURE HERB BSER, FOR SUMMER AND WINTER. URS ComjK>iir<1 ip highly recommended bv a great BUsber of th", Blue Ribbon and Good Tempi art' staff Mtttseoant of its superior quality shove all othera lot MSSfsfttig and strengthening the ayptum, ever brought {eSxe the prblic. By the same, thousands have hies HKoed from drankeuneee. Sold by most Chemisti Grocers. 61. per Packet, by host 8 Stamps, i.* It recommends Itself. 11 k i j- -.1 THIKKELL'S TIC-ERADICATOR Will instantly remove Toothache, TU Dblor^nt, Nenralpia, or any P«M ii Ibe Bead or Face by simply applying I to. the part affected, its superiant oyer all others being that it in apphad, W wardly, while many of the nostrum Mb at are in the market contain stron poison* «*d v« taken inwardly »fc.—Tt da will neither leave any mark IMI iajVBt fee don where applied^—la lid per bottle. A When Ibm b reason to nspoot a Mil ,V%m Oba bp Mag ona or two doses of 'I:a I :liB II. I. '8 Life-giving A Preserving OLD or SlElTlfffi POIBB It will (mm all symptoms from tb miw No one should be withoat it. as it is evidoatl; ■to boat ever brought before the publie. Mttuad io invaluable in the first stages anl ^fialsst Mrau of Golds. Inflammation, Pains in th« ■lomaah, Looeenees of the Bewells, Rheumatism Whsnisslin Goat, Pains in the Limbc, Sciatic iol ftNmi affections, Spasms and Cramp, and wiD iMMNftO otasteafltiotis sensed bv oold. It is also ar fasetUaft stimulant for persona gOmg out into the damp. fcg. ftrost.or snow, as ii prevents taking oold: aadfai n|MK4a Blood iwm «B imparities, ISBB as Bad fcsgs, Kmples, Blotohes, Ohilla, *c., it saaaot b* '1 is 1M M #sr ^wM. I -!a I ..y RIM NEt l' S Life-giving & Preserving § COUGH BALSAM. Nothing tht* has yet tan discovers* can be compared with this Balsam. Iti beneficial action upon all diseases of tin ■eepiratory organs is so sunpie may be aamin- M«ad with porfes* safety to the youngest children, y* the progress of OMay of the most formidable palmonary complaints, Wferthar eongh, er«O0, hooping cough, pneumonia, ftsnnsjr. asthma, iDroaahitis, difficulty of breathing, m that dreadfal disease, consumption, et which so ■mj thousands die annually aroaiad u. Is 1)4 mi it M per UtiU. il»T • i -,1-7 T RIM N ELL'S EMBROCATION, ( Of WotM-iid# BeutiM1 For rheumatism,. rheumatie goat, )nm- >*«o, pains in limbs, and numbness, stiffrtesS of the faints and neck. chil. Mains, before they erebrofcen, sciatic tod paralytie ■dfeetwns, spfraios, braises, spasms, quinsy, and sore Ifcroat, is acknowledged by an who have use it to bf ilia most effcacions Jb^tthey ever had either for man B* beast. It is an'article which will "^50»r>mcn4 Iteelf. la lid and 2s 9d. "i I- I -.1 I. TRIMNELL'S. Iafa-giving 6 Preserving N'ERVfNE TONIC >r either Sex; will o^re all kinds of vrvdas debility, arising from any >v»r?rce of weakness from whatever wanse it may arise, auese are a few of the Symptoms •5 Nervoup IM»lrtyDepression of-spirits, inapti- bcle for election, unfitness for study, dislike for OKeiety. dislike to enter any kind of business, involun. Htr WasliioK. ^r»'»es8 ci eight, sparks before the •Jss, deaftiesj and noiee in the ears, sense ol tightness B* suffocation, cocfltan* mental miagiving, pa>na ict ths Mm apd a cf<n?t»nt se»afe of weariness, irritation of Ifes kificeyp aud bladder, pfdpitation of the heart, treintih>Ti?iie9S on any sndden impalRe, evtrsrao ksffidence, fond of mopii^ alune, morbid ecnaimH.y, ■MWless about hfe, its joys, its pleasnree, and rar s; irroolari of the -ens, feehng ifood for gothlllgy {&ilpr6 of memory, inteUectnaJ power and "■Wltjes fn^ti or less impaired, extreme restlaiecaea, •welepcv ar»,4^dig3Stioa, hfftdachea, silejul •rtetcncaJLesrt, afiahig ikciq tqp fear of physics.! wc&k- IIeøe" fear of ip^anit^, miparaol$forebodings for tb. no'ft<«pte for ratare, starting during sloop, "WfcWtt; aMd f)>«litlg ill witbont apparent canse. 0t»^ two packets of Tritonell'i lierriAe Tonic wili Use all naarrr of the above. Is 16" me 91 14 pa pmmii iiLl 7T It TRIMKELL-S LIFE CIYIHG S PRESERVING VEGETABLE TONIC, iPEBIEHT & LIVER PILLS. Now. t <6 2 for either Sex. A moat celebrated remedy let ts^vf, I ;;T R QOV«9MUQS*, attaclcs OJ. lever, » vejiza! Jyt..• ayp.ito,lndi^aation, dimoMI of lighl ^r the Head, and all disorders of »n^ bf '1 1 • in>; j A a-isM- AnHiuSto J* <V* «»"» per tod. f 'piIxKaTH VEGETABTW CASTOR OIL APERITBNT PJLLb ,.1 be bad in Oos Penny boxes. is .nff/ieat to proye the virt-ne of the »hov« y/obs had at mast rapectnble Chemists, fvll3 nne Vendorsthroxiphont the world. W]ii hJ"?' «j;fii'nlty in obtaining it, send Starapi *Vt)r~<n direot to the Proprietor, and it *uy %3 jc <it onee. 44i 2e 9d poat h*t ,ie Kingdom. BJ.B j^fjK*etof'V? ^ptiaias aoless th«y Lave W- 1)0 TO rms would bm FORGERY —>T»»fS osi Bms Pusio*. wasts — W myv-mPRER PROPR,KTOR • • foøA Tnii^ 'r" QA&Dm -=1 /JSou.N [) tj.RNTS de——— In* n'ont?, to pdALE.—The Safest of nzrJOA; Pfktd 4i per cent -€110 u; several oipndoD; £ 40, £ 20, ^37, j0 BORROW » iQ Manchester, &c. 8e«-x:riiws, in » *NEY. on nndonbted SS2?' Applv H. 1 J. of from £ 500 to Manchester PEMBSRTO.X, i RffinMK^ lUlllViiriKK iniiii;n>L«Fv ^wM I I mm ■ ■ CDR., I I 'WARTS ,1 This infallible, painlesa, and certain remedy, intro- duced by J. MUNDAY, has obtained a world-wide re- putation. The efficacy of VIKIDINB may be judged putation. The efficacy of VIKIDINB may be judged by its having enred corns of over 50 years' standing, which had resisted all other remedies. It Succeeds where all Plasters and Caustics have failed In Removing both hard or soft Corns and Warts. In Bottles, Price Is., by Post Is 2d. From lldlte. Mar it MuUer. Mr Munduy. Amsterdam. Holland. Dear Sii\—T bought a hottle of your OEUVIKE •'VirWine" some six months tgo in Paris, which rnred me, and as I am a principal danrer you know my feet are my living. The bottle I hought did the service you reo-nimended it, but I bousjht another one afterwards which was forged and no good. As I want a bottle of ORNUISE for a friend or mine, who is nearly mad with pain, will yon please send me one 6ireet. Mdlle. MARIE MULLER. From Mr. 7). Anthony, Swansea. Dear Sir,- I myself have suffered with corns, and tried several of the certain, cures which peopte boast they have, but they al! failed in my ense. I then got a bottle of your Viridine," and by applying some pightly to the corn I was surprised to Ijivt I conW draw it elean up. I now enclose stamps for another bottle for a friend of lirine. NOTICE.— The gi*t sucress of ray VIRIDINB" has brought many worthless imitations into the markfet, under various names as "Corn Cure." The public are, therefore, cautioned to purchase no other than MUNDAY'S VIRIDINE," and see that my signature is on the end of each package.. PliEPAUED ONLY BY J. MTODAT, ChemisU, High St., Cardiff. Sold by all Chemists and Patent Medicine Dealers London Agents-Wilcox & Co., 239, Oxford St., W. Newbery & SouP, Sanger, Satton, Hovenden, &c. ———■—■ 1 —— TEl "OCULIMIEE 2 A EE IK GS NO HOBC BOKK KY1:8, Al favoaas saffariag from the »b« -»» distiMsni Masyktat, abo%W at onoe try F. FILIFPIM1? Onumi Qhi KARSIMSS. PrioM—»/•, 8,6, 4. and Bf-, per pair. F. FILIPPINI, WATCHMAKSK, ETC., MAWCET 8TKKET, PONTYPRIDD. M ON LY ENGLISH WATCHES. BENSON'S -c N BW PATENT No. 4658.) "LUDGATE" WATCH Has olitainp^ the ETOttiEer AWAt9 OF A BOLD 3VTEIDA.X, AT VHW nvenfions Exhibition. 1885. suvsx OOX.H -V Tie Mgate* is i1 wiver English Lever Of my Best London Make with i Special Strecgth." VgEEE-QUARVER PLaTE MOVEMESr. lewellt-cl -,It-, cnvt.,out in Rabies, True Chronometer Balance, Adjusted for Extrepies, y Wita Damp and Ditst Proof latent lii^ Bätfd and Extended Ban A. Jlassivo ybfrWa;* Silver Dome Cases, I vfith CliTSTAL GLASS Front, Which combines the Strength of the Knntei w;th the convenience of the Open Face Watch. ^iiida, Sets Hands and Opens at Back. The Immense superiority in Value, Accuracy ed Durability of the "Ludgate" Watch, to S*v:ai .pd American (made in Imitation nf and sold 1' fijcpliBb), and to the Old Full-Flatp English Levo: tttiH sold by ether makers), from the grtw infects of which the Lodgate is exempt-,—i proved btr Uie Award of a GOL^J MEDAL, Wie only one adfodged' to English Watchee. Hie Ludgate^of Better Quality and Valoe rhas any £ 10 TTatch hithwto made, fhe Lndgate" Is my Best London Make. Strong, Handsome and Reliable, Will stand the hardest Wear and roughest usage And is, therefore, the Best Watch H\>r Home, Indian and Colonial Wear, by tt&ilway Men, Miners and C'olonists (No. 1, Large Size) Workmen and Artisans (No- 2, as Sketch) (Gentlemen, Officers and Men in H.M. Services, Youtbie and Boys' (No. 3. Small) Will be sent Free and Safe at my Risk To all parts of the World for !5 6s. 0" in 18-CARAT GOLD Crystal Glass Case* 10 1WFT.VF GUINEAS (No. A SispJ. jL j.t.emm<tUje by i'.u.o., i*i uit o. Casti, must 3 accompany Order. <; SPECIALLY NOTE that^r JjV. Bansow is the oclt Slp-ker of a Three-Quarter! Jfate English Wateh lco X5 59 in Silver, or jSia W In Gold, and t £ at om Patent Ludgate" Watoh eannot-be bad throngl or cf any crtfwr Watchmaker in theJLingdom. Infringement of the Patent Rights Will be pMoeedet against. An illastratsd and Priced BOOK, explaining th ad/antages of this Watch OTer the Fall-plat' English Watches cold by all ether makers, wul t sent Post-free en ^ipIiOatiba to pr J. W. BENSON, WATCHMAKER TO Hjf. TBI QUSSJT, THE 8TEAM FACTORY, r lad .ftoiTDON Consequent qpoa the awAJtf flt the Ubdu the demand, always gm), has Iq neqo litate mor? fxtanjirs MatkaBr. #kicn (raw fnabfiei is to EXBCuTS ALL OSlTOl far the LUD GATE' WATCH WITHOufpBLAt. Illustrated PameUits W W^sfThretn 1« <MQ lold and Silver JeWellsft, Quit* (Hotise, Ohiflfte sm JC&rret), Electro-Piste, and llatiaal Boxes. Free ox Application. 0 £ CLUB AS30CUTIQN8.~I>QRBMEN, SECRE IARIES OF FRlENDLt SOCIETIES, AGENTS and others will fad tfctir Ineomee oeasidershly in oreased by sstsbHsbtnf ^lttbs te tks^Kew nM "Lndgate" Watch, ifitji *mfrom £ t to £ u saore than any English Wateh sold, and therefor* Wand to supersede all itkm. Panietten tm appli A WONDERFUL MEDICINE. B'EBCHAH'S PILLS. fa/ y\ \f(PATENT ra lift PILLS. I§J w Are admitted by thousands to be w'fth a Gainea a box for bilious and nervous dis- orders, such as wind and pain in the stomach, sick headache giddiness fulness and swelling after meals, dizziness and drowsiness, cold chills, flushings of heat, loss of appetite, shortness of breath, costiveness, scurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and tremblings sensations, &c. The first dose will give wlief in twentv minutes. This is no fiction, for they have done it ip thousands of cases. Every sufferer is earnestly invited to try one box of these Pills, &Ld they will be acknowledged to be WOR.TH A GUINEA. A BOX. For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses carry off all gross humours, open all obstructions, and bring about all that is required. No female should be without them. There is no medicine to be found to equal BEECHAM'S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the sys- tem. If taken according to the directigns given with each box they will soon restore females of ail ages to sound and robust health. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all disorders of the liver, thev act like MAGIC," and a few doses will be found to work wonders upon the most important organs of the human machine. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long lost complexion, they bring back the keen edge of appetite, and arouse into action with the ROSE- BUD of health the whole physical energy 6f the human frame. These are" FAOTS" admitted by thousands embracing all classes of society; and one of the hest guarantees to the nervous and debilitated is, Beecham's Pills have the largest sale of any patent medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthma, diffi- culty of Breathing, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression in the Chest, Whoozing, <&e., these Pills are unrivalled; and any one labouring under any of the above complaints need only try One Box to prove! that they are the best ever offered to the public for Asthmatic and Consumptive Coughs, Hoarseness, and Oppression of the Chest. They speedily remove that sense of oppression and difficulty of breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. They give almost instant relief and comfort to those afflicted with the above distressing and, when neglected, dan- gerous complaints. Let any person troubled with any of the above complaints give BEBCHAM'S COVGH PILLS. a trial. The most violent Cough will in a short time be re- moved. CAUTION.—The public are requested to notice that the words, BEECHAM'S PILLS, St. Helen's," are on the Government Stamp affixed to each box of the Pills. If not on they are w. Prepared only and sold wholesale and retail by the proprietor T. Beecham, Chemist, St. Helen's Lanca- shire, in boxes Is. lid. and 2s. 9d. each. Sent post free from the proprietor for 15 or 35 sta-nps.—Sold by all Druggists and Patent Medicine Dealers in the King- dom. N.B.—Full directions are given with each box. TSaXTABLX PIJIM j^ERNICKt YJCOETABLK TTU& J "1'1, j^ERKIOKI TBCHETABIJC PILLI n •p^EMUCCT TBCnCTABU TTLLJl lIftS j^ERNICKTB YBQKTABLK PUM R8 -d88. JT EUNICE'S TJSQETARLK PTLI4 ,-n ^\«pup »t mw^II, TT ETRIRCCK'S VTAGTABLK FTLLA AM MAU ACT MIT TO IWUMV, T £ EUNICE'S VEGETABLE PtLLs wmwtro m MIIHI TV ERNTCK'S VEGETABLE PILLS rourr rmx wiotm, f v; ;'uldi.n Boxes mi7\d.t Is. 114 9 mmd 2s. M ttt.-A, by most respectable CktmisU tn EngUmi JJie Colonies, or may be had Hr*ti oj Ae SoU f'rjgrieton, K&RNICK & SON, WkJU- trie m*d tixperi DruggitU, 6, 8t> j Juto By- CARDIFF.. iii1 .J; Tb«s6 Lozenges are tbe tBost efBc*ekm» remedy~«T« Introduced for Worms. Being innocent K their | character, they may be taken by chil. ef all degrees I »D;I conditions with perfect safetjHl'fl^TheT arv most I 'S;iful for children of fieliuate atowiuini and pale eora- I. ir xinn, as they strengthen the systen by giving an | Af nther* only knew the value #/ A«N n» aKi-fiy wiId be without a box. ny«Ati« CkfpiwU. in 7 id ««wt is Ud bw í } > HAIR! flAIR!! HIIR! COLOUti. HAGON'S H AGON'S HAGON'S, HAGON'S HAGON'RF! HAGOS'S' HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGQN'S RAGONS HAGON'S RESTORES GRRY HME TO ITS OIUGINAL COLOUR and BEAUTY. Dr. Buist, Cardiff, says:—"I believe it to be 0110 of tbe safest and most sensible applications for tlu, ILnt. Mr J.J. Ilorton. Chemist, Strat. fori-road, Birmingham, says Have been in business over 26 years in Birmingham, and must say that no Hair. Restorer- has given such satisfactioli as 0 yours." ■' is. 6d. per Bottle. By Post for 24 Stamps. RESTORER RESTORER RESTORER RESTORER RESTORER RESTORER iRKSTOafift RESTORER RESTORER I "'RESTORER IRESTORER [RESTORER '.RESTORER I Restorer HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR HAIR — CHILD R \(JS% HAGON'S ROSEMARY, Cleansing Lotion for Children's Hair. Destroys J all creepers, nits, etc. 6d par Bottle; by post, nine stamps. 11 t. CLEANSER CLEANSER CLEANSER CLEANSER CLEANSETT HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S FI AGON'S HAGON'S HAG IN* s HAGON'S HAGON'S HAGON'S GROWTH. Is a positive remedy for Loss of Hair, Bald Heads Bald Patches, etc., etc.— Mr F. Howell, 3, Brom- tield-st., Lower Grange- town, writes:—"I com- pletely lost my Hair, until I was quite HALO, but after using two bottles of your Hair Reuewer my Hair grew as thick and strong as ever." Is tid per Bottle. By Post for 21 atamp3. RENE WE TT RENEWEE RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER RENEWBR KESEWHR RENEWER RENEWER RENEWER SOLE MAKER:— HAGON, CHEMIST, 39, Bridge Street, Cardiff, And 2, Coburn Street, Cathays. London Agents for above Prepa.rations-SANGER v- and SONS, 439, Oxford Street. j^ERVOUS DEBILITY, DEAFNESS, JU NOISES IN THE EARS, AFFECTION OF THE EYES, and other bodily ailments. Sufferers should send for REV. E. J. SILVEcLTON S WORK on ene complaints (275th Thousand), containing, valuable information. Port free for Six Penny Stamps. None should despair. Note the address, RBV. B J. SILYERTON, 16 told, IKFMIAL BVILD iNcts, LuseATB Ciacos, London, E.C.. WOKtH THE HANSOM OF A KiMGr GrAMiKE'S ORIENTAL SALVE (As suppliod to the Right Hon. W. B. GMMMM). P%ICYRV,G Piarno, 3ores, Piles, Rheumatism, Para- oJ lvqis, Lumbago, Stiff Joists, White SweOings, ,v. vrip disease, Chest & Long Complaints, Ae,, *e. Aftb v I 1-1 A ..41 iI I f Si READ ELIZABETH BLOOP, 88, New- Werptt'street, Nottingham 1 suffered for. oyer three years from white' swelling. The doctor's opinion here was thM it would be year's if was cured. Whilst on a visit to Swansea I was advised to ose Gamjee's Salve. The change for the better was rapid and in three wreks 1 walked up the steps of tba M idiand Station without assistance, although on ioy arrival there I had to b^ T carried. Four boxes eom. L pletely eured me.—Certified b> IGKO. BLOOD. M.R S of similar cases have bees esTed. GA.Gi.:E-S EAST INDIAN PILLS or Blood Cleansers, thoroughly perify tty> Forfest Bieod mn Indigestion, BilMws or JuiverCompta-mts. Piles, Gravel Wind, restore tone and vigour to the most weaklj constitution,' slid are the best mthe world for af Female Irregularities Perfectly Herbal and tasteless Everyone whe bee tried VSWrru £ BEST REMEDIES IN THE WORLIX InB«iw at 7R 1*1^, 2s 9d. 4s 6d. From W H. Ke Pheimst. Poityp^dd; W. H. Jones. Chemist. Mountein T. Dftvies, ^heralct, Mrs R. H ? ?" „ ^J .b«mUu TreherbMi T. Jsalcins, 2,ChaP«UtrMt 4c., or direct for the smouat to st*»ps. tions»' rn'juired. f. ont ttal sols propnstor, OHARLlS MAGQb U. Wind Street., twsBssa. m BEW AS. Of TTUTgJJM0 WfOSTORA 'to OOrf')blt!fO*> Ofl J —'—- tit. LY $PECIAL nit SUMBLIE $11 RT FRO RTS, COLLAFTS. hhiif. r i l QTrioBrs PATENT I r.. j 8J ■ Irri uufr *6%I EXCELLENCE HIGHEST AWARD IK THE WOETB— slicaun PATDtT I ,6) TRADEMARK v SOAP rftrrrr; "IS THE BEST" IB tha .UTorld for CLEAKI^Q^ F ATB^T WASHING, and PURIFYING EYEHYTHING. In Quarer-Pound and Half-Pound P(cket8, if ttll Groeers. Knouun Eueruwhere by this- 0 R ). E TRADE MARK Ask forpatent Borax, and refuse all others. W. E. YAUGHAN & CO., 5TEJM|Ellt6 W SCQPRIHG f OEB, %m MBMBHT ROAP. CARDIW. Wnmtih XtiablithmtnU.— Hi S&KniRBTOWN, 1 0 a Rhtin» MB, BtJ'B BTR BIT, J UAttDIFF. 52, MILTEROLAL STRBBT, NSWPOBT. 88, HIOJ STRJFKT, NEWPORT. 27, CASlLE fTBSXT, SWANSEA. Afmti U Mtondda: Mat B. THOMAS, TAILOR A DJU.Plla, HANNAH ST., PORTF r.Li 1.-Mil This Creat Kcuachold Ke;Tioine ra"I<s amongst tho- lead- Life. Ihe.l.r Pills "ptfr-fy the ULOOD, and act pow^'fiiily, yet Soothingly 011 the. Li\^r, Stomach, Kidneys, •nd BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour to LIFE ihese grea MAIN SPRINGS OF ley are confidditly recommended as a never failing remedy in all cast; where the constitution, from whatever cause, hasfeecome impaired or weakened. They are vonderfulV efficacious in all ailments incidental to Females o all ages and as t GENERAL FAMILY -MROICJiE, are unsurpassed. f' f Lu I n %Va. i its Seax^hingr and Healing Properties arc kiown throcghout the World. For them-e of BAD LEGS, Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, ,t is an inUlible Hfnicdy. If efifectually nabbed or the neck at} chest, as salt into meat, it C«*res THROAT Bronchitis. Coughs, Colds, and even ASTHMA For Glandular Swellings, Abscesses, Pites; Fist'las,"Gout, Rheumatism, aBd every kind of SKIN DISEASE it has never been known,f»» fail. Sold.t Professor HOLLOW AY'S Establishment, 78, New Qiord St. (late 53?, Oxford St.) London; also by nearly-very .'espectablt Vendor of Medicine throughout the in Boxes and Pots. at is. tjd., 2s. gd.. 4s. 6d., us., 22s. and 33s. each. F»ii ^ffintei Sections are affixed to each Pot and Box, and can De itad in any language. ".B.-Advie Gratis, at the ateve address, daily, betveol the hears of 11 and 4, er by letter. N<t INDIfllSTION. DYSPEPSIA, or HEART DISEASE. CONSUMPTION. BRONCHITIS, or ASTHMA. LOW SPIRITS. DEBILITY. or LIVJlB COMPLAIN or for those engaged in #.■9 •' V for those hreathinff <>j Or for <S> those exposed to the Weather, As QUARRTMKN, k DRITERS, FARMERS, LABOURERS, Ac., &c., tc. For INDIGESTION in all its various forms, of waat of appetite, a feeling at weight or oppression after meals, Headache, Hafcrtbor^, Orimp, Wind, pains abont the region oMnl heart, and other symp. /i^" Xf toms which ara oHa|mistaken for those of /A1V the dread HEAfi%t)ISEASE; hundreds have caused sazlefy to themselves and m their families by groundless fears oj through ignorance of the fact that o v tife above are symptoms of IniU' o# #5b\ gtttiea; no one need suffer the m-0 p V^r terriUsi psins of Dyspepsia ^Sf 2-s: OA°o and Indigestion WH&e there AMM m c s e "is cheap, simple and S^oS 1, S §« effective remedy al- /M ES ►5"»m gtJt-E ways at hand. For /A^f/ a oSH S<2«2<« ■ \T j £ .A all the various Bg-^asso ggil^^ .\<^SV /SS7 g-SflssS'g gestion,phy. g 5 tr„ S jj sicians and Vv/ • • ?o 3 d.^ go^goS-gJ patients c"l^ g oSf 93 g £ -o.o\v/>\areunani./5S^/ tf^g ». 2 t> e S \V Kiously |-Sa|g|gJ|K\ \agreea/>0/ l»a ft%Sl fiiiiirfiiiobb,tKmiu KliMii Sl«iiF§l|ii'Wk OF THE isf I gr £ XHLg BU^x Sfl!0'os,o- /w i '»! BfijPs gijiff sffffif l§iii Aw/ ^Ihll ifeflR W OV pm ^IUL /59v B°°N »Q2 pu« Huoiywstzzoooq tonuvosrzoa fcT pofi^fnQsp pus eteapep poo ?E S *n9jpiP|oSui*o«rsaeodio,XiTOeei| 2 -on eq poow "O JT anid eq )oimo JUJUI s,jotootn em i and eq ^jjxa etft ssepm is«aaq eq? 1* Ptrqo e>n S«xmt X|isd y* !i\ -osi ^omreo Jtsqfioui eqj paeiffieeq Jtt fecunosej eq? q»pA qafioe pm peon eq» \W|\ JjLrnd or 'oraa> etqe>eaaA pooa emes B|pee«^eM> #fv n, eaa'iJJTprgfl moJ> arnjsgns TTV^qimVarwrr XY • *^rk50KIM0H0 P«* SHKHIOIC {aOBUOK *°<i 4x Say it is SAFE AND CERTAIN. Say itis PURELY VEGETABLE ü. .Sayn^ig V.8.Ry j POPULAR f •-('( ) os»y # }It is ALWAYS CERTAIN ro DO YOt GOOD, i, ,7 V' !r 7 Says it is the BEST REMEDY of the. AGE. I WHY DONT' YOU TRY IT? IT IS CERTAIN TO RELIEVE It, has eured HUNDREDS sufferin frojm the spue complaint as YOL." IT WILL CURE: YOU IF YOU TAKE IT IN TIME: Everyday gives the disease fresh hold up -)n yoa, and though Qwilym Evans' Quinine Bitters hay. cured Hundreds of Cases giren up by friendi, still the sooner the enemy io yoar system is got rtt of, the better Sold in bottles at 2s 91; double size, 4i 6d oases containing three large bottles, 12j M. May be had of every Chemist, or Vendor of Patent Madicines or, if preferred, will be sent at above prices safe by Parcel j Pott, secure from observation, direct from the. Proprietor—Mr GWlLYM EVANS,F',C S., Llanelly, SoAh Wales. SO YBAfiS 13sT OAB/DIFF. x iw^ R B. BOULTON, t JSNGLISB AND AMERICAN DENTAL SURGEON, ,} t j ACTON HOUSE, ROATH ROAD, Ji boolfll ».>. „ (Opposite Unirertity College), C^RDlinir, Saying liad gnat experience both in Jtaglish and Atnerioan ajitems of. Denial nmiSea i« enabled to give to nis patients the benefit of snch ezperienoe is a manner wh £ i& %■! MBW Dentists can offer; and bein^ TuTgntnr Af. th>~ Fstirrt n'—. Ifi only a perfect impression of the fnoutii ott -Iw.oMained, he is nnahiod to amok fully fitting Artificial Teeth of guaranteed workmanship, of natural anneuZS md which defj detection. 1 — .—, .1. ''L j'_ 'H him ■*>< 1 Ho Sea-torse lyory Teeth. loSs. Teeth. No Rnhhlsh"rf'-i^ :P BEL I ABLE TEETH.i-"H: Partial Sets. | .from 6s to 80s Each, "^1' Sets Upper or Lower „ 60s to 20 Cfuineik [nemtor of the .A1 Amalgam Stoppinf at used by the but Dentists in Europt t Anmim, TEETH SAVED by fillings, which last from 1Q to 40 yean, at Moderate Few. NITROUS OlIDI GAS administered dailj at Cardiff by Ole but III safest method. Repairs Executed promptly on om* own, or upon work made i by other Dentists. Extract from the "Chronicle," December 24th. If The wcrk of the well-kllbwa Dental Surgeon, Mr. R. B. Bonlton, of Aeton Heift Cardiff, is very highly finished, and ia the best work we have eyer seen." HOME ATTENDANCE DAILY 1TBOM 10 TO 5, 'y- UOTIOB. = I r. REMOVED from St. Gatherine's Street, to Ma. Notti, 77, Taff Street, Pontypritf. AttenclaDoe-the first Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 o'clock. Also at Mas. WHITM, Ohemiats, Ac, Mountain Ash, the sasoe day from 10.3' to 1 o'clock. Aibmmb 06 Ms. HAMMA, Ohoaist, Merthyr, the Second Wednesday in each ,:i>i II M from 12 fo 3. ,„ "The OLBAV Bluk LeaL" JAMES' C°L» Suotsesi've awaids fa* Ms- llEl IVJI Ca esBeeeeirfQiialttyaalCleatit. LACK D -flftrtW ill Imlt.tlt— PONTYPRIDD. JOHN CROCKETT & Co., VKSESTAXSKS, And- General Cabinet Makers, ind House Fur- nishers. Shellibier for Adult Funerals. Coach for Children's Funerals. Wieaths in great variety. Children's Coiffns from 7s. 6d. Adults Coffins 25s. Polished Oak Coffins with White Trim- mings and padded inside 60s. Shellibier to carry 8 inside and coffin out- side fwm Pontypridd, Hopkinstown, CoedpenmaeU, Chainworks, and Tre- foreattoCeimetery 8s. Coach to carry 6 inside and child's ooffin outside from above places to Cemetery WILLIAMS' SHORTHAND CALLED ALETHOGRAPHY. Easiest to learn, read and write; Compendium 2d eomplete Is 8d; on enclosing stamps to- MRS. J. WILLIAMS, Ashfield Terrace, Llangollen. — « iiEA'rn & SONS n. CROC KUKRBTOWN, CARDIFF, j ve on V|ew the I^tgnst S^o#h oif Bigh.^bai •xANOFORTES, ORGANS, AND wtrirJol-D irHAR110NIUMS, ( SOUTD WALES. Whiob they are now offering at a JREAT DISCOUNT FOR CASH, i on the Three Years' System, from lOw 9t per Month. Pttn M, from 16 Gnineaa. mh A Sons, tbftir only addreow, 12, QtMkherih ..wa Caul>ff. Have no br»nohes nor stents, eaabling them to gin aD extra disoonat thir oustomers). inmtrtM Catalofnos Post Free. MR. T. ROWLAND, Architect, Measurer, Valuer, &c., Has REMOVED_to his New Offices, New Town Hall Buildings, MARKET STREET, PONTYPRIDD. < T N.B.—Estimates prepared; Bills of Quantities worked out, and Measurements completed.