Papurau Newydd Cymru

Chwiliwch 15 miliwn o erthyglau papurau newydd Cymru

Cuddio Rhestr Erthyglau

1 erthygl ar y dudalen hon



_—"■"• KERBS ARE THE MEDl CINES OF NATURE I fob BVEBY kind OF disbasb plbw I 18 HEIR TO. A I TRIMNELL'S' MILD a BITTER MMTOIMATIN6 rara HERB BEER, FOR SUMMER AND WINTER. Ihii Compound is highly reoammended by a greet pOBubet of the Blue Rib boa and Good Templaraf Matf M account ef its superior quality above all others for nrifying and ItxenetheniBg the system, ever brought §efore the pabtie. Joy the same, taoneande have beea gseeoed from drankeoaeM. Soid by most Qheaualf IBd Grocers. 6d. per Packet, by Pest 8 Stamps. It recommends iteeli. | .( TRIDELVS TIt-ERADICATOR Will instantly remove Toothache, Tit Doiorecx, Nenralgia, or any Paina b the Head or Faoe by simply applying i to the part affected, Kta supeziorw over aU others being that it isapplied old k wardly, while out of the nostras that are in the market contain stroa poiMM and are taken ravCardlv. N.B.—This will neither leave any mark nor iijart ,,1kiD where applied.—1« Lid per bottle. -i f When there is reason to aaepeot a eoU fey taioag one or two doses of TB I MB E L L' S Life-giving & Preserving COLD ? SWEATING POIDKR It wiii remove all symptoms from th Etofea. No one shoal* be without it, as it is evident!; best evyt brpayht befere the pnblic. This compound isiatadaetble in the first stages aol 4ol0ttt attacks ef OeMt. Ina<MHmwMOB. Pains in am °f the Bowells, Rheam&tinn '■■eOtpatie • Gtroi, Pains in the Limbc, Sciatic mat Paralytic affectioas, Spasms aad Cramp, and wit' jpn»Qve all phstractioo*!#IWW| by cx>ld. MU %}so as •saailent Rtimalaat torparaoaagotQgoat into the damp tea, frort, or soow, m it prevents takiug cotd and foi mnfyiug toe Blood fwm %U imparities, such as Bad Lags, Pimples, Blo»pW Chills, Ac., it cannot b* Iqoallad. Is lid dQ to od jw packo. ——- '——, v • i -1- -0 jfUf N E J- L *S Life-giving A Preserving W COUGH BALSAM. Nothirg that has vet been discovered (Mtt te^cotirpffCCed Wfthtbis Balaam. Its beneficial action upon all diseases of tbi ^ApieSnrryorjari. h &a that it an1* be admin- istered with jiiirftst tfa/ety to the yoau^est children. M vis sttffioisfiilly stMQg to arrest the progress of 1 awmy of tild most formidable p ilrnni irv oom;J¡"¡ote •aether coagh, troop, houpiti-, cui^h. pne'ifa.uiia lleorisy, asthma, hroachitia, dirSc jlty of b.tbtug w that dreadful disease, eousnmption. of wblcb Way -thousands die aanaally aroand illS. 'I 11 m mmd It Ød per bottle. 1 1 rliMi^L-JL'S EMM CATION, 01 tforlS-wide SepatatioD t or rhenraMriiui, rhousaatic goat, lata pains in limbs, and irambness. so of the joints and neck, chii- # WI IUC OOILI UWKL, CU(I* 9Mins, uefore they axe broken, sciatic and paralytic •flections, sprft'Hw btonma, *pfesm»T.g»fia3y, and sore throat. is acknowledged by all who have use it to bs ^JSSSLS^SSJSa? iiiqt t. tz ettber fotaxM ft DOjiHt. tir »e an wtlcte which will —"lowtaetw) -r i .1.1 ,I and 2s, „„ ft, ..9 'Â'7: TRYMNELUS Life-giving & Preserving IRVINE TONIC r ^*ber 8ex; will cnre all kinds of •■•■rvoHs debility, arising from anj of weakness from wb»tev«i •" wtmiuMma ixu'o nnw h .». These are a lew of the Symptoms :eP»ea8iou of spirrts, iuapti- tod* *or exertion, anfitn«M for atody, dislike for JT5 euter kind of holiness, involun- tary bln8hmK,^«»s </ 8jRhti sparks before the 5?a««.t!L^0ai11 a" f0*86 "»the ears, e«a*e al tightness «r anfPvJWtooM, coastwot mental mi wiving, pains in 6ht SSn weaHnesT irritation of i .tl T Waddar, palpitation of the heart, TlS°I?<,8e °n "nddeo impulse, extreme morh\d se.nubility, i°T»- i»e pleasnres, aad it* »»egni[arity of bowella, feeling good for K^uiiio i me.m<*y, intellecttjul power ahd K t,or! impaired, extreme reVtlessnee* fwsjoent beadacbia. siftnt 22^ fir n/ Cof physical weak miserable foiebidingB for tb. f Mi°e /otore, starting daring sleep. '*L'*lt^aot appareateaaee. -One ZJZm Tome will eases of the c" VIM ¿-¡ A -A TtUMNELUS LTFE-GMNG & PRESERVIIG IEGETABLE TOKIC, IPE8IW S LIJER PILLS. Noe. } A 2 for either 8ez. A most celebrated remedy tot foebt- .-•••.q n? co^iplaiaia, att(fccks of fever, In Itenza. iusa of indi;testi :m. dimness of sighi pans and ?iddin £ ?fi ot the bad, and all disorders of jl* atcmaeh and bowettg Is 140 and li M per bora. ANTIBIUÕOS. VEGETABI W CASTOR OIL —apbrjent pillo — — May be had in One Penny boxes. One tr;al is enfBcient to prove the virtue of tbe above mpoootfa- To be bad at most respectable Chemists, iggiatsa"" Mediciue Vendors thronphont the world 00 h»vt' aui oiificnlty in obtaining it, send Stamps toetOs5ceJ>rd*r direct to tbe Proprietor, audit sbe forwarded at once. All 2s Sd sizes post Ire* part Of the Kingdom. -= || PrMrNone anlasa they Lave *b* 3igaatare on the Qevernmenl Stamf! WlUL. TO \lATE TB18 WOULD BB FOSSEHT UUlr.CYI& « Raoa PA-IrgOv- IOL8 KiOPACTrKRR 4 pKOPRIf:T(JR W TRAELI^ MibioM, B«tAVf0x, liottA T nazaes. OARDT^f Gi.ccXD InvesthAl.h.-T' safest of per annum, Sw;i,;> Pa.v 4 a,ri 4» J'L'r c*eb" All° Liverpool; aEd eevV > £ 4U, £ -0, JS37, WANTED to 'L^,a^ Properfy Secnritie.°b £ 30,000. Anolv p¥ ° {r"m £ o<<) to Harket Streic^UVf^ »• rE^BtKlOJC, j This infallible, painless, and certain remedy, intro- duced by J. MUNDAY, has obtained a world-wide re- putation. The efficacy of Yikidisr may be judged by its having cured corns* of over 50 years' standing, which bad resisted all other remedies. It Succeeds where all Plasters aud Caustics have failed In Removing bath hard or soft Cons and Warts. In Bottles, Price is.. by Post Is 2d. from MtVle. Mane Muller. Mr Muniiav Amsterdam. Hull and. I'oar Sir|—I bought a 1 >ottle of your (JK.XI INE \ïri<liue some six laonths &g:> iu Paris, whid, c'.red me, and as I am a principal dancer you know my feft are IVy living. The bottle I bought did tlie service )<n rei-Mnn\i>n<le»l it, hut I bought ;iii,o-,Iieroiie uo gf.od. As I WANT a bottle o* ORNI-JSE f"r a fviend of initic, who is nearly mad with ttain, will you please send me one nirect. Mdlle. MARIE MILLER. From Mr. D. AutLnii/, Swansea. Dear Sir,- 1 myself have sntle- ed with corns, and tritd s(-eral of the certain cures whioli people boast, they have, but thev a}! failed in niv ense. I tlivu gi>t a bottle of your • Viridine, and by applying some nightly to the corn I was sv." tind I couM drxw it cVe.tit up. 1 now (suelose st imps frt- another lKittJe for a friend cf mine. yoTTCP.—Tl.e great succcss of my "VIRIDINK" has brought many worthless imitations into the market, under various naiuej as "Corn Cure." The public are, therefore, cii'itioned to -purchasfc liO. oilier than MtJNDAT'S VIRIDINE," Sind 'seelhat n»y'ure is on the end of f ac'.i package. PREPARRP CfSLY KY J. MUNDAY, Chemist, 1, High St., Cardiff. Sold by all Chemists and Cutout Medicine De..te11; London Agents—Wilcox A Co., 230, Oxford St., W. j Newbery & Sous, Sanger, Sutton, Hovenden, &c. V < tSI "OCBTLIKBCS SASKIVOS NO Mom eoBK kyks 1 r r 4] ftMtmt raffeftsf from the *1> vf «liau-«ceiii ••■KyWBt obeew at oaoe tr* F FILIPP[NN flOHW Qsu Kisujist. Vriewe—8/ M, 4 iw pte"' ] f. filTppini,, foe., MARKET STREET. PONTYPRIDD. m m ENGLISH WATCHES, BENSON'S 'c N EW PATES r No. 4058.) "LUDGATE" WATCH Has oHainpd tbe arGaxsr awais OF A :OLP. AT'- .'mentions Exhibition, 18135 SttTBS. OOt.D £ 5 53. 12S, i I (. tie 'Lfldgate' wff^SterEnglish Lever Of ray Best London "Make with Special Strength," | rHKEE-QUABfEB PLiTfi MO YEMENI. J lewelled thioughout in Rubio% L'rue Cbronouit-ter Balance, j Adjusted for Extremes, With Damp and Dust Proof i atezit Ring Hand and Extended Riiriel. j >tussive Sterling Silver Dome Cases, j VVith CRYSTAL GLASS Front, I Which cotubioes the Strength of the Honte. j -itb the coDTeoience of the OPf'D Face Watch, v/inds. Sets Hands and Opene at Back. The Immense superiority in VTalue, Accuracy, j »ud Dwriaility of tbe "jLudgate" VN'atcb, to -Swisi >cd J$n^rican (made i,fl luiltatioa »f aud s<i}<l a; Kngtish), and ti the Old Full-Hate Ec»fliah^peve! xtill aold by^etiier nakers). from the yrtia1 .«fects of wbidh th« Lud^at* w u exeOipt ,—1 j .roved by the Award of COLD MEDAL, rh. only one adjudged to Englioh Watches I Che Ludgate it it Better Quality and Value Than any A.10 Watch hitu«- rto made. J rbe Ludgate*' is my Best Loudon iiuke. Strong, Handsome and lUsliuble, Will stand the-hard«9«t Wear apd rooghetit usagt: And is, thence, tbe Beat "'a\ch i Per Home, Indian and Colonial Wear, by j Kail way Men, ilinen and Colonist* (Ko. 1. Large Size) Workmen and Artisans (Mo- 2, itS Sketch) Gentlemen, Officers and Men in U AI. j SerrloM, Yoaths' and Boy.' (2\o. &. Small) Will be sent Free and Safe at my Risk To all parts of the World for £6 6a. Or iv 18-CARAT GOLD Crystal Glass C 0 IWItlWl? OI+JiiEAS (No. 3 >•&•■». •• A by tf.ij.K}., Uiaic, o. Cash., uiual "i accompany 0<-der. IPECTALLY NOTE;4»tJ. W. Bauson is the oclj Maker of a Ti-r«e-Q.iarter Plate English Wateh foi £ b 55 in Silver, or X12 12a in Gold, and that onl Patent Ludgate Vv'atch cannot be had khxongt or of any other Watchmaker in the Kingdom. ÂtlJ Infringement of the Patent Rights will be proceede< ftgaiaet., An iilttstrated and Priced BOOK. expteiaing th; ad/antagea' of this Watch o^er the Fall-plat. Ens I igh Watches sold by all other makers, nulb, lient Post-free on application to J, W. BBNTSOlSr, WJTCHAtABBR TO UM. TBE QUEEN, THE STMai.fAOlJORy. lad 25, OLD B0 3D STUttfiT, W., LONDON Conaeqnent apon the awlolil" the Got,9 Mkdu, the deiaaud, always great, lias to increaeed to necea litate more ezteusivs MacbiQt77> which now snabiei a« to EXECUTE ALE ORfifeBS for the 'LUD I GATE, WATCH WITHOUT DELAY. Illustrated Pamphlets of Watohes from Is to aCID ?old and Silver Jewellery, Cloeks (House, Chime »nI urret), Electro-Plate, and llasloal Boxes. Free ot application. CLUB ASSOCIATIONS^—FQBBMEN, 8ECRE TAP.IBS OF FRIENDLY SOCIETIES, AGENTS and others will find their Ineomes oonsidecably in oreased by establishing Slabs for the New Paten) "Ludgate" Watch, as it is wartfc from « to tU nore than any English Watoh sold, and thenfon ^o«nd to tnpereede all ethMe. PMttewtMWOt appli 188i-. A |0SDER|0L MEDICINE. B E KC H A. U S PILLS. C, H fay rv PATENT ra |?l PILLS. Jm :Are'&dmitted by thousands to be worth a Guinea a box for bilious aud nervous dis- orders, such as wind and pain in the Rtomacb, sick headache giddiness fulness land swelling after meals, I dizziness And drowsiness* cold chills, flushings of heat* lofes of appetite, shortness of breatn, costiveneee, Kcurvy, blotches on the skin, disturbed sleep, frightful dreams, and all nervous and tremblings sensations, Ac. The first dose will give relief in twenty minutes. This is ho fiction, for they have done it in tho«sand« ef cases. Every sufferer is earnestly iuvitedto try one box ef these Pill3, at.d they will bo acknowledged to be WOKTH A GUINEA A BJX. t For females of all ages these Pills are invaluable, as a few doses carry off all frosts humours, open all obstructions, and bring abonta.rrtht.tis reqou-ed. N. female should be without them. There ig no mediciue to be found to equal 13 EEC H AM S PILLS for removing any obstruction or irregularity of the sys- tem. If taken according to the directions given with each box they will soon restore females of ..11 ages to sonnd and robust health. For a weak stomach, impaired digestion, and all- disorders of the liver, they act like MAGIC," and a' few doses will be found to work wonders upon the moat important organs of the human maeniue. They strengthen the whole muscular system, restore the long lost complexion, ttiey bring back the-keeu eiUje of appetite, and arouse into action with the ROSij- BUD of health the whole physical energy of ^the human fmrne. These are FACTS "fLdtoitted by thousands embracing all classes of society and one of the best guarantees to the nervoua and debilitated is, Beech am's Pills have the largest 3ale of any patent medicine in the world. BEECHAM'S MAGIC COUGH PILLS. As a remedy for Coughs in general, Asthnia, diffi- culty of Breathing, Shortness of Breath, Tightness and Oppression in the Chest iWheezing, etc., these Pills are unrivalled; and any one labouring under any of the above complaints need only try One prove that they are the best tver offered to the public; for Asthmatic aud Consumptive Coughs, Hoarseness, and Oppression of the Chellt. They speedily remove that sense of oppression and diffienlty ot breathing which nightly deprive the patient of rest. ThcygtYe almost instant relief and comfort to those afnictea 0 with the above distressing and, when neglected, dan- gerous complaints. Let any person troubled with any of the above complaint's give BekchamIs Cough PiLta a trial. The ma>st violent Co,gh will iu a short time be M. moved. Caution.—The publie are requested to notice tnat the words, ''HUTIHIM S PILI.S, St. Helen's," are on the Government Stanip aftiied to ea«h b"x of the Pills. It not ou they are forgery.. Prepared only ami sold wholesale and ictail by the proprietor T. Beecham. Cheruikt, St. Heleu's, Lanca- shire, in boxes Is. ljd. and ts. 9(1. each. Sent post free. from the propri..tor for IS or 85 stamps.—Sold bv all Druggists and Patent Mediciue Dealers ip the JuiR' dom. N.B.—Full directions are given with each box. j^juufKafs YioniBU nus r ^KRNlCg^ VBQ«gABfc» YOJM .1 JIfY'" TWITTA;BM ]nUA TZERincrS TBQKTABLK MUM iim nmni n—% gERNiCK-ai txqstablb iriuji M6 .¡"" TTERNICK'S TKQBTABLB YWLM oonABIidbmsM. ^iT~ i Tr ERNICKns TEGCTABLJB PILIA Aiut n4AjA Axio sasir so WfiJJMWK.. JT ERNlCK-b VKOETABLB FILUT jrkllNWK'S VKGfiTAIHLE fMM rv%irr xxm M 1TO)tL f<Ad M4 Boxct at 7i<L, 1*. l^i., mri 8a ill ..dJ,b.JI Hjkwsf ftaptUubU Qumitit m Ifrgltmi d the Cokmits, vr man be luad dirw Of As SoU PrsgritUm, KLR^l 1CK Jt SO^)t fVhUt ml* .ajtG Export f, i ai* tti* l1I(od eftiracloai reiijwj evar 'tat, Lh \Vumi»s Beiu^ Uinwi»nfc:,> their I tln.'y uiu.v t>e taken t^v chof al^lSrees J and comlitii^ns with perfect sw^f^toThey <• Ba^sfc useful fur children of delicate »ama^pj and fib Miw >lt-xfDn, as they utrengtben Um i>f (jring an -pp'itit*. If K other* only ktuvo the valu* lt«M Ltfigt*, «• JttnUy f«jMM be without a box. SM ty matt CXtPwu. m Tii mtid is Ud bmm BEAUTIFUL HAIlIII COLOUR. HAGON'S RESTORES GREY HAIR RSTOKER HAGON'S TO ITS* 0K1GIKA.L iElSTOkER HAGON'Sl COLOUR and BEAUTY. aiSTORER HAGON'S!^ Buist c— _,(I iRISTOREii HAGOX'S telieve it t'o wll'.t the safest KSTOREB HAGON'S' alii luost sensible applications jiESTOtLBLt HAGON'S; fur thellair," jUCSTOaES HAGON'b Mr J. J. Ilortou. CUeuiist, Strat- j^sTORER HAGOX'S for l-roii.l, Blrminghaiu, says ESTOREli HAGON'S ^ave been in'busiuess over KSTOB«K „lnfw,0 20 years in Birmingham, and L,ijmp.,H HAGOM b uiust nay that no Hair Restorer lOtttK HAGON'S lias given such satisfaction ks |ESTOREK. HAGON'S yours. IESTORKR HAGON'S By ^S0S6td>Perr Stamps. IeSTOSER .1 CIII,Lmp:y. HAIR HAGON'S ROSEMARY, LEANSER HAIR Cleansing Lotion for MANSER HAIR Children's Hair. Destroys 'LEANSRR HAIR all creepers, nits, &c. 6d per JLEANSER HAIR Bottle; by post, nine stamps. ILKANSEB GROWTH. HAGON'Si Is a positive remedy for REN EWER IlAGdiWS- JUqss o £ .Hair, Baldiieada RENBVVER HAGON'S Bald Patches etc., etc.- RENEWER HAGON'S fl?we11' 6uBrom* RENEWER faald st ^ower Grange- towo> writes:—"I com- »g HAG0N b pletely lostiuy Hair,until R^NJiWER HAGON'S J was quite Bald, but KENEWER HAGO N'S after using two bottles of RENEWELt HAG >N'S your Hair Rane»ver my lilJNEWER HAGON'S Hair grew as thic^ and REXEWEtt ft AGON'S str0U2 af ever*" KENEWEtt HAGON'S By for ^>i "tamps SOLE MAKER:— HAGON CHEMST, 39, Bridge Street, Cardiff, I Ani 2, CoDum Street, Clays. London Agents for above Preparatiis—SANGER and SONS, 4?^, Oxford Stet. N ERVOUS DEBILITY, DEAFNESS, NOISES IN THE EARS, AEECTION OP THE EYES, aud other bodily ailmits. Sufferers shou.d send for Rkf. E. J. SILYEfON'S WORK on wie complaints (27ofch Thonsaj), containing valuable information. Post free or Six Penny StAHir"" N«n<» =>V>ouH desnair. No the address, Bbv. E. J. SILYERTOS, 16 to 19,ipkkiil_Buii.d ifttts, Li-i>eAi* Cuiccs, London, B-C I "ij *y 'to. -H « THIS KAN80M OF A.KXWa? tAA BALiS (AI sspplira to tb slight Bon. W. E. GLiMTOHf). 'URES Euros, Bores, Piles, Rheumatism, Para- lvsis, Lumbago, Stiff Joints, Wbita Swelliiua JVVns.'Tfip diseass, Chest & Long Complaints, &o., fie ] t I i I I READ ELIZABETH Btoon, 28, New- thorpfe-street, Nottingham 1 eftffcren tor over thre* years from white swelling. The doctor's opinion here was tljai it would bo years if «ve*y3 woo cured. Whilst on a visit to Swansea I was advised to one* Gamjee1* Salve. The change V for the better was rfloid and in three weeks 1 talked up the steps of ths Midland Slatioh without ik %s»istance, although on my r arrival there I had to b* carried. Four boxes eom- >• pletely cured me.—Certified b> jjpti&O..lil-oop^ ai,RS. ■ .drids of similar cases have been cured. GAilQEE'S EAST INDIAN PILLS, or ,BlovJ Cleansers, thoroughly purify the Foulest Bloodyeujt Indigestion, Bilious or Jbi ver Complaints. PileB,GraveL Wind, restore tone and vigour to the most weaklv constitution, and are the best in the world for ah Fein'ale Irregularities Perfectly Herbal and tastelee» Everyone who has tried them says they a,re the BEST REMEDIES IN TU* WORLIX In r^ss «t 7|d, Is 14<1, » 9i. Ui 6d. From W H. Ke ehemtst. Pont»prid4; W. H. Jones, chemist. Mountain J. DM'ieii. chemist. Mr» R. M BVAUS, Perth T. Hit banl «hemi«. TreUerlurt.; T. Jenkins, 2, JwTUH. ejtrJ.N —Keriiiek Sou (Whoiesals): HicksAi Co^. T- Wniia.U' Acor direct for the amoaat to b»D» if required, from the sols propnstof, CHARLES MAGO.. U, Wind Street, Swaassa. n BEWARE Of TBAVtLMNa IMPOSTORS. .°f( ) SPECiAllY NRISTBOIVS, $UITABLE FOR FROMTS. CbUAftS.. lp UN EN WHITE Li-AS SNOW. CLOTHING SWEET AS NEW MOWN HAY. -1 By Authority of Her Majesty the Queen, Under Royal Letters Patent for Importance and public Utility. PATENT. I.B TRAOE MARK BORAX, } EXTRACT OF SOAP "PERFECTION." I In QuarterCPound and Half- Poimd 1Pac £ ets of all Grocers. z -s. Known throughout the world by this PATENT BIOIP, A X E ) TRADE MARK Ask for Patent Borax, and refuse all others. .J r W. E. VAUGHAN & co., STIlI DYElIG AD SCODBISG WORKS, Lahdatf RoAD, Cakdikf. Btmmtk BnUAUthmontt I- W, CROOXHERBTOWH,) CAiinTii.» *48, BUT* STAIKT# J B IFF- «. COMUKRGtAL 8TREET. NEWPORT. < 88, HIGH BTMKT. NBWPORT. 27. CASTLE TTHEST, SWANSEA. A70U te SUtAnddax MR I a. THOMAS, TAILOR A DRAPERx HAimAH ST., PO*TF HEA -;OR ALL this. Great Household Medicine ranks ,&sa*ngst the leading necessaries of Life. frur.oi.s Pills piirfy the IiLOOD, and act 06-t powerfully, yet soothingly on the Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, and BOWELS, giving tone, energy, and vigour to these great MAIN SPRINGS OF LIFE. They are confidently recommended as a never failing remedy in all cases where, the constitution, from whatever cause, has become impaired or weakened. They are wonderfully efficacious in all ailments; incidental to Females of all ages and as a GEN ERAL FAMILY M&UICJNE, are unsurpassed. Î in i: ltis Searching and Healing Properties art known throughout the World. For the cure of "BAD LEGS; Bad Breasts, Old Wounds, Sores and Ulcers, it is an infallible remedy. If effectually nibbed oe the neck and chest, a«rsait into meat, it Cv».res SORB THROAT, Brotichitis. Coughs, Colds and even ASTHMA. For Glandular Swellings, Abscesses. el"n. Piles, Fistulas, Gout, Rheumatism, and every kind of SKIN DISEASE, it has never been known to fail. Sold at Professor HOU.OXVAY'S Establishment, 73, New Oxford St. ¡.ate 523, Oxford St.) London; alw by nearly every .'especial.ic Vendor of Medicine throughout the Civiiiaed Vc. id, lio\es and Pots, at is. lkd., 2s. gd. 4S. Od., 11S" 22S. an"; 55s. each. Fi>li J/ri;jtcd d¡,rÍ<lns are affixed to encn Pot and Box, and can oc had in any language. K B.—Advice Gratis, at the above address, daily, between the hoars of 11 and 4, or by letter. 'V. NO ISDrGESTION". DYSPEPSTA. or HKAKT DISEASE. CONSUMPTION. BRONCHITIS, or ASTHMA. LOW SPIRITS. DEBILITY, or LIVER COMPLAINT 'tfO* ^,4.v ,<p -a. oc for those engaged in °\ > 4%&\r R for those breathing AV ""+<9'-$' yV S \) ..ç> <J A°<'v Or for those exposed to « the Wewther, As Quarry men, UfciyKKS, FARMERS, LABOURERS, &c., &c., &c. I For INDIGESTION in all its various forms, of want of appetite, a feeling of weigfit or oppression after meals, Headache, Heartburn, Cramp, Wind, pains ^Ly\ about tiie region of the heart, and other symp- /w e ^Ly\ about tiie region of the heart, and other symp- /w toms which are often mistaken for those of /AIV the dread HEART DISEASE; hondreds hoye caused anxiety to themselvea. and their families by groundless fears c; throtiffh ignorance of the fact that — fi ttie ahove are sy\nptoms of Indi- no a g**tion; no one need suffer the g-s *■■ £ t 'ir terrible pains of Dyspepsia ^Nr 2 S 0 ° o and Indigestion while there vj "H "5 is a cheap, eimple and /g f S effective remedy al- » 5»SM>2 ways at hand. For /XV/ c c2 y»\ all the Tarions cs^WO # forms of Indi- g- v§ g » 33 £ !§§•* \A gestion,phy- E.S o'5 2'2l \<VK»\ sicians and o o go B at patients 11- g" f | fel aS&S-i \areunam- A>0./ s g fee|s.5|S'gS \mon^/VSy 5'8?S P3"" S:5'5;aS -S b Xagreed/ >fcf § I a o gg'ssssisl-s llhftt lS=i"-sifs II& RSfi /VisTHE UHi 6:3 p fl S s ?.S <s^ S2 tritf \vll* g.V!'0 23;B».. sllllfsiifs n best remedy\ I hlflllg OF 'THE § s11'*? I STS-Fv3 VSV IAC Akfi B3B&s,as? s-s^|g5-sfi^g AGE, ug-s; >-5 -rt s t J** « 9 o 6VJ^\ pg.#&3s. ? Oah"S l**4§ *» o b*S-T3 S.M >-5 -rt s t J** « 9 o 6VJ^\ pg.#&3s. ? Oah"S l**4§ *» o b*S-T3 S.M 0'3!SS-?O8§ /> ^i\ § 5 p.»^ » § SS /rL ?2o-&3TS.Hg /«/ XC$2\ USgllll 3 V^#\ &eaS.Sgs- -°isEla /5^/ j-pom •» lhs"'S 2a^«re £ iW ^nnoq^ane^B \^>^a\ p /4* PUB Smjfjpmd aoj \V»\ K' B. 5 g" 81 eqi jo tVg.!5s:« 1 sauptsi!t[d.itnp«e{eq^ eTp o 2 ffljgS fO nottndo snompaHtm \» SB • ft fetS g 4K '• pu« g S,M o S*" P°°W 8'u «IR* g-ca pu« auons emooaq^oauwasuoa SB. h*" -jed paWHiqap pun tnuouep pn« ?g P V M «N0JPIIQO8UIMOX8 JOODAO'AMXUEQ £ -on eq poojq eqi ji ajnd eq ^osires ^itn B.jaqiotn eqi farad eq ^nn^eq) sseiun Is-usiq cqt lu pjiqo aqi aeaua X{jed -wd lounrao aaqiotn OtH qiiftiaj^a ptre tpmeq \»>0 /• jo aewnosai Otti qiv44 11 q»vn» pav poolq ein /I/ eqV,Aii,iiaaarao-IJSuii9»n8riiV'loiPTi«'Kaaa V# *71 HO 0KL410H9 Pula SHHHXOFC ONISHXlK JOj Say it ig SAWF, AND CfiKTAIX. ■V-v cb% A> ^ay it is v pUltELY '^GaTABLEi .SajTTi. VIfijfcir POPULAR. ■f"ti&x Say *y It is ALWAYS OEKfAlN TO DO YOLr G-OOD. Says It is the BEST REMEDY of the AGE. WHY DONT' YOU TRY IT? IT IS CERTAIN TO RELIEVEW1 It has cared HUNDREDS safferin from the same complaint as YIOU. IT WILL CURE YOU IF YOU TAKE IT IN TIME. Every d*y srives the di«e*ae fre<H hold «p»n yoa, and though Owilym Evans' Quinine Bitters b&re cured Hdodredi of C*3e3 given up by friends, still the sooaer the enemy ia yoar syatem is got od of, the better. Sold in bottles at 23 91; doable size, 4i 61 cases containiag three large bottles, 13a 61. May be had of every Chemist, or Vend r of Patent Medicines or, if preferred, will be sent at above pricec 6afe by Parcel Post, secure from observation, direct from the Proprietor-Mr GWILYM EVAN'S, F.C.S., Llanelly, South Wales. 30 M S insr CABDIF^, R. B. BOULTON, ENGLISH AND AMERICAN DENTAL SURGEON, ACTON HOUSE, ROATH ROA-b, (Opposite UniTertitj College), t- CAJLDIITIR, ,HV; tf&ving bad ^rsat experience both in English and American sjitems of Denial rrnnffn^ in enabled to patients the benefit of snoh experience in a manner which )pi rery few Dentists can offer; and beings the Inventor of the Patent CompoasttM^ #«ih.inly a perfect impression of the mouth can be obtained, he ii enabled, to wiiibS beautifully fitting Artificial Teeth of guaranteed workmanship, of natnraj anneai and which ddfj detection. ™ T No Sfta-horsft Iwrj Teeth. Ho 8s. Teeth. Mo RnbbM of uj kU, RELIABLE TEETH. Partial Sets. .from 6s to 80s Each. Sets Upper or Lower „ 60s to 20 GuineML fwMMior of flu Al Amalgam Btoppin§ at tiled by the but DmtiuU in Bmrepe t Ammiuk • • • • 'It. TESTS SA VI]) by fillings, which Imat from 10 to 40 years, at. Moderate Fim. NITROUS OXIDE 6AS administered dailj at Cardiff by the best oi fliy f~ T safest method. Repairs Executed promptly on our own, or upoa work made by other Dentists. Extract Irom the "Chronicle," December 24th. II The work of the well-known Dental Surgeon, Mr. R. B. Boulton, of Aeton How% Cardiff, ia very highly finished,, and ia the beat work we have ever Mac." HOME ATTENDANCE DAILY FROM 10 TO 5. NOTICE. £ USHOYED fro. St. Catherine's Street, to Mb. Notts, /7, Taff Street, PontypridS* Attendance—the first Wednesday in each month from 2 to 4 o'clock. Abe at Msa. Wilryse, Chemists, &o, Moantain Ash, the sauM day fam 10.39 to 1 o'olock. itUifc at Jb. H^mmis's, Chemist, Merthyr, the Seoond Wednesday in each mearffr —————— 12 tft I. "The OllAV SUek Lead."—ffdo Am JAMES' ""EDAL S'E:BLACK LEAD SS«m «f WMtUMaXmttattona PONTYPRIDD. I JOHN CEOqgETT & Co., U'a:aTAKEB. | And General Cabinet Makers, and House nishers.. i Shylibier for AJ'tdt iniieral$. Cuach. for Children's Fuuerah. iii great variety. Children'^ r"ffine trom 7b. Oi. Adults C< ffir>8 25a. Polished. Ottk CI,tli ri" with White Trim- n\iti>t8 at.d padded ins'de 608. SLe'libjer to cnri j 8 inside «n<l enrtio ont- pide from Pi'iityinidil, UupkiusSowD, C/C.» dpt Din»eti, Chniu« ot K«, and Tre- J foi est to. Cemetery ;•• Ss. Coach-.Io oairy (3 insure and chilli s coma outside from above places to Cemetery I WILLIAMS' SHORTHAND CALLED ALETUOGRAPHY. Easiest to learn, read and write Compendium 2d complete ls 8J; on en eloping damps to— Mas. J. WILLIAMS, Ashfield Terrace, Llangollen. HEATH & SONS f .11. GBOCKHKaBTOWN, CARDIFF, ETsve on view the LargNe Stock of Hiigitohm PIANOFORTES. ORGANS, AND 7"" HARMONIUMS, in SOUTD. WALES, I Which they are now offering at a GREAT DISCOUNT FOR CASH, on the Three Years' System, from 181 d f- 8** Month. Piano*, from 16 tinineas. y (Heath h Sous, their only addrss^ 12, OnD^hqi town, Chi diff. Have no braaohes nor afeat^ eaabliog them to give an artra disooaa* te tfeeir outsaan), IlUiferated Oatslogaes Pert Free. j MR. T. ROWLAND, lArcbitect, Measurer, Valuer, &c, Has REMOVED to his New Offices, New Town Hall Buildings, MARKET STREET, PONTYPRIDD. N.B.—Estimates prepared; Bills of Quantities worked out, and Measurements completed.